Sujet: US Marine Corps (USMC) Sam 2 Mai 2009 - 21:39
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Dernière édition par Yakuza le Sam 2 Mai 2009 - 21:43, édité 1 fois
jf16 General de Division
messages : 41328 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: US Marine Corps (USMC) Sam 1 Aoû 2015 - 18:48
Citation :
Le F-35B déclaré opérationnel, oui mais !
Washington, dans une étape importante pour le F-35, le Corps des Marines américain (USMC) a déclaré opérationnelle sa première escadrille dotée F-35B « Lightning II » à décollage et atterrissage vertical. Le général Joe Dunford, commandant du Corps des Marines a annoncé ce vendredi, avoir obtenu la capacité opérationnelle initiale (COI) pour le F-35B.
"Je suis heureux d'annoncer que le squadron de chasseurs d'attaque VMFA-121, basé à Yuma, dans l'Arizona, dans le sud-est des Etats-Unis, a atteint la capacité opérationnelle initiale (OIC) avec le F-35B", a-t-il annoncé dans un communiqué publié à Washington. Le F-35B est la première version de l'avion de Lockheed-Martin, appelé à devenir le principal chasseur-bombardier américain au cours des prochaines décennies, à entrer en service opérationnel.
L'escadrille VMFA-121 dispose à ce jour de dix avions dans la configuration F-35B Block2B qui lui permet d'opérer au départ d'un "site terrestre ou d'un navire. Ce standard permet de mener des missions de soutien aérien rapproché aux troupes terrestres de type "Close Air Support" d'opposition aérienne offensive et défensive "Counter Air", d'interdiction aérienne "Air Interdiction" et d'escorte lors d'assaut et de reconnaissance armée.
De fortes limitations :
Tout semblerait, donc, allez pour le mieux en ce qui concerne le F-35B. Mais la réalité est toute autre,la capacité opérationnelle initiale du F-35B reste toutefois très limitée, l'avion ne pouvant emporter à l'heure actuelle qu'une gamme restreinte d'armements air-sol et air-air et deux types de bombes de 225 et 450 kilos et le missile Raytheon AIM-120C AMRAAM. De plus, les récents essais du F-35B à bord de l’USS Wasp ont démontré un manque de fiabilité de l’avion.
Selon le responsable des achats d’équipement militaire auprès du Pentagone, Frank Kendall, « Si cette déclaration est importante pour le F-35, il reste encore beaucoup de travail pour compléter les futures mises à jour logicielles et corriger ce qui doit l’être ».
Rappel :
Le programme F-35 est le plus cher de l'histoire des Etats-Unis, avec une enveloppe de395,7 milliards de dollars. Les Marines envisagent d'acheter 420 avions au total, soit un mélange de 340 F-35B et 80 F-35C. Selon le calendrier actuel, le premier déploiement de F-35B est prévu pour avoir lieu en 2017, avec l’escadron VMFA-121 à Iwakuni au Japon.
Commentaire :
Il y a quelque chose de paradoxal dans l’attribution de la capacité opérationnelle initiale (COI) du F-35B. Certes, après les nombreux retards et surcoûts du programme, celui-ci à évoluer depuis maintenant dix ans. Mais les défauts subsistent encore avec la fiabilité des systèmes et nous avons vu récemment, le mauvais comportement de l’avion en combat aérien rapproché (dogfight). On peut donc se demander, si cette COI n’a pas pour but de rassurer les politiques aux Etats-Unis, mais également ceux des pays déjà engagés sur le programme F-35. Je ne serais pas étonné de voir les commandes américaines repartir à la hausses, dans les mois qui viennent pour le F-35, histoire de montrer l’exemple et d’assurer le carnet de commande des pays intéressé, mais dont la confiance dans l’avion, était tombée au plus bas ces derniers mois.
Photos : 1 & 3 F-35B du VMFA-121 2 Essais en mer @USMC
messages : 41328 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: US Marine Corps (USMC) Sam 1 Aoû 2015 - 19:06
augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: US Marine Corps (USMC) Mar 4 Aoû 2015 - 9:31
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US Navy conducts initial LCS SSMM tests
Robin Hughes, London - IHS Jane's Missiles & Rockets 03 August 2015
The US Navy has conducted engineering development tests of a modified AGM-114L Longbow Hellfire Missile in support of an intended lethality increment for both classes of the Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) platform.
The navy in April 2014 selected the AGM-114L Longbow Hellfire as the surface-to-surface missile for early increments and testing for the LCS Surface Warfare Mission Package (SuW MP) requirement. In July of the same year, the navy confirmed Longbow Hellfire as "the selected missile" for the LCS SuW MP engagement requirement per the LCS Capabilities Description Document (Flight 0+).
Integration of the Longbow Hellfire system, designated Surface-to-Surface Missile Module (SSMM), which will be included in Increment 3 of the SuW MP set for LCS, is intended to deliver a stand-off engagement capability against fast inshore attack craft (FIAC) and fast attack craft (FAC) to complement the LCS' Mark 110 Mod 0.57 mm naval gun system, SeaRAM anti-ship missile defence system, and armed MH-60R Sea Hawk anti-submarine warfare/anti-surface weapon system.
Conducted off the coast of Virginia in mid-June aboard the USNS Relentless (T-AGOS-18) research vessel, the trials - designated Guided-Test Vehicle-1 - were designed to specifically test the Longbow Hellfire launcher, missile, and millimetric wave seeker against representative FIAC threats using surrogate high-speed manoeuvring surface targets (HSMSTs). The SSMM successfully engaged seven of eight HSMSTs, "with the lone miss attributed to a target issue not related to the missile's capability", according to the navy.
The Guided-Test Vehicle-1 scenarios included engaging HSMSTs at the maximum and minimum range (8,000 m/500 m when launched) of the Longbow Hellfire, against a stationary target, and HSMSTs "conducting serpentine manoeuvres". The navy said that the tests culminated in a three-target "raid" scenario, during which "all missiles from a three-shot 'ripple fire' response struck their individual targets".
The navy said that while no changes are required to the AGM-114L hardware for use with the LCS SuW MP, some software modifications will be made to adapt the missile for a vertical launch capability, which will utilise an existing US Army AGM-114 Hellfire launcher mounted within a gas containment system. The LCS SuW MP provides for one SSMM per ship; this will be contained within one of the three weapon stations common to both LCS classes. Each SSMM contains 24 AGM-114L Longbow Hellfire missiles. The SSMM is expected to be fully integrated and ready to deploy on LCS missions by late 2017, according to the navy.
jf16 General de Division
messages : 41328 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: US Marine Corps (USMC) Mer 5 Aoû 2015 - 11:41
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Le retrait du Boeing CH-46 Sea Night !
Après 51 ans de service au sein de l’US Marine Corps, Boeing CH-46 « Vertol » a volé pour la dernière fois, lors d'une cérémonie de départ à la retraite en Virginie.
Le dernier escadron à mettre en œuvre le Boeing CH-46 « Vertol », soit le 774e du Corps des Marines basé à Quantico, en Virginie a définitivement tourné la page du célèbre hélicoptère qui est entré en service en 1964.
Le Boeing CH-46 « Sea Night »est un hélicoptère moyen de transport à rotor en tandem. Il est utilisé par les Marines américains pour le transport de troupes, de matériels et de ravitaillement par tous les temps, de jour comme de nuit. Il est aussi capable de remplir d'autres missions comme le soutien sur le champ de bataille, le sauvetage(SAR), le sauvetage armé (CSAR), l’évacuation sanitaire et le soutien des postes de ravitaillement avancés. Le CH-46 est un hélicoptère à deux rotors en tandem. Il est propulsé par deux turbines GE T58 montées sous le rotor arrière. Un axe de transmission permet d'entrainer aussi le rotor avant. Ces rotors tournent en sens inverse pour annuler l'effet de couple. Les turbines sont couplées afin que le CH-46 puisse continuer à voler sur un seul moteur. Chaque rotor porte trois pales repliables.
Le CH-46 est équipé d'une grande porte latérale et d'une rampe de chargement arrière pour une vaste cabine passager de 7,37 m de long, 1,83 m de large et 1,83 m de haut. Il peut aussi soulever des charges grâce à son élingue ventrale. Son équipage est de quatre personnes. Il est peut être armé de deux mitrailleuses de 12,7 mm montées en sabord. Une mitrailleuse MAG-58est parfois montée sur la rampe de chargement.
Le CH-46 dispose d'un train d'atterrissage tricycle fixe avec deux roues sur chaque train. L'hélicoptère est naturellement incliné vers l'arrière afin de faciliter les opérations de chargement et déchargement.
Arrivée du V-22 Osprey :
L’escadron 774 du Corps des Marines sera dorénavant doté du Bell/Boeing V-22 « Opsrey » dotédu rotor basculant pour combiner les performances en vol vertical d'un hélicoptère avec la vitesse et la portée d'un aéronef à voilure fixe. Avec ses nacelles et les rotors en position verticale, il peut décoller, atterrir et décoller comme un hélicoptère. Une fois en vol, ses nacelles basculent.
Photos : Boeing CH-46 Sea Night 2 CH-46 & V-22 @USMC
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: US Marine Corps (USMC) Jeu 6 Aoû 2015 - 10:11
augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: US Marine Corps (USMC) Jeu 6 Aoû 2015 - 15:35
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Harris Corporation receives order from US Marine Corps for Falcon III Tactical Radio Systems
Harris Corporation has received a $36 million order from the United States Marine Corps (USMC) to supply Harris Falcon III® AN/PRC-117G Multiband Networking Manpack radios that will enhance and extend voice and data connectivity down to the squad level.
The Falcon III radios provide high-bandwidth communications for streaming video, simultaneous voice and data feeds, and other situational awareness capabilities, in a small, lightweight design.
"With the AN/PRC-117G, Marines on the move and their field commanders will have access to critical, real-time information to support the types of contingency operations they anticipate in the future," said Brendan O'Connell, president, Tactical Communications, Harris Communication Systems. "This award is another step in helping the Marine Corps expand the application of wideband tactical networking."
The AN/PRC-117G radio is a single channel voice and data radio that is capable of operating in a frequency range of 30 Megahertz to 2 Gigahertz. Operational configurations include manpack, vehicular-mounted, or base-station operations. The primary AN/PRC-117G waveform is the ANW2, which is a Harris Corporation proprietary waveform.
The AN/PRC-117G is capable of simultaneously transmitting both Voice over Internet Protocol and digital data on a single channel. Digital data include file transfers, chat, streaming video, and position location reports.
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: US Marine Corps (USMC) Jeu 13 Aoû 2015 - 8:31
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Rockwell Collins delivers first Gen 3 helmet for F-35
Gareth Jennings, London - IHS Jane's International Defence Review 11 August 2015
The first Generation 3 (Gen 3 / III) helmet-mounted display system (HMDS) for the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) has been delivered to the Joint Program Office (JPO), manufacturer Rockwell Collins announced on 11 August.
The HMDS, which was handed over during a ceremony at the company's Cedar Rapids headquarters in Iowa, is designed to display to the pilot the F-35's more advanced sensor fusion capabilities. As noted by the company, the Gen 3 HMDS provides the information via the helmet's visor, with the pilot able to 'see through' the airframe by means of the Distributed Aperture System (DAS) that streams real-time imagery from six infrared (IR) cameras mounted around the aircraft to the helmet.
Developed and built by the Rockwell Collins ESA Vision Systems LLC joint venture that includes Elbit Systems of America (formerly known as Vision Systems International LLC), the Gen 3 helmet features an improved night-vision camera, improved liquid-crystal displays, automated alignment, and software improvements is to be introduced to the fleet in low-rate initial production Lot 7 in 2016.
Rockwell Collins ESA Vision Systems LLC also developed the Gen 1 (I) helmet, which was used primarily for flight safety tests, and has delivered 200 of the Gen 2 (II) helmet that JSF pilots currently use. The Gen 2 helmet was used by the US Marine Corps (USMC) to declare initial operational capability (IOC) for the F-35B at the end of July.
This Gen 2 helmet, while still capable of conducting night-flying operations including ship landings and aerial refuelling, suffers from problems with visual acuity of the secondary night-vision camera. In light of these problems, BAE Systems was contracted to build an alternative HMDS, though this was cancelled in 2010 when the USMC decided that IOC could still be declared with the (then) current Gen 2 helmet (the cancelled BAE Systems helmet was later fed into the company's Striker II system). Though not ideal, the Gen 2 helmet is said to be preferable to conventional night-vision goggles (NVGs) when landing on a ship, according to the test pilots that have used it.
As well as providing additional capabilities, the latest Gen 3 helmet corrects the visual acuity problems of the Gen 2 system.
augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: US Marine Corps (USMC) Mar 18 Aoû 2015 - 9:09
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US Marines now have tanks and artillery in Europe to deter Russian aggression
U.S. Marines now have tanks, artillery, and light-armored reconnaissance vehicles in Europe to support NATO allies and international partner countries. The heavy equipment arrived in Bremerhaven, Germany, Sunday, and is bound for Bulgaria.
The tanks, artillery, and light armored reconnaissance vehicles will be loaded on trains and moved across Europe demonstrating our allies’ and international partners’ ability to move heavy equipment across the region to support operations during a crisis.
Using this equipment, Marines will train alongside allies’ and partners’ mechanized units collectively improving combined arms skills and anti-armor tactics. Accompanied by more than 160 Marines, the tanks, artillery, and light-armored reconnaissance vehicles comprise the Combined Arms Company. The unit will make up part of the Black Sea Rotational Force, but will be based at the Novo Selo Training Area in Bulgaria.
"The transportation of a Marine Corps combined arms capability in the Black Sea region has fostered improved communication and coordination with the allied force and its partners," said Lt. Col. John Sattely, director of logistics for U.S. Marine Corps Forces Europe and Africa. "The result of this collaboration and coordination is that the various agencies and organizations involved are familiar with each other now rather than learning about one another after a crisis happens."
The Black Sea Rotational Force is a semi-annual rotation of Marines and Sailors able to respond to a broad range of military operations in the U.S. European Command area of responsibility. The Black Sea Rotational Force is based at the Mihail Koglinceanu Air Base in Romania.
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: US Marine Corps (USMC) Mer 19 Aoû 2015 - 10:34
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First Marine Division conducted Summer Fire Exercise 15
The Marine Corps frequently trains Marines to hone unit capabilities and individual skill sets in order maintain its role as the nation’s rapid response force. From Aug. 6-17, Marines with 11th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, conducted Summer Fire Exercise 15 (SUMMER FIREX 15) to sustain core proficiencies and further develop their ability to execute fire missions.
Fire support requires the use of coordinating teams and indirect fires and is a critical combat tactic used in the Marine Corps. During the exercise, Marines focused on their ability to coordinate artillery fires in support of large-scale combat operations and ultimately advance their role as invaluable assets for future missions.
“The purpose for FIREX is to quantify standing operating procedures and participate in live-fire training,” said Master Sgt. Greg Whaley, the assistant 1st Marine Division fires chief, operating out of the Fire Control Center. “The best way to train is to use live-fire ... to better prepare for operations.”
Along with the training events, this exercise was used to test the new 155 mm training projectile, the M1122, a less expensive, more realistic and safer training round. It was the first time a Marine Corps unit has tested the concrete-filled training round, making this a significant event for not only 11th Marines, but for the Marine Corps.
Marines at all levels understand the importance of this training, according to Sgt. Gabriel Osorio, an artillery section chief with Battery B, 2nd Battalion, 11th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division.
“We do exercises like this to knock the rust off and keep us engaged,” said Osorio. “Being artillery is like riding a bike. Once you learn the basic procedures you can go so long without shooting them because they are pretty straight forward, but we do it so that, when we get the call, we are ready.”
One of the key elements to any successful operation is the coordination process, oftentimes known as command and control (C2). During the exercise, Marines conducted C2, which requires them to synchronize events from physically different locations. The coordination process is a challenge and that the exercise serves as a way to familiarize Marines with difficult circumstances, according to Whaley.
“From the Forward Control Center, we have a wide range of assets we have to coordinate and de-conflict,” said Whaley. “It’s one of the most important steps when conducting fire missions because, if we are off by just a little bit, it can jeopardize a lot of people’s lives. This exercise gives us the chance to see how difficult things can get and see if we can handle it.”
Communicating with adjacent units over a wide-spread area proved to be a difficult task, according to Pfc. Chase Lowe, a radio operator with the Battery.
“With everything going on around you and still having to relay the right messages is tough,” said Lowe. “If I mess up and tell them something wrong, then the gunline could end up firing at something they’re not supposed to, like friendlies. This is good practice for me so I don’t ever make that mistake.”
Marines will continue to train as they fight in order to maintain a high level of mission readiness and build upon group and individual skills.
messages : 41328 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: US Marine Corps (USMC) Sam 22 Aoû 2015 - 16:47
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Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point a ajouté 11 nouvelles photos.
F-35B joint strike fighter jets and F/A-18 Hornets conduct aerial maneuvers during aerial refueling training over the Atlantic Ocean, Aug. 13, 2015. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. N.W. Huertas/Released)
An F-35B joint strike fighter jet approaches the fuel line of a KC-130J Super Hercules during aerial refueling training over the Atlantic Ocean, Aug. 13, 2015. The mission of Marine Fighter Attack Training Squadron 501 is to conduct effective training and operations in the F-35B in coordination with joint and coalition partners in order to successfully attain the annual pilot training requirement. VMFAT-501 is based at Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort, South Carolina. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. N.W. Huertas/Released)
augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: US Marine Corps (USMC) Sam 22 Aoû 2015 - 17:41
augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: US Marine Corps (USMC) Mar 25 Aoû 2015 - 15:31
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L'image : le vétéran et la recrue Dans Actualité Défense Publié le 25/08/2015 à 16h55, par Cyrille Cosmao
Aux Etats-unis, le dernier CH-46 du Squadron 774 des Marines tire sa révérance et laisse sa place au V-22 Osprey. Après cette cérérmonie, le vénérable Sea Knight rejoindra la collection du Smithsonian Institution Nation Air and Space Museum Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center à Chantilly, en Virginie.
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: US Marine Corps (USMC) Mer 26 Aoû 2015 - 8:55
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Oshkosh Defense wins coveted JLTV programme
Daniel Wasserbly, Washington, DC - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly 25 August 2015
Oshkosh Defense has won the US Department of Defense's Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) programme, securing one of the few major US vehicle production opportunities in the near future and continuing the company's successful run with tactical trucks.
The Oshkosh, Wisconsin-based company was awarded a USD6.7 billion firm-fixed-price production contract (if all options are exercised), and low-rate initial production is to begin in the first quarter of fiscal year 2016 (FY 2016), the US Army said in a 25 August statement. It beat competing bids from AM General and Lockheed Martin.
The army is the programme lead, and it and the US Marine Corps (USMC) are to buy 16,901 vehicles through this first contract, before deciding upon a full-rate production deal in FY 2018, Scott Davis, the army's programme executive officer for Combat Support & Combat Service Support, told reporters. The base contract includes all the USMC's JLTVs.
First the vehicles are destined for the USMC, which is scheduled to declare an initial operating capability in FY 2018 (with 69 JLTVs for a marine infantry battalion) and complete its procurement of 5,500 in total by FY 2022. The army, meanwhile, is to reach a first unit equipped by FY 2018, initial operational capability by FY 2019, and buy 49,099 vehicles total by around 2040, the service said.
Manufacturing is to begin about 10 months after award, the army added. As of this writing it was not yet clear if either losing bidder would protest the award, which has happened at all other JLTV selection stages, and this could delay the programme.
The total programme - development through production and sustainment - is estimated to be worth more than USD30 billion.
JLTV's engineering and manufacturing development (EMD) phase began in August 2012 with contacts awarded to AM General, Lockheed Martin and Oshkosh Defense, with each submitting 22 prototypes for testing.
Oshkosh competed with its light combat tactical all-terrain vehicle (L-ATV), which appears similar to - though much smaller than - the company's mine-resistant ambush-protected (MRAP) all-terrain vehicle (M-ATV) that won an urgent competition to build off-road capable MRAP trucks for Afghanistan.
Design lessons from M-ATV and a variety of the company's platforms were incorporated into its JLTV design. For example, the L-ATV rides on Oshkosh's next-generation independent suspension system, called the TAK-4i, that builds upon the company's original TAK-4 suspension. According to the company, the TAK-4i provides 508 mm of independent wheel travel, while the legacy TAK-4 provides 406 mm.
The L-ATV is powered by a digitally controlled Duramax V8 diesel engine that has been "tuned down" to increase reliability and allow for future performance upgrades, John Bryant, senior vice-president of Defense Programs for Oshkosh Defense, told IHS Jane's .
augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: US Marine Corps (USMC) Mer 26 Aoû 2015 - 13:33
U.S Marines from MARSOC and U.S. Coast Guard Demonstrated Small UAS Capabilities
messages : 41328 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: US Marine Corps (USMC) Mer 26 Aoû 2015 - 14:55
augusta a écrit:
Citation :
Oshkosh Defense wins coveted JLTV programme
Daniel Wasserbly, Washington, DC - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly 25 August 2015
Oshkosh Defense has won the US Department of Defense's Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) programme, securing one of the few major US vehicle production opportunities in the near future and continuing the company's successful run with tactical trucks.
The Oshkosh, Wisconsin-based company was awarded a USD6.7 billion firm-fixed-price production contract (if all options are exercised), and low-rate initial production is to begin in the first quarter of fiscal year 2016 (FY 2016), the US Army said in a 25 August statement. It beat competing bids from AM General and Lockheed Martin.
The army is the programme lead, and it and the US Marine Corps (USMC) are to buy 16,901 vehicles through this first contract, before deciding upon a full-rate production deal in FY 2018, Scott Davis, the army's programme executive officer for Combat Support & Combat Service Support, told reporters. The base contract includes all the USMC's JLTVs.
First the vehicles are destined for the USMC, which is scheduled to declare an initial operating capability in FY 2018 (with 69 JLTVs for a marine infantry battalion) and complete its procurement of 5,500 in total by FY 2022. The army, meanwhile, is to reach a first unit equipped by FY 2018, initial operational capability by FY 2019, and buy 49,099 vehicles total by around 2040, the service said.
Manufacturing is to begin about 10 months after award, the army added. As of this writing it was not yet clear if either losing bidder would protest the award, which has happened at all other JLTV selection stages, and this could delay the programme.
The total programme - development through production and sustainment - is estimated to be worth more than USD30 billion.
JLTV's engineering and manufacturing development (EMD) phase began in August 2012 with contacts awarded to AM General, Lockheed Martin and Oshkosh Defense, with each submitting 22 prototypes for testing.
Oshkosh competed with its light combat tactical all-terrain vehicle (L-ATV), which appears similar to - though much smaller than - the company's mine-resistant ambush-protected (MRAP) all-terrain vehicle (M-ATV) that won an urgent competition to build off-road capable MRAP trucks for Afghanistan.
Design lessons from M-ATV and a variety of the company's platforms were incorporated into its JLTV design. For example, the L-ATV rides on Oshkosh's next-generation independent suspension system, called the TAK-4i, that builds upon the company's original TAK-4 suspension. According to the company, the TAK-4i provides 508 mm of independent wheel travel, while the legacy TAK-4 provides 406 mm.
The L-ATV is powered by a digitally controlled Duramax V8 diesel engine that has been "tuned down" to increase reliability and allow for future performance upgrades, John Bryant, senior vice-president of Defense Programs for Oshkosh Defense, told IHS Jane's .
augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: US Marine Corps (USMC) Jeu 3 Sep 2015 - 8:54
augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: US Marine Corps (USMC) Dim 6 Sep 2015 - 19:10
augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: US Marine Corps (USMC) Lun 7 Sep 2015 - 11:07
augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: US Marine Corps (USMC) Mar 8 Sep 2015 - 16:14
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ONR’s augmented reality system tested during a live-fire exercise The ONR-developed augmented reality technology system was put for the first time in testing during a live-fire exercise of the USMC, at the end of August, according to a statement by the Office of Naval Research.
The AITT (Augmented Immersive Team Trainer) was developed by the ONR. As its name signifies, the system uses augmented reality by superimposing virtual objects over the real environment picture. It is comprised of a helmet-mounted display, a laptop computer, its software and a battery pack.
“The AITT system is like the Marine Corps itself: lean, agile and adaptable,” said Brig. Gen. Julian Alford, vice chief of naval research and commanding general of the Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory. “This affordable lightweight system can be taken anywhere—turning any environment into a training ground—and could be used to prepare Marines for real-world situations and environments they will face.”
The field portion of the “call-for-fire” training included aircraft and munitions, which are costly and time-consuming to set up, staff and equip, but an important part of the training experience for the student officers. The wait time for a test range can be six to 12 months, rain can cancel the testing and it can be difficult to get assets in place, since equipment can break down.
The AITT completely bypasses these challenges by using virtual ground vehicles, aircraft and munitions.
“The system makes the training easier and eliminates the maintenance issues or weather-related restrictions that can pare down or cancel training,” said Maj. George Flynn, director of the Infantry Officer Course. “For instance, this system can use virtual air support, so even if it’s raining, the students can still be training, getting confidence and learning the points of employing aviation assets.”
The system will enable the student officers to use virtual assets to complement live training or to get additional practice repetitions without having to use live assets, said Dr. Peter Squire, a program officer with ONR’s Expeditionary Maneuver Warfare and Combating Terrorism Department who’s leading the AITT effort. “And instead of using your imagination, now you can see virtual effects from the blasts, like smoke.”
Flynn emphasized that seeing virtual effects makes it much easier for the student to picture the situation. “Rather than having the instructor paint a picture to the student without anything happening, now the student can get a visual of the aircraft they’ve been controlling in support of a maneuver on the deck,” he said. Flynn envisioned more potential uses for AITT in the future: “For example, as part of a company training event, a rifle platoon could be conducting a live-fire attack on a range at the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center, while the Fire Support Team could be on the hill practicing employing fires in support of maneuver, using virtual effects.”
The AITT program—part of the ONR Capable Manpower Future Naval Capability—will wrap up its fifth and final year with a large-scale demonstration at Quantico, scheduled for October. Pending the results of a Marine Corps assessment in October, the program will transition to the Marine Corps Program Manager for Training Systems for further testing and development.
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: US Marine Corps (USMC) Sam 12 Sep 2015 - 10:55
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Une étude de l’US Marines corps sur les performances des femmes au combat fait polémique Posté dans Amériques, Forces terrestres par Laurent Lagneau Le 12-09-2015
Alors que deux femmes officiers viennent, pour la première fois, de réussir le très exigeant stage de la Ranger School, l’US Marine Corps (USMC) a mené une étude très poussée sur les performances des personnels féminins au combat et les a comparées avec celles des personnels masculins.
Cette étude, d’un millier de pages, a été menée pendant 9 mois, au sein d’une unité mixte de l’USMC, la Ground Combat Element Integrated Task Force, créée pour l’occasion avec 400 Marines, dont 100 femmes.
Suite à la décision prise par Leon Panetta, en janvier 2013, d’autoriser les femmes à servir dans des spécialités de contact, comme l’infanterie, il avait été demandé aux composantes des forces armées américaines de chercher les moyens pour intégrer les personnels féminins dans les unités de combat.
D’où la raison d’être de cette étude dont les résultats peuvent être déterminants pour la suite. « La politique du Pentagone est que tous les postes de combatseront ouverts aux femmes, sauf si une analyse rigoureuse de données factuelles montrent que ces postes doivent leur rester fermés », a en effet déclaré Ashton Carter, le secrétaire américain à la Défense, le mois dernier.
Seulement, les résultats de cette étude, qui est « sans précédent », selon le colonel des Marines Anne Weinberg, sont visiblement sans appel. Ainsi, il a été constaté que les sections d’infanterie exclusivement masculines sont plus performantes que celles comprenant des hommes et des femmes pour 93 des 134 tâches évaluées (69%).
Les premières seraient ainsi plus mobiles et plus rapides pour exécuter des mouvements tactiques en situation de combat, surtout quand il est question de manoeuvrer avec des mitrailleuses lourdes et des mortiers. Et elle seraient également plus précises au tir, quelles que soient les armes utilisées (fusil M27, carabine M4, lance-grenades), et plus efficaces quand il s’agit d’évacuer un blessé. Et encore, la différence avec les unités mixtes a été réduite quand ce sont des hommes affectés à ces dernières qui ont porté les blessés sur leur dos.
Sur le plan physiologique, là encore, l’étude a noté des différences notables. Comme l’on pouvait s’y attendre, les performances « sportives » des femmes sont en moyenne moins élevées que celles des hommes, qui ont une puissance anaérobie et musculaire plus élevée.
Par exemple, losqu’il s’agit de franchir un obstacle, les hommes ont jeté leurs sacs au sommet du mur tandis que les femmes ont souvent eu besoin d’une aide pour faire la même chose.
Et, pour des raisons morphologiques, les blessures sont plus fréquentes chez les femmes que chez les hommes. Il en a effet été constaté un taux de 40,5% de blessures musculo-squelettiques pour les premières, contre 18,8% pour les seconds.
Seulement, Ces résultats ont été contestés par Ray Mabus, le secrétaire à la Marine au Pentagone, et donc en charge de l’USMC. « À la source de cette étude, il y a un groupe d’hommes pensant que ce n’est pas une bonne idée d’ouvrir les postes de combat aux femmes », a-t-il accusé. « Quand vous commencez avec cet état d’esprit, vous êtes déjà presque en train de présupposer le résultat », a-t-il ajouté.
« Une partie de l’étude affirme qu’il faut craindre que, parce que les femmes sont plus fréquemment blessées, elles craqueront plus. Que nous perdrons à terme notre efficacité au combat », a encore poursuivi M. Mabus. « Mais ce n’est qu’une extrapolation basée sur des taux de blessures et je ne suis pas sûr que ce soit exact », a-t-il estimé.
Le colonel Weinberg, qui a mis en garde contre des conclusions trop hâtives, a toutefois affirmé qu’une meilleure formation et une sélection plus appronfondie permettraient d’améliorer les performances des femmes au sein des unités d’infanterie de l’USMC.
Car celles et ceux qui remettent en cause l’étude en question déplorent que les personnels féminins évalués aient été issus d’unités non combattantes et que leurs tests d’aptitude physique n’avaient pas été aussi exigeants que pour les hommes. En clair, pour eux, les résultats auraient été différents avec une sélection plus sévère et une meilleur préparation physique.
Cependant, quand l’USMC a ouvert son cours d’officier d’infanterie aux femmes, en 2012, aucune des 29 candidates n’avait pu terminer le cursus, principalement en raison d’échecs aux tests d’endurance. Dans le même temps, 71% des hommes de la même promotion ont réussi.
Les résultats sont meilleurs pour les militaires du rangs. Sur les 401 femmes volontaires ayant suivi une formation d’infanterie à Camp Geiger, 144 sont allées au bout (36%). Par comparaison, 5.448 hommes sur 5.503 ont réussi (99%).
En revanche, le taux de réussite pour les femmes « Marines » sont nettement plus élevés pour d’autres spécialités, comme l’artillerie (86%), où elle font jeu égal avec les hommes, et l’équivalent de l’arme blindée cavalerie (71%).
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: US Marine Corps (USMC) Lun 14 Sep 2015 - 14:15
Citation :
6 Marines in critical condition after Camp Pendleton rollover crash
Six of the 18 Camp Pendleton Marines injured when a seven-ton truck overturned on the North County military installation remained in critical condition Friday, and eight others were listed as stable. One Marine was killed when the Medium Tactical Vehicle Replacement crashed on Basilone Road early Thursday afternoon. The crash involved personnel with the 1st Marine Division, according to unit public affairs officer 1st Lt. Colleen McFadden. Corporal Bryan Lauw of Louisiana was killed at Camp Pendleton Friday in a rollover crash during a training exercise. “After this tragic training accident, our first concern is for the welfare of our deceased Marine, the injured and their families,” 1st Marine Division Commanding Officer Maj. Gen. Daniel J. O’Donohue said. “They are held close in our hearts and prayers. Our commanders, chaplains, medical personnel and families and surrounding communities have come together in support. We deeply appreciate all the support and sympathy that we have received for this tragic loss.” Four Marines were treated and released following the training mishap, McFadden said. The others remained in the care of Scripps Memorial Hospital La Jolla, Palomar Medical Center in Escondido, Mission Hospital in Mission Viejo, Sharp Memorial Hospital in San Diego and Tri-City Medical Center in Oceanside. The victims’ names were not immediately available.
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augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: US Marine Corps (USMC) Ven 18 Sep 2015 - 9:18
he US Marine Corps needs to improve its cost estimate reliability and oversight of inventory systems for equipment forward-positioned in Norway, a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report said.
WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — Marine Corps documented its cost estimates, but the documentation did not include the source data used to develop the estimates or the calculations performed and estimating methodologies used, the GAO pointed out.
“Marine Corps cost estimates for sustaining the equipment to support a Marine Air Ground Task Force capability [in Norway]… may not be fully reliable, in that they do not fully meet the four general characteristics for reliable cost estimating,” the report, issued on Thursday, said. Marine Corps officials stated they were drafting guidance for developing cost estimates for budget plans for fall 2015, but this guidance will not address the four general characteristics for reliable cost estimating — that they be accurate, well-documented, credible and comprehensive, the report explained. “Without ensuring that this guidance fully addresses those characteristics, the Marine Corps will not be positioned to know whether its budget proposals will meet the goal of sustaining equipment for a Marine Air Ground Task Force capability [in Norway],” it warned. The Marine Corps relies upon the Norwegian Equipment Information Management System (NEIMS) for data needed to manage its equipment inventory due to limitations in its own system, the GAO acknowledged.
However, the “reliance on two different information systems, one of which is owned and operated by a foreign government, creates several management challenges and risks to data reliability for the Marine Corps,” the report pointed out. It results in a time lag in the accuracy of information in the Marine Corps system until it is manually updated with information from the Norwegian system — a time-consuming process that introduces a vulnerability to errors, the GAO explained.
“Additionally, relying on the Norwegian system for management information makes the Marine Corps vulnerable to any weaknesses that may exist within the Norwegian system,” the report added. The US Government Accountability Office is an independent, nonpartisan agency that works for Congress and investigate show the federal government spends taxpayer money.
messages : 41328 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: US Marine Corps (USMC) Ven 18 Sep 2015 - 13:02
Citation :
Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point a ajouté 6 nouvelles photos (17 septembre, 10:11) à l’album : Air superiority: VMM-365 assaults ground targets.
2nd Marine Aircraft Wing Marines sent a hail of heavy rounds down onto the Piney Island bombing range Sept. 15, raking targets on land and in the bay in roaring demonstrations of gunnery prowess.
Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 365 conducted the training to enhance the crew chief’s ability to be more proficient tail gunners, providing fire support for Marines on the ground from the advantageous sky.
Capt. Jacob R. Dyer, an MV-22B Osprey pilot with the squadron, explained how tail gunnery is a major aspect of a crew chief’s job. Their skill with the aircraft’s GAU-16 .50 caliber machine gun is vital to their performance in an operational environment.
“Our training and readiness standards list out everything we could be tasked with, and tail gunnery is one of the more important qualifications a crew chief can have,” Dyer said. Overseeing the gunners on the rear of the aircraft were tail gunner instructors, one for each of the two aircraft. After assembling their weapon system, they made their way to Bombing Target 11, a training site east of Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point, North Carolina. From there, the Marines rained down fire to engage targets in and out of the water that represented a convoy, barge and landing craft, at altitudes between 200 and 500 feet.
Firing the weapon system from a moving aircraft presents a challenge different from an engagement on the ground. There are several factors for the gunner to consider, such as the speed and direction of the aircraft and the wind resistance from a higher altitude.
“We have to look at it from a different perspective as aerial gunners,” said Staff Sgt. Anthony Knight, a crew chief and tail gunner instructor with the squadron. “We don’t have a range-finder or a sight. It’s more on seeing the target and how you have shot before and what you understand about the weapon system.”
The gunners overcame the scope of their engagement and left their targets riddled with holes, then with rounds spent, proceeded to oversee the lift back to the air station.
“It’s very important that crew chiefs are current and proficient in tail gunnery,” Dyer said. “Having qualified crew chiefs that have trained on the aircraft allow us to [efficiently] put a crew together to go on a mission.”
(U.S. Marine Corps article by Cpl. Paul S. Martinez/Released)
augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: US Marine Corps (USMC) Ven 18 Sep 2015 - 14:18
augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: US Marine Corps (USMC) Sam 19 Sep 2015 - 11:19