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MessageSujet: Chasseurs chinois   Chasseurs chinois - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 26 Juin 2009 - 2:29

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Citation :
China readies J-10A fighter for export

Hong Kong, China — China is aiming at a substantial share of the international market for third-generation fighter aircraft, with a particular eye on oil-rich third-world countries as part of its arms-for-oil strategy. This was evidenced by the high-profile display of its J-10A fighter at the 2008 Zhuhai Air Show last November.
Chinese experts were observed giving exhaustive information on the J-10A to military delegations from Angola, Nigeria and Venezuela at the air show. Venezuela seemed most interested in the aircraft.
The first foreign buyer of the J-10A will be Pakistan, a source from the Chinese aviation industry said. In March, Pakistan’s Air Chief Marshall Tanvir Mehmood Ahmed confirmed that a deal with China had been reached, and the aircraft would be delivered in 2014 and 2015. The version for Pakistan will be called the FC-20.
However, there is an issue with the engine on this aircraft. The J-10A is currently equipped with Russian-made AL-31F aviation engines. It is unclear whether Russia will permit China to install these engines on its aircraft and then export them to Pakistan. Such a move would have not only economic but also political repercussions, considering that Pakistan’s rival, India, is a major purchaser of Russian arms.
For this reason, the export version of the J-10A fighter is still under design. Both the engine and the weapon systems on board will be different from the domestic version, according to the source from the Chinese aviation industry.
India has been using the Russian AL-31FP engine extensively in its fighter aircraft. If China exports large numbers of J-10P/FC-20 fighters outfitted with Russian engines to Pakistan, India will be much more concerned over this deal than with China’s earlier export of JF-17 2.5-generation fighters to Pakistan. As a third-generation combat aircraft, the J-10A will pose a real threat to the Indian Air Force.
With this concern, India sent a strong delegation to the Zhuhai Air Show to expand its contacts with the Chinese, led by its air chief of staff. The Indian Air Force’s aerobatics demonstration team also put on a performance at this event.
At the Singapore Air Show earlier last year, Indian Air Chief Marshall Fali Homi Major had already carefully inspected the simulation cockpit of the JF-17, which is being jointly developed by China and Pakistan. His trip to Zhuhai was to examine the J-10A/ FC-20 fighter.
In contrast to India’s increased interest in engaging with China, Russia sent a much smaller delegation than usual to Zhuhai. For the first time, Russia did not exhibit any combat aircraft or radar systems at the air show. Some representatives of Russian enterprises even cancelled their planned trips to China at the last minute.
One member of the Russian military delegation described China-Russian arms trade as being in a long and drawn-out “winter.” A representative of Rosoboronexport, the agency that handles exports of Russian defense equipment, declined to comment on China’s possible export of J-10A fighters equipped with Russian AL-31F engines.
China did have its own indigenous engine on display at the show, the Taihang turbofan engine, with a thrust power of 13,200 kilograms – although some experts say it is only 12,800 kilograms. The Taihang’s exterior design and modular structure, as well as the processing and polishing technologies of the core machine and engine blades, seem to be an improvement over China’s previous aviation engines, but it is still far behind similar systems from Russia and Western countries.
Representatives of China’s Liming Motor Corporation refused to answer questions about the engine’s performance features. It is unclear why China decided to introduce this engine to the international market when it has not elected to use it on its own J-10 fighters.
A Chinese military source disclosed that China has been promoting the J-10A to Egypt, but it appears that no substantial negotiations have yet taken place. An authoritative source from the Russian military industry has said that Russia will not allow China to use its engines in exported planes if it perceives such sales as having a negative impact on Russia’s own export market. Egypt was once a major client of Russian arms, though it now buys little other than spare parts.
Pakistan, on the other hand, is not a traditional client of Russian aircraft. Therefore Russia allowed its engines to be used on the JF-17 fighters China is developing with Pakistan. The same arrangement may therefore hold for the J-10A.
The basic price for the J-10A is about US$29.3 million, according to the Chinese source. Considering that China aims to sell this fighter primarily to oil-producing countries – and is prepared to trade it for oil and other natural resources – it could be an attractive option for such countries.
A general assessment of the export version of the J-10A fighter can conclude that its engine has less thrust than the F-16 Block 52, while its radar system is more or less on a par with the Zhuk-ME multifunction radar on the Russian MiG-29 SMT. This is because Russia’s Phazotron Design Bureau exported to China three sets of its Zemchung multirole radar systems after 2001, allowing China to come up with its own version of the Zhuk-ME radar. This radar has a detection range of 120 kilometers for 5m2 aerial targets and can attack four targets in the air simultaneously.
In terms of the diversity and performance of its weapon systems, especially long-range attack weapons, the J-10A lags far behind the F-16 Block 52. The-air-to-air missiles loaded on the J-10A fighter at the Zhuhai exhibition were SD-10A AAMs with compound hardpoints. The SD-10A is a medium-range active radar-guided air-to-air missile upgraded from the SD-10, with its maximum range extended to 70 kilometers. Its length is 3.9 meters, diameter 203 millimeters, weight 198 kilograms, and maximum speed Mach 5.
The PL-12 air-to-air missiles currently in service in the PLA Air Force have undergone similar upgrading. Short-range missiles include the new-generation PL-5EII and PL-9C. The PL-5EII is equipped with a multichannel infrared seeker, the latest laser proximity fuse, and a rocket motor with a non-smoke propellant.
The air-to-ground weapons on the J-10A mainly include the LT-2 laser-guided bomb and the FT series of global positioning system-guided bombs. In recent years China has been imitating U.S. aviation combat weapons, a trend that is reflected in the weapon platforms on the J-10A, including its imitation U.S. joint direct attack munition serial bombs.
At the most recent Zhuhai show, China put on open display its FT-5 GPS-guided bomb. The FT-1 and FT-3 500/250-kilogram-class GPS-guided bombs were on display at the previous show in 2006. China also showed off its 500-kilogram-class FT-2 with gliding fins added. The FT-2 has an effective range of 15-90 kilometers, a circular error probability of 20 meters and an air-dropping altitude of 3,000 to 12,000 meters.
The FT-5 small-diameter bomb copies the latest design of the U.S. military. A designer of the system said that the FT-5’s warhead has a weight of 35 kilograms and a circular error probability of 15 meters. It was developed mainly for unmanned aerial vehicles. The effective range of the FT-5 is 2-5 kilometers when launched from a UAV and 3-35 kilometers when launched from a J-10A.
China has also developed the LT-3 GPS+ terminal laser-guided air-to-ground missile for the J-10A, which is very similar in structure to the U.S. Army’s JDAM+ laser-guided bomb.
These imitations provide evidence that the Chinese military has been tracking U.S. technology, viewing the United States as both a presumed enemy and a competitor in the arms export market. Of course China’s imitations are not limited to U.S. military equipment, but it is certainly learning from U.S. technology as well as military combat doctrines.
China is now paying close attention to the development of anti-GPS-jamming multiple-guidance weapons. Its Sekong Company has developed a 570-kilogram-class guided bomb based on the Russian Krasnopole laser-guided projectile’s seeker technology. China plans to promote this guided bomb along with the J-10A. A designer says that this bomb has a circular error probability of 3.1 meters and an air-release altitude of 500-10,000 meters.
It is not clear whether the LT-3 has ever been test-fired, as China did not show video footage of this guided bomb under test.
As for anti-ship weapons, Chinese promoters of the J-10A claim that the fighter can carry 75-kilometer-range new-generation C-705 anti-ship missiles or C-802A anti-ship missiles with a range close to 250 kilometers. The C-705 was also on exhibit for the first time. The C-705 is a modified version of the C-704, with a turbojet engine and two flight fins. The weight of its warhead is 110 kilograms and it has a minimum flight altitude of 12 meters.
The J-10A fighter has 11 hardpoints, two of which are of compound structure, making the total number of hardpoints 13.
The PLA Navy seems to be assessing the possibility of acquiring J-10As for its combat ships. A Chinese source said that the navy liked its price and its aerial refuelling capability. This source also disclosed that the J-10A’s combat radius is 800 kilometers. In this regard, the technological standard of the materials used on the J-10A can be judged far inferior to those of the same-generation fighters of the United States and Europe.
The J-10A is already fitted with an arresting hook imported from Russia for shipboard landing drills. However, the same source said no decision had as yet been made as to whether the PLA Navy will employ the J-10A as a ship-borne combat aircraft
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Inscrit le : 12/09/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: Chasseurs chinois   Chasseurs chinois - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 2 Aoû 2011 - 1:41

oui tu as tout compris yakuza ! les chinois se sont montrés généreux avec eux ils l'ont eu gratis, c'est un signe solide, que les alliées de la Chine peuvent compter sur elle quand besoin il y a... ils ont tout prévu même une version Wild weasel eh oui !!

Citation :

The Dragon's New Claws: The J-10B Emerging

In December 2008, rumors were rife of the J-10's latest incarnation, the J-10B, had taken off for the first time. Now in April 2009, we see the initial leak of images for this plane. The J-10B appears as the next iteration of China's vaunted 4th Generation fighter and looks to take the J-10 to the 4.5 Generation level.

The differences that have been identified from the earlier J-10 include a DSI intake, similar to the one on the FC-1/JF-17. The nose is now oval, more similar to an F-16's and is slightly canted downwards. An IRST similar to the J-11Bs also feature on top of the nose. Slanted radome paint along with some of the other features suggest an AESA radar.

The J-10B incorporates a new small ECM housing on the vertical stabilizer and this stabilizer also appears to be longer and ending in a "shark-fin". The ECM housing is similar to the housing on the JF-17. The two ventral fins are also extended further and are larger irrespective of the shark-fin. The aerodynamic refinements of the longer vertical stabilizer and the ventral fins appear to be a result of the DSI intakes which create greater lateral forces on the aircraft.

The wide angle HUD featured on the J-11Bs seem to have also appeared on the J-10B. While it cannot be confirmed, it appears that the cockpit itself has been redesigned extensively. Other than the new ECM housing on the vertical stabilizer, new MAWs appear on the tail bump. Just below these, curious breaks appear on the fuselage that some observers are referring to as possible formation lights "slime lights", but expert opinion from a Lockheed Martin source suggest that they are FLIR sensors. A redesigned satellite communication unit appears right behind the cockpit.

A retractable refueling probe is likely, given the development of the J-10 thus far, and is possibly located on the port side, not visible in the latest photographs. The photographs also suggest new under-wing pylons. These appear to be strengthened for a variety of possible uses, ranging from larger drop tanks to ASMs.

The engine is likely to be either a redesigned WS-10A (B?) or possibly the WS-15, a new generation engine currently in advanced development. This would not only have higher thrust than the AL-31s, but also feature TVCs, giving the J-10Bs vaunted agility an even greater boost. The actual engine on the aircraft presently on the released pictures, is the AL-31.

Like the J-10S, a J-10BS is also eventually likely. This would be an advanced trainer with the 360 degree view similar to the J-10S. EW/Wild Weasel variants could also eventually be possible

Chasseurs chinois - Page 2 Deino%2Bcomparison


The Pakistan Air Force (PAF) has shown a great deal of interest in the J-10 project as a possible substitute for Western combat aircraft for its high end requirements. The PAF, however, wanted a more modern version. Just as the FC-1s (and before the FC-1, the F-7s) were significantly upgraded due to the PAF's push for improvements, the J-10 appears to be going through a similar phase. The reason for this is that the PAF has a far closer view of Western technologies and trends and thus can provide deeper insight than more insulated Chinese expertise. The J-10B in all likelihood has had major input from the PAF and is the FC-20 that the PAF has ordered.

While there were rumors of the PAF receiving its first J-10s as early as 2009, the purchase has been delayed to 2014/2015. However, there is no doubt that the PAF sees its future inextricably linked to the J-10Bs/FC-20s. Informed sources suggest that PAF is not only looking to purchase, but to set up the necessary infrastructure to maintain and upgrade these birds. According to well informed sources, the aforementioned delay is primarily as a result of engine issues. The AL-31 would create maintenance and logistics problems for the PAF, given the lack of a working relationship with Russia. The WS-10A/B has not met quality standards. This leaves the PAF high and dry for now vis-a-vis the J-10. Their engine options now are to either to wait for a more reliable WS-10A version or to go for the WS-15, a new generation engine with similar dimensions

The delay in procurement is critical for PAF as it needs a quality high end to counter the larger IAF with her MKIs, Mirage-2000s and MRCA. With a new sensor rich environment dominated by AWACS on both sides and a large number of BVR platforms, higher altitude BVR engagements would become vital. J-10s are ideally suited for such combat given their aerodynamics including low wing loading in an A2A configuration. The instantaneous turn rates achievable on the J-10 (or the Euro canards) are likely to give an advantage in such engagements, as opposed to the high wing loadings on the over-evolved F-16s which were essentially designed for turning dog fights rather than high altitude BVR slash and dash maneuvers.

With the AESA equipped new J-10Bs, higher thrust engines and better EW/Avionics, PAF would reclaim the qualitative edge over the IAF. These J-10s would be superior in air combat than anything that the IAF fields today and would only be matched by a possible MRCA acquisition by India. Even then, with the 5 present contenders left in the MRCA, only the Eurofighter (assuming AESA radars) would be able to match the J-10 in air-to-air combat.

The PAF is looking for a total of 150 high end aircraft like the F-16 Block 52s and the FC-20 (J-10Bs or J-10Ps). The FC-20s could be procured in greater numbers, depending on relations with the U.S. and the operability of the F-16s. The J-10Ps and the JF-17s make a perfect pair - one ideal for high altitude air superiority and deep strike missions while the other ideal as a true multirole fighter. Where the J-10 lacks in deep strike, the F-16s make up for it. Where the J-10s lack in CAS, the JF-17s make up for it. Where the JF-17 lacks in high altitude BVR engagements, the J-10s make up for it.

The J-10s, F-16s and JF-17s also fit into the AFDP-2019 requirements. The AFDP-2019 is the core document on the strategic planning of Pakistan's armed forces over 15 years. While this document is not available in the public domain, informed sources note that the PAF has been assigned procurement of only single engine combat aircraft. The J-10Ps/FC-20s coupled with the JF-17s and F-16s thus ideally meet these requirements.

In the event that the Indian Air Force decides to procure massive numbers of Western 4.5 generation fighters, beyond the 126 MRCA, while increasing the Su-30MKI numbers and upgrades their MiG-29s and Mirage-2000s, the PAF has a clear charted path in increasing JF-17s and FC-20s, having by then set up the infrastructure and training for these planes. Further, the JF-17s would not only allow PAF to counter numbers, but also allow her to maintain larger numbers of FC-20s and F-16s for war-time and lower their depreciation - providing a low cost training aircraft to fly liberally during peacetime. This would be a similar arrangement to how the Israeli Air Force uses F-16s to keep meet the flight time allocations of its F-15 pilots.

The PAF is looking to add as much potency as possible, within its budget constraints; shopping for avionics from Western sources to add further potential to its JF-17s and FC-20s. Thus far, Chinese developments have been so rapid that by the time decisions were to be made at the PAF, the Chinese would meet or exceed requirements and the competition at a lower price. It remains to be seen if this can be pulled off again by the Chinese when PAF goes shopping for the next block of JF-17s and the new FC-20s. For the FC-20s, EW, cockpit interface and reliability of the new Chinese AESA radar will play a critical role. The PAF is meanwhile keeping open options with European equivalents, including the M-AESA (Multi-role Active Electronically Scanned Antenna) being developed by Saab and Selex and a French AESA, yet to be revealed.

By 2014, some of PAF's F-16s would be ready for retirement as well. While they have been better kept than many other air forces, some of these birds would by then have been in service for more than 30 years. FC-20s could also be used to replace these.

J-10Bs for Iran?

There have been some reports of Iran being interested in purchasing the J-10Bs from China. Looking at Iran's present arsenal, there is no doubt Iran needs new planes. In fact, it has been seen as surprising that Iran has not procured new fighter planes from China since a small purchase of J-7s. They certainly have shown interest in the new J-7Gs and the JH-7s, both perfect substitutes for Iranian F-5s, Su-24s and F-4s. With some Israeli lineage in the J-10s, some commentators have questioned if their may not be an agreement that these birds never be sold to Iran, as a condition for Israeli technical help. Another reason is that Iran and China have not always seen eye-to-eye on patent related issues. Life is stranger than fiction it appears, as China has had issues with its products being reverse-engineered by Iran.

J-10 Vs F-16 Technical Comparison

The F-16 was designed from the outset as a dog-fighter. The moderate sweep of the wings and aspect ratios were ideal for this. The trade-off however, was greater supersonic resistance. The thrust offered by the two engine options on the F-16 is impressive even to this day. TWR in air combat is about 1.15, ensuring impressive climbing rates and sustained turn rates. As noted, the F-16 sacrificed supersonic performance, not only in its wing design but also in its fixed air intakes. In supersonic flight, engine thrust is lost. While it can reach Mach 2.0, pragmatically it has poor supersonic performance.

While the F-16 sacrificed supersonic performance for subsonic dogfighting, the J-10 did not make the same sacrifice. Thus, while when the F-16 was designed, turning dogfights were what was projected as the bread and butter of air combat, when the J-10 was being designed, the BVR era had arrived (or re-arrived). The J-10s aerodynamic design, including wing design and inlet design, take this into account. For instance, the J-10 visibly has greater wing sweep and a variable inlet. With the J-10B, a DSI intake. While the J-10B sacrifices maximum theoretical top speeds with its DSI intakes, for all relevant combat speeds, it gives the J-10 superior performance.

Under modern BVR conditions and higher altitude combat, the J-10 is significantly superior to the F-16. This is also reflected in its higher instantaneous turn rates. The Mirage-2000s have been a point of major concern both for the Pakistanis and the Turkish air forces, because of these aerodynamic issues, despite the Mirages weak engines. The Greeks, who operated both the Mirage 2000 and F-16C considered the F-16 to be better at low altitude, low speed, hard turning fights, and Mirage 2000 to be superior at hi-hi.The F-16 would have to attempt to survive the first merge in an air combat scenario, which becomes increasingly suicidal with high off-bore sight missiles. BVR further compounds these problems for the F-16s. In previous eras, flying hi and fast was fine, but you often had to come down low to engage a low flying enemy aircraft. Today, that becomes less relevant with longer range BVR missiles and look-down shoot-down capabilities.

Chasseurs chinois - Page 2 J10comp
The F-16 has also been adding weight over time and attempting to counterbalance this with increased engine thrust. However, since wing area remained the same, maneuverability has been sacrificed. Higher wing loading is particularly detrimental for higher altitude maneuverability. The J-10 on the other hand, has all the wing area it could ever need with a delta canard layout.

The newer block F-16s however, are great for low altitude air-to-ground missions. The high wing loading favors low fliers and the moderate wing sweep helps handling at lower speeds often necessary during ordnance delivery. The J-10 is thus not ideal for the CAS role. However, because of the range and payload advantages, the J-10 can be considered an effective deep striker. CAS was never a pressing need for the PLAAF, and the PAF has the JF-17 which is ideal for that role

Three Different J-10s?

The reported total estimated number of J-10s is 1,200. This figure is according to Russian sources from the Moscow Airshow and is also reported in the Department of Defense annual reports to the U.S. Congress on Chinese military modernization. Given these numbers would go to the various J-10 variants. This author's view is that China has no limits set for the production of J-10s. They'll take as many as Chengdu can produce. However, the real question is - which J-10 ?

Firstly, we have the First Generation J-10s with AL-31 engines. Chengdu was to follow these with a J-10A with WS-10A engines. This evolution has encountered obstacles related to reliability issues. The J-10B, represents a 4.5 generation plane but it remains to be seen what engine is used with this plane. Meanwhile, according to informed commentators, a J-10C with twin engines around the size of RD-33s and incorporating similar features to the J-10B has arrived. This is supposedly a direct competitor to the Eurofighter and has the same layout - twin engined canard delta with a single tail. The PLAAF will have to decide whether to go with the J-10B or the J-10C at some point. Pakistan will not go for the J-10C as the twin engines do not comply with their doctrine of single-engined fighters and with the AFDP-2019.

Chasseurs chinois - Page 2 J-10+Evolution

A carrier based J-10 has also been reported but this is in direct competition with the J-13, a dedicated 4.5++ carrier fighter with a conventional layout similar to the F/A-18 Super Hornets. Lastly, we have a stealth 5th Generation evolution of the delta canard, but this has reportedly lost out to a conventional layout based on the F-22. Chengdu has reportedly not lost out completely but is taking part in the project jointly with Shenyang.

"La stratégie est comme l'eau qui fuit les hauteurs et qui remplit les creux" SunTzu  
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"La stratégie est comme l'eau qui fuit les hauteurs et qui remplit les creux" SunTzu  
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MessageSujet: Re: Chasseurs chinois   Chasseurs chinois - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 2 Aoû 2011 - 3:18









j10 escortant un "awacs" chinois
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"Les belles idées n'ont pas d'âge, elles ont seulement de l'avenir"
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MessageSujet: Re: Chasseurs chinois   Chasseurs chinois - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 11 Aoû 2011 - 1:29

Citation :
The design institute at Chengdu flew a J-10B development aircraft fitted with the indigenous Shenyang Liming WS-10A Taihang engine at the end of July. All previous J-10s, apart from the first few prototypes, have flown with the Russian AL-31FN engine. The aircraft with the homegrown engine is coded “1035” and is presumably the fifth J-10B prototype, although that number may include a ground-test article.
The WS-10 has always been the intended powerplant for the J-10, but problems with its development led to an early switch to the Russian powerplant. The J-10B flight trials suggest that the engine has matured enough to now be considered for a single-engine application. Clearance of the Taihang engine would make the J-10 an “all-Chinese” aircraft, available for export without any external restrictions.
Meanwhile, an uncorroborated report of comments attributed to a high-ranking official at the Chengdu facility stated that the J-10B is about to enter production for the Chinese air force, and that the first unit of approximately 10 aircraft (with AL-31FN engines) could be delivered by year-end.
According to this same report, production of the J-10B, which features active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar and a diverterless supersonic intake, would proceed alongside that of the J-10A for some time.

"La stratégie est comme l'eau qui fuit les hauteurs et qui remplit les creux" SunTzu  
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MessageSujet: Re: Chasseurs chinois   Chasseurs chinois - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 11 Aoû 2011 - 10:53

Si vraiment les chinois viennent de mettre au point un moteur de conception national alors ils viennent de passer un cap et de s'ouvrir les portes du marché export ( reste à voir la fiabilité et les performances ) mais c'est sûr avec le J10B de conception 100% national les Chinois entrent dans la cour des grand...

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MessageSujet: Re: Chasseurs chinois   Chasseurs chinois - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 16 Aoû 2011 - 17:26

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"Les belles idées n'ont pas d'âge, elles ont seulement de l'avenir"
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MessageSujet: Re: Chasseurs chinois   Chasseurs chinois - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMer 24 Aoû 2011 - 5:04

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"La stratégie est comme l'eau qui fuit les hauteurs et qui remplit les creux" SunTzu  
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MessageSujet: Re: Chasseurs chinois   Chasseurs chinois - Page 2 Icon_minitimeDim 4 Sep 2011 - 2:58

"La stratégie est comme l'eau qui fuit les hauteurs et qui remplit les creux" SunTzu  
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Général de corps d'armée (ANP)

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MessageSujet: Re: Chasseurs chinois   Chasseurs chinois - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 6 Sep 2011 - 19:37

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"Les belles idées n'ont pas d'âge, elles ont seulement de l'avenir"
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messages : 21656
Inscrit le : 15/09/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: Chasseurs chinois   Chasseurs chinois - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 1 Nov 2011 - 20:17

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MessageSujet: Re: Chasseurs chinois   Chasseurs chinois - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMer 2 Nov 2011 - 18:31

je vois que cette avion rassemble le typhoon et le rafal
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MessageSujet: Re: Chasseurs chinois   Chasseurs chinois - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMer 2 Nov 2011 - 18:40

plutot croisé EF+F-16
surtout a cause de son entré d´air DSI

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MessageSujet: Re: Chasseurs chinois   Chasseurs chinois - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 3 Nov 2011 - 20:33

Yakuza a écrit:
plutot croisé EF+F-16
surtout a cause de son entré d´air DSI
Ni EF ni F-16 n'ont une entrée d'air DSI, les chasseurs qui ont ça sont:

F-35, J-20, JF-17 et finalement le J-10B.

J'ai vu un seul exemplaire de F-16 avec DSI mais il en a été équipé pour des tests relatifs au programme JSF.

Il ressemble à un croisement de EF et F-16 comme tu dis grâce à la position ''ventrale'' de l'entrée d'air.
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messages : 21656
Inscrit le : 15/09/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: Chasseurs chinois   Chasseurs chinois - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 3 Nov 2011 - 22:33

c´est du DSi experimental dont je parle,je sais bien a quoi ressemble un F16.
pour le EF c´est du tail et de l´air inlet ventral..

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messages : 1408
Inscrit le : 30/03/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: Chasseurs chinois   Chasseurs chinois - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 3 Nov 2011 - 22:44

une bande d'imitateur ,sans esprit innovateur Mad
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MessageSujet: Re: Chasseurs chinois   Chasseurs chinois - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 3 Nov 2011 - 22:51

Yakuza a écrit:
c´est du DSi experimental dont je parle,je sais bien a quoi ressemble un F16.
pour le EF c´est du tail et de l´air inlet ventral..

Voilà qui est plus claire, ta première intervention prète à confusion. Wink
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messages : 6028
Inscrit le : 29/05/2007
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MessageSujet: Re: Chasseurs chinois   Chasseurs chinois - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 4 Nov 2011 - 4:51

Il a été devellopé a partir du chasseur-prototype israelien Lavi qui lui a été repris du F16.. Wink

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الله الوطن الملك
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messages : 24814
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: Chasseurs chinois   Chasseurs chinois - Page 2 Icon_minitimeLun 27 Fév 2012 - 14:25

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messages : 7470
Inscrit le : 12/09/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: Chasseurs chinois   Chasseurs chinois - Page 2 Icon_minitimeLun 27 Fév 2012 - 15:03

Citation :
The KLJ-7 Fire Control Radar (FCR), also referred to as Type 1478, employs a mechanically-scanned, phased-array antenna and is the main radar set for the Chengdu Aircraft Industries/Pakistan Aeronautical Complex FC-1/JF-17 fighter aircraft. A derivative of the KLJ-7, and likely employing a larger diameter array, the KLJ-10/J-10A, is believed to have been installed in the Chengdu J-10 fighter aircraft.In terms of development, the J-7 is reportedly similar in basic design to Phazotron N010 Zhuk family of radars; both Phazotron NIIR and rival radar house NIIP have worked closely in the past with Chinese radar design bureaux and provided technical assistance as well as operational models of Russia-made radar sets that were used as benchmarks in the process of Chinese firms developing their own designs. Nanjing have also reportedly drawn on the Galileo Avionica/Finmeccanica Grifo and the Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) Elta-2032 in developing their own radar designs. While the basic configuration of the J-7 may be similar to that of the Zhuk family, Nanjing utilises Chinese-made electronic components, multi-layered circuit boards, etc.The J-7 has multiple modes, both Beyond Visual Range (BVR) and close-in air-to-air modes, ground surveillance and a robust anti-jamming capability, according to Chinese sources. The radar can reportedly manage up to 40 targets, monitor up to 10 of them in Track-While-Scan (TWS) mode and can engage two targets simultaneously at BVR. The detection range for targets with an radar-cross section of up to 3 square metres is 75 km look-up, or 35 km in look-down mode.

"La stratégie est comme l'eau qui fuit les hauteurs et qui remplit les creux" SunTzu  
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messages : 7470
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MessageSujet: Re: Chasseurs chinois   Chasseurs chinois - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMer 14 Mar 2012 - 0:03

J10B avec le réacteur chinois WS10 on peut parler maintenant de chasseur 100% chinois sans aucune dépendance de la russie
remarquez qu'on a ajouté un OLS au J10B

"La stratégie est comme l'eau qui fuit les hauteurs et qui remplit les creux" SunTzu  
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messages : 2787
Inscrit le : 11/07/2010
Localisation : montreal
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MessageSujet: Re: Chasseurs chinois   Chasseurs chinois - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMer 14 Mar 2012 - 0:43

FAMAS a écrit:
J10B avec le réacteur chinois WS10 on peut parler maintenant de chasseur 100% chinois sans aucune dépendance de la russie
remarquez qu'on a ajouté un OLS au J10B

ce réacteur a l'air mieux que ceux russe souvent trop sale

Chasseurs chinois - Page 2 11104110
Pro rege, saepe, pro patria semper

اقسم بالله العظيم ان اكون مخلصا لله و لملكي و ان اتفانى في خدمة وطني و دفع كل خطر يهدده و ان انفد اوامرقائدي الاعلى صاحب الجلالة
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messages : 7470
Inscrit le : 12/09/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: Chasseurs chinois   Chasseurs chinois - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMer 14 Mar 2012 - 1:12

tu veux parler des réacteurs qui fument.... il faut pas généraliser c'est surtout les RD33 des MIG29, mais bon les réacteurs russes ont pour réputation d'être vite amorti un nombre d'heures de vols médiocre comparé aux réacteurs occidentaux, de plus les pannes et incendies sont monnaies courantes dues au mauvais contrôle qualité lors de la fabrication, et la piètre qualité des spare parts ainsi que l'endurance des matériaux utilisés , les chinois sont présumés être comme eux l'élève ne pourra pas de si tôt faire mieux que son maitre , mais bon la Chine aux côtés des USA ,RUSSIE et France sont les seules nations à fabriquer domestiquement maintenant un chasseur de A à Z

"La stratégie est comme l'eau qui fuit les hauteurs et qui remplit les creux" SunTzu  
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messages : 7470
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MessageSujet: Re: Chasseurs chinois   Chasseurs chinois - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 15 Mar 2012 - 0:32

Aesa du J10B (antenne inclinée comme le APG79 du super hornet )

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"La stratégie est comme l'eau qui fuit les hauteurs et qui remplit les creux" SunTzu  
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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
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MessageSujet: ..   Chasseurs chinois - Page 2 Icon_minitimeLun 7 Mai 2012 - 13:49

Citation :

Chinese Counterfeiters Nail Another Russian Jet Fighter

May 6, 2012: China has apparently copied the Russian Su-30MK2, and is operating it as the J-16, claiming that the aircraft is of Chinese design. More unauthorized pictures of the J-16 are showing up, via Chinese with cell phone cameras and Internet access. It's pretty clear that the J-16 is a copy of the Su-30MK2.
Russia and China jointly developed the two seat version of the Su-30, as the Su-30MKK in the late 1990s, and, a decade ago, an upgraded version (the Su-30MK2). China has received about a hundred legal Su-30MK2s, but now nearly identical J-16s are showing up.

This kind of blatant technology theft is nothing new. The Chinese J-11 jet fighter is an illegal Chinese copy of the Russian Su-27. This plagiarism has been a source of friction between Russia and China for nearly a decade. It all began, legally, in 1995, when China paid $2.5 billion for the right to build 200 Su-27s. Russia would supply engines and electronics, with China building the other components according to Russian plans and specifications. But after 95 of the Chinese built aircraft were built, Russia cancelled the agreement. They claimed that China was using the knowledge acquired with this Su-27 program, to build their own copy of the Su-27, the J-11. Russia kept the piracy issue quiet for a as long as it could, and warned the Chinese that simply copying Russian technology would produce an inferior aircraft. Apparently the Chinese did not agree, and are continuing their work on the J-11, using only, what they claim is, Chinese technology.

The J-11 is believed to now include better electronics and some other Chinese design modifications. China can manufacture most of the components of the J-11, the one major element it must import are the engines. China believes it will be free from dependence on Russia for military jet engines within the next 5-10 years. Currently, China imports two Russian engines, the $3.5 million AL-31 (for the Su-27/30, J-11, J-10) and the $2.5 million RD-93 (a version of the MiG-29s RD-33) for the JF-17 (a F-16 type aircraft developed in cooperation with Pakistan.) Despite the ongoing technology theft dispute, Russia still sells jet engines to China for its illegal copies of Russian aircraft. China agreed, in 2008, to stop stealing Russian military tech, but went on to ignore that agreement, and deny that it had reneged on its promise to stop the tech theft.

The Su-30MK2 is a 34 ton fighter-bomber similar to the American F-15E. The Su-30MK2 can carry 8 tons of smart bombs and missiles. It can be refueled in the air and is equipped to operate over land and open water. The Chinese Navy is operating 24 Su-30MK2s and some of the J-16s that have already been built.

Chasseurs chinois - Page 2 Star3Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autresChasseurs chinois - Page 2 Star3
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Inscrit le : 12/09/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: Chasseurs chinois   Chasseurs chinois - Page 2 Icon_minitimeDim 4 Nov 2012 - 0:43

Citation :
J10C version navalisée

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Étrangères exposition médiatique: la Marine une autre variante de la porteuse F-10C essais en vol fréquentes

 L'armée américaine Baoliao: Cheng Fei, la Chine a mis au point les meilleures J10 - J10C combattants. Ce combattant a développé avec succès le plus tôt que prévu dans l'armée américaine, l'avion J10 de son public officiellement officiel qui a été aménagé autant que des dizaines de troupes de première ligne.   J10C équipé de matériel plus avancé de radars, a son radar à la plage J10 radar de détection et de plus suivre simultanément 12 cibles, et la capacité à lutter contre la plus grande menace six buts. Le poste de pilotage mis un plus avancé de diffraction intérieure HUD. En outre J10C outre les missiles air-air équipés de plus avancé PL12 moment sera équipé plus avancés PL-13 à longue portée air-air missiles, ce missile a la capacité de contre-AWACS. J10C, équipés de guidage laser gousses pouvez lancer une série de bombes guidées par laser, afin d'améliorer la capacité de combat-sol de précision grève.   Caractéristiques de décollage court du F-10C est adapté pour équipement porteur   J10C et J10 tout à fait différent en apparence, sa conception plus mûre d'entrée, à l'origine en raison de l'installation d'un moteur de plus grosse poussée et six autres nervures os de conception cessera d'exister, remplacé par une conception plus rationnelle. En plus de l'entrée et J10 J10C l'apparence de la plus grande différence est que, J10C aussi comme le F16E, comme l'installation d'un l'analogues les "bosse" Falcon deux lits king-déposer des réservoirs.

À cet égard, la partie américaine n'est pas surpris des États-Unis considère que la réussite de l'avion J10 conception réside dans sa digestion et l'absorption complète des avantages de la conception de combat F16 F16E J10C similaire à élargir l'éventail des pratiques n'est pas surprenant. Performance globale de l'avion J10 de plus que le F16A / B, J10C combattants performances devra dépasser les Etats-Unis de servir l'un des avion de chasse F16 principale tous les modèles. Cependant, les États-Unis estiment aussi que les moteurs d'avion J10 toujours compter sur la Russie, alors que le russe J10C AL-31FN moteur amélioré.   Les Etats-Unis ont également noté que les combattants J10C J10C la réussite du développement de la Chine importance ne réside pas seulement lui-même, mais plutôt dans sa mission importante que la démonstration de la Chine chasseur de quatrième génération! Il est rapporté que, beaucoup J10C de revêtements Stealth Stealth technologie, la suppression infrarouge, réduire le rayonnement infrarouge et le montant de la réflectivité radar, l'armée américaine a développé avec succès un chasseur de quatrième génération F35 avant, et aussi le premier de la vérification de la conception chasseur furtif F16E et lancement de la Russie de la S-37 de chasse aigle royal est servi la même tâche. J10C de marque le succès du développement de la Chine réelle de quatrième génération Jxx combattants sur le point de décoller!   Australie Airpower Journal, l'auteur du blog officiel, l'exposition des données et les performances de la Chine sur porte-avions J-10C apparence, y compris distance de roulement au décollage et à l'atterrissage réduite à 50 mètres.   L'article fait remarquer, ces données montrent que le J-10C des porte-avions, la série J-10 de combat sont presque identiques, seule la poussée est passée de 122 kN à 152 kN, la distance de glissement est réduite à moins de 50 mètres. J-10, J-10C sur porte-avions, en plus de maintenir des niveaux normaux de vol, il ya beaucoup de poussée pour répondre à la nécessité d'effectuer une variété de missions de combat, J-10C accélération, l'escalade et les niveaux sont en orbite autour s'est considérablement améliorée, même après l'entrée verticale montante modèle de combat aérien sans effort.   Les caractéristiques sont adaptées pour les équipements de décollage de l'avion porteur court F-10C   L'article dit que le J-10C sur porte-avions sera l'opérateur d'un contrôle des armes, et est responsable de frappe de précision. J-10C est capable de transporter plus de quatre tonnes de munitions, et l'avenir sera également équipé d'armes guidées de précision. En outre, le porte-avions basé peut également être équipé d'attaque au sol.   Commentaires: Je ne m'attendais pas du légendaire F-10C est vraiment ah, c'est le texte de la F à -10 à 21 (je ne sais pas 21 représente quoi), Khan ...... en machine volante en quatre générations de la recherche à plein de l'énergie pour s'engager dans le F-10 extrêmement haut de gamme modifications, il semble, à partir de la technique à la quantité des ressources humaines est vraiment le premier dans le pays! Les performances de l'avion est prévu à partir de la meilleure possible, et peut-être en mesure d'atteindre à peine composer avec le niveau de F-35?   Ensuite, il ya un vieux gangster tôt dans l'article dit que l'introduction de chose 99M moteur ministère, cela est discuté, il semble que la question n'est pas jaune, je ne sais pas si elle va introduire la technologie de pointe des produits domestiques? De ce fait, le marché intérieur "Taihang" devra d'abord résoudre les dangers cachés dans la conception et la qualité, ce poussée augmente, le gain de performances n'est pas non plus y assister. Le WS15 en cours de développement, établir les prévisions faites quatre générations de machines pas suivre le premier vol, le premier vol de quatre générations de machines ils peuvent aussi utiliser l'introduction de 99M Département du moteur portait?   Lenovo pour maintenir l'Ukraine ont élaboré conjointement par la poussée de 15 tonnes de nouvelles turbofan moteur militaire n'ya pas si longtemps, TG semble ne pas chérir pleinement responsable en WS15, mais marcher sur deux jambes, juste au cas où ...

"La stratégie est comme l'eau qui fuit les hauteurs et qui remplit les creux" SunTzu  
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