messages : 24810 Inscrit le : 14/02/2009 Localisation : 7Seas Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Torpilles ( Documentation ) Sam 7 Nov 2009 - 0:22
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Torpedoes are self-propelled guided projectiles that operate underwater and are designed to detonate on contact or in proximity to a target. They may be launched from submarines, surface ships, helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft. They are also used as parts of other weapons; the Mark 46 torpedo becomes the warhead section of the ASROC (Anti-Submarine ROCket) and the Captor mine uses a submerged sensor platform that releases a torpedo when a hostile contact is detected. The three major torpedoes in the Navy inventory are the Mark 48 heavyweight torpedo, the Mark 46 lightweight and the Mark 50 advanced lightweight.
The MK-46 torpedo is designed to attack high performance submarines, and is presently identified as the NATO standard. The MK-46 torpedo is designed to be launched from surface combatant torpedo tubes, ASROC missiles and fixed and rotary wing aircraft. In 1989, a major upgrade program began to enhance the performance of the MK-46 Mod 5 in shallow water. Weapons incorporating these improvements are identified as Mod 5A and Mod 5A(S). The MK-46 Mod 5 torpedo is the backbone of the Navy's lightweight ASW torpedo inventory and is expected to remain in service until the year 2015. The MK 46 originated with the RETORC I (Research Torpedo Configuration I) program conducted by the US Naval Undersea Center (NUC) at Pasadena, CA.
" Utilisation principale : Torpille lancée de l'air ou d'un navire " Fabricant : Alliant Techsystems " Propulsion : Deux vitesses au monergol " Longueur : 2,59 m lancé d'un bateau à 4,5 m si lancé du lance-torpille ASROC " Poids : 231 kg " Diamètre : 324 mm " Portée : 11 km " Profondeur : > 365 m " Vitesse : > 40 noeuds (74 km/h) " Système de guidage : Acoustique " Mode de recherche : En serpent ou en cercle " Charge : 44 kg " Mise en service : ' 1967 (Mod 0) ' 1979 (Mod 5)
_________________ MK-48
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The Mk-48 torpedo is designed to be launched from submarine torpedo tubes. The weapon is carried by all U.S. Navy submarines, including Ohio-class ballistic missile submarines, Seawolf, Los Angeles and Virginia class attack submarines. It is also used on Canadian, Australian and Dutch submarines. The Royal Navy elected not to buy the Mark 48, preferring to use the Spearfish instead.
Mk-48 and Mk-48 ADCAP torpedoes can be guided from a submarine by wires attached to the torpedo. They can also use their own active or passive sensors to execute programmed target searches, acquisition and attack procedures. The torpedoes are designed to detonate under the keel of a surface ship, breaking the ship's back and destroying its structural integrity. In the event of a miss, it can circle back for another attempt.
" Utilisation principale : Torpille lourde pour le sous-marins " Fabricant : Gould " Propulsion : Moteur à pistons, pompe à jet " Longueur : 5,79 mètres " Poids : 1545.3 kg pour MK-48 et 1662.75 kg pour MK-48 ADCAP " Diamètre : 533 mm " Portée : 8 km " Profondeur : > 914 m " Vitesse : > 40-55 noeuds " Système de guidage : Wire guided and passive/active acoustic homing " Charge : 292.5 kg " Mise en service : ' MK-48 : 1972 ' MK-48 ADCAP : 1989
_________________ MK-50
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The Mk50 torpedo is a highly capable undersea weapon for U.S. Navy surface ships and aircraft. Developed to replace the Mk46 torpedo, it was first authorized for fleet use in October 1992. The Mk50 is designed to counter the fast, deep-diving, double-hulled nuclear submarine threat. Relative to the Mk46, the Mk50 has increased range, more sophisticated counter-countermeasure logic, and greater lethality, speed, depth, and endurance. Major technological advances include a Stored Chemical Energy Propulsion System (SCEPS). Another significant advantage is that the weapon’s tactics and signal processing are software driven. A Mk50 software block upgrade program was conducted in the mid-1990s to enhance the Mk50’s shallow water performance.
" Utilisation principale : Torpille lourde pour le sous-marins " Fabricant : Alliant Techsystems " Propulsion : Stored Chemical Energy Propulsion System, pompe à jet " Longueur : 2.84 mètres " Poids : 340 Kg " Diamètre : 324 mm " Vitesse : > 40 noeuds " Système de guidage : autodirecteur actif / passif acoustique " Charge : 45 kg " Mise en service : 1991 _________________ MK-54
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While it has some significant performance deficiencies, the MK 50 is the best air-dropped torpedo in the U.S. Navy inventory, and possibly the best in the world. Unfortunately, quantities of the expensive MK 50 are limited. The Navy currently is developing a Lightweight Hybrid Torpedo (LHT) that combines MK 50 search and homing with a MK 46 propulsion system, in the name of cost-effectiveness. The Lightweight Hybrid Torpedo, MK-54, to be introduced in FY 2003, will further improve the lightweight torpedo inventory performance in shallow water. This program will utilize available components of the MK-46 and MK-50 in addition to extensive use of COTS electronic components.
The LHT, with better sonar and processing capability than the MK 46, will still be handicapped by shortfalls in some characteristics. For this reason, the Navy's current plan to develop the LHT as a relatively cheap substitute for a MK 50 may not yield an operationally effective weapon in a war-fighting scenario without significant improvements in target locating ability and weapons placement accuracy. The LHT program has been restructured. The restructure includes: shift of LHT IOC to FY03 vice FY01; shift in the testing program to FY99-FY02 from FY98-FY01, with continuation of the RDT&E E&MD contract to completion as originally planned; shift in LRIP to FY00/FY01, vice FY99/FY00; and shift in full rate production to FY02 vice FY01.
Fremo Administrateur
messages : 24810 Inscrit le : 14/02/2009 Localisation : 7Seas Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Torpilles ( Documentation ) Mar 2 Oct 2012 - 15:11
jonas General de Brigade
messages : 3370 Inscrit le : 11/02/2008 Localisation : far-maroc Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Torpilles ( Documentation ) Jeu 4 Oct 2012 - 4:40
Citation :
DCNS : Torpilles et contre-mesures
Torpille MU90
La torpille MU90 est la seule torpille légère entièrement nouvelle au monde. Déployable à partir de n’importe quelle plateforme navale et aérienne, elle a été conçue avec les technologies les plus avancées pour être capable de contrer tout type de sous-marins nucléaires ou conventionnels ; qu’ils soient dotés d’un revêtement anéchoïque, d’une capacité d’évasion rapide, de leurres anti-torpille et qu’ils se situent en eaux profondes ou dans des zones littorales. Déployable par bâtiments de surface et aéronefs, les performances tant acoustiques que dynamiques permettent l’emploi de cette arme sans modification pour des missions antisurface, et avec quelques adaptations pour un rôle de torpille anti-torpille. Après 15 années de développement, plus de 200 tirs à la mer et plus de 1000 unités produites, la MU90 est en service en France, Italie, Allemagne, Danemark, Pologne, Australie et reste disponible pour les Marines alliées. MU90 est une coopération entre DCNS, THALES et WASS (groupe FINMECCANICA), à travers le GEIE EUROTORP.
Caractéristiques :
Caractériques physiques : 323,7 mm / 2850mm / 304kg Vitesse : Variable entre 29 et >50 noeuds Distance d’engagement : > 12km Profondeur d’eau minimum au lancement : 30 m Profondeur opérationnelle : De 3 à >1000m Vitesse de déploiement aérien/altitude : 400 noeuds / 900m Vitesse du vent : >50 noeuds Température minimum au lancement : -26°C
Torpille F21
La torpille F21 est le seul développement de torpille lourde dans le monde. Elle présente des caractéristiques bien supérieures à toutes les autres torpilles lourdes actuellement en service. Son intelligence, couplée aux performances dynamiques et à la tactique intégrée font de cette torpille le premier drône sous-marin armé d’aujourd’hui et de demain. La F21 profite des dernières innovations développées dans le domaine torpille. Sa pile de technologie AgO-Al de haute densité énergétique procure une vitesse maximale et un rayon d’action inégalé. Sa tête acoustique de nouvelle génération associée à une surpuissante capacité de calcul temps réel augmente les capacités de recherche et de classification, que ce soit par petits ou grands fonds, ainsi que dans des environnements très bruités améliorant ainsi sensiblement l’efficacité globale de l’arme.
Points clefs :
Grande vitesse et endurance Performante par grand et petit fonds Filoguidage par fibre optique Auto-guidage acoustique et à suivi de sillage Capacité avancée anti-contre-mesures Sécurité du lanceur garantie Caractéristiques :
CONTRALTO®-V est le seul système capable de contrer les torpilles de dernière génération. Sa vitesse de déploiement couplée à son concept de confusion/dilution en font une solution efficace, quelle que soit la menace (torpille légère ou lourde). CONTRALTO®-V peut équiper tout type de bâtiment de surface, dès sa construction ou dans le cadre d’un programme de modernisation. Le système est composé du système de réaction, d’un ensemble de lanceurs et des contre-mesures CANTO®-V. Dès que la torpille est détectée, il définit quand et où déployer les effecteurs tout en proposant la manœuvre évasive la plus adaptée. CANTO®-V est opérationnelle dès son entrée à l’eau, minimisant le temps de réaction lorsque la menace est détectée à courte distance. Le nuage de fausses cibles créées et renouvelées de façon permanente par les effecteurs CANTO®-V, désoriente en quelques secondes la torpille qui attaque les cibles fictives jusqu’à épuisement.
- Concept de confusion/dilution – Développé pour contrer les torpilles avancées – Meilleure efficacité tout en diminuant le nombre d’effecteurs – Compatible avec les systèmes de lancement de leurres anti-missiles
Caratéristiques :
Acoustique : Emetteur à très haut niveau de bruit Frequence : Large bande Autonomie : >10 minutes Diamètre / longueur / poids : 130 mm / < 900 mm / < 20 Kg Durée de vie : > 20 ans
CONTRALTO®-S est le seul système capable de contrer les torpilles de dernière génération. Sa vitesse de déploiement couplée à son concept de confusion/dilution en font une solution efficace, quelque soit la menace (torpille légère ou lourde). CONTRALTO®-S peut équiper tout type de sous-marins, durant sa construction ou dans le cadre d’un programme de modernisation. Intégré au système de combat, il est composé du système de réaction, d’un ensemble de lanceurs et des contre-mesures CANTO®-S. Dès que la torpille est détectée, il définit quand et où déployer les effecteurs tout en proposant la manœuvre évasive la plus adaptée. CANTO®-S est opérationnelle dès son déploiement, minimisant le temps de réaction lorsque la menace est détectée à courte distance. Le nuage de fausses cibles créées et renouvelées de façon permanente par les effecteurs CANTO®-S, désoriente en quelques secondes la torpille qui attaque les cibles fictives jusqu’à épuisement.
- Concept de confusion/dilution - Développé pour contrer les torpilles avancées - Meilleure efficacité tout en diminuant le nombre d’effecteurs - Déploiement rapide et perturbation immédiate de la torpille
Caractéristiques :
Acoustique : Emetteur à très haut niveau de bruit Fréquence : Large bande Autonomie : <10 minutes Diamètre / longueur / poids : 150 mm / <600 mm / <20Kg Durée de vie : 20 ans
MAATAWI Modérateur
messages : 14756 Inscrit le : 07/09/2009 Localisation : Maroc Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Boeing to make flying torpedoes able to attack enemy submarines from 30,000 feet
WASHINGTON, 4 April 2013.Airborne weapons experts at the Boeing Co. got the go-ahead Wednesday to start building add-on kits for the U.S. Navy Mark 54 lightweighttorpedo that will enable the weapon to glide through the air from altitudes as high as 30,000 feet and enable the Boeing P-8A Poseidonmaritime patrol jet to attack enemy submarines from long ranges. The Naval Sea Systems Command in Washington announced a $19.2 million contract Wednesday to the Boeing Co. Defense, Space & Security segment in St. Charles, Mo., to design and build the High Altitude Anti-Submarine Warfare Weapon Capability (HAAWC) Air Launch Accessory (ALA). The HAAWC ALA turns the Raytheon Mark 54 torpedo into a glide weapon that the P-8A aircraft can release from high altitudes. As the flying torpedo reaches the water, it jettisons wings and other air-control surfaces and takes on its original role as a smart torpedo that detect, track, and attack enemy submarines autonomously. The Mark 54 always has been able to be launched from aircraft, but before the HAAWC add-on kit air crews had to release the torpedo from altitudes no higher than about 100 feet. The HAAWC will enable the P-8A aircraft -- a Boeing 737 passenger jetliner modified for maritime patrol -- to maintain optimum surveillance altitudes without wasting the time and fuel necessary to drop to low altitudes to attack targets and then climb back to high patrol altitudes. Attacking from high altitudes also enables the P-8A to reduce the time between target acquisition and attack, as well as launch anti-submarine weapons outside the ranges of shore-based anti-aircraft defenses. When launched from 30,000 feet the HAAWC-equipped Mark 54 torpedo will glide for seven to 10 minutes before entering the water. While in flight the HAAWC will be completely self-contained. The HAAWC adaptor kit includes a flight control computer, a GPS-based navigation system, and power sources. When near the water the system sheds its wings and activates a parachute that lowers the torpedo to the water to begin its run toward the target. HAAWC program requirements require Boeing to build an add-on kit that requires little or no modifications to the Mark 54 torpedo or to the P-8A Poseidon maritime patrol aircraft. Boeing's HAAWC contract includes options that could bring the value of the program to as much as $47 million. Coincidentally, Boeing officials announced this week that they have handed over the seventh production P-8A Poseidon to the Navy on schedule March 29, marking the first delivery from the second low-rate initial production contract awarded in November 2011. The P-8 is scheduled to replace the ageing Lockheed Martin P-3 Orion four-engine turboprop maritime patrol plane. The Mk 54 is an all-digital lightweight torpedo that has advanced software algorithms from the larger submarine-launched Mark 48 torpedo. Boeing engineers reportedly will fit the Mark 54 torpedo with the wings designed for a Standoff Land-Attack Missile-Expanded Response cruise missile to enable to torpedo to glide to the ocean's surface. The HAAWC tail assembly is to include the guidance kit designed for the Joint Direct-Attack Munition (JDAM), which contains a GPS navigation system. Boeing also could fit the HAAWC with a data link to transmit target position updates while in flight. Boeing will do the work on this contract in St. Charles, Mo., and should be finished by April 2016. For more information contact Boeing Defense, Space & Security online at, or Naval Sea Systems Command at
_________________ Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autres
jonas General de Brigade
messages : 3370 Inscrit le : 11/02/2008 Localisation : far-maroc Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
messages : 21656 Inscrit le : 15/09/2009 Localisation : 511 Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Torpilles ( Documentation ) Dim 24 Nov 2013 - 18:23
Citation :
Italian Torpedo Maker Seeks To Re-establish Euro Tie-ups Nov. 23, 2013 - 03:57PM | By TOM KINGTON
MU90 torpedo (Causa83 / it.wikipedia)
ROME — With a new CEO at the helm, Italian torpedo-maker WASS is testing the waters for closer European cooperation in torpedo work, four years after the abrupt meltdown of its partnership with France’s DCNS and Thales.
“WASS has focused on self-sufficiency while also looking for alternatives, but alternatives did not appear, and we saw it was difficult to remain alone,” said CEO Alessandro Franzoni, adding that he wants to again “consider WASS part of the European scenario.”
Until 2009, WASS, which is a unit of Finmeccanica, worked closely with DCNS and Thales, first on individual programs such as the MU90 light torpedo and the Black Shark heavy torpedo, as well as on ambitious plans to merge into two joint ventures with the underwater units of the two firms, one covering torpedoes and the other acoustic activity.
But a row over control not only ended talks on the joint ventures but also put on hold cooperation on individual programs. Instead of pushing on with placing the Black Shark — originally an Italian program — on French Navy nuclear subs, the French firms forged a partnership with Germany’s Atlas and are now developing the F21 heavy torpedo, with sea trials underway this year.
But now, Franzoni said WASS is again interested in European tie-ups.
“We are not in negotiation with anyone right now, but a European solution, a consolidation of this industry, is possible,” he said.
Franzoni said he is cautious about teaming WASS with Atlas, claiming they have a large overlap, while the German firm is the only other company already offering a heavy torpedo, the DM2A4. “But imagine what could happen if the two joined forces and coordinated research?” he said.
Franzoni, who took over at WASS in March, has a proven track record at Finmeccanica. He held various posts at Alenia Aermacchi in the past decade and worked on the F-35, C-27J, M-346 and Superjet programs, among others.
As a first step to European rapprochement, Franzoni has already overseen the resurrection of the Eurotorp alliance between WASS, Thales and DCNS, the bedrock of the original Italo-French torpedo alliance, which marketed the MU90 but fell apart along with the greater plans for mergers in 2009.
“Eurotorp had stalled due to the failure of the talks to create two new firms,” Franzoni said. “But we have now agreed to keep it going partly in response to demand from customers, partly because of mid-life upgrade opportunities and partly due to renewed good relations with the French,” he said.
WASS is now working on reducing costs for the ship- and helicopter-launched MU90 and is working on contracts for two Mediterranean navies, thought to be Morocco and Algeria.
Reuniting on the Black Shark looks like a tougher proposition. Under the original partnership, DCNS provided the battery and the torpedo was destined for French subs.
Now, France has teamed with Atlas for its heavy torpedo requirement, although Franzoni said he is still waiting to see concrete results of the alliance.
Meanwhile, WASS has developed its own batteries for the Black Shark, meaning it can do without the original French input.
The firm’s new primary battery — which is a one-time use battery to be used in live firings — is based on aluminum and silver oxide cells first developed by US firm Yardney. When the US discontinued the work, WASS took it over, Franzoni said.
The secondary batteries, which are lithium polymer, rechargeable and used in practice firings, are a step up from the French equivalents, he said. “They are WASS-patented and can be recharged 100 times, compared to 20 times for the French batteries, and they recharge five times faster, which means they can be used more often in training.”
The new batteries will be sea-tested next year and will be used in the Black Shark Advanced torpedo for the Italian Navy. “We want to sign with Italy in 2014 to coincide with the arrival of its new submarines,” said Franzoni, who added he would propose using the new battery technology on the MU90.
Ahead of the Black Shark order for the Italians, WASS is readying an order of 24 torpedoes for a Southeast Asian Navy.
Franzoni said he is aware that potential export nations are increasingly thinking of building their own torpedoes in house instead of buying from firms like WASS. “We need to work with them,” on technology-sharing programs, he said, naming South Korea, India and Turkey as possible targets for dual-development proposals.
Meanwhile, the firm is ramping up its countermeasure systems, which account for 30 percent of revenue against 50 percent for torpedoes. The firm is also working on an unmanned undersea vehicle it says will use the secondary battery and the optical cable developed for the Black Shark and be able to dive 10,000 meters and travel 50 kilometers from the ship controlling it. An autonomous version is also being considered.
“We don’t know of any other [remotely operated vehicle] that can do that while supplying live data,” Franzoni said. “The head of the Italian Navy has said he wants an unmanned undersea vehicle on every new, multipurpose ship he wants to buy, and we also see opportunities in the oil and gas and undersea archeology markets,” he said
messages : 6945 Inscrit le : 18/07/2012 Localisation : paris Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Torpilles ( Documentation ) Sam 25 Jan 2014 - 14:44
Citation :
Une torpille propulsée par une batterie Lithium-ion bat des records de vitesse en toute sécurité !
Début 2013, les premiers tirs à la mer d’une torpille équipée d’une batterie Li-ion ont été réalisés avec succès : propulsée en toute sécurité à plus de 50 nœuds, la torpille bénéficie aussi d’une autonomie pouvant dépasser une heure. Il aura fallu dix ans d’études, de recherches et d’essais aux collaborateurs du site DCNS de Saint-Tropez spécialisé dans les armes sous-marines, en collaboration avec les électro-chimistes de la société Saft*, pour concrétiser la réalisation de ce nouveau produit. La technologie Li-ion est capable de fournir le haut niveau de puissance électrique nécessaire à la propulsion d’une torpille tout en étant rechargeable. Grâce à cette technologie, DCNS dispose aujourd’hui d’une offre répondant aux critères de performances opérationnelles requis par les Marines, mais aussi de robustesse et de sécurité indispensables pour l’embarquement à bord de sous-marins. Cette première mondiale illustre la volonté de DCNS d’apporter aux Marines une réponse adaptée à leurs besoins d’entraînement en lutte anti sous-marine. La batterie rechargeable Lithium-Ion offre une vraie alternative à la technologie oxyde d’argent / zinc utilisée depuis 50 ans pour les torpilles d’exercice. Eprouvée mais vieillissante, celle-ci ne fournit plus de performances en rapport avec celles des torpilles de combat de nouvelle génération, rendant l’entraînement trop peu réaliste. * N°1 mondial de la conception, fabrication et commercialisation de batteries de haute technologie pour l’industrie et la défense.
First launch of the new WASS Black Shark Advanced heavyweight torpedo
On January 28th the new Black Shark Advanced (BSA), produced by WASS was launched for the first time ever from the submarine SCIRE’. The torpedo launched in “Push Out” mode (water ram expulsion system, which ejects the torpedo by means high water-pressure), was equipped in a totally innovative way, thanks to the new Lithium-Polymer Battery.
The launch, called “Short-Fire”, took place in the La Spezia gulf and was aimed at testing the WASS progresses in the frame of the project “New Heavyweight Torpedo”, developed in cooperation with the Italian Navy. The successful launch represents another step ahead, toward the acquisition by the Italian Navy.
“The Black Shark is the result of Italian research and cutting-edge technology– said Alessandro Franzoni, Chief Executive Officer of WASS – example of the national excellence in the field of underwater defence equipment through the use of innovative technical solutions for the propulsion systems, power generation and electro-acoustics. Thanks to its high quality standards it will succeed in all main international markets.”
Over the next few years, the Black Shark Advanced is expected to replace the old A-184 Heavyweight Torpedo, now supplied to submarines of the Italian Navy, increasing significantly the ability to defend the waters and the Italian homeland.
_________________ Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autres