Moroccan Military Forum alias FAR-MAROC Royal Moroccan Armed Forces Royal Moroccan Navy Royal Moroccan Air Forces Forces Armées Royales Forces Royales Air Marine Royale Marocaine |
| | Armée Ougandaise/Uganda Peoples Defence Force (UPDF) | |
+9rmaf Fremo klan juba2 lemay Northrop Yakuza MAATAWI farewell 13 participants | |
Auteur | Message |
farewell Général de corps d'armée (ANP)
messages : 2468 Inscrit le : 13/02/2011 Localisation : ****** Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Armée Ougandaise/Uganda Peoples Defence Force (UPDF) Jeu 26 Mai 2011 - 11:13 | |
| Rappel du premier message : - Citation :
- L’Ouganda achète des Su-30 mk russes
L’Ouganda achète à la Russie des chasseurs, probablement des Su-30, pour un montant de 740 millions de dollars, a rapporté le 25 mai le site internet en référence au porte-parole des Forces armées ougandaises, le colonel Felix Kulayigye. ... L’Ouganda envisage d’entamer prochainement la mise en valeur de gisements de pétrole dans la région du lac Albert (nord-ouest) à la frontière avec la République démocratique du Congo (RDC) et achète des armements afin de les protéger. ... En avril 2010, les médias russes ont rapporté que l’agence russe d’exportation d’armements Rosoboronexport avait conclu un contrat de livraison de six Su-30MK2 à l’Ouganda, mais M.Kulayigye a alors démenti cette information. Selon ce dernier, le prix du contrat s’est avéré trop élevé, et l’Ouganda s’est limité à envoyer en Russie six chasseurs MiG-21 pour modernisation. Edit Yak: c´est pas en partie russe qu´il faut le poster mon ami,mais un topic propre ouganda,dans ce cas creer un nouveau _________________ "Les belles idées n'ont pas d'âge, elles ont seulement de l'avenir" | |
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jf16 General de Division
messages : 40819 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Ougandaise/Uganda Peoples Defence Force (UPDF) Lun 7 Juil 2014 - 21:45 | |
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- Publié le 07-07-2014 • Modifié le 07-07-2014 à 07:17
Ouganda: affrontements meurtriers entre soldats et hommes armés
Des soldats ougandais détiennent des hommes suspectés d'avoir participé à l'attaque armée de ce 5 juillet près de la frontière avec la RDC.
Des affrontements entre des soldats ougandais et des hommes armés ont fait près de 50 morts ce 5 juillet à l’ouest du pays, près de la frontière avec la RDC. L'armée, tout comme la police ougandaise, ont démenti que ces attaques soient liées à un quelconque groupe rebelle, accusant des tribus locales et pointant des tensions communautaires.
Selon le porte-parole de la police joint par RFI, ce sont des groupes de jeunes radicaux d’une ethnie de cette région frontalière avec la RDC qui ont attaqué samedi 5 juillet plusieurs installations de la police et de l’armée. Une vingtaine de jeunes sont par ailleurs aux arrêts et la sécurité a été renforcée dans la zone.
D’après la même source, le motif de ces assauts coordonnés était de s’emparer d’armes - douze fusils et des lance-grenades ont ainsi été dérobés aux militaires -, mais aussi de défier le gouvernement et son arbitrage des conflits tribaux.
Cette sous-région est en effet agitée par des violences interethniques souvent liées aux conflits fonciers. Mais c’est la première fois que des milices s’attaquent ainsi aux forces de l’ordre. La police, de même que l’armée, démentent en revanche toute implication d’un quelconque groupe rebelle dans ces violences.
Pour rappel, les Forces démocratiques alliées (ADF-Nalu), un groupe islamiste ougandais qui opère de l’autre côté de la frontière, a déjà mené par le passé des attaques en territoire ougandais. | |
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messages : 40819 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| | | | jf16 General de Division
messages : 40819 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Ougandaise/Uganda Peoples Defence Force (UPDF) Mer 3 Sep 2014 - 19:24 | |
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- Amisom
VIDEO: SNA and AMISOM Burundi troops capture various towns in Middle Shabelle and Hiiraan regions
As part of the ongoing joint military offensive, the Somalia National Army (SNA) and African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) troops have liberated several towns in Middle Shabelle and Hiiran regions
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| | | MAATAWI Modérateur
messages : 14756 Inscrit le : 07/09/2009 Localisation : Maroc Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Ougandaise/Uganda Peoples Defence Force (UPDF) Lun 15 Sep 2014 - 13:23 | |
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- UPDF Airforce fighter jet pilot survives death after crash-landing
An air force trainee pilot survived death when a fighter jet he was learning to fly crash landed in a home in Patek Village, Bobi Sub County, in Gulu District. The unnamed pilot parachuted out of the L-39 fighter plane which then crashed on a pit latrine before it caught fire.
An air force trainee pilot survived death when a fighter jet he was learning to fly crash landed in a home in Patek Village, Bobi Sub County, in Gulu District. The unnamed pilot parachuted out of the L-39 fighter plane which then crashed on a pit latrine before it caught fire. No one on the ground was injured but the pilot was taken to hospital for medical examination. The Air force Spokesman, Captain Kiconco Tabaro said a technical team has been dispatched to the crash scene to investigate the incident. Just in May, a UPDF helicopter from South Sudan crash-landed at Abalo-kodi at Atiak sub-county in Amuru district injuring a UPDF Captain on | |
| | | augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| | | | augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Ougandaise/Uganda Peoples Defence Force (UPDF) Jeu 13 Aoû 2015 - 11:49 | |
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- China donates military equipment to Uganda to help for peacekeeping mission
China has donated equipment worth about US$5.5M to Uganda for its peacekeeping operations in war-torn Somalia, an army spokesperson said Wednesday, August 12, 2015. The donation by the Chinese Defense Ministry, the biggest to the Ugandan military over the past years, includes three 50-ton cranes, 12 troop carriers, four 10,000-liter water wagons and 16 water trailers, Lt. Col. Paddy Ankunda, spokesperson for Uganda People's Defense Forces (UPDF), said in a statement.
"The equipment will be a big boost in helping our efforts in Somalia. The rate of wear and tear of equipment in Somalia is very high, so regular replenishment like this is very necessary," Chief of Defense Forces Gen. Edward Katumba Wamala said at a ceremony held here. Chinese ambassador to Uganda Zhao Yali welcomed Uganda's idea to deploy the equipment in volatile Somalia and applauded the country's contribution to regional peace and stability.
"We are all currently faced with terrorist attacks. In the fight against terrorism, we need international cooperation," Zhao said.
The ambassador said that China and Uganda share a common mission of safeguarding regional and global peace.
"UPDF plays a big role in safeguarding security for the benefit of Uganda and the entire region," Zhao said.
"Of all the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, we (China) have the biggest number of peacekeepers in several areas including South Sudan. In that regard we have the same mission and need to work with each other," Zhao said.
Uganda has deployed more than 8,000 troops in Somalia for peacekeeping operations against Somali militants under the African Union mission in Somalia.
Gen. Jeje Odongo, Uganda's state minister for defense, said that in the past 10 years, China has donated equipment worth about 20 million dollars, greatly contributing to Kampala's efforts to professionalize the army and develop the country.
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| | | augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Ougandaise/Uganda Peoples Defence Force (UPDF) Mer 2 Sep 2015 - 15:40 | |
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- Somalie : au moins 50 soldats de l’UA auraient été tués par les Shebab
02 septembre 2015 à 10h05 — Mis à jour le 02 septembre 2015 à 11h45
Le bilan est incertain, mais il pourrait être extrêmement lourd. Au moins 50 soldats ougandais et somaliens de la Force de l'Union africaine (Amisom) auraient été tués mardi lors de l'attaque de leur base du sud de la Somalie par les islamistes Shebab, selon des militaires occidentaux incorporés à l'Amisom.
« Les estimations sont qu’au moins 50 militaires de l’Amisom ont été tués », dans l’attaque de la base de Jalane, dont les shebab se sont un temps rendus maîtres, indique une note rédigée à l’intention de diplomates. Au total « une centaine de soldats de l’Amisom manquent à l’appel, ce qui ne veut pas dire qu’ils sont morts », poursuit cette note. Certains pourraient s’être cachés dans les environs du camp, repassé mardi soir sous le contrôle de la Force africaine.
Ce bilan rejoint celui des Shebab, qui ont revendiqué cette nouvelle attaque contre l’Amisom et affirmé avoir tué une cinquantaine de soldats de la force de l’UA. Mardi soir, l’Amisom avait indiqué être toujours « en train d’évaluer le nombre de tués et les dégâts ». Selon un porte-parole de la Force, environ 150 militaires ougandais ainsi que des soldats de l’Armée nationale somalienne étaient stationnés dans cette base, située dans la région de Basse Shabelle. Selon la note, 25 soldats somaliens ont également été tués durant l’attaque.
Environ 200 Shebab auraient pris part à l’attaque
« Les Shebab ont détruit deux ponts alentour, isolant la position, avant de lancer leur attaque sur le camp, en utilisant un véhicule suicide » contre l’entrée ; « il semble que les shebab aient ensuite lancé une vague d’assaut avec environ 200 combattants », selon la note adressée aux diplomates.
« L’Amisom avait récemment retiré son armement lourd (tanks et artillerie) de la position pour l’utiliser ailleurs sur le théâtre des opérations », soulignent les auteurs, déplorant qu’un « ciel bas et des obstacles à l’atterrissage » et le fait que les appareils de combat des aviations kényane et éthiopienne étaient « indisponibles au moment de l’attaque » aient empêché l’envoi de renforts et un soutien aérien.
L’Amisom, dont les 22 000 hommes épaulent les forces progouvernementales somaliennes, a chassé les Shebab de Mogadiscio en 2011. Depuis, ceux-ci ont également fui de l’ensemble des localités d’importance qu’ils contrôlaient dans le sud et le centre de la Somalie. Ils contrôlent néanmoins toujours de larges zones rurales du pays, plongées dans le chaos et privées de véritable État central depuis le début des années 1990. Confrontés à une puissance de feu supérieure, ils sèment désormais la terreur par des attentats-suicides et des attaques complexes, parfois même jusqu’au cœur de Mogadiscio.
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| | | augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Ougandaise/Uganda Peoples Defence Force (UPDF) Lun 14 Sep 2015 - 13:05 | |
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- Terrorisme : Museveni admet que les Shebabs pourraient détenir six soldats ougandais
Le président Yoweri Museveni a concédé samedi que six soldats ougandais, portés disparus, pourraient être retenus prisonniers par les terroristes Shebabs. Ceux-ci avaient affirmé début septembre avoir abattu une cinquantaine de militaires dans l’attaque d’une base de l’Amisom.
Dans un premier temps, les autorités ougandaises avait pourtant assuré qu’aucun militaire ougandais n’était tombé aux mains des islamistes lors de l’attaque de la base de la mission de l’Union africaine en Somalie (Amisom), à Janaale, le 1er septembre dernier.
Cependant, suite à une annonce des Shebabs, qui ont déclaré dans un communiqué récent vouloir dévoiler le nom et le garde des soldats capturés, Kampala a changé de stratégie. Le président ougandais, en marge d’un voyage officiel au Japon samedi 12 septembre, a ainsi concédé que 19 soldats avaient été tués et que six d’entre eux étaient portés disparus et pourraient avoir été capturés. Toutefois, selon certaines sources militaires, notamment occidentales, une cinquantaine de militaires pourraient en fait manquer à l’appel.
Des soldats endormis
Yoweri Museveni a par ailleurs critiqué l’attitude des militaires ougandais de l’Amisom, pris dans l’attaque. « Il y a eu des erreurs de nos soldats », a expliqué le président, précisant que les commandants étaient endormis et « pas en alerte ». « Nous avons suspendu trois d’entre eux, qui passeront en cour martiale », a encore ajouté le chef de l’État.
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| | | augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Ougandaise/Uganda Peoples Defence Force (UPDF) Lun 28 Sep 2015 - 13:58 | |
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- Oshkosh receives FMS from multiple countries for 84 Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles
The US military vehicles manufacturer Oshkosh Defense LLC won a $21,774,963 foreign military sales contract (Djibouti, Jordan, Kenya, Tunisia, Uganda, Ethiopia) for an additional 84 Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles and 59 B-kits (supplemental armor). The vehicles are to be delivered to Djibouti, Jordan, Kenya, Tunisia, Uganda, Ethiopia with an estimated completion date of Feb. 28, 2017.
The Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles (FMTV) is a series of vehicles, based on a common chassis, that vary by payload and mission requirements and that are produced by Oshkosh Corporation since 2011.
The Oshkosh FMTV is developed in a series of 17 models, running from the 2.5t Chassis (M1080) to the 10t Dump truck (M1157).
Aprroximatively 22,000 FMTV trucks have been delivered to the US Army by Oshkosh Defense.
All vehicles in the Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles are powered by a six-cylinder, fuel-injected, electronically-controlled, turbocharged and after-cooled Caterpillar C7 heavy-duty diesel engine rated at 330hp.
Fitted with the B-kits, the FMTV can operate with increased protection during periods when threat levels are higher. The B-kit provides protection to the sides and roof of the cab.
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| | | augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Ougandaise/Uganda Peoples Defence Force (UPDF) Sam 3 Oct 2015 - 12:43 | |
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| | | jf16 General de Division
messages : 40819 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Ougandaise/Uganda Peoples Defence Force (UPDF) Mer 7 Oct 2015 - 16:55 | |
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- US to supply French-made APCs to African countries
Jeremy Binnie, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly 06 October 2015
A Bastion APC. Source: Mack Defense
he US military's Africa Command (AFRICOM) has ordered ACMAT Bastion armoured personnel carriers (APCs) for several African countries via the US company Mack Defense.
The USD25 million contract was announced on 25 September when the US Department of Defense said that Mack Defense will supply 62 APCs to Cameroon, Ethiopia, Somalia, Tunisia, and Uganda on behalf of AFRICOM, but did not identify the vehicles or say how many each country will receive.
Mack Defense told IHS Jane's on 6 October that all the vehicles are Bastion APCs: a type made by the French company ACMAT, which is owned by Renault Trucks Defense. Mack Defense and Renault Trucks Defense are part of the Volvo group.
The original Bastion APC consists of the chassis from ACMAT's VLRA range fitted with an armoured body that offers protection up to the STANAG 4569 standard. It is now also available with a new high-mobility chassis with independent suspension. It has a gross vehicle weight of 12 tonnes and can carry up to 10 people, including the driver.
Mack Defense said 32 Bastion APCs will be delivered to Somalia next year, 17 for the Ugandan contingent of the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) and another 13 for AMISOM's Somali contingent. (The Somali National Army operates alongside AMISOM, but is not formally part of the force.)
Four will be delivered to Tunisia, 15 to Cameroon, and 12 to Ethiopia before the end of October 2016, according to Mack Defense. All the countries will also receive at least one spares kit.
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| | | jf16 General de Division
messages : 40819 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Ougandaise/Uganda Peoples Defence Force (UPDF) Mer 18 Nov 2015 - 22:20 | |
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| | | jf16 General de Division
messages : 40819 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| | | | augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Ougandaise/Uganda Peoples Defence Force (UPDF) Mar 19 Jan 2016 - 14:44 | |
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- Ugandan Air Force Radar Engineers Graduates
January 18, 2016
Twenty Uganda People’s Defence Air force (UPDAF) radah engineers who have been undergoing a seven weeks training in ICT have been passed out.
The training was conducted by the Uganda institute of information communications technology, Nakawa.
The training, which is part of government’s mission to professionalize the army was aimed at providing ICT skills on how to manage and operate new equipment, communicate and coordinate planes during war and how to detect an enemy aircraft.
The deputy commandant Uganda Air force Academy Nakasongola, Col Emmanuel Kazahura, while officiating at the pass out said that the training was geared at responding to the current needs of technology.
“For any country to be safe, its airspace must be protected. The change in technology in the word demands that we keep on improving our skills, so as the radars advance, we bring in the new technology that has been introduced so that we are not left behind, “he said.
The training, which is part of government’s mission to professionalize the army was aimed at providing ICT skills on how to manage and operate new equipment, communicate and coordinate planes during war and how to detect an enemy aircraft.
He observed that Uganda is a rich country with a lot of resources and for it to be safe, its air force must be secured and safeguarded.
Kazahura advised parents to motivate their children to offer engineering courses saying recruitment at UPDAF is not based on technical know who, but on capacity to perform and deliver.
“If you have not studied, there is no job for you in the air force however much you have relatives, the knowledge requirement will kick you out, “he said.
Major Benon Byakurama, a radah engineer at UPDAF said that the training is a great milestone in ensuring manpower at the air force base.
“We nowadays acquire modern equipment that needs people who are highly trained in new technology, and basically that is why we engage UICT to train our people who will be able to operate it, “he said.
He expressed optimism that the country is able to train its people locally and build its capacity without engaging foreigners.
The Acting principal of the Institute, Fabiano Okware, said that the institute is working towards strengthening the partnership with UPDF in its efforts to professionalize the army.
“We believe that in so doing, we shall be able to bridge the digital gap of the society in ICT skills to enhance performance, since ICT is the tool for development, “he said.
As reported by Agnes Nantami for New Vision
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| | | augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Ougandaise/Uganda Peoples Defence Force (UPDF) Sam 6 Fév 2016 - 14:09 | |
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| | | augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| | | | augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Ougandaise/Uganda Peoples Defence Force (UPDF) Mer 30 Mar 2016 - 10:51 | |
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| | | augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Ougandaise/Uganda Peoples Defence Force (UPDF) Jeu 31 Mar 2016 - 17:39 | |
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- Uganda Deploys New Battle Group to Somalia
March 31, 2016
A fresh battle group from the Uganda People’s Defence Force (UPDF), serving under the African Union in Somalia (AMISOM), has arrived in Mogadishu.
The new group replaces another, which is rotating out after completing one year tour of duty. The soldiers jetted into Mogadishu on Monday morning to replace another group, which has been operating in Arbiska, under the command of Col. Silvio Aguma. The new group is under the command of Col. Ronald Bigirwa
The Uganda Sector 1 Commander, Brig. Sam Okiding, presided over the rotation and pledged to up the offensive against the Al-Shabaab with the new battle group.
“With the help of these fresh gallant fighters, we are going to put pressure on Al Shabaab and defeat them to enable Somalis enjoy peace and stability,” Brig. Okiding said in an interview, adding that necessary preparations for a sustained fight have been finalized.
“We have already put together a force and things are going to be better for the peace loving residents in Somalia. We will ensure that we defeat Al Shabaab,” he said.
The military is the biggest component of the African Union Mission in Somalia. The component is mandated to conduct peace support operations in Somalia and help stabilize the country. It is also mandated to create the necessary environment for conducting humanitarian activities, before the handover of the over the Mission to a United Nations Peacekeeping Operation.
Brig. Sam Okiding assured Somali residents of Uganda’s continued support, saying rotations at the Mission are periodic and normal and do not affect operations. “We are now bringing in battle group XVIII to cover those areas where battle group XV has been operating.”
In November last year, another Ugandan battle group rotated out and was replaced by battle group XVII, commanded by Col. Bob Ogik.
Uganda is one of the five countries that contribute troops to AMISOM. The others are Ethiopia, Burundi, Kenya and Djibouti.
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| | | augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Ougandaise/Uganda Peoples Defence Force (UPDF) Mer 20 Avr 2016 - 14:28 | |
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- Commander of New Uganda Battle Group Arrives in Somalia
April 20, 2016
The Commander of a new battle group from the Uganda People’s Defense Force (UPDF), serving under the African Union in Somalia (AMISOM), has arrived in Mogadishu.
Col. Ronald Bigiriwa, the commander of battle group 18 jetted into Somalia on yesterday afternoon with another batch of soldiers serving under him.
The new group is replacing battle group 15 based in Arbiska, which under the command of Col Silvio Aguma has completed its one year tour of duty. Col. Bigirwa was received by Lt. Col. Paul Muhanguzi, the Commanding Officer of 35 Battalion under battle group 15.
Addressing the soldiers moments after arrival, Col. Bigirwa called for discipline, alertness and dedication.
“My headquarters is going to be based in Arbiska and these troops are going to occupy the positions in the basecamp and outside Mogadishu town,” Col. Bigirwa said.
Speaking about his expectations, he expressed optimism that his team will deliver on the mission and play its part in bringing peace and stability in Somalia.
“It is just to continue with the mission of pan-Africanism. We are going to start where battle group 15 which is rotating out ended and we will continue with the task. We are ready for the challenges. These troops have trained enough and are ready,” Col. Bigirwa said.
In November last year, another Ugandan battle group rotated out and was replaced by battle group 17, commanded by Col. Bob Ogik.
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| | | augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Ougandaise/Uganda Peoples Defence Force (UPDF) Lun 25 Avr 2016 - 11:33 | |
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- AMISOM: African Union Mission to Somalia
April 22, 2016
“The African Union (AU) mission to Somalia is likely DOA ‘dead on arrival’ for reasons beyond the control of well-meaning African countries like Uganda and Burundi that have pledged troops to help stabilize the impoverished nation racked by 15 years of vicious factional warfare.”
I penned that brutal assessment in a newspaper article on February 20, 2007, in response to news that the United Nations Security Council had authorized an African peacekeeping mission to Somalia. The pessimistically scathing article, which appeared in the New Vision newspaper in Uganda, came two weeks before the first troops from Uganda set foot in Somalia on the morning of March 6, 2007. While I turned to other issues, the troops never forgot my dire prediction that they would perish on arrival in Mogadishu. Three and half years later, in August 2010, AMISOM commanders invited me to Mogadishu to remind me that not only did the mission survive that first day in Mogadishu, but made gains confronting the insurgency in Mogadishu.
So, with egg on my face, I began researching why my prediction fell flat. The result of that effort is contained in my new book, Black Hawks Rising (Helion & Company Publisher, UK, April 2016). In it, I follow the background politics that led to the formation of AMISOM, and how AMISOM transformed what I imagined would be a disaster into, arguably, the most successful African-led mission in the history of conflict interventions on continental Africa.
Understandably, hindsight negatively influenced my view on how AMISOM would fare in Somalia. One of the factors that caused the catastrophic failure of the US-led United Task Force (UNITAF), later replaced by United Nations Operation in Somalia (UNOSOM II) mission in 1993-1995 was the lack of clarity of the mission. Ostensibly a humanitarian mission to help clear the path for food aid to reach starving Somali people in the countryside, UNOSOM II soon morphed into a peacemaking agenda requiring international troops to disarm various Somali militias, the largest led by General Faraah Aidid. The inevitable clashes pitted international troops against Somalia militias. The Somali militias won.
For AMISOM to succeed where others failed, it was critical that from the outset the goal of the mission was crystal clear to everyone at the UN and AU, and from the top commanders to the lowest rank and file. What exactly was the mission supposed to accomplish? For its part, the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1744 of February 20, 2007, unanimously mandated AMISOM under Chapter 7 with the authority to “take all measures, as appropriate, to carry out support for dialogue and reconciliation by assisting with the free movement, safe passage and protection of all those involved in a national reconciliation congress involving all stakeholders, including political leaders, clan leaders, religious leaders and representatives of civil society.”
Yes, the mission could use force, but left unclear were the circumstances of when. As I wrote then, “What are the multinational [African] troops supposed to do once bullets start flying from all sides?” Already, even in those early days, Ethiopian National Defence Forces (ENDF) were taking a lot of fire from the insurgents that seemed to sprout overnight after the ENDF entered Mogadishu in December 2006.
Indeed, mortar shells fired by insurgents rudely interrupted the welcome ceremony for AMISOM troops at Aden Abdulle Airport on March 6. Under the prevailing conditions of extreme hostility, dialogue between the various Somali groups was not possible. From March 2007 to early 2009, even as it took almost daily fire from insurgents, AMISOM troops were mostly content with remaining bunkered in the immediate vicinity of Aden Abdulle Airport, Mogadishu Seaport, Kilometer 4 (KM-4) junction at the city center, and the presidential palace at Villa Somalia. AMISOM spokesman at the time, Major Barigye Ba-Hoku perfectly encapsulated the stay-out-of-trouble unwritten rule of engagement (ROE), explaining that “insurgents could have a party in front of our gate and we couldn’t do anything unless they attacked us first.”
With the appointment of General Nathan Mugisha as force commander in April 2009, however, AMISOM began to actively transform into a peacemaking mission. Mugisha, a veteran of Uganda’s bush war against the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), believed in creating “breathing space” for the mission to carry out its mandate and, accordingly, interpreted UNSC 1744 more generously in favor of taking pre-emptive military initiatives against the insurgents. The twin bombing of AMISOM’s base at Halaane on September 17, 2009, that killed 17 soldiers including Burundi’s Major General Juvenal Niyoyunguruza, was a key turning point for the mission.
From what was mostly seen as a classic peacekeeping mission, with troops rattling around in white vehicles, trying to secure agreements among the warring Somali parties without themselves getting drawn into the conflict, the AU troops confronted the insurgents, actively controlling the environment in Mogadishu. In August 2010 al-Shabaab launched the Ramadan offensive meant to push AMISOM out of the city altogether. Instead, the African troops took the fight to the insurgents, wresting away key areas of Mogadishu, forcing al-Shabaab to withdraw from Mogadishu in the early morning of August 6, 2011. Shortly after, the campaign was launched to expand the area of control to the rest of Somalia beginning September 2011 to September 2014.
There were other factors at play that gave AMISOM a fighting chance, setting it for success rather than utter failure. The responsive and flexible international support, notably from the US, European Union and the UN, was a huge boost. Unlike other African-led missions, AMISOM was not hobbled by lack of resources and equipment. On May 26, 2009, the Security Council took the boldest step by passing resolution 1872 which guaranteed a logistical support package of equipment and services for the mission, and encouraged members to contribute to the United Nations Trust Fund for AMISOM. The funds and corollary support were to be administered by the UN Support Office for AMISOM based, at first, in Nairobi and subsequently moved to Mogadishu. It was the boost AMISOM needed to transform into a robust force capable of taking on al-Shabaab.
The United States, a powerful member of the UN Security Council, meanwhile was an unrelenting cheerleader and lobbyist for AMISOM. Although no fan of big UN-style peacekeeping that tended to balloon in cost overruns, the US was decidedly in support of AMISOM from the beginning. Presumably, the administration of President George W. Bush felt partly responsible for the Somali debacle following the Ethiopian invasion, which it supported. Whatever the motivation, the US State Department guided many of the Security Council resolutions on AMISOM, steering debates in different fora including the International Contact Group to round up support and resources for the mission from reluctant or indifferent members. Where fierce US opposition doomed AMISOM’s predecessor, the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development Peace Support Mission to Somalia in 2005, now American support was the crucial ingredient for the success of AMISOM.
Furthermore, when it came to supporting AMISOM, the AU, too, showed signs of renewed energy. The Peace and Security Council, a little known AU department, was instrumental in developing AMISOM and, in turn, showcasing the capabilities to pull together the experiences, skills and expertise required to manage and support a peace mission of this magnitude. Under the leadership of Algerian diplomat Said Djinnit, the department oversaw the creation and deployment of AMISOM in 2007. On March 6, 2007, the first day AMISOM deployed to Somalia, Ambassador Djinnit brimmed with optimism as he welcomed into his office in Addis Ababa, Somalia representative to the AU, Abdikarin Farah, for the signing of the status of mission agreement. Djinnit expressed confidence that other AU members would step forward quickly to contribute troops to support the mission.
While that did not happen by the time Djinnit departed from the role a year later, it did not stop his successors from working to increase support for the mission. Djinnit’s successor Ambassador Ramtane Lamamra, also an Algerian oversaw AMISOM’s transformation from a benign peacekeeping mission to a robust and lethal peacemaking forces that took on Somali insurgents. Under Ambassador Lamamra’s five-year leadership, the AU Peace and Security Council grew into a finely tuned bureaucracy making quick decisions at short notice, pulling together various stakeholders and troops contributing countries under one roof in Addis Ababa, writing critical reports on AMISOM’s progress in the field, liaising with various AU members, and keeping connected with the all-important United Nations Security Council on whose directives AMISOM was being funded and provided the resources it needed to do its work.
On October 12, 2013 in Addis Ababa, following his appointment as the Foreign Minister of Algeria on 11 September 2013, Ambassador Lamamra was succeeded by, yet another Algerian, Ambassador Smail Chergui. At the helm Ambassador Chergui supported AMISOM’s coordination of and training of Somali troops and police.
Perhaps one of the least acknowledged factors that contributed to the success of the AMISOM mission was the quality of the leadership that Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF) provided in laying the foundation for the later stages of the campaign to defeat the insurgents. Troops from Uganda were mostly experienced veterans of the war in northern Uganda and, in some cases, were fresh off combat with the LRA. Although, at first, handicapped by restrictive rules of engagement, Uganda troops were not afraid to engage the insurgents. Following the lead of Uganda troops, Burundi troops began to fashion their own unique way of countering the attacks.
More importantly, with its emphasis of reaching the mind and hearts of the Somali population, Ugandan troops set the doctrinal tone for troops from other nations. An anecdotal story that grew into a myth occurred on the fourth day after the UPDF landed in Mogadishu. Commanders of Ugandan troops were confronted with a dilemma—what to do with a civilian child stricken with cholera, and brought into the army base for treatment. The UN and AU rule forbade use of medicine meant for troops to treat civilians. In the end, the commanders fell back on their training that demanded that civilians get the same care as troops. The child was treated and, when his family returned home with the cured child, news spread and, the next morning, hordes of Mogadishu sick invaded AMISOM camp. Ugandan senior commanders decided to open an outpatient clinic for civilians that, in time, treated patients from all over Somalia.
Obviously, the humanitarian gestures shown by AMISOM bought huge goodwill from the population that began providing valuable human intelligence on the activities of the insurgents. AMISOM-run clinics became part of the military campaign to defeat the insurgents, treating new patients in every town that fell under the control of the continental force.
But there were many painful setbacks. Some of the high casualties that AMISOM absorbed in recent months, for example, were avoidable. The attacks on Burundi troops in Leego on June 26, 2015, on Uganda troops in Janaale on September 3, 2015 and on Kenyan troops based at El Adde on January 15, 2016 followed the same pattern—an early dawn suicide explosion at the gate to the AU detachment, followed by insurgent fighters swarming over the perimeter. In Leego, Burundi troops were performing early morning worship when the attack began, catching many without weapons.
Despite these setbacks, the many visits over the years to Somalia to research Black Hawks Rising, convinced me that with time, skills, experience, commitment and resources, AMISOM is mostly successful. As a template on which to model future continental, even global peacemaking missions, AMISOM offers enormous learning opportunity. Over time, supported by committed UN leadership, the firm support of international partners including the EU, AU and permanent members of UNSC like the US, and the strong leadership of the commanders and troops on the ground, the mission evolved, bringing clarity to what needed to be accomplished. Somalia is a much better place today than it was in March 2007.
Born and raised in Gulu in northern Uganda, Opiyo Oloya is an educator, researcher and published author. He completed his BA Hons and Bachelor of Education at Queen’s University, Kingston; M.ED at University of Ottawa and PhD at York University. His book, Child to Soldier, was the culmination of research conducted among Acholi children abducted by the LRA in northern Uganda.
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messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Ougandaise/Uganda Peoples Defence Force (UPDF) Mar 26 Avr 2016 - 11:53 | |
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- Uganda’s Battle Group 15 Returns from Somali
April 25, 2016
The troop of over 1,800 soldiers was received by the Commander of Defense Forces (CDF), Gen. Katumba Wamala at Singo Urban Military Training school.
The Uganda People’s Defense Force (UPDF) battle group 15 which was deployed in Somalia as part of the African Union Mission in Somalia to keep peace against Al-Shabaab militants have returned home.
The troop of over 1,800 soldiers was received by the Commander of Defense Forces (CDF), Gen. Katumba Wamala at Singo Urban Military Training school over the weekend.
In his remarks Katumba expressed concern that the troops have not received their monthly allowances in a space of seven months. AMISOM soldiers are entitled to a $1028 (about UGX 3.3m) monthly pay from the African Union, subject to $200 deduction to support the cost of administration. Katumba said that delaying soldiers salaries affects their morale and undermines the essence of the mission which puts civilians lives at stake.
Katumba also said that, “the budget proposal for 2016/17 doesn’t indicate that the UPDF salaries will be increased as earlier requested but the soldiers feel cheated because other civil servants like teachers have had increments, so we are engaging the ministry of finance and public service so that we can have at least a 15% top up.” In 2013 government increased UPDF salaries by 4% with the least paid solider earning UGX 310, 000 up from UGX 290,000 while the top mot paid officials got an increment of UGX 1,600,000 from UGX 1,540,000.
On his part, the commandant of battle group 15, Col. Silvio Aguma attributed their success to strict discipline and paying attention to instructions acquired during the training. “We appreciate the British, Qatar and French training teams for skillfully preparing us so well. When we reached Mogadishu, we took the modules for granted but decided to observe the guidelines and as a result, we realized that what they had equipped us with was very necessary in defeating the terrorists. Whenever we set foot in defense against the Al-Shabaab, they had to retreat because we were lethal and well prepared,” Aguma said.
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messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Ougandaise/Uganda Peoples Defence Force (UPDF) Mer 4 Mai 2016 - 18:53 | |
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Sudden Command Change for Ugandan Special Forces May 4, 2016 33 SHARE Facebook Twitter Col Sabiti Muzeyi Magyenyi, the deputy head of the Ugandan Special Forces Command, has been removed from his position under unclear circumstances.
Officially, the army says that Col Sabiti was replaced because he is due to go for a training course abroad; but SFC sources have told The Observer that Sabiti may have lost the trust of some of his bosses.
The SFC, commanded by First Son Brig Muhoozi Kainerugaba, is an elite army unit that protects President Museveni, the vice president, members of the first family and key strategic installations in the country.
Sources at the Entebbe-based SFC have told The Observer that Col Sabiti handed over office to Col Don Nabasa mid last month. Sources said that the rank and file of SFC first became suspicious when Sabiti remained in the country into the fourth week of March, after he had been expected to have gone to the United States.
It then emerged that Brig Muhoozi was unhappy with aspects of Sabiti’s work, prompting the decision to send him for training. Asked about the circumstances and particulars of Sabiti’s course, SFC spokesman Chris Magezi confirmed Col Sabiti handed over office to Col Don Nabasa.
“It is true Col Muzeyi Sabiti is heading for a course and he has already handed over office to Col Don Nabasa and he is going anytime,” Maj Magezi said, without giving details. “Where he is going, when he will come back are issues for security not the media but just know he is going for a course.”
Asked what would happen after the course, Magezi said Sabiti would be deployed in SFC or any other section of the UPDF. He denied that the reported course was a form of sanction for the high-ranking officer.
Col Sabiti Muzeyi who is in his 40s is a son of the late Mr Muzeyi Magyenyi and Ms Javanis Magyenyi. He hails from Kakyerere parish, Rwanyamahembe sub-county in Mbarara district. He is the sixth born of 10 siblings. He studied in Ntare School and Mbarara High School before joining Makerere University.
His late father, Magyenyi, also participated in the 1981-86 NRA bush war. One of the new breed of officers seen as the ‘Muhoozi cohort’, Sabiti is a well-respected officer, and is informally regarded as one of the SFC’s “top brains”.
As reported by The Observer
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messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Ougandaise/Uganda Peoples Defence Force (UPDF) Lun 30 Mai 2016 - 11:30 | |
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- Seoul: Uganda Vows To Halt Military Ties With North Korea
Agence France-Presse 12:46 p.m. EDT May 29, 2016
SEOUL, South Korea — Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni vowed to cut military and security ties with North Korea in line with UN sanctions imposed following Pyongyang’s nuclear and missile tests, a Seoul official said Sunday.
Museveni, during a summit in Kampala with visiting South Korean President Park Geun-Hye, said he had ordered officials “faithfully” to honor the latest UN sanctions, Park’s spokesman Jung Yeon-Guk told reporters.
“We instructed officials to faithfully enforce the UN Security Council resolutions, including the halt of cooperation with North Korea in the security, military and police sectors,” Jung quoted Museveni as saying.
The African country has maintained military cooperation with the isolated North, with dozens of North Korean military and police officials believed to be working in Uganda as military trainers.
Museveni, who has ruled Uganda since 1986, has visited the North three times and met Kim Il-Sung, the country’s late founding president and grandfather of the current leader Kim Jong-Un.
The UN Security Council in March imposed the toughest sanctions to date on the North following its fourth atomic test in January and a long-range rocket launch a month later.
The rocket launch — widely seen as a disguised ballistic missile test — was staged in violation of existing UN resolutions that ban the country from any use of ballistic missile technology.
Kim Jong-Un however remained defiant in the face of growing international pressure, declaring his country a “responsible” nuclear weapons state at a recent meeting of the ruling Workers’ Party.
The young leader also defended the country’ widely-condemned nuclear arsenal as a deterrent against “hostile” US policy against his regime.
Park, during her first state visit to Uganda, discussed ways to strengthen ties including offering more aid to Kampala and development projects with it.
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| | | augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Ougandaise/Uganda Peoples Defence Force (UPDF) Ven 17 Juin 2016 - 13:36 | |
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| | | augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Ougandaise/Uganda Peoples Defence Force (UPDF) Mar 5 Juil 2016 - 16:03 | |
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Uganda makes progress on mountain warfare unit with French assistance
Erwan de Cherisey, Paris - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly 05 July 2016
A detachment of French Army instructors finished training a group of Uganda People's Defence Force (UPDF) personnel in mountain operations on 1 July, a French military source told IHS Jane's .
The training programme was publicised by several Ugandan media outlets and the French Embassy on 17 June, when President Yoweri Museveni and a number of French diplomatic and military authorities visited the training site in the Rwenzori mountain range.
The eight French instructors were from the Djibouti-based 5th Oversees Combined Arms Regiment (5ème Régiment Interarmes d'Outre-Mer: 5ème RIAOM).
The 5ème RIAOM said several of the trainers belong to the 7th Alpine Hunters Battalion (7ème Bataillon de Chasseurs Alpins), which is part of the elite 27th Mountain Infantry Brigade (27ème Brigade d'Infanterie de Montagne: BIM), the French mountain warfare force.
A French military source told IHS Jane's that the latest training phase began on 13 June and was the third step in a process that began in mid-October 2015. At that time, 30 hand-picked Ugandan Army recruits started their basic mountain course in Kilembe, in the Rwenzori mountains, under the responsibility of a team of French instructors from the 4ème Régiment de Chasseurs detached from the 5ème RIAOM.
According to a statement released by the French High Mountain Military School (Ecole Militaire de Haute Montagne: EMHM), which trains all 27ème BIM personnel, the second phase of the basic mountain course took place between 7 and 27 November 2015 and focused on technical training in mountaineering (climbing and rappelling techniques, first aid, and so on) with the aim of providing the trainees with the basic technical skills for mountain operations.
The French military sources told IHS Jane's that there will be a fourth and final three-week training phase that will take place in the near future to finalise the training syllabus and ensure all trainees have reached the necessary level of proficiency to qualify as mountain operations instructors.
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