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 Armée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия

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MessageSujet: Armée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия   Armée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMar 19 Fév 2008 - 14:39

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Mig-29 Fulcrum
Armée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия - Page 4 Mig29taxiingqn6

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Mig-21 Fishbed:
Armée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия - Page 4 Mig21nightuy0

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Su-25 Frogfoot:
Armée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия - Page 4 Su25taxiingnn9

Armée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия - Page 4 Su25takeofffe0

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messages : 8293
Inscrit le : 18/08/2010
Localisation : canada
Nationalité : Maroco-Canadien
Médailles de mérite :
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия   Armée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSam 27 Oct 2012 - 11:45

Citation :
RIBARITSA, Bulgaria — Bulgaria will seek to acquire eight new or used fighter jets for its air force in 2014, Defense Minister Anyu Angelov said Oct. 26.

“I will seek ... next week a mandate for talks with different countries for the supply of new fighter jets,” Angelov told journalists while on a visit to Ribaritsa, in northern Bulgaria. “Our aim is to acquire eight fighters, but they can also become nine depending on the price.”

The minister said he hoped to wrap up talks by the end of the year and then seek approval from the cabinet and parliament for the estimated $400-million (309-million-euro) deal, to be concluded in 2014.Bulgaria can launch preliminary jet pilot training the same year with a view to start flying its new aircraft in late 2014 or early 2015, Angelov said.

The defense ministry has already held preliminary talks on the possibility of acquiring second-hand fighters from the Netherlands, Portugal, the United States and Germany and plans to also hold talks with Belgium, Norway and Italy, the minister said.

Angelov ruled out the purchase of jets from European defense giant EADS or American firm Lockheed Martin due to financial constraints.

But he said there was a possibility of purchasing Gripen fighters from Sweden.

“The possibility to buy new Gripen jets is still standing, however, and will be reviewed on an equal footing with the rest of the second-hand offers,” the minister noted.

The acquisition of new multi-purpose fighters for Bulgaria’s air force has so far been delayed due to severe financial constraints.|topnews|text|FRONTPAGE

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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 8293
Inscrit le : 18/08/2010
Localisation : canada
Nationalité : Maroco-Canadien
Médailles de mérite :
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия   Armée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия - Page 4 Icon_minitimeJeu 15 Nov 2012 - 13:59

Citation :
By Army News Service on Thursday, November 15th, 2012

Soldiers from U.S. Army Europe and their partners from the Bulgarian Land Forces are working together here from Oct. 29 to Nov. 10, to certify a Bulgarian battalion as part of exercise Allied Force 12.

U.S. Army Europe’s, or USAREUR’s 172nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team is providing observer-controllers to oversee the training, while Soldiers of the 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team will train alongside members of the Bulgarian 1st Battalion, 61st Mechanized Brigade, in the exercise. The brigades’ support to the Bulgarian certification helps fulfill USAREUR and Department of the Army goals of providing U.S. support to coalition partners participating in contingency operations, and ensures the battalion is fully ready to deploy if called upon.

“Training like this is important because it best replicates the multinational environment in which our Soldiers will be operating downrange when serving in (the NATO International Security Assistance Force) or in other missions abroad,” said Maj. Mary Clare Mckenna, desk officer for Bulgaria, Romania, Kosovo and Hungary at USAREUR’s Security Cooperation Division.As a lead-up to the battalion’s certification, elements of the 61st Mechanized Brigade participated in several rotations during the past 18 months at USAREUR’s Joint Multinational Readiness Center to prepare themselves and their multinational partners for contingency operations.

“I am very pleased to be here to today to congratulate the Bulgarian Armed Forces, and especially the Land Forces, on the certification of their first Battalion Battle Group — the 1st Battalion, 61st Mechanized Brigade,” said U.S. Ambassador to Bulgaria Marcie Ries. “This achievement underscores the commitment of the Bulgarian Armed Forces to fully realizing their potential as a NATO member, as well as their importance to the alliance.”

Bulgaria currently has nearly 600 soldiers supporting ISAF.

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messages : 24813
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
Localisation : 7Seas
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия   Armée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия - Page 4 Icon_minitimeDim 9 Déc 2012 - 14:20

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General de Division
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messages : 8293
Inscrit le : 18/08/2010
Localisation : canada
Nationalité : Maroco-Canadien
Médailles de mérite :
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия   Armée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия - Page 4 Icon_minitimeLun 17 Déc 2012 - 13:06

Citation :
ATHENES, 17 décembre - RIA Novosti

La Bulgarie s'est déclarée prête à accueillir sur son territoire un contingent militaire américain permanent, rapporte lundi le quotidien bulgare Troud.

Les autorités bulgares estiment que la présence des militaires américains dans le pays aidera à renforcer la sécurité dans la région ainsi qu'à améliorer la formation des soldats bulgares, écrit le journal au terme de la visite du ministre bulgare de la Défense Aniou Anguelov aux Etats-Unis.Les Etats-Unis utilisent actuellement trois sites militaires bulgares, dont le polygone de Novo Selo près de Sliven (est), ainsi que les bases aériennes de Bezmer près de Yambol (sud-est) et de Graf Ignatievo près de Plovdiv (sud) en vertu d'un accord conclu en 2006. Depuis cette date, Washington a investi près de 60 millions de dollars dans la reconstruction du polygone à Novo Selo.

L'accord de 2006 prévoit également le stationnement de 2.500 militaires américains en Bulgarie avec la possibilité d'augmenter leur nombre jusqu'à 5.000 pour un délai de trois mois.

Pour le moment, aucun document officiel sur l'élargissement de la présence militaire américaine sur le territoire bulgare n'a été signé, indique le Troud.

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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
Localisation : Maroc
Nationalité : Maroc
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия   Armée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия - Page 4 Icon_minitimeJeu 20 Déc 2012 - 11:26

Citation :

Bulgarian Cabinet mandates Defence Minister to negotiate purchase of fighter jets without calling tender

Posted Dec 19 2012 by Clive Leviev-Sawyer in Bulgaria, News

Armée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия - Page 4 F16-USAF-720x380


Bulgaria’s Cabinet, in a December 19 2012 decision, handed Defence Minister Anyu Angelov a mandate to negotiate the purchase of multi-role jet fighters – a move that could cost an estimated 700 million leva (about 350 million euro) – without Bulgaria calling a tender on the acquisition.

Because the amount to be spent will be more than 100 million leva, the consent of Parliament will be required.

Angelov told Bulgarian-language media on December 19 that he expected to report to the Cabinet by March 1 2013 on the results of negotiations, along with a recommendation on which aircraft to purchase and a timeframe for delivery.

The timing of the move is noteworthy, given that Bulgaria’s current centre-right government, in office since July 2009, faces elections about the middle of 2013. Current polls suggest that it will get the largest share of votes, but it is open to question whether this will be enough to govern without a coalition or enlisting a less formal working alliance with a minority party.

The saga of Bulgaria’s feints towards replacing its ageing Soviet-era fighter aircraft has gone on for several years and through a number of governments. The choice facing the country generally has been seen as between acquiring second-hand US-made F16s or buying new Gripen multi-role fighters.

Armée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия - Page 4 JAS-39-Gripen-fighters-photo-US-Air-Force-e1352394438728-694x450
JAS 39 Gripen fighters. Photo: US Air Force

On December 19, Angelov said that the Defence Ministry would negotiate with a number of countries including the United States, Germany, Portugal, Italy, Sweden and Israel. Several reports have suggested that a leading option, in the eyes of Sofia, is the acquisition of nine second-hand F16s from Portugal, aircraft reportedly about 30 years old.

Bulgarian Air Force deputy commander Roumen Radev said that a careful review had found that the aircraft closest to meeting Bulgaria’s needs were the new aircraft from Gripen (known to have argued, among other things, that such an acquisition would be done on the basis of extremely favourable financial terms, along with offering training and service support and that, by being new, jets that would have a long lifespan); second-hand Eurofighters from Italy and the second-hand F16s from Portugal (unofficially, this last-mentioned is seen as having the advantage of a lower price tag because the financially troubled country would like to get some cash).

Radev was quoted by local media as saying that the F16 option would include nine aircraft with reconditioned engines and everything else needed to use the fighters.

Earlier in 2012, the European Commission sent letters individually to Bulgaria, Romania and the Czech Republic, expressing concern about the three EU member states possibly acquiring aircraft without a tender, which would be out of line with an EU directive – albeit not mandatory in local law – on not discriminating against companies from other EU member states.

Armée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия - Page 4 Star3Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autresArmée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия - Page 4 Star3
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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
Localisation : Maroc
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия   Armée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия - Page 4 Icon_minitimeLun 7 Jan 2013 - 11:44


Citation :
Bulgaria To Buy Expensive, Third-Hand F-16 Aircraft

The Bulgarian Defense Ministry has decided to acquire expensive third-hand F-16s from Portugal, according to the Bulgarian media reports.

The Bulgarian government will pay approximately BGN 700 M for nine F-16s Block 15 to Portugal even though in 1999 Portugal paid twice less – BGN 268 M – to the US government for 25 second-hand F-16 planes, the Bulgarian daily Sega reported Thursday.

Gen. Rumen Radev told the Presa daily that the Portuguese deal was the best option because it included everything necessary for the operation of the planes, while Gripen and Italy offered only the planes without arms and with only the most basic land equipment for their operation.

According to Radev, even though the second-hand fighter jets from Portugal are already 30-years-old, they can be used for 25 more years.

Armée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия - Page 4 Star3Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autresArmée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия - Page 4 Star3
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messages : 24813
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия   Armée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия - Page 4 Icon_minitimeDim 20 Jan 2013 - 17:24

Mi17 et un Cougar
Armée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия - Page 4 2190759

Un Cougar déployant des forces spéciales
Armée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия - Page 4 2192214

Mig29A avec 2 R27
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General de Division
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messages : 8293
Inscrit le : 18/08/2010
Localisation : canada
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Médailles de mérite :
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия   Armée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия - Page 4 Icon_minitimeLun 11 Fév 2013 - 18:19

Citation :
Bulgarian AS 565 MB “Panther”.
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messages : 24813
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
Localisation : 7Seas
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия   Armée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMer 13 Fév 2013 - 12:55

Armée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия - Page 4 097468

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Mi-24V Rolling Eyes
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Armée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия - Page 4 Marche12
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messages : 8293
Inscrit le : 18/08/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия   Armée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия - Page 4 Icon_minitimeVen 26 Avr 2013 - 11:35

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Armée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия - Page 4 Bulg110
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General de Division
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messages : 8293
Inscrit le : 18/08/2010
Localisation : canada
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Médailles de mérite :
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия   Armée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия - Page 4 Icon_minitimeVen 31 Mai 2013 - 18:00

Citation :
Ðuro Ðakovic signs contract for delivery to Croatia of AMV 8x8 armoured with Protector turret

Following the Republic of Croatia's decision to continue the equipment of its Armed Forces, the Minister of Defence Ante Kotromanovic and the President of Management Board of Ðuro Ðakovic Group Vladimir Kovacevic signed a contract on the acquisition and equipment of the Armed Forces' AMV 8x8 combat armoured vehicles with PROTECTOR M151 12.7mm calibre weapon stations.
Friday, May 31, 2013 11:50 AM

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messages : 40867
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
Nationalité : France
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия   Armée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMer 12 Juin 2013 - 14:11

Citation :
Bulgarian Defense Minister Delays Jet Fighter Purchase

WARSAW — Bulgarian Defense Minister Angel Naydenov has announced that the much-awaited acquisition of new jet fighters for the Air Force will likely not be launched this year, reported local news agency BTA.
In early May, Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev said his country needs to purchase nine or 10 fighter jets to modernize its Air Force. Currently, the service has Soviet-built MiG-21 and MiG-29 jets in its fighter fleet.
Local media have reported that the government was aiming to buy nine used Block 15 F-16s from the Portuguese Air Force. The planned purchase was estimated to be worth about Bulgarian 700 million (US $464 million).
Other alternatives reportedly analyzed by the Bulgarian military include the acquisition of new Gripen fighter jets from Saab and the purchase of secondhand Eurofighter Typhoons from the Italian Air Force.
Meanwhile, the government of neighboring Romania also has expressed interest in acquiring a number of F-16s from Portugal to replace its fleet of MiG-21 jets.
Naydenov was appointed defense minister May 29 in a coalition Cabinet formed by Prime Minister Plamen Oresharski from the Bulgarian Socialist Party.
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messages : 24813
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
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Exercice Shabla 2013, exercice DCA entre les forces armées serbes et bulgares ...

Mig-29S avec R-73
Armée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия - Page 4 MiG-29_39_air

Mig-29S avec R-27
Armée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия - Page 4 R-27_under_NB

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PC-9M et L-39ZA
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия   Armée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMer 5 Fév 2014 - 21:42

C-27J Spartan  

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messages : 40867
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия   Armée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия - Page 4 Icon_minitimeJeu 3 Avr 2014 - 15:10

Citation :
avr 3, 2014
Les Russes épuisent la chasse bulgare

Nicolas Gros-Verheyde / Avions de combat, Défense (doctrine politique) /

(BRUXELLES2) Il n’y a pas une semaine aujourd’hui où les Mig 29 bulgares ne décollent pour aller « rectifier » la trajectoire d’un avion militaire russe. C’est une réalité constatée par les autorités bulgares. C’est bien simple. « Dans les derniers mois, la chasse bulgare a fait davantage de vols que dans les 20 dernières années » précise ainsi le président bulgare, Rosen Plevneliev, selon notre collègue de Sofia News Agency. « D’ordinaire, ils sortaient environ 2-3 fois par an, aujourd’hui c’est deux fois par semaine !  ». Et de s’interroger : « Qui a intérêt à ces vols extraordinaires des avions de chasse bulgares, peut-être davantage destinés à épuiser nos capacités techniques, peut-être à demander une maintenance plus rapide (*), peut-être pour épuiser les ressources de l’armée bulgare ? ». Effectivement « à chaque fois que l’espace aérien au-dessus de la mer noire est violé, ce sont deux avions turcs, deux avions roumains … et deux avions bulgares ». Tout cela « à cause d’un seul avion russe, Ce n’est pas efficace » tonne le président bulgare qui semble appeler ainsi à réformer la surveillance aérienne dans les pays de l’OTAN. Selon le ministre de la Défense, Angel Naidenov, ces vols sont causés « par des avions de transport et de combat russes qui volent tout près de l’espace aérien de l’OTAN sur la mer noire ». Même si du côté bulgare, on se refuse à accuser davantage Moscou de jouer la stratégie de tension, comme il le fait en Ukraine, chacun sera libre de l’apprécier.

(*) Cette « sortie » appelle trois remarques :

1) Qui dit Mig 29, dit Russie. La maintenance technique de ces avions de conception russe, comme les pièces détachées dépend de RSK Mig, une société russe dépendant étroitement du pouvoir russe ne serait-ce que par les commandes. Si un jour Moscou décidait par mesure de rétorsion de suspendre également la livraison des pièces et la maintenance des avions Mig, la chasse bulgare se retrouve clouée au sol. Idem pour les hélicoptères Mi. C’est ce point qui exige une certaine prudence quand on parle d’embargo ou de suspension sur les armes, la réplique russe qui pourrait ne pas tarder serait critique pour certains pays.

2) Au passage, ceci est un excellent argument, au passage, pour renouveler la flotte bulgare (comme roumaine d’ailleurs, les deux pays cherchant à moderniser leur flotte. L’acquisition de F-16 d’occasion étant envisagé. Il ne faut pas nier cet aspect « communication » dans l’expression des officiels bulgare.

3) De façon plus générale, on peut estimer que le dispositif militaire européen est obsolète. Ce n’est pas uniquement une question financière et matérielle, c’est une question d’essence politique. Il y a un défaut de réflexion stratégique, militaire européenne encore plus que d’équipements. Cette pensée date du XIXe siècle et non pas du XXIe. Certains Etats européens – qui prétendent avoir une armée – mais ne sont plus capables de l’entretenir tandis que les autres (France et Royaume-Uni inclus) ont une armée – en ordre de marche – mais seront incapables dans les 10 ans à venir d’assurer tous les segments militaires comme ils l’ont fait jusqu’ici. C’est la réalité. Il y a des Etats nations qui agissent encore – malgré tous les efforts des organisations multinationales de type OTAN et UE – de manière divisée et morcelée face à des voisins (russes) ou des partenaires (américains, chinois) qui travaillent sur un espace unique, avec une chaine de commandement unique. Ce morcellement est nuisible. Pour reprendre ce que disait Dany Cohn Bendit, il est temps de mettre fin à une vision de la sécurité européenne qui ne repose que sur des visions nationales.
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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия   Armée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSam 31 Mai 2014 - 12:43

Citation :
Bulgaria's Government to Decide on New Fighter Planes in June

Bulgaria's Government will decide on the future of the project for buying new fighter planes for the air forces in June, said Defense Minister Angel Naydenov.

During the opening of the defense exhibition “Hemus” in Plovdiv on Wednesday, Naydenov said that in the next 30 days the Government will decide whether it will buy new type of fighter jets, or will renovate the old MiG-29s, reports Sega daily.

Naydenov added that the acquisition of a new fighter would cost over BGN 500 M (EUR 250 M), with more precise estimates depending on conditions of payment, the number of vehicles and other provisions.

At the Hemus defense, antiterrorism and security exhibition, which takes place every two years, are present major producers of fighter jets, such as Lockheed Martin, Gripen and Eurofighter.

According to Sega daily, Bulgaria's government is gathering offers from the major producers. Italy has already made an offer for second-hand Eurofighter jets.

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072 Bulgaria Air Force Alenia C-27J Spartan
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14 Bulgaria Air Force Mikoyan-Gurevich Mig-29UBM
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LZ-001 Bulgaria Air Force Dassault Falcon 2000EX
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messages : 40867
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия   Armée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия - Page 4 Icon_minitimeJeu 7 Aoû 2014 - 18:12

Citation :
La marine bulgare a besoin de nouveaux navires et sous-marins

Par Rédacteur en chef.
Publié le 7 août 2014, dernière mise à jour le 7 août 2014.

La marine bulgare a besoin de 2 ou 3 nouveaux navires multi-fonctions, a déclaré son commandant, le contre-amiral Dimitar Denev.

Les navires devraient être construits dans des chantiers navals bulgares, parce que les navires actuels sont vieux, de construction russe et ne respectent pas les standards OTAN. S’ils sont construits en Bulgarie, ils seront moins chers et l’entretien sera plus facile, a expliqué l’amiral Denev.

Selon Denev, les nouveaux navires doivent être multi-fonctions : pour la défense d’autres navires, des plateformes pétrolières et des convois. Ils doivent aussi pouvoir embarquer un hélicoptère.

Il a indiqué que la marine avait aussi besoin de nouveaux sous-marins. Actuellement, l’entrainement de l’état-major de la marine bulgare a lieu à bord de sous-marins turcs, parce que la Bulgarie n’a aucun sous-marin.

Référence :
Novinite (Bulgarie)
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messages : 40867
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия   Armée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMer 20 Aoû 2014 - 17:00

Citation :
La Bulgarie veut porter ses dépenses militaires à 2% du PIB d’ici 2020

Posté dans Balkans, Europe par Laurent Lagneau Le 19-08-2014

Armée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия - Page 4 3218

Les événements dans l’est de l’Ukraine, où la Russie est accusée de soutenir les séparatistes qui défient l’autorité de Kiev après avoir annexé (*) la Crimée, ex-république autonome ukrainienne, poussent un certain nombre d’ex-pays ayant été les satellites de l’ex-Union soviétique à revoir leur politique de défense et, donc, à augmenter leurs budgets militaires. Cela a été notamment le cas de la Pologne (qui a maintenu un effort de défense conséquent bien avant la crise) et des pays baltes.

Membre de l’Otan comme les autres pays cités précédemment, la Bulgarie entend en faire de même. En avril, Sofia a indiqué que, depuis quelques semaines, ses forces aériennes étaient de plus en plus souvent sollicitées pour accompagner des avions militaires russes ayant pris la fâcheuse habitude d’évoluer à proximité immédiate de l’espace aérien bulgare.

« La Russie provoque peut-être délibérément ces alertes afin d’épuiser le potentiel de nos avions et les capacités de l’armée », avait alors estimé Rosen Plevneliev, le président bulgare. Et pour cause : depuis la fin de la Guerre froide, le potentiel des forces aériennes du pays ont été drastiquement réduite, passant de 400 avions de combat (qui passaient pour être modernes à l’époque) à une poignée de MiG-29 Fulcrum et de MiG-21 Fishbed.

Cela étant, Velizar Shalamanov, le ministre de la Défense du gouvernement intérimaire bulgare a annoncé, dans un entretien accordé au journal Capital, que l’objectif de Sofia est de porter ses dépenses militaires à un niveau de 2% du PIB (contre 1,3% actuellement) et d’en consacrer 15 à 20% aux investissements dans de nouvelles capacités de haute technologie d’ici 2020.

Selon le site, il est question d’un programme de modernisation militaire doté de 680 millions de dollars, avec l’objectif de réduire la part des matériels d’origine russe. « Le coût de l’entretien des aéronefs, des radars et d’autres équipements (vendus par la Russie, ndlr) ne contribuent pas à améliorer techniquement l’industrie bulgare », a fait valoir M. Shalamanov.

Et, l’industrie de défense bulgare devra profiter de ce plan de modernisation, ce qui suppose des transferts de technologie. Cela étant, des investissements relativement ambitieux furent annoncés par le passé… Et aucun n’a pu être réalisé, faute de crédits.

Aussi, les besoins des forces armées bulgares sont importants, que ce soit au niveau des capacités navales (il est question d’acquérir un sous-marin et de nouveaux navires), terrestres et aériennes. Justement, le remplacement des MiG-29 devrait être l’investissement le plus important. La piste du JAS-39 Gripen suédois a longtemps été évoquée. Comme celle de l’achat de F-16 ou de F-18 de seconde main.

Mais il faudra attendre le mois d’octobre pour voir si les intentions affichées par M. Shalamanov ont une chance de se concrétiser. Étant dans une situation économique difficile suite à une crise bancaire provoquée par des rumeurs de cessation de paiement, la Bulgarie aura un nouveau gouvernement à l’automne, après de nouvelles élections législatives. En outre, le pays reste dépendant de la Russie pour ses approvisionnements en gaz, ce qui n’est pas fait pour améliorer les choses, surtout dans le contexte actuel.

(*) Annexer : Faire passer tout ou partie d’un État sous la souveraineté d’un autre.
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664 Bulgaria Air Force Pilatus PC-9M
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073 Bulgaria Air Force Alenia C-27J Spartan
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messages : 40867
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия   Armée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMar 30 Sep 2014 - 20:01

Citation :
Bulgaria buys more Textron Commando 4x4s

Victor Barreira, Lisbon
- IHS Jane's Defence Weekly

Bulgaria has ordered additional Textron Systems Commando Select 4x4 wheeled armoured vehicles, it has been revealed.

In total the country will receive 10 vehicles under a USD15.2 million contract awarded by the US Army Contracting Command to Textron Systems on 19 September.

The country previously received seven Commando Advanced 4x4s in April 2008 for use in Afghanistan under a USD10.47 million contract.

The US Foreign Military Sales contract also includes the supply to Bulgaria of related fielding hardware and technical services. Delivery is scheduled to be complete by 1 December 2014. The fleet comprises seven personnel carriers, two command posts, and one ambulance.  
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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия   Armée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия - Page 4 Icon_minitimeLun 13 Oct 2014 - 11:56

Citation :
Greece poised to sell some of its F-16 fighters to Bulgaria

Athens. Greece is in talks with the US and Bulgaria about selling some of its old F-16 fighter jets to Sofia and leasing new ones from Washington, Kathimerini understands, Greek eKathimerini writes.
NATO asked Bulgaria in February to update its air force’s capability and the country’s defense officials have approached Athens about the possibility of buying between six and eight Fighting Falcon planes, sources said. The issue was first discussed when the country’s two defense ministers met in March.
Athens has approached Washington with regard to this issue and has received a positive response.
There is a precedent for such a deal as Portugal sold 12 of its F-16s to Romania for 880 million dollars in October 2013. Sources said the Hellenic Air Force would like the jets sold to be replaced by Block 52s but the US does not want to lease these airplanes.

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messages : 14756
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия   Armée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSam 29 Nov 2014 - 14:36

Citation :
Bulgaria will not buy new jet fighters before 2017

Armée Bulgare / Bulgarian Army / Българска армия - Page 4 JAS-39-Gripen-fighters-photo-US-Air-Force-e1352394438728-604x272

The saga of Bulgaria’s long-delayed purchase of new military jet fighters to meet Nato requirements is set to continue unresolved for a few more years because the state will give no investment loans or state guarantees for large projects before 2017.

This has emerged from a transcript of the Bulgarian cabinet’s November 26 meeting, at which Prime Minister Boiko Borissov and his ministers agreed only to support a project to construction a gas interconnector link with Greece.

The cabinet declined for now to give financial support to two major projects, the Defence Ministry’s 800 million leva modernisation project and the Regional Development Ministry’s plan to repair and modernise the road network, which has a price tag of about 300 million leva. Both would require a state loan.

Finance Minister Vladislav Goranov said that going ahead with the projects would raise the risk of defaulting on fiscal spending targets and would require significant changes in spending ceilings in the 2015/17 period.

Bulgaria joined Nato in 2004 and committed to having eight multi-purpose jet fighters at Nato’s disposal by 2016. Four should be available for operations and four to guard Bulgarian airspace, part of the alliance’s integrated air defence system.

Bulgaria still is using Soviet-era Russian MiG aircraft, incompatible with the needs of Nato and which pose huge problems in maintenance and because of the need to bring in spare parts from Russia.

Should the fighters not be replaced, Turkey and Romania, also both Nato members, would have to continue to assist in guarding Bulgarian airspace.

Since Bulgaria joined Nato in 2004, there have been six governments, counting two caretaker cabinets and the current one, in office since November 7 2014.

While each elected government has been presented with and discussed various options, from buying second-hand US-made and European-made fighters to buying new SAAB-Gripen multi-purpose aircraft, with each package carrying varying financial implications – including concerns about the possible limited lifespan of second-hand fighters – no government has closed a deal.

The saga also has been part of tensions in recent relations with Russia, with Sofia responding strongly when Moscow accused Bulgaria of “betrayal” because of its plans to replace Russian-made aircraft with Western ones.

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