Sujet: Armée Emirati/Union Defence Force (UAE) Lun 26 Mar 2007 - 3:48
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MAATAWI Modérateur
messages : 14756 Inscrit le : 07/09/2009 Localisation : Maroc Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Emirati/Union Defence Force (UAE) Ven 22 Nov 2013 - 17:31
Citation :
DUBAI: AMMROC lifts long-term support deal for UAE military
The Abu Dhabi-based joint venture Advanced Military Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul Center (AMMROC) has been awarded a five-year contract extension to a performance-based logistics agreement which ensures the readiness of the United Arab Emirates’ military fleet of fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters.
Valued at UAE dirham 21.1 billion ($5.8 billion), the logistics, maintenance, repair and overhaul services deal “enables the UAE armed forces to streamline processes and optimise manpower, by remaining focused on the operation of their aircraft,” AMMROC says.
“In only three years, we have developed our local knowledge, commenced the construction of world-class facilities, and demonstrated outstanding progress,” says Fahed Ghareeb Al Shamesi, chief executive of the Mubadala, Lockheed Martin and Sikorsky Aerospace Services joint venture. The new deal, which uses a cost per flight hour operating model, will enable it to increase its workforce of UAE nationals, he adds.
Asset Image
Meanwhile, AMMROC and programme partner Eurocopter have returned a first upgraded AS565 Panther maritime helicopter (above) to the UAE Joint Aviation Command.
“The successful overhaul and modification of this aircraft reinforces AMMROC’s vision to operate a world-class facility providing self-sustaining, commercially viable platform solutions to the UAE armed forces,” the company says.
Flightglobal’s Ascend Online Fleets database records the UAE’s navy as operating eight AS565s. One example of the type was on static display at the 17-21 November Dubai air show, where AMMROC also announced its receipt of a Dh11.5 million contract, to perform the scheduled inspection and repair of the air force’s 13-strong fleet of AS550 utility helicopters.
_________________ Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autres
silent eagle Lt-colonel
messages : 1247 Inscrit le : 17/04/2012 Localisation : somewhere Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Emirati/Union Defence Force (UAE) Ven 22 Nov 2013 - 20:24
u-40 version marine avec torpille + nouvelle version de missile Namrod
United 40 avec Yabhon Thunder cruise missiles
Dernière édition par zaymo le Ven 22 Nov 2013 - 21:32, édité 4 fois
Yakuza Administrateur
messages : 21656 Inscrit le : 15/09/2009 Localisation : 511 Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Emirati/Union Defence Force (UAE) Ven 22 Nov 2013 - 21:01
je vois rien
silent eagle Lt-colonel
messages : 1247 Inscrit le : 17/04/2012 Localisation : somewhere Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Emirati/Union Defence Force (UAE) Ven 22 Nov 2013 - 21:29
et maintenant !!!
Yakuza Administrateur
messages : 21656 Inscrit le : 15/09/2009 Localisation : 511 Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Emirati/Union Defence Force (UAE) Ven 22 Nov 2013 - 21:51
Yakuza Administrateur
messages : 21656 Inscrit le : 15/09/2009 Localisation : 511 Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Emirati/Union Defence Force (UAE) Dim 24 Nov 2013 - 12:29
silent eagle Lt-colonel
messages : 1247 Inscrit le : 17/04/2012 Localisation : somewhere Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Emirati/Union Defence Force (UAE) Dim 24 Nov 2013 - 20:04
5 Predator pour les force aérienne des Émirats arabes unis
Citation :
In the Gulf region, General Atomics has sold five of the XP or export version of the unmanned plane to the UAE, which is looking at additional purchases, Pace said.
Other Gulf countries including Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar and Oman had also expressed interest, he added
messages : 6945 Inscrit le : 18/07/2012 Localisation : paris Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Emirati/Union Defence Force (UAE) Lun 25 Nov 2013 - 0:07
Citation :
Dubai Debuts Drones For Crowd Control
Dubai Police announced it is now using quadrocopters with 60 minutes' flight time to monitor crowds at soccer matches.
Dubai authorities are now monitoring soccer games with unmanned autonomous vehicles (UAVs). Emirates 24/7's Mohammad El Sadafy reports that Dubai's police are using a locally manufactured quadrocopter to conduct aerial surveillance of crowds at the Etisalat Cup. The drones have approximately one hour of air time and will feed video footage of crowds directly to Dubai Police headquarters. Increasingly more sophisticated drones are being used for aerial surveillance by a variety of outlets. This isn't the first instance of non-human surveillance used at sporting events. Brazil has approved the purchase of $7.2 million worth of iRobot PackBot 510 robots to patrol the 2014 World Cup. Fast Company got a chance to play with the PackBot's cousin, the FirstLook, in 2012.
messages : 24818 Inscrit le : 14/02/2009 Localisation : 7Seas Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Emirati/Union Defence Force (UAE) Mar 17 Déc 2013 - 3:39
jf16 General de Division
messages : 41616 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Emirati/Union Defence Force (UAE) Jeu 19 Déc 2013 - 20:49
Citation :
L'Eurofighter Typhoon recalé aux Emirats Arabes Unis
Le 19/12/2013 à 19:47 | Par Guillaume Steuer
Moins de 24 heures après l'annonce de l'échec du Rafale au Brésil, un nouveau coup de tonnerre ébranle le monde des ventes d'avions de combat : BAE Systems, qui assurait la promotion de l'Eurofighter Typhoon aux Emirats Arabes Unis, annonce ce soir dans un communiqué financier qu'Abu Dhabi a décidé de "ne pas donner suite à ce stade aux propositions" commerciales britanniques, qui visaient la vente d'une soixantaine d'avions de combat dans le pays.
Dans le même communiqué, l'industriel britannique annonce une autre mauvaise nouvelle : aucun "accord définitif" n'a encore été trouvé avec l'Arabie Saoudite dans les négociations portant sur le deuxième lot de 48 Typhoon (24 ont déjà été livrés) commandés par Riyad, dont les livraisons sont pourtant en cours. BAE Systems tente toutefois de rassurer ses actionnaires en révélant que différents contrats ont été conclus en décembre pour la fourniture de munitions guidées et de services de soutien des Tornado saoudiens, pour un montant global d'environ 1,5 milliards de livres.
Cette déconvenue aux Emirats est pour le moins bienvenue pour la "Rafale Team", qui s'était vu temporairement écartée de cet énorme prospect potentiel suite à l'échec d'un premier "round" de négociations entre Paris et Abu Dhabi. Fin 2011, au cours du salon aéronautique de Dubaï, le prince héritier de l'émirat avait publiquement affirmé que l'offre commerciale française n'était pas compétitive. Une manière de mettre la pression sur Dassault Aviation et l'équipe de négociateurs français, qui partaient pourtant du bon pied avec un produit parfaitement adapté aux ambitions stratégiques des Emirats et apprécié des aviateurs locaux, ainsi qu'un fort soutien diplomatique.
C'est à l'issue de cette douche froide que le camp Eurofighter était entré dans la danse pour des négociations qui auront donc duré près de deux ans ; à l'occasion de l'édition 2013 du salon de Dubaï, qui s'est tenue le mois dernier, le premier ministre britannique avait même fait le déplacement pour assurer la promotion du Typhoon. Visiblement sans grand succès.
messages : 2735 Inscrit le : 09/12/2009 Localisation : Un peu partout!!! Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Emirati/Union Defence Force (UAE) Ven 20 Déc 2013 - 8:13
Hum............ percé du F35
Invité Invité
Sujet: Re: Armée Emirati/Union Defence Force (UAE) Ven 20 Déc 2013 - 13:43
Nop !
Très probablement cela sera le Rafale (Si l’information s’avère bien authentique). Visiblement, ils - UAE, France - se sont finalement entendus. Le rejet du Rafale par le Brésil - lui préférant le ‘Gripen ‘-, malgré tous les transferts technologiques monumentaux et l’accord d’association en R&D stratégique, a dut mettre une claque monumentale au Ministre de la Défense augmentant de fait le besoin inévitable, vitale d'un accord.
Citation :
Un concurrent de moins pour le Rafale aux Emirats Arabes Unis
19/12 | 19:56 | mis à jour à 20:25
BAE Systemes a annoncé qu’Abou Dhabi ne donne plus suite aux discussions portant sur l’achat d’Eurofighter. Un concurrent de moins pour le Rafale de Dassault.
Les Émirats Arabes Unis ont choisi de mettre fin aux discussions avec le Royaume-Uni pour l’achat d’avions de combat européens Eurofighter, concurrent du Rafale du français Dassault Aviation, pour leur armée de l’air, a annoncé jeudi le groupe de défense britannique BAE Systems. Les Émirats envisageaient l’achat de l’appareil mais « ont indiqué qu’ils avaient choisi de ne pas donner suite à cette offre à ce stade », indique dans un communiqué BAE, l’un des fabricants de l’Eurofighter Typhoon aux côtés de l’italien Finmeccanica et de l’européen EADS.
Les Émirats Arabes Unis ont longtemps discuté exclusivement avec Dassault Aviation de l’achat d’avions de combat Rafale pour remplacer leurs 60 Mirage 2000-9. Mais ils avaient ensuite ouvert des discussions avec le gouvernement britannique et BAE Systems pour l’achat d’une flotte d’Eurofighter.
Cette annonce surprise intervient alors que le géant britannique de la défense s’était jusqu’à présent montré optimiste sur ses chances de l’emporter. Ian King, le directeur général de BAE Systems, s’était félicité cette année des « bons progrès » dans ce dossier et du « plein soutien du gouvernement britannique ». Le Premier ministre David Cameron avait personnellement soutenu l’Eurofighter lors d’une récente visite au Moyen-Orient.
Le rafale toujours en course
Cette apparente bonne nouvelle pour le Rafale arrive également au moment où l’avion français vient en revanche de perdre au Brésil face à un autre concurrent, le Gripen du suédois Saab. Le ministre français de la Défense, Jean-Yves Le Drian, a affirmé jeudi qu’il y aurait « bientôt des résultats » pour la vente de Rafale en Inde et dans « le Golfe ».
Il s’est rendue plusieurs fois aux Émirats afin de réchauffer des relations qui s’étaient un temps refroidies entre les deux pays. Il avait ainsi rencontré en février le prince héritier cheikh Mohamed bin Zayed et s’était rendu au salon de l’armement Idex à Abu Dhabi.Eric Trappier, le nouveau PDG de Dassault, avait alors indiqué au journal les « Echos » avoir désormais « une feuille de route », confirmant implicitement le retour en lice du Rafale après une période de disgrâce.
Mais l’échec de l’Eurofighter ne signifie pas pour autant une victoire de son concurrent français à ce stade. Les Etats-Unis sont également très actifs aux Emirats, un pays qui aime se fournir auprès de plusieurs pays: le Pentagone avait annoncé en avril qu’il allait vendre 26 F-16 de Lockheed Martin supplémentaires à l’armée de l’air émiratie, qui en possède déjà 80. L’appareil américain de nouvelle génération F-35 pourrait ainsi intéresser les Emirats, un pays qui aime se doter d’un armement dernier cri.
« Aucun avion ne se retrouve soudainement en pôle position » après l’échec Britannique, a commenté auprès de l’AFP Sandy Morris, analyste de la banque américaine Jefferies. « L’avion n’était seulement qu’une composante » d’un accord « vaste et complexe », souligne-t-il, alors que les contrats de défense ont souvent une dimension politique prépondérante. C’est en tout cas une mauvaise nouvelle pour BAE Systems, qui mise sur l’exportation pour compenser la baisse des budgets de défense au Royaume-Uni. Le groupe a également été fragilisé par l’échec il y a un an de sa fusion avec EADS, la maison mère de l’avionneur civil Airbus.
Les Echos
Citation :
Rafale to UAE: Dassault goes into high gear
By Par Alain Ruello | 23/07/2013 | 07:20
France is determined to sell 60 Rafale to the UAE. But to succeed, she must improve her offer in terms of industrial cooperation.
Although she failed to do so in the Sarkozy era, France is determined to sell 60 Rafale in the UAE, surfing on the trusted relationship refound between the two countries. Facing the Eurofighter led by BAE Systems and London, Dassault can argue better performance. Regarding the price, again, the match appeared to favor the tricolor aircraft as demonstrated its victory over its European rival in the Indian tender.
On the diplomatic front, the game is more balanced. Paris is an historical ally of the Gulf kingdom and concluded a defense agreement in 2007 with the establishment of a military base there. But London is not left out and is negotiating a major defense agreement with its former protectorate.
Last criterion that will decide between the two camps: industrial cooperation. In this area, the British seem to have taken a step ahead. "They offered a lot," one says in the French camp. When the Rafale was the sole candidate, the manufacturer and the DGA had put on the table the possibility of the two countries to share the cost of some Rafale's technical improvements. They will probably have to go further by associating local industry.
The take back of 60 Mirage 2000-9
In the end, Paris has a master card even if it must be handled carefully : the take-back of 60 Mirage 2000-9. At this point, Abu Dhabi has set the following rule, one explains to "Les Echos", those who will win the deal will be responsible for selling these aircrafts, half of them are nearly 30 year old. As this is a French weapon, Paris has a veto right on their re-export.
To satisfy this rule, BAE therefore needs accurate information - for example to assess the cost of the buy back - that Paris obviously refuses to provide for not favoring the Dassault rival. It is fair game. But what if Abu Dhabi finally choose the Eurofighter? will france block the Mirage resale and the deal and therefore break the trust patiently rewoven?
Meanwhile, the Americans did not remain inactive. They negotiate the sale of twenty F-16 to replace the out of service part of their 80 [F16 fleet] and the installation of Nato Link 16 throughout the fleet. It also seems that this should be accompanied by a large package of air-to-ground missiles. With the hope that, in the end, the Emirates replace these devices with F-35.
Les Echos
Dernière édition par Gravity le Ven 20 Déc 2013 - 14:05, édité 5 fois
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Sujet: Re: Armée Emirati/Union Defence Force (UAE) Ven 20 Déc 2013 - 13:50
Cela fait partis d’un mouvement d’ensemble méticuleusement planifié, instillé - comme KSA - des UAE (Une exigence première, beaucoup plus agressifs dans toutes les modalités si le bon rapport de force est là).
UAE: Nibras-Al Ain Aerospace Park
Citation :
After huge plane orders, Airbus and Boeing sign Gulf supplies deals
By Rania El Gamal and Praveen Menon November 18, 2013
DUBAI - Airbus and Boeing signed deals to buy some $5 billion of parts and materials from Abu Dhabi on Monday, in a sign Gulf states are seeking a reciprocal boost to their economies from the huge orders they have placed with the planemakers.
Gulf airlines, led by Dubai's Emirates and Abu Dhabi's Etihad, struck plane deals worth almost $150 billion - or more, including options - on the first day of the Dubai Airshow on Sunday.
The buying spree underscored a shift in power in the aviation industry, as oil-rich, fast-growing economies of the Gulf take advantage of their strategic position between East and West to draw more travelers from hubs in Europe and Asia.
While the orders are a big boost to Airbus (EAD.PA) and Boeing (BA), the world's dominant civil aircraft manufacturers, suppliers in Europe and the United States are worried they will suffer from the growing globalization of the aircraft supply chain, in which Gulf firms are playing a part.
Airbus agreed a new deal on Monday with Abu Dhabi's state investment fund Mubadala (MUDEV.UL) to expand their partnership "for further composite and metallic aerostructure production in the United Arab Emirates, in addition to procurement of composite raw materials, worth $2.5 billion," Mubadala said.
Reuters reported on Sunday the two parties were close to an agreement.
Separately, Boeing said it had also signed a new deal with Mubadala for Abu Dhabi to supply as much as $2.5 billion in advanced composites and machine metals to the U.S. planemaker.
In addition, Boeing said it had reached an agreement with Abu Dhabi's Tawazun Precision Industries, a state-owned manufacturing company, to set up a facility in the United Arab Emirates for producing aerospace parts.
The facility will be up and running by 2016 and will produce parts for other aircraft manufacturers as well as Boeing, the two parties said, without disclosing financial details.
Airbus shares jumped more than 3 percent on Monday following Sunday's slew of orders, which boost its A380 - the world's biggest passenger jet, which had been struggling for orders. Boeing's orders boost its new version of the 777 jet.
The hub cities in the Gulf - Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Doha - are spending billions on infrastructure in a bid to attract travelers and diversify their oil-based revenues, at a time when faltering Western economies are struggling to invest.
Mubadala, which has a mandate to develop the emirate's local economy, has sought to play a major role in the production of composite tail sections for passenger jets.
A group representing U.S. airline pilots warned on Saturday the sale of hundreds of planes to Gulf airlines that compete with U.S. carriers would have "serious consequences for the U.S. economy and U.S. airline workers.
Both Airbus and Boeing have already established partnerships with Strata, the composites manufacturing unit of Mubadala Aerospace which produces parts at Al-Ain near Oman.
(Additional reporting by Tim Hepher; Writing by Mark Potter; Editing by Sophie Walker)
Mubadala Aerospace : STRATA
Louis Gallois (CEO of EADS) visited STRATA
Citation :
Advanced fighter jets to have UAE parts
Awad Mustafa February 19, 2013
ABU DHABI // Eurofighter Typhoon jets, sold around the world, are soon to have UAE-made components, it was announced yesterday at the International Defence Exhibition.
The advanced, multi-purpose fighter, developed by a European consortium of EADS, Alenia Aeronautica and BAE Systems, will be incorporating a major structural component developed by UAE company Tawazun Precision Industries (TPI).
The development was announcd by Enzo Casolini, the chief executive of the Eurofighter holding company, GmbH.
Mark Parkinson, the business development manager for combat air military and information at BAE Systems, said the component is a pure aluminium V-frame used at the rear of the aircraft, near the engine.
"It is a major structural component in the aircraft and we have done our first article inspections," he said.
He added that the V-frame component is a high-tolerance part and that the first piece made is on display at the exhibition.
"So far, the product has proven to be good and is looking good," he said.
TPI had also been listed as an accredited supplier of the component and further parts may be manufactured in the UAE.
"We are also in talks to develop titanium firewalls at the TPI factories," said Andy Wilson, industrial partnerships and offset director for military air and information at BAE Systems.
Titanium firewalls are shields that suppress the engine blast fire from spreading in to the fuselage of the aircraft.
Mr Wilson said that BAE is in discussions with other UAE-based defence industry manufacturers to develop other components.
Meanwhile, talks are ongoing between the Government and Eurofighter for the incorporation of the jet fighter into the UAE fleet, as well as with Dassault Systems for its Rafale multi-purpose fighter.
According to the Idex and Navdex chairman, Staff Maj Gen Obaid Al Ketbi, the negotiations are progressing well. "The two companies and the UAE Armed Forces are still working on the project. It is not yet finalised. It is a question of time," he said.
"Both teams are working very hard to come up with a final settlement on the deal itself and a final agreement. Some things still need to be studied more and we have not yet decided," he said.
Mr Casolini said: "I will be finishing my term by May this year as CEO and I hope that the deal is finalised."
He stressed that his aircrafts are adaptable to the client's needs and they can accommodate any requirements.
BAE Systems' Laurie Hilditch said the Eurofighter Typhoon had been in development since the 1980s and the first was delivered in 2003.
"The special thing about the Typhoon is that it is adaptable and built to be enhanced and continuously developed," he said.
"The goal is to maintain a multipurpose, high-performance, cutting edge technology aircraft and we have the only fighters in the world to be interoperable with the advanced United States F-22 raptors."
Senior manager of operations at TPI, Vincent Mohi, said that the manufacture of components for Eurofighters highlights the capability of the UAE company.
"We have been producing components for civilian aircrafts and now also military," he said. TPI, which has more than 100 Emirati engineers and workers, also develops components for the Marte anti-ship missile systems for Paris-based MBDA missile systems.
MBDA is a missile developer and manufacturer with operations in France, Italy, the US, UK, Germany and Spain.
According to Michele Di Nunzio, the sales manager at MBDA, the company is looking to increase its work with TPI and develop more components locally.
"We would like to work on other parts of the missile system here and even other kinds. The final products would be sold all over the world with UAE-made components," he said.
Mr Mohi said that the value of chain assembly locally is beneficial to the UAE's industrial programme, however, but challenges remain.
"There are millstones to get through to be able to completely construct high-technology materials and, although we have been operating for only two years, we are developing and getting there," he said
Tawazun Advanced Defense Systems (Defence aviation industry mechanical pieces in Nibras-Al Ain Aerospace Park)
Gémini Colonel-Major
messages : 2735 Inscrit le : 09/12/2009 Localisation : Un peu partout!!! Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Emirati/Union Defence Force (UAE) Sam 21 Déc 2013 - 18:10
Je ne sais pas trop. le ministére dit qu'il y aura bientôt du nouveau au sujet de la vente de Rafale,j'éspère ne pas marcher avec une canne le jour ou cela arrivera.....
MAATAWI Modérateur
messages : 14756 Inscrit le : 07/09/2009 Localisation : Maroc Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Emirati/Union Defence Force (UAE) Mar 7 Jan 2014 - 12:46
Citation :
French-UAE Intel Satellite Deal in Doubt
DUBAI AND PARIS — A United Arab Emirates (UAE) deal to purchase two intelligence satellites from France worth almost 3.4 billion dirhams (US $930 million) is in jeopardy after the discovery of what was described as “security compromising components.”
A high-level UAE source said the two high-resolution Pleiades-type Falcon Eye military observation satellites contained two specific US-supplied components that provide a back door to the highly secure data transmitted to the ground station.
“The discovery was reported to the deputy supreme commander’s office [Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed] in September,” the source said. “We have requested the French to change these components and also consulted with the Russian and Chinese firms.”
The source would not elaborate on what role the Russians or Chinese could play in future negotiations.
According to the deal — signed July 22 by Sheikh Mohammed, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and deputy supreme commander of the armed forces, and French Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian — delivery was set for 2018, along with a ground station.
The satellites are provided by prime contractor Airbus Defence and Space and payload-maker Thales Alenia Space. Neither company was available for comment.
Twenty engineers will be trained to use the new equipment.
According to the UAE source, the discovery prompted increased talks between the UAE and Russia and a number of high-level delegations have shuttled between Moscow and Abu Dhabi.
“If this issue is not resolved, the UAE is willing to scrap the whole deal,” he added.
The UAE has drawn on Russian technology, with the GLONASS space-based navigation system fitted as a redundancy feature on a Western European weapon system, a French defense expert said.
The competition for the deal has been ongoing for more than a decade, and UAE officials in late 2012 said they had narrowed the Falcon Eye competition from 11 bidders and their backing governments to proposals from US and French teams.
The UAE source said the French team won the bid due to the US State Department’s restrictions on the use of the system, often referred to as “shutter control.”
In Paris, one defense specialist found it intriguing that France had drawn on US technology for the satellites under the Falcon Eye program.
“That is surprising,” the specialist said.
France operates the Pleiades spy satellite in what is viewed as a critical piece of the nation’s sovereignty. Given that core competence, it seemed strange that France would use US technology, although there is an agreement between Paris and Washington over transfer of capabilities, analysts said.
Or, Abu Dhabi’s questioning of the satellite deal could be a way of putting pressure on Paris to get a better offer for the Dassault Aviation Rafale fighter.
“The satellites would be part of a big package deal,” the defense specialist in Paris said. “It’s not surprising. The UAE drives a hard bargain. They’re using it as a lever of power.”
A second defense specialist said it was possible French industry had drawn on the US.
“The payload is complex, not all the technology is French,” the second specialist said.
The French negotiations with the US on the technology for the UAE would have been sensitive. For example, when the US sold spy satellites to Saudi Arabia, Israel wanted to limit the resolution level in the payload, the second specialist said.
For the French satellites sold to the UAE, a very high optical resolution and encrypted code could be used to guide a cruise missile to a target in Iran, the second specialist said.
It is not clear whether the critical components can be replaced, the specialist said.
The way ahead may be to find a formula, a compromise which allows the UAE to say it was firm on technology demands, while accepting US gear on a French system — perhaps through the British, the specialist said.
Generally, Arabian Gulf countries split arms buys to reduce dependence on the US, the specialist said. The UAE flies the Lockheed Martin F-16 and Dassault Mirage 2000-9, while the Saudis operate the Boeing F-15, as well as the Tornado and Typhoon.
But the ultimate guarantor for security in the region is the US, the second specialist said.
Under wide French press coverage of the Falcon Eye deal, La Tribune noted the “colossal work” of the Direction Générale de l’Armament procurement office and help from the French Embassy.
The DGA and the embassy declined comment.
Airbus Defence and Space will build the Astrobus-based platform, while Thales Alenia Space will deliver the payload. The latter is a Franco-Italian joint venture majority-owned by the French partner.
Thales Alenia Space CEO Jean-Louis Galle said the company delivers the “operational intelligence capability,” daily Le Figaro reported in July.
François Auque, head of Space Systems for Airbus Defence and Space, said France has never agreed before the UAE deal to sell such high-resolution optics in a military satellite to a foreign country, Le Figaro reported.
The UAE has previously asked for a high level of technology access. In the 1990s, when Abu Dhabi bought the F-16 E/F Block 60, authorities asked for the source code as the UAE co-developed and co-owned the Desert Falcon fighter. The UAE invested a reported $3 billion in the total $7.3 billion acquisition.
_________________ Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autres
Yakuza Administrateur
messages : 21656 Inscrit le : 15/09/2009 Localisation : 511 Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Emirati/Union Defence Force (UAE) Mar 7 Jan 2014 - 15:23
Citation :
A high-level UAE source said the two high-resolution Pleiades-type Falcon Eye military observation satellites contained two specific US-supplied components that provide a back door to the highly secure data transmitted to the ground station.
j´admire le masochisme francais et le don de se tirer des balles dans le pied..vraiment bete.
Invité Invité
Sujet: Re: Armée Emirati/Union Defence Force (UAE) Mar 7 Jan 2014 - 15:35
sat francais avec mouchar Us installé dessus ? c est bien ça
Yakuza Administrateur
messages : 21656 Inscrit le : 15/09/2009 Localisation : 511 Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Emirati/Union Defence Force (UAE) Mar 7 Jan 2014 - 16:06
oui,reste a voir si ce sont les francais qui ont preferé y installer des pieces US pour ne pas donner les leurs,ou les US qui ont obligé les francais a "cooperer" ladedans..en tout cas tout bete
Gémini Colonel-Major
messages : 2735 Inscrit le : 09/12/2009 Localisation : Un peu partout!!! Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Emirati/Union Defence Force (UAE) Mar 7 Jan 2014 - 18:08
Ca la fout mal il faut bien le dire..............................
annabi Général de corps d'armée (ANP)
messages : 6945 Inscrit le : 18/07/2012 Localisation : paris Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Emirati/Union Defence Force (UAE) Jeu 9 Jan 2014 - 23:22
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US Congress Notified To Approve $150 Million UAE Training
DUBAI — The US Congress was notified Wednesday of a $150 million US Marine Corps training contract for the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Presidential Guard, according to a statement by the US Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA). The foreign military sale notification is a blanket order for training and logistical support. The proposed contract would continue US Marine Corps training of the UAE’s Presidential Guard for counterterrorism, counterpiracy, critical infrastructure protection and national defense, the DSCA said in a statement. “The training also provides engagement opportunities through military exercises, training, and common equipment. The Presidential Guard currently uses these skills alongside U.S. forces, particularly in Afghanistan,” according to the statement. The UAE Presidential Guard is a military unit that operates outside of the conventional framework of traditional armed forces such as ground, marine and air forces. Formed between 2010 and 2011, the Presidential Guard differs in organization, armament, training and, ultimately, the missions it undertakes. In June 2009, former Australian Maj. Gen. Mike Hindmarsh, ex-commander of the Middle East area of operations and ex-Special Operations Command and Special Air Service chief, was appointed to organize the strike force under a national security adviser designation. Under his command, the Presidential Guard was born out of the merger of several UAE Armed Forces units brought together under one command and one flag, which operates on land, sea and air. According to the DSCA, implementation of this proposed sale will not require the permanent assignment of any US government or contractor representatives to the UAE. Training teams will travel to the country on a temporary basis.
Sujet: Re: Armée Emirati/Union Defence Force (UAE) Ven 10 Jan 2014 - 13:10
annabi Général de corps d'armée (ANP)
messages : 6945 Inscrit le : 18/07/2012 Localisation : paris Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Emirati/Union Defence Force (UAE) Sam 11 Jan 2014 - 20:15
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Les étranges “révélations” sur les satellites français vendus aux Émirats
Les Émirats arabes unis menaceraient d'annuler l'achat de satellites français, soupçonnés d'être équipés de mouchards américains, selon un site de défense. Mais certains experts penchent plutôt pour une intox orchestrée par un concurrent malheureux. Le [url= Prism/]scandale Prism[/url] et l’appétit de la NSA pour l’interception des données électroniques risquent-t-ils de remettre en cause un important contrat de défense entre la France et les Émirats arabes unis (EAU) ? C’est, en tout cas, l’impression que laisse un article publié, dimanche 5 janvier, sur le site américain Defensenews. Il affirme que des responsables émiratis ont découvert que les deux satellites français d’observation du contrat “Falcon Eye”, qui doivent être livrés en 2018, posent de sérieux “problème de sécurité”. Ils contiendraient des composants d’origine américaine dotés de porte-dérobées informatiques (backdoor) permettant d’intercepter les communications entre les satellites et la station de réception au sol. “Si ce problème n’est pas résolu, nous sommes prêts à annuler tout le contrat”, a affirmé un haut responsable des EAU sous couvert d’anonymat à Defensenews. Le même précise que cette faille de sécurité a été découverte par Abu Dhabi en septembre 2013 et que l’émirat a demandé, à l’époque, à la France de remplacer les modules incriminés. Pour la France, la perte de ce contrat, qui s’élève à 700 millions d’euros, serait un sérieux revers. L’accord avait été obtenu en juillet 2013, grâce notamment à l’implication personnelle du ministre de la Défense Jean-Yves Le Drian. Paris n’avait pas décroché de contrat de livraison de matériel militaire avec les Émirats arabes unis de cette importance depuis 2007. Motif supplémentaire de réjouissances à l’époque : la France avait remporté le gâteau face aux Américains, réputés être les champions en la matière. Contactés par FRANCE 24, les deux maîtres d’œuvre des satellites - Astrium (groupe Airbus) et Thalès - ainsi que le ministère de la Défense ont refusé de commenter les informations publiées par Defensenews. Tentative de sabotage de la part d'un concurrent ? Ces “révélations” peuvent surprendre sur plusieurs aspects. À tel point que certains y voient la main de l’un ou l’autre des concurrents malheureux de la France (États-Unis, Chine ou Russie). Certes, l'idée de trouver des composants américains sur du matériel ultrasophistiqué français n'a rien d’anormal aux yeux d’Alexandre Vautravers, chercheur associé au Centre genevois de politique de sécurité (GCSP), pour qui "la globalisation et la haute technicité de ces produits fait qu’il est difficile de s’affranchir à 100 % du savoir faire américain”. Mais est-ce que cela implique forcément la présence de mouchards de la NSA ? “Dans le cas de ces satellites d’observation, je ne vois pas trop l’intérêt des Américains de mettre des portes dérobées”, affirme Alain Charret, ancien cadre de l’armée de l’air et spécialiste des techniques de guerre électronique. Pour lui, les satellites du contrat “Falcon Eye” ne prennent que des photos que les services américains de renseignement peuvent facilement se procurer grâce à leur propre réseau satellitaire. “Le seul avantage pour les Américains seraient de savoir quelles sont les zones qui intéressent les EAU”, reconnaît-il. Un type d’informations que les États-Unis devraient, d’après cet expert, pouvoir obtenir plus simplement d’un pays allié comme les Émirats arabes unis. Mais le fait qu’il existe ou non des mouchards américains embarqués sur ces satellites français ne serait, en fait, “qu’accessoire” pour Alexandre Vautravers. Il ne pense pas que les ingénieurs des EAU ont pu, deux mois après la conclusion du contrat, découvrir une faille de sécurité de cet acabit qui avait échappé aux ingénieurs d’Astrium ou de Thalès. “C’est plus probablement une tentative de sabotage du contrat de la part d’un concurrent”, juge également Alain Charret. L’article de defensenews fait d’ailleurs état de pourparlers qui auraient repris entre Abu Dhabi et la Russie ou la Chine. “Certes, acheter des satellites chinois ou russes revient à moins cher, mais n’offre aucune garantie supplémentaire en matière de sécurité”, note Alexandre Vautravers. Pour lui, comme pour Alain Charret, le suspect principal serait plutôt à chercher du côté des États-Unis. Les Américains joueraient alors un drôle de jeu. Pour remettre leur technologie en course, ils laisseraient entendre que les satellites concurrents français sont équipés de composants américains… “C’est certes paradoxal, mais on a vu plus bizarre dans ce genre d’affaires”, conclut Alain Charret.
messages : 8008 Inscrit le : 19/02/2012 Localisation : Kech Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Emirati/Union Defence Force (UAE) Dim 19 Jan 2014 - 15:19
le gouverneur de dubai instaure aujourd'hui le service national aux jeunes Emiratis H/F
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Headed today a cabinet meeting that initiated issuing The National and Reserve Service Law, under the directions of President Sheikh Khalifa. The new law adds another layer to the national defense force to further protect our nation, secure its borders & preserve its achievements. The National Service will be mandatory for all male UAE nationals, above 18 yrs, or high school grads; it will be voluntary for females. The Service will cover military training at the armed forces, 9 months for high school grads & 2 yrs for those with less than high school. UAE Reserve forces will consist of retired armed forces’ soldiers and national service program graduates. Our message to the world is a message of peace; the stronger we are, the stronger our message.
facebook de Mohamed bin rashed al maktoum
Yakuza Administrateur
messages : 21656 Inscrit le : 15/09/2009 Localisation : 511 Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Emirati/Union Defence Force (UAE) Dim 19 Jan 2014 - 15:28
MAATAWI Modérateur
messages : 14756 Inscrit le : 07/09/2009 Localisation : Maroc Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Emirati/Union Defence Force (UAE) Lun 20 Jan 2014 - 15:03
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UAE announces compulsory military service for males
The UAE has announced compulsory military service for all males between the ages of 18 and 30.
The move was announced by Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, vice president and prime minister of the UAE and ruler of Dubai, on Twitter.
Sheikh Mohammed said that the country’s cabinet had endorsed the plan, although there is no indication when the rules will take effect.
The length of service is set to be two years for those without high school degrees, and nine months for those who have graduated from high school.
Military service will be optional for women.
“A reserve force for the UAE will be made up of those who have completed their national service, as well as members of the military who have finished their service in the armed forces,” Sheikh Mohammed said.
In November, Qatar announced that All Qatari men aged between 18 and 35 will soon be forced to undertake up to four months compulsory military service if a new government draft law is given the green light by authorities, according to a report by the AFP news agency.
The new legislation will require four months compulsory service for all men within the age bracket, while university graduates will only be expected to serve three months, the report said.
_________________ Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autres
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Sujet: Re: Armée Emirati/Union Defence Force (UAE)