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 Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces

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messages : 4
Inscrit le : 25/05/2008
Localisation : maroc
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Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 15 Empty
MessageSujet: Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces   Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 15 Icon_minitimeVen 5 Sep 2008 - 16:09

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Iraq seeks to buy 36 F-16 fighters from U.S

Fri Sep 5, 5:32 AM ET

(Reuters) - The Iraqi government is seeking to buy 36 advanced F-16 fighters from the U.S., American military officials familiar with the request told the Wall Street Journal.

This move could help Iraq reduce its reliance on U.S. air power and potentially allow more American forces to withdraw from the country than had been proposed.

The F-16, made by Lockheed Martin Corp, is the most sophisticated weapons system Iraq has attempted to purchase so far.

Late in July, the U.S. Department of Defense had approved up to $10.7 billion in arms sales for Iraq, including a $2.16 billion sale of M1A1 Abrams tanks built by General Dynamics Corp.

The U.S. recently announced F-16 sales to Morocco and Romania. Those sales, each for roughly $100 million per plane with training, related equipment and support included, offer an indication of how lucrative the Iraq deal could be for Lockheed Martin and its suppliers.

Iraq now appears determined to significantly expand the air power of its military, which has become more competent and confident in recent months but depends heavily on the U.S. for air support.

Iraq quickly has become one of the biggest weapons buyers in the world as it seeks to strengthen and professionalise its fighting force.

No one was available at the U.S. Department of Defense for comment.

(Reporting by Sweta Singh in Bangalore, editing by Will Waterman)

EDIT:please mettez vos articles tjs en forme Like a Star @ heaven
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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces   Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 15 Icon_minitimeMer 5 Oct 2011 - 11:57

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Iraq likely to order another 18 F-16s

BAGHDAD, Oct. 3 (UPI) -- Iraq is likely to order a second batch of Lockheed Martin F-16 combat jets following last month's contract to buy 18 of the aircraft, Iraqi officials say.

This appears to be a concerted, but belated, drive by the government of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki to give the country's emerging postwar air force a credible defensive punch funded by windfall oil revenues and to shore up an important gap in Iraqi defenses as U.S. forces withdraw.

Mudher Khidr Nasir, a member of the Iraqi Parliament's Security and Defense Committee, has told the Iraq Daily Times the 18 F-16 Block 52 aircraft order -- enough for one squadron -- was so small as to be "ridiculous."

Ali Musawi, a close Maliki aide, said the 18 jets were "a first installment and hopefully there will be another 18 to make a total of 36."

He said the first batch of F-16s with "enhance" Iraqi capabilities to protect its airspace, but 18 aircraft will be far too few to effectively cover an area of 169,234 square miles.

Iraq, which has been fought over for millennia, is bordered by Jordan in the west, Syria in the northwest, Turkey in the north, Iran in the east and Kuwait and Saudi Arabia in the south.

"So looking at Iraq's position in the region, having those planes is not much," Musawi observed, "but it is a beginning."

The Block 52s are built at Lockheed Martin's Fort Worth, Texas, assembly plant.

The contract is worth at least $3 billion but will probably swell to $4.2 billion once training programs, spare parts, maintenance and weapons systems are included.

The first of the aircraft Baghdad has ordered aren't expected to be delivered until the fall of 2012 and most likely not until 2013.

Ultimately, Iraqi commanders have said they want 96 F-16s, enough for five squadrons deployed around the country at air bases built by the Americans following the 2003 invasion.

But that's as much as a decade away from fruition as it takes years to build up a fully operational air force, train air and ground crews and install a nationwide radar and air-defense network with guns and missiles.

The development of that system is being discussed between Iraqi and U.S. military officials, says U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Jeffrey Buchanan, the chief spokesman for the U.S. military in Iraq.

It's this lack of Iraqi air-defense infrastructure that was partly behind the current effort to find ways to maintain a sizeable number of U.S. troops in Iraq after the Dec. 31 deadline for completing the U.S. military withdrawal, U.S. officials said.

Buchanan said that amid the U.S. pullout under a December 2008 security agreement between Washington and Baghdad, the acquisition of F-16s was a major step forward for Iraq's military forces.

"The F-16's a good example of them taking a step to reinforce their sovereignty, increase their self-reliance and deal with one of those security gaps that they still have," he said.

Meantime, U.S, forces are handing over a considerable amount of equipment to the Iraqi forces as the withdrawal counts down to the deadline. However, it's not clear whether that includes air-defense systems.

Still, the Iraq Daily Times reported that Iraqi air traffic controllers will take over responsibility for flights below 15,000 feet in the central part of the country, the last part of Iraqi air space still controlled by the Americans.

"Iraq's air-defense radar and long-range radar systems will be fully functional by the middle of next year," the newspaper said, without elaboration.

The Iraqi military, it added, also "now has a modern air-operations center that controls military aircraft throughout the country and is able to sound a warning if the borders are breached."

The F-16s now on order will be the first combat aircraft for the Iraqi air force. The first batch of 10 pilots is already undergoing supersonic training with the U.S. Air Force.

Buchanan insisted the first delivery of F-16s will give the Iraqis "a robust capability … where they currently have none."

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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces   Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 15 Icon_minitimeMer 5 Oct 2011 - 17:43

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Iraqi Skies

Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 15 Iraqi-airforce-09-2011
Posted 9/20/2011
U.S. and Iraqi airmen fly in formation during one of the last training flights for the 52nd Expeditionary Flight Training Squadron and Squadron 203 Sept. 3, 2011, over Iraq. Advisers from the 52nd EFTS turned over flight training operations to the Iraqi air force Squadron 203 Sept. 5, 2011. (U.S. Air Force photo/Senior Airman Tyler Placie)

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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces   Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 15 Icon_minitimeMar 11 Oct 2011 - 19:04

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Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 15 471333

An Iraqi tanker from 1st Company, 2nd Regiment, 34th Brigade, 9th Iraqi Army, assists in aligning an M1A1 Abrams’ main cannon with the tank’s primary sight system to ensure accurate fire during the M1A1 maneuver collective training course at the Besmaya Combat Training Center Sept. 27. The Iraqi army recently purchased several 140 of these modern tanks to help bolster their nation’s defenses.

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Bill Deveraux, an M1A1 instructor, assists soldiers from 1st Company, 2nd Regiment, 34th Brigade, 9th Iraqi Army back their tank up during a live-fire demonstration at the Besmaya Combat Training Center, Sept. 27. The Iraqi army recently purchased several 140 of these modern tanks to help bolster their nation’s defenses.

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An Iraqi tanker tank crewman from 1st Company, 2nd Regiment, 34th Brigade, 9th Iraqi Army unloads a sabot round from a munitions truck to be loaded on one of the company’s M1A1 Abrams tanks during the Maneuver Collective Training Course at the Besmaya Combat Training Center, Sept. 27. This armor company of tankers is the first unit company to participate in this specific course which focuses on movement techniques at the platoon level to increase crew competency.

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An Iraqi tank crew Tankers from from 1st Company, 2nd Regiment, 34th Brigade, 9th Iraqi Army drive their tank off-road as part of the Maneuver Collective Training Course at the Besmaya Combat Training Center, Sept. 28. This armor company of tankers is the first company to participate in this specific course which focuses on movement techniques at the platoon level to increase crew competency.

Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 15 471334

An Iraqi M1A1 Abrams tank belonging to 1st Company, 2nd Regiment, 34th Brigade, 9th Iraqi Army fires a shot downrange at the Besmaya Combat Training Center, Sept. 27 as part of the M1A1 Maneuver Collective Training Course. This armor company is the first to complete this training which focuses on movement techniques at the platoon level to increase crew competency. This company of tankers is the first company to participate in this specific course which focuses on movement techniques at the platoon level to increase crew competency.

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messages : 3864
Inscrit le : 22/05/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces   Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 15 Icon_minitimeVen 14 Oct 2011 - 17:20

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(WASHINGTON, Oct. 14, 2011)
DSCA notified Congress Oct 5 of a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of Iraq for Howitzer Ammunition

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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces   Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 15 Icon_minitimeVen 14 Oct 2011 - 18:20

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USAF upgrades Iraq air traffic control system

The US Air Force (USAF) Electronic Systems Center has completed the upgrading of Iraq's air traffic control system as part of a foreign military sales (FMS) effort.

The completion involved delivery of two new air traffic control tower systems along with advanced radar and ATC-tower simulators to the Iraqi Government.

The control tower systems will allow management of Iraqi airspace in accordance with Federal Aviation Administration guidelines, while the simulators will provide training to military and civilian air traffic control operators.

Site acceptance testing was also conducted to integrate the advanced radar at the Baghdad Area Control Center.

FMS programme manager Rainy McIntosh said: "This radar integration is critical to ensure the Iraqi air force can sustain air sovereignty."

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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces   Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 15 Icon_minitimeMer 19 Oct 2011 - 14:15

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An Iraqi Army M1A1 Abrams tank, purchased from the U.S. , fires a round during a live fire exercise outside Baghdad, Iraq, Tuesday, Oct. 18, 2011. With the U.S. military scheduled to leave Iraq by the end of the year, the Iraqi security forces will be solely responsible for providing security for the country.

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messages : 461
Inscrit le : 21/09/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces   Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 15 Icon_minitimeVen 21 Oct 2011 - 16:13

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces   Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 15 Icon_minitimeVen 21 Oct 2011 - 16:49

1 autre article sur les F-16 Irakiens...

Citation :
F-16 for Irak...
A letter of Offer & Acceptance (LOA) for 18 F-16IQ Block 52+ fighters for the Iraqi Air Force was signed on September 26, according to an advisor to Iraqi Prime Minister, Nurial-Maliki.
The Pentagon did not immediately confirm the deal. Earlier this year, acquisition had been deferred, but it is now moving ahead & will probably involve an eventual purchase of 36 aircraft.
AFM Novembre 2011.
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces   Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 15 Icon_minitimeVen 4 Nov 2011 - 12:21

Citation :
U.S. Navy Delivers Sixth Coastal Patrol Boat to Iraq

From Program Executive Office, Ships

UMM QASR, Iraq (NNS) -- The Navy formally delivered the sixth 35-meter patrol boat (P-305) to the Iraqi navy at the Umm Qasr naval facility in Iraq Nov. 3, after the ship successfully completed reactivation in Bahrain, Oct. 23.

The seamless reactivation enabled delivery to an Iraqi naval base one week ahead of schedule.

"The team has once again succeeded in lending their expertise in boat construction and acquisition to deliver another quality asset to our international partners," said Frank McCarthey, program manager for Support Ships, Boats and Craft. "We look forward to officially transferring custody of P-305 to the Iraqi Navy to aid in their mission of securing their maritime sovereignty."

The delivery of P-305 follows the successful delivery and transfer of custody of P-304 and P-306 in August this year. The next coastal patrol craft is scheduled to deliver to Iraq in December.

The Support Ships, Boats and Craft Program Office in the U.S Navy's Program Executive Office (PEO), Ships, is managing the acquisition of the patrol boats as a foreign military sales case. There are currently six patrol boats remaining under construction in this case.

The U.S. Navy and Swiftships Shipbuilders, LLC, Morgan City, La., are supporting the Iraqi Navy in the procurement and construction of up to fifteen 35-meter armored patrol boats. The boat is armed with a 30mm gun weapon system, provides for a crew of 25 and is capable of reaching 30 knots.

PEO Ships is currently managing the design and construction of all U.S. Navy destroyers, amphibious ships, special mission and support ships, as well as a wide range of small boats and craft for U.S. agencies and allied nations. Since its creation in November 2002, PEO Ships has delivered more than 40 warships and hundreds of small boats and craft from more than 20 shipyards and boat builders across the United States.

For more news from Naval Sea Systems Command, visit

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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces   Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 15 Icon_minitimeLun 14 Nov 2011 - 10:29

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Iraq eyes F-16 buys on road to new air force

(Reuters) - Iraq is planning to expand its fleet of aerial reconnaissance planes "in the near future" and is hoping to sign a deal for a second batch of F-16 warplanes by next year, the country's air force chief said on Saturday.

The moves, laid out by Lt. General Anwer Amin on the sidelines of a conference ahead of Sunday's Dubai Airshow, are part of Iraq's efforts to move gradually away from dependence on U.S. air support.

"We have projects to buy UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) in the near future," Amin told reporters on the sidelines of the air marshals conference.

He said the Iraqi air force was looking into several options.

"One of the leading countries in the region is the United Arab Emirates, there is also the United States," he said.

The United States will withdraw its remaining 40,000 troops in Iraq by the end of this year, but Iraqi officials say it will take years before they are able to defend their airspace.

"Building an air force is a very complicated process that depends on several factors, including securing financial cover and human capabilities as well as time," Amin said.

Military experts say that Iraq's lack of a strong fleet of combat planes means that it will rely on the U.S. air force to shoulder this responsibility for some years.

"Certainly the United States air force will be there for the Iraqi air force if that that's what the two governments agree to," Gen. Norton Schwartz, commander of the U.S. air force, said on Saturday.

Amir said he hoped a deal would be signed next year on the second batch of 36 F-16 warplanes Iraq plans to acquire.

"Eighteen planes have been bought, the contract has been signed, and the other 18 planes hopefully next year," he said.

Iraq made the first payment in the deal to buy the first set of warplanes worth a total of about $3 billion in September.

Amin said the Iraqi air force already runs an advanced fleet of reconnaissance planes that very few countries in the region have.

"These are planes that we are proud of using over the past few years to detect terrorist activities," he said.

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces   Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 15 Icon_minitimeLun 14 Nov 2011 - 11:26

esperons,ca laissera la chaine ouverte encore une année de plus

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces   Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 15 Icon_minitimeDim 20 Nov 2011 - 1:33

Premier Antonov AN-326 reçu à la base de Muttana à Baghdad, le 18-11-11

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces   Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 15 Icon_minitimeLun 21 Nov 2011 - 13:02

Citation :
F-16s to strengthen Iraqi air defense, partnership with U.S.

11/18/2011 - BAGHDAD (AFNS) -- During a press conference Nov. 8 the commander of the Iraqi air force said Iraq's purchase of 18 F-16C Fighting Falcons, for their future air defense, will encourage and strengthen the strategic partnership between the U.S. and Iraq.

In September, through the Foreign Military Sales program, the government of Iraq made its first payment for 18 F-16C Block 52 fighter aircraft. With this F-16 package, Iraq purchased logistical support as well as pilot and maintenance training. When the aircraft are delivered, most likely sometime in late 2014 or 2015, Iraq will have the most advanced multi-role fighter aircraft in the world.

Iraqi air force staff Lt. Gen. Anwer Amin addressed members of the Iraqi air force, Ministry of Defense and U.S. military during the press conference. He stood before an F-16 static display provided by the 125th Expeditionary Fighter Squadron, an Oklahoma Air National Guard unit providing top cover in Iraq for U.S. service members. The static display was configured like the F-16s purchased by Iraq and included AIM-9 air-to-air missiles, GBU-12 laser-guided bombs and external fuel tanks.

Amin answered several questions from Iraqi and Pan-Arab media about the aircraft's capabilities and the role it will serve in the country's future defense.

"Our ability here is strong," Amin said. "I'm very happy because I see that our future is very good."

The F-16s, he said, will help provide air sovereignty for Iraq to protect its own territory and deter or counter regional threats.

During the past few years, the Iraqi air force, which celebrated its 80th anniversary this year, has steadily modernized its infrastructure and increased its number of personnel. At the end of 2006, the Iraqi air force had 748 airmen and 28 aircraft. Now, there are more than 6,000 airmen and 72 aircraft, including the T-6 Texan and C-130E Hercules.

During Operation New Dawn, the U.S. Air Force helped advance the Iraqi air force through mentorship, training and advising on everything from support functions to operations.

"Over the past 15 months, I've traveled Iraq visiting our Airmen and witnessed a part of this country's transformation," said Maj. Gen. Russ Handy, who is the most senior Airman on the U.S. Forces-Iraq staff as well the commander of the 9th Air and Space Expeditionary Task Force-Iraq and director of the Air Component Coordination Element-Iraq. "I can tell you the Iraqi air force has a bright future. The young Iraqi airmen I've met, talked to and flown with are incredibly motivated. Not only are they talented, but they are fired up about their country in the future."

There are currently six Iraqi F-16 candidates in the U.S. for different phases of pilot training. These students will form the core of Iraq's future F-16 force.

The training is all inclusive and typically starts with English language training, which is the international language of aviation. At present, some are finishing an English language course while others are finishing their initial training in the T-6, a trainer aircraft. One of the pilots is scheduled to begin Introduction to Fighter Fundamentals, a preliminary course to the actual F-16 training program, as early as January.

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces   Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 15 Icon_minitimeJeu 24 Nov 2011 - 13:35

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Iraqi soldiers fire a Grad missile during training at Basmaya military base in Baghdad November 22, 2011. With U.S. troops scheduled to leave Iraq at the end of the year, Baghdad is looking to build its national armed forces to take over responsibility for security.

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Iraqi soldiers celebrate after training at Basmaya military base in Baghdad November 22, 2011. With U.S. troops scheduled to leave Iraq at the end of the year, Baghdad is looking to build its national armed forces to take over responsibility for security.

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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces   Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 15 Icon_minitimeSam 26 Nov 2011 - 11:19

Iraqi soldiers demonstrate close quarter combat techniques during training at Basmaya military base in Baghdad November 25, 2011.

Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 15 Star3Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autresArmée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 15 Star3
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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces   Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 15 Icon_minitimeLun 28 Nov 2011 - 13:17

Citation :

Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 15 Attachment

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Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 15 Star3Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autresArmée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 15 Star3
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messages : 461
Inscrit le : 21/09/2010
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Nationalité : Algerie
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces   Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 15 Icon_minitimeVen 2 Déc 2011 - 13:46

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messages : 21656
Inscrit le : 15/09/2009
Localisation : 511
Nationalité : Maroco-Allemand
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces   Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 15 Icon_minitimeMar 6 Déc 2011 - 1:15

Citation :
Lockheed Martin Corp., Fort Worth, Texas, is being awarded a $835,000,000 firm-fixed-price, time-and-material and cost-plus-fixed-fee contract for a Foreign Military Sales Program which will provide the government of Iraq with the following: 18 F-16 C/D Block 52 Multi-Role Fighter Aircraft (12C models and 6 D models); support equipment; technical orders; integrated logistics support; and contractor logistics support. The location of the performance is Fort Worth, Texas. Work is expected to be completed May 30, 2018. ASC/WWMK, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, is the contracting activity (FA8615-12-C-6012).

Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 15 A10-na10
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messages : 24810
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
Localisation : 7Seas
Nationalité : Maroc
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces   Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 15 Icon_minitimeMer 7 Déc 2011 - 19:35

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces   Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 15 Icon_minitimeMer 7 Déc 2011 - 20:49

La Turquie vendra des roquettes guidée par laser Cirit à l'Irak. Ces roquettes équiperont les hélicoptères de combat.
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces   Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 15 Icon_minitimeLun 12 Déc 2011 - 19:28

Iraq F-16 Aircraft

Citation :
WASHINGTON, Dec. 12, 2011 – The Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified Congress today of a
possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of Iraq for 18 F-16IQ aircraft and associated equipment,
parts, weapons, training and logistical support for an estimated cost of $2.3 billion.

The Government of Iraq has requested a possible sale of 18 F-16IQ aircraft, 24 F100PW-229 or F110-GE-129
Increased Performance Engines, 120 LAU-129/A Common Rail Launchers, 24 APG-68(V)9 radar sets, 19 M61
20mm Vulcan Cannons, 100 AIM-9L/M-8/9 SIDEWINDER Missiles, 150 AIM-7M-F1/H SPARROW
Missiles, 50 AGM-65D/G/H/K MAVERICK Air to Ground Missiles, 200 GBU-12 PAVEWAY II Laser
Guided Bomb Units (500 pound), 50 GBU-10 PAVEWAY II Laser Guided Bomb Units (2000 pound), 50
GBU-24 PAVEWAY III Laser Guided Bomb Units (2000 pound), 22 ALQ-211 Advanced Integrated Defensive
Electronic Warfare Suites (AIDEWS), or Advanced Countermeasures Electronic System (ACES) (ACES
includes the ALQ-187 Electronic Warfare System and AN/ALR-93 Radar Warning Receiver), 20 AN/APX-113
Advanced Identification Friend or Foe (AIFF) Systems (without Mode IV), 20 Global Positioning Systems
(GPS) and Embedded GPS/ Inertial Navigation Systems (INS), (Standard Positioning Service (SPS)
commercial code only), 20 AN/AAQ-33 SNIPER or AN/AAQ-28 LITENING Targeting Pods, 4 F-9120
Advanced Airborne Reconnaissance Systems (AARS) or DB-110 Reconnaissance Pods (RECCE), 22 AN/ALE-
47 Countermeasures Dispensing Systems (CMDS), 20 Conformal Fuel Tanks (pairs), 120 Joint Helmet
Mounted Cueing Systems (JHMCS), 20 AN/ARC-238 Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio Systems,
10,000 PGU-27A/B Ammunition, 30,000 PGU-28 Ammunition, 230 MK-84 2000 lb General Purpose Bombs,
and 800 MK-82 500lb General Purpose Bombs. Also included: LAU-117 Maverick Launchers, site survey
support equipment, Joint Mission Planning System, Ground Based Flight Simulator, tanker support, ferry
services, Cartridge Actuated Devices/Propellant Actuated Devices (CAD/PAD), repair and return, modification
kits, spares and repair parts, construction, publications and technical documentation, personnel training and
training equipment, U.S. Government and contractor technical, engineering, and logistics support services,
ground based flight simulator, and other related elements of logistics support. The estimated cost is $2.3

The proposed sale will contribute to the foreign policy and national security objectives of the United States
by enhancing the capability of Iraq's Air Force. The proposed aircraft and accompanying weapon systems
will greatly enhance Iraq’s interoperability with the U.S. and other NATO nations, making it a more
valuable partner in an important area of the world, as well as supporting Iraq’s legitimate need for its own

The proposed sale will allow the Iraqi Air Force to modernize its air force by acquiring western
interoperable fighter aircraft, thereby enabling Iraq to support both its own air defense needs and coalition
operations. The country will have no difficulty absorbing these aircraft into its armed forces.

The proposed sale of this equipment and support will not alter the basic military balance in the region.

la différence avec cela : Shocked
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messages : 24810
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
Localisation : 7Seas
Nationalité : Maroc
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces   Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 15 Icon_minitimeSam 7 Jan 2012 - 0:25


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Les nouveaux BTR-4
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces   Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 15 Icon_minitimeSam 7 Jan 2012 - 15:53

Trés belle série.
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messages : 461
Inscrit le : 21/09/2010
Localisation : algérie alger
Nationalité : Algerie
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces   Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 15 Icon_minitimeMar 10 Jan 2012 - 16:04

Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 15 Rando101
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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
Localisation : Maroc
Nationalité : Maroc
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces   Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 15 Icon_minitimeVen 13 Jan 2012 - 12:01

Citation :
Les BTR-4 de l’armée Irakien

Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 15 Iraq4

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