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 Gulfstream G-550

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Seguleh I
Moroccan Tankers
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Gulfstream G-550 Empty
MessageSujet: Gulfstream G-550   Gulfstream G-550 Icon_minitimeMer 20 Mai 2009 - 18:31

Gulfstream G-550 G550
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 7910
Inscrit le : 20/09/2007
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Gulfstream G-550 Unbena32 Gulfstream G-550 Medail10
Gulfstream G-550 Unbena24Gulfstream G-550 Unbena10

Gulfstream G-550 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Gulfstream G-550   Gulfstream G-550 Icon_minitimeMer 20 Mai 2009 - 19:09

Gulfstream G550 [modifier]

Le Gulfstream G550 est une version améliorée du G-V SP. Il arriva sur le marché en 2003 en apportant des performances en progression. Son autonomie est de 6 750 miles nautiques (12 501 km), principalement grâce à des améliorations aérodynamiques réduisant la traînée. Le Gulfstream 550 est l’avion d’affaire avec la plus longue autonomie au monde. Cet appareil dispose d’un cockpit «Planeview» (c'est-à-dire équipé de quatre moniteurs Honeywell 21 EFIS), d’un EVS (Système de Vision Amélioré), et d’une caméra infrarouge qui projette l’image de la vue avant sur un collimateur tête-haute. L’EVS permet à l’avion de se poser par temps de visibilité inférieure aux autres appareils. Cet avion se distingue du Gulfstream-V par un septième hublot passager des deux côtés de la carlingue, et par la valve d’échappement carrée sur le côté droit de l’appareil. Sur le Gulfstream V, cette valve est ronde.
L’US Navy dispose de quatre G550 (dénommé C-37B) utilisés pour les transports VIP.

source: wiki
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Moroccan Tankers
Moroccan Tankers

messages : 475
Inscrit le : 27/04/2009
Localisation : casablanca
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Gulfstream G-550 Unbena24Gulfstream G-550 Unbena10

Gulfstream G-550 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Gulfstream G-550   Gulfstream G-550 Icon_minitimeMer 20 Mai 2009 - 20:24

Gulfstream G-550 1067561
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Gulfstream G-550 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Gulfstream G-550   Gulfstream G-550 Icon_minitimeMer 20 Mai 2009 - 20:44

j´espere qu´il sera assigné ECM/SIGINT,sinon la VIP on en a trop a mon avis
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messages : 7967
Inscrit le : 24/04/2007
Nationalité : Maroc-France
Médailles de mérite :
Gulfstream G-550 Unbena12Gulfstream G-550 Unbena13
Gulfstream G-550 Unbena15Gulfstream G-550 Unbena10

Gulfstream G-550 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Gulfstream G-550   Gulfstream G-550 Icon_minitimeMer 20 Mai 2009 - 21:08

142 M$ ça me parais beaucoup pour un simple appareil civil ...Suspect
le Falcon 7X qui est dans la même gamme d'appareil c'est 50 M$ !

allé et si on révé un peut ...

Gulfstream G-550 Eltag5504ch9

Gulfstream G-550 Sign_v10
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Gulfstream G-550 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Gulfstream G-550   Gulfstream G-550 Icon_minitimeMer 20 Mai 2009 - 22:10

en quoi cela necessite une note pour un avion civil Question 142 millions c est super cher??? j aurai aimé a ce prix qu on achete quelques avions de controle maritime p 3 orion
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messages : 15517
Inscrit le : 18/03/2007
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Gulfstream G-550 Unbena11

Gulfstream G-550 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Gulfstream G-550   Gulfstream G-550 Icon_minitimeMer 20 Mai 2009 - 22:16

formation des pilotes et mechanos pendant 5 ans support + pieces de rechanges et Gulfstream c est le luxe des JET

Gulfstream G-550 Orbat_10Gulfstream G-550 Orbat_14Gulfstream G-550 Orbat_15Gulfstream G-550 Orbat_16Gulfstream G-550 Orbat_13Gulfstream G-550 Orbat_17Gulfstream G-550 Orbat_18Gulfstream G-550 Orbat_19Gulfstream G-550 Orbat_20Gulfstream G-550 Orbat_22Gulfstream G-550 Orbat_21

و كان حقا علينا نصر المؤمنين - حب الأوطان من الإيمان

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Gulfstream G-550 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Gulfstream G-550   Gulfstream G-550 Icon_minitimeMer 20 Mai 2009 - 22:20

said a écrit:
en quoi cela necessite une note pour un avion civil Question

bonne remarque Wink
cet avion fait dernierement parler de lui comme bonne plateforme CAEW ou SIGINT(Israel,Singapoure et autres interessés..),peut etre un changement du DA-20 ECM/ELINT,mais ca ne reste que speculation de ma part,car 142M$ pour ""Head of State" serait un mauvais investissement Rolling Eyes
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 6954
Inscrit le : 02/04/2008
Localisation : USA
Nationalité : MoroccanUS
Médailles de mérite :
Gulfstream G-550 Unbena32 Gulfstream G-550 Medail10
Gulfstream G-550 Unbena24

Gulfstream G-550 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Gulfstream G-550   Gulfstream G-550 Icon_minitimeMer 20 Mai 2009 - 23:18

Yakuza a écrit:
j´espere qu´il sera assigné ECM/SIGINT,sinon la VIP on en a trop a mon avis

Your wish will become true.believe me;) Wink Wink
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Gulfstream G-550 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Gulfstream G-550   Gulfstream G-550 Icon_minitimeMer 20 Mai 2009 - 23:28

j´ai tout de meme quelques raisons d´en douter...mais bon

old stuff
Citation :
SOURCE:Flight International
Gulfstream set to make missile protection a wider option

Missile countermeasures are about to be certificated on the Gulf-stream G550 and G500 long-range business twinjets, General Dynamics-owned Gulfstream Aerospace has announced. Retrofits to the Gulfstream V series will be certificated at the same time.

The equipment, offered as an option, is the BAE Systems ALQ-204 Matador infrared countermeasures system. The Matador is already offered on the G300 and G400 series launched last year, and is certificated for retrofit to the GIV and GIV-SP. So far the Matador has been installed on one GIV and six GIV-SPs. More than 20 countries use Gulfstream aircraft as head of state transports
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Gulfstream G-550 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Gulfstream G-550   Gulfstream G-550 Icon_minitimeJeu 21 Mai 2009 - 0:41

salam Very Happy
Citation :
The Royal Moroccan Air Force will use this new aircraft to provide safe, secure, and dedicated air transport for its Head of State

had fi9ra kata3ni anaha adi tasta3mal fa na9l vip fa9at !

Citation :
The principal contractors will be Gulfstream Aerospace in Savannah, Ga., Honeywell Aerospace in Phoenix, Az., and Flight Safety International in New York

hadi kata3ni ana jami3 mota39idin fa saf9a mirikaniyin . so makaynch radar israeli !

Citation :
This notice of a potential sale is required by law, and does not mean the sale has been concluded

hadi kata3ni anao mazal mata7samch fa saf9a
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Gulfstream G-550 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Gulfstream G-550   Gulfstream G-550 Icon_minitimeJeu 21 Mai 2009 - 0:46

en Francais STP,y´en a qui ne sont pas forts dans l´arabe,et les langues permises au forum sont le francais et l´anglais,l´arabe/espagnole en exception mais alors avec traduction Like a Star @ heaven

la version VIP coute seulement 59,9 Mio. US$,donc...
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Seguleh I
Seguleh I

messages : 1281
Inscrit le : 22/07/2008
Localisation : tatooine
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Gulfstream G-550 Unbena24Gulfstream G-550 Unbena22
Gulfstream G-550 Cheval10

Gulfstream G-550 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Gulfstream G-550   Gulfstream G-550 Icon_minitimeJeu 21 Mai 2009 - 1:27

Etrange tout de meme, t'as mis le doigt sur quelque chose Viper, le prix.
Yak , moi j'ai trouvé 47 Millions USD "nachf".

Sur Global security, ca donne ca...

Citation :

Gulfstream G550

On 28 August 2003 Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of General DynamicsGulfstream G-550 Mag-glass_10x10 (NYSE:GD), was awarded a contract with a potential value of up to $473 million. Gulfstream will supply and provide support for four Gulfstream G550 business jet aircraft, with an option for two additional G550 aircraft, to the Israeli Ministry of Defense. The aircraft will be used as Compact Airborne Early Warning (CAEW) platforms. The program will take full advantage of the Gulfstream G550's exceptional capabilities, endurance, reliability and low operating cost. The contract includes a firm, fixed-price 10-year contractor logistics support (CLS) program valued at up to $18 million, with the follow-on 10-year option valued at up to $26 million. Following initial phase and partial final phase production, which includes interior and exterior modifications to the platform at Gulfstream's Savannah facility, the mission equipment installation and system integration will be done in Israel.

Another opportunity for the G550 is the Broad Area Maritime Surveillance (BAMS) project. This would use the luxury jet, converted into an unmanned unpiloted mode, with a range of 6750 miles it can carry a payload of 20,000 lbs. Designated the RQ-37, the UAV would have 3 to 4 times the payload of the Global Hawk, over 15 hours endurance and the redundancy of twin engines. The drawbacks of the RQ-37 proposal are considerably less endurance and cost. Whilethe Global Hawk costs around $24-25 million, the basic, unequipped G550 sells for around $35 million.

Introduced in 2002, the Gulfstream G550 is fully equipped and includes the comprehensive and industry-exclusive Gulfstream 5-year Maintenance and Training Package, the PlaneView™️ cockpit, Head-Up display and the Gulfstream Enhanced Vision (EVS) System. With the longest range in its class, the G550 can fly 18 passengers up to 6,750 nautical miles nonstop at a cruising speed of .885 Mach and at an altitude of up to 51,000 feet. Owners of the G550 can choose from multiple cabin layouts and several customer-preferred option packages. Customers can also choose to customize the interior to best meet their individual needs.

The G550 program began in 1999 as an advanced cockpit project and evolved into a total aircraft upgrade. In 2001, Gulfstream's development team created a GV-SP, or "GV-Special Performance," prototype by modifying an existing Gulfstream V®️ aircraft. On Aug. 31, 2001, the GV-SP test aircraft, called "T1," completed its first flight, with pilots and engineers onboard testing its basic systems and its new flight deck system called PlaneView™️.

Three months later, in November 2001, the production team began the process of transitioning the GV production line to a GV-SP production line and, in June 2002, the first production GV-SP was unveiled. One month later in July, the first production GV-SP flew for 5 hours, 1 minute on its maiden flight - the longest first flight of a new type aircraft in Gulfstream history.

At the National Business Aviation Association's Annual Meeting and Convention held in September 2002, Gulfstream unveiled a new, seven aircraft product line that included the renaming of the GV-SP to the Gulfstream G550. In December 2002, the FAA granted the G550 its Provisional Type Certificate, marking the first certification of PlaneView flight deck components.

Powered by two advanced Rolls-Royce BR710 engines, each producing more than 15,000 pounds of thrust, the G550 can fly eight passengers and four crewmembers 6,750 nautical miles - the longest range available in a business jet. This range is a 250-nautical-mile increase over the GV and was accomplished with advanced aerodynamic improvements. The G550 will fly non-stop from New York to Tokyo in 14 1/2 hours at altitudes up to 51,000 feet, high above commercial air traffic, weatherGulfstream G-550 Mag-glass_10x10 and adverse winds and permitting even more direct air traffic routing.

The G550 also will feature the most advanced flight deck in corporate aviation. The PlaneView™️ cockpit is an integrated avionics suite that features four large liquid crystal displays that significantly improve the readability of terrain maps, navigational and weather information, and primary flight data.

The large-cabin, ultra-long-range G550's standard equipment includes the Gulfstream Enhanced Vision System™️ and the Gulfstream Signature Control Devices. The Gulfstream EVS, which is the first system of its kind to be certified by the FDA significantly improves pilot situational awareness during conditions of reduced visibility, both in flight and on the ground. The comprehensive industry-exclusive Gulfstream 5-year Service and Training Package and the competitive warranty program are just two of the many standard features offered with the G550.

Owners of the fully equipped Gulfstream G550 will enjoy choosing from multiple cabin layouts and several other well-planned and designed option packages. The standard equipment and option packages combined with the proven reliability, safety, comfort and performance offer an exceptional combination of features that serve to enhance the customer's ability to tailor the aircraft to meet their individual mission needs. Customization packages are also available on the G550.

Depending on the configuration, the G550 can accommodate 14 to 18 passengers.

Source: globalsecurity

Ca doit etre un avion tres VIP s'il coute autant qu'un Boeing 777-200 LR , je comprends pas...
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Gulfstream G-550 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Gulfstream G-550   Gulfstream G-550 Icon_minitimeJeu 21 Mai 2009 - 1:35

selon wiki.en/de le prix est sur ~59M$

exemples d´achat VIP

Citation :
The controversial $40m US Gulfstream G550 jet arrived in Tanzania on Friday.

Citation :
The Government of Uganda ordered one G550 for Presidential flights in December 2007 at a cost of US$48.2 million to replace a Gulfstream IV (GIV). Delivery of the G550 is expected in early 2009

c´est plus que VIP a mon avis,la turquie a acheté une version command&control fin 2008,mais le prix non determiné,ca aurai aidé a comparer
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messages : 981
Inscrit le : 11/02/2008
Localisation : Lebhira, Medina de Rabat
Nationalité : maroc-espagne

Gulfstream G-550 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Gulfstream G-550   Gulfstream G-550 Icon_minitimeJeu 21 Mai 2009 - 1:58

Yakuza a écrit:
en Francais STP,y´en a qui ne sont pas forts dans l´arabe,et les langues permises au forum sont le francais et l´anglais,l´arabe/espagnole en exception mais alors avec traduction Like a Star @ heaven
J'comprends bien l'arabe, pourtant j'n'ai rien compris du post, moi Rolling Eyes
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Seguleh I
Seguleh I

messages : 1281
Inscrit le : 22/07/2008
Localisation : tatooine
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Gulfstream G-550 Unbena24Gulfstream G-550 Unbena22
Gulfstream G-550 Cheval10

Gulfstream G-550 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Gulfstream G-550   Gulfstream G-550 Icon_minitimeJeu 21 Mai 2009 - 5:54

VIp apparemment (j'avais pas lu Head of state), mais bonjour le prix.
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Gulfstream G-550 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Gulfstream G-550   Gulfstream G-550 Icon_minitimeJeu 21 Mai 2009 - 8:08

Je dirais que cet achat est normal pour remplacer un de nos vieux Gulfstream !
Cela dit pas à ce prix là, à mon avis il doit avoir quelque chose de spécial mais quoi ? mystere, si on l'achete à ce prix là on est vraiment des pigeons !
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messages : 981
Inscrit le : 11/02/2008
Localisation : Lebhira, Medina de Rabat
Nationalité : maroc-espagne

Gulfstream G-550 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Gulfstream G-550   Gulfstream G-550 Icon_minitimeJeu 21 Mai 2009 - 9:54

Cobrath a écrit:
Je dirais que cet achat est normal pour remplacer un de nos vieux Gulfstream !
Cela dit pas à ce prix là, à mon avis il doit avoir quelque chose de spécial mais quoi ? mystere, si on l'achete à ce prix là on est vraiment des pigeons !
Correction: Des moutons.
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Gulfstream G-550 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Gulfstream G-550   Gulfstream G-550 Icon_minitimeJeu 21 Mai 2009 - 18:27

utilité de cette achat Question je vois pas
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Caporal chef
Caporal chef

messages : 180
Inscrit le : 18/01/2009
Localisation : lille
Nationalité : Maroc

Gulfstream G-550 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Gulfstream G-550   Gulfstream G-550 Icon_minitimeJeu 21 Mai 2009 - 18:55

l'etat major sait ce quil font si c'etais juste un avion de transport VIP il ne vont pas deboursé 142millions de dollars en l'air, deplus si on regarde la flotte actuelle les falcon et les autres gulfstream ont tous un rayon d'action inferieur a 5000-6000km et le G-550 a quand meme 12000km non a mon avis le gulfstream sera aura pour mission ELINT c'est clair est net
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messages : 7967
Inscrit le : 24/04/2007
Nationalité : Maroc-France
Médailles de mérite :
Gulfstream G-550 Unbena12Gulfstream G-550 Unbena13
Gulfstream G-550 Unbena15Gulfstream G-550 Unbena10

Gulfstream G-550 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Gulfstream G-550   Gulfstream G-550 Icon_minitimeJeu 21 Mai 2009 - 19:10

Apparament les américains ont déjà vendu un Gulfstream G550 CAEW aux Irlandais....

Gulfstream G-550 2801

Citation :
The Irish Air Corps have taken delivery of a Gulfstream G550 CAEW. The unannounced development arose as a result of concerns by the United States administration about the capabilities of the Air Corps CASA 235 maritime patrol aircraft to monitor a sufficiently large volume of air space in the lead up to the G20 summit which is taking place in London this week. Shannon airport has been designated an alternate for Air Force 1 should the aircraft be forced to divert for any reason during it's flight to / from the UK and the Irish Air Corps are responsible for security within Irish airspace

High level talks are understood to have taken place involving the Defence Forces and officials from the Department of Defence who met with their counterparts in Homeland Security and the State Department to assess the ability of the Air Corps aircraft.

As a result of the discussions the US administration took the decision that it would offer the Irish Air Corps the use of a Gulfstream Aerospace CAEW aircraft for a period of 2 weeks. For the past 8 weeks six Air Corps pilots have been training at the Gulfstream Aerospace facility in Savannah Georgia to familiarise themselves with the aircraft's sophisticated radar and signal intelligence capabilities. As part of the loan arrangement the USAF have provided the services of a Liaison pilot, Lt. Rolf Apilo who will partner the Air Corps pilots for the duration of the exercise. The aircraft arrived in Shannon on Monday night at approximately 3.00 am and was immediately hangared with Signature Flight Support who will be handling the aircraft during it's stay in Ireland. Pictured above, the latest Air Corps recruit, serial 280 taxis for takeoff on R24 at Shannon yesterday morning for it's patrol in advance of the transit of Air Force 1 through Irish airspace on it's way to Stansted. In addition to 'Irish Air Corps' titles the aircraft carried 'Maritime' titles under the cockpit window, similar to those on the CASA aircraft For the record the hex code of 280 is 4CA790

Gulfstream G-550 Sign_v10
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Gulfstream G-550 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Gulfstream G-550   Gulfstream G-550 Icon_minitimeJeu 21 Mai 2009 - 21:05

S'il il n'avait pas été question de transport "VIP" on aurait pû parler de Gulfstream G550 CAEW...
Mais là il ne fait aucuns doutes que nous ne portons pas notre regard sur celle-ci, non non non en cas de guerre il est plus important de pouvoir transporté des "VIP" que de défendre le territoire national... Rolling Eyes

Cela dit je verrais bien le CAEW avec le camo des F16 Cool
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Caporal chef
Caporal chef

messages : 180
Inscrit le : 18/01/2009
Localisation : lille
Nationalité : Maroc

Gulfstream G-550 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Gulfstream G-550   Gulfstream G-550 Icon_minitimeJeu 21 Mai 2009 - 21:24

ca fait un peu cher 142 millions de$ un boeing BBJ est par exemple beaucoups moins cher ,Bref je penche
CAEWS,mais les pieces seront d'un contrat a part ,si c'est VIP l'EM s'est fait vraiment roulé chez Dassault a ce prix la c'est au moins 2 Falcon 7X
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Seguleh I
Seguleh I

messages : 1281
Inscrit le : 22/07/2008
Localisation : tatooine
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Gulfstream G-550 Unbena24Gulfstream G-550 Unbena22
Gulfstream G-550 Cheval10

Gulfstream G-550 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Gulfstream G-550   Gulfstream G-550 Icon_minitimeJeu 21 Mai 2009 - 21:44

Cobrath,je crois que les plateformes aeriennes de detection avancée ne portent pas de camo parce que elles ne font jamais (?) (ou est l'utilité?) de LLF.
Ps: si t'en trouve un a camo je suis preneur Wink
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messages : 325
Inscrit le : 03/03/2007
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Gulfstream G-550 Unbenanntpo9Gulfstream G-550 Unbenanntjx6
Gulfstream G-550 Unbenannt1ut4

Gulfstream G-550 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Gulfstream G-550   Gulfstream G-550 Icon_minitimeJeu 21 Mai 2009 - 23:28

je crois que le G-550 est bel est bien un VIP, sinon pourquoi ils mentionneraient "head of state", je crois que l'intégration de contres mesures très avancées expliquerait un tel prix.
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Gulfstream G-550 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Gulfstream G-550   Gulfstream G-550 Icon_minitime

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Gulfstream G-550
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