messages : 14756 Inscrit le : 07/09/2009 Localisation : Maroc Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: systèmes d'artilleries autotractés et autopropulsés Mar 6 Mar 2012 - 12:17
Caesar 155mm self-propelled howitzer
_________________ Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autres
MAATAWI Modérateur
messages : 14756 Inscrit le : 07/09/2009 Localisation : Maroc Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: systèmes d'artilleries autotractés et autopropulsés Mar 8 Mai 2012 - 17:03
Citation :
Raytheon Fires Excalibur from G6 Self-Propelled Howitzer
U.S. soldiers fire precision-guided Excalibur cannon ammunition. (Photo: U.S. Army)
Excalibur will give G6 users precision artillery capability
14:06 GMT, May 8, 2012 TUCSON, Ariz. | Raytheon Company has fired four Excalibur 155mm precision-guided artillery projectiles from the Denel-manufactured G6 self-propelled howitzer as part of a field trial demonstration.
Multiple rounds of the combat-proven Excalibur successfully fired from the G6 155mm wheeled howitzer out to a range of 38 kilometers (23.6 statute miles), with all rounds landing within 5 meters (16.4 feet) of the target.
"These trials demonstrated Excalibur can give a true precision capability to G6 howitzers that can enhance the warfighter's defensive posture," said Kevin Matthies, Excalibur program director for Raytheon Missile Systems. "Excalibur improves tactical war fighting capability by providing precision that is essential to close-combat operations."
The U.S. Army has demonstrated Excalibur in scenarios designed to defeat specific point targets while avoiding damage to structures, non-combatants and friendly forces. This targeting capability provides flexibility to engage at the tactical level, avoiding unintended consequences. Significantly fewer Excalibur rounds are required to defeat a target, lessening the burden of logistics.
Successfully fielded in 2007, the Excalibur 155mm precision-guided, extended-range projectile is the revolutionary artillery round used in theater today by the U.S. Army and Marine Corps. Using GPS precision guidance technology, Excalibur provides accurate, first round, fire-for-effect capability in an urban setting. Excalibur is considered a true precision weapon, impacting at a radial miss distance of 6 meters from the target.
_________________ Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autres
godzavia Adjudant-chef
messages : 461 Inscrit le : 21/09/2010 Localisation : algérie alger Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: systèmes d'artilleries autotractés et autopropulsés Sam 2 Juin 2012 - 9:49
godzavia Adjudant-chef
messages : 461 Inscrit le : 21/09/2010 Localisation : algérie alger Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: systèmes d'artilleries autotractés et autopropulsés Ven 10 Aoû 2012 - 18:11
nouveau prototype d'artillerie us
Invité Invité
Sujet: Re: systèmes d'artilleries autotractés et autopropulsés Sam 11 Aoû 2012 - 4:34
gabéche nazim 2 a écrit:
nouveau prototype d'artillerie us
NLOS-C a été annulé.
Ce véhicule faisait partie du programe Future Combat System, un programme qui avait pour but la standardisation des véhicules blindés de l'US Army, il comporte 8 véhicules différents basé sur le même chassis (7 chenillés et 1 sur roues 8x8), un chassis unique pour les 8 véhicules, léger et aérotransportable.
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: systèmes d'artilleries autotractés et autopropulsés Jeu 16 Aoû 2012 - 16:46
Citation :
Yugoimport develops longer-ranging, harder-hitting M56 howitzer By Christopher F Foss 8/16/2012 Serbia's Yugoimport has completed development and testing of an upgrade package for the 105 mm M56 howitzer, increasing its range and mobility.
The upgrade work to create the M56A1 centres on the replacement of the original 105 mm / 28 cal barrel with a 105 mm / 33 cal tube made of stronger steel to enable projectiles to be fired with a higher charge. This new barrel has a claimed life of at least 18,000 equivalent full-charge (EFC) rounds.
Other modifications include a new double-baffle muzzle brake, a new breech block and a horizontal sliding breech mechanism made of stronger steel. It also features a new hydropneumatic equilibrator to compensate for the increased weight of the new barrel, its recoil now between 900 and 1,150 mm. An additional mass is also fitted to the end of each trail leg to counteract the extra weight of the barrel when the weapon is being towed.
The upgraded M56A1 can fire the standard 105 mm M1 high-explosive (HE) projectile with a new, locally developed S1 charge to a maximum range of 14.5 km and minimum range of 2 km
Yakuza Administrateur
messages : 21656 Inscrit le : 15/09/2009 Localisation : 511 Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: SH1 155 mm Self-propelled Gun Howitzer Mer 19 Sep 2012 - 18:01
Norinco 155mm SH-1 (chinese Caesar)
Citation :
SH1 155 mm Self-propelled Gun Howitzer NORINCO - China
SH1 is a 155/52 calibre truck-mouted gun howitzer developed by NORINCO. It is a perfect combination of cross-country chassis and large calibre gun howitzer, and bridges the gap between 155 mm heavy self-propelled artillery systems and 155 mm towed artillery systems. Compared with other kinds of howitzer, SH1 has advantages such as a high mobility, large fire-power, fast hit capability, modular design, good coast-effectiveness, etc. The weapon system is based on the extensive esperience and technical achievement accumulated in well-proven 155 mm gun howitzer systems and cross-country chassis. The overall structure is reasonable, the operation is simple as weel as the maintenance is very easy. It is up to date one of the most advanced self-propelled gun howitzers in the world.
strategic and tactical mobility fast-hit capability large power and long range multi-mode combat configuration C4ISR interface modular design good comprehensive performance
Crew: 6 Length: 9.68 m Width: 2.580 m Height: 3.50 m Combat weight: 22.5 t Maximum speed (road): 90 km/h Cruising range: 600 km Ground clearance: 0.38 m Gradient: 58% Caliber: 155 mm Barrel length: 52 Cal. Maximum fire range: ERFB/HE: 32 km, ERFB-BB/HE: 41 km, ERFB-BB-RA/HE: 53 km Elevation: -3° to +70° Traverse: 20° Automatic gun laying accuracy: 1 mil
messages : 3496 Inscrit le : 27/06/2009 Localisation : Partout. Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: systèmes d'artilleries autotractés et autopropulsés Mer 19 Sep 2012 - 22:55
Pas mal comme schéma, ça permet de mettre en image les capacités très intéressante de l'obus à guidage laser, mais un guidage depuis le ciel en drone me parait plus intéressant tactiquement.
Invité Invité
Sujet: Re: systèmes d'artilleries autotractés et autopropulsés Mer 19 Sep 2012 - 23:08
Younes a écrit:
Pas mal comme schéma, ça permet de mettre en image les capacités très intéressante de l'obus à guidage laser, mais un guidage depuis le ciel en drone me parait plus intéressant tactiquement.
Pour l'appui des troupes en difficulté rien de mieux que de les laisser choisir elles mêmes les cibles qui leur paraissent prioritaires, et ça limite aussi les friendly fires. De toute façon chaque option a ses avantages et son rôle dans un schéma tactique.
MAATAWI Modérateur
messages : 14756 Inscrit le : 07/09/2009 Localisation : Maroc Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: systèmes d'artilleries autotractés et autopropulsés Mar 23 Oct 2012 - 17:08
Citation :
New, Improved Howitzer Prototype Readied for Production
The M109 Paladin Integrated Management mobile Howitzer will begin limited user tests next month, a BAE company official said Oct. 22 at the Association for the United States Army annual conference in Washington, D.C.
Low rate initial production of the cannon will begin next summer or fall, said Roy Perkins, director of Army market creation for BAE Systems.
The PIM has fired about 2,800 rounds and driven some 4,000 miles in tests at Yuma Proving Ground, Ariz. The program has melded the Howitzer turret that was upgraded in the 1990s to a new chassis that is based on the Bradley Fighting Vehicle, Perkins said.
The program was what the Army had left in terms of modernizing its mobile Howitzer after the cancellation of the Future Combat Systems, and its non-line-of-sight cannon.
The Army decided to proceed with upgrades to the Paladin instead, and awarded BAE Systems a contract to build five prototypes along with an equal number of ammo carriers.
The new chassis will do away with much of the hydraulic system and convert it to an all electric system. The new power system allows the vehicle to move the cannon turret with electric power. Soldiers have complained for decades about the hydraulic system that leaked oil. The chassis produces 675 horsepower over the old chassis' 440 horsepower, Perkins said. There will still be exportable power that can be used for jammers and communications gear, he added.
"For those who have been around hydraulic systems, they leak. It doesn't matter what you do, they leak," he said. The only remaining hydraulics left on the system is the recoil on the gun, he said.
Overall, the Army is downsizing. There are currently 973 Paladins in the inventory, but the upgrades will only be done on 580, he said.
"This will allow the Howitzer to maintain its viability for the next 30 to 40 years," Perkins said.
Photo Credit: Army
_________________ Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autres
jf16 General de Division
messages : 40537 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: systèmes d'artilleries autotractés et autopropulsés Mar 4 Déc 2012 - 17:24
Le Groupe Tata (Division de Tata Power SED) a présenté son prototype de 155 mm, monté sur véhicule 6 × 6, avec laquelle il participera au prochain concours de l'armée indienne avec en vu un contrat au moins 814 pièces. (Source : )
Yakuza Administrateur
messages : 21656 Inscrit le : 15/09/2009 Localisation : 511 Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: systèmes d'artilleries autotractés et autopropulsés Jeu 10 Jan 2013 - 13:36
appreciez l´effet devastateur du M-110A2 vers +3´15
Fremo Administrateur
messages : 24810 Inscrit le : 14/02/2009 Localisation : 7Seas Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: systèmes d'artilleries autotractés et autopropulsés Sam 13 Juil 2013 - 11:17
La version de SORA 122mm de la Serbie
yassine1985 Colonel-Major
messages : 2948 Inscrit le : 11/11/2010 Localisation : Marrakech Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: systèmes d'artilleries autotractés et autopropulsés Mar 15 Oct 2013 - 10:48
_________________ ."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
jf16 General de Division
messages : 40537 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: systèmes d'artilleries autotractés et autopropulsés Lun 28 Oct 2013 - 21:49
jf16 General de Division
messages : 40537 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: systèmes d'artilleries autotractés et autopropulsés Dim 12 Jan 2014 - 18:18
jf16 General de Division
messages : 40537 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: systèmes d'artilleries autotractés et autopropulsés Dim 12 Jan 2014 - 19:09
Le SOKO Serbe de 122mm.
jf16 General de Division
messages : 40537 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
DRDO Develops Self propelled Gun Based on the Arjun Tank
Among the new artillery pieces on show at Defexpo 2014 is a new Arjun Mk1 chassis matched with a Russian built M-46 130mm self propelled gun (SGP) system based. Known as ‘Arjun catapult’, the vehicle was developed by the Indian Combat Vehicle Research & Development establishment (CVRDE), a division of the Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO). It will replace a similar system based on obsolete Vijayanta chassis, currently operating with two artillery regiments of the Indian Army.
The Arjun based SPG began field-testing in 2012. In March-April this year the Indian Army plans to carry out a major test involving both Army and contractor personnel. Based on the conclusion of these trials the Army plans to order 40 such guns to equip the two artillery regiments. “The catapult would fulfill the interim and immediate requirements of artillery, there by extending the life of 130 mm guns” CVRDE Director Dr P Sivakumar said; the project has been progressing rapidly, addressing urgent Army requirements, “first field development trials in November 2012, four moths after receiving the Army requirement.” Sivakumar added.
Side and front armored walls protect the gun compartment, providing the crew with armor protection of STANAG level II.
Arjun Catapult SP gun, mounting the Russian D46 130mm howitzer
Denel Land Systems (DLS) took the opportunity to demonstrate its truck-mounted 155 mm T6-52 artillery system during an event held at South Africa's Overberg Test Range in April.
The company wanted to highlight the system's superior range when firing rocket-assisted projectiles (54.8 km at sea level), rate of fire (six rounds in the first minute, with a sustained rate of fire of 2 per minute), and its ability to fire six rounds that land simultaneously on the same target.
A DLS 155 mm T6-52 gun fires a projectile during a demonstration at the company's Overberg Test Range in South Africa in April. (Denel Land Systems)
The gun can also be elevated from 3° to +72°, allowing it to be used in the direct fire role: a capability that was demonstrated when it put two rounds into the same impact point at 1,000 m.
Sujet: Re: systèmes d'artilleries autotractés et autopropulsés Jeu 20 Aoû 2015 - 1:41
un peu de lecture scolaire sur l'artillerie! peut être un officier étudiant passera par la et en profitera !
augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: systèmes d'artilleries autotractés et autopropulsés Mar 25 Aoû 2015 - 12:20
Citation :
Poland reveals its new AHS Krab self-propelled howitzer By Dylan Vosman - Aug 24, 2015
On Monday August 24 in Huta Stalowa Wola SA officially presented the “new” self-propelled tracked howitzer “Crab”
The AHS Krab (Polish for Crab) is a 155 mm NATO-compatible self-propelled tracked howitzer (or more precisely a gun-howitzer) designed in Poland by Centrum Produkcji Wojskowej Huta Stalowa Wola combining K9 Thunder chassis, a AS-90M Braveheart turret with 52-calibre gun and WB Electronics “Topaz” artillery fire control system.
The 2011 version used a Nexter Systems barrel and UPG chassis. The future production batch expected in 2016, utilize K9 chassis and Rheinmetall barrel.