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 Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces

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messages : 21656
Inscrit le : 15/09/2009
Localisation : 511
Nationalité : Maroco-Allemand
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MessageSujet: Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces   Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 Icon_minitimeVen 23 Oct 2009 - 1:19

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Citation :
Alenia Aeronautica has delivered the last C-27J to the Lithuanian Air Force
Alenia Aeronautica has delivered on the 21st of October 2009 to the Air Force of the Lithuanian Republic the last out of 3 C-27Js, as per the contract signed in June 2006, fully meeting time schedule.

The first aircraft had been delivered to the Lithuanian Air Force in December 2006 and the second one in December 2008.
The ceremony took place at Siauliai Military Airport (Lithuania) at the presence of the Defence Ministry - Miss Rasa Jukneviciene – Commander of the Armed Forces - Maj Gen Arvydas Pocius - and Commander of the Lithuanian Air Force - Brig Gen Arturas Leita, and of Alenia Aeronautica’s top management.
The Lithuanian Defence Ministry has expressed his full satisfaction for this successful programme for the Country’s Armed Forces.
Giovanni Bertolone, CEO of Alenia Aeronautica, commented, “After one month from the ceremony for the delivery of the first refurbished G.222 for the U.S. Air Force (USAF) and assigned to the Afghan Air Force, today’s delivery, with the last C-27J to the Lithuanian Air Force, stands once again for the strong commitment by Alenia Aeronautica in fulfilling its contractual duties and in assuring its customers’ full satisfaction”.
The C-27J, developed by Alenia Aeronautica, is an aircraft capable of accomplishing many missions among which transport of troops, goods and medical stuff, paradrop operations, search and rescue (SAR), support to civil protection and maritime patrolling activities.
The C-27J represents the most advanced programme of last-generation tactical transport airplanes and will be used by the Lithuanian Air Force for the transport of troops and materials, also outside national borders, within the operations led by NATO agreements, whose organisation Lithuania has been member since 2004.

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Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 A10-na10

Dernière édition par Yakuza le Lun 27 Mai 2013 - 13:50, édité 1 fois
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 40867
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
Nationalité : France
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces   Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 Icon_minitimeVen 16 Mar 2018 - 18:10

Citation :
LK Sausumos Pajėgos
Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 24816
Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 24038
Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 683822
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 40867
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
Nationalité : France
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces   Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 Icon_minitimeMer 18 Avr 2018 - 21:41

Citation :
Bulgarian Air Force
Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 25350
Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 25448
Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 25543
Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 25638
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 40867
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
Nationalité : France
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces   Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 Icon_minitimeLun 9 Juil 2018 - 15:26

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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 40867
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
Nationalité : France
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces   Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 Icon_minitimeMer 18 Juil 2018 - 16:49

Citation :
New Lithuanian Vilkas infantry fighting vehicles tested in Germany

Jul 18, 2018

Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 4572

On 18 July, Ministry of National Defence Republic of Lithuania has announced that the new Vilkas infantry fighting vehicles take part in intense tests at the German military training areas.

According to the official statement, the manufacturer of Vilkas Infantry Fighting Vehicles (IFV), ARTEC, is putting two prototypes of IFVS bought by Lithuania, to intense testing at the German military training areas. Both prototypes have been made according to requirements of the Lithuanian Armed Forces, have Israeli-made turrets, 30 mm rapid-fire cannons and Spike LR anti-tank missiles.

“The IFV project is one of the key elements of modernisation and strengthening of the Lithuanian Armed Forces. The Vilkas have been adjusted to the needs of our armed forces and mark a qualitative leap in the modernisation of our forces in providing it with modern equipment and weaponry that brings it to NATO standards and contributes directly to strengthening the security of all of us,” Minister of National Defence Raimundas Karoblis says.

The key task of the prototypes is to assist the manufacturer in identifying the weaknesses in Vilkas IFVs to remove technical deficiencies before mass manufacturing begins thus ensuring high quality and work of all systems. Specialists from the Lithuanian Armed Forces are participating in the testing to gain experience in maintaining and operating the IFVs.

“We call these two IFVs prototypes because these are the first two produced according to the Lithuanian Armed Forces’ requirements with integrated turrets and at this phase are meant for assessment of integration and functioning of all systems. In comparison to the operator training vehicles obtained last year, these prototypes are significantly more complex, include more and different equipment that turns an armoured personnel carrier into a combat vehicle,” head of the project Lithuanian Major Nerijus Šivickas said on the IFV prototype.

Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 4477
Photo by the ARTEC

Various tests make IFV mechanical and electronic systems to operate in maximum modes seeking to determine whether the prototype constructed on Lithuania’s order match the requirements of requirements – reliability, safety, functioning of components and modules, etc. If weaknesses are identified, manufacturing and assembly processes will be adjusted thus preventing the risk of malfunction over the actual operation period.

Once the testing is completed, technical condition of both prototypes will be reset to the manufacturer’s parameters and the IFVs will be returned to the Lithuanian Armed Forces. First Vilkas IFVs are expected to be brought to Lithuania in early 2019.

Also, Lithuania sent a letter of intent earlier in July to join the NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA) Boxer program for supplying and maintaining the vehicles to ensure a proper logistical provision to the IFVs procured by the Lithuania Armed Forces. Participation in the program would allow access to common central and spare parts storages, service capabilities for major systems, engineer and technical support, etc., over the IFVs operation period.

Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 4374
Photo by the ARTEC

The 88 IFVs bought for EUR 386 million to the Lithuanian Armed Forces on the basis of the contract signed on 22 August 2016 will be equipped with rapid-fire cannons and anti-armour missiles. The IFVs will be given to the Lithuanian Grand Duke Algirdas Mechanised Battalion and the Lithuanian Grand Duchess Birutė Uhlan Battalion of the Mechanised Infantry Brigade Iron Wolf.

The combination of firepower, manoeuvre and crew safety in the Vilkas IFVs match the needs of the Lithuanian Armed Forces and will be perfect for both national defence and multinational deployments. Lithuania agreed with the manufacturer ARTEC that the IFVs ordered by Lithuania will be renamed from Boxer into Vilkas to maintain the link with Lithuania’s history and the traditions of the Lithuanian Armed Forces.

Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 4281
Photo by the ARTEC  
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 40867
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
Nationalité : France
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces   Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSam 11 Aoû 2018 - 15:14

Citation :
Lithuania acquires Sitaware Frontline for Boxer IFVs

Gerrard Cowan, Belfast - Jane's International Defence Review

10 August 2018

Systematic's Sitaware Frontline command-and-control (C2) software is to be integrated onto the Lithuanian Land Force's future
armoured combat vehicles, the company announced on 8 August.

Sitaware Frontline will be installed aboard the Land Force's 8x8 Boxer infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) variants. The vehicles -
known as 'Vilkas', or 'Wolf', in Lithuanian service - will be delivered in four configurations: command post, squad, platoon,
and company commander. A total of 88 platforms are being procured from the ARTEC group, alongside trainers, with the
vehicles being delivered up to 2021.

Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 43b32
The Lithuanian Land Force 'Vilkas' infantry fighting vehicle will be equipped with the Sitaware Frontline software.
(Leva Budzeikaite/Lithuanian Land Force)

According to the company, the software provides friendly-force tracking information and an automatically updated situational
awareness picture that includes disposition of forces, danger areas, points of interest, and intelligence on an enemy.
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 40867
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
Nationalité : France
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces   Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 Icon_minitimeMer 19 Sep 2018 - 18:50

Citation :
Motorizuotoji pėstininkų brigada „Žemaitija“  
Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 110
Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 683822
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 40867
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
Nationalité : France
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces   Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 Icon_minitimeVen 19 Oct 2018 - 20:33

Citation :
Lithuania buys more G36 assault rifles

Nicholas Fiorenza, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly

19 October 2018

The Lithuanian Ministry of Defence (MoD) placed a follow-on order for G36 assault rifles from Heckler & Koch, the company announced on 16 October.

The order is for a modified version of the rifle, designated G36 KA4M1 by the Lithuanians, with an HK269 40 mm-grenade launcher, a new buttstock, slimmer handguard, and modified sight rail.

The order is worth EUR11 million (USD12.6 million), with deliveries taking place in 2019.

The Lithuanian MoD already ordered the G36 KA4M1 with the HK269 in August 2016, which were delivered in 2017 under a contract worth around EUR12.5 million.

Heckler & Koch did not give the number of G36 KA4M1s or HK269s contained in either order.
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 40867
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
Nationalité : France
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces   Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 Icon_minitimeJeu 22 Nov 2018 - 22:08

Citation :
Lithuania to acquire L-ATV combat multi-role vehicles

Nov 22, 2018

Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 1514

Lithuanian Defense Minister Raimundas Karoblis announced on Thursday that country plans to acquire L-ATV combat multi-role vehicles from the USA.

According to citing the Lithuanian Defense Minister, it is anticipated that the L-ATV’s contract will be signed in 2020 and will cost $114 million (Euro100 million).

“The (technical) specifications are being finalized now. We plan to move toward final decisions next year or in 2020,” the minister said.

“About 100 million euros have been earmarked,” he added.

A potential contract, announced Thursday by Raimundas Karoblis, will worth more than $114 million (Euro100 million ) and covers delivery of up to 200 Light Combat Tactical All-terrain Vehicles (L-ATV)from Oshkosh Defense.

The vehicles would be distributed across the Lithuanian Armed Forces to fill a shortage due to “normal wear and tear” of equipment and increased demand, the Defense Ministry has said.

Currently, the Lithuanian Armed Forces use HMMWV and Toyota Land Cruiser 200 armored all-terrain vehicles.

The Oshkosh L-ATV is a light combat multi-role vehicle.

The L-ATV combines field-proven technologies, an advanced crew protection system that provides MRAP-level protection and expeditionary levels of mobility in a light-duty profile. Equipped with the Oshkosh TAK-4i intelligent independent suspension system*, this Light Combat Tactical All-Terrain Vehicle delivers new levels of agility to safely traverse rugged terrain and compressed urban areas.

The L-ATV can be fitted with a wide range of remote-controlled weapon stations or ring mount 7.62 or 12,7mm machine gun. The L-ATV’s Oshkosh roof mounted turret is capable of mounting either an M240 machine gun, a Mk 19 grenade launcher or, a BGM-71 TOW Anti-tank guided missile, all of which can be operated either from the turret or remotely inside the cabin.
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 40867
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
Nationalité : France
Médailles de mérite :
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces   Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 Icon_minitimeLun 3 Déc 2018 - 22:27

Citation :
German FFG upgraded 22 Lithuanian M577 armoured personnel carriers

Dec 3, 2018

Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 13a10d13
Photo by UAB Autokurtas

Ministry of National Defence Republic of Lithuania has announced that German enterprise FFG Flensburger Fahrzeugbau Gesellschaft mbH won the call to tender organized by the NATO Support Agency (NSPA) and upgraded 22 M577 armoured personnel carriers of the Lithuanian Armed Forces.

The upgraded M577s will be used for command and control of the PzH2000 howitzers of the Lithuanian Armed Forces.

After being awarded the contract the German enterprise hired Lithuanian enterprise UAB Autokurtas to complete part of the work.

“The main work of upgrading the armoured personnel carriers was carried out on Lithuania, therefore part of the resources used to upgrade M577s was received by a Lithuanian enterprise,” Director of the Defence Materiel Agency under the Ministry of National Defence Sigitas Dzekunskas said.

By agreement of the companies, the German enterprise gave the Lithuanian enterprise the maintenance technology needed to carry out the work in our country. According to Alexander Erichsen representing FFG Flensburger Fahrzeugbau Gesellschaft mbH, it was the first time the industrial M577/M113 armoured personnel carrier maintenance technology was used in Lithuania.

All the 22 upgraded M577 armoured personnel carriers are planned to be transferred to the General Romualdas Giedraitis Artillery Battalion based in Rukla in 2019.

The total value of the upgrading contract amounts to roughly Eur 1.5 million. Later a new command and control system will be integrated.

Seeking to strengthen fire support and lacking armoured personnel carrier capabilities the Lithuanian Armed Forces procured over 180 M577 armoured personnel carriers in good condition for command, indirect fire support, medical evacuation and training purposes from the German Armed Forces, alongside 21 PzH2000 howitzers and 10 BPZ2 armoured recovery vehicles, in 2015-2016.

Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 13a10e11
Photo by UAB Autokurtas
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 40867
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
Nationalité : France
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces   Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 Icon_minitimeJeu 27 Déc 2018 - 20:41

Citation :
Lithuania to procure more NASAMS missiles

Dec 27, 2018

Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 13a9b46
Photo by MKFI

Lithuania has decided to purchase an undisclosed number of additional National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile System (NASAMS) combat and inert missiles from Norway, according to the Ministry of National Defence Republic of Lithuania.

Earlier in December Commander of the Lithuanian Air Force Colonel Dainius Guzas and Head of the Acquisition Management Department of the Defence Materiel Agency of the Royal Norwegian Ministry of Defence Mr. Eivind Fagge signed a technical agreement regarding procurement of NASAMS ground-based mid-range air defence system combat and inert missiles from the Norwegian Ministry of Defence at a meeting at the Defence Materiel Agency under the Ministry of National Defence of Lithuania.

“This additional agreement takes us a step closer to the NASAMS mid-range air defence systems in the Lithuanian Armed Forces. It is one of the most strategically important acquisitions that strengthens airspace defence and an effective deterrent that will allow no aggressor to feel safe in our airspace” Col D. Guzas said.

“Air defence is one of the most important elements of national defence and it has been receiving substantial attention in Lithuania recently, therefore the Defence Materiel Agency agreed on acquisition of additional missiles with the Norwegian Ministry of Defence on particularly favourable conditions,” Chief Advisor at the Defence Materiel Agency, institution in charge of implementing the project, Col Valdas Šiaučiulis underscores.

According to the contract signed by the Ministry of National Defence and Norway’s Kongsberg NASAMS manufacturer on 26 October 2017, the system procured by Lithuania is new, except for launchers that are pre-used by the Norwegian Armed Forces and currently upgraded. The systems procured from Norway use U.S.-made AMRAAM aircraft defence missiles capable of destroying aircraft and missiles of an adversary several tens of kilometres away.

Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 13a953

“We also pay great attention to training future operators of the system, Lithuanian Air Force personnel, to control and maintain the air defence system, for which reason we have agreed with the Norwegian Air Force on training courses and joint exercises with our troops,” Deputy Director of the Defence Materiel Agency for Systems Lieutenant Colonel Jurijus Gvozdas says.

All the procured equipment is planned to be delivered to Lithuania, all personnel trained, and all components integrated into one system capable of air defence – airspace surveillance and control, air threat warning, and target destruction – by 2021. NASAMS systems will be given to the Air Defence Battalion of the Lithuanian Air Force, the systems are suitable for quick redeployment to any location in Lithuania or any NATO area of operation.

Preliminary value of the NASAMS system procurement project, which is equipment for two air defence batteries, logistical support package and training for operators and service personnel, is approximately 110 million Euros.

The Defence Materiel Agency under the MoD was established earlier this year to be in charge for National Defence System acquisitions and implementation of strategic weaponry projects of the National Defence System.
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 40867
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
Nationalité : France
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces   Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 Icon_minitimeMer 9 Jan 2019 - 22:38

Citation :
Jan 9

Communications and Information Systems Battalion established in Lithuanian Armed Forces

On January 8, a new unit of the Lithuanian Armed Forces, Communications and Information Systems Battalion, was inaugurated in Vilnius. The new Battalion has been formed on the basis of the Communications and Information Systems Company of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas Headquarters Battalion, it will be responsible for the security of internal communication in the Lithuanian Armed Forces. The Battalion will be under the command of Major Vaidas Černikas.

Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 15a122
On January 8, the Communications and Information Systems Battalion, was inaugurated in Vilnius (Picture source: Lithuanian MoD)!/2019/01/communications-and-information-systems.html
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 40867
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
Nationalité : France
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces   Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 Icon_minitimeVen 8 Fév 2019 - 17:04

"AS365N3 Dauphin 2"
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 40867
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
Nationalité : France
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces   Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 Icon_minitimeVen 8 Fév 2019 - 18:18

Citation :
Motorizuotoji pėstininkų brigada „Žemaitija“  
Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 00b835
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces   Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 Icon_minitimeVen 8 Fév 2019 - 18:32

Impressionnant le Boxer école!

Citation :
Mechanizuotoji pėstininkų brigada „Geležinis Vilkas“  
Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 00b446
Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 00b552
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces   Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 Icon_minitimeVen 8 Fév 2019 - 18:48

Citation :
Mindaugo batalionas  
Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 00b8c19
Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 683822
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces   Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 Icon_minitimeJeu 21 Fév 2019 - 21:05

Citation :
Lithuania receives additional missiles for Javelin anti-tank weapon systems

Feb 21, 2019

Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 00b8e43

The Ministry of the National Defense Republic of Lithuania has announced that additional missiles for the Javelin anti-tank weapon systems procured by the Defence Materiel Agency have been delivered to Lithuania.

According to a statement, the worth of the procurement is over $20 million, $5 million of which is financial support of the United States of America. The additional systems will be provided to units of the Lithuanian Land Force in order to strengthen defense capabilities of Lithuania.

“The U.S. is Lithuania’s strategic partner and a key ally for security in the Baltic region. The Javelin anti-tank system procured from the U.S. is a particularly significant increase of long-term combat capabilities of the Lithuanian Armed Forces and enhancement of the effectiveness of deterrence,” Minister of National Defence Raimundas Karoblis says.

The Javelin medium-range anti-tank missile system is an advanced weapon capable of destroying modern, explosive reactor armour (ERA)-fitted main battle tanks in daylight and at night at a distance of 75 meters – 2.5 kilometers.

The system uses “fire-and-forget” principle: when the target is locked and a missile is fired, it guides itself all the way to the target, which increases protection of the unit since it can change its location without having to wait for the missile to hit its target.

The Javelin missile’s tandem warhead is capable of attacking its target straight on or from the top from an altitude of up to 150 meters and hit a tank on the most vulnerable spot, i.e. the hatch.

The Javelin has a soft launch design that ignites the engine of the missile only when it is outside of its launch-tube, which does not allow to detect where the missile was launched from. The weapon is suitable for use in urban combat from indoors.
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General de Division
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messages : 40867
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces   Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 Icon_minitimeVen 1 Mar 2019 - 18:50

Citation :
"Mindaugo batalionas"
Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 00b8g74
Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 00b8h65
Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 683822
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces   Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 Icon_minitimeVen 1 Mar 2019 - 19:30

Citation :
Dragūnų batalionas
Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 00b8g75
Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 683822
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messages : 40867
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces   Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 Icon_minitimeJeu 18 Avr 2019 - 21:30

Citation :
   LK Sausumos Pajėgos
Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 _7d44
Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 683822
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messages : 40867
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces   Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 Icon_minitimeJeu 18 Avr 2019 - 21:46


Citation :
Generolo Romualdo Giedraičio artilerijos batalionas  
Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 _7d45
Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 683822
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messages : 40867
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces   Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 Icon_minitimeJeu 25 Avr 2019 - 20:26

Citation :
Lithuanian army received more than 400 upgraded M14 rifles

Apr 25, 2019

in Army, News, Photo

Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 _11djp13
Photo by Lithuanian Armed Forces

Lithuanian Armed Forces have announced that it received a batch of upgraded M14 rifles for use in Lithuanian National Defence Volunteer Forces.

An image of a US production M14 rifles in advanced configuration was posted on the Lithuanian Armed Forces’ official Twitter on 8 April.

“Lithuanian Armed Forces and Lithuanian National Defence Volunteer Forces have received upgraded weapons – US production M-14. More than 400 rifles were upgraded with the use of support legs and a modern optical target. The project used the financial support funds from citizens allocated in 2016.,” announced in a Twitter post.

M14s are used for ceremonial purposes by the Lithuanian army and as a designated marksman rifle M14 L1. Small quantity is in the new modernization process.

The M14 is the last American battle rifle issued in quantity to U.S. military personnel. It was replaced by the M16 assault rifle, a lighter weapon using a smaller caliber intermediate cartridge.

The M14 rifle remains in limited service in all branches of the U.S. military as an accurized competition weapon, a ceremonial weapon by honor guards, color guards, drill teams and ceremonial guards, and sniper rifle/designated marksman rifle.

Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 _11b16
Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 _11c14
Photo by Lithuanian Armed Forces
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messages : 40867
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces   Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 Icon_minitimeMar 30 Avr 2019 - 19:53

Citation :
Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 _1162
La Lituanie se dote d'un système anti-drones. © Lithuanian Ministry of Defence

Les forces armées lituaniennes s'équipent d'un système anti-drones

La Lituanie et les Etats-Unis ont signé un contrat en vue de doter les forces lituaniennes d'un système anti-drones.

Publié le 30/04/2019 à 11h13
Par Justine BOQUET

Le ministère de la défense lituanien a annoncé le 25 avril avoir signé un contrat avec les Etats-Unis afin de fournir aux forces armées lituaniennes un système anti-drones. Le nom du système en question n'a pas été révélé, de même que le nombre d'unités qui seront livrées. Ce contrat, qui sera entièrement financé par le programme d'assistance sécuritaire du département d'Etat américain, est estimé à 1,3 M$. Les livraisons s'étaleront sur les prochains mois afin de se finaliser à la mi-2020.

« Les forces armées lituaniennes utiliseront le système anti-drones afin de faire face à l'intrusion de plus en plus importante de drones au-dessus de zones où les vols sont interdits », rapporte le ministère de la Défense lituanien. Le système fourni par les Etats-Unis permettra d'agir sur la communication établie entre le drone et la station sol et l'opérateur, afin de couper l'échange d'informations. Ce système emploiera donc une technologie de brouillage afin de neutraliser les drones.

Il n'a pas été spécifié si le système anti-drones en question serait doté d'une brique de détection et d'identification, ou s'il permettrait seulement de réaliser la neutralisation des aéronefs.
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Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces   Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 Icon_minitimeMer 22 Mai 2019 - 20:42

Citation :
Karinių oro pajėgų Šiaulių Aviacijos bazė / LAF Šiauliai Air Base
Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 _11ejp42
Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 _12a30
Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 _1245
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Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces   Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 Icon_minitimeVen 7 Juin 2019 - 21:55

"Aršus Drakonas 2019"

Citation :
 Dragūnų batalionas
Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 _12a327
Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 683822
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Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces   Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 Icon_minitimeMar 11 Juin 2019 - 19:58

Citation :
Mindaugo batalionas  
Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 _12d33
Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces - Page 6 683822
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