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| | Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces | |
+8Magreb777 FAR SOLDIER augusta annabi jf16 Fremo MAATAWI Yakuza 12 participants | |
Auteur | Message |
Yakuza Administrateur
messages : 21656 Inscrit le : 15/09/2009 Localisation : 511 Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces Ven 23 Oct 2009 - 1:19 | |
| Rappel du premier message : - Citation :
- Alenia Aeronautica has delivered the last C-27J to the Lithuanian Air Force
10/22/2009 Alenia Aeronautica has delivered on the 21st of October 2009 to the Air Force of the Lithuanian Republic the last out of 3 C-27Js, as per the contract signed in June 2006, fully meeting time schedule.
The first aircraft had been delivered to the Lithuanian Air Force in December 2006 and the second one in December 2008. The ceremony took place at Siauliai Military Airport (Lithuania) at the presence of the Defence Ministry - Miss Rasa Jukneviciene – Commander of the Armed Forces - Maj Gen Arvydas Pocius - and Commander of the Lithuanian Air Force - Brig Gen Arturas Leita, and of Alenia Aeronautica’s top management. The Lithuanian Defence Ministry has expressed his full satisfaction for this successful programme for the Country’s Armed Forces. Giovanni Bertolone, CEO of Alenia Aeronautica, commented, “After one month from the ceremony for the delivery of the first refurbished G.222 for the U.S. Air Force (USAF) and assigned to the Afghan Air Force, today’s delivery, with the last C-27J to the Lithuanian Air Force, stands once again for the strong commitment by Alenia Aeronautica in fulfilling its contractual duties and in assuring its customers’ full satisfaction”. The C-27J, developed by Alenia Aeronautica, is an aircraft capable of accomplishing many missions among which transport of troops, goods and medical stuff, paradrop operations, search and rescue (SAR), support to civil protection and maritime patrolling activities. The C-27J represents the most advanced programme of last-generation tactical transport airplanes and will be used by the Lithuanian Air Force for the transport of troops and materials, also outside national borders, within the operations led by NATO agreements, whose organisation Lithuania has been member since 2004. - Spoiler:
Dernière édition par Yakuza le Lun 27 Mai 2013 - 13:50, édité 1 fois | |
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Auteur | Message |
MAATAWI Modérateur
messages : 14756 Inscrit le : 07/09/2009 Localisation : Maroc Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces Ven 25 Juil 2014 - 18:20 | |
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- Lithuania To Acquire New Infantry Fighting Vehicles
WARSAW — The Lithuanian Ministry of Defense has announced plans to acquire new infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) to replace the country’s M113 armored personnel carriers.
“The procurement … of infantry fighting vehicles is one of [the] long-term phases of the modernization of the Lithuanian armed forces, which will … increase Lithuania’s capacity to defend [itself] and to fulfill NATO commitments,” said Lithuanian Defense Minister Juozas Olekas.
The ministry has requested information from nine unnamed foreign defense manufacturers which make IFVs. The companies have been asked to reply by mid-October, with the planned contract scheduled to be awarded in 2015, the ministry said in a statement. The estimated amount of the procurement was not disclosed.
Currently, the Lithuanian armed forces operate 224 M113s, according to data from the United Nations Register of Conventional Arms.
The Defense Ministry said that developing the combat capacities of the Lithuanian land forces, with particular emphasis on the Iron Wolf mechanized infantry brigade, which is to receive the IFVs, is one of its top priorities.
Under the plan, the acquisition will be carried out under the National Defense System Development Program for the years 2014 to 2023. ■ | |
| | | MAATAWI Modérateur
messages : 14756 Inscrit le : 07/09/2009 Localisation : Maroc Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces Mar 6 Jan 2015 - 11:22 | |
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- Lithuania receives Polish shoulder-fired air defense missiles
Lithuania's military says it has received the initial batch of GROM shoulder-fired air defense missiles ordered from Poland.
VILNIUS, Lithuania, Jan. 5 (UPI) -- Lithuania's Ministry of National Defense has added Polish-made shoulder-launched anti-aircraft missiles to its air defense missile inventory.
The short-range man-portable missiles, or MANPADS, are the GROM, a 72mm weapon with an operational range of about 3.4 miles and an infrared guidance system.
The first batch of missiles and launchers, provided by Poland's MESKO S.A., were delivered late last month under a contract worth more than $30 million, the ministry said.
The GROM missiles, being acquired as part of a military modernization program, will be delivered under the contract until 2021.
"We are pleased that Lithuanian Armed Forces' modernization is progressing well," said Minister of National Defense Juozas Olekas. "Short-range MANPADs GROM will meet the urgent operational needs of the Lithuanian Armed Forces and will particularly reinforce the defense Lithuanian Armed Forces units and objects from air attacks.
"Procurement of the short-range MANPADS is one of the top priorities in equipping the Lithuanian Armed Forces."
Lithuania currently fields Raytheon FIM-92 Stinger MANPADS and Saab RBS 70s.
"The capacity of the new equipment will enhance defense of the Lithuanian Armed Forces units against air attacks and reconnaissance missions from low-altitude flying aircraft and UAVs," the ministry said.
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| | | Magreb777 Lt-colonel
messages : 1480 Inscrit le : 29/01/2013 Localisation : Northern Forest Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces Jeu 12 Fév 2015 - 16:32 | |
| _________________ Si vis pacem, para bellum | |
| | | Magreb777 Lt-colonel
messages : 1480 Inscrit le : 29/01/2013 Localisation : Northern Forest Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces Jeu 12 Fév 2015 - 16:37 | |
| _________________ Si vis pacem, para bellum | |
| | | Magreb777 Lt-colonel
messages : 1480 Inscrit le : 29/01/2013 Localisation : Northern Forest Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces Jeu 12 Fév 2015 - 16:43 | |
| _________________ Si vis pacem, para bellum | |
| | | Magreb777 Lt-colonel
messages : 1480 Inscrit le : 29/01/2013 Localisation : Northern Forest Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces Jeu 12 Fév 2015 - 16:46 | |
| _________________ Si vis pacem, para bellum | |
| | | jf16 General de Division
messages : 40867 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces Mar 24 Fév 2015 - 20:30 | |
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- Craignant la Russie, la Lituanie rétablit le service militaire obligatoire
Lituanie, le 14 juin 2014. Un soldat lituanien participe à un exercice militaire. - PETRAS MALUKAS / AFP
Gouverner, c’est prévoir. Et quand on a un voisin russe, c’est donc se doter d’une armée forte. La Lituanie a va rétablir temporairement le service militaire obligatoire, vu «l’actuel environnement géopolitique», a indique, ce mardi, la présidente Dalia Grybauskaite.
Coincé entre la Biélorussie et la Pologne, la Lituanie dispose en effet d’une frontière commune avec la Russie, présente dans l’enclave de Kaliningrad
Une armée de 8.000 hommes au total
«Nous devons rétablir temporairement le service militaire obligatoire», a déclaré la présidente après une réunion d'urgence du Conseil national de défense. «L'actuel environnement géopolitique requiert un renforcement et une accélération du recrutement pour l'armée», a-t-elle ajouté.
Le projet, qui doit encore obtenir l'approbation du parlement, prévoit un appel sous les drapeaux limité à 3.500 hommes par an, âgés de 19 à 26 ans, pour une période de neuf mois. Les premiers conscrits devront se présenter dans les casernes cet automne. La Lituanie avait abandonné le service militaire obligatoire en 2008, quatre ans après son adhésion à l'Otan. Son armée de métier compte actuellement 8.000 hommes, à qui s'ajoutent quelque 4.500 réservistes. | |
| | | Yakuza Administrateur
messages : 21656 Inscrit le : 15/09/2009 Localisation : 511 Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces Mar 24 Fév 2015 - 22:18 | |
| en response a une demande urgente,le gouv allemand refuse de vendre 100 Boxer en forme gov to gov a l´armée lituanienne,allié Nato _________________ | |
| | | jf16 General de Division
messages : 40867 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces Jeu 16 Avr 2015 - 18:54 | |
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- L’Allemagne envisage de livrer des obusiers PzH 2000 à la Lituanie
Posté dans Europe, Forces terrestres par Laurent Lagneau Le 16-04-2015
En février, l’on apprenait que Berlin n’avait pas donné suite à une demande adressée par la Lituanie concernant la livraison éventuelle de véhicules blindés de transport de troupes de type Boxer dans la mesure où il lui aurait fallu puiser dans les stocks de la Bundeswehr. Toutefois, une autre requête de Vilnius pourrait aboutir.
En effet, Ursula von der Leyen, le ministre allemand de la Défense, a indiqué, le 15 avril, que l’Allemagne envisage de livrer aux forces lituaniennes 12 Panzerhaubitze 2000 (PzH 2000), c’est à dire des Obusier blindé modèle 2000.
Conçu par Krauss-Maffei Wegmann et d’une masse de 49 tonnes à vide, le PzH 2000 est en fait un canon automoteur, d’un calibre de 155 mm à rechargement automatique et d’une portée de 30 km. La Bundeswehr en a déployé quelques exemplaires en Afghanistan. D’ailleurs, ceux qui susceptibles d’être livrés à la Lituanie seraient prélevés parmi ces derniers. D’où la facture de 15 millions d’euros avancée par les médias allemands.
Un accord pour cette livraison est attendu pour le mois prochain. « Nous voulons aller vite », a fait savoir le le colonel Romualdas Petkevicius, chargé des acquisitions à l’état-major lituanien. Ces 12 PzH 2000 pourraient être mis en service dès l’année prochaine.
Suite à la crise ukrainienne, la Lituanie, à l’image de ses voisins baltes et polonais, s’inquiéte des ambitions qui sont prêtées à Moscou. D’où une hausse significative de ses dépenses militaires (+30%), lesquelles représentent désormais 1,11% de son PIB (soit 424,5 millions d’euros). | |
| | | jf16 General de Division
messages : 40867 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces Mer 20 Mai 2015 - 21:11 | |
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| | | jf16 General de Division
messages : 40867 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| | | | jf16 General de Division
messages : 40867 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces Jeu 4 Juin 2015 - 20:40 | |
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| | | jf16 General de Division
messages : 40867 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces Jeu 16 Juil 2015 - 22:13 | |
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- La Lituanie et la Lettonie s'associent pour leur défense aérienne
Dans Actualité Défense Publié le 16/07/2015 à 15h52, par Justine BOQUET
Suite à leur rencontre, le lundi 13 juillet, la présidente lituanienne et son homologue letton ont décidé de coopérer pour renforcer la défense des pays baltes. © President of the Republic of Lithuania
Lundi 16 juillet, les présidents lituanien et letton se sont rencontrés à Vilnius où ils ont décidé de s'associer pour acquérir un système de défense aérienne.
A la suite de leur rencontre, dans le cadre d'une conférence de presse, les deux présidents ont annoncé que la coopération entre les deux pays allait être renforcée pour permettre une acquisition commune d'armement afin de promouvoir « le développement de capacités militaires communes ». Aucun détail n'a été révélé, toutefois Dalia Grybauskaite, la présidente lituanienne, a révélé que les discussions portaient principalement sur la volonté de s'équiper d'un système de défense aérienne.
Mme Grybauskaite a également annoncé que l'Estonie et la Pologne seraient invitées à rejoindre cette initiative de coopération militaire. Ce à quoi son homologue letton, Raimonds Vejonis, a ajouté qu'une acquisition commune permettrait de réduire les coûts tout en complétant efficacement les capacités militaires des quatre Etats.
Le 28 mai dernier, suite à une rencontre entre les trois ministres de la Défense baltes, le projet de mettre en place une défense aérienne commune avait été révélé. Pour ces hommes politiques, cette mesure répond aux « menaces grandissantes » auxquelles les pays baltes doivent faire face et à l'intervention militaire russe en Ukraine. « La coopération régionale dans la Défense au niveau des Etats Baltes est plus cruciale que jamais, l'assurance de notre sécurité est notre solidarité » avait alors déclaré le ministre lituanien, Juozas Olekas.
Parallèlement, les Etats baltes pourront bénéficier du Programme d'Assistance pour la Sécurité Régionale de la Pologne. Mis en place par Varsovie afin de répondre à la menace russe en Europe de l'Est, ce plan vise à soutenir financièrement les efforts d'armement des alliés voisins grâce, entre autre, à l'octroi de crédits exports. | |
| | | jf16 General de Division
messages : 40867 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces Dim 19 Juil 2015 - 13:27 | |
| - Citation :
- Boxer the favourite for Lithuanian IFV buy
Remigiusz Wilk, Warsaw - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
16 July 2015
A Lithuanian MoD report has recommended that the country purchase the ARTEC Boxer 8x8 to replace its ageing M113 APCs. Source: Krauss-Maffei Wegmann
Key Points •A Lithuanian MoD report has recommended the ARTEC Boxer for the country's M113 replacement competition •The State Defence Council has yet to take a final decision
Lithuania's military has recommended the country buys the ARTEC Boxer 8x8 infantry fighting vehicle (IFV), according to the head of the Lithuanian Armed Forces.
"The Ministry of Defence (MoD) Materiel Acquisition Commission approved the proposed German Boxer variant armed with a 30 mm cannon and Javelin anti-tank missile launchers. However, the final decision is to be made by the State Defence Council," said Lieutenant General Jonas Vytautas Zukas during a press conference in early July.
The new wheeled IFV will equip two battalions of the 'Iron Wolf' mechanised infantry brigade to replace obsolete M113 tracked armoured personnel carriers (APCs). Each battalion will consist of three companies, each with 10-12 IFVs, for a total of 60-72 IFVs. The programme award will be biggest contract ever for the Lithuanian Armed Forces, worth about EUR460 million (USD502 million). Delivery is to begin in 2017 and continue until 2020.
While the MoD has accepted the materiel commission's recommendation for the Boxer, negotiations continue and it has yet to be formally chosen.
"So far, no decision is taken. The Boxer is one proposal but there are also other offers," said Minister of Defence Juozas Olekas. "The negotiations with a selected manufacturer will start in July or August and the agreement is expected to be signed by the end of 2015. There are 10 proposals and each offers some advantages and certain shortcomings."
Several companies were invited for negotiations, including: Elbit, FNSS, KMW/ARTEC, Lockheed Martin UK, Nexter, Patria, Otokar, Oto Melara/Iveco, General Dynamics Land Systems and General Dynamics European Land Systems. | |
| | | augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces Mer 19 Aoû 2015 - 11:37 | |
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| | | augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| | | | augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces Mer 30 Sep 2015 - 15:18 | |
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- Lithuania orders German PzH 2000s
Nicholas de Larrinaga, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly 29 September 2015
Lithuania signed a EUR58.3 million (USD65.4 million) contract with Germany on 29 September for 21 Panzerhaubitze 2000 (PzH 2000) 155 mm self-propelled artillery (SPA) systems.
The SPAs, which are of ex-German Army service, will be operated by the Lithuanian Army's General Romualdas Giedraitis Artillery Battalion. In total the battalion will operate 16 PzH 2000s, with the remaining five SPAs being used for spare parts (three), gunnery training (one) and driver training (one).
In addition to the howitzers, Lithuania is also buying 32 support vehicles from Germany as part of the sale. These comprise 26 M577A2 tracked command post vehicles (a variant of the M113 family), and six Bergepanzer 2 (BPZ-2) recovery vehicles, based on the Leopard 1 tank chassis.
The first PzH 2000 is scheduled for delivery in 2016, with all equipment delivered by 2019, according to the Lithuanian Ministry of National Defence (MoD).
Of the EUR58.3 million being spent on the programme, EUR16.2 million is being paid to the German Federal Ministry of Defence for the equipment itself. The remaining EUR42.1 million will be spent on modernising the mothballed equipment and on infrastructure/training for the new systems. The modernisation work is stated to include a battlefield management system and communications equipment.
The German Army will support the programme with technical assistance and by training Lithuanian personnel in Lithuania and at the German School of Artillery in Idar-Oberstein.
The General Romualdas Giedraitis Artillery Battalion currently relies on 105 mm M101 towed howitzers for fire support, purchased originally from Denmark - one of several Lithuanian-Danish defence deals done in the early 2000s. The Lithuanian MoD noted that the PzH 2000's 40 km range is a major improvement over the 11 km range of the M101.
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| | | augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces Mer 7 Oct 2015 - 14:43 | |
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- Exercise Baltic Piranha underway in Klaipeda district of Lithuania
Military personnel from the Belgian Army's Battalion Bevrijding-Linie and soldiers assigned to a reconnaissance company from Luxembourg have started a joint training exercise with their counterparts from Lithuania and the US. Being held in Klaipeda district and General Povilas Plechavicius Training Area of Lithuania, Exercise Baltic Piranha aims to train rapid response force of the Belgian Armed Forces, enabling them to hone conduct of stability operations and other joint actions. In addition to the Kairiai Training Area and surrounding territory, Kazlu Ruda Training Area in Gaižiunai and the area around the town of Jonava, and in Pabrade Training Area, some portions of the exercise are also scheduled to be conducted near inhabited territories. During the phase in Klaipeda district and Kairiai Training Area, the participants will conduct various military operations, such as installing check posts, ensuring control, as well as escorting VIPs, amongst other tasks. Luxembourg's reconnaissance personnel will reconnoitre and analyse the environment, while the Lithuanian and Belgian troops will use military vehicles, arms and pyrotechnics and blast ammunition in the exercise territory at various times of the day.
The exercise will now move to Gaiziunai Training Area and Jonava district, where the soldiers will train joint actions in a civil environment, conduct patrols, communicate with local residents, and corporately train to ensure different safety measures. On 21 October, the participants will redeploy to Silvestras Žukauskas Training Audience in Pabrade. The exercise will conclude on 28 October. Organised by the Lithuanian Land Force, Exercise Baltic Piranha involves more than 500 soldiers and approximately 100 units of different military equipment, including Piranha and M-113 armoured personnel carriers and Dingo II reconnaissance vehicles, as well as Humvees and Lynx all-terrain vehicles. The exercise represents the first deployment of a company-sized Belgian Army contingent to Lithuania, while soldiers from Luxembourg have been deployed from the same reconnaissance company that provided soldiers for Exercise Iron Sword, which took place in Lithuania in 2014. The Belgian and Luxembourg soldiers have been deployed to Lithuania as part of the assurance measures agreed at the Nato Summit in Wales in 2014.
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| | | augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces Dim 11 Oct 2015 - 10:40 | |
Lithuania and Ukraine strengthen their military ties Lithuania and Ukraine will strengthen their military relations and defence cooperation plans. The Lithuanian Ministry of Defence has had approved by the Government its plan to send two depute defence attachés in the diplomatic mission in Ukraine. In total, three deputy defence attachés will work at the diplomatic mission of the Republic of Lithuania in Ukraine.
The additional posts will further develop the defence cooperation plans between the two countries ensuring the direct provision of information to the Ministry of National Defence and other authorities responsible for national security of the Republic of Lithuania. Furthermore, they will enable Lithuania’s active contribution to NATO’s assistance projects to Ukraine.
Since the beginning of Russia's aggression in Ukraine, Lithuania has been actively supporting Ukraine by all kinds of possible and legally permissible assistance, including military. The Ministry of National Defence is providing humanitarian aid and material support and has handed over elements of weaponry with regard to the needs of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
Ukraine’s military personnel injured in the Anti-Terrorism Operation (ATO) are treated in Lithuanian civilian medical care institutions and in the Military Rehabilitation Centre in
The Lithuanian and the Ukrainian Armed Forces cooperate in the area of military training and education. Ukrainian military are invited to study at Lithuanian military education institutions and Lithuania funds Ukrainian soldiers’ studies at the Baltic Defence College (BALTDEFCOL).
Lithuanian paramedics took part in the U.S. mission of training the Ukrainian Armed Forces from this February till April. Instructors of the Lithuanian Armed Forces have been training Ukrainian soldiers alongside U.S. troops since this July.
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| | | jf16 General de Division
messages : 40867 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces Dim 1 Nov 2015 - 17:57 | |
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- Lithuania closes in on IFV selection
Nicholas de Larrinaga, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
29 October 2015
The new 8x8 will replace Lithuania's existing M113 armoured personnel carriers (APCs). Source: Lithuanian MoD
Lithuania will make a decision on what type of new 8x8 infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) it will purchase at the end of November, the Lithuanian Ministry of Defence (MoD) said on 29 October.
The MoD stated that it had hoped to have selected a vehicle by now, but had recently received two government proposals (from the United States and Poland) and needed additional time to evaluate them.
The new 8x8 will replace the country's aging M113 tracked armoured personnel carriers. These will initially be used to equip two battalions of the country's 'Iron Wolf' mechanised infantry brigade, for which 60-72 IFVs will be required - although the country may later buy a second batch of vehicles.
The MoD also revealed the various bidders for the requirement. In addition to the two government-to-government (G2G) proposals, there are 10 bidding companies: Patria's AMV fitted with the UT 30 Mk 2 turret; the ARTEC Boxer fitted with the RCT 30 or Lance 30 turret; the Iveco Superav fitted with the UT 30 Mk2 turret; the Nexter VBCI with the T25 or T40 turret; the General Dynamics Land Systems LAV II with the Kongsberg MCT30 turret; the Otokar Arma and Mizrak-30 turret; and the FNSS Pars with the E30 turret. Meanwhile, Elbit has separately bid its UT 30 Mk1 and Mk2 turrets, while Lockheed Martin UK has offered its 40 CTAS turret.
In July the MoD's Materiel Acquisition Commission recommended the Boxer for the requirement, although the final decision will be made by Lithuania's State Defence Council - comprising Lithuania's President, Defence Minister, Chief of Defence and the speaker of the Lithuanian Parliament. | |
| | | augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces Mar 10 Nov 2015 - 13:22 | |
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- Lithuania requests $599m sale of Stryker infantry carrier vehicles from US
The US Defense Security Cooperation Agency has notified Congress of a potential foreign military sale (FMS) of Stryker infantry carrier vehicles (ICV) to Lithuania.
Under the $599m sale, Lithuania has requested 84 M1126 Stryker ICVs and 84 M2 Flex machine guns.
Versions of the Stryker requested are equipped with an ATK 30mm cannon, an XM813 30mm cannon, or a remote weapon station.
The proposed package includes two AN/PRC-152 radios per vehicle, one AN/PSN-13 DAGR per vehicle, one VIC-3 per vehicle, and training aids/devices/simulators and simulations (TADSS)
Also included are translated technical manuals, laptops, foreign service representatives (FSRs), OCONUS vehicle deprocessing services, and technical assistance.
The Stryker ICV system would provide manoeuvrability, speed, and firepower to the Lithuanian Land Forces, and enhance its ability to contribute to territorial defence and Nato operations.
The principal contractor for the sale has not been disclosed.
Manufactured by General Dynamics Land Systems Canada, the Stryker is an eight-wheel drive armoured vehicle designed to provide infantrymen with enhanced protection and survivability from artillery fragments, roadside mines and improvised explosive devices.
The vehicle entered operational service in early 2001, and is available in eight variants, which include nuclear, biological, chemical reconnaissance vehicle, medical evacuation vehicle, and engineer squad vehicle, as well as anti-tank guided missile vehicles.
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| | | jf16 General de Division
messages : 40867 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| | | | jf16 General de Division
messages : 40867 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces Ven 4 Déc 2015 - 17:06 | |
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- Nexter promeut son VBCI-2 en Lituanie
Actualités Nathan Gain 4 décembre, 2015
Le VBCI-2 décrochera-t-il bientôt son premier contrat à l’export ? C’est en tout cas ce qu’espère Nexter, qui vient officiellement de proposer l’un des fleurons de sa gamme à la Lituanie. Le petit pays baltique est en effet sur le point de choisir un nouveau véhicule blindé 8×8 pour remplacer son parc de transports de troupes chenillés M113.
En plus de la version 30mm, Nexter propose également le VBCI-2 équipé de la tourelle 40 CTAS de 40mm développée avec BAE Systems (Crédit: Nexter)
Dévoilé durant le salon DSEI 2015 à Londres, le VBCI-2 est une version du VBCI spécifiquement conçue pour le marché à l’export. Le « Dash 2 » est le fruit de l’expérience récoltée grâce au déploiement des VBCI français en Afghanistan, au Liban, au Mali et en république Centrafricaine.
Si le programme lituanien (dont vous trouverez plus d’informations ici) prévoit un armement principal de calibre 30mm, Nexter a décidé d’aller plus loin en proposant non seulement un VBCI-2 équipé d’une tourelle téléopérée de 30 mm HITFIST OWS fabriquée par OTO Melara, mais également une version plus « musclée » du véhicule armée du canon 40 CTAS de 40mm fabriqué en partenariat avec BAE Systems.
Pour proposer le VBCI-2 calibré en 30mm, Nexter est allé chercher la tourelle téléopérée HITFIST OWS fabriquée par les Italiens d’OTO Melara (Crédit: Nexter)
Le VBCI profite d’une protection balistique de niveau 5, qui peut par ailleurs être porté au niveau 6, et atteint les standards de protection 4A-4B contre les mines et engins explosifs improvisés. De même, l’architecture vectronique du véhicule permet d’y intégrer des systèmes de missiles anti-char, tels que le Javelin, le Spike ou le MMP.
Par ailleurs, Nexter n’exclut pas de s’associer avec un partenaire local à tous les niveaux de production et de maintenance du véhicule. Il est vrai que le systémier français jouit déjà d’une certaines expérience en la matière, après avoir formé des partenariats avec, entre autres, Larsen & Toubro et Avibras pour promouvoir son CAESAR respectivement en Inde et au Brésil.
Dans cette compétition, Nexter et son VBCI-2 font face à neuf autres véhicules : Patria et son AMV équipé d’une tourelle UT 30 Mk2, le Boxer d’ARTEC armé soit d’une tourelle RCT 30 ou LANCE 30, le Superav d’IVECO doté également d’une UT 30 Mk2, le fameux LAV II de General Dynamics Land Systems assorti d’une tourelle MCT30 produite par le norvégien Kongsberg, General Dynamics European Land System et le Piranha, l’Arma et la tourelle Mizra-30 d’Otokar et, enfin, le PARS de FNSS pourvu d’une tourelle E30. Par ailleurs, Elbit Systems et Lockheed Martin ont quant à eux offert un système d’armement principal, à savoir respectivement les tourelles UT 30 Mk1 et 2, et la 40 CTAS. | |
| | | jf16 General de Division
messages : 40867 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces Ven 4 Déc 2015 - 20:32 | |
| - Citation :
- Quarante soldats lituaniens pour aider la France au Mali
4 décembre 2015
La Lituanie enverra jusqu’à 40 soldats au Mali pour aider la France face aux jihadistes, a annoncé vendredi le ministre lituanien de la Défense Juozas Olekas. Il s’agit, a-t-il ajouté, de soutenir la France, alors que celle-ci est engagée « dans une lutte globale » contre les jihadistes.
Le contingent lituanien se joindra probablement à la mission des Nations Unies pour la stabilisation au Mali (Minusma) à partir du début de l’année prochaine, a dit le ministre à l’issue de la réunion de la commission parlementaire des Affaires étrangères qui a approuvé cette mission.
“Les tâches du contingent lituanien doivent être encore précisées avec la partie française, a indiqué M. Olekas à l’AFP. Elles pourraient « aller de la formation au soutien logistique et aux missions de combat ».
L’ambassadeur de France a remercié le ministre dans un bref message, ajoutant que « les discussions bilatérales sur d’autres coopérations possibles se poursuivent pour mettre en oeuvre l’assistance mutuelle européenne accordée à la France le 17 novembre ».
L’année dernière, la Lituanie, qui compte trois millions d’habitants, avait envoyé un avion de transport et dix soldats pour aider la mission des forces françaises en République Centrafricaine. | |
| | | jf16 General de Division
messages : 40867 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée lituanienne/Lithuanian Armed Forces Lun 21 Déc 2015 - 18:39 | |
| - Citation :
- Lithuania requests more Javelin anti-tank missiles
Nicholas de Larrinaga, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
21 December 2015
Lithuania is looking to buy more Javelin ATGMs from the United States. Source: Raytheon Missile Systems
Lithuania has requested to buy more Raytheon/Lockheed Martin Javelin anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs) from the United States, it was revealed on 18 December.
The Lithuanian Armed Forces were the first export customer for the Javelin, having signed agreements for the missile as far back as December 2001. The latest order is valued at USD55 million, according to the US Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA).
In total the country has requested to purchase 220 Javelin ATGMs and 74 Javelin Command Launch Units (CLUs), plus technical assistance, programme support, logistics, and 10 extra missiles for 'fly-to-buy' purposes (i.e. lot quality assurance).
Lithuania has been planning to increase the scope of its anti-tank capabilities since 2014. An amendment to the country's budget in July 2014 approved an increase in spending for new guided missiles (both air defence and anti-tank) in direct response to the Ukraine crisis.
The Lithuanian Land Force is thought to have received 74 Javelin missiles and 18 CLUs over the years, so this latest order looks set to triple the amount of Javelin ATGMs that Lithuania has in service. These will be operated by a significantly expanded Lithuanian Armed Forces - which through the 2015 reintroduction of conscription is set to expand by as much as 45% in the coming years. Besides purchasing the Javelin ATGMs, Lithuania is also expected to buy the Rafael Spike ATGM for use from the country's incoming 88 Boxer 8x8 armoured fighting vehicles.
ATGMs have become a priority for many nations worried about Russia, with Estonia also planning to purchase the Javelin. In October 2014 the DSCA announced that Tallinn has requested to purchase 350 Javelins, 120 CLUs, and 102 training rounds in a total package valued at USD55 million. Given that the Estonian request was significantly larger than the Lithuanian one, the fact that they are valued at the same amount is something of a mystery. | |
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