messages : 14756 Inscrit le : 07/09/2009 Localisation : Maroc Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Mer 29 Juin 2011 - 13:25
Rappel du premier message :
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Les chantiers navals russes livreront 17 navires en 2011
En 2011, le consortium russe de construction navale OSK livrera à la Marine du pays et aux clients étrangers 17 bâtiments de guerre, dont deux sous-marins nucléaires lanceurs d'engins (SNLE), a annoncé mercredi aux journalistes le PDG du consortium, Roman Trotsenko.
"Cette année, nous projetons de livrer 17 bâtiments de guerre aux forces navales russes et aux clients étrangers, y compris des SNLE et des bâtiments de surface", a-t-il déclaré lors du Salon international de la défense maritime (IMDS-2011) qui se déroule du 29 juin au 2 juillet à Saint-Pétersbourg.
M. Trotsenko a précisé que la Marine russe recevrait deux sous-marins nucléaires, mais a refusé de citer leurs noms.
Une source bien informée au sein du complexe militaro-industriel a confié à RIA Novosti qu'il s'agissait du sous-marin stratégique Iouri Dolgorouki (utilisé mardi pour un test du missile balistique intercontinental Boulava) et du sous-marin nucléaire à fonctions multiples Severodvinsk.
Selon M. Trotsenko, l'OSK construit actuellement 54 navires, dont 40 pour les forces navales russes et 14 pour des pays étrangers.
RIA Novosti
_________________ Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autres
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Sujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Mar 13 Mar 2012 - 19:31
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La Russie proposera le sous-marin Amur-1650 à l’appel d’offres indien
Le futur sous-marin classique Amur-1650, équipé d’un propulsion anaérobie, participera à l’appel d’offres indien pour la construction de 6 sous-marins, indique un représentant de l’industrie de défense russe.
Le bureau d’études Rubin termine les essais d’un système de propulsion anaérobie en taille réelle, pour les futurs sous-marins classiques russes ou export. Le système installé dans une coque épaisse de sous-marin, a été salué par le commandant de la marine, l’amiral Vladimir Vysotsky.
La propulsion anaérobie est une des conditions imposées pour l’appel d’offres indien, donc ce projet est d’une importance particulière. « Le développement d’un système russe de propulsion anaérobie est d’une très grande importance. Soit nous parvenons à mettre au point ce système, soit nous abandonnons notre 1ère place de constructeur de sous-marins, et perdons notre niche sur le marché mondial, » a souligné la source.
United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC) soutient le programme de développement et souhaite un financement par le gouvernement, puisque les futurs sous-marins à propulsion anaérobie intéressent la marine russe.
Selon les souhaits de cette dernière, un tel sous-marin aurait un déplacement de 2.000 t, serait équipé de missiles tactiques, de 4 à 6 tubes de lancement, d’une propulsion anaérobie et son prix serait raisonnable.
Le sous-marin classique Amur-1650 peut lancer des missiles en salve depuis ses tubes lance-torpille sur des cibles terrestres ou navales. Sa portée de détection des cibles est améliorée par rapport aux sonars existants.
Caractéristiques du projet Amur-1650 : - longueur 66,8 m, - immersion maximale : 300 m, - vitesse en plongée : 19 nœuds, - autonomie : 45 jours, - équipage 35 hommes. - armement : 6 tubes lance-torpilles de 533 mm, 18 torpilles, missiles ou mines.
MAATAWI Modérateur
messages : 14756 Inscrit le : 07/09/2009 Localisation : Maroc Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Mer 14 Mar 2012 - 10:41
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Missiles S-400: trois batteries livrées à l'armée russe en 2012
Trois batteries de systèmes antiaériens S-400 Triumph seront livrées à l'armée russe avant 2013, a annoncé mercredi à RIA Novosti le chef d'état-major de l'Armée de l'air Viktor Bondarev.
"Une batterie de missiles sera envoyée à Nakhodka (Extrême-Orient), la deuxième dans la région de Moscou et une autre sera remise à Voronej (sud-est de la Russie). L'équipement militaire sera livré avant la fin de l'année en cours", a indiqué l'interlocuteur de l'agence.
Les missiles S-400 seront à terme capables de détruire les cibles aériennes de tous types dans un rayon de 400 kilomètres. Pour le moment, les S-400 les plus puissants sont en mesure de frapper des cibles à une distance d'environ 250 km.
A présent, la Russie possède deux régiments de missiles Triumph déployés dans les districts d'Elektrostal et de Dmitrov, dans la région de Moscou.
_________________ Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autres
MAATAWI Modérateur
messages : 14756 Inscrit le : 07/09/2009 Localisation : Maroc Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Mer 14 Mar 2012 - 19:16
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Russia to Get First 57 Italian Armored Vehicles in 2012
Russia to Get First 57 Italian Armored Vehicles in 2012
The Russian Armed Forces will take delivery of the first 57 Italian Lince (Lynx) light multirole armored vehicles (LMV) before the end of the current year, Defense Ministry press secretary Irina Kovalchuk said on Wednesday.
“These machines will go primarily to the Southern Military District,” she said.
The district incorporates Russia’s troubled North Caucasus republics.
Russia signed a deal with Italy’s Iveco company in December on the semi-knocked down assembly of Lynx vehicles in the central Russia city of Voronezh.
Localization of production at the Voronezh plant is currently 10 percent, Kovalchuk said, adding that by 2014 it is to reach 50 percent.
Lynx is a light multirole armored vehicle developed in 2001 by Iveco Defense Vehicles. It ensures high mobility and protection against anti-tank and anti-personnel mines.
RIA Novosti
_________________ Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autres
yassine1985 Colonel-Major
messages : 2948 Inscrit le : 11/11/2010 Localisation : Marrakech Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Jeu 15 Mar 2012 - 13:28
Ka-226 dans un centre de formation :
_________________ ."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
Invité Invité
Sujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Jeu 15 Mar 2012 - 18:54
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La Russie arrête la production des missiles sol-air S-300
La Russie arrête la production des missiles sol-air S-300, a annoncé mercredi à Moscou le chef d'Etat-major général de l'Armée de l'air russe Victor Bondarev.
"Nous produirons désormais seulement les missiles S-400, les S-300 sont déjà obsolètes", a indiqué le général Bondarev lors de l'inauguration de l'exposition consacrée au 100e anniversaire de l'Armée de l'air russe.
La Russie a produit jusqu'à présent les S-300 destinés à l'exportation, mais elle n'accepte déjà plus les commandes de l'étranger de ces missiles, a-t-il récemment indiqué dans une interview à RIA Novosti.
Le ministère russe de la Défense n'a pas encore confirmé cet arrêt de la production des missiles S-300.
Les missiles S-300 sont destinés à protéger les grands sites industriels et civils, les bases militaires et les postes de commandement contre une attaque aérospatiale.
Le système S-400 est capable de remplir les fonctions de trois systèmes de type S-300. Les S-400 Triumph sont capables d'abattre tous les types de cibles volantes - avions, drones et missiles de croisière - dans un rayon de 400 km et à une altitude de 30 km. Ils sont très efficaces dans la lutte contre les cibles furtives, les petits missiles de croisière et les missiles balistiques dont la portée est inférieure à 3.500 km et la vitesse de vol ne dépasse pas les 4,8 km/sec. Les missiles S-400 peuvent accomplir des missions de défense antimissile non-stratégique. Ils peuvent être déployés en 5 à 10 minutes.
A présent, l'armée russe compte deux régiments équipés de missiles S-400 qui sont déployés à Dmitrov et à Elektrostal, dans la région de Moscou. Le troisième régiment de S-400 est en voie de formation pour la flotte russe de la Baltique. Trois divisions de missiles S-400 viendront compléter les forces armées russes en 2012.
RIA novosti
Invité Invité
Sujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Jeu 15 Mar 2012 - 19:35
il a raison les s-300 sont obsolete maintenant c'est un missile des année 80 ou il est entré en service
FAMAS Modérateur
messages : 7470 Inscrit le : 12/09/2009 Localisation : Zone sud Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Jeu 15 Mar 2012 - 20:46
le S300PMU2 est produit par raspletin ex NPO almaz le S300V demeure en vente par Almaz antey
_________________ "La stratégie est comme l'eau qui fuit les hauteurs et qui remplit les creux" SunTzu
Inanç Genelkurmay Başkanı
messages : 6351 Inscrit le : 13/07/2009 Localisation : France Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Ven 16 Mar 2012 - 23:54
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Black Sea Fleet Revives Submarine Brigade
Russian Navy commanding staff headed by Commander-in-Chief Admiral Vladimir Vysotsky recently met in St. Petersburg. Reporter of Central Navy Portal talked about current condition and future of Black Sea Fleet with its commander, Rear Admiral Alexander Nikolayevich Fedotenkov.
Fedotenkov Alexander Nikolayevich – Alexander Nikolayevich, as is known, Russia has no submarines in the Black Sea now. So when Black Sea Fleet will receive first Project 636 subs?
– They will be constructed by Admiralteyskie Verfi shipyard. It is planned to build 6 such subs. First three of them will join Black Sea Fleet in 2014, another one will be commissioned in 2015, the rest two – in 2016. By that time, we plan to create conditions for a full-fledged submarine brigade. Also, Project 877V diesel submarine Alrosa will return to the fleet.
– What will be a homebase for those new subs? Sevastopol or Novorossiysk?
– This matter is under discussion. We plan them to be stationed both in Novorossiysk Naval Base at the new quayside, and in Sevastopol. As of the latter base, that will happen after arrangement of some issues with Ukrainian partners. In relationship with Ukraine, we primarily rely on the framework agreement of 1997 providing that we must keep number of ships and strength of troops as it was in 1997. Hopefully, the preparatory work we have done would help to sign a new agreement with Ukraine determining numerical strength and organizational matters of replacement of old ships with new ones. I think, this agreement will be signed by the time new Project 636 subs come to the fleet.
– Attending the annual naval command forum, you visited Admiralteyskie Verfi shipyard. Apart from Project 636 submarines built for Black Sea Fleet, there are Project 677 Lada subs at different levels of completion. What is final decision on them? Will they be completed and modernized?
– When the lead sub St. Petersburg is repaired, she will have to pass trials, including those at Northern Fleet. Afterwards, it will be decided on completion of the rest subs. I believe that if trials of St. Petersburg are successful in the north, at deep waters, and all advanced technical solutions are proven, it will be finally decided to complete two other hulls.
– As is known, staying in Novorossiysk Grachonok-class anti-terror boat is going to join Black Sea Fleet soon. That will be the first vessel commissioned into Russian Navy in 2012. Has the date of the ceremony already been set?
– Nope, the date has not been determined so far. I am inclined to think that we will prepare and hold the flag-hoisting ceremony by May. Although having no name yet, the ship will definitely enter harbor defense force of Novorossiysk Naval Base.
– There are some overseas naval assets within the Black Sea Fleet responsibility area, in particular, technical support base in Tartus, Syria. What are its prospects? Is it supposed to develop?
– Well, political decision on the Tartus base will be made at the summit level but not by the fleet command. As for me, this base is essential both for Black Sea Fleet and Russian Navy in general.
messages : 6351 Inscrit le : 13/07/2009 Localisation : France Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Ven 16 Mar 2012 - 23:56
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Caspian Flotilla Missilemen Adopt Newest Coast Defense System Servicemen of Caspian Flotilla (CF) coast defense missile battalion began mastering of newest mobile coastal missile system Bal at the Adanak Range in Dagestan.
During a month-long field exercise, CF missilemen study tactics and technical maintenance, conduct firing and driving drills. High emphasis is placed on preparation for missile strikes after on-move deployment and rapid change of firing positions in mountains and forests, in adverse weather conditions, day and night.
It is also planned to hold anti-landing drills jointly with CF marine units and practice interception of opponent's amphibious forces on the way to the coast.
Current field exercise is one of stages in preparation for coming missile firings at mockup surface ships. During the drill, there will be contests amid specialists, crews, platoons, and batteries.
messages : 2735 Inscrit le : 09/12/2009 Localisation : Un peu partout!!! Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Dim 18 Mar 2012 - 10:29
Le Sarov,le trés mysterieux SM Russe.
yassine1985 Colonel-Major
messages : 2948 Inscrit le : 11/11/2010 Localisation : Marrakech Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Dim 18 Mar 2012 - 18:03
_________________ ."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
yassine1985 Colonel-Major
messages : 2948 Inscrit le : 11/11/2010 Localisation : Marrakech Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Lun 19 Mar 2012 - 9:21
_________________ ."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
Invité Invité
Sujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Lun 19 Mar 2012 - 9:49
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La Russie modernise sa flotte d’hélicoptères d’attaque
En 2011, le ministère de la Défense russe a commandé 140 hélicoptères d’attaque Ka-52 Alligator, à la société Oboronprom sans préciser le montant, indiquant simplement que « les conditions étaient acceptables ».
À l’heure actuelle, le ministère de la défense russe prépare conjointement plusieurs accords sur la fabrication d’hélicoptères et de moteurs; en mettant l’accent sur des contrats de longue durée.
« Cette année, notre travail commun va bien plus vite que dans le passé. Maintenant, nous parlons d’accord complémentaire sur le Mi-35″, a souligné Andrei Reus, directeur de la société Oboronprom.
Les hélicoptères pour les forces armées russes sont produits par JSC Russian Helicopters. Selon certaines sources, la société va fournir environ 1.000 hélicoptères à l’armée russe dans le cadre du programme d’Etat d’armement 2011-2020. Parmi eux se trouvent le Ka-52, le Mi-28N Night Hunter, le Ka-226, l’Ansat, le Mi-35, le Mi-26T2 etc.
Début mars 2012, la Force aérienne et la défense aérienne de la région de Krasnodar recevront leurs premiers hélicoptères Ka-52. Les pilotes sont actuellement formés au centre d’entraînement de l’aviation (Torjok, région de Tver). Il y a un an, la base de Krasnodar avait reçu des hélicoptères Mi-28N et Mi-8AMTS.
Invité Invité
Sujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Lun 19 Mar 2012 - 10:07
Citation :
Le Sarov : le très mystérieux sous-marin de la marine russe
Le plus mystérieux sous-marin de la marine russe a à nouveau fait parler de lui à l’été 2010. Selon un porte-parole de la base navale de la mer Blanche, bien que le sous-marin classique Sarov n’ait été mis en service qu’en aout 2008, il est entré dans une période de modernisation.
Le sous-marin classique expérimental est une plateforme de développement sous-marine (Projet Sargan) lancée en 1988 par le bureau d’études Rubin. Le projet technique a été approuvé en mars 1989. On suppose que la coque du sous-marin est basée sur celle du projet 877B (une des versions du Kilo destinée à l’exportation).
Un représentant du chantier naval Zvezdochka a confirmé que le sous-marin classique B-90 Sarov était resté au bassin en 2010. Cependant, ce responsable a refusé de préciser la nature des travaux effectués. Mais c’est compréhensible puisque, lors de la cérémonie de prise d’armement, le sous-marin avait été décrit comme devant permettre de tester « des systèmes de soutien, d’armement et des équipements nouveaux ou modernisés ».
Pour être plus précis, le Sarov est une plateforme d’essai destinée à tester « en service continu la faisabilité de nombreuses améliorations ». Extérieurement, il ressemble à un sous-marin, avec un kiosque et une coque dont la forme rappelle celles des SNLE du Projet 667A (Yankee I). Mais il y a des différences évidentes. Ainsi, la coque présente de chaque côté 2 renflements dont il est peu probable qu’ils améliorent l’hydrodynamique du sous-marin et qui réduisent sa vitesse en plongée. Mais apparemment, ce ne sont pas les caractéristiques les plus importantes du Sarov.
L’un des principaux problèmes résolus avec le lancement de ce sous-marin était l’installation d’un réacteur nucléaire compact, comme source d’énergie de secours. L’objectif était de concevoir un moyen naval bon marché et fiable, capable de rester en plongée pendant de longues périodes comme le sous-marins nucléaires plus couteux.
Le sous-marin devait être admis au service actif en 1993. Mais, le manque d’argent a ralenti les travaux, et ils ont même été fréquemment interrompus. En 1996, le projet a été finalement gelé, alors qu’il était terminé à 40%. Ce n’est que 5 ans plus tard, après une décision commune des ministères du développement économique et de la défense, que la construction du sous-marin expérimental a repris, après que le bureau Rubin ait en parti modifié les plans.
En aout 2003, le sous-marin, encore en construction, a été transféré à Severodvinsk. 3 ans plus tard, le 19 mars 2006, lors du 100è anniversaire de la flotte sous-marine russe, une nouvelle plaque de pose de la quille a été installée sur le sous-marin au chantier Sevmash. En mars 2007, le sous-marin expérimental a été baptisé Sarov à l’initiative du Centre Nucléaire Sarov. Au cours de cette même année, le capitaine de vaisseau Sergei Kroshkin a visité le chantier et fait les gros titres de la presse locale. Cela a entrainé l’apparition de rumeurs que le sous-marin était un sous-marin espion, mettant dans l’embarras cet officier et ses chefs.
Le 14 décembre, le sous-marin sortait du hall d’assemblage de Sevmash et lancé le 24 décembre dans le port militaire de Severodvinsk « derrière des portes closes ». Néanmoins, malgré toutes les mesures de sécurité, cette information a fuité. En juillet 2008, le sous-marin a effectué les essais appropriés puis admis au service actif en aout. Depuis 2009, le Sarov est basé à Severodvinsk (Flotte du Nord).
Depuis 2008, le sous-marin a effectué de nombreuses missions spéciales. Pour chaque essai, le Sarov était modernisé et adapté. Selon des informations non confirmées, la dernière modernisation de 2010 était liée à des essais d’une nouvelle propulsion. Cependant, ni le chantier, ni le bureau d’études n’ont commenté ou confirmé cette information.
Caractéristiques générales du sous-marin Sarov :
Equipage 52 membres d’équipage Tirant d’eau 7 mètres Longueur 72,6 mètres Largeur 9,9 m Déplacement en plongée 3.950 t Déplacement en surface 2.300 t Vitesse en plongée 17 nœuds Vitesse en surface 10 nœuds Immersion d’essai 300 m Autonomie en plongée jusqu’à 20 jours Autonomie 45 jours
jonas General de Brigade
messages : 3370 Inscrit le : 11/02/2008 Localisation : far-maroc Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Lun 19 Mar 2012 - 13:35
Aujourd'hui est la journée des sous-mariniers en Russie
Усталая подлодка (sous-marin fatigué) : une des chansons les plus populaires chez les sous-mariniers russes
yassine1985 Colonel-Major
messages : 2948 Inscrit le : 11/11/2010 Localisation : Marrakech Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Lun 19 Mar 2012 - 18:00
Une interview très riche en informations avec le chef de l'aviation de la RuAF : (Traduction automatique qui peut prêter à confusion sur certain passage)
Citation :
Russian Air Force Commander Col. Gen. Alexander Zelin said, "HBO" about the development of Soviet military aviation
"Independent Military Review" continues to sum up the intermediate results of the reform of the Armed Forces that are in our army and navy in the past three years. The main questions that we ask our interlocutors that changed during this time in their subordinate forces, which remain unresolved issues that must be done to implement the plan.
Editor of the questions, "HBO" responsible honored military pilot, Air Force Chief Colonel General Alexander Zelin.
First of all flights
- I want to begin our conversation, Alexander, with the message that you received information on the tape before our meeting. It is that the Russian Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov signed with the CEO of "dry" Igor Ozar contract to supply the Air Force until 2020, 92 Sukhoi Su-34. What other planes and helicopters and how much will go into service of our aircraft to the twentieth year?
- I will not call the number, but it is up to a hundred.
- Up to hundreds of each kind?
- Yes, the Su-34 figure has already announced - it's 92 cars. But in total, the Air Force will be 124 such aircraft, and subsequently up to 140 cars. In principle, if we talk about the Su-34, the president's face it, we got the plane, but at the same time we continue to enhance the combat capabilities of the bomber. It is what? We place a strong airborne defense, develop new weapons with new, advanced combat capabilities. The main "air-surface", "air-to-radar", "air-to-ship" and plan what he would have support of other long-range missiles. Such work is, and I think that is the platform that is able to solve this problem - that is to build up nuclear deterrent force in the Strategic Air Force.
Despite the fact that the contract for the supply of signed, I signed the technical specifications for this contract, which have the possibility to carry out further modernization to enhance the combat capabilities of the aircraft industry.
- According to its effectiveness?
- According to its efficiency and combat capabilities in a single system of warfare, which now builds the General Staff, is associated with the concept of network-centric fashion issue management system. To this control loop with an already established means of communication and means of AMS, we solved this problem.
I have recently arrived from St. Petersburg, where, under my leadership, the meeting took place interdepartmental committee to develop A-100, is a continuation of the theme of A-50U and below. There will be a machine with such military capabilities, which will create an opportunity not only to manage the crews in the air, but also for all radio-guided and other targets on the ground, but also assumed control of an unmanned aircraft with this aircraft.
Such large-scale planning. With the objectives of the 30s. For other purchases, which are supposed to get the Air Force. This Su-35 ...
- The contract for him, as I recall, was signed at the MAKS 48 cars.
- Yes, so many, but will buy. Around a hundred units. I consider this aircraft in conjunction with the Su-30 cm. We are not buy and do not plan to buy, even if it does not seem surprising to you, combat-capable aircraft. Buy combat aircraft with the ability of machines to train pilots. Requirements for training and combat aircraft to provide a number of tasks that the pilot work out in the air. For example, system failures and other problems ...
But now the cockpit so changed, that all these actions we can work out on the ground. At the gym. As several multi-indicators can replace each other. And talk about the failure of some equipment and to train pilots to do without them in the air - this problem goes away by itself. We'll work it on complex procedural simulators on the ground. Realizing that the pilot should be taught to fly from the failed devices, but for this purpose to create a plane and do it in the air, we will not. It is not economically feasible, as we have a lot of interchangeable multi-function indicators. One refused, you can go to another and receive all necessary information.
There may, of course, to deny a few multi-indicator, if de-energize the aircraft, but it requires the pilot is very different actions related to piloting.
- If I understand you correctly, the Yak-130 will not you buy?
- No, the Yak-130 - it's a plane advanced training designed to teach students. This is an educational-fighting vehicle, which will, after finishing training in the cadet school in the drill of the right to transfer him to the combat aircraft. Because the cabin Yak-130 combat aircraft identified with. There also are multi-function displays. In fact, the cabin of Yak-130 th, MiG-29 and Su-th-27 th, they look like. And the combat capabilities of the aircraft are also very decent. This is a modern highly maneuverable aircraft with a weapon that cadets at the fifth year, the final stage of their training, especially in the operational and tactical aircraft, will apply. We are really going to teach them this.
It is assumed, even the establishment of training centers where young lieutenants will be retrained. And based on the Yak-130 is the idea to create a light strike aircraft, which is subsequently to improve classroom skills by third grade to the second, will be located in the Lipetsk training center. And with his help we will solve this problem. At least, such an option, we are now working with the Deputy Chief of the National Centre to prepare pilots for flying the Su-34 and Su-35.
In order to realize the problem with the highly maneuverable Su-35, later T-50, we are planning to buy Su-30 cm. This is a highly maneuverable aircraft of the same, dvuhkabinny, but the combat, able to fulfill any combat missions, but the crew of two.
Why is it so? Because we have the coefficient of staffing crews - one and a half. In order to give everyone the opportunity to fly with the current staff size, dvuhkabinnaya machine allows to carry out combat missions throughout the flight crews. Practice and so, and others. Thus, all will be constantly in training and we will perform an indication of the Chief of General Staff, to strike, we had more than 130 hours. This is a very real problem. If you change the fleet of tactical aircraft, we will solve this problem easily, having dvuhkabinnye cars in a combat form. - I would like to ask you about naletannost, but do it later. While I would like to ask you, what will happen to other aircraft? For example, the MiG-31.
- MiG-31 - a beautiful airplane. He has a great future. We are currently undecided. According to the list we have about 300 such aircraft, or more precisely, 252 in the Air Force. We plan to be in service up to 100 such aircraft. Decided to upgrade it to new problems in the version of the MiG-31BM. We decided that we upgrade the MiG-31BS, and we have, except for the MiG-31B, a series of CLE and a series of BS. We decided that a series of BS remain without refueling in the air, the DMZ - with refueling and B - also with a mid-air refueling. In this series of CLE will perform their specific tasks. And our team will be up to 100 aircraft. With the new missile weapons "air-" long-range, in fact, implement the combat capabilities of the board of the complex, then a combination of old and modern weapons and a new navigation system.
We turn now to another across a range of aircraft. From decimeter-meter pass to. This range will move all of our short-range navigation. This is due, primarily, with the government's decision to move all television to digital communications. And we, in this case with UHF leave. But in this case, let us exploit the opportunities of landing on any civil airfield. And since 2014 the opportunity to be enshrined in law. Now is not the budget, but funds are allocated to the aeronautical service. And on the 14th, we will be exempted from the payment for the provision of airfield services - for parking and airport services.
We can safely fly across the territory of the Russian Federation, using the entire airfield network, both military and civil aviation. And the MiG-31 - one of the first aircraft, which will receive the opportunity. He has to fly and at high latitudes. This aircraft, which is practically designed for autonomous action outside the radar of the field - such opportunities he has. Therefore, he must use any airport that he needed. As the Arctic Circle and south of the country. In Kamchatka, Chukotka in the Far East - wherever needed.
ACS system it's quite advanced, it allows the aircraft to come in to land at the boundary of 50 meters of clouds and visibility of 800 meters. The equipment allows all aircraft, airport equipment - too. And he very well solve all their tasks.
- We talked about the Su-34. But in theory it should eventually replace the Su-24 bomber.
- Not in theory, but it really is to be replaced.
- What will be the fate of the Su-24 has not come all the Su-34?
- We have modernized Su-24. And we already have two squadrons of the new modernized version of this machine. It's the ROC, "Hussar" - 24 units we have in the Far East. And just in the European part and Ural Shugole goes directly to the modernization of environ "Metronome." Spends her company famous Alexander Nikolaevich Panin.
We can say that the results that we got on this machine, we are completely satisfied. And we will do and modernization, and the reduction of simple Su-24, which we still have in service. They are, of course, dosluzhivayut its life cycle, this is an excellent aircraft soldiers who carry out their tasks. And we will deliver the planes to the army high series. While 2020 did not go completely on the Su-34, which we shall be composed of more than 120.
We have, in fact, are four commands, the state center - five basic points, which will create a group on 24-28-30 flying Su-34. Far East - is Hurba is Chelyabinsk and it Krymsk Voronezh and Lipetsk.
- I remember how we stood side by side with you in Farnborough, and watched as the F-22 flies. You did not really responded favorably of him, saying that he did not quite live up to those promotional materials, in which he painted with great dignity.
- I will not then say so. I said, "You see, I smile. I am very pleased that he flies." We were standing next to Mikhail Pogosyan Aslanovich, so obviously we can not show all the features possessed by this machine, but we Pogosyan understand that our partners are also trying to move to the highly maneuverable parameters that we have. They have a very long time this fact is denied, apparently because there were some technical problems with this task. And second - we fly no worse than they are. You are not just made sure on the MAX. And in 2009 and 2011, when demonstrating the MiG-29 OVT, the Su-35 th ...
I was Vladimir Vladimirovich (Putinu. - VL) told me that those maneuvers, which serves our plane, we have not even found a name.
- I thought of the F-22 in connection with the T-50. It should be better than the American fighter?
- I have already spoken to someone from the foreign correspondents: to identify better or worse, we must see how the car behaves in the air. At one time we were told that the F-15 - is unmatched aircraft. When I was in our Academy Gagarin, we repeat that this is just a "supersamolet." And when I'm allowed to fly on the fate of the last modification of this machine F-15E, we flew to Ramstein with General Harchevskim - he was on the same machine, I - on the other hand, I then realized that even the MiG-23MA while it was possible to fight peacefully with this plane. Quietly.
Everything is relative. Here is triggered, our proverb: "Better to see once than a thousand words."
- But the T-50 is already flying. Three cars, if I mistake not, pass the test.
- T-50 flies. Obletyvayutsya performance specifications, pass the test on the board of the complex, built a machine that will go to operational use. Everything in the frame. I keep saying it. There are technical problems. It is clear that the establishment of such a machine where everything is good does not happen. But I am the chief designer, Alexander Nikolayevich (Davidenko. - VL) happy. When I'm in Komsomolsk-on-Amur, will never pass by the shop, where the fighter is collected. Topic closed, and everything else, but we're the director, the distinguished Alexander Ivanovich (Pekarsh. - VL) regularly discuss the progress of the aircraft. While there are no fundamental issues there.
- That is all going according to schedule.
- Yes, and recently there was Vladimir Putin (Putin. - VL), we showed him everything he asked many questions. And when we start who put the T-50 as intended, but it is designed to gain air superiority, it is one of its main goals - winning the battle area, air superiority (in SAP we have around 60 of these machines) I believe that these aircraft will only fly first-class fliers.
We understand that this is a special plane, we know where it will be deployed, for what tasks. And there would have to fly, say, high-class professionals. This will be an elite unit that will perform the most responsible and difficult task and is able to meet them. The speeches of the young airmen here goes. I even own this is not my problem.
Plans for development of the BTA
- Talk with us is very interesting, full of information. But you have not spoken about the military-transport aircraft, a helicopter. What are the plans we expect here?
- There are plans to create a promising aviation complex long-range aviation. We returned to this issue.
- This was said in the article, and Vladimir Putin.
- Yes. Somewhere in the 30s we should have in the Air Force combat aircraft with new capabilities that will adequately play him one of the main roles in the Air Force nuclear deterrence in the triad of strategic nuclear forces of the Armed Forces.
As for the military transport aviation. Here, I can not help but be happy about the decisions that have accepted. Here and restore production of An-124-100 variant of the An-124-300, and the great leaps and bounds in accordance with the possibilities of restoring the plant is the production of AN-124-100.
- This will be in Voronezh?
- No, it's all in Ulyanovsk. Next, the same production line launched Il-76MD-90. All we have left from Tashkent, we have created this project in digital form, and in July, I think this car will fly.
We have quite a number of these vehicles we buy, and it will be our primary vehicle for special tasks, which I previously mentioned. Those, for example, refueling tankers will fly on this machine, which will allow the engine D-90 without changing the pitch flight refueling to perform tasks. Now we have objective reasons for the lower down the operation. Because of the engine. And with the new economy, these problems will be solved easily.
Next. I am the chairman of the Commission on completion of the An-70 aircraft. He was in Kiev, we have removed all the contradictions that were there. Ukrainians collect the car, which they have, and also in June and July, they must submit it to us, and we must fly. Apparently, all the lapping of the draw in Ukraine in order to quickly eliminate all the shortcomings, which, of course, will be at this stage. And later on the territory of Ukraine and in Russia we will complete the okra on the plane.
- And it will collect in Omsk?
- As previously in Voronezh. Antonov is actively cooperating with the winding on the aircraft AN-148, there are other projects in the An-158 Antonov An-178 - there is a well-established relations, engineering, technical, organizational, technical, organizational pure, there is a mutual understanding. In addition, Voronezh is not far from Kiev is located. And from Kharkiv in particular. And I think that short distance will allow them to quickly resolve all issues.
Now the light military transport plane. We have settled on a variant of the An-140-100. And such a problem for the transfer of military technology, we shall bring to him. This aircraft is designed primarily for transportation of personnel and small cargo within the district that will save both time and fuel. And then we have an intergovernmental agreement and a joint project with India to establish a joint aircraft military transport aircraft with a payload of up to 20 tons - MTA. We are ready to buy these machines to a hundred units.
The issue of mobility without the military transport planes are not resolved. And I think that the fleet for this purpose must be not less than 300 aircraft of various classes. Super-heavy, heavy, tactical, light, each to perform its task.
The General Staff has put us to task for those troops who are in a battle of the Armed Forces need to have planes to transport heavy brigades, medium and light. Easy to instantly anywhere in the country or abroad, in connection with our international obligations to solve their problems. In what way? Only by using military transport aircraft.
- A helicopter?
- My favorite army aviation (say the front-line pilots do not like the Army Aviation - this is deeply misleading.) We are like no one understand the role and place of army aviation in modern armed conflicts that occur and will occur. And she understands the role of leadership of the Ministry of Defence. Including the Minister and Chief of General Staff.
We have stated that up to 20-year purchase one thousand helicopters. Including Mi-26 Mi-26T helicopter is already held, they have more than one hundred units. Improve and have a modified Mi-8 helicopter, the latest modification of AMTSH, MTV-5. Next - we do an all-weather, non-stop helicopter with advanced combat capabilities. Again, based on the Mi-8. Industry gives us a transition helicopter between the heavy and medium - Mi-38. This machine also is under a certain perspective.
- And what role will play an Mi-38?
- Mi-38 helicopter is the average between the Mi-26 and Mi-8. This is the other engines, the other payload. Some states say that the Mi-26 heavy machine too, they do not need it. But with a payload of 12 tons, 15 tons, 8 tons would be very useful. That is such a class and will be the helicopter.
"Helicopters of Russia" dealing with this problem. We told them: you first create the product, and then we look for what purpose and under what tasks to use it.
Now for the battle. You know, a long time in the press and among the experts were disputes, which is better - the Mi-28 and Ka-52. Made, in my opinion, a very competent public decision making both cars. They are, in fact, complement each other. The Mi-28 helicopter as the main line on the battlefield.
Under modern conditions, and then I'm grateful for the support of the defense minister that the entire aircraft, except aircraft fleet, and everything to do with solving the problems of the fleet, all concentrated in the Air Force. On the one hand, the problems become larger, and the other - left all parochial interests, especially since all control is now under the leadership of the General Staff. And the planning application, and the organization of combat training. I think this is a very good decision made by the Ministry of Defence. This is my personal belief. Although, as always, something we like, do not like something, but life will show.
Revolution at the management level
- In connection with this observation, we switched to the important issue that I wanted to ask you. As today is management of aviation? It is known that all it was transferred to the county or in the operational-strategic command, set up seven air bases, airfields were repaired 28, held the other, quite frankly, revolutionary changes. What is now engaged in Air Force Commander and his staff?
- I would say so. If it is implemented conceived control system devices and systems that will create an automated control system (ACS), all built correctly. Now, in my opinion, we did some revolutionary on many issues. These revolutionary steps are felt in the planned work. Not completing the establishment of a technical, organizational, we can, and it is completed, we have to manually adjust anything, correct. But we do not reject the solution of these problems.
I have here on the remote control has buttons to call the commander of all four counties. We are online with them often talk. And most importantly - combat training remains a major Air Force command. Construction of the species and military training. And without military training which can be used?
There is a controversy. We prove something to each other. I do not think that all issues have been resolved. And the minister says this. Yes, we have completed all arrangements. Let's face it. If someone is not satisfied with something, shows, show, tell me. We will correct. Either agree, or come and prove that something is wrong. Today we held a meeting on this issue. I do not criticize the decisions taken. Yes, at the stage of decision-making, I argued my point of view, the vision of upcoming challenges, had to settle somewhere, somewhere for me to listen to some issues, but since we're on stage, the decisions already taken, it is necessary to fulfill them. To work.
And in matters related to the problems of logistics management (a system of automatic control system, which has not been fully earned, and it begins with a central command post of the General Staff), errors are eliminated. Eliminated the central command centers of species, but as long as ACS does not work, we concluded that the management of the organization and control of the commander of military training should be restored. Now all the decisions taken are consistent and control is restored. Chief of General Staff supported us. But, I think this governing body itself become obsolete when there will be other technologies that will allow me, as commander in chief, the online deal a major issue - the organization of combat training.
Every day, flies more than 70-80 of our parts. All this must monitor, coordinate, monitor, Air Force - is the kind that is constantly in motion, and requires constant monitoring. Do not just set it and forget the problem and set the task, more in control of how it is executed and in control of its results. In another way it is impossible.
- Then they korrektiruesh.
- Yes.
- In continuation of this problem, a question arises with the defense. You are transferred to the District not only aviation, but also in the aerospace defense team defense.
- We are not all transferred to the defense team of aerospace defense. We gave ASD only the central industrial region. Those who had once covered the Moscow Air Defense District, then the command of Special Forces, then the Operational Strategic Command in the Air Force. In the end, it is USC we gave a new arm of SAI. And, in fact, they are now engaged in air and missile defense of the Central Industrial District. Moscow and everything that surrounds it.
The remaining tasks are assigned to air defense commanders of the districts. But again, the combat training of troops engaged in high command. We are preparing the troops, we are preparing all the legal framework, the methodological framework, we are teaching, preparing the troops for the exercises and everything else. A commander of the district take the troops and use them as intended. Here's a subtlety.
- And who orders military equipment?
- Order management. But its ideology builds Main Command Air Forces.
- In other words, you determine how much to the S-300 as C-400, C-500 ... Use the S-300V and S-300VM?
- While the ideology of the Air Force. Yet. But as will happen, we'll see. I stress again, the forces of SAI deal with problems of the Central Industrial District.
And all that will be connected with the strategic missile defense and theater missile defense, too, of course, be close to the leadership of these forces. They will build this ideology. But in any case, all solutions will take the General Staff. Naturally, with the active participation of all species and genera. Because you can not talk about defense, not knowing what role is played here by air force, navy, especially in coastal areas, where it plays a major role - is a complex task. And it can be solved only by an administrative body - the General Staff.
- I see. But this raises the question of defense of the Land Forces. They too should be included in the system or remain in the conduct of combined arms brigade commanders?
- There are so many opinions on this matter. I believe that in modern conditions cover the troops on the battlefield - Army air defense task. But beyond that, we can not talk about the organic inscribing them in other systems. We need to look at our doctrine. If we plan to conduct military operations outside the Russian Federation, is one approach. If we say that we will defend ourselves, it's a different approach. But they are troops of air defense and air defense forces Army, complement each other. For problems. And we must, of course, to create a unified system of defense management in Russia, to eliminate these discrepancies.
Within the county of command, for God's sake. I have argued for a long time on this subject, I argued and said that it seems a mistake. I do not want to say I am right or not, but I have a dissenting opinion. But all decisions have been made, and we are obliged to perform.
In this case, we want to or not, but with a central command post of the General Staff, this problem will be solved, and it is - one of the main objectives of the strategic actions of the Armed Forces, no doubt. And written down so that the main singer of this problem - the central body of military control in the face of the General Staff. Once fully completed technical management, what we said - created network-centric management, then all will fall into place. And the system of decision-making and organization of all strategic decision-making course of action will lie in another plane. This is our near future. We see it, we understand, but it has not yet come.
Combat training goes according to plan
- You have already touched on this issue. But I asked you to talk more about it later. About naletannosti pilots. I remember the story of Major Troyanova, when he lost his way in the skies over the Baltic and was forced to eject over Lithuania. It turned out that the raid did not exceed seven hours. You said that the task bump 130 hours. How to solve this problem? And more. 130 hours - that's just for fighter and attack aircraft, or for strategic and military transport? There also are standards?
- No, there is an order of the Secretary of Defense standards plaque. They are defined. And depending on the type of aircraft, from the post of pilot flying different rules. For example, the rules governing the composition of half or one and a half less than that of the other pilots, the commander does not need a plaque. Although the expense of flights or flight instructor for training in a raid management team will be much greater than that of an ordinary pilot, which deals with his personal improvement. And speaking of Troyanov, I'm not so much blame to the pilot and thought about it a raid ...
- By the way, as happened to him?
- He was once the case had gone to flight operations. In fact, any organizational or administrative action against him have been taken. And the flying skills saved him. Although in principle the pilot 1st class so he could not make mistakes. But I think there was a fundamental error in the organization of flights and poor management of the organization. In fact, the crew was lost, and they were never administered. This is what we are talking a little earlier, the control system.
The control system and organization of the control system, some do not understand, and by the nature of its activities the plane just like that, getting up in the air, not flying. Airplane at all stages, from takeoff to landing, run by people on the ground, the body that are directly required to deal with this administration. And the aircraft is controlled by a three-point measurements - height, azimuth, and so on. And if anyone thinks that we can just go and fly off somewhere out there, it is very wrong and did not understand. Moreover, now the whole world switched to automatic dependent surveillance.
Appropriate resources are deployed in space, on the ground, on aircraft - I've seen, for example, when I was in Japan at the control of civil aviation. In Tokyo's main airport saw planes that were flying in the skies over Australia. It would seem that in this Asia-Pacific area there are no ground-based observations, nevertheless, was seen at the request of an aircraft on the fifth continent. This is a great distance. And the whole world now moves to a method of airspace control.
Yes that's right, we do not give up radar on location, we will see an aircraft if the pilot to turn it on, turn off if we did not see. But for reliable security and strict control in peacetime, such a system is urgently needed to improve the quality of safety and control system aircraft. Including general aviation.
Now the whole system of air control in the U.S., in Europe, based on the fact that the plane taxis all over the earth, and on the radar screens already appeared a signal that has passed the application, approved by the aircraft, its flight plan agreed that he can safely perform a flight notification . In the notice - it's a completely different approach.
But for reliable security and strict control in peacetime, such a system is urgently needed to improve the quality of safety and control system aircraft. Including general aviation.
Now the whole system of aviation in the U.S., in Europe, based on the fact that the plane taxis all over the earth, and on the radar screens already appeared a signal that has passed the application, approved by the aircraft, its flight plan in concert, that he can safely perform flight notification. In the notice - it's a completely different approach.
- But still, if we return to the issue of naletannosti.
- With regard to financial security, then there is no question. I am concerned only resource support aircraft and helicopters, which is dressed up for the task.
- That is the kerosene all right?
- Availability of kerosene, fuel and other resources I have absolutely no worries. Everything is, it's not the years. Airfields, fuel and lubricants, we even signed a contract with JSC "Gazprom Neft - Aero", 12 airports have deployed this network - the so-called outsourcing. He is already in the works. More worrisome serviceability and resource support. Unfortunately, our structure, "Aviaremont" not as a pragmatic response to all the needs that we need, as it should. I can still understand what's the reason.
Money for repairs and restoration are highlighted. And a lot of. If we compare with the time of the 90s, it at times. The financial possibilities and responsibilities are defined, the specification - too. Not enough quickness and responsibility of officials who are obliged to do it. Unfortunately, the serviceability of equipment for the sick soul only Main Command Air Forces, which is responsible for combat training. Our other structures for some reason are only responsible for financial flows.
Hence the problem. But if last year we flew about 340,000 hours, gave the plaque for more than 90 hours per pilot. This plaque is different - depending on the type, type of aircraft. This year I set a task, especially in relation to young pilots swoop at least 100 hours.
Last year, 80% of young people complied with these rules. Sway some of the lieutenants, but not in various parts of the fault, but because there was no resource provision. And most importantly, we have responded to late to send them to other parts, where this problem can be solved. Subsequently, we solved this problem, but not 100 hours, they got a little over 50. But it's not five, not seven, not two hours, which were in the 90s.
- But your pilots fly not only to enhance individual learning, but also, apparently, to solve complex problems in the exercises in the districts? You take part in these events?
- Of course, in all large-scale exercises, if you have noticed a significant role played by aviation. If you are not home. Everyone looks at what happens in the air.
- A public key exercises this year you will take part in?
- In all. All that is planned, everything is connected with aviation. We have a plan to ensure all aviation activities. It is approved by the Chief of General Staff, and we take a very active part in all exercises.
Caring for people
- The question of the social problems of the Air Force. Increased two to three times the salaries of pilots.
- We understand them. A single clearing house, has gone only the second month, they began to pay higher salaries, something somewhere has not worked. We will investigate and fix everything. People understand that all that is stated, they will receive. Not now, since then.
- A good salaries increased, for example, the commander of the squadron?
- This compares with the benefit that the pilots received on 400-th order. And it is many times greater than it was before the increase. The exact figures can be refined so as not to deceive readers.
- And on housing?
- Housing set up very much. You drove to Balashikha, saw how much of it. More than 6000 apartments. And build in the suburbs. But that blighted our account was in the Quartermaster-performance parts, now made a single bank. We often are failures. Every Friday, yesterday, including, Zhukovsky (Makarov. - VL) is meeting on this issue. I do not know when it will fail, but I already told her that if we are on the ground does not improve the situation, starting with the units and above, do not understand what is happening, what the top waiting for? It is helpful to look at parts.
Unfortunately, some parts of the aircraft went into the district, of which we spoke earlier. I, as commander in chief, to influence the situation there could not. But I need not do this job. There are regional offices, which are designed to solve these problems. But we can not say that some officers are also unresponsive to these issues - it's a notice, but they did not draw up the documents. Especially because of thoughtlessness or delay time. Do not represent the full documents which need to be.
The situations are different. Someone has a house, but still trying to catch. Temptations are many. The armed forces today, the only structure where people are given accommodation under the law of the state.
Office accommodation is planned for the main base, in fact, we will have seven basic aircraft and airfields 14 airfields army aviation base, there will be created office accommodation. Everything else, whether we like or do not want to go into the end of the municipal. All the towns we pass there.
Another question, let the officers - well, he does not want to stay in or Morozovsk Millerovo, where the beautiful apartments built on the conclusion of the Western Group of Forces, but there is no industry - to go to another place. I believe that such officers may be able to provide. While, on the other hand, people with housing provided.
Here we have a settlement of Dawn, is also very much want to find housing in the suburbs. We were allowed to move from apartment to the municipal office. And here is mainly the tension is removed. For me, I became a commander in chief, there are already three houses were built. It remains only to formalize these houses, and 100 people in the main command will find a roof over your head. Plus, part of the software, and I completely eliminate the problem of service housing.
- Another thorny issue - on education. Including associated with the scandal that erupted due to the transfer of the Academy of Zhukovsky and Gagarin in Voronezh. Why is this and what will happen to the wonderful Museum of Aviation, which is located at Monino?
- Museum as he was, and remains. It will include a branch in the Central Museum of Armed Forces, and no it does not infringe.
About the academy. I have a lot of answering this question. Why such a rich country like the United States of America, have all three military school. In preparing the officer corps. Someone asked this question? Why can not they spread out across the country a network of educational institutions? Why is Britain so? On behalf of the Minister I am with their subordinates, and it is well-known people - Harchevsky General, General Degree, Colonel Barre, God willing, will soon be a general - is the elite of today's Air Force, went on a business trip, and almost a week watching the organization of combat training of U.S. Air Force. There have been at the Pentagon, all commands, including Air Force Base in Nelis. By Soviet standards, it can be compared with the base at Marah, where I once served.
We were in Colorado Springs and in the Academy, where he simultaneously enrolled 4000 students in four courses. And where every one of the thousands of graduates is 500 pilots. 500 they were recruited from other universities. I am very detailed study of their experience, surprisingly, I have colleagues and provided a training program, even under the heading "Service Literature", the conversation was very open. And I agree that all should be concentrated in one place. This includes both financial and material resources.
Yes, what we lose? The fact that, for example, from Siberia, there is no possibility at all the guys come and go to university in Voronezh, but it is our task. Organize outreach committee, and hold competitive tests to find the guys who not only from the European part of Russia but also from the Far East will have to learn. This problem of the form to do the selection of students. Including advocacy work. Recruit healthy, strong children, and those needed in the Air Force. We used to joke once: to gain health, and ask for the mind.
This is another problem. But to have a network and disperse the money - is not reasonable.
Yuri Petrovich Klishin, a former zamglavkoma on arms, when he came into the modern Voronezh, called out and said: "Alexander, I never expected what was done in such a short time, Basil Zibrov with his team." And yet that is not enough. I am the minister said: "You go to the cadet colleges and see what's been done. Which means they are designed to prepare the boys. And it is quite possible to do so."
One more point. There, near Voronezh, Lipetsk, 90 kilometers, Lipetsk training center, which allows probation officers already trained and operational-tactical level. All the advanced technology - there.
I do not want to offend anyone. But in recent years, our science, including faculty, a very nice older and has lagged behind those of modern requirements, which are presented to us the past five years, the revolutionary. Especially the last three years. And we, as the press likes to write, continue to fight on the experience of past wars. I do not want to fight on the experience of past wars. I have respect for the faculty, you have to really save, you need to create a center - we came out with such a proposal to the Head of the Department of Education of the Armed Forces, such study going. But, if frankly, training facilities, except for the case "T" (training corps at the Academy of Gagarin. - VL), is as old as the world. Yes, and there all of aircraft simulators, which are leaving this life.
Everything new is created in Voronezh. All current ASU, modern fitness center, modern ... Here I was finishing college, were the MiG-23 and MiG-25 missiles to them and everything else. And we all fly the MiG-21 missiles were studied FF, RS2S, which was no longer in the army. That was that such a system. All equipment which came when the school was the one of the troops left.
And we say - no. We must teach what is and will be in the army. Now we end up teaching at the school for advanced training aircraft. This does not apply to air defense, there is all modern. They do not need to fly, they must come to the army and immediately sit at desks and start fighting crew combat work.
The pilot system is different. We give him a flying time machine, and increased training. Then he comes to State Center, where we learn to fight. And there - in the army, where he has trained and taught all over. And the combat use of technology starts to fly and perform the combat mission.
I was fortunate enough to listen to the young pilot Paul Stepanovich Kutahova. I remember his words to life. I was in the 3rd Squadron, Lieutenant Zelin. In 1976. Marshall took the chalk and started drawing on the blackboard. "This is such a problem, I send it to carry out the pilot of the first class. To solve another problem link in the second class pilots. And for this I need the whole squadron of pilots to send a third class." Even then, it was clear what it means to the pilot of one or another class, how to encourage pilots to improve their classroom skills. Once paid for proficiency, the clouds, with something for it ...
And now we say, guys, we pay you too much. For proficiency pay will not. I think this is absolutely not correct. The motivation for the lifting of flight and last but not least is associated with the evaluation of its activities. I do not think that during the Soviet era did not think about it and just pay the money.
- This is what we talked about pilots. But you also have and meteorologists, navigators, weapons specialists. Where are they taught?
- All - in one of Voronezh University. There will be a Military Research Center and State University for the preparation of aviation specialists.
- And where the technicians? TECH experts?
- And the technicians there. All in Voronezh. At the present time there and learn everything. All engineering colleges, which were, in 2009 began teaching there. Irkutsk, then Stavropol, Tambov School of Communications and then ... all concentrated in one place. We have only the rights of the Krasnodar branch will be school, which will prepare the pilots. Flight crews and officers of the command and control.
- And the foreigners?
- And the foreigners. We Voronezh prepares all staff, which is associated with the issues of comprehensive support aviation operations. Logistical, technical. Anything that is connected with it. Immediately we prepare pilots in Krasnodar.
But academic studies, I did not say that we received at the Academy of Zhukovsky and Gagarin, it was abolished. We go to the training coursework. Second degree, we will not give out. We will give a paper on the end of the course. And then for each upcoming post officer will be prepared specifically for these courses. This will happen in Voronezh and Lipetsk in the operational-tactical level. And according to the General Staff Academy.
- The most recent issue. "Swifts" and "Russian Knights" are?
- Nobody touches them. No one thought of this, and never was.
- And the Yak-130, they will fly?
- The Yak-130 as soon as we get them, too, will create a squadron to fly with colorful smokes, like, say, "Patrouille de France" or "Trichy de Color", others.
We often state that we are the only ones who fly on military aircraft. But in life it is not. I've traveled the world looked. Americans fly the F-16 Air Force, Navy flying the F-18 demonstration flights. Previously, the Air Force flew the T-50, but after the whole group was broken, this was a heavy tragedy, they switched to the F-16. A marine pilots how to fly the F-18, and continue to fly. The Japanese, too, fly combat aircraft. South Koreans flew in combat, but now they have created a T-50. This is almost the inverse image of F-16s, they created a training machine for him. And they are buying, if I remember correctly, the Italians.
When I was on their anniversary, 60th anniversary, he asked them, why do not you buy our planes? They took and wrote what we put out for tender, our T-50. We immediately abandoned.
_________________ ."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
Dernière édition par yassine1985 le Lun 19 Mar 2012 - 18:02, édité 1 fois (Raison : source)
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Sujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Mar 20 Mar 2012 - 6:18
forces spéciales russes arrivant au port tartous en Syrie.
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Sujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Mer 21 Mar 2012 - 1:08
Les russes veulent sauver le système de Bachar a tout prix, une guerre contre la Syrie est une guerre contre la Russie...
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Moscow: Naval mission off Syrian coast for ‘counter-piracy’
The Russian Navy has deployed a combat vessel off the coast of Syria.Russian sources said the Navy deployed a warship off the coast of Syria earlier this month. The sources said the naval mission was identified as that of counter-piracy.
“The ship is operating out of the [Syrian] port of Tartous,” a Russian source said. The deployment was confirmed by a senior Russian Navy source. The source said the vessel stemmed from the Navy’s Black Sea fleet and joined another naval ship in the eastern Mediterranean. This marked the second Russian Navy deployment in Syria in 2012. In February, a Russian Navy task force docked off the Syrian coast during the height of the Sunni revolt against President Bashar Assad. “There is a need for a Russian Navy presence to protect Russian nationals,” the source said. “We are preparing for all contingencies.” The Russian Navy has denied sending warships to Syria. The Navy has acknowledged that a supply ship with a civilian crew has been in Tartous over the last 10 days. The sources said the Russian Navy presence in the eastern Mediterranean included hundreds of Marines. They said the Marines could be used to help evacuate thousands of Russian military advisers, contractors and other personnel in Syria.
messages : 2948 Inscrit le : 11/11/2010 Localisation : Marrakech Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Mer 21 Mar 2012 - 10:28
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Zvezdochka to Withdraw SSBN Verkhoturye from Covered Slipway
Project 667BDRM nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine (SSBN) Verkhoturye will leave covered slipway of Zvezdochka Ship Repair Center on March 24, 2012.
Works on the sub's technical recovery and service life extension started in the fall of 2010. Since that time, the shipyard has carried out repair of the hull, outboard fittings, ballast tanks, mechanisms of rudder/propeller unit, and other onboard systems. The submarine is going to be launched in mid Apr 2012 and then will be outfitted afloat.
Zvezdochka will conduct mooring and sea trials in the summer and the fall. As is expected, SSBN Verkhoturye would be recommissioned into the Navy late Nov 2012.
_________________ ."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
yassine1985 Colonel-Major
messages : 2948 Inscrit le : 11/11/2010 Localisation : Marrakech Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Mer 21 Mar 2012 - 10:50
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Russian Air Force Adopts New Cruise Missile
A new cruise missile has entered service with the Russian Air Force’s strategic long-range arms division, Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov said on Tuesday.
He did not provide any details, only saying it was an air-launched long range missile.
AF chief Col Gen Alexander Zelin previously said the new cruise missile was developed by the Taktitcheskoye Raketnoye Vooruzhenie (Tactical Missile) defense corporation and that its specifications were secret. He said the new missiles would also be installed in fifth-generation fighters.
Douglas Barrie, an air warfare analyst at the London-based International Institute of Strategic Studies, said the new weapon was likely to be “either the Kh-555 or Kh-101/102.”
The Kh-555 is a new conventionally-armed variant of the Kh-55 nuclear-armed cruise missile, which has been in service since the 1984 on Tu-95 and Tu-160 bombers.
Kh-101 is a stealthy nuclear armed cruise-missile under development by the Raduga design bureau, along with a conventionally-armed variant (Kh-102). claims the weapon was test-fired in October 1998. Some reports claim the weapon is itself a derivative of Kh-555.
Serdyukov also said Russia’s fleet of Tu-160 Blackjack and Tu-95MS Bear strategic bombers will be modernized.
Defense Ministry spokesman Vladimir Drik earlier said the AF’s strategic long-range arms division will receive more than 10 modernized Tu-160M Blackjack bombers by 2020.
The new bombers will be adapted to carry advanced cruise missiles and bombs.
Zelin said in January the AF will soon deploy an advanced tactical air-to-air missile that will greatly enhance its operational effectiveness. The missile will be carried by MiG-31BM Foxhound supersonic interceptors/fighters and will subsequently be used by other warplanes.
Zelin did not identify the missile but experts believe it could be the K-37M, also known as RVV-BD, or AA-X-13 Arrow as it is known to NATO.
The K-prefix denotes a weapon in development while the M indicates a modification. An export variant of the weapon, known as RVV-BD, was shown at MAKS 2011. The BD suffix may stand for the Russian words bolshoi dalnosti, or long range.
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Russia Seals S-400 Missile Supply Deal
Moscow-based missile manufacturer Avangard has signed a contract to supply Russia's defense ministry with missiles for its new S-400 air defense systems, the mininstry said on Tuesday.
The value of the three-year deal was not disclosed.
Avangard will be the sole supplier of missiles for the S-400 system, the ministry said. The types of missiles in question were not disclosed but previous descriptions of S-400 have included the designations 9M96 and 9M96E2 and the long-range 40N6E.
The Russian military has previously said the S-400 system would not be exported.
The S-400 Triumph, which succeeds the Soviet-era S-300, is a medium- to long-range surface-to-air missile system that can effectively engage any aerial target, including aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles, and cruise and ballistic missiles at up to 400 kilometers and an altitude of up to 30 kilometers.
_________________ ."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
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Sujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Mer 21 Mar 2012 - 16:46
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Le missile Boulava équipera l'armée russe en octobre (défense)
Le missile balistique intercontinental Boulava équipera l'armée russe dès octobre 2012, a annoncé mardi le ministre russe de la Défense, Anatoli Serdioukov.
"Les tirs d'essai de missiles intercontinentaux Boulava ont été menés avec succès. Le missile doit être adopté par les forces navales russes en octobre 2012", a déclaré le ministre.
Le missile R30 3M30 Boulava-30 (code OTAN SS-NX-30, dénomination internationale RSM-56) pourrait devenir l'arme principale des forces stratégiques navales russes. Il s'agit d'un missile à trois étages à propergol solide. D'une portée de 8.000 km, le Boulava peut être équipé de dix ogives nucléaires hypersoniques de 100 à 150 kt et à trajectoire indépendante.
RIA Novosti
MAATAWI Modérateur
messages : 14756 Inscrit le : 07/09/2009 Localisation : Maroc Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Jeu 22 Mar 2012 - 12:42
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Russia Orders 30 Su-30SM Fighter Aircraft
Su-30MK (Photo: Sukhoi) 08:04 GMT, March 22, 2012 MOSCOW | Russia's Defense Ministry has signed an order with aircraft-maker Irkut for 30 Su-30SM multirole fighter aircraft, a military spokesman said on Thursday, according to RIA Novosti.
"According to the contract, the company will deliver 30 of these aircraft to the Russian Defense Ministry by 2015," he said.
The value of the deal was not disclosed.
The Su-30SM is a two-seat derivative of the earlier Su-27UB and the MKI variant supplied to India, and is capable of air-to-air and air-to-ground missions with a wide variety of precision-guided munitions. The aircraft features thrust-vectoring engines to enhance manueverability.
In August 2011, Irkut said it would deliver 40 Su-30SM aircraft to the Defense Ministry including 28 for the Air Force and 12 for the Russian Navy, replacing Su-24s in the strike-attack role, according to (RIA Novosti)
_________________ Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autres
yassine1985 Colonel-Major
messages : 2948 Inscrit le : 11/11/2010 Localisation : Marrakech Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Sam 24 Mar 2012 - 11:39
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Russia Eyes Development of Futuristic Weaponry
Proposals for the development of weaponry based on futuristic concepts will be ready by December this year to be included in the next state arms procurement program, Russian Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov said on Thursday.
“The development of weaponry based on new physics principles; direct-energy weapons, geophysical weapons, wave-energy weapons, genetic weapons, psychotronic weapons, etc., is part of the state arms procurement program for 2011-2020,” Serdyukov said at a meeting with Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.
“We will draft the proposals for the next program by December 2012,” he said.
_________________ ."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
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Sujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Sam 24 Mar 2012 - 14:29
très bon résumé de la situation actuelle
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Fighters, Missiles For Countering Stealth
Melbourne, Australia, Washington - Russia’s technological strategy for post-2010 airpower, mapped out in considerable detail during the late 1990s, is reflected in emerging prototype and early production systems for both aircraft and air-defense weapons.
Unlike many nations that have followed ad hoc strategies for defining future weapon systems—often influenced by industrial base and existing force structure concerns—Russian defense planning has been systematic and disciplined in its approach, intended to symmetrically challenge U.S. strengths and asymmetrically challenge U.S. weaknesses. The strategic intent is to enhance Russia’s political freedom of action in a U.S.-dominated post-Cold War world, while using arms export revenues to relieve the pressure on limited defense resources.
Russian choices have been guided by a consistent Western tactical air defense plan that has been centered on the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. Delays in the JSF program have now given Russia more than 20 years to prepare for its initial operational capability date.
For aircraft, Russian defense planners have chosen quality over numbers, with the future force being based on three 30-ton-plus fighter-strike aircraft from Sukhoi, two of them direct developments of the Su-27 “Flanker” family. The smaller MiG-29/35 has been developed and offered for export only.
The most mature of the three is the Su-34 strike fighter/medium bomber. The first batch of six production-standard Su-34s, out of an initial order of 32 aircraft, has been delivered to a tactics development unit at Lipetsk, and 10 more are due to arrive this year; an order for another 92 aircraft was announced on March 1, to be delivered by 2020. Under development since the late 1980s, the Su-34 replaces the Su-24 “Fencer” in land and maritime strike, suppression/destruction of enemy air defenses and other missions, while having the speed and agility to defend itself.
The third production-standard example of the Su-35S air superiority fighter started its flight tests on Jan. 17. At that point, according to Sukhoi, two Su-35 prototypes (one was lost in a runway overrun early on) had performed 400 flight tests, and formal state acceptance trials started in August 2011, along with the first production aircraft.
The Su-35S is a substantially refined development of the original “Flanker.” Thrust vectoring is effective in yaw, pitch and roll, and fully integrated with the aerodynamic flight controls. This has permitted the elimination of the canard surfaces on the Su-30MKI and similar versions, which restricted maximum Mach to 1.8, along with a separate airbrake, saving weight and adding fuel capacity. As well as providing the fighter with exceptional maneuverability, the integrated flight and propulsion control is considered a safety benefit, making the fighter departure-resistant even in asymmetrical conditions.
The 117S engines increase available thrust by up to 16%, but new materials and refined structure keep weight close to that of the original aircraft. Radar cross-section (RCS) has been reduced, using 1990s technology developed by ITAE, and the new avionics suite includes a wide-field-of-regard radar, which combines a passive, electronically scanned array with a mechanical gimbal.
Taken together, the new features of the Su-35S point to an effort to reduce the effective range of any hostile anti-aircraft missile: lower RCS and better jamming to complicate tracking, better agility to stress the missile’s kinematic performance, combined with a radar that can maintain situational awareness or guide a counter-attack through an evasive maneuver. It was the vulnerability of the U.S. Air Force’s Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile to such countermeasures that originally inspired development of the MBDA Meteor.
Photos and videos of flight testing have underlined the radical nature of the third Sukhoi type, the T-50, the third prototype of which—with provision for radar and other sensors—flew in late November, just after the program notched its 100th test flight. Building on the foundation of the earlier designs, with the broad inner “centroplane,” vectored thrust and widely separated engines, the T-50 adds new control surfaces on the leading edge of the centroplane. These surfaces can operate differentially over a wide range of motion. The widely separated nozzles have their vectoring axis aimed outward and upward, about 30 deg. from the vertical, so that they can produce pitch, roll and yaw moments. The small vertical stabilizers are all-moving.
One question that has no official answer is whether the current T-50 represents the definitive configuration. Today’s round nozzles and the curvature of the aft nacelles are not at first glance stealth-optimized, and the engine is not fully masked head-on by the inlet duct.
The Su-35S and T-50 programs are related insofar as some Su-35S features, such as the big-screen cockpit displays and integrated flight/propulsion control, will provide experience for the T-50 developers. The Saturn 117S engine used on the Su-35S is a precursor to the 117 used on the T-50.
The asymmetric dimension to future Russian air warfare programs entails the development of counter very-low-observable (CVLO) radar technologies and long-range, high-speed surface-to-air missile (SAM) designs, complemented by a new generation of short-range point defense weapons intended to destroy incoming guided weapons, especially anti-radiation missiles, cruise missiles and guided bombs. All systems are built for high mobility, typically with 5-min. “shoot and scoot” times to permit “scooting” inside of the targeting and engagement cycles of most guided munitions.
The focus in Russian CVLO radar has been in the 1-meter VHF band. Stealth shaping in fighters is largely ineffective in VHF because components such as stabilizers and wingtips have dimensions close to the radar wavelength. Radar-absorbent treatments developed for S-band and above are ineffective in VHF due to both electrical behavior and thickness.
The flagship product is the NNIIRT/Almaz-Antey 55Zh6M Nebo M 3-D radar system, of which 100 were recently ordered to re-equip Russian air defense forces. The Nebo M is uniquely a “multi-band” design, comprising three radars and a central data fusion and command post module, all carried on separate high-mobility 8 x 8 24-ton vehicles.
The RLM-M VHF-band, RLM-D L-band and RLM-S C/X-band radars all feed tracking data to the command van’s data fusion system—which resembles the U.S. Navy’s Cooperative Engagement Capability system—using high-speed narrow-beam digital data links in the microwave band. All radars appear to be solid-state active, electronically scanned array (AESA) designs. The intent of the Nebo M design is for the RLM-M to detect stealth targets, and cue the RLM-D and -S components to produce exact tracking data, bypassing the initial acquisition problems otherwise seen in mid/upper-band radars with VLO targets. Range performance has not been disclosed but the RLM-M is expected to better the earlier Nebo- SVU by at least 40%.
The earlier NNIIRT 1L119E Nebo-SVU VHF AESA does not appear to have been built in large numbers, and used a less mobile semi-trailer configuration. The Nebo-SVU was credited with space-time adaptive processing technology similar to that or the Northrop Grumman E-2D Hawkeye, and in 2002 NNIIRT’s Igor Krylov said “We can see the stealth [F-117A] as clearly as any other plane”.
The push into CVLO radar is paralleled by investment in highly mobile long-range SAM designs with high speed and short flight times. The intent is twofold—to deny airspace to standoff and penetrating intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance and electronic attack platforms, while permitting SAMs to close with stealth targets before they can retreat from tracking range.
Russia’s future integrated air defense system will be constructed around the S-400 Triumf (SA-21 “Growler”) strategic SAM, and the S-500 Triumfator M or SA-X-NN SAM and missile defense system. The S-400 is now deployed with air defense regiments at Dubrovka, Elektrostal and Vladivostok.
The S-400 is a direct evolution of the S-300PMU2 (SA‑20B “Gargoyle”), retaining the space feed X-band engagement radar, tubular launch containers and basic missile airframe. The digital multimode 92N6E Grave Stone uses Sparc digital processing, and directional microwave data links to missile transporter erector launchers (TELs) and acquisition radars, such as the heavily revised 91N6E battle management radar that is based on the 5N64/64N6E/E2 Big Bird series. New semi-trailer 5P85TE2 and 8 X 8 self-propelled 5P90S/SE TELs), based on the BAZ-6909, replace earlier designs.
The baseline 48N6E3/DM missile is an enhanced “Gargoyle” with a cited range of 250 km (155 mi.). It is soon to be supplemented by the yet-to-be-seen new 40N6 missile credited with a range of 400 km. Belarus will be the first export client.
In a parallel development, army air defense units are receiving the S-300V4 upgrade to the legacy “Sprint-like” S-300V (SA-12 “Giant”/”Gladiator”) SAM/ABM, involving tracked TEL upgrades and the new 9M82M and 9M83M missiles developed for the Antey-2500 or SA-X-23, credited with 200-250 km and 120-130 km ranges, respectively. Russia has yet to disclose whether the 9S32 Grill Pan radars are to be replaced by the larger 9S32M Grill Screen in the S-300V4 program.
The upper tier of the future Russian SAM network is the S-500, currently in advanced development. Disclosures have been limited, but material released in mid-2010 suggests a missile derived from the 9M82M is likely, with a range of 500-600 km and ABM capability. The radar suite is to comprise the Big Bird-derived 91N6A(M) acquisition and battle management radar, the revised 96L6-TsP acquisition radar, and the new 76T6 multimode engagement and 77T6 ABM engagement radars.