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 Armée Hollandaise/Armed forces of the Netherlands/Nederlandse krijgsmacht

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MessageSujet: Armée Hollandaise/Armed forces of the Netherlands/Nederlandse krijgsmacht   Armée Hollandaise/Armed forces of the Netherlands/Nederlandse krijgsmacht - Page 15 Icon_minitimeLun 18 Fév 2008 - 14:53

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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
Localisation : Maroc
Nationalité : Maroc
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Hollandaise/Armed forces of the Netherlands/Nederlandse krijgsmacht   Armée Hollandaise/Armed forces of the Netherlands/Nederlandse krijgsmacht - Page 15 Icon_minitimeMer 12 Mar 2014 - 12:02

Citation :
La marine néerlandaise baptise le Karel Doorman

Armée Hollandaise/Armed forces of the Netherlands/Nederlandse krijgsmacht - Page 15 20140311191231_k2

Le Karel Doorman, nouveau bâtiment logistique et plus grande unité de la marine néerlandaise, a été baptisé le 8 mars à Flessingue. Commandé en décembre 2009 à Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding, ce navire a vu sa coque réalisée par le chantier roumain du groupe Damen à Galti. Elle a été remorquée en août 2013 jusqu’au site DSNS de Flessingue, où elle a été achevée, recevant notamment, en début d'année, son mât intégré IM-400 fourni par Thales.

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Appelé JSS (Joint Support Ship), le Karel Doorman est un bâtiment hydride, servant à la fois de pétrolier-ravitailleur et de transport de matériel et de véhicules. Long de 204.7 mètres pour 30.4 mètres de large, son déplacement à pleine charge atteindra 27.800 tonnes. Doté d’une propulsion diesel-électrique, avec une puissance totale installée de 26 MW, il peut atteindre atteindre la vitesse de 18 nœuds. En matière de ravitaillement à la mer, le JSS néerlandais compte deux bras situés de chaque bord et permettant de servir simultanément deux unités. La capacité d'emport est de 8000 m3 de combustible et 1000 m3 de carburant aviation, ainsi que 450 m3 d'eau potable et 400 tonnes de munitions. Comme on l’a vu, le Karel Doorman, armé par un équipage de 175 marins et pouvant accueillir 125 hommes supplémentaires, doit également servir de bâtiment de projection, capable d’acheminer sur un théâtre d’opération des hommes et surtout du matériel. A cet effet, il compte 2000 mètres linéaires de garages avec une capacité de 5000 tonnes de fret roulant, y compris des véhicules blindés. Une grue, d’une capacité de 40 tonnes, permet la manutention de charges lourdes, à quai ou sur des chalands de débarquement, alors que ces derniers peuvent également transborder les véhicules à l’arrière, en porte à porte.

Le Karel Doorman a été conçu pour intervenir en complément des transports de chalands de débarquement Johan de Witt et Rotterdam. Il peut aussi être engagé pour les opérations humanitaires. A ce titre, il dispose d’importantes infrastructures hospitalières, avec notamment deux blocs opératoires. Le soutien des troupes au sol ou des populations sinistrées peut être effectué au moyen des chalands, ou encore d’hélicoptères, la plateforme du Karel Doorman pouvant accueillir deux machines du type Chinook.

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L’an dernier, l’avenir du bâtiment semblait incertain, la presse néerlandaise évoquant le souhait du gouvernement de vendre le Karel Doorman à une marine étrangère afin de réaliser des économies. Les Pays Bas ont donc changé leur fusil d’épaule, ou n’ont tout simplement pas trouvé (encore ?) d’acheteur, conduisant le pays à conserver le JSS. Il en revanche question, désormais, que l’Amsterdam (1995), dernier pétrolier-ravitailleur de la flotte néerlandaise après le désarmement du Zuiderkruis, en 2012, soit retiré du service et éventuellement vendu lorsque le Karel Dorrman sera pleinement opérationnel, c'est-à-dire à l’horizon 2015.

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Armée Hollandaise/Armed forces of the Netherlands/Nederlandse krijgsmacht - Page 15 Star3Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autresArmée Hollandaise/Armed forces of the Netherlands/Nederlandse krijgsmacht - Page 15 Star3
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 7880
Inscrit le : 31/08/2010
Localisation : Nowhere
Nationalité : Maroc-France

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Hollandaise/Armed forces of the Netherlands/Nederlandse krijgsmacht   Armée Hollandaise/Armed forces of the Netherlands/Nederlandse krijgsmacht - Page 15 Icon_minitimeMer 12 Mar 2014 - 23:05

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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 7880
Inscrit le : 31/08/2010
Localisation : Nowhere
Nationalité : Maroc-France

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Hollandaise/Armed forces of the Netherlands/Nederlandse krijgsmacht   Armée Hollandaise/Armed forces of the Netherlands/Nederlandse krijgsmacht - Page 15 Icon_minitimeLun 24 Mar 2014 - 22:43

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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
Localisation : Maroc
Nationalité : Maroc
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Hollandaise/Armed forces of the Netherlands/Nederlandse krijgsmacht   Armée Hollandaise/Armed forces of the Netherlands/Nederlandse krijgsmacht - Page 15 Icon_minitimeMar 25 Mar 2014 - 12:11

Citation :

Armée Hollandaise/Armed forces of the Netherlands/Nederlandse krijgsmacht - Page 15 JSS-Karel-Doorman-infosheet

The JSS Karel Doorman is the largest marine vessel ever build. It is expected that the ship will be put into service at the end of 2015. Read all about the Navy ship, equipped with the latest technology on board, including The IP Company’s revolutionary WCMS communication system.
Klik op de infosheet voor meer informatie.

Click on the image for more information.

The JSS Karel Doorman is not only used as a supply vessel but is also a logistics support ship; it’s a Joint Support Ship (JSS) class. The ship is designed to move equipment and personnel from other army divisions . The JSS is after completion the largest ship of the Royal Netherlands Navy.

Armée Hollandaise/Armed forces of the Netherlands/Nederlandse krijgsmacht - Page 15 Star3Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autresArmée Hollandaise/Armed forces of the Netherlands/Nederlandse krijgsmacht - Page 15 Star3
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 7880
Inscrit le : 31/08/2010
Localisation : Nowhere
Nationalité : Maroc-France

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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 40957
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
Nationalité : France
Médailles de mérite :
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Hollandaise/Armed forces of the Netherlands/Nederlandse krijgsmacht   Armée Hollandaise/Armed forces of the Netherlands/Nederlandse krijgsmacht - Page 15 Icon_minitimeMer 26 Mar 2014 - 18:46

Koninklijke Luchtmacht a écrit:
Armée Hollandaise/Armed forces of the Netherlands/Nederlandse krijgsmacht - Page 15 3390
 Armée Hollandaise/Armed forces of the Netherlands/Nederlandse krijgsmacht - Page 15 683822 
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 7880
Inscrit le : 31/08/2010
Localisation : Nowhere
Nationalité : Maroc-France

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Hollandaise/Armed forces of the Netherlands/Nederlandse krijgsmacht   Armée Hollandaise/Armed forces of the Netherlands/Nederlandse krijgsmacht - Page 15 Icon_minitimeMer 26 Mar 2014 - 23:05

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messages : 40957
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
Nationalité : France
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Hollandaise/Armed forces of the Netherlands/Nederlandse krijgsmacht   Armée Hollandaise/Armed forces of the Netherlands/Nederlandse krijgsmacht - Page 15 Icon_minitimeMar 1 Avr 2014 - 18:21

Les Pays-Bas envoient trois CH-47 Chinoock :
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 7880
Inscrit le : 31/08/2010
Localisation : Nowhere
Nationalité : Maroc-France

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Hollandaise/Armed forces of the Netherlands/Nederlandse krijgsmacht   Armée Hollandaise/Armed forces of the Netherlands/Nederlandse krijgsmacht - Page 15 Icon_minitimeJeu 3 Avr 2014 - 15:42

Citation :
Parts of the 43 Gemechaniseerde brigade and 11 Luchtmobiele Brigade have been training led by the Belgium Medium Brigade. They took part in Combined Arms Training (CAT) and Field Training Excercise (FTX) ‘Rampant Lion’ on the trainingground of Grafenwöhr , Germany

Photo’s taken from the official Facebookpage of 43 Gemechaniseerde brigade

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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
Localisation : Maroc
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Hollandaise/Armed forces of the Netherlands/Nederlandse krijgsmacht   Armée Hollandaise/Armed forces of the Netherlands/Nederlandse krijgsmacht - Page 15 Icon_minitimeJeu 10 Avr 2014 - 10:12

Citation :
Netherlands to deploy Chinooks to Mali

After committing four Boeing AH-64D Apache attack helicopters in November last year to support the UN's stabilisation activities in Mali, the Royal Netherlands Air Force has announced it will also deploy three Boeing CH-47 Chinook transport helicopters.

The reason behind the expanding deployment is that the UN cannot guarantee the medical evacuation of Dutch forces on a "24-7" basis. Currently-available civilian helicopters are unable to operate at night or in high-risk areas, due to a lack of self-protection capabilities.

Expected to arrive in the second half of this year, the Dutch Chinooks will be stationed in Gao. In addition to medical evacuation tasks, the rotorcraft will also be used for tactical transport and logistical support. The nation's defence ministry says the cost of committing the additional aircraft is estimated at about €45 million ($62 million).

French helicopters participating in the nation's Operation Serval campaign in Mali will support Dutch ground forces until the Chinooks arrive.

Armée Hollandaise/Armed forces of the Netherlands/Nederlandse krijgsmacht - Page 15 Star3Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autresArmée Hollandaise/Armed forces of the Netherlands/Nederlandse krijgsmacht - Page 15 Star3
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General de Division
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messages : 40957
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
Nationalité : France
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Hollandaise/Armed forces of the Netherlands/Nederlandse krijgsmacht   Armée Hollandaise/Armed forces of the Netherlands/Nederlandse krijgsmacht - Page 15 Icon_minitimeVen 11 Avr 2014 - 17:48

KDC-10 et C-130 Hercules
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messages : 7990
Inscrit le : 19/02/2012
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Hollandaise/Armed forces of the Netherlands/Nederlandse krijgsmacht   Armée Hollandaise/Armed forces of the Netherlands/Nederlandse krijgsmacht - Page 15 Icon_minitimeSam 12 Avr 2014 - 20:29

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General de Division
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messages : 7880
Inscrit le : 31/08/2010
Localisation : Nowhere
Nationalité : Maroc-France

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Hollandaise/Armed forces of the Netherlands/Nederlandse krijgsmacht   Armée Hollandaise/Armed forces of the Netherlands/Nederlandse krijgsmacht - Page 15 Icon_minitimeMer 16 Avr 2014 - 2:12

Citation :
VARPALOTA TRAINING AREA, Hungary - Soldiers from the 11th Royal Netherlands Army Maneuver Brigade during Exercise Saker Falcon 2014 here, April 2. Saker Falcon is a multinational training exercise involving roughly 200 Soldiers from U.S. Army Europe's 12th Combat Aviation Brigade, two Dutch Air Assault battalions, and Hungarian military forces. The objectives of the training include enhancing joint combined interoperability with allied and partner nations and preparing participants to operate in a joint, multinational, integrated environment with support from Hungarian governmental agencies. Saker Falcon, underway from April 3 through April 17, reinforces U.S. Army Europe's strategic objectives to increase regional flexibility, preserve and enhance NATO interoperability, and facilitate multinational training.

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messages : 40957
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
Nationalité : France
Médailles de mérite :
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Hollandaise/Armed forces of the Netherlands/Nederlandse krijgsmacht   Armée Hollandaise/Armed forces of the Netherlands/Nederlandse krijgsmacht - Page 15 Icon_minitimeVen 9 Mai 2014 - 20:56

Citation :
Steady Lion s’achève

Armée Hollandaise/Armed forces of the Netherlands/Nederlandse krijgsmacht - Page 15 5351

L’exercice Steady Lion au profit de l’European Union Battle Group s’est achevé le vendredi 9 mai. Un grand exercice de synthèse s’est déroulé pour la circonstance sur l’ancien dépôt de munitions d’Arendonk. L’unité d’intervention rapide de l’EUBG, composée pour l’exercice d’éléments belgo-néerlandais, était déjà à pied d’œuvre la veille dans le Limbourg.

Le jeudi 8 mai fut intense pour les troupes de l’EUBG. Avec la police locale, elles ont érigé des barrages locaux à Oud-Turnhout et contrôlé les véhicules des habitants à la recherche d’armes et d’explosifs. À Bourg-Léopold et Hamont-Achel, les militaires ont mené des actions cordon-and-search. Ils ont déterminé un périmètre et se sont mis à rechercher des rebelles. Ils en ont trouvé deux ainsi qu’une quantité d’armes à Hamont-Achel. L’un des rebelles a pu être maîtrisé après une brève rixe et l’autre blessé. Ils ont été immédiatement acheminés par hélicoptère vers un hôpital. L’action a été rondement menée en une heure.

La conclusion de l’exercice avait lieu le 9 mai avec l’attaque par l’unité d’intervention rapide, d’un camp d’entraînement d’une milice rebelle à Arendonk. Celle-ci a opposé une forte résistance. Les violents échanges de coups de feu ont cependant permis aux militaires de prendre l’avantage et de l’arrêter. Le contrôle du camp a rendu la découverte de diverses caches d’armes et d’explosifs possible.

L’attaque du camp rebelle a marqué la fin d’une semaine d’exercice pour une partie considérable du futur EUBG. Le colonel Philippe Boucké, chef de l’EUBG dès juillet prochain, peut être enchanté du chemin parcouru : « L’exercice s’est très bien déroulé. Notre personnel a bénéficié de nombreuses possibilités d’entraînement et aucun accident significatif n’est à déplorer. Je suis donc particulièrement satisfait. »

Tekst: Stijn Verboven, Foto’s: Daniel Orban en Guy Pasteels  09/05/2014
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messages : 40957
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
Nationalité : France
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Hollandaise/Armed forces of the Netherlands/Nederlandse krijgsmacht   Armée Hollandaise/Armed forces of the Netherlands/Nederlandse krijgsmacht - Page 15 Icon_minitimeMer 11 Juin 2014 - 13:39

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UDT: Dutch MoD advances submarine replacement

Armée Hollandaise/Armed forces of the Netherlands/Nederlandse krijgsmacht - Page 15 C6568c21

The Dutch MoD plans to finalise a specification requirement for a new submarine mid-2015 to replace the Walrus-class.

‘The cost-benefit ration for another overhaul is extensive so the submarines need to be replaced,’ said Captain Hugo Ammerlaan, Commanding Offices Submarine Services Netherlands at UDT in Liverpool

A current €95.3 million Life Extension Programme (LEP) extends the life of the Walrus-class until 2025.

Ammerlaan said that in 2015 the Dutch MoD will present its vision to the parliament with a requirement being finalised later that year. He expects that the decision process is going to be complex.

‘We had to postpone the decision because of the long F-35 procurement process. This means that we now have a very tight time schedule,’ said Ammerlaan.

‘The current budget is further not sufficient to procure the four boats that we need,’ he added.

However, public opinion is an important factor as ‘everyone remembers the Walrus-class affair.’ The programme had a high political and financial profile with total costs of nearly €1 billion after completion of the guarantee overhaul of the fourth and final vessel in 1995.

As a result of the current budget constraints, the Dutch MoD is looking for an international partner to increase economy of scale and reduce costs of ownership in a new submarine programme.

‘We are open to discuss the whole spectrum from training to logistics,’ Ammerlaan said.

While the MoD is currently exploring a variety of options it sees Norway as a potential partner for co-developing and building submarines.

NEVESBU, which plays a key role in the LEP for the Walrus managing the engineering, is preparing for a potential future projects with its ‘Onderzeeboot 2025’ (Submarine 2025) project.

As international cooperation will also have implications for the industry of involved nations, the company looks to strengthen its relations with potential future partners, according to Albert Jurgens, Manager of Projects at Nevesbu.

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Hollandaise/Armed forces of the Netherlands/Nederlandse krijgsmacht   Armée Hollandaise/Armed forces of the Netherlands/Nederlandse krijgsmacht - Page 15 Icon_minitimeMar 24 Juin 2014 - 16:47

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Boeing Signs Rotorcraft Maintenance Agreements with Royal Netherlands Air Force, Fokker

GILZE-RIJEN AIR BASE, Netherlands, June 23, 2014 – Boeing [NYSE: BA] has signed separate agreements with the Royal Netherlands Air Force (RNLAF) and Fokker Technologies to explore advanced maintenance opportunities for Dutch rotorcraft and expand efforts to make the Netherlands a regional hub for military and civilian aircraft support services.

Boeing and the RNLAF signed a strategic partnership agreement that builds on an existing support contract for Dutch AH-64 Apache and CH-47 Chinook helicopters to identify new areas of long-term cooperation.

Opportunities under consideration include adding components to the existing contract; engaging Dutch suppliers for maintenance, repair and overhaul work; and expanding use of the Logistics Center Woensdrecht, the Ministry of Defence’s center of expertise for military MRO and logistics.

"This agreement with Boeing supports my objective to increase the availability of my Apache and Chinook fleets and reduce the costs to operate them," said Lieutenant General Alexander Schnitger, commander of the Royal Netherlands Air Force. "This innovative way of cooperation with Boeing is a blueprint for future cooperation between the Royal Netherlands Air Force and other original equipment manufacturers."

"Today’s signing continues our successful innovative partnership that delivers top quality and affordable support to the Royal Netherlands Air Force, increasing performance and readiness," said Tim Sassenrath, Boeing Global Services & Support vice president of Rotorcraft Support.

Boeing and Fokker Technologies have signed a memorandum of understanding to help advance the goals outlined in the agreement with the RNLAF. It enables the companies to explore collaboration on maintenance, repair and overhaul in the Netherlands for Dutch rotorcraft and other customers.

"The selection of Fokker clearly reflects the confidence that Boeing has in our company and in our dedicated, specialized employees. This program offers great potential for the future and seamlessly fits our strategic goals," said Hans Büthker, CEO, Fokker Technologies. "We are delighted with this opportunity. It is an honor to be part of this team, working together with Boeing and the RNLAF."

The agreement builds on Boeing and Fokker’s long-term collaboration on supply chain and sales activities in the Netherlands and around the world. As a supplier to Boeing, Fokker provides various metal and composite structures for the Apache and Chinook, as well as the Apache’s landing gear and wiring for both military and commercial aircraft.

Through these agreements, Boeing continues to support the Netherlands Maintenance Valley Initiative, an effort by the Dutch government to bolster the country’s position as a regional hub for MRO activities. Boeing also has supported the World Class Aviation Academy and Rotary Wing Training Center, providing customers in the region with military maintenance training on fixed and rotary-wing aircraft.

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Hollandaise/Armed forces of the Netherlands/Nederlandse krijgsmacht   Armée Hollandaise/Armed forces of the Netherlands/Nederlandse krijgsmacht - Page 15 Icon_minitimeMar 1 Juil 2014 - 20:32

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First Boxer Ambulance delivered to the Netherlands

01st July 2014 - 17:08  by the Shephard News Team  

Armée Hollandaise/Armed forces of the Netherlands/Nederlandse krijgsmacht - Page 15 6114

The Royal Netherlands Army has taken delivery of the first Boxer Ambulance vehicle from ARTEC, the Kraus Maffei Wegman and Rheinmetall MAN Military Vehicles joint venture responsible for the delivery of Boxer vehicles to Germany and the Netherlands.

The first Boxer vehicle was delivered to the Netherlands in August 2013 – a Driver Training vehicle for the training of drivers and commanders. The Netherlands will also take delivery of Command Post variants from 2015, and Cargo and Pioneer Vehicles from 2016. The total 200 Boxer vehicles will be delivered by 2018.

The first Ambulance variant was received by the Medical Company of the 13th NL Brigade on 25 June from OCCAR, the representative of the customer nations Germany and the Netherlands. 13th Brigade is to transfer from a mechanised to a motorised brigade, and the new vehicles will enable the army to further develop its capabilities as this transformation takes place.

Germany is also receiving a total of 272 Boxer vehicle in four variants - Driver Trainer, Armoured Personnel Carrier, Ambulance and Command Post. Germany started operating Boxers in Afghanistan in August 2011.
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Mali: les Hollandais ont bien déployé des drones ScanEagle

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Hervé Ladsous, le Secrétaire général adjoint aux opérations de maintien de la paix de l'Onu, était à Gao, le 11 juillet. Il y a rendu visite au contingent onusien sur place. Les Hollandais lui ont présenté leurs Apaches et leurs drones ScanEagle (photo: Marco Dormino).

Ces drones sont mis en œuvre par le JISTARC (Joint Intelligence Target Acquisition Surveillance and Reconnaissance Commando), une unité créée en octobre 2010.
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A few months ago we did an air to air photoshoot of the J-142 with Frank Crebas. You may have gotten one of the posters at an airshow
already! Of course there were more pictures taken that day, now we are posting a selection. Enjoy! (12 photos)  

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Hollandaise/Armed forces of the Netherlands/Nederlandse krijgsmacht   Armée Hollandaise/Armed forces of the Netherlands/Nederlandse krijgsmacht - Page 15 Icon_minitimeMer 27 Aoû 2014 - 17:30

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Otan : Les Pays-Bas vont retirer de Turquie leurs batteries antimissiles Patriot

Posté dans Moyen-Orient, Otan par Laurent Lagneau Le 27-08-2014

Armée Hollandaise/Armed forces of the Netherlands/Nederlandse krijgsmacht - Page 15 3243

En novembre 2012, suite à une série d’incidents frontaliers, la Turquie avait demandé à l’Otan des moyens supplémentaires pour renforcer sa défense afin de contrer une éventuelle menace aérienne venue de Syrie, pays en proie à une guerre civile depuis maintenant plus de trois ans.

À l’époque, 3 pays, à savoir l’Allemagne, les Pays-Bas et les États-Unis s’engagèrent à déployer, chacun, 2 batteries antimissiles Patriot PAC-3, à proximité des villes de Malatya, Diyarbakir, Adana et Urfa. Ce qui fut fait, dans le cadre de l’opération « Active Fence » en janvier 2013.

Seulement, les Pays-Bas ont annoncé leur intention de mettre un terme à leur participation et de rapatrier leurs deux batteries Patriot d’ici janvier 2015. Le gouvernement néerlandais a en effet décidé de ne pas reconduire à nouveau la mission de son détachement, déployé à Adana.

Cette annonce a été faite 6 mois avant la fin de la mission néerlandaise avec « que l’Otan puisse prendre une décision sur la façon de poursuivre » l’opération Active Fence.

L’un des arguments avancés pour justifier cette décision est l’examen et l’entretien des deux batteries Patriot. « Une deuxième prolongation serait également une lourde charge pour le personnel déjà fortement déployé », a également fait valoir La Haye.

Pour autant, le gouvernement néerlandais a indiqué soutenir « la poursuite des efforts de l’Otan pour protéger la Turquie », étant donné que « la menace d’attaques armées à partir du territoure syrien n’a pas disparu ».
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Boxer Ambulance
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Hollandaise/Armed forces of the Netherlands/Nederlandse krijgsmacht   Armée Hollandaise/Armed forces of the Netherlands/Nederlandse krijgsmacht - Page 15 Icon_minitimeVen 19 Sep 2014 - 10:46

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Netherlands May Send F-16 Fighters, Weapons to Iraq to Combat IS: Reports

MOSCOW, September 18 (RIA Novosti) - The Netherlands could use F-16 fighter aircraft and send arms to Iraqi Kurds in order to fight the Islamic State (IS) terrorist group, active in Iraq and Syria, local media reported Thursday.

An unspecified number of the Netherland Air Force F-16 fighters may take part in operations against Sunni extremists in Iraq and possibly in Syria, The Trouw, a Dutch newspaper, said as quoted by Reuters. Dutch ministers will reportedly discuss the possibility of taking military action against the IS militants on Friday, during a Cabinet session.

The reports have not specified which kind of weapons Amsterdam may supply to the Iraqi Kurds.

Addressing September's NATO summit in Wales, US President Barack Obama did not include the Netherlands in the US-led "core coalition" of nations aiming to eliminate the IS threat. Dutch media have reported the country's Prime Minister Mark Rutte was surprised to not find the Netherlands among the coalition nations voiced by Obama. Amsterdam has already supplied non-lethal aid including 1,000 helmets and bulletproof vests to northern Iraq.

The IS Sunni group has proclaimed an Islamic caliphate on the territories it controls across Iraq and Syria. The insurgents" advance in northern Iraq has led to Washington carrying out anti-IS airstrikes and drone attacks since August. In September, US President Obama went further by proclaiming an international coalition to fight the terrorists and stressing he would not stop from sanctioning airstrikes in Syria.

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Hollandaise/Armed forces of the Netherlands/Nederlandse krijgsmacht   Armée Hollandaise/Armed forces of the Netherlands/Nederlandse krijgsmacht - Page 15 Icon_minitimeSam 20 Sep 2014 - 13:36

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The Dutch government has decided to increase the Netherlands' defence spending, reversing 24 years of declining defence expenditure.

Dutch Defence Minister Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert said on 16 September that the funds would be used generally to "enhance the clout" of the armed forces.

Under the plans, defence spending is set to rise by EUR50 million (USD65 million) in 2015 to EUR7.3 billion, with further rises of EUR150 million in 2016 and EUR100 million in the following years.

The Netherlands Armed Forces have seen their inventories depleted by recent operations, such as those in the Uruzgan province of Afghanistan (2006-2010), and are in need of replenishment. In August it was announced the Raytheon Patriot surface-to-air missile (SAM) batteries were to be withdrawn from Turkey in January 2015, because of a looming shortage of trained personnel, among other things,.

Apart from the acquisition of general items such as missiles, ammunition, and spare parts, the Netherlands plans to spend the increase in funding on improving cyber, networking, and CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear) response structures.

Hennis-Plasschaert also announced the country would buy additional military equipment with the funding.

Included on its shopping list are 20 Thales Australia Bushmaster protected mobility vehicles, with a specific view to future operations by the Royal Netherlands Marine Corps. Helicopter-capabilities are to be enhanced with the planned order for three more Boeing CH-47 Chinook heavy transport helicopters. These have been much in demand in international missions such as the Dutch contribution to the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA), where the first of three Dutch Chinooks arrived on 9 September in the capital Bamako.

As well, an unspecified number of Eurocopter AS532U2 Cougar medium transport helicopters will be taken into service again on top of the eight remaining in service. These measures have also been driven by the ongoing setbacks with the NHIndustries NH90 helicopters the Defence Helicopter Command is confronted with, such as delayed deliveries and technical problems such as corrosion.

It was also announced that an unspecified number of the newest generation of tactical unmanned ISR systems would be bought. No specific type was mentioned but IHS Jane's understands the armed forces are interested in acquiring more of the Boeing Insitu ScanEagle systems, a small number of which was ordered in 2012. Experience with these unmanned systems was built up, among other army employments, flying from landing platform docks in support of anti-piracy operations around Somalia.

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Hollandaise/Armed forces of the Netherlands/Nederlandse krijgsmacht   Armée Hollandaise/Armed forces of the Netherlands/Nederlandse krijgsmacht - Page 15 Icon_minitimeJeu 25 Sep 2014 - 12:22

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Dutch To Join Anti-ISIS Airstrikes In Iraq, Will Send Fighter Jets And Military Personnel

Armée Hollandaise/Armed forces of the Netherlands/Nederlandse krijgsmacht - Page 15 Dutch-f-16

The Netherlands will join the United States in its ongoing air campaign to combat Islamic State group militants in Iraq but will not participate in the U.S.-led airstrikes in Syria. The Dutch will send military personnel and fighter jets to help Iraqi and Kurdish forces on the ground, Dutch officials announced Wednesday.

"The Netherlands will make six F-16s available for the first phase of the campaign, for one year," Deputy Prime Minister Lodewijk Asscher told reporters on Wednesday after an emergency meeting at the Hague, according to the Agence-France Presse.

In addition to the fighter jets, up to 380 Dutch military personnel could be operational in Iraq within the week, according to the Wall Street Journal. Among the military personnel will be 130 instructors, who are expected to support local forces on the ground in Iraq.

The Netherlands will not be joining the ongoing U.S.-led airstrikes in Syria, Asscher said. The legality behind the military operation in Syria is still unclear, since Syrian president Bashar Assad did not request international help to fight the militants, unlike the Iraqi government.

"In Iraq's case there is a clear request. A request by Iraq's legitimate government gives us a sufficient mandate to deploy the Dutch military,” Asscher said.

President Barack Obama made the case for the U.S.-led air campaign in Syria before the United Nations General Assembly on Wednesday. Under United Nations Charter Article 51, the U.S. needs to prove that fighting the militants in Syria is necessary for “individual or collective self-defense.” In order to do that the U.S. must prove that the current government in Syria was “unwilling or unable” to combat the militant group on its own.

France has also agreed to join the U.S air campaign in Iraq and sent its first fighter jet last week.

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Armée Hollandaise/Armed forces of the Netherlands/Nederlandse krijgsmacht
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