messages : 174 Inscrit le : 18/07/2012 Localisation : Paris Nationalité :
Sujet: TURQUIE : Economie, politique, diplomatie... Mer 5 Juin - 20:14
Rappel du premier message :
y'a eu une centaine de personne qui ont manifester accompagner du front de gauche et de tous les autres parties d’extrême gauche, c'est navrant. Nous somme vraiment dans un pays poubelle du monde, j'espere que plus tard la TURQUIE ne fera pas les même erreur sur l’immigration que la France, je suis plus en faveur du modele Japonais.
GlaivedeSion General de Brigade
messages : 3887 Inscrit le : 15/07/2009 Localisation : ici et la Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Un supposé espion agissant pour la turquie a étais interpelle en grece.
"Nous trouverons un chemin… ou nous en créerons un": Hannibal
Inanç Genelkurmay Başkanı
messages : 6351 Inscrit le : 13/07/2009 Localisation : France Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Ne disons pas qu'il défend l'Arabie Saoudite mais il critique le fait que Tezcan appelle les gens à ne pas accomplir un pilier de l'Islam pour des raisons politiques.
Je l'ai déjà dit ici, une grande partie de la politique de RTE se base sur sa victimisation car il est "Islamiste", depuis 10 ans, il se montre comme le symbole de la lutte pour la démocratie, du refus de la pression militaire.
Pour ça qu'il est aussi sévère contre l'Egypte, cela montre que l'alliance avec le GCC a ses limites car tu ne peux pas parler de légitimité des urnes, de DH et s'allier à ces pays qui se foutent royalement de la démocratie.
Davutoglu est allé à l'investiture de Rouhani, cette politique étrangère est basé sur de l'improvisation pour moi.
Elle ne tient pas la route car elle ne considère pas les positions extrêmes des pays de la région (rivalité Iran/GCC, rivalité Arabie Saoudite/FM).
Je ne sais comment il va faire mais je pense que RTE va retourner sa veste dans sa position Egyptienne, le peuple n'a pas de mémoire, ses médias feront passé la pilule.
_________________ Site perso :
Inanç Genelkurmay Başkanı
messages : 6351 Inscrit le : 13/07/2009 Localisation : France Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Quand tu as une grande armée et un petit gouvernement, voilà où tu en es.
Honnêtement, ça sert à rien de vouloir gagner son indépendance militaire si tu baisses ton froque devant quelques milliers de guignols.
Ce qui devrait être des politiques d'Etat avec ligne rouge, avec l'AKP ça change selon le sens du vent. Aucun sérieux, ni vision.
Et ce qui croit à une confédération Turcs-Kurdes, faut pas rêver, les Kurdes sont encore plus nationalistes que nous ...
Et on verra si le JAN transforme la Turquie en Pakistan en envoyant ses bombes humaines dans nos villes.
Citation :
What Has Changed In Turkey’s Northern Syria Policy?
At first glance, two developments concerning northern Syria create the impression of a major shift in Turkey’s policy.
First, Salih Muslim, head of the Democratic Union Party (PYD), which has organic links with the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), was invited to Istanbul and held talks with Turkish officials for two days. Second, the Turkish government displayed a critical attitude for the first time toward the radical Islamist Jabhat al-Nusra. Is this really a new shift in Turkey’s fundamental policies or just a tactical adjustment? It’s still premature to answer the question with certainty, but the issue is already worthy of discussion. Let’s start with the latest development concerning the PYD. Ankara has long seen the PYD as an extension of the PKK and is concerned about the group’s efforts to take control of northern Syria amid the power vacuum in the region. Those concerns have recently grown over the PYD’s announcement of plans to establish an autonomous administration in the region. Turkish officials have repeatedly reminded the PYD of Ankara’s “red lines” and declared that they would never allow this to happen. At a time when various options are on the table, including a military intervention, the invitation the government extended to the PYD leader for talks in Istanbul indicates a major change in Ankara’s position. At this stage, however, this development does not yet signify a shift in Ankara’s fundamental policy. Turkish officials have simply opted to use dialogue to deal with the problem, acting on a conviction that the dispute with the PYD cannot be resolved by force. This is a pragmatic approach. Yet Ankara’s goals and efforts remain focused on discouraging the PYD from declaring autonomy and cajoling it into joining the other Syrian opposition groups. This was exactly what the Turkish side emphasized in the talks with Muslim. Undoubtedly, the initiation of a dialogue between Ankara and the PYD has eased the bilateral climate, averting the prospect of mutual challenges and arm-twisting. In sum, Turkey’s initiative is not a fundamental revision of its earlier position, but a rational fine-tuning. When it comes to the second development, the government had so far accorded quite a warm treatment — and even provided support — to the al-Qaeda-linked Jabhat al-Nusra. When the US included the Islamist group on its list of terrorist organizations earlier this year, Ankara criticized the Western stance, with Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu going as far as to suggest that the chaos and deadlock in Syria were the very result of that policy. While the PYD leader held talks in Istanbul, Davutoglu took an openly critical stance against Jabhat al-Nusra for the first time, saying that the group’s bloody attacks in Syria amounted to “a betrayal of the Syrian revolution.” The suicide attack on the Turkish Embassy in Somalia at the weekend [July 27], carried out by al-Shabaab — a group said to have links with Jabhat al-Nusra — has clearly shown Ankara where it should stand vis-à-vis the jihadists in Syria. On this issue, Ankara’s stance appears to signal a fundamental policy change rather than just a tactical adjustment.
Ca vous dit quelque chose la fable de la Fontaine, histoire de grenouille et de boeuf ?
Citation :
Egypt denies critical Erdogan's passage to Gaza
Turkish newspaper reports that Cairo has denied Prime Minister Erdogan permission to cross from Egypt into Gaza, citing current unpopular Turkish policies on Egypt
Egypt has refused to allow Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to enter Gaza through the Egyptian border, reports Watan, a Turkish-based newspaper.
The denial came reportedly as a reaction by the Egyptian side to Erdogan's continuous criticism of the interim government installed after the military deposed Brotherhood-fielded president Morsi amid massive protests for his ouster.
Erdogan was set to travel to Gaza later in August to pressure Israeli authorities to end the naval blockade on the Hamas-controlled territory.
Considering Egypt's refusal to allow him to pass from Egypt to Gaza, the Turkish prime minister's other choice is to enter through Israel – a country Turkey has faced-off with diplomatically in the last few years.
Egypt has informed Ankara authorities that their prime minister will not be welcomed by Egyptians because of his support of Morsi and that the Turkish government has not officially acknowledged the new interim government in Egypt, Watan said.
Erdogan, whose Islamist Justice and Development Party (AKP) maintains close relationship with Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood, refuses to recognise the post-Morsi government insisting that the ouster of the Islamist leader on 3 July amounted to a 'coup' against a president elected by the people.
Egypt's ministry of foreign affairs summoned Turkey's ambassador to Cairo twice in July over what it described as Turkish interference in internal Egyptian affairs.
GlaivedeSion General de Brigade
messages : 3887 Inscrit le : 15/07/2009 Localisation : ici et la Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Ca vous dit quelque chose la fable de la Fontaine, histoire de grenouille et de boeuf ?
Citation :
Egypt denies critical Erdogan's passage to Gaza
Turkish newspaper reports that Cairo has denied Prime Minister Erdogan permission to cross from Egypt into Gaza, citing current unpopular Turkish policies on Egypt
Egypt has refused to allow Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to enter Gaza through the Egyptian border, reports Watan, a Turkish-based newspaper.
The denial came reportedly as a reaction by the Egyptian side to Erdogan's continuous criticism of the interim government installed after the military deposed Brotherhood-fielded president Morsi amid massive protests for his ouster.
Erdogan was set to travel to Gaza later in August to pressure Israeli authorities to end the naval blockade on the Hamas-controlled territory.
Considering Egypt's refusal to allow him to pass from Egypt to Gaza, the Turkish prime minister's other choice is to enter through Israel – a country Turkey has faced-off with diplomatically in the last few years.
Egypt has informed Ankara authorities that their prime minister will not be welcomed by Egyptians because of his support of Morsi and that the Turkish government has not officially acknowledged the new interim government in Egypt, Watan said.
Erdogan, whose Islamist Justice and Development Party (AKP) maintains close relationship with Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood, refuses to recognise the post-Morsi government insisting that the ouster of the Islamist leader on 3 July amounted to a 'coup' against a president elected by the people.
Egypt's ministry of foreign affairs summoned Turkey's ambassador to Cairo twice in July over what it described as Turkish interference in internal Egyptian affairs.
Erdogan compte t'il envoyer le mavi marmara ?
"Nous trouverons un chemin… ou nous en créerons un": Hannibal
annabi Général de corps d'armée (ANP)
messages : 6945 Inscrit le : 18/07/2012 Localisation : paris Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
une photo ... son commentateur affirme que c'est l'ex chef d'état major turc elker ...qui vient d'être condamné perpet ..demandant à une vieille dame de quitter l'estrade à cause de son voile
Inanç Genelkurmay Başkanı
messages : 6351 Inscrit le : 13/07/2009 Localisation : France Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
C'est pas lui mais l'affaire peut-être vrai, à mon avis c'est ancien.
oui c'est ancien l'état de la photo le montre
Tu ne trouveras aucune photo du Général Basbug avec un brassard rouge, c'est un très grand militaire et l'a prouvé mainte fois dans le conflit contre le PKK.
GlaivedeSion General de Brigade
messages : 3887 Inscrit le : 15/07/2009 Localisation : ici et la Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Quand tu apprendras à faire la différence entre critiquer un gouvernement et son chef et invoquer la mort de civils, là ça fera baisser la tension.
Je suis, indéniablement contre la politique étrangère de RTE mais je vais sans doute pas cautionner une blague de mauvais gout (Mavi Marmara).
Quel blague? ton premier ministre ne va pas proteste contre le blocage qu'il subit vis a vis des autorité égyptienne? et qu'en est t'il de gaza? ne se revolte t'il pas de la fermeture de la frontière egypto-gazaoui,l'akp serait'elle subitement a court de bateaux ou y'en a que pour Israel?
"Nous trouverons un chemin… ou nous en créerons un": Hannibal
Inanç Genelkurmay Başkanı
messages : 6351 Inscrit le : 13/07/2009 Localisation : France Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Je ne peux pas te donner de noms alternatifs, ça ne dépend ni de moi ni des politiciens Turcs ni des dynamiqes internes Turcs, tout ça se décide Outre-Atlantique
This guy is THE guy :
Inanç Genelkurmay Başkanı
messages : 6351 Inscrit le : 13/07/2009 Localisation : France Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
je comprends pas de quelle attitude et quoi avec un aeroport sinon y´a tant de decisions pas sympa que ca prend a berlin et que les allemands meme ne comprennent pas