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 Achat d'une barge Stan Pontoon 3011 - Damen

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14 participants
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messages : 24819
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
Localisation : 7Seas
Nationalité : Maroc
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MessageSujet: Achat d'une barge Stan Pontoon 3011 - Damen   Achat d'une barge Stan Pontoon 3011 - Damen - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMar 25 Aoû 2015 - 13:15

Rappel du premier message :

Avec le même mécanisme que la barge de piriou
Citation :
2015 August 25 13:54

Royal Moroccan Navy awards Damen a contract to supply a Stan Pontoon 3011 Water Barge

The Royal Moroccan Navy, in response to the severe drought that is currently affecting the country, recently awardedDamen Shipyards Group a contract to supply a Stan Pontoon 3011 Water Barge, the company said in its press release. Due to the urgent need for water in the region, Damen Shipyards Gorinchem, the   Netherlands, is putting all its efforts into a fast delivery. 

Combining a Stan Pontoon 3011 with water making technology is a first for Damen. Bringing both technologies together in one unit is a unique and innovative solution to the current water shortage in Morocco. No stranger to fast deliveries, Damen is aiming to transport the completed pontoon to Morocco   before the end of September 2015. 

Reverse osmosis for drinking water  Damen will install two high capacity water makers and two air-cooled generator sets on board the   pontoon. The water makers use reverse osmosis technology to produce clean drinking water. The   method is particularly attractive as it can produce potable water from virtually any water source. It is also   a relatively energy efficient process.  After delivery, the Royal Moroccan Navy will manage the deployment and operation of the vessel. With   its advanced logistics capacities, the Navy is well placed to provide such vital humanitarian support. They will transport the vessel to the worst affected areas to deliver a water making capacity of 1,500m3 per   hour. The water can then either be stored on board the pontoon in bunkers or pumped ashore via a pipeline. 

Standard, modular, flexible  The Damen Stan Pontoon 3011 is an ideal choice for such an assignment: Its standardised components   and modular construction mean that Damencan deliver the finished pontoon within a very short   timeframe. Furthermore, Damen Stan Pontoons serve as highly flexible platforms that can be fully   customised to meet customer-specific requirements. 

Damen Shipyards Group 

Damen Shipyards Group operates 32 shipbuilding and repair yards, employing 9,000 people worldwide. Damen has   delivered more than 5,000 vessels in more than 100 countries and delivers some 160 vessels annually to customers   worldwide. Based on its unique, standardised ship-design concept Damen is able to guarantee consistent quality.
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MessageSujet: Re: Achat d'une barge Stan Pontoon 3011 - Damen   Achat d'une barge Stan Pontoon 3011 - Damen - Page 3 Icon_minitimeVen 11 Sep 2015 - 18:48

Il ne faut pas croire tout ce que dit le World Resources Institute.

L'explication de RMAF est la plus plausible.

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messages : 24819
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
Localisation : 7Seas
Nationalité : Maroc
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MessageSujet: Re: Achat d'une barge Stan Pontoon 3011 - Damen   Achat d'une barge Stan Pontoon 3011 - Damen - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMer 4 Nov 2015 - 19:22

M&M a écrit:
SLCE livre les osmoseurs de la barge marocaine commandée à Damen
Achat d'une barge Stan Pontoon 3011 - Damen - Page 3 20151026163235_1510_SLCE_SLE3242_DAMEN%20(2)

La marine marocaine vient de se doter d’une nouvelle barge de production d’eau. Du type Pontoon 3011, cet engin, réalisé aux Pays-Bas par Damen, a vu ses osmoseurs fabriqués par la société française SLCE Watermarkers, basée près de Lorient. D’une capacité unitaire de 750 tonnes, soit une production d’eau douce de 1500 tonnes par jour, ces unités du type SLE32-42 sont intégrées dans des conteneurs de 40 pieds. On notera que les osmoseurs développés par SLCE sont équipés d’un échangeur de pression hydraulique qui permet de récupérer toute la pression du rejet saumure et de produire une eau douce potable à moins de 3 kW Heure par m3. Un système de récupération d’énergie qui permet donc de diviser par trois la consommation énergétique, une unité classique en dessalement d'eau de mer fonctionnant aux alentours de 9kWh/m3.

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La barge (© : SLCE) 
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L'échangeur de pression en jaune (© : SLCE) 
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La barge (© : SLCE) 


Grâce à cette nouvelle barge, la marine marocaine pourra intervenir efficacement dans les zones touchées par la sécheresse. La production d’eau douce pourra soit être stockée à bord, dans des cuves dédiées, soit être pompée vers la terre via des conduites ou canalisations. 

Achat d'une barge Stan Pontoon 3011 - Damen - Page 3 Marche12
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 7880
Inscrit le : 31/08/2010
Localisation : Nowhere
Nationalité : Maroc-France

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MessageSujet: Re: Achat d'une barge Stan Pontoon 3011 - Damen   Achat d'une barge Stan Pontoon 3011 - Damen - Page 3 Icon_minitimeLun 9 Nov 2015 - 16:13

Citation :
Stan Pontoon 3011 delivered to Moroccan navy
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 7880
Inscrit le : 31/08/2010
Localisation : Nowhere
Nationalité : Maroc-France

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MessageSujet: Re: Achat d'une barge Stan Pontoon 3011 - Damen   Achat d'une barge Stan Pontoon 3011 - Damen - Page 3 Icon_minitimeJeu 3 Déc 2015 - 16:39

Citation :
Moroccan Navy takes delivery of water barge

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The Royal Moroccan Navy has taken delivery of a Damen Stan Pontoon 3011 Water Barge which will be used to supply fresh drinking water to areas of Morocco suffering from a long-lasting drought.

Damen announced on Thursday that the barge construction was done very quickly due to the contract’s urgent humanitarian aspect.

The Dutch company said that the Royal Moroccan Navy can transfer the Stan Pontoon Water Barge between locations with either a tug or workboat. Due to its narrow 11-metre beam, the smallest of harbours are also accessible. Needing only a supply of diesel to operate, the vessel is a self-sufficient water making platform that can handle maximum air temperatures of 45°C and seawater temperatures up to 35°C.

Two high capacity reverse osmosis water makers and two air-cooled generator sets on board the pontoon allow it to deliver a water making capacity of 1,500m3 per hour. The water can then either be stored on board the pontoon in bunkers or pumped ashore via a pipeline.

The water makers installed on the Stan Pontoon Water Barge are larger versions of the same type that are found on the three Damen-built Moroccan naval frigates that entered service in 2011 and 2012. This will yield key advantages for the Royal Moroccan Navy due to the simplification of future maintenance and spare parts issues, Damen said.

“In addition to the humanitarian aspect, the arrival of the vessel will also have a potential economic impact on the region. As the Moroccan agricultural industry begins to experience the damaging effects of the present drought conditions, a certain amount of the water may be used for irrigation purposes,” Damen said in a release.
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 7880
Inscrit le : 31/08/2010
Localisation : Nowhere
Nationalité : Maroc-France

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MessageSujet: Re: Achat d'une barge Stan Pontoon 3011 - Damen   Achat d'une barge Stan Pontoon 3011 - Damen - Page 3 Icon_minitimeVen 4 Déc 2015 - 0:00

Cette nouvelle unité a pour matricule A03 Achat d'une barge Stan Pontoon 3011 - Damen - Page 3 Icon_sal

Citation :

3 December 2015

Royal Moroccan Navy will mobilise new vessel for drought relief action

The Royal Moroccan Navy has taken delivery of a Damen Stan Pontoon 3011 Water Barge. They will immediately mobilise the vessel to supply fresh drinking water to areas of Morocco suffering from a long-lasting drought. Due to the contract’s urgent humanitarian aspect, Damen constructed the vessel within an extremely tight timeframe.

With the pontoon fully operational less than six months after the order was placed, the team at Damen Shipyards Gorinchem, the Netherlands, have demonstrated their commitment to construct the vessel as swiftly as possible.

The Royal Moroccan Navy can transfer the Stan Pontoon Water Barge between locations with either a tug or workboat. Furthermore, due to its narrow 11-metre beam, the smallest of harbours are also accessible. Needing only a supply of diesel to operate, the vessel is a self-sufficient water making platform.

Fit for purpose design

The design criteria of the onboard water making units reflect the intense climatic conditions of the Moroccan coastal region. The equipment is designed to handle maximum air temperatures of 45°C and seawater temperatures up to 35°C.

The vessel’s design takes into account the efficiency of future service and maintenance issues. Most notably, the water makers installed on the Stan Pontoon Water Barge are larger versions of the same type that are found on the three Damen-built Moroccan naval frigates that entered service in 2011 and 2012. This will yield key advantages for the Royal Moroccan Navy due to the simplification of future maintenance and spare parts issues.

Agricultural impact

In addition to the humanitarian aspect, the arrival of the vessel will also have a potential economic impact on the region. As the Moroccan agricultural industry begins to experience the damaging effects of the present drought conditions, a certain amount of the water may be used for irrigation purposes.

Damen’s Stan Pontoons are known for their versatility, but the Stan Pontoon 3011 Water Barge represents the first time that the company has installed water making technology on one of its range. The vessel will provide a maximum water making capacity of 1,500 m3 per day. While some fresh water can be stored on board, the majority will be pumped ashore via a pipeline.

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