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 DSEI 2015

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MessageSujet: DSEI 2015   DSEI 2015 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeLun 14 Sep 2015 - 22:46

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Patria showcases its newest Patria AMVXP IFV variant at DSEI 2015

By Dylan Vosman - Sep 14, 2015

DSEI 2015 - Page 2 3135

Patria showcases its newest products at the international defence and security exhibition, DSEI 2015, in London on 15th -18th September 2015. The venue is the ExCel exhibition center. Patria’s stand is 6/N6-160.

At DSEI Patria exhibits for the first time the latest member of Patria AMV product family, Patria AMVXP IFV variant. Also Patria Nemo training simulator is featured, and Millog presents its HUSKY night vision devices, like new VVLITE image intensifiers with 40°, 50° and 60° FOV,  night sights, vehicles’ thermal imager systems and Millog LISA target acquisition system.

The latest addition to this product family, Patria AMVXP IFV, provides further strength to the company’s product range. This vehicle’s highly intensive testing phase verified that its features met the expectations. Patria AMVXP IFV provides the best solutions to match the customer needs of tomorrow.

Features of the Patria AMVXP IFV variant

•Combat weight updated to 32 tonnes giving usable payload of 15 tonnes. This enables integration of full spectrum of protection against asymmetric and conventional threats, still allowing maximum firepower to be adapted by different weapon systems. Suspension, drive line and engine power is optimized to increased combat weight.
•Amphibious basic structure enables swimming version from same platform by integrating amphibious kit. This gives flexibility to meet different operational needs.
•Open digital architecture ensures easy integration of various systems such as Weapon Systems, C4I, DAS, BMS and situational awareness. High electrical power output with battery management exceed the increased power consumption of crew/systems.
•Extreme maneuverability on demanding environments with bigger wheel size 16R20, Integrated Terrain Control System (ITCS) and Rear Axle Steering System (RASS).
•Health and Usage Monitoring System (HUMS) and Fleet Management for optimum Life Cycle Support and low Life Cycle Cost.
•Growth potential for future soldier needs; Modularity, Scalability, Survivability.
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MessageSujet: Re: DSEI 2015   DSEI 2015 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 17 Sep 2015 - 13:54

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DSEI 2015: Watchkeeper X - Export Variant for France and Poland

PUBLISHED AT: Today, 17 September, 10:26

DSEI 2015 - Page 2 5101
Image Credit: J. Sabak

Juliusz Sabak

During the London DSEI 2015 event, Thales UK company announced, in cooperation with the Polish WB Electronics and the French Vitec companies, that the “Watchkeeper X” programme has begun. The aim of the initiative is to create – in order to meet the requirements pursued by the foreign buyers – solutions that would be tailored to the local needs, within the scope of the technological solutions, as well as within the scope of the technology transfer and access to the source codes.

DSEI 2015 - Page 2 4142

Watchkeeper X is a programme which is going to be developed independently from the British WH450 Watchkeeper system, and – thanks to its modular structure – it is going to be possible to tailor the newly created platform to the needs of the prospective buyers. France and Poland are going to become the initial two states that are going to benefit from the above solution. In both cases, the armed forces are interested in acquisition of the Watchkeeper UAV system coming in configurations that would be customized in line with precise requirements which – within many areas – are very different from the needs of the British Army. For example, Poland is seeking to acquire a tactical UCAV system, thus the UAV offered for Poland is the only variant of the Watchkeeper system which is armed with the FLMM ordnance.

Thales UK decided to cooperate with the selected local companies, in case of which scope of qualifications is compliant with the local needs. In case of Poland it was decided that cooperation should involve the WB Electronics company which is striving to implement the Polish communication and control system and cooperate, within the scope of other unmanned platforms. Thanks to the memorandum signed in August this year, between Thales UK and WB Electronics, it is going to be possible to integrate the defence, guidance and observation systems of the Polish FlyEye and Manta systems, together with the infrastructure used to control the British-made Watchkeeper UAV. This means that there is a possibility of controlling all of the above UAV’s with the use of a single control station, developed for the Watchkeeper. In France, Thales UK cooperates with the Vitec company, specialized in visual and communications systems.

Thales UK is planning to open a “Watchkeeper X Club”, an organized user network that could make use of the solutions developed for the said UAV platform, in order to fulfil the needs of the other “club” members. It would also be possible to modify the British UAV systems, similarly as in case of the British Army Watchkeeper UAV which – at the moment – constitutes the base for further development of the platform.

At the moment, Thales UK effort related to the Watchkeeper X programme is focused on Poland and France, however negotiations with other potential buyers are also being carried out. This type of unmanned vehicles is an object of interest for the South-East Asia or Middle East states, as well as numerous European states, all of which are seeking to acquire UAV systems that are more cost-effective and induce less strain on ATC airspace management, in comparison with the MALE class systems.

DSEI 2015 - Page 2 686
Watchkeeper UAV presented during the DSEI event, armed with four FFLMM missiles.
Image Credit: J. Sabak  
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MessageSujet: Re: DSEI 2015   DSEI 2015 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 17 Sep 2015 - 22:59

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PHOTO of DSEI 2015 – Defence & Security Event in London

By Dylan Vosman - Sep 16, 2015

DSEI 2015 - Page 2 692
DSEI 2015 – Defence & Security Event is being held in London

In 2015, DSEI, the world leading defence and security exhibition, look forward to welcoming over 30,000 attendees. DSEI Isle photograph

The audience will include top level international military staff, major procurement officials, and the entire industry supply chain, from large prime
contractors to supplying companies. DSEI has a proven track record of bringing the entire supply chain together on an unrivalled scale.

Andre Forkert’s Photographic Recap of Day 1  

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MessageSujet: Re: DSEI 2015   DSEI 2015 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 18 Sep 2015 - 13:14

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DSEI 2015: Prince of Wales build currently running ahead of schedule, says Aircraft Carrier Alliance

Dr. Lee Willett, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly

18 September 2015

DSEI 2015 - Page 2 4159  
The UK's second-in-class aircraft carrier Prince of Wales in build at the Rosyth shipyard, Scotland. Source: Aircraft Carrier Alliance

Key Points

•Build of second UK aircraft carrier currently is ahead of schedule
•Lessons learned from first-in-class build have seen three or four months pulled out of assembly sequence

The build of the UK's second Queen Elizabeth-class aircraft carrier, the future HMS Prince of Wales , currently is running ahead of schedule, the head of the UK's Aircraft Carrier Alliance (ACA) told a media briefing at the DSEI defence and security exhibition in London on 16 September.

Ian Booth, the ACA's managing director, said that the ship's build programme is "actually running ahead of schedule at the moment ... [by] quite a few months", due particularly to the ACA having "learned an awful lot of lessons from the build of Queen Elizabeth "; as a result, he said, "we have compressed the programme."

He said that a number of key lessons were learned from the build of the first-in-class carrier. In terms of the build schedule, the biggest lesson was the sequence of building the blocks. For Queen Elizabeth , lower blocks 01 and 02 for the ship's bow section were docked down separately in the build dock at the Rosyth shipyard before being welded together. For Prince of Wales , the two blocks were joined together before being docked down; this, said Booth, saved about two months.

The second lesson was completing individual blocks with a more advanced state of internal outfitting than on Queen Elizabeth , prior to welding blocks together.

The third was to put a "massive effort" into improving productivity, said Booth.

In addition, every block for Prince of Wales has been delivered on or ahead of schedule. Overall, he continued, the ACA "have been able to pull three or four months out of the assembly sequence" for the ship.

Booth set out the programme schedule for the carrier going forward.

Citation :
DSEI 2015: Raytheon pitches Sentinel R.1 service extention to 2015

Tim Ripley, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly

18 September 2015

Raytheon UK's Sentinel R.1 Airborne Stand-Off Radar (ASTOR) aircraft could be kept in service for another decade to help the UK Royal Air Force (RAF) meet its airborne ISTAR requirements, according to company executives.

The long-term fate of the Sentinel is under consideration as part of the UK's Strategic Defence and Security Review (SDSR) and there is no commitment from the country's Ministry of Defence to keep the aircraft in service beyond 2018. The SDSR is due conclude by the end of this year.

Richard Howell, head of Raytheon's airborne systems business in the United Kingdom, pitched for an extension of the aircraft up to 2025, citing the unavailability of a replacement.
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MessageSujet: Re: DSEI 2015   DSEI 2015 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 18 Sep 2015 - 13:23

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DSEI 2015: Saab signs contract to deliver MuMNS for France-UK MMCM programme

IHS Jane's Navy International

18 September 2015

Key Points

•Saab and BAE Systems sign contract to deliver Saab's MuMNS mine countermeasures system for France-UK MMCM programme
•France and UK will each receive one development system for evaluation

Swedish defence and security company Saab has been contracted to deliver its Multi-Shot Mine Neutralisation System (MuMNS) to support the France-UK (FR/UK) Maritime Mine Counter Measures (MMCM) programme.

The contract - the value of which has not been disclosed - has been signed with BAE Systems, which is working with prime contractor Thales to deliver the FR/UK MMCM programme under the auspices of European defence procurement  

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DSEI 2015: Thales launches new submarine sonar training service

Kate Tringham, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly

18 September 2015

Thales has developed an innovative solution for submarine sonar training that can host multiple software systems and simulate any submarine platform.

Launched at the DSEI 2015 exhibition in London, the Rapidly Reconfigurable Training Technology package enables sonar operators to train on the exact sonar system they will be using once deployed. In addition, all variants of individual systems can be supported, which means operators can train on the individual sensor fit of submarines at various upgrade stages.

"The utopian training environment is that you train someone to do something before they go on to do it, but in the navy that has historically been something that is really difficult to achieve.
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MessageSujet: Re: DSEI 2015   DSEI 2015 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 18 Sep 2015 - 13:27

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DSEI 2015: UK places GBP300 million ASRAAM order

Nicholas de Larrinaga, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly

18 September 2015

DSEI 2015 - Page 2 4160    
The UK has ordered new build Advanced Short Range Air-to-Air Missiles (ASRAAMs) from MBDA to sustain its current inventories. This
CGI image shows the new-build missile, which has a slightly different nose cone taper to the original ASRAAM. Source: MBDA  

The United Kingdom has placed a GBP300 million (USD462 million) contract with MBDA to build new Advanced Short Range Air-to-Air Missiles (ASRAAMs) for the Royal Air Force (RAF), it was announced on 16 September at DSEI 2015 in London.

The 'capability sustainment' order will replenish the RAF's entire stock of ASRAAM with new-build missiles. ASRAAM is the principal short-range air-to-air weapon for the RAF's Tornado GR4 and Typhoon fighter aircraft.

Announcing the contract at DSEI, Michael Fallon, UK Secretary of State for Defence, said: "ASRAAM missiles provide our Typhoon jets with battle-winning technology on combat missions and these upgrades will help to make it a missile for the future, ready for use on our new [F-35] Lightning II aircraft."

The RAF's current inventories of ASRAAM are approaching their mid-life point, when it is common practice for air-to-air missiles to be returned to the manufacturer to be serviced, and for obsolescent parts and the energetic components (the rocket fuel and warhead explosives) to be replaced.

However, MBDA has an active production line building the Common Anti-Air Modular Missile (CAMM) for the Royal Navy and the British Army and CAMM has an exceptionally high level of commonality with ASRAAM - the only major difference is the seeker, infrared (IR) in ASRAAM and radio frequency (RF) in CAMM. As a result of this commonality and the economies of scale from having an active production line, MBDA is able to build entirely new ASRAAMs for the RAF at a cheaper price than conducting a standard mid-life refurbishment. This has the additional advantage of re-setting the clock on the ASRAAM's out-of-service date and allowing for improved components to be installed. It also sets the scene for a potential wider update to the missile when it comes up to its new middle-of-life point around 2030, when technologies will have advanced and decisions will need to be made on retiring/extending the service life of the Typhoon.
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MessageSujet: Re: DSEI 2015   DSEI 2015 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 18 Sep 2015 - 13:35

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DSEI 2015: UK formally launches Defence Electronics & Components Agency

Charles Forrester, London - IHS Jane's Defence Industry

18 September 2015

UK minister for defence procurement Philip Dunne formally launched the Defence Electronics & Components Agency (DECA) at the DSEI 2015 exhibition on 15 September.

DECA was initially formed in April 2015 from the Defence Support Group (DSG) Electronics and Components Business Unit, following the sale of the remaining DSG land business to Babcock. However, formal announcements were delayed due to the UK's general election.

The role of the agency is to assure in-house access to support for current in-service and future Ministry of Defence (MoD) platforms. As a government agency, the organisation is able to work on and manage work on sensitive platforms while being able to provide guarantees of security of intellectual property rights (IPR) and ITAR compliance.
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MessageSujet: Re: DSEI 2015   DSEI 2015 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 18 Sep 2015 - 13:41

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DSEI : vente de missile STARStreak de Thales

Dans Actualité Missiles
Publié le 18/09/2015 à 12h26, par George de Bonadona

DSEI 2015 - Page 2 5122
L'équipementier a vendu son missile de défense anti-aérienne a deux pays du Sud-Est asiatique au salon DSEI. © Thales

En 24 heures, Thales reçu commande de son système de missiles STARStreak pour deux pays du Sud-Est Asiatique.

Présent au salon DSEI à Londres, l'équipementier à reçu commande pour les forces armées de Malaisie d'un système de défense aérienne intégré Forceshield et  de missiles STARStreak. Ceux-ci permettront à la Malaisie de remplacer le système de missiles STARBurst en service depuis le milieu des années 90. Le contrat qui s'élève à 100 millions de Livres Sterling a été signé avec Global Komited, entité du groupe Weststar. "Je suis très heureux de voir un nouveau pays retenir le système ForceSHIELD. Cette solution de nouvelle génération, du capteur à l'effecteur permettra à la Malaisie de bénéficier de capacités à la pointe de la technologie." a déclaré Victori Chavez, PDG de Thales au Royaume-Uni.

Le lendemain, dans un nouveau communiqué, il déclara "Nous sommes très honorés de continuer à servir l'Armée royale thaïlandaise comme fournisseur clé de capacités avancées pour assurer la défense aérienne de la Thaïlande." L'armée royale thaïlandaise s'est elle aussi porteé acquéresse du missiles STARStreak. Signé avec le groupe DataGate, le contrat est de plusieurs millions de livres sterling.

Ce missiles opère à plus de Mach 3. Sa vitesse et son agilité lui permettent de résister aux systèmes de contre mesures. Guidé par laser, il a été vendu aux deux pays avec un Lanceur Multiple Léger (LML) de nouvelle génération trépied. Ces commandes permettront aux deux pays de couvrir leur espace aérien contre des avions de combats évoluant à basse altitude, des hélicoptères ou des drones.

"Cette vente est une bonne nouvelle. Elle aidera a sécuriser des emplois hautement qualifiés en Irlande du Nord". a commenté le Premier Ministre britannique David Cameron.
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MessageSujet: Re: DSEI 2015   DSEI 2015 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 18 Sep 2015 - 18:37

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DSEI 2015 : Bientôt du Brimstone Dual Mode sur les Apache britanniques ?

Actualités  Nathan Gain  17 septembre, 2015  

Se perdre dans un salon de défense a parfois du bon. S’il est impossible de manquer le stand MBDA, il sera par contre plus ardu de tomber sur un second espace déployé par le missilier à l’occasion du salon DSEI. Déporté à contrecœur dans un coin de hall, ce second espace proposé par MBDA attirera néanmoins directement le regard du visiteur égaré. De fait, impossible d’éviter l’imposant simulateur Apache installé en son sein. Ajoutez à cela une pincée de missiles Brimstone Dual Mode, et vous voici devant la nouvelle offensive de charme lancée officiellement cette semaine par MBDA: l’intégration du missile air-sol Brimstone sur les hélicoptères d’attaque Apache de l’Armée britannique.

DSEI 2015 - Page 2 5128

Trois semaines après l’officialisation du contrat de mise à niveau des Apache britanniques au standard E, MBDA entend bien faire de « son » Brimstone Dual Mode un élément essentiel de l’arsenal des futurs Guardian (et appelant donc au remplacement de l’AGM-114 Hellfire). En effet, chez MBDA, l’on part du constat suivant : « Pourquoi acheter Américain si l’on peut adapter un missile existant aux requêtes de l’Armée britannique ? »

DSEI 2015 - Page 2 4166
Des Brimstone Dual Mode bientôt sur les Apache de la « British Army »?

D’autant plus que le Brimstone ne manque pas de qualités. Après avoir fait ses preuves sur Tornado GR4 en Afghanistan, Lybie, puis en Iraq, il est devenu depuis lors le chouchou des pilotes de la RAF (au point de faire des jaloux outre-Atlantique). Grâce à son système de guidage dédoublé, assuré à la fois par un laser semi-actif et/ou un radar millimétrique, le Brimstone présente une précision maximale. Cela fait de celui-ci le seul missile utilisé en frappe aérienne offrant une capacité « tir et oublie » capable de toucher un objectif se déplaçant à grande vitesse. De même, sa charge explosive réduite est toute indiquée pour les petites cibles et réduit presque à néant le risque de dommage collatéral.

Bien entendu, en ce qui concerne l’intégration sur Apache, il s’agira dans un premier temps d’adapter le Brimstone existant aux standards requis par l’Armée britannique.

N’entendant pas s’arrêter en si bon chemin, l’on évoque déjà, chez le missilier, l’intégration éventuelle du Brimstone Dual Mode sur le futur Standard 3 d’un certain hélicoptère d’attaque. Affaire à suivre donc, et de très près.
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MessageSujet: Re: DSEI 2015   DSEI 2015 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 18 Sep 2015 - 18:46

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DSEI 2015 : Metravib fournira les oreilles du programme Scorpion

Actualités  Nathan Gain  16 septembre, 2015  

La grande famille du programme Scorpion s’est récemment agrandie avec l’arrivée toute fraîche d’un petit nouveau : Metravib. Leader mondial de la détection de tir acoustique, la société lyonnaise équipera les futurs VBMR (Véhicule Blindé Multi Rôle) Griffon et EBRC (Engin Blindé de Reconnaissance et de Combat) Jaguar avec le système SLATE (Système de Localisation Acoustique de Tireur Embusqué).

DSEI 2015 - Page 2 5129
Metravib, leader mondial de leader mondial de la détection acoustique de tir, s’expose à DSEI 2015

Afin de correspondre aux requêtes notifiées par la DGA, SLATE est appelé à dépasser technologiquement les autres membres de la gamme de détecteurs acoustiques déjà proposée par Metravib. Non content de reprendre les forces de ses systèmes frères, SLATE intègrera également deux nouvelles capacités : la détection de tirs simultanés et la détection du mode de tir (rafale, automatique, coup par coup). De même, les différents systèmes sont appelés à communiquer entre eux au travers du BMS des futurs Jaguar et Griffon.

La phase de développement de cette version musclée du SLATE devrait commencer peu après DSEI et s’étaler sur une période de deux ans, pour logiquement aboutir en 2018 avec les premières livraisons de série.

DSEI 2015 - Page 2 4167
SLATE protégera bientôt les futurs VBMR Griffon et EBMR Jaguar appelés à moderniser la cavalerie de l’armée
de Terre (Crédit: RTD/Nexter Systems/Thales)

Si Metravib, programme sensible oblige, reste discret sur les détails de ce contrat, les rumeurs de vente de « centaines de systèmes » circulent dans les arcanes de DSEI.

« Le système SLATE a démontré en opérations être un capteur d’agression majeur et incontournable qui doit équiper tout blindé d’un standard moderne. La capacité de ce détecteur à être couplé à l’armement pour permettre sa mise en direction rapide n’est plus à démontrer. Enfin, les informations fournies par le SLATE peuvent être automatiquement transmises par le système d’information du blindé à d’autres échelons. Pour toutes ces raisons, le SLATE a gagné, sur les théâtres d’opérations, l’estime et la confiance des équipages blindés français, » a récemment témoigné le Général Charles Beaudouin, directeur de la STAT (Section Technique de l’Armée de Terre), à l’occasion de la livraison de 60 systèmes SLATE additionnels à l’armée de Terre.

« Scorpion », inscrit dans le cadre du projet armée de Terre 2020, assurera dés 2018 le renouvellement des capacités médianes du combat de contact autour des VBMR Jaguar et EBRC Griffon. Il intègre également la mise en réseau future de tous les systèmes en usage au niveau tactique, ainsi que la rénovation du char Leclerc. Outre Metravib, le GME « Engins Blindés Multi-Rôles –EBMR », est également constitué des géants de la défense Nexter Systems, Renault Trucks Défense et Thales.

Ambitieux, visionnaire, innovant…nombreux sont les qualificatifs associés au programme Scorpion. Le qualifier également de « rassembleur » est plus que jamais indiqué, tant celui-ci contribue, mois après mois, à mettre à profit l’ensemble du savoir-faire de l’industrie de défense française.
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MessageSujet: Re: DSEI 2015   DSEI 2015 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSam 19 Sep 2015 - 0:05

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Streit Group unveiled new Gladiator Armored Personnel Carrier

By Dylan Vosman - Sep 18, 2015

DSEI 2015 - Page 2 4176

Streit Group unveiled new Gladiator Armored Personnel Carrier at DSEI-2015 in London.

The Gladiator APC is made to deploy various missions, peace keeping operations and convoy escort. Impressive power and handling troops made Gladiator equally suited for urban and off-road deployment.

The vehicle offers excellent protection against both ballistic and blast threats with crew compartment protection of STANAG 4569 Level 2 in various military and tactical applications.

•Engine Type 6 Cylinders In-Line, 7.2 L, Turbocharched DXi7
•Dimensions W – 2420 mm | L – 6610 mm | H – 2977 mm
•Transmission ZF 6S 1000 TO (6-Speed, Manual)
•Wheelbase 3800 mm
•Horsepower 276 Hp
•Drive Configuration 4×4
•Fuel Capacity 210 L
•Suspension components are reinforced
•Fuel Type Diesel
•Armoring Level STANAG 4569 Level 2
•Drive Range 700 km
•Seats 12 (including driver)

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MessageSujet: Re: DSEI 2015   DSEI 2015 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSam 19 Sep 2015 - 15:01

Citation :
DSEI: AW159 South Korea delivery due this year

BY: Craig Hoyle | London

AgustaWestland is on track to deliver its first batch of AW159 maritime helicopters to South Korea later this year, as its Wildcat continues to gain operational experience with the UK’s armed forces.

Seoul has ordered an initial eight AW159s for its navy, with armaments including Rafael’s Spike NLOS air-to-surface missile and a South Korea-developed torpedo. The rotorcraft will be capable of carrying up to four of the Israeli weapon, which weighs around 75kg (165lb) and has a range of approximately 25km (46nm).

“We are on track to deliver the aircraft to our customer later this year,” said Tony Duthie, AgustaWestland’s head of market development for the 6t helicopter.

A combined total of 48 Wildcats have been delivered so far to the British Army and Royal Navy, with the latter having deployed the new model onboard its Type 23 frigate HMS Lancaster earlier this year.

DSEI 2015 - Page 2 6107

So far, the embarked aircraft has achieved a 100% availability rate during its time at sea, says Cdr Louis Wilson-Chalon, the UK’s Lynx Wildcat Maritime Force commander, during the DSEI exhibition in London on 16 September. Meanwhile, a separate trial performed in the Middle East has seen the rotorcraft demonstrate its maximum take-off weight in hot environmental conditions.

Future trials are set to be performed to integrate the UK aircraft’s MBDA Sea Venom anti-ship and land-attack missile and Thales Martlet air-to-surface missile, with these expected to be operational with the RN around 2018-2019. In the nearer term, Selex ES is within weeks of completing delivery of the Wildcat’s HIDAS 15 defensive aids system equipment, the company says.

More than 10,000 flight hours have now been logged by the UK services’ fleets, along with more than 1,200 deck landings.

While the UK and South Korea are the only customers to date for the new-generation member of the Lynx family, Duthie notes that the manufacturer is seeing “interest in many parts of the world, driven by ship-building programmes”. The AW159’s small embarked footprint makes it suitable for deployment onboard offshore patrol vessels and corvettes, he adds.
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MessageSujet: Re: DSEI 2015   DSEI 2015 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeLun 21 Sep 2015 - 20:39

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Milrem UGV  

Ajoutée le 19 sept. 2015

New UGV developed by Milrem is designed to haul 700 kg of payload at 50 km/h for eight hours, using electrical,
proplusion, powered by new super capacitors as power source - reports from DSEI 2015.

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MessageSujet: Re: DSEI 2015   DSEI 2015 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeLun 21 Sep 2015 - 21:04

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DSEI 2015 - Page 2 4214
DSEI 2015 – Photo Report (I)  

DSEI 2015 - Page 2 5175
The new Ajax (Scout SV) armed with the 40mm Case Telescopic Cannon (CTC). Photo: Tamir Eshel, Defense-Update

DSEI 2015 - Page 2 6129
The 40mm CTC was displayed on several platforms at DSEI 2015, including the General Dynamics UK Ajax, and an upgraded
French VBCI 2 with a new turret, displayed by Nexter on VBCI II. Photo: Tamir Eshel, Defense-Update

DSEI 2015 - Page 2 7101
Israel’s armor specialist Plasan unveiled a hybrid composite armor solution conforming to ‘Level 5-6’ protection standard,
providing protection equivalent to 12 layers of gapped steel. Photo: Tamir Eshel, Defense-Update

DSEI 2015 - Page 2 883
The 40mm turret being added to the VBCI-2 provides much higher lethality to the French AFV. The turret is manned by a
crew of two, seated in the spacious capsule, surrounded by the vehicle’s sensor displays that provide enhanced situational
awareness in combat. The turret also mounts the 40mm CTC gun. Photo: Tamir Eshel, Defense-Update

DSEI 2015 - Page 2 970
Rheinmetall Defence unveiled the latest configuration of active protection systems, comprising a hybrid solution made of
passive and active protection means, an infra-red smoke dispenser, skirts made of composite materials  and blast-based
active protection module, triggered by four sets of sensors – two are covering the lower approach angles and two are
covering the vehicle from side and top attacks. This specific solution is configured to match the CV-3095. Another
solution displayed is matching the integrated armored cabin for trucks. Photo: Tamir Eshel, Defense-Update

DSEI 2015 - Page 2 1064
Another innovative weapon system approach from Rheinmetall Defense. These four 20kW lasers modules are coupled into
a multi-effector system emitting 80 kW, where all lasers operate in synch, to yield the higher overall emission. More laser
emitters can be stacked to create a hundred kW class laser effector, utilizing an effective and proven beam concentration.
These lasers have already demonstrated the capability to defeat mortar rounds at a distance of few kilometers, in two
seconds, and multiple unmanned aerial vehicles at distances of 500 meters. Photo: Tamir Eshel, Defense-Update

DSEI 2015 - Page 2 1159
The laser interceptor from Rheinmetall could one day provide a central effector for Skyguard air defense systems. This
specific interceptor packs three 20kW lasers enabling defeat of fast flying aerial target such as mini UAVs.
Photo: Tamir Eshel, Defense-Update

DSEI 2015 - Page 2 1249
This Seal Delivery vehicle can carry two operators and six divers along with their crews, supporting target surveillance,
infiltration and extraction. The complete unit can be dropped into theater by parachute. Photo: Tamir Eshel, Defense-Update

DSEI 2015 - Page 2 1341
Among the few active protection systems (APS) which are on display was the Trophy LV. This APS IS is designed to operate
on light protected vehicles. Photo: Tamir Eshel, Defense-Update
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MessageSujet: Re: DSEI 2015   DSEI 2015 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 22 Sep 2015 - 13:50

Citation :
DSEI 2015: General Dynamics outlines its proposal for MRV-P

Christopher F Foss, London and Nicholas de Larrinaga, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly

21 September 2015

DSEI 2015 - Page 2 5185
The British Army's MRV-P programme has a requirement for around 600 new 4x4/6x6 vehicles. General Dynamics is set to pitch for the programme its Eagle V and its Ocelot (pictured), which the British Army already has in the shape of the Foxhound. Source: IHS/Patrick Allen

General Dynamics is lining itself up for a British Army requirement for about 600 new armoured vehicles, the Multi Role Vehicle - Protected (MRV-P) programme, company officials told IHS Jane's at DSEI 2015.

The projected requirement is for at least 500 MRV-Ps plus 78 battlefield ambulance variants and 27 armoured recovery vehicles (ARVs). As with any UK projected armoured fighting vehicle (AFV) programme, however, the numbers could well change.

According to David Hind, executive director at General Dynamics Land Systems UK, "the user is demanding a combination of survivability and capacity".

To reduce through-lifecycle costs the army is not seeking a brand new vehicle but a military off-the-shelf (MOTS) solution modified to meet UK specific requirements.

General Dynamics Land Systems UK would propose two options, or potentially a mix of vehicle types. One option would be for a fleet of General Dynamics European Land Systems Mowag Eagle Vs in the 4x4 and 6x6 configurations. Another option would be the General Dynamics Land Systems UK (previously Force Protection) Ocelot 4x4.

It is expected that the Defence Equipment & Support organisation will issue a pre-qualification questionnaire (PQQ) to industry later this year, followed by an invitation to tender (ITT) and a main gate (MG) decision in 2017.

The PQQ is expected to be in two parts, one for the baseline MRV-P and one for the larger version in ambulance, troop carrier, and ARV configurations, which could be 6x6s due to greater volume and payload requirements.

The Eagle V 4x4 is already in service with the German Army in the command and liaison roles as well as being used as a forward ambulance.

The larger Eagle V 6x6 has many components in common with the Eagle V 4x4 and has been shown in armoured personnel carrier (APC) as well as battlefield ambulance configurations.

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MessageSujet: Re: DSEI 2015   DSEI 2015 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 22 Sep 2015 - 14:49

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Rafael Extends Spike/NLOS Platforms with Trailer-Based SPARC

Sep 22, 2015

DSEI 2015 - Page 2 6135

The new trailer-mounted system was developed at Rafael over the past 18 months. It doubles the missile capacity of the previous version, which has been combat proven with coalition forces in Afghanistan, protecting forward operation bases from Taliban rocket attacks.

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The new version doubles the missile load of the previous trailer-based version operated by a NATO customer, and improves some of the system’s target acquisition and support elements which were already integrated into the vehicle-mounted version of the system, developed for South Korea. Photo: RAFAEL

Rafael Advanced Defence Systems has unveiled a new trailer-mounted, remotely-controlled launch system for the Spike Non-Line-of-Sight (NLOS) multi-purpose tactical missile at DSEI 2015.

Dubbed SPARC, and developed over 30 years ago to engage heavy armor formations deep behind enemy lines, Israel has increasingly been using the Spike/NLOS in asymmetric warfare in recent years, employing the weapon’s long range and high precision to deliver measured responses or preemptive attacks against asymmetric and terrorist targets across the borders with Lebanon, Syria and Gaza.

Sparc is expected to enter production this year and to augment the launchers already operating with the customer. The trailer-based system was originally designed to operate at forward bases, independent of dedicated vehicles, as it can rapidly deploy with light troops, supported by various vehicles, primarily lightweight tactical utility vehicles.

This is a short version including 142 of 460 words of the original article. Subscribe to Defense Update to read the full story.

DSEI 2015 - Page 2 4226
Spike NLOS is designed for launch from aerial, naval and land platforms. This specific configuration, based on Plasan’s Sandcat, was designed to meet the South Korean requirement. photo: RAFAEL
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MessageSujet: Re: DSEI 2015   DSEI 2015 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMer 23 Sep 2015 - 20:28

Citation :
DSEI 2015: “New” Competitor For The Patriot NG Radar in the US

PUBLISHED AT: Today, 23 September, 14:47

DSEI 2015 - Page 2 1256
Full G/ATOR radar set consists of two, highly mobile vehicles and a trailer. Image Credit: Northrop Grumman

Maksymilian Dura

Northrop Grumman company revealed the information on the development works related to the AN/TPS-80 active AESA antenna radar. The system, already ordered by the US Marine Corps, is going to be based on the state of the art gallium nitride (GaN) technology. Probability of ordering a Polish variant of the Patriot radar by the US government, within the scope of creating the US air defence system, is thus lower than it was suggested by the forecasts released by the Polish Ministry of Defence, once Warsaw selected the contractor in the Wisla tender.

USMC order which has already been realized means that Northrop Grumman company may become the favoured manufacturer, also in the tender, the aim of which is to procure a new, US-made radar for a medium range air defence system. The company is already involved in development of the IBCS system (IAMD Battle Command System) which - in the future - is going to act as the main part of the net-centric US IAMD (Integrated Air and Missile Defense) system. Due to the above, Poland may become the only user of the new Patriot POL radar, with all of the related consequences.

Not only is the situation faced by the Polish version of the radar more convoluted due to the US order placed, in order to procure the G/ATOR (Ground/Air Task Oriented Radar) systems, but also due to the latest amendment to that contract, according to which the Pentagon is going to finance the Northrop Grumman’s development works, the aim of which would be to implement the Gallium Nitride technology in case of the newly developed radar systems mentioned above. Meanwhile, works on the AESA antennas build in line with the above assumptions, which are going to be utilized in case of the Patriot POL system, are - so far - financed, above all, by the Raytheon company.

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G/ATOR. Image Credit: Northrop Grumman

Five in One

Initially the G/ATOR radar was created for the SHORAD class (short range air defense) systems, that were to be in possession of the IFF (identification friend or foe) capabilities. The US Marines got interested in this system, above all, due to the fact that it is capable of potentially replacing five other radar types which are being currently used operationally, within the structure of the US armed forces, meaning the following systems: AN/TPS-73 – air search radar, AN/TPS-63 – air defence radar, AN/MPQ-62 – short range air defence radar, AN/UPS-3 - target tracking radar, AN-TPQ-46 – Weapon Locating System radar. The systems listed above are currently being operated within the following areas:
•Air Surveillance;
•Air Defence;
•Ground Weapon Locating/Counterfire Target Acquisition;
•Air Traffic Control.

Thanks to such approach, the US Marines will have to to use only the AN/TPS-59 long range radar manufactured by the Lockheed Martin company. The above system uses a curtain passive array. It is going to be complemented by the G/ATOR system, when it comes to short and medium range detection.

Such level of versatility, in case of the AN/TPS-80 radar, is possible to be achieved thanks to a mechanically rotated AESA (Active Electronically Scanned Array) antenna system, in case of which the radar beam is shaped and controlled electronically. The antenna itself consists of numerous radar transceiver modules, all of which are controlled separately and independently. In connection with a special software, a “quasi - intelligent” radar system has been developed. The system is easily adapted to a variety of tasks and requirements, resulting from the operational situation. However, one should remember that additionally IFF AN/UPX-44 antenna is additionally fitted onto the radar array.

According to Northrop Grumman, G/ATOR is the first ground-based multi-mission radar, fitted with an active antenna with electronically controlled beam (AESA), developed by the Department of Defence. The radar may be used as an air surveillance radar, fire control radar for the air defence systems, air traffic control system and as a radar which may be used to detect and locate the ground weapons systems.

Using its own budget, the Northrop Grumman company also has shown that the G/ATOR radar is additionally capable of detecting the high-velocity missiles and rocket artillery/systems.

G/ATOR Programme Has Lasted For More Than 10 Years Now

Creating the G/ATOR AESA radars has been a goal pursued for 10 years now - from September 2005. In March 2007, the Northrop Grumman company received an order, the aim of which was to execute the System Design and Development phase. The value of the deal is estimated as ca. 8 million dollars. However, the road was bumpy, as in October 2009, the Pentagon suggested that the programme costs exceed the assumed amounts (up to 14 million dollars). The above increase was a result of the increased prices of gold which was used to cover the protruding elements of the electronic components.

Due to the quantitative dimensions of the research, in total, two prototypes of the radar were developed. The prototypes went through the test programme in October 2013, and, during the same month, they were tested operationally by the US Marine Corps. Ultimately, a special commission, including, among other members, the representatives of the US government, air force, army and the US Marines, approved the low rate initial production of the G/ATOR radar system. However, in the light of the above, one should recall the fact that Lockheed Martin and Raytheon companies also took part in the tender, proposing their own designs.

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G/ATOR trailer with the antenna unit - unfolded (without the IFF system antenna element). Image Credit: Northrop Grumman

In October 2014, the US Marine Corps signed an agreement with the Northrop Grumman company, the aim of which was to launch the LRIP procedure. This would effect in creation of four AN/TPS-80 G/ATOR radars. The value of the contract is said to exceed the amount of USD 207 million. According to the assumption of the concluded contract, deliveries are planned to happen between 2016 and 2017. In March 2015, the USMC ordered another two examples of the radar. This increased the value of the order, adding USD 113.3 million to the initial amount.

In August 2015, once again, the October 2014 agreement was amended. Now 9-15 million dollars were provided to fund the works, the aim of which would be to add the GWLR (Ground Weapons Locating Radar) detection capabilities to the system. Secondly, the radar is going to be modified, in order to implement the gallium nitride technology. The current system is based on the gallium arsenide sensor. Northrop Grumman stressed the fact that the above-mentioned technology has been developed by the company for ca. a decade now, and these research and development works are being realized independently from the programme which is being pursued by the Raytheon company, developing the Patriot NG radar. According to Northrop Grumman, GaN technology is available for numerous enterprises in the US.

The latest agreements increased the amounts invested by the Pentagon - as they exceeded 900 million dollars (more than 600 million dollars for the development works and more than 300 million dollars to realize the manufacturing process). However, it is estimated that Northrop Grumman company may receive some orders regarding the G/ATOR radar, the value of which may reach USD 2 billion.

Starting - not “from a scratch”

During the DSEI 2015 event in London, the Americans stressed the fact that the success achieved by their new radar is not an accident, but it rather resulted from many years of experience gathered within the field of radar technology. The experiences were gained through manufacturing a variety of radars, of numerous classes and types, all of which used electronically shaped and controlled radar beam. In case of the G/ATOR radar, the company fused the experiences gained when it manufactured the advanced radar systems for the air platforms, including the AN/APG-77 radar used by the F-22 fighters, AN/APG-80 used by the F-16 Block 60 jets and the AN/APG-83 SABR radar for the F-16 jets. Additional experience was gathered during the development processes related to the systems dedicated for the land platforms, including the AN/TPS-70, AN/TPS-78 and AN/TPS-703 radars.

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G/ATOR Radar is a development model of a highly mobile AN/TPS-78 radar... Image Credit: Northrop Grumman

DSEI 2015 - Page 2 896
AN/TPS-703 radar - Predecessor of the G/ATOR radar. Image Credit: Northrop Grumman

The high value of the above-listed devices is proven by the fact that the AESA AN/APG-81 radar, developed by the Northrop Grumman company, was selected to be fitted onto the F-35 fifth generation jets. According to the manufacturer, the radar was operated for a very long time at the laboratory and in the air, without any damage, demonstrating the highest degree of the operational reliability and effectiveness. The acquired experience, making it possible to reduce the production costs and limit the risk of errors.

Success stems - according to Northrop Grumman - from the fact that the new radar uses the old software suite which has already a track proven record, even in the most complicated combat scenarios.

DSEI 2015 - Page 2 7116
AESA AN/APG-81 radar developed by the Northrop Grumman company is being used e.g. by the F-35 jet fighters. Image Credit: Northrop Grumman

Operational Properties Of The G/ATOR Radar

One of the most important features of the G/ATOR system is placed within its mobility. The system - in a standard variant - consists of the following elements:
•Radar Equipment Group - a trailer with an antenna which, once it is folded and stored in a horizontal position, may be transported hanged under the helicopters (CH-53E Super Stallion) and fixed wing VTOL aircraft (MV-22B Osprey). Alternatively, this piece of kit may also be transported on-board of a single C-130 Hercules aircraft;
•Power Equipment Group - comes in a form of a light (7-8 tonnes) truck, fitted with a power generator and the remaining equipment.
•Communication Equipment Group - A light vehicle (HMMWV or JLTV), fitted with the command and communications suite.

DSEI 2015 - Page 2 6153
Full G/ATOR radar set consists of two, highly mobile vehicles and a trailer. Image Credit: Northrop Grumman

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G/ATOR trailer with the antenna unit - folded (without the IFF system antenna element). Image Credit: Northrop Grumman

In reality, there are no problems with fitting the whole suite on a single vehicle with a trailer. The system - in its present configuration - was to be capable of becoming operable (from transport to operational set-up) within less than 45 minutes. Actually, this time is often shorter than half an hour.

Not only the USMC

According to Northrop Grumman, in the future, there will be an option of implementing easy changes, within the scope of the purpose of the radar. These changes would be realized solely by modernizing the antenna. The company notes that there is an option of increasing the quantity of the transceiver modules, increasing the aperture and energy profile of the antenna – and this would result in increased range. The improvement may also be achieveed once the components used so far, based on the GaAs technology, are replaced with the equivalent elements which would be using the Gallium Nitride capacities.

Works related to the above transition have already begun, and Northrop Grumman stresses that the modernization is going to be realized only through replacement of the transceiver modules, in a “one for one” manner. No mechanical changes are going to be implemented in the antenna. Thanks to the above simplification, the new GaN antenna is going to be ready for operational use as early as in 2016. The modules for the first radar have also been already created. The modernization process is going to be easier also due to the fact that both the hardware, as well as the software of the G/ATOR radar system, are realized in an open architecture layout.

In the light of the above, as the manufacturer suggests, the radar may become a part of a variety of control and data transmission systems acting in real time, even if the systems use a variety of protocols, and even in a situation when the data and information comes from a variety of sensors. At the same time we know for sure that the G/ATOR radar is going to be fitted with an interface developed three years ago by the Northrop Grumman company, for the IBCS battlefield management system. The ICBS suite is going to constitute the main part of the US IAMD air defence system.

Thanks to the system’s multi-role character and open architecture, Northrop Grumman also received a “study” contract from the US Navy, the aim of which would be to asses the options within the scope of creating a maritime variant of the described radar. The analysts suggest that the issue of the air-cooling effectiveness on the ships shall be scrutinized. Second issue raised by the experts is related to the corrosion resistance, since corrosion is going to be amplified by the saltwater conditions.

Long range variant of the G/ATOR radar is also being prepared. The system is going to be offered for the USAF, within the scope of the 3DELRR (Three-Dimensional Expeditionary Long Range Radar) programme. The new system is going to be capable of detecting and tracking the ballistic missiles. It is stressed that the company has already gathered the relevant experience, resulting from the development works related to the AN/SPQ-11 Cobra Judy long range radar, antenna of which is more than 20 meters tall and wide.

Northrop Grumman also presents G/ATOR as a solution which could be used in the MMR (Multi-Mission Radar) programme, pursued by the US Army. HAMMR (Highly Adaptable Multi-Mission Radar) which uses a rotating AESA antenna, of size which is similar to the radars used in aircraft, has been already created, in a form of a highly mobile system. The antenna has angle of rotation of 360 degrees and it is capable of being used “on the move”, at speeds of up to 90 kph, detecting aircraft, drones, incoming missiles, artillery projectiles and mortar rounds.

DSEI 2015 - Page 2 4253
HAMMR (Highly Adaptable Multi-Mission Radar) uses a rotating AESA antenna, the size of which is similar to the radars used in aircraft applications. Image Credit: Northrop Grumman

In case of Poland, a question asked in London was particularly important - is there a possibility to transfer the GaN technology abroad. Northrop Grumman representative expressly noted that - on the part of the company - no obstacles exist, and should consent be granted by the US Government, during the inter-governmental negotiations, the company may cooperate within that scope with virtually any NATO member state.

The issue related to export of the AESA radars is still open. Negotiations with the potential clients are being carried out at the moment, especially when it comes to the HAMMR radar which may be used as a component of direct anti-aircraft systems. Thanks to its mobility (“on the move” capability) its survivability on the battlefield would also be at a high level. However, everything is dependent on the decisions made by the US Government.,dsei-2015-new-competitor-for-the-patriot-ng-radar-in-the-us
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MessageSujet: Re: DSEI 2015   DSEI 2015 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMer 23 Sep 2015 - 22:38

Citation :
DSEI 2015 : Un héros homérique bientôt au service de sa Majesté

Actualités Nathan Gain 23 septembre, 2015

Le programme Scout SV a récemment pris une tournure « mythologique », avec la présentation officielle par General Dynamics UK (GDUK) du premier prototype de la version de reconnaissance et de combat destinée à l’armée Britannique, et renommé depuis le 15 septembre dernier « Ajax ». Force, honneur, taille colossale, les superlatifs liés au héros antique justifient à eux seuls la nouvelle nomenclature de ce programme majeur ; un choix d’autant plus judicieux que ce personnage de l’Iliade était avant tout connu pour son invulnérabilité au combat.

DSEI 2015 - Page 2 4264
L’Ajax de GDUK, dévoilé durant le salon DSEI 2015 à Londres (Crédit: Forces Operations Blog)

L’Ajax n’est qu’une des six variantes destinées aux forces Britanniques, la version dévoilée durant DSEI devant être accompagnée d’autres héros du panthéon grec : l’Apollo (50) pour la version de réparation et remorquage, l’Atlas 38) pour la version de dépannage, l’Athena (112) fournira un QG de bataille mobile, l’Ares (93) assurera le transport de troupes, tandis que l’Argus (51) appuiera les missions des unités de génie.

En tant que véhicule blindé de combat, l’Ajax se démarque du reste des variantes en ce qu’il est le seul à intégrer le canon de 40 mm fabriquée par CTA International. Inutile de rappeler que le savoir-faire français est en partie à la base de la fabrication de cette « lance d’Ajax », CTA International étant une joint venture née de l’union de deux géants européens de la défense : BAE Systems et…Nexter.

Le prototype « P1 » présenté à DSEI est l’un des sept véhicules commandés auprès de GDUK pour réaliser la phase de démonstration du programme Ajax (oui, en tant que porte-drapeau de la gamme, l’Ajax se devait de donner son nouveau nom au programme).

En tout, trois prototypes devraient être livrés pour 2016, dont deux seront optimisés pour les opérations de combat et le dernier pour les opérations de maintien de la paix.

Un premier escadron de l’armée Britannique devrait recevoir les premiers véhicules d’ici mi-2019, engageant de fait le début de la conversion des antiques CVR(T) vers les membres de la famille Ajax, avec une première brigade prête au déploiement dés la fin de l’année 2020.
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messages : 40521
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: DSEI 2015   DSEI 2015 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMer 23 Sep 2015 - 22:44

www;navyrecognition a écrit:
Lockheed Sees its SC-130J Sea Herc as The Affordable Solution to Answer UK Future MPA Needs

During DSEI 2015 which took place in London from 15-18 September, Lockheed Martin was showcasing a scale model of the SC-130J Sea Herc Maritime Patrol and Reconnaissance Aircraft (MPRA). Keith Muir, Business Development Manager at Lockheed Martin UK, told Navy Recognition that "the SC-130J Sea Herc is a very cost effective and truly UK solution" to the future MPA need.

DSEI 2015 - Page 2 Uk30110

Lockheed Martin strongly believes it has the most cost effective solution as its plan is to convert up to 10 short fuselage C-130J Hercules. We were explained that these 10 Royal Air Force aircraft are to be taken out of service starting in 2016 as part of the latest SDSR (Uk's Strategic Defence and Security Review). Lockheed stresses that there is still plenty of flight hours left in these 10 transport aircraft.

Another factor that contributes to the SC-130J affordability is its commonality with the existing Royal Navy Merlin Mk2: Lockheed plans to use the same mission systems of the Merlin onboard the Sea Herc. While the Merlin has two operator consoles, the SC-130J would be fitted with 5 similar workstations in a palletized roll on roll off payload. This way the SC-130J would still have the ability to conduct transport missions.

Finally, Lockheed Martin insists the Sea Herc is a truly UK solution as 80% of the work to be conducted on the SC-130J would be done in the United Kingdom.

Lockheed Martin thinks the UK MPA requirement will include capability to conduct missions over sea as well as land. MPAs don't have to be limited to the maritime domain: For example, French Navy ATL2 MPA routinely deploy on missions above Iraq where their ISR sensors prove effective to support fighters on the ground and in the air alike. Lockheed says its C-130 range has already proven its ability to conduct combat missions thanks to the KC-130J Harvest Hawk variant, which is fitted with a weapon mission kit including AGM-114 Hellfires air to ground missions.

Specific equipment fitted on the SC-130J includes a belly mounted radar (we asked if the radar may be Thales new Searchmaster but we were told that no radar selection has been made yet and that Lockheed may integrate any type of radar chosen by the British MoD), EO/IR sensors and an optional MAD (magnetic anomaly detector) at the tail.

DSEI 2015 - Page 2 Uk30010

To deploy effectors, SC-130J is fitted with two conformal sponsons for 4 to 6 torpedoes and with underwing pylons for two anti-ship missiles or four air-to-ground missiles (per pylon). A carousel is fitted Inside the aircraft to drop sonobuyos. To facilitate the work of operators during ASW missions, Lockheed Martin has developed an acoustic sound proofing to reduce the sound level inside the aircraft.

Navy Recognition learned that a scale model of the Sea Herc was tested last year in a wind tunnel facility in the United States. Regarding performance, thanks to its long range fuel tanks, the SC-130J is expected to have a 13.7 hours endurance, meaning it can deploy 1000 miles from its base and remains on station for 6.5 hours before returning to base. This can be extended with air refueling.

Finally, Lockheed Martin believes another advantage of the Sea Herc over its turbo fan equipped competitors (namely the Boeing P-8 Poseidon and Japanese P-1) is the ability to operate from shorter or even austere runways.
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messages : 40521
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: DSEI 2015   DSEI 2015 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 25 Sep 2015 - 22:24

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Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: DSEI 2015   DSEI 2015 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 2 Oct 2015 - 15:54

Citation :
SubSea Craft Diver Delivery Unit (DDU)  

During DSEI 2015 which took place in London from 15-18 September, UK based engineering company SubSea Craft unveiled a revolutionary new submersible called the Diver Delivery Unit (DDU). The DDU is modular and offers mission-specific capability on and under the surface. It is scalable and reconfigurable for a variety of roles. The DDU features a unique catamaran design and can deploy up to 8 special forces operators including the crew of two.

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