Moroccan Military Forum alias FAR-MAROC
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Moroccan Military Forum alias FAR-MAROC

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 Actualités du Sahara Marocain

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General Dlimi
badr le patriotique
55 participants
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messages : 104
Inscrit le : 15/12/2015
Localisation : Planet earth
Nationalité : MoroccanUS

Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Empty
MessageSujet: Actualités du Sahara Marocain   Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Icon_minitimeMer 31 Aoû 2016 - 12:45

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Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 2yns0wg

Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 1zecutw

Dernière édition par TYBBND4 le Mer 31 Aoû 2016 - 20:12, édité 1 fois
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General de Brigade
General de Brigade

messages : 3102
Inscrit le : 20/05/2012
Localisation : MONTREAL
Nationalité : Maroco-Canadien
Médailles de mérite :
Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Unbena32Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Unbena11

Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Actualités du Sahara Marocain   Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Icon_minitimeSam 3 Déc 2016 - 18:13

DragonBallDZ a écrit:
Il est loin d'etre construit ce gazoduc, ce n'est qu'au stade d'idee.
Un gazoduc en ligne droite Nigeria Niger Algerie en profitant des structures existante devait couter plus de 21 milliards en 2009, j'attends de voir combien coûtera un gazoduc off-shore et combien d'année il faudra pour le rentabiliser.

dinar ou $

peut tu partager  la source de ce chiffre ?



"Tu ne sais jamais à quel point tu es fort, jusqu'au jour où être fort reste ta seule option."  Bob Marley.

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Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Actualités du Sahara Marocain   Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Icon_minitimeSam 3 Déc 2016 - 20:20

D'apres Oil & Gas Journal, le cout de construction d'un gazoduc (sous-marin) est de l'ordre de 3.1m$ par mile.

Le pipeline devrait avoir 5,000 miles. On est donc dans un ordre de grandeur de 15 milliards de dollars.

La comparaison avec le projet Algerien n'est pas valide car les couts de construction on fortement baissé (passant de 4.4m$ par mile à 3.1m$ entre 2009 et 2015).

Ce projet n'est pas plus compliqué que les pipeline entre l'Alaska et l'Alberta (et plus ou moins la meme longueur). Ceci peut etre financé par la creation d'une entreprise dediée avec une introduction en bourse avant le lancement des travaux. Comme ce sont des infrastructures de rente, il est possible d'obtenir un financement (par emission d'obligation) à hauteur de 80% de la valeur/cout du projet. Les etats actionnaires doivent donc trouver 3 milliards de dollars. Lorsque l'on sait que le Maroc va investir 3 milliards dans une usine d'angrais en Ethiopie sans vraiment soulever la moindre interrogation sur sa capacité à financer ce projet, je ne vois pas pourquoi le pipeline poserait probleme.

Le cout du transport du gaz baisse de 10$ par equivalent barril (en comparaison d'un transport par tanker). Cela fait autant de marge supplementaire pour le producteur de gaz. Les avantages pour le Nigeria sont evidents.
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 4496
Inscrit le : 28/11/2009
Localisation : france
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Unbena10Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Unbena31

Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Actualités du Sahara Marocain   Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Icon_minitimeSam 3 Déc 2016 - 21:02

alphatango a écrit:
D'apres Oil & Gas Journal, le cout de construction d'un gazoduc (sous-marin) est de l'ordre de 3.1m$ par mile.

Le pipeline devrait avoir 5,000 miles. On est donc dans un ordre de grandeur de 15 milliards de dollars.

La comparaison avec le projet Algerien n'est pas valide car les couts de construction on fortement baissé (passant de 4.4m$ par mile à 3.1m$ entre 2009 et 2015).

Ce projet n'est pas plus compliqué que les pipeline entre l'Alaska et l'Alberta (et plus ou moins la meme longueur). Ceci peut etre financé par la creation d'une entreprise dediée avec une introduction en bourse avant le lancement des travaux. Comme ce sont des infrastructures de rente, il est possible d'obtenir un financement (par emission d'obligation) à hauteur de 80% de la valeur/cout du projet. Les etats actionnaires doivent donc trouver 3 milliards de dollars. Lorsque l'on sait que le Maroc va investir 3 milliards dans une usine d'angrais en Ethiopie sans vraiment soulever la moindre interrogation sur sa capacité à financer ce projet, je ne vois pas pourquoi le pipeline poserait probleme.

Le cout du transport du gaz baisse de 10$ par equivalent barril (en comparaison d'un transport par tanker). Cela fait autant de marge supplementaire pour le producteur de gaz. Les avantages pour le Nigeria sont evidents.

J'ai vu passer 9.3 milliards dollars pout le cout de l'extension jusqu'au Maroc. (je retrouve la source et la cite)


""Qu'importe que je sois de mauvaise foi puisque je lutte pour une cause juste.
        Qu'importe que je lutte pour une cause injuste puisque je suis de bonne foi""

Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 VUO9YX1

“L'histoire n'est que la géographie dans le temps, comme la géographie n'est que l'histoire dans l'espace.”

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messages : 2507
Inscrit le : 13/12/2010
Localisation : Casablanca
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite :
Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Unbena11Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Medail10

Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Actualités du Sahara Marocain   Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Icon_minitimeSam 3 Déc 2016 - 21:14

Concernant le financement de ce projet, il ne faut pas oublier que les pays du golfe, malgré la chute de leur revenus disposent encore d'énormes moyens financiers logés dans leurs fonds souverains qui cherchent à s'investir à long terme dans des projets rentables et le Maroc a ses entrées avec ses pays, notamment les émirats et le qatar. Un montage financier incluant ces pays n'est pas à exclure
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 7055
Inscrit le : 15/06/2008
Localisation : vitrolles
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite :
Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Unbena23Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Unbena30
Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Unbena25 Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Medail10
Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Unbena15Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Cheval10

Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Actualités du Sahara Marocain   Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Icon_minitimeSam 3 Déc 2016 - 21:19

mbarki_49 a écrit:
Concernant le financement de ce projet, il ne faut pas oublier que les pays du golfe, malgré la chute de leur revenus disposent encore d'énormes moyens financiers logés dans leurs fonds souverains qui cherchent à s'investir à long terme dans des projets rentables et le Maroc  a ses entrées avec ses pays, notamment les émirats et le qatar. Un montage financier incluant ces pays n'est pas à exclure

l, europe mes amis sera le premier intéressé !!!!!
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Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Actualités du Sahara Marocain   Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Icon_minitimeDim 4 Déc 2016 - 0:53

Je ne pense pas que l"on veuille impliquer les Europeens dans ce projet. La doctrine Marocaine est "cooperation SUD SUD". Le nord vient avec des conditions et ne cherche que son profit.
Ce projet, si il se concretise, devra etre sud-sud. La société de gestion du pipeline aura un actionnariat du sud (fonds souverains du GCC, Fond Africa 50, CDG, le fonds souverain Nigerian) en plus d'un listing sur la bourse de Lagos et de Casablanca (en plus d'une autre place boursiere du type Hong Kong pour amener d'autres investisseurs du Sud... Les Chinois).

Ensuite, l'ONEE entre en jeu et offre à chaque pays du parcours ses services pour la construction de centrales à cycle combinés pour la production d'electricité à moindre cout.

Au plus j'etudie ce projet au plus il me parait etre une solution parfaite pour l'Afrique de l'Ouest. Ce projet n'a pas du tout besoin du marché Europeen pour etre rentable. Les differents marchés Africains par lesquels le pipeline (offshore) devrait passé suffisent.
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messages : 2787
Inscrit le : 11/07/2010
Localisation : montreal
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Unbena11Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Unbena10
Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Unbena31Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Unbena11

Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Actualités du Sahara Marocain   Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Icon_minitimeDim 4 Déc 2016 - 1:14

alphatango a écrit:
Je ne pense pas que l"on veuille impliquer les Europeens dans ce projet. La doctrine Marocaine est "cooperation SUD SUD". Le nord vient avec des conditions et ne cherche que son profit.
Ce projet, si il se concretise, devra etre sud-sud. La société de gestion du pipeline aura un actionnariat du sud (fonds souverains du GCC, Fond Africa 50, CDG, le fonds souverain Nigerian) en plus d'un listing sur la bourse de Lagos et de Casablanca (en plus d'une autre place boursiere du type Hong Kong pour amener d'autres investisseurs du Sud... Les Chinois).

Ensuite, l'ONEE entre en jeu et offre à chaque pays du parcours ses services pour la construction de centrales à cycle combinés pour la production d'electricité à moindre cout.

Au plus j'etudie ce projet au plus il me parait etre une solution parfaite pour l'Afrique de l'Ouest. Ce projet n'a pas du tout besoin du marché Europeen pour etre rentable. Les differents marchés Africains par lesquels le pipeline (offshore) devrait passé suffisent.

problème c'est que plein de ces pays sont des pays gazier et pétrolier gabon ghana et bientot sénégale et mauritanie ,,, puis ca reste des petites économies grande croissance certe mais c'est juste des dizaines de milliards de PIB, celui du ghana est 50 milliards nigéria 520 , cote d'ivoir 30 sa nous fait 600 milliards puis reste un 74 milliards à partager sur 13 autres pays de la CÉDÉAO , la production est faible et par conséquent la consommation ,

moi je vois plus un projet pour développer l'OCP la ou gaz passe il aura une usine de production d’engrais , on se sert du gaz pour élargir la chaine de valeur

Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 11104110
Pro rege, saepe, pro patria semper

اقسم بالله العظيم ان اكون مخلصا لله و لملكي و ان اتفانى في خدمة وطني و دفع كل خطر يهدده و ان انفد اوامرقائدي الاعلى صاحب الجلالة
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General de Brigade
General de Brigade

messages : 3102
Inscrit le : 20/05/2012
Localisation : MONTREAL
Nationalité : Maroco-Canadien
Médailles de mérite :
Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Unbena32Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Unbena11

Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Actualités du Sahara Marocain   Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Icon_minitimeDim 4 Déc 2016 - 2:12

alphatango a écrit:
Je ne pense pas que l"on veuille impliquer les Europeens dans ce projet. La doctrine Marocaine est "cooperation SUD SUD". Le nord vient avec des conditions et ne cherche que son profit.

1- les Européens sont déjà présent dans la production de gaz et du pétrole aux Nigeria, ils sont déjà parties prenantes

2- On a intérêt a ce qu'ils adhérent aux projet , pour le financement et puis surtout pour protéger le gazoduc

3- l’Europe c'est le Marché visé donc elle doit prendre sa part de risque. On connait la situation en Afrique le Maroc n'a pas intérêt a ce qu'il prend le risque tout seul

4- Enfin ils faut impliquer les Européens pour une reconnaissance effective du Sahara comme faisant parti du Maroc, un gazoduc qui traverse le Sahara pour approvisionner l’Europe mettrait fin a ce disque qu'on entend souvent sur le droit ou pas de l'exploitation des ressources aux Sahara, et on va commencer a chercher du Gaz et du pétrole au Sahara sans être dérangé

5- l'europe a tout intérêt a participer dans ce projet qui va aider le développement de ces pays africains, sinon elle sera envahi par l'immigration clandestine dans les 10 prochaines années


"Tu ne sais jamais à quel point tu es fort, jusqu'au jour où être fort reste ta seule option."  Bob Marley.

Revenir en haut Aller en bas
General de Division
General de Division

messages : 7055
Inscrit le : 15/06/2008
Localisation : vitrolles
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite :
Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Unbena23Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Unbena30
Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Unbena25 Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Medail10
Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Unbena15Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Cheval10

Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Actualités du Sahara Marocain   Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Icon_minitimeDim 4 Déc 2016 - 9:27

simplet a écrit:
alphatango a écrit:
Je ne pense pas que l"on veuille impliquer les Europeens dans ce projet. La doctrine Marocaine est "cooperation SUD SUD". Le nord vient avec des conditions et ne cherche que son profit.

1- les Européens sont déjà présent dans la production de gaz et du pétrole aux Nigeria, ils sont déjà parties prenantes

2- On a intérêt a ce qu'ils adhérent aux projet , pour le financement et puis surtout pour protéger le gazoduc

3- l’Europe c'est le Marché visé donc elle doit prendre sa part de risque. On connait la situation en Afrique le Maroc n'a pas intérêt a ce qu'il prend le risque tout seul

4- Enfin ils faut impliquer les Européens pour une reconnaissance effective du Sahara comme faisant parti du Maroc, un gazoduc qui traverse le Sahara pour approvisionner l’Europe mettrait fin a ce disque qu'on entend souvent sur le droit ou pas de l'exploitation des ressources aux Sahara, et on va commencer a chercher du Gaz et du pétrole au Sahara sans être dérangé

5- l'europe a tout intérêt a participer dans ce projet qui va aider le développement de ces pays africains, sinon elle sera envahi par l'immigration clandestine dans les 10 prochaines années

+ 1
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messages : 210
Inscrit le : 04/12/2012
Localisation : Marrakech
Nationalité : Maroc

Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Actualités du Sahara Marocain   Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Icon_minitimeDim 4 Déc 2016 - 9:46

simplet a écrit:
alphatango a écrit:
Je ne pense pas que l"on veuille impliquer les Europeens dans ce projet. La doctrine Marocaine est "cooperation SUD SUD". Le nord vient avec des conditions et ne cherche que son profit.

1- les Européens sont déjà présent dans la production de gaz et du pétrole aux Nigeria, ils sont déjà parties prenantes

2- On a intérêt a ce qu'ils adhérent aux projet , pour le financement et puis surtout pour protéger le gazoduc

3- l’Europe c'est le Marché visé donc elle doit prendre sa part de risque. On connait la situation en Afrique le Maroc n'a pas intérêt a ce qu'il prend le risque tout seul

4- Enfin ils faut impliquer les Européens pour une reconnaissance effective du Sahara comme faisant parti du Maroc, un gazoduc qui traverse le Sahara pour approvisionner l’Europe mettrait fin a ce disque qu'on entend souvent sur le droit ou pas de l'exploitation des ressources aux Sahara, et on va commencer a chercher du Gaz et du pétrole au Sahara sans être dérangé

5- l'europe a tout intérêt a participer dans ce projet qui va aider le développement de ces pays africains, sinon elle sera envahi par l'immigration clandestine dans les 10 prochaines années

Exactement ! Sauf peut etre le dernier point, je ne pense pas que le developpement des pays africains soit une priorité des européens. Par contre l'Europe cherche à diversifer un maximum ses fournisseurs en gaz pour reduire sa dépendance vis à vis de la Russie. Je pense qu'ils sont trés interessé par ce type de projet moins risqué que celui qui aurait dût passer par le Niger et le sud de l'Algerie.
J'espere que tout le monde y mettra du sien, c'est pas la premiere fois que le Maroc léve des fonds, on peut y arriver.
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Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Actualités du Sahara Marocain   Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Icon_minitimeDim 4 Déc 2016 - 12:11

Premierement, soyons caire, nous (moi le premier) spéculons et donnons notre avis sur quelque chose qui ne se fera peut-etre pas. Ensuite, peut etre que cette discussion devrait etre deplacée vers "economie nationale".
Maintenant, revenons au points soulevés apres mon commentaire.

- Le Gabon est un pays d'Afrique Centrale. Le pipeline ne peut pas passer par ce pays qui est plus au sud que le Nigeria.
- le champs petrolier Jubilé au Ghana est un champs petrolier.
- Il ne faut pas mélanger petrole et gaz. Le Nigeria produit 38 milliards de de m³ de gaz (l'Algerie c'est 80). Ce niveau de production sera un bon complément pour l'Europe mais ne pourra pas remplacer la majorité des importations (Russie et Algerie et dans une moindre mesure Qatar). Il est vrai que le Nigeria veut doubler sa production. Dans ce cas, avoir un debouché potentiel en Europe rendra l'investissement necessaire pour ce doublement de production acceptable.
-N'oublions pas que le plan gazier Marocain, à lui seul, demandera l'importation de 7 milliards de m³. Evidemment, nous ne devrions pas importer la totalité depuis un seul fournisseur mais cela donne un ordre de grandeur de ce que represente la production du Nigeria.
-N'oublions pas non plus que le Maroc veut que la Russie soit un partenaire et un allié. L'idée n'est donc pas de leur créer une concurrence sur le marché principal de Gazprom. Cela ne sera pas bien vu par les Russes.
- Le Nigeria, lui meme, est en deficit de generation electrique. Ils doivent construire plus de centrales pour eviter les coupures de courant sur la cote (Lagos et Port Harcourt) et le gaz naturel est la solution la plus efficiente. Donc, une grande partie de la production de gaz ira vers le marché local.

Quant à l'idée que nous ayons besoin de l'Europe pour défendre un pipeline posé au fonds de l'ocean atlantique... on va le proteger contre quoi? les attaques de sardines? De plus, depuis quand les Européens protègent qui que ce soit en dehors d'eux-memes. Les chiffres plus haut montrent que la production de gaz du Nigeria n'est pas suffisament strategique pour l'Europe et ne pourra pas concurrencer la Russie (450 milliard m³), la Norvege (115 milliards m³), l'Algerie.

Le financement n'a rien à voir avec le marché final du gaz transporté et Shell ou BP ou ENI produisent bien au Nigeria mais le trading est fait par d'autres et cela n'a rien à voir avec le marché final. Le financement de ce projet qui est certain de générer une belle rente à celui à qui il appartient ne posera aucun probleme (si es etats ne veulent pas investir, il y a au moins trois sociétés au Canada et aux Etats Unis qui prendrons le projet à leurs frais).

Non, je reste sur ma position, ce projet sera avant tout un projet Africain pour les Africains. L'interconnection avec le gazoduc Maghreb Europe permettra une meilleurs commercialisation du gaz produit (et de toute nouvelle production en Mauritanie, Senegal, voir Maroc) mais cela ne sera pas le coeur de la demande.
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General de Brigade
General de Brigade

messages : 3102
Inscrit le : 20/05/2012
Localisation : MONTREAL
Nationalité : Maroco-Canadien
Médailles de mérite :
Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Unbena32Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Unbena11

Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Actualités du Sahara Marocain   Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Icon_minitimeDim 4 Déc 2016 - 12:49

alphatango a écrit:

- Le Gabon est un pays d'Afrique Centrale. Le pipeline ne peut pas passer par ce pays qui est plus au sud que le Nigeria.


rien n’empêche de greffer la production du Gaz du Gabon et de la Guinée équatoriale a ce gazoduc, Y a que le Cameroun qui sépare ses pays au Nigeria.  c'est pour ça qu'il faut élargir les études et faire participe l'union européenne

alphatango a écrit:
Premierement, soyons caire, nous (moi le premier) spéculons et donnons notre avis sur quelque chose qui ne se fera peut-etre pas. Ensuite, peut etre que cette discussion devrait etre deplacée vers "economie nationale".
Maintenant, revenons au points soulevés apres mon commentaire.

- Le Gabon est un pays d'Afrique Centrale. Le pipeline ne peut pas passer par ce pays qui est plus au sud que le Nigeria.
- le champs petrolier Jubilé au Ghana est un champs petrolier.
- Il ne faut pas mélanger petrole et gaz. Le Nigeria produit 38 milliards de de m³ de gaz (l'Algerie c'est 80). Ce niveau de production sera un bon complément pour l'Europe mais ne pourra pas remplacer la majorité des importations (Russie et Algerie et dans une moindre mesure Qatar). Il est vrai que le Nigeria veut doubler sa production. Dans ce cas, avoir un debouché potentiel en Europe rendra l'investissement necessaire pour ce doublement de production acceptable.

faute de pipeline et non de Gaz, le Nigeria a plus de réserve que l’Algérie, juste le torchage les écolos parle de 50 milliard de gaz qui part en fumé

Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 1g1v



"Tu ne sais jamais à quel point tu es fort, jusqu'au jour où être fort reste ta seule option."  Bob Marley.

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messages : 210
Inscrit le : 04/12/2012
Localisation : Marrakech
Nationalité : Maroc

Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Actualités du Sahara Marocain   Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Icon_minitimeLun 5 Déc 2016 - 9:10

Pour ceux que ca interesse, j'ai trouvé l'emplacement exact des photos prises par les poliz au bord de l'ocen. C'est à 2/3 km (seulement) au sud de notre mur et à 9km à l'ouest de guergarat. En vue des videos et des photos il n'y a aucun doute que c'est bien l'endroit exact. Ca correspond aussi à la zone que beaucoup d'entre vous avez deviné. Il suffit effectivement de basculer vers l'ouest et on y est en 15 minutes

Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Zoomy10
Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Vue_el10

Le point le plus au nord ouest correspond à la fin de notre mur de defense, le point à 2km au sud est celui où les photos ont été prises, et le point à 9km à l'est est environ à la moitié du no mans land entre les deux passages frontière, marocain et mauritanéen. AUtrement dit, c'est là où les deux partis sont face à face à Guergarat.
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General Dlimi
General Dlimi

messages : 1513
Inscrit le : 17/07/2010
Localisation : Sahara
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite :
Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Unbena11Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Unbena31
Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Unbena15Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Medail10

Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Actualités du Sahara Marocain   Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Icon_minitimeLun 5 Déc 2016 - 16:40

DragonBallDZ a écrit:
Il est loin d'etre construit ce gazoduc, ce n'est qu'au stade d'idee.
Un gazoduc en ligne droite Nigeria Niger Algerie en profitant des structures existante devait couter plus de 21 milliards en 2009, j'attends de voir combien coûtera un gazoduc off-shore et combien d'année il faudra pour le rentabiliser.

Pourquoi t'es jaloux ? Tu baves ?
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General Dlimi
General Dlimi

messages : 1513
Inscrit le : 17/07/2010
Localisation : Sahara
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite :
Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Unbena11Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Unbena31
Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Unbena15Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Medail10

Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Actualités du Sahara Marocain   Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Icon_minitimeLun 5 Déc 2016 - 16:42

Djaaf a écrit:
Pour ceux que ca interesse, j'ai trouvé l'emplacement exact des photos prises par les poliz au bord de l'ocen. C'est à 2/3 km (seulement) au sud de notre mur et à 9km à l'ouest de guergarat. En vue des videos et des photos il n'y a aucun doute que c'est bien l'endroit exact. Ca correspond aussi à la zone que beaucoup d'entre vous avez deviné. Il suffit effectivement de basculer vers l'ouest et on y est en 15 minutes

Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Zoomy10
Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Vue_el10

Le point le plus au nord ouest correspond à la fin de notre mur de defense, le point à 2km au sud est celui où les photos ont été prises, et le point à 9km à l'est est environ à la moitié du no mans land entre les deux passages frontière, marocain et mauritanéen. AUtrement dit, c'est là où les deux partis sont face à face à Guergarat.

Tu fais bien de ressortir le sujet.

Le polisario et son violeur Brahim Ghali sont entrés a Lagouira (ou dans sa région à confirmer), il semblerait avec la complicité ou la non action mauritanienne.

Les photos et videos arrivent.

La fin d'un mythe pour tout les marocains, j'espére qu'ils vont enfin se reveiller.

Dernière édition par General Dlimi le Lun 5 Déc 2016 - 16:51, édité 1 fois
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General Dlimi
General Dlimi

messages : 1513
Inscrit le : 17/07/2010
Localisation : Sahara
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite :
Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Unbena11Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Unbena31
Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Unbena15Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Medail10

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MessageSujet: Re: Actualités du Sahara Marocain   Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Icon_minitimeLun 5 Déc 2016 - 16:50

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Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 15284895_1299062220162323_6407850903181097480_n
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messages : 1206
Inscrit le : 28/06/2012
Localisation : Rabat
Nationalité : Maroc

Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Actualités du Sahara Marocain   Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Icon_minitimeLun 5 Déc 2016 - 17:05

Une provocation de plus qui confirme que la Mauritanie est définitivement passée du côté Est.
Il faut garder son calme car le but de ces provocations en série de ces dernières semaines est justement de nous amener à une réaction (déclaration politique voir action militaire), et à la veille de notre processus d'adhésion à l'UA, à la veille du départ de Ban Ki Moon (et surement de Ross) et à la nomination officielle du nouveau département Trump, nous devons garder la tête froide.

«Ce qui est à nous est à nous, ce qui est à vous est négociable», Nikita Khrouchtchev
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Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Actualités du Sahara Marocain   Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Icon_minitimeLun 5 Déc 2016 - 17:17

QuickShark a écrit:
la nomination officielle du nouveau département Trump
Un John Bolton au poste de secrétaire d’État sera désastreux pour nous.
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General de Brigade
General de Brigade

messages : 3102
Inscrit le : 20/05/2012
Localisation : MONTREAL
Nationalité : Maroco-Canadien
Médailles de mérite :
Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Unbena32Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Unbena11

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MessageSujet: Re: Actualités du Sahara Marocain   Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Icon_minitimeLun 5 Déc 2016 - 18:16

bens.othman a écrit:
QuickShark a écrit:
la nomination officielle du nouveau département Trump
Un John Bolton au poste de secrétaire d’État sera désastreux pour nous.

il est hors course



"Tu ne sais jamais à quel point tu es fort, jusqu'au jour où être fort reste ta seule option."  Bob Marley.

Revenir en haut Aller en bas
General de Brigade
General de Brigade

messages : 3102
Inscrit le : 20/05/2012
Localisation : MONTREAL
Nationalité : Maroco-Canadien
Médailles de mérite :
Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Unbena32Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Unbena11

Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Actualités du Sahara Marocain   Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Icon_minitimeLun 5 Déc 2016 - 18:23

General Dlimi a écrit:

Tu fais bien de ressortir le sujet.

Le polisario et son violeur Brahim Ghali sont entrés a Lagouira (ou dans sa région à confirmer), il semblerait avec la complicité ou la non action mauritanienne.

Les photos et videos arrivent.

La fin d'un mythe pour tout les marocains, j'espére qu'ils vont enfin se reveiller.

le but et de desserrer notre étaux sur l'UA, Les algeriens  a l'aide des mauritaniens essaient de nous pousser a la réaction pour alerter tout les media du monde et rendre ce conflit a la une des journaux

on a tout le temps avec nous, mais faut bien préparer le coup militairement et logistique pour étendre le mur de sécurité et récupéré tout les terre au dela du mur de Bir Lahlou jusqu Lagouira

et je suis sur que si on arrive a chasser la RASD de l'UA les camps vont brûler on a qu'a contempler le décor




"Tu ne sais jamais à quel point tu es fort, jusqu'au jour où être fort reste ta seule option."  Bob Marley.


Dernière édition par simplet le Lun 5 Déc 2016 - 18:42, édité 2 fois
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messages : 2062
Inscrit le : 27/04/2016
Localisation : Lyon
Nationalité : Maroc-France
Médailles de mérite : Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Unbena32

Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Actualités du Sahara Marocain   Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Icon_minitimeLun 5 Déc 2016 - 18:24

bens.othman a écrit:
QuickShark a écrit:
la nomination officielle du nouveau département Trump
Un John Bolton au poste de secrétaire d’État sera désastreux pour nous.

Puisque tu as mentionné John Bolton, je poste un long entretien de cet homme sur la question du Sahara marocain. L'article date de 1998. Certes, beaucoup de choses ont changé depuis, mais il a divulgué avec plus de détails sa position sur le conflit quand il était représentant des USA au conseil de sécurité. d'une manière générale, sa position n'était pas bonne pour le Maroc. Mais en même temps, il a parlé de certains points qu'on peut exploité aujourd'hui (étant donnée que la situation sur le terrain a beaucoup changé depuis).

Citation :



Held on Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C.



BACKGROUND: The longest, most protracted conflict in the history of the United Nations, the Western Sahara is once again on the agenda. A referendum, first promised to the Sahrawi people (the indigenous people of the Western Sahara) in 1974, has been scheduled for this December to give them the opportunity to vote on whether to become a free and independent country or be incorporated into the Kingdom of Morocco. John Bolton, Senior Vice President of the American Enterprise Institute, has been working closely with former Secretary of States James Baker, named by Kofi Annan as Special Envoy on the Western Sahara. Bolton formerly served as Assistant Secretary of State, overseeing the formulation and implementation of U.S. policy and diplomacy within the United Nations.

BOLTON: One of the difficulties I had in trying to fashion some remarks today was to decide exactly what capacity I wanted to speak: having been a State Department official, a private citizen, and now working in a pro bono capacity along with my former boss, Jim Baker, on this.

So, recognizing that the three positions are probably sufficiently contradictory that there's no good resolution to that question. I decided that, basically, I'll try and speak in my personal capacity. And, when I put my UN hat on, I'll try and let you know or you may be able to discern it on your own.

I wanted to run through a little bit of the history of MINURSO, because I think that helps explain in many respects where we are today, and how we got to this point. It also helps in deriving some lessons about the experience in the Western Sahara for the United States, for the United Nations and, obviously, specifically for the Western Sahara, itself.

Although this dispute had been going on for many years, my first real knowledge of it during the Bush Administration was as the UN Secretariat and some of the concerned nations were working toward what eventually became the creation of MINURSO. I first met with the Secretary General's then-Special Representative, Swiss diplomat Johann Maines in October of 1990, when we were discussing various options that were then under consideration on how to get the long-expected referendum on track.

If you think back to what we were doing in October, 1990 -- not that what I was doing was particularly relevant -- but what the United States government was involved in, at that time, shows one of the continuing problems of dealing with questions like the Western Sahara. We were then about thirty days away from getting a Security Council resolution that authorized the use of force to expel Iraq from Kuwait. So, all of us, obviously, were busy. And the question of the referendum in the Western Sahara had a lot of competition in terms of trying to get the attention of people on the Seventh Floor of the State Department or in the White House.

But, nonetheless, even while the crisis in the Persian Gulf was playing itself through, by about the time that the war was over, the humanitarian crisis in Iraq had begun in April of 1991. Of course, as most of you in this room, I'm sure know, the Security Council had, by then, approved Perez de Cuellar's plan for the conduct of the referendum in 1991.

And not only at that time was the attention of the United States and others focused heavily on the Persian Gulf, still, but we were also working intensely on an effort to resolve the ongoing crisis in Central America. And, this was in an effort to have elections both in Nicaragua and El Salvador that would end the guerrilla conflicts there.

Central America was one of the things that then Secretary General Perez De Cuellar had spent much of his time on, being Latin American himself, and obviously this being a major unresolved question in the Cold War. But he had also spent a considerable amount of his personal time on the Western Sahara. And it was clear as our efforts during 1991 continued to play out, that Perez De Cuellar's personal involvement, the time and energy he had devoted to the Western Sahara, were going to be critical in getting it resolved, if we were going to resolve it satisfactorily in 1991.

Now, part of our view in the spring of 1991 about the Western Sahara, I think, was motivated by an early misreading, if you will of the lessons of the UN in the Persian Gulf Crisis. And I will confess, myself, to misreading those lessons, at least for a while--although, I think I've caught up a little bit since then. But one of the misreadings was that we could pretty much do whatever we wanted in the Security Council. You've got a crisis, bring it in, roll it around a little bit, and you come to a Resolution, and fire it out, and away we go.

And in the environment in the spring and summer of 1991, all I can say is, "It sounded right at the time." But, as we got MINURSO up and running, and as the early implementation began, obviously we knew that one of the critical questions was going to be the issue of who was eligible to vote. And it had always been contemplated, I think in virtually everybody's discussions, that there were two elements to answer that question. The first element was those who were identified in the Spanish census, roughly 74,000 people. Then, there would be some number of people who would be added to that, some number who would be subtracted from it because they had died, but some who would be added to it because, for whatever reason, no census is perfect and people could have been missed. 1974 was a difficult time for Spain. It was a difficult time in the region. There would be some changes to the list in the Spanish census.

And so, happily proceeding on the basis that we could handle some modifications to the universe of 74,000 people, we started. However, we found in August and September of 1991 that the Moroccans were proposing to add different numbers at various times, but up to approximately 170,000 new names to add to the list of eligible voters.

I went back over some testimony that I gave before the House International Relations Committee in early 1992, just to refresh my recollection a little bit for today's talk. I found, and subsequently got into a little bit more detail on what our experts thought the actual change to the Spanish census might be. From that base of 74,000, what were the U.S. government's best estimates as to what the total number of additional voters might be?

And I found, and it's faithfully reprinted in the Committee Report of the Hearing before then-Chairman Mervyn Dymally's African subcommittee, but we estimated that number of 74,000 might be increased by 10,000 names. Ten thousand names. And it was on that basis, roughly of 10,000, a fifteen percent increase, that the UN's logistical operational planning and budget measures had proceeded.

When the Moroccan government proposed 170,000 new names, 160,000 more than we had anticipated, this raised, as they say diplomatically, a problem. And I can remember discussions inside the State Department about how to handle this. I remember some of my colleagues in the State Department from the regional bureau involved, saying, "You've got to stop complaining about these threats to the integrity of the referendum process. You've got to leave that alone. That's for the Secretariat to worry about. That's for the UN to worry about. It shouldn't be the US government's view."

Now, I tell you this story not to reveal some deep inner secret of the divisions within the US State Department or anything that was classified or anything else. While that dispute was true, you should now it was raised to me in early 1992 by an Austrian diplomat who had heard about this great conflict within the State Department -- between my bureau and the Near East Bureau -- over how to handle the referendum. So, I think you can be assured that if the government of Austria knew we were having internal difficulties, plenty of other people did as well. It doesn't speak volumes, I suppose, for our own security situation.

But, as the fall of 1991 went on, it became increasingly clear that, number one, the UN logistically, and we, in budget terms, simply could not handle the processing of 170,000 new names. It was going to be hard enough in budgetary terms, if nothing else, to pay for the entire MINURSO process which contemplated roughly 70,000 to 80,000 eligible voters.

However, because Secretary General Perez De Cuellar had invested so much of his personal time and energy and, indeed, in his own mind at least, so much of his prestige trying to resolve the Western Sahara, we were content, for well or ill, to let him pursue his own negotiations. Now, of course at that time, late 1991, Perez De Cuellar was coming to the end of his second term as Secretary General. His term expired on December 31, 1991. So we were acutely conscious that to the extent he was going to remain involved in it, if he was going to find the solution, it was within a matter of, an ever-shortening matter, of months and weeks and days.

But, of course, as I mentioned earlier, at the same time we were looking at ways to resolve the situation in Nicaragua and in El Salvador, in which we had also invested a considerable amount of time and effort, and which faced the same midnight, December 31st deadline. And as the Security Council and the various contact groups working on Central America on the one hand and the Western Sahara on the other, got to Christmas time in 1991, it became increasingly clear that we were going to resolve one of these issues or the other. Perez De Cuellar had twenty-four hours in six or seven days left, and we were prepared to take every single one of those hours, and pretty much did take every one of those hours. But, it was beyond any human ability to do more than one of these at the same time.

And certainly, for the Americans here today, it will come as no surprise to you that within the U.S. government's deliberations on which priority we felt was higher, Central America won. And in fact, we were able to sign in Mexico City in January of 1992, a series of agreements that brought the situation in Central America to resolution. But, that meant that we had failed in the Western Sahara. And, in fact, so badly did we fail, that when the Secretary General brought in the last days of 1991, a new report to the Security Council which proposed new criteria by which voter eligibility could be established, we felt that his work was simply unacceptable; that the new criteria did not match our understanding of what the parties had previously agreed. Indeed, our understanding at the time was that the parties themselves, or at least one of the parties, were not going to agree to what the Secretary General had come up with. That left us in a difficult position on Perez De Cuellar's last day of office: do we endorse a Security Council resolution that says, "We reject his report." Sort of a stinging way for a Secretary General to go out of office, especially at the same time he is hopefully delivering, along with our efforts, a solution in Central America.

So, after considerable argument in a way that can only happen in diplomatic circles, we agreed on a resolution in the Security Council that would -- and I use the precise word -- "welcome" the Secretary General's report. It did not approve the report. It did not approve the voter criteria. It didn't disapprove it. It simply welcomed it. So, I suppose you could "welcome" a cold rain, too. I mean, you could welcome a lot of things. That was the word we came up with, recognizing that we were imminently to have a new Secretary General. According to the terms of the Resolution we actually adopted on December the 31st -- that's what I did on New Year's Eve along with Central America that year -- Resolution 725 asks the new Secretary General to take, as I recall, two months to try and get these voter eligibility criteria fixed.

Johann Manz, whom I mentioned at the beginning, looked at this entire result and resigned as the Secretary General's special representative, because he just felt the process had broken down irreparably, and that the prospects for a free and fair referendum in the Western Sahara had been exhausted.

Now, in January of 1992, there was a first-ever Summit meeting of the Security Council in New York, attended by President Bush and the other heads of government of the Security Council countries, one of which was Morocco. King Hassan, himself, attended and there were discussions at that point, that was the beginning I should say, of Morocco's two year term on the Council as a non-permanent member. There were discussions with the new Secretary General, Boutros Boutros-Ghali, about the identity of a new special representative.

And, in fact, at that time, Boutros-Ghali suggested an American who, ultimately, was not able to accept the position. But, I think reflected something that Boutros-Ghali thought, that it was, indeed, his desire to have an American involved as the special representative to try and bring this thing to resolution.

At this time, there was considerable discussion by our Department of Defense about what had been happening to the American military contingent that was part of MINURSO. And this was a significant development for us because during the Cold War we had long had a convention that Americans did not serve in UN peace-keeping operations. This was part of what was called the Perm Five Convention. We didn't want Russians and others involved in peace-keeping. They didn't particularly want us. And so, we had this understanding. There were a few rare exceptions. American forces, either observers, or as intermediary forces, simply did not serve.

But because of the importance of this issue, because of the personal request of King Hassan, Americans had been deployed in MINURSO. And because phones and mails still work, they told their friends at the Pentagon they were not very happy with some of the conditions they were encountering in the Western Sahara. And it will shock nobody in this room that this dissatisfaction found its way up here. And, indeed, that was one of the reasons why Congressman Dymally scheduled the hearing that I mentioned a few moments ago.

We had intense discussions in the State Department about what I was going to say about the conditions in the Western Sahara, what position I would take. Many of you probably think that the diplomatic training that our foreign-service officers and others at the State Department receive is to enable them better to deal with foreign diplomats. Actually, as I can reveal to you now, it is to better prepare people like me to come up here to testify before Congress and escape without being indicted for perjury. When this discussion of the Moroccan interference with MINURSO's deployment came up, I said, and this is a quote from the transcript, I said, "The Moroccan government's holding of MINURSO's supplies in customs for several months, was not helpful. After the UN, with our full support, made it clear to Morocco that better cooperation was necessary, the situation improved."

Now, what that says is, they were holding up our military people's supplies: their sanitary facilities, their air conditioning facilities, communications facilities. You name it, it was shut up in customs. So, as I said, we found that "not helpful."

And then, after we complained through diplomatic channels, of course, as I said, the situation improved. Now, I didn't say it was corrected, I said it improved, which it did. The point is, that at this time in early 1992, it was an extremely frustrating and unhappy moment for those of us in the Administration that had attempted to get MINURSO off the ground. In part, because in this wave of enthusiasm for the United Nations that followed the Persian Gulf Crisis, we saw the conduct of a free and fair referendum in the Western Sahara as an important test of the UN's new capabilities. And, in fact, I said to Congressman Solarz in response to one of his questions at this hearing, "We are as conscious as anyone, Congressman, that the Security Council and the United Nations will be gravely damaged if this plan fails."

Now, what happened after that was that the Secretary General picked Yaqub-Khan, a very distinguished diplomat from Pakistan, as the special representative. And as far as my memory serves me, everything stopped at that point. Everything stopped. The POLISARIO continued to sit in the refugee camps. The Moroccans continued to sit in the Western Sahara. And, as far as other activity went, it was almost invisible.

But one thing that I did remember, that I thought was significant, happened by late 1992. This is after President Bush had lost in re-election, and so our attention was tending to turn elsewhere, but we first heard about the possibility that the POLISARIO felt that the only way, the only way to get this referendum back on track was direct negotiation with the Moroccans. And, in fact, there were fitful efforts of that over the intervening years, but they never really went anywhere.

After I left the Administration, I'm just going to ignore the next five years because I think I can safely say that really, unfortunately, not much was happening, and fast-forward to February of 1997. The new Secretary General -- there've been a lot of Secretary Generals in this story -- Kofi Annan called Jim Baker and asked him if he would consider being his personal envoy, to try to do something about the situation in the Western Sahara.

Now, I think that the Secretary General approached Jim Baker for a couple of reasons, which were both wise and politically prudent from the UN's point of view. I think he recognized, which perhaps Boutros-Ghali had done five years before, that only an American was going to resolve this situation, if it could be resolved. Moreover, he wanted an American of real prominence, somebody who had a certain amount of independence, somebody who was doing this not because he needed a career in the United Nations system, or because he needed another plaque on his wall, but because it was something that he wanted to do.

I think the Secretary General also saw the two possibilities the Baker mission would have: number one, that it would succeed and bring about a free and fair referendum in the Western Sahara, that could be fairly described as a victory for the United Nations. I think he had that in mind. I think he wanted that. And I think he was hoping that Jim Baker could bring it home for him.

The other possibility, of course, was if the Baker mission failed, in which case, I believe, the Secretary General was prepared, and certainly Secretary Baker would have recommended, that MINURSO be terminated and the UN's involvement cease. So that the Secretary General could then say, "We're not in these peace-keeping operations for infinity. We're going to try and take a shot and, if we don't get agreement by the parties, we're going to give it up," showing the Secretary General was a hard and decisive manager.

Now, interestingly when Secretary Baker was preparing to go out to the region for the first time, he was advised by virtually every expert (and people who weren't necessarily experts but had opinions on the subject) that the referendum process could never work. It could never work. It was a bad idea. They believed that the idea of an either/or choice between independence for the Western Sahara or amalgamation with Morocco was the kind of choice that didn't permit a negotiated resolution, and that neither side would ever really agree to what they already agreed to several times before.

But, to their surprise, and I think to everyone's surprise, when Secretary Baker went to the region and asked the King, asked the government of Morocco, asked the leadership of the POLISARIO, "What do you want?" They said, without hesitation and without equivocation, "We want a free and fair referendum." "Want to talk about autonomy?" "No, we don't want to talk about autonomy. We want to talk about a referendum."

So, with that in mind, Secretary Baker launched the negotiations that through the courtesy of the governments of Great Britain and Portugal, took place variously in locations in Portugal and in Britain, and that, ultimately, led to the final agreement which was signed in Houston last year.

What I think the Houston Agreement meant was that the parties reaffirmed their desire to use the referendum process that they had previously agreed upon. All of the intermediate underbrush, that had built up over the six or seven years since the original referendum machinery had broken down, was swept away.

Now these were very difficult negotiations. And it was apparent to us at many points in the negotiations that they might fail. Baker had two principle factors on his side, two factors that remained on his side in an effort to make this thing successful. The first is the clear point that he made many times during the negotiations to the parties, and to anybody else who asked about it. He was prepared to say, "If we're not going to reach agreement here, I'm going to recommend to the Secretary General that we spool MINURSO up and withdraw the UN from the region."

I would say, I would argue that there is no one -- virtually no one -- in the UN system, who might have been in Baker's place as negotiator who was prepared to say that. And I would say further that it's hard to imagine anybody other than a former American Secretary of State having the wherewithal to make that kind of threat. But I think it was important. I think it was important for his role and, frankly, for the credibility of the United Nations.

The other bargaining leverage that Baker had was his ability, in effect, to blow the whistle on the party that might have caused the negotiations to come to a halt. He was able to say, "We agreed on this, this, and this, but we got to point X and this side simply wouldn't agree." That, too, I think, was a bit of bargaining leverage that somebody other than the personality like Baker's would really not have had at his disposal. But I do think that leverage enabled Baker to make progress that ultimately led to the Houston Agreement.

Now, there are many critical aspects on voter identification that remain to be worked out. This is not a done-deal by any stretch of the imagination. But, at least as of now, it's on track. And if it stays on track, it should lead to a free and fair referendum.

Let me just take a minute to reel off what I think are some of the lessons of this experience. And then I would be happy to answer any question. As I said earlier, I think part of what our initial problem in the Western Sahara was, was an over-enthusiasm for the mechanism of the United Nations. We just thought, sort of like a cookie-cutter, bring the Western Sahara on in. We'd done referenda in Namibia very successfully through the UN. We were about to do elections in Nicaragua and Salvador. We had others coming on the horizon. But having done it in Namibia, we figured, "How can this be more of a problem?" And that we'd just demonstrated the bona fides of the Security Council, this should be relatively easy to do.

And we were wrong. We were wrong. And anybody who drew the lesson from the Persian Gulf crisis that the Security Council was suddenly now functioning, mystically as it had been expected to function in 1945, was also drawing the wrong conclusion.

Second, as I've indicated, given Jim Baker's role -- and I know we have friends from Europe, here -- I think that only an American could have filled the role that Baker did. I think that this is the lesson that Americans, frankly, need to know more about, about discussions of European political collaboration. I think it was impossible to believe that the European Union could have come up with a coherent enough policy to drive this thing through to a conclusion. And it speaks a lot about European involvement in other areas of the world where there have been former colonial involvements. I think that this was one where both Boutros-Ghali and Kofi Annan picked correctly that they needed a prominent American.

I think also, and you can see this even now in the implementation, we need to be vocal about avoiding the culture of negotiations in the United Nations, once an agreement is reached to resolve a problem. What we need, and this can cut against the United States at different times, don't get me wrong on this. But, if you think that having reached agreement in a UN context, you can then implement it by continuing to negotiate, I think the Western Sahara proves that to be fundamentally wrong, in the pre-1997 events. But, hopefully, it won't prove to be wrong in the post-Houston part.

I think that it is an important lesson for the United States, and specifically for the Western Sahara, and I know everybody in this room is interested in seeing that there is a free and fair referendum. I think that the absolutely critical point that outsiders can contribute to immeasurably, is in flooding the Western Sahara with international election observers. I think the more there are from the International Republican Institute and the National Democratic Institute (NDI) the better. I have met with four from the NDI. I understand they have have a mission out there. I'm sure there are many other groups that are interested in referenda, democratic policy issues around the world. I think that this is unquestionably one of the most important challenges that they're going to see in the next couple of years to avoid having the result of the referendum bought and sold.

Because I tell you, it not only would have an obviously adverse implication for resolving the Western Sahara situation, but it would be, in our present context here in the United States and those of you from Capitol Hill are certainly aware of this on a first-hand basis. Two things: number one, if this election turns out to be unfree or unfair, even if Charlie Dunbar, the new special representative on the scene declares it not to be free and fair, in other words, says quite candidly that it was not conducted correctly, it will, nonetheless, be a huge defeat for the United Nations.

And, number two, if the referendum is bought and sold, or otherwise distorted in the results and the UN certifies it as free and fair, nonetheless, that would be an even greater defeat for the United Nations. It would, therefore, be a harm to any other possible use of the UN in a related context almost anywhere else around the world.

But, I do think that, in addition to continued scrutiny of the implementation process, I couldn't offer any better advice at all to those of you who are interested:find a way to get to the region to see what's going on. Don't wait until a week before the referendum. Go out now. Watch the repatriation process of the refugees. Watch how they're allowed to live in the Western Sahara, once they return. Watch to see if they're allowed to conduct free and open political activity, if they're allowed to express their opinions consistent with the code of the conduct that's attached to the Houston Agreement. See if they're allowed to do the things that you do in a democratic society. And, if there are problems that arise, do what Baker could do in the larger context, and blow the whistle on anybody who is acting in a way that prevents the referendum from being free and fair.

And I think that if enough people are out there, if there's enough scrutiny to the process, there's a real chance that it can still take place and achieve what the goal has been from the beginning: to allow the people of the Western Sahara to decide what their future is going to be.

Thank you very much. Once again, I'd be delighted to answer some questions.

Question: Will there be any border disputes after the referundum?

Bolton: Well, there shouldn't be any border disputes. The international lines are pretty well known. And I would be surprised if, well I guess I wouldn't be surprised at anything. But there don't seem to be any disputes over that at the present time, which is not to say there might not be. But they did not form any part of our discussions, so far.

Question: What about the Security Council saying it "welcomed" the report? You say it was a tacit rejection but they "welcomed" the report?

Bolton: Correct me if I'm wrong on this, but I don't believe in the history of the United Nations the Secretary General's report has ever been rejected by a vote of the Security Council. That was the position the United States started out from. But we were worried about Central America. And I can go into the reasons why we were worried about Nicaragua and Salvador at extraordinary length. And we didn't want the Secretary General to say, "Kiss it good-bye on that, if you're not going to say something nice about my report on the Western Sahara."
So, we debated a lot of phrases. And we came up with "welcome." But, it was expressly not an acceptance, which was, we searched at the time for anything less than an acceptance of the Secretary General's report and couldn't find any.

Same Questioner: But the report said it "welcomed" it?

Bolton: Well, I enjoy this discussion because it is a long talk about UN language, but everybody else might not. Let me just say, what we were faced with was an Action Report by the Secretary General that either required implementation or modification. And so, it wasn't a "take note of " kind of thing. But when the Secretary General issues a report at the request of the Council, which that was, we had to do something with it other than take note of it. So, we found a kind word for it, but it was clear from the U.S.'s statement of position that we did not accept the criteria.

Question: Could you tell us what U.S. security interests are involved here?

Bolton: Well, I think the reason that we felt it was important from the beginning was that granted, Morocco had been a major, just in the most recent years, a major supporter of the United States in the Persian Gulf War. It supported the convening of the Middle East Peace Process. It had long been helpful to the United States in many matters and the Middle East, but by the same token, the government of Algeria at that point was in a crisis situation, still has difficulties today, as everybody here knows. And a resolution of the situation in the Western Sahara we thought was important to contribute to the stability of the whole region. It's even more so, now, with the kind of American investment in a number of natural resource explorations in Algeria.
What we were doing was based on a pretty fundamental American principle, that we wanted the people of the Western Sahara to make up their mind what their status was going to be. And one could have acquiesced in a military resolution to the question very easily. All you had to do was throw up your hands and go away. But we didn't think that for the long-term interest of the US or our friends in the region, that was acceptable. I didn't think that was acceptable seven or eight years ago, and I don't think it is today. I think we've got a substantial interest in it.

Question: It is interesting that when we see these kinds of situations the most important process for the referundum is the process of determining the eligible voters. What constitutes a Sahrawi?

Bolton: Well, ultimately, after explaining why we didn't like Perez De Cuellar's criteria in 1991, ultimately, the POLISARIO accepted the criteria. So, a lot of the discussions during the course of the Baker mission were an effort to elaborate and understand exactly how that would work. And to find out how we would get over the question that remained from 1991 to the present, the hardest question, the so-called contested tribes. And the formula that Baker worked out with the parties was, that the government of Morocco agreed that it would not sponsor, directly or indirectly, any of these members from the contested tribes for voter identification. And what they further agreed was that the identification process as to those contested tribes would be conducted as soon as possible. And the idea there was that if there was going to be a problem with the contested tribes, we were going to find out about it sooner rather than later. And that, therefore, if that part of the agreement began to come unstuck, or whether the Moroccans presented people or supported them or whatever, that this would be a place early in the implementation of the Houston Agreement, to say, "There's no real agreement. There was no real meeting of the minds."
Because we didn't want to get into another situation of waiting six or seven more years for the thing to play out. Secretary Baker, if he said it once, he probably said it a hundred times in the course of this process, the parties were probably tired of hearing it. But he said, over and over again as we went through the negotiations, and this was a trademark of the way he negotiates, "Nothing is agreed to, until everything is agreed to." So, you say to one side or other, "You've got to come along on this point." Or, "You've got to accept this", and they do not want to do it or don't like it.
Part of getting them to agree was that, if negotiations had broken down, they were not irrevocably committed to some concession they had made. And what that means as you play it out when you say, "Nothing is agreed to until everything is agreed to," is that the way these pieces fit together becomes important. So, if the Houston Agreement, itself, breaks down -- and I have to say, I hope that it doesn't for all kinds of reasons -- there are ways for it to come apart again without either side being committed to something that they agreed to in the spirit of compromise, not necessarily because that's the result they would have wanted in a perfect world.

Question: I understand that the Western Sahara has minerals and natural resources that the Moroccans now control. Could you comment on that?

Bolton: Well, we didn't really get into any discussions about the questions of the minerals or anything like that. One of the theories of those who advised Secretary Baker at the beginning of his mission said, "While autonomy was the logical result, this was just basically an economic dispute. And, if they can agree on how to allocate the mineral rights, the fishing rights, the tourist rights, surely they will find a way to resolve their political differences."
And I think that the very fact that we didn't talk about those questions demonstrates how strongly people felt that it wasn't, I mean, obviously, I'm not discounting that it's important, but it really was, it was fundamentally a question of political self-determination. And that's what was important for the Sahrawi people, and we could see after that what happened on the economic side.

Question: The most difficult part has been identifying the eligible voters. The agreement sets forth certain criteria for the voters, which has been manipulated by both sides. Some have said that it is impossible to determine the eligible voters . But it is not impossible. It can be done.

Bolton: It is very complicated. I must say, if I ever need a job, I'm going to apply to the Spanish Census Bureau, because having read those documents quite carefully through, I think I'm now an expert on how to do it. But, it's very, very difficult. No doubt about it. .

Question: What is the your sense of the parties willingness to accept the outcome of the referendum? Is Morocco and the POLISARIO willing to accept the possibility that they may lose? Is each side willing to lose gracefully?

Bolton: It is another huge problem for the United Nations if, whichever side wins, the other side says, "I don't care, I don't accept the result." This happened to the UN in Angola, where agreement broke down for a variety of reasons. I don't want to get into a huge discussion of Angola, because we're not here to talk about that. But, if that were to happen, not only would it obviously mean that the situation in the Western Sahara was unresolved, but it would be a body blow to the Security Council. And, just speaking as somebody who thinks that the UN is, from time to time, useful in the implementation of American foreign policy, I think that would be a mistake.
I think if a party were just flatly to say, "We don't accept the outcome of the referendum," it would be a long time before the Council could recover from that. You can imagine what the reaction up here, I think, would be. And it may be, in 1991, that the process came to a halt because people were worried about the outcome. All I can say, then, is if in fact they were worried about it, they never should have agreed to a referendum in the first place -- if this is a truly free and fair referendum of the kind we've been talking about and leads to either independence or amalgamation of Morocco.
We talked about the possibility of "what about an in-between category?" What about voting on autonomy? Various ways, for example, of how Quebec has considered its status in Canada. And the parties were unequivocal, that they didn't, they didn't want to muddy the water. They wanted a clear up or down choice. And that's what they've agreed to, and I think we should hold them to that.

Question: Moroccan officials have stated that this issue was resolved in 1975 and the referendum was just a confirmative exercise. What happens if the parties fail to adhere to the results?

Bolton: I don't know if there's anybody from Morocco, here, who wants to get up and say anything about that. Let me just say as a matter of utilization of the UN, this is a case where, if it's going to succeed, it's going to succeed because the parties have consented to a process to resolve the issue. And, if one of the parties declines to accept the results of the referendum, I don't believe the United Nations is in a position to enforce it.
And to me, one of the conclusions I draw about the efficacy of the UN is that it can work, and historically has only worked, in situations where the parties truly give their consent. People talk about in Bosnia or other places, that the UN going out and seizing war criminals, or doing this, or doing that, acting in a way that all of the parties have not consented to. I think that is doomed to failure and the UN would be doomed to failure here, too. Although some people have questioned whether the UN can guaranteed the result, one way or the other, but I don't think that's on the table. I don't think that was ever possible. And the parties have either consented to it, given their word, or agreed to abide by the results, and they will abide by the results, or, if they don't, then they're dishonored, is the only conclusion I can come to.

Washington, 27.03.98

"C'est un plaisir de faire sauter l'ingénieur avec son propre pétard".
William Shakespeare ; Hamlet (1603)
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 4496
Inscrit le : 28/11/2009
Localisation : france
Nationalité : Maroc
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MessageSujet: Re: Actualités du Sahara Marocain   Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Icon_minitimeLun 5 Déc 2016 - 18:50

QuickShark a écrit:
Une provocation de plus qui confirme que la Mauritanie est définitivement passée du côté Est.
Il faut garder son calme car le but de ces provocations en série de ces dernières semaines est justement de nous amener à une réaction (déclaration politique voir action militaire), et à la veille de notre processus d'adhésion à l'UA, à la veille du départ de Ban Ki Moon (et surement de Ross) et à la nomination officielle du nouveau département Trump, nous devons garder la tête froide.
Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Icon_sal

Exactement c'est de la provocation a deux balles. Tout pour nous obiiger a faire parler la poudre. Il n'y aurait que la reouverture du conflite armé de notre part pour empecher notre reintegration dans l'U.a.

La dimension symbolique fait que cela va nous obliger a bouger... Mais nous ne le ferons qu'apres l'integration a l'u.A. Ces provocations nous rendent service quelque part


""Qu'importe que je sois de mauvaise foi puisque je lutte pour une cause juste.
        Qu'importe que je lutte pour une cause injuste puisque je suis de bonne foi""

Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 VUO9YX1

“L'histoire n'est que la géographie dans le temps, comme la géographie n'est que l'histoire dans l'espace.”

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General de Brigade
General de Brigade

messages : 3102
Inscrit le : 20/05/2012
Localisation : MONTREAL
Nationalité : Maroco-Canadien
Médailles de mérite :
Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Unbena32Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Unbena11

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MessageSujet: Re: Actualités du Sahara Marocain   Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Icon_minitimeLun 5 Déc 2016 - 19:06

General Dlimi a écrit:

Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 15284895_1299062220162323_6407850903181097480_n

vu son treillis et brodequin propre le gars semble venir par l’aéroport de Nouakchott et non avoir fait 2000 km de pistes



"Tu ne sais jamais à quel point tu es fort, jusqu'au jour où être fort reste ta seule option."  Bob Marley.

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messages : 7982
Inscrit le : 19/02/2012
Localisation : Kech
Nationalité : Maroc
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Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Unbena26Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Unbena12
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MessageSujet: Re: Actualités du Sahara Marocain   Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Icon_minitimeLun 5 Déc 2016 - 19:22

il a une affaire sur le dos en Espagne il ne lui reste que tindouf et la zone tampon pour circuler

Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 477237Sanstitre
Citation :
"je veux pour le Maroc de dirigeants intelligeants , une jeunesse intelligente, apte a saisir les occasions a comprendre le siècle ou elle vie, a ne pas vivre a l'ombre du politisme, mais guidée par le perfectionnisme et surtout pas la réalisation et le réalisme "
Hassan II 1996
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messages : 2507
Inscrit le : 13/12/2010
Localisation : Casablanca
Nationalité : Maroc
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MessageSujet: Re: Actualités du Sahara Marocain   Actualités du Sahara Marocain - Page 26 Icon_minitimeLun 5 Déc 2016 - 20:00

Je pense que ce pantin a été suivi à la trace par nos services et qu'on a jugé en haut lieu qu'il n'y avait pas lieu ou que ce n'était pas le moment d'agir. En attendant le caporal de nouakchot alourdit son passif et quand il lui faudra rendre des comptes, ça fera mal
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