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messages : 41509
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
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MessageSujet: Armée Britannique/British Armed Forces   Armée Britannique/British Armed Forces Icon_minitimeLun 15 Aoû - 7:40

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Le ministère britannique de la Défense lance une initiative pour stimuler l’innovation

Posté dans Technologie par Laurent Lagneau Le 15-08-2016

Armée Britannique/British Armed Forces 5586

Identifier les technologies émergentes susceptibles d’avoir des applications militaires, encourager des projets innovants et bousculer les habitudes : tels sont les objectifs de l’ »Innovation Initiative » lancée le 12 août par le ministère britannique de la Défense (MoD).

Pour cela, une unité (Innovation and Research Insights Unit – IRIS) sera mise en place afin de détecter les technologies émergentes et d’analyser leurs implications pour les forces armées britanniques. Un fonds de 800 millions de livres servira à encourager l’élaboration d’idées et de concepts tant par les particuliers que par les entreprises.

Enfin, précise le MoD, un centre dédié « agira comme un ‘accélérateur de défense et de sécurité’, en veillant à ce que des solutions innovantes à nos défis les plus urgents de sécurité nationale soient développés rapidement pour devancer nos adversaires »

Cette initiative devra avoir des conséquences sur la culture du MoD, notamment en améliorant la coopération avec les industriels et le milieu universitaire. En outre, il s’agit aussi de « cibler » de nouveaux fournisseurs potentiels pour « renforcer l’avantage concurrentiel de la défense » britannique et de « trouver des réponses à nos questions les plus pressantes. »

« Cette nouvelle approche permettra de garder la Grande-Bretagne en sécurité tout en soutenant notre économie, avec nos plus brillants cerveaux qui nous permettront d’être en avance sur nos adversaires », a commenté Michael Fallon, le ministre britannique de la Défense.

Parmi les projets innovants cités par le MoD, l’on trouve un micro-drone « libellule » développé actuellement par Animal Dynamics, des capteurs qui utilisent la gravité pour étudier les structures souterraines en quelques minutes, des casques de réalité virtuelle pour la simulation ou encore des armes laser.
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Britannique/British Armed Forces   Armée Britannique/British Armed Forces Icon_minitimeLun 15 Aoû - 7:56

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Innovation Initiative to Bring Future-Tech and Ideas to the Armed Forces
(Source: UK Ministry of Defence; issued Aug 12, 2016)
Surveillance drones inspired by dragonflies, laser weapons, mobile robots that can inspect incidents involving chemical materials, sensors that use gravity to survey underground structures in minutes, and virtual reality helmets to practice calling in simulated air strikes.

These are the types of futuristic technology that along with other smart solutions are set to be backed by the government’s new defence innovation initiative, which launches today.

The plan will transform how defence deals with the challenges of tomorrow, to gain critical advantage for our defence and security forces:

An Innovation and Research Insights Unit (IRIS) will anticipate emerging trends in technology and analyse the implications for UK Defence and Security, informing critical decisions to maintain our military advantage and protect the UK.

The best and brightest individuals and companies will be invited to pitch to a dragon’s den style panel, backed by a fund of around £800m over 10 years. It will involve taking more risks in backing ideas, with a fast-track for truly novel ideas to match the pace of smaller firms.

Once strategy and investment decisions have been taken, a dedicated hub will act as a ‘defence and security accelerator’, ensuring that innovative solutions to our most pressing national security challenges are developed at pace to stay ahead of our adversaries.

Aimed at transforming the Ministry of Defence’s creative culture, the Innovation Initiative will fundamentally change the way defence does business. The initiative will challenge government to collaborate better with industry, academia and allies, and target new providers to boost the competitive advantage of UK defence and find answers to our most pressing national security questions from across sectors at pace.

A challenge function, drawing on external innovation talent and expertise, will ensure the MOD employs the best commercial practices and maintains its focus on innovation.

The full launch event for the Initiative in September will see a prospectus, exhibitions and explain how and when industry can apply to the Innovation Fund.

Defence Secretary Michael Fallon said:

This new approach will help to keep Britain safe while supporting our economy, with our brightest brains keeping us ahead of our adversaries.

Backed by a defence budget that will rise every year until the end of the decade, it will ensure that the UK maintains its military advantage in an increasingly dangerous world.

The initiative is part of the government’s ambition to deliver an economy that works for all by building on the UK’s science, technology and innovation strengths to harness emerging technologies and other smart solutions.

The Ministry of Defence currently spends up to 20% of its Science and Technology budget on cutting edge “disruptive capability” projects. Disruptive capabilities displace an established technology and shake up industry.

Current projects include:

-- A tiny Unmanned Aerial System with flapping wings inspired by the biology of a dragonfly, currently in development with Animal Dynamics. The ‘micro-drone’ will use cutting edge micro-engineering for unparalleled levels of performance. This has the potential to have a huge impact on intelligence-gathering in future operations in complex urban environments.

-- A new Quantum Gravimeter developed with the University of Birmingham could allow us to survey underground structures in minutes rather than weeks. This portable gravity sensing system uses cold atom quantum technology and two gravimeters coupled together for the first time to allow for higher sensitivity and reliability when carrying out surveys, enhanced robustness to external noise sources and drastically reduced measurement time. Applications for our Armed Forces range from spotting enemy tunnels to supporting disaster relief.

-- And we are developing a capability demonstrator with industry that will investigate the potential of laser weapons to target and defeat aerial threats.


Today the department will also launch a new competition with the Home Office to challenge industry to design unmanned systems – robots and aircraft – that can assess hazardous scenes, such as sites contaminated by chemical and biological hazards.

This is in addition to the recent announcement at the Farnborough International Air Show of a joint UK/US innovation challenge to speed up the impact that robotic and autonomous systems could have on resupplying armies.

These collaborative challenges will inform the development of the Defence and Security Accelerator.

Building on existing work

The Innovation Initiative will build on the success of the existing Centre for Defence Enterprise model, which currently funds innovation, such as SME Close Air Solutions’ new hyper-reality training tech. Using specialised headgear, our personnel could see simulated aircraft, enemy personnel and vehicles appearing on the real surrounding landscape, immersing and testing soldiers in complex joint forces situations.

Next steps

The full launch of the Initiative in September will see a prospectus, exhibitions and explain how and when industry can apply to the Innovation Fund.

The department is determined to create a culture that is innovative by instinct, to drive innovation through strategic planning, to catalyse innovation through science and technology and to find new ways to realise innovative solutions both affordably and at pace. Innovators can help us to understand how we take the next step to deliver this vision by responding to an online consultation on the Defence and Security Accelerator.

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General de Division

messages : 8293
Inscrit le : 18/08/2010
Localisation : canada
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Britannique/British Armed Forces   Armée Britannique/British Armed Forces Icon_minitimeMar 16 Aoû - 8:21

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British Army Watchkeeper UAV downed by computer glitch
Tim Ripley, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
16 August 2016
Issues with the aircraft's computer systems cause the loss of a WK450 Watchkeeper in October 2014, a review has found. Source: Thales
A Royal Artillery Thales Watchkeeper unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) crashed in Wales after a computer glitch made it activate its landing procedures prematurely, an inquiry has found.

The director general of the Defence Safety Authority, Air Marshal Dick Garwood, said the crash showed the vehicle management system computer (VMSC) software was "not fit for purpose".

Details of the crash and a series of complex computer faults were revealed in a Service Inquiry report released on 12 August by the UK Defence Safety Authority.

According to the report, Watchkeeper WH031 crashed as it was making its final approach to the ParcAberporth airfield in Wales on 16 October 2014.

It was 20 feet above the ground when the UAV's VMSC registered a false "ground touch" signal, which activated its V-tail pitch down function. As a result, it nose-dived into the runway causing "considerable damage" to the fuselage. A photograph published in the report shows the UAV's undercarriage had collapsed and the fuselage broken apart just in front of its wings.

A laser altimeter registered a false height reading on the ParcAberporth wet runway as the air vehicle approached the airfield, said the report. Several safety functions that would have prevented the accident were disabled because the civilian crew from the Watchkeeper's manufacturer, UAV Tactical Systems Ltd, had activated overrides so they could rapidly land the air vehicle to avoid approaching bad weather.

The report cleared the crew of fault for the accident and blamed faults in the "logic" or software of the VMSC, which controls the air vehicle in flight, and said the Watchkeeper's automatic take-off and landing system had not been assessed in the process that had granted it an initial release to service (RTS) clearance for use by the British Army.

AM Garwood said the report highlighted a number of technical issues that "will need to be resolved", "if we are to avoid the loss of further platforms and release aspirations to operate [UAVs] outside military controlled airspace".

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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 8293
Inscrit le : 18/08/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Britannique/British Armed Forces   Armée Britannique/British Armed Forces Icon_minitimeMar 16 Aoû - 13:45

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Tuesday, 16 August 2016
MBDA to provide ASRAAM missiles for UK's future fleet of F-35 fighters
The United Kingdom Ministry of Defence (MOD) has awarded a contract worth around US$238 million to equip the RAF's F-35A and Royal Navy's F-35B combat aircraft with the Advanced Short Range Air-to-Air Missile (ASRAAM).

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General de Division

messages : 41509
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Britannique/British Armed Forces   Armée Britannique/British Armed Forces Icon_minitimeMar 16 Aoû - 15:16

A Gibraltar !

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Commando Helicopter Force

846 NAS Merlin Mk3 helicopter and HMS Scimitar, conducting Sovereignty Patrols during Exercise Barbary Commando 16.

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Britannique/British Armed Forces   Armée Britannique/British Armed Forces Icon_minitimeMer 17 Aoû - 1:12

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Tuesday, 16 August 2016
Cambridge Pixel’s Radar Display and Target Tracking Modules for Royal Navy Upgrade Programme
Cambridge Pixel has been selected by Lockheed Martin Integrated Systems UK to supply software modules for radar scan conversion, target tracking and radar fusion for integration into the company’s new state-of-the-art Naval Vigilance Radar system. This navigation radar system- along with Kelvin Hughes solid-state SharpEye™ radar transceivers - will be fitted to more than 60 Royal Navy Platforms over the next five years. The new equipment is part of the Navigation Radar Programme (NRP), a £44m Royal Navy Upgrade awarded to Lockheed Martin by the UK Ministry of Defence (MOD) in January 2016.

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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 8293
Inscrit le : 18/08/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Britannique/British Armed Forces   Armée Britannique/British Armed Forces Icon_minitimeVen 19 Aoû - 7:36

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Boeing awarded long-lead contract for first UK Poseidon MPAs
Gareth Jennings, London - IHS Jane's Navy International
19 August 2016
Boeing has been awarded a USD68.4 million contract to begin building long-lead items for the first two P-8A Poseidon maritime patrol aircraft (MPAs) for the UK.

The contract, which was awarded by the US Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) on 18 August, covers full-rate Lot 4 production, and will be complete by the end of July 2017.

The UK government announced its plans to buy nine P-8As in the Strategic Defence and Security Review (SDSR) in late 2015, and signed the formal order at the Farnborough International Airshow (FIA) in July. According to previous announcements, the total cost of the procurement is valued at GBP3 billion (USD4 billion) over the next 10-years.

Further to the aircraft, the UK government has disclosed that the procurement includes off-the-shelf purchases of unspecified weapons, sonar buoys, and other 'consumables'.

With the first aircraft set to be delivered to the UK in 2019 and the remainder to follow through to early 2022, the Royal Air Force (RAF) will operate the type out of RAF Lossiemouth in Scotland. As well as the nine aircraft some 400 operational and support personnel will be located at the base, with GBP100 million to be invested in new dedicated infrastructure.

Once in service, the P-8A will close a capability gap that has existed since the BAE Systems Nimrod MR2 was retired in 2010 and its Nimrod MRA4 replacement was cancelled in the same year. With the mothballing of its airborne MPA capability, the UK sent about 30 of its former Nimrod pilots and operators to allied nations under the Project Seedcorn initiative, so as to preserve their skills ahead of an expected restoration of the capability at a later date.

Speaking at FIA, a senior US Navy (USN) officer told reporters that Project Seedcorn had gone a long way to mitigating the UK's P-8A entry-into-service. "'Seedcorn' was a great victory.

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General de Division
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Britannique/British Armed Forces   Armée Britannique/British Armed Forces Icon_minitimeMar 23 Aoû - 1:44

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Merlin Mk3s Prove Their Mettle In Day-Long Gibraltar Transit
(Source: UK Ministry of Defence; issued Aug 19, 2016)
Deploying at short notice to locations across the globe is something all Commando Helicopter Force aircraft and personnel must be ready for.

So pilots, aircrew and engineers left their base at RNAS Yeovilton for a day-long journey to Gibraltar via France, Spain and Portugal with two of the green Merlin Mk3 helicopters of 846 Naval Air Squadron (NAS).

The Royal Marines flying wing was taking part in Exercise Barbary Commando 16, the aim of which is to train students from the Operational Conversion Flight and complete one of the final elements they need to become qualified Commando Merlin pilots and aircrew.

“This has been yet another first for the Commando Merlin,” said Detachment Commander Lieutenant Commander Alex Hampson.

“We have proved the utility of range and speed available with Merlin by deploying at short notice to an airfield over 1,400 flying miles away with just two stops for fuel in a single day.”

We may be required at short notice to operate with helicopters and this exercise has proved invaluable, ensuring we would be ready to do so
Lieutenant James Bradshaw

While in Gibraltar, the Junglie squadron also teamed up with the Gibraltar Boat Squadron for some winching training.

HMS Scimitar, her sister ship Sabre and three Pacific Rigid Inflatable Boats crewed by Royal Navy, Royal Marine and Royal Naval Reserve personnel together make up the Royal Navy Gibraltar Squadron.

They are tasked with protecting the seas surrounding Gibraltar and supporting exercises and operations in the area.

“Gibraltar Squadron regularly assists with the training of other units as they pass through Gibraltar’s waters, such as the arrival on the Rock of 846 Squadron,” said Lieutenant James Bradshaw, the Commanding Officer of HMS Scimitar.

“We may be required at short notice to operate with helicopters and this exercise has proved invaluable, ensuring we would be ready to do so.”

Lt Cdr Hampson added: “These skills are wholly perishable and the opportunities don’t appear very often. It was a pleasure to operate with these RN vessels while assisting their mission.”

846 Squadron’s air crew spent a few days in Gibraltar before completing the flight back to Somerset.

Instructor Lieutenant Jon Moore said: “This route is absolutely perfect – it gives the students two sea transits, multiple countries and a fair distance to comprehend in the lead up planning and the flying.”

Merlin Mk3 helicopters are the newest wings of the Royal Marines, following the retirement of the veteran Sea King. The battlefield Merlin is bigger, faster, more powerful, has a greater range and is easier to board/disembark than the helicopter it replaces.

It’s also designed for operations over land – unlike the grey submarine-hunting Merlins the Royal Navy has flown for the past 15 or so years.

“Exercise Barbary Commando 16 has yet again proven the ability of Commando Merlin to deploy at range, with aircrew and engineers keen to support the contingent capability which continues to evolve within CHF,” said the newly-appointed Commanding Officer of 846 NAS, Lieutenant Colonel Will Penkman.

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General de Division
General de Division

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Britannique/British Armed Forces   Armée Britannique/British Armed Forces Icon_minitimeMer 24 Aoû - 5:26

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UK soldier shot dead during night-time live fire exercise in Northumberland
Aug 24, 2016

The UK serviceman of suffered a serious head wound after being shot on Monday night and was pronounced dead at the scene by paramedics. That was reported by

Police were called around 23:15 BST to reports a soldier had been shot on the military ranges at Otterburn in Northumberland during a live firing exercise.

An MOD spokesman said the Defence Safety Authority was investigating. It said there were no details on whether any other personnel were involved.

Armed Forces Minister Mike Penning said his thoughts were with the soldier’s family, friends and colleagues “at this difficult time”.

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General de Division
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messages : 41509
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Britannique/British Armed Forces   Armée Britannique/British Armed Forces Icon_minitimeMer 24 Aoû - 12:34

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Navy News

The F-35 Lightning II – the Royal Navy’s jet of tomorrow – has undergone its most intense month of weapons testing yet.

Using ranges on and off the west coast of the USA, the stealth fighters fired or launched 30 pieces of weaponry including smart bombs and heat-seeking air-to-air missiles.

Read more at:

Pictures: Lockheed Martin
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Britannique/British Armed Forces   Armée Britannique/British Armed Forces Icon_minitimeJeu 25 Aoû - 10:08

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Airbus EBS Provides Main Battle Tank Self-Protection Systems to Qinetiq
(Source: Airbus EBS; issued Aug 24, 2016)
MUNICH --- Airbus DS Electronics and Border Security (EBS), future HENSOLDT, has been awarded a contract by QinetiQ Ltd. to deliver the self-protection systems based on EBS’ MUSS (Multifunctional self-protection system).

The systems will be evaluated in the frame of the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory’s (Dstl) “Medusa” programme launched on behalf of the UK MoD to analyse an Active Protection System (APS) for armoured vehicles.

The technical assessments will quantify how well the system performs against a range of weapon systems, and will also include a BAE Systems integration of the MUSS system onto a Challenger 2 Main Battle Tank to demonstrate potential future capability.

Thomas Müller, CEO Airbus DS EBS said: “The MUSS system is currently the most advanced APS available on the market. It is today integrated in the serial production of the German Infantry Fighting Vehicle PUMA and may serve tomorrow to improve the survivability of UK battle-winning equipment programmes such as Ajax, Warrior, Challenger 2 and the future UK Mechanised Infantry Vehicle”.

MUSS drastically reduces the likelihood of a hit by antitank guided missiles or laser-guided ammunition and is the only operational protection system worldwide for ground vehicles. It achieves a level of protection which is not possible for the same total weight with passive armour. The warning sensors detect approaching missiles and laser beams aimed at the vehicle. The central unit activates an infrared jammer which interferes with missiles’ guidance systems and/or initiates the use of pyrotechnic countermeasures.

The missile warning sensor is based on the MILDS AN/AAR-60 missile warning system for helicopters and aircraft, with 8,000 units sold the most widely used warning sensor worldwide.

Dstl has been investigating APS for a number of years, and considers them an important part of a future survivability capability for keeping pace with new threats.

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Britannique/British Armed Forces   Armée Britannique/British Armed Forces Icon_minitimeVen 2 Sep - 8:11

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Royal Marines push for personnel recovery capability

Tim Ripley, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
02 September 2016

Senior UK Royal Marine officers are pushing for the country's two new Queen Elizabeth-class aircraft carriers to be provided with their own personnel and equipment recovery capability when they enter service later this decade.

Such a force would be "trained and equipped to recover downed aircrew and recover or deny highly classified equipment", according to a briefing on the joint personnel recovery capability prepared by a staff officer in the Royal Marines 3 Commando Brigade in July, which has been seen by IHS Jane's .

RAF Squadron Leader Phil Skinner, who co-ordinates air support within 3 Commando Brigade's headquarters in Plymouth, revealed that the Royal Marines have already set up a Personnel Recovery Co-ordination Cell (PRCC) in the brigade as a result of last year's Strategic Defence and Security Review.

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Britannique/British Armed Forces   Armée Britannique/British Armed Forces Icon_minitimeLun 5 Sep - 6:50

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Britannique/British Armed Forces   Armée Britannique/British Armed Forces Icon_minitimeLun 5 Sep - 10:45

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Le Royaume-Uni veut approfondir sa coopération militaire avec la FrancePosté dans Défense européenne, Diplomatie par Laurent Lagneau Le 05-09-2016

Depuis la victoire du « Brexit » à l’issue du référendum organisé en juin, le ministre britannique de la Défense, Michael Fallon, qui s’était opposé à la sortie du Royaume-Uni de l’Union européenne, ne cesse de le répéter : Londres continuera toujours à jouer un rôle de premier plan non seulement pour la défense de l’Europe mais aussi pour la sécurité internationale.

« Personne ne peut mettre en doute le fait que la Grande-Bretagne continuera à jouer un rôle central au niveau de la sécurité mondiale et que la coopération sécuritaire avec nos alliés européens et les autres restera forte », a encore assuré le ministre britannique, ce 5 septembre, à l’occasion de l’Université d’été de la Défense, qui se tient cette année sur le campus de l’École polytechnique, à Palaiseau, près de Paris.

Et pour cause : M. Fallon a tenu à rappeler que « grâce à notre examen stratégique de défense et de sécurité et un budget croissant d’année en année, nous allons continuer à investir dans des forces armées plus fortes ainsi que dans l’innovation nécessaire pour garder les capacités de défense modernes et efficaces dont nous avons besoin. »

« Nous quittons l’Union européenne mais les principes de sécurité européenne demeurent », a fait valoir M. Fallon. « Nous allons utiliser le Brexit comme une nouvelle occasion, non pas de reculer, mais d’intensifier, de redéfinir notre relation européenne de défense », a-t-il continué. Et de souligner que « l’histoire a montré que l’isolement n’est pas une option et que notre sécurité est fondamentalement liée au continent. »

Et cela passera par « un renforcement » de l’engagement britannique « au sein de l’Otan », par le « maintien de l’engagement » de Londres « en faveur de la sécurité européenne, car la menace terroriste demande une réponse unifiée » et, enfin, par un « renforcement des liens bilatéraux » avec un certain nombre de pays européens.

Le ministre britannique a ensuite rappelé que son pays avait déjà établi une coopération militaire avec le Danemark, les Pays-Bas, la Norvège [non membre de l'UE, ndlr] et les pays baltes en vue de développer un force expéditionnaire commune (Joint Expeditionary Force, JEF) devant être pleinement opérationnelle d’ici 2018. En outre, il a aussi affirmé la volonté de Londres de « travailler plus étroitement » avec Berlin dans le domaine de la défense.

Mais plus que tout, c’est avec la France que le Royaume-Uni entend approfondir sa coopération militaire, dans le prolongement des accords de Lancaster House, signés en novembre 2010.

Pour rappel, les deux pays sont engagés dans des programmes industriels communs (en particulier dans les domaines des missiles et du Système de combat aérien futur) et ont prévu de disposer, à Valduc, d’une installation commune de physique expérimentale qui, appelée EPURE, est destinée à garantir le fonctionnement de leurs armes nucléaires. Enfin, ils ont aussi mis sur pied une force expéditionnaire conjointe (Combined UK and French Joint Expeditionary Force, CJEF).

« Par dessus tout, nous souhaitons intensifier notre relation étroite avec la France », a en effet déclaré M. Fallon, avant d’évoquer une « entente supérieure » (ou plus profonde) entre Londres et Paris par rapport à « l’entente cordiale », conclue avant la Première Guerre Mondiale.

« Nous attendons avec impatience que vos (avions) Rafale et nos Typhoons, que vos (char) Leclerc et nos Challengers ainsi que votre (porte-avions) Charles de Gaulle et notre HMS Queen Elizabeth fassent un face aux nouveaux défis », a lancé M. Fallon, après s’être félicité de la validation du concept de CJEF en avril dernier.

Et, avant de rappeler les combats de la Somme (1916) ainsi que l’aide accordée par sir Winston Churchill à la France Libre du général de Gaulle, le ministre britannique a affirmé que son pays est main dans la main » avec la France sur la question de la liberté de navigation en mer de Chine méridionale, région minée par des différends territoriaux et où Pékin pratique la politique du fait accompli en aménageant des récifs à des fins militaires.

En juin, le ministre français de la Défense, Jean-Yves Le Drian, avait plaidé pour le déploiement d’une force navale de l’UE en mer de Chine afin de défendre la « primauté du droit » et assurer la liberté de navigation dans cette partie du monde, essentielle pour le commerce mondial.

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Britannique/British Armed Forces   Armée Britannique/British Armed Forces Icon_minitimeLun 5 Sep - 11:38

de bien belle paroles.....
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Britannique/British Armed Forces   Armée Britannique/British Armed Forces Icon_minitimeMer 7 Sep - 3:23

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No 'Idle Spear': MBDA details air-to-surface capability

IHS Jane's International Defence Review
06 September 2016

The UK's new F-35B Lightning II multirole fighter is set to enter service with the Royal Air Force and Fleet Air Arm from 2018. To meet the specific operational requirements of that aircraft, MBDA is now under contract to develop a new precision strike weapon that promises unrivalled capability in its class. Robin Hughes reports
The award to MBDA in March 2016 of a GBP411 million (USD548 million) contract to develop its Spear solution for the UK Ministry of Defence's (MoD's) Selective Precision Effects At Range Capability 3 (SPEAR Cap 3) requirement realistically heralds the development of a new bespoke, high-precision, network-enabled, stand-off sovereign air-to-surface capability for the UK's future F-35B Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) fleet.

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Britannique/British Armed Forces   Armée Britannique/British Armed Forces Icon_minitimeMer 7 Sep - 4:51

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General Dynamics Land Systems–UK showcases AJAX programme progress at DVD2016
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General Dynamics Land Systems–UK has successfully completed an additional live firing test for AJAX, the British Army’s new Armoured Fighting Vehicle, at a range in West Wales.

The testing, which took place throughout July and August, involved both the turreted AJAX variant and the ARES variant. It focused on generating specific data and evidence to support manned firing trials planned for early next year.

The turreted AJAX firing trials were conducted by a joint General Dynamics Land Systems–UK and Lockheed Martin UK team, with support from CTA International. The trials were observed by the UK Ministry of Defence.

The AJAX testing included the firing of the CTA International 40mm cannon, the coaxially mounted 7.62mm machine gun and smoke grenades. The ARES variant tested the firing of the Kongsberg PROTECTOR Remote Weapon System, which included the firing of the General Purpose Machine Gun (GPMG), Heavy Machine Gun (HMG), Grenade Machine Gun (GMG) and smoke grenades.

Throughout the firing trials, General Dynamics Land Systems–UK completed a comprehensive set of more than 400 individual tests on both prototype combat vehicles.

Chief of Materiel (Land) at the MOD’s Defence Equipment and Support organisation Lieutenant General Paul Jaques attended the live firing trials in August. He said: “The completion of these live firing trials marks an important milestone towards fulfilment of the AJAX programme, the British Army’s largest single order for armoured vehicles for more than 30 years. This national project will equip our troops with a fleet of world-class armoured vehicles, which will form a central component of the UK’s new Strike Brigades.”

Kevin Connell, vice president of General Dynamics Land Systems–UK, said: “The AJAX trials programme continues to go from strength-to-strength in showcasing the capability this family of combat vehicles provides the British Army. Manned firing trials, planned for early next year, will again demonstrate the step-change in capability this vehicle provides, and marks a significant step towards the delivery of AJAX to our customer.”

Other trials planned for AJAX prototypes in the coming months include automotive, cold chamber, power systems and Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance (ISTAR) capabilities.

The range of AJAX variants will allow the British Army to conduct sustained, expeditionary, full-spectrum and network-enabled operations with a reduced logistics footprint. They will operate in combined-arms and multinational situations across a wide-range of future operating environments. The first British Army squadron will be equipped by mid-2019 to allow conversion to begin with a brigade ready to deploy from the end of 2020.

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Britannique/British Armed Forces   Armée Britannique/British Armed Forces Icon_minitimeSam 10 Sep - 6:55

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DVD 2016: Bidders line up for British Army's MIV 8x8 requirement

Christopher F Foss, Milbrook - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
09 September 2016

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Contenders for the British Army's Mechanised Infantry Vehicle (MIV) requirement were out in force at Defence Vehicle Dynamics (DVD) 2016 at Millbrook Proving Ground on 7 and 8 September.

MIV will be an 8x8 procured off-the-shelf and fitted with a minimum number of UK sourced sub-systems such as remote weapon station, communications, battle management system and seating. According to David Russell, MIV Team Leader "MIV is now in the concept phase" and with "the team building up rapidly".

Potential contenders that showed up at DVD 2016 were the Finnish Patria Armoured Modular Vehicle (AMV) and the latest AMV XP variant, the French Nexter Systems VBCI, Singapore Technologies Kinetics Terrex 3, the ARTEC Boxer, and from General Dynamics (GD) the Piranha 5 and General Dynamics Land Systems LAV. GD could also be in a position to offer the Stryker double-V-hull (SDVH), the LAV 6.0 or the LAV 700 depending on the UK requirements.

MIV is a 'Category A' programme and the acquisition strategy is now being firmed up.

While no numbers are available it is expected that between 300 and 350 MIV would be required with a potential initial operating capability of 2023. The vehicles will in part equip two battalions from within the new 'Strike Brigades' that the army is to form, these brigades will also include the Ajax tracked reconnaissance vehicle.

In addition to the baseline protected mobility (PM) variant of MIV (MIV-PM), other versions including a command and control (MIV-CC), ambulance (MIV-A), repair (MIV-REP) and recovery (MIV-REC) are also planned.

The baseline MIV is planned to be fitted with a Kongsberg Protector RWS armed with a 12.7 mm (.50 cal) machine gun although there is potential version with a heavier armament.

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Britannique/British Armed Forces   Armée Britannique/British Armed Forces Icon_minitimeJeu 15 Sep - 13:27

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RAF : Le retrait des Sentinel R1 suspendu définitivement ?

15 septembre 2016/ Actualité des forces

L’incertitude autour de l’avenir des Sentinel R1 semble se clarifier pour la Royal Air Force (RAF). La décision a été prise de conserver (de façon temporaire) l’intégralité du parc des Sentinel R1, appareils de surveillance à long rayon d’action (les seules plates-formes aériennes C4ISR actuellement en service au sein de l’armée britannique).

Cinq appareils sont actuellement en service au sein de la RAF. Le Sentinel R1, un Global Express de l’avionneur Bombardier équipé d’une version améliorée du radar ASARS-2 de Raytheon, forme la composante aérienne du système ASTOR (Airborne Stand-off Radar, radar aéroporté à distance de sécurité), plus connu sous le nom de programme Sentinel, qui inclut aussi une composante terrestre et de soutien.

En août 2016, le gouvernement britannique a signé un contrat d’une valeur de 5 millions de livres avec BAE Systems pour équiper les Sentinel R1 (ainsi que les nouveaux F-35) de micro-capteurs, qui ont pour but de détecter la corrosion dans les endroits difficiles d’accès lors de l’entretien de l’appareil, afin d’en faciliter la maintenance.

Dans une logique de baisse du budget de la Défense, la SDSR de 2010 prévoyait le retrait du cinquième appareil – actuellement déployé en Afghanistan – avant que David Cameron annonce en 2014 le maintien en service de celui-ci, même après le retrait complet des forces britanniques d’Afghanistan à l’automne 2018. Les Sentinel R1 furent déployés sur plusieurs théâtres d’opérations : Libye en 2011, Mali en 2013, et deux appareils actuellement déployés au Moyen-Orient dans le cadre de la coalition contre l’EI.
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Britannique/British Armed Forces   Armée Britannique/British Armed Forces Icon_minitimeVen 16 Sep - 12:18

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British Armed Forces News a ajouté 5 photos.

UK Troops lead Exercise VENERABLE GAUNTLET

Sennelager Ranges has come alive to the sound of Exercise VENERABLE GAUNTLET.

Over 3000 personnel from 14 different NATO countries are taking part in this UK led, national validation exercise, for the NATO Very High Readiness Joint Task Force (VJTF). The VJTF, which is spearheaded by 20th Armoured Infantry Brigade, will be a part of the enhanced NATO Response Force and has been carrying out manoeuvres for the past few days.

Photographers: Mr Dominic King

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Britannique/British Armed Forces   Armée Britannique/British Armed Forces Icon_minitimeLun 19 Sep - 12:55

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Le ministère britannique de la Défense finance un programme d’armes laser

Posté dans Technologie par Laurent Lagneau Le 19-09-2016

Armée Britannique/British Armed Forces 6058

Après l’US Navy, qui a testé avec succès, en décembre 2014, son Laser Weapon System (LaWS), à bord de l’USS Ponce, le Royaume-Uni se lance à son tour dans le développement d’armes laser.

En effet, le 16 septembre, le ministère britannique de la Défense (MoD) a notifié un contrat de 30 millions de livres au consortium UK Dragonfire, lequel réunit, sous la direction de MBDA, les groupes QinetiQ et Leonardo-Finmeccanica, pour réaliser le démonstrateur d’une arme à « énergie dirigée ». Une autre équipe, formée par Thales UK, Babcock, Raytheon, Lockheed-Martin et Rheinmetall, était aussi sur les rangs.

Ce « Laser Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) Capability Demonstrator » doit permettre de développer les technologies clés pour ensuite mettre au point une arme laser à vocation défensive pouvant être utilisée dans des environnements terrestres et maritimes d’ici 2019.

« Sous la direction de MBDA, Dragonfire mettra le Royaume-Uni à la pointe des systèmes laser de haute énergie (…) en lui procurant un produit ayant un potentiel important à l’exportation, tout en offrant des possibilités de partenariats avec les forces armées d’autres nations qui ont des exigences similaires », s’est félicité Dave Armstrong, un responsable de MBDA UK.

« Ce démonstrateur sera à la pointe de la recherche technologique au Royaume-Uni et se glissera dans notre stratégie visant à développer la prochaine génération de systèmes laser », a commenté Norman Bone, le directeur général de Leonardo Air et Space Systems.

Les armes laser présente plusieurs avantages, au point qu’il est estimé qu’elles constitueront un rupture technologique dans les années à venir. Extrêmement précises, elles ne coûtent pratiquement rien à mettre en oeuvre (un tir coûte 1 dollar) et leur généralisation permettrait de se passer d’embarquer des explosifs à bord des navires. Cependant, elles ont un défaut : leur bon fonctionnement dépend des conditions météorologiques.
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Britannique/British Armed Forces   Armée Britannique/British Armed Forces Icon_minitimeJeu 29 Sep - 3:19

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Thursday, 29 September 2016

British Defence Science and Technology Laboratory looks the future for new combat vehicles
The UKs Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL) looks the future for new combat vehicles based on new technologies and to the new face of modern warfare. Modern technologies mean that future armoured vehicles could be very different from the heavy tracked vehicles in service today.

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Britannique/British Armed Forces   Armée Britannique/British Armed Forces Icon_minitimeJeu 29 Sep - 4:21

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Defence Secretary Calls On Europe to Step Up Security Efforts
(Source: UK Ministry of Defence; issued Sept 27, 2016)
Europe needs to step up its efforts against terrorism and migration without duplicating NATO.

During an informal EU Defence Ministerial in Slovakia Defence Secretary Michael Fallon reassured European partners that the UK would continue to play a proactive role in tackling security threats.

In meetings with fellow European defence ministers in Bratislava today, Michael Fallon said the UK would work to address challenges ranging from mass migration to cyber-attacks.

Defence Secretary Michael Fallon said:

“We’re leaving the EU, not leaving Europe, but it’s in our national interest to strengthen security. We’re stepping up our efforts with the Royal Navy in the southern Mediterranean tackling illegal migration, people smuggling and arms trafficking.”

Mr Fallon urged greater co-operation between the EU and NATO, building on the Warsaw summit which gave impetus to the NATO-EU partnership. He signed a Joint Declaration aimed at turning commitments into practical outcomes in areas such as maritime cooperation, cyber collaboration and stepping up efforts to counter hybrid attacks.

The Defence Secretary also spoke to partners in Bratislava to press for the competitiveness of the European defence industry, to promote innovation and economic growth. He discussed the UK’s Defence Growth Partnership which encourages UK-based companies to be more globally competitive.

Mr Fallon added:

“Three months on from the EU vote, we’re doing more in the world, not less. Our F35 planes, the world’s most advanced fighter jets, made their debut at the Farnborough Air Show – alongside multi-billion pound investments in attack helicopters and maritime patrol aircraft. And in Warsaw at the NATO summit the UK committed 500 troops to Estonia to defend NATO’s eastern flank and pledged to continue transforming the Alliance to meet the challenges both from East and the South.”

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Britannique/British Armed Forces   Armée Britannique/British Armed Forces Icon_minitimeSam 1 Oct - 2:54

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UK MOD and ASV Global sign licence agreement for unmanned surface vehicle software

The UK Ministry of Defence has signed a licence agreement with ASV Global allowing for the use of its Advanced Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV) Capability technology. The contract has been signed through Ploughshare Innovations, the technology transfer arm of the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl).

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