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 Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
Localisation : Maroc
Nationalité : Maroc
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MessageSujet: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 36 Icon_minitimeMer 29 Juin 2011 - 13:25

Rappel du premier message :

Citation :

Les chantiers navals russes livreront 17 navires en 2011

En 2011, le consortium russe de construction navale OSK livrera à la Marine du pays et aux clients étrangers 17 bâtiments de guerre, dont deux sous-marins nucléaires lanceurs d'engins (SNLE), a annoncé mercredi aux journalistes le PDG du consortium, Roman Trotsenko.

"Cette année, nous projetons de livrer 17 bâtiments de guerre aux forces navales russes et aux clients étrangers, y compris des SNLE et des bâtiments de surface", a-t-il déclaré lors du Salon international de la défense maritime (IMDS-2011) qui se déroule du 29 juin au 2 juillet à Saint-Pétersbourg.

M. Trotsenko a précisé que la Marine russe recevrait deux sous-marins nucléaires, mais a refusé de citer leurs noms.

Une source bien informée au sein du complexe militaro-industriel a confié à RIA Novosti qu'il s'agissait du sous-marin stratégique Iouri Dolgorouki (utilisé mardi pour un test du missile balistique intercontinental Boulava) et du sous-marin nucléaire à fonctions multiples Severodvinsk.

Selon M. Trotsenko, l'OSK construit actuellement 54 navires, dont 40 pour les forces navales russes et 14 pour des pays étrangers.
RIA Novosti

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messages : 21656
Inscrit le : 15/09/2009
Localisation : 511
Nationalité : Maroco-Allemand
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 36 Icon_minitimeMer 9 Jan 2013 - 17:47

c´est bizarre qu ils ont choisit un modele depassé mtn(90s),ils auraient pu s´offrir le Heron ou Herms

Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 36 A10-na10
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messages : 3887
Inscrit le : 15/07/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 36 Icon_minitimeMer 9 Jan 2013 - 18:06

Yakuza a écrit:
c´est bizarre qu ils ont choisit un modele depassé mtn(90s),ils auraient pu s´offrir le Heron ou Herms

Dans sa categorie le MKIII n'est as franchement depassé,il est meme l'un des meilleurs.
Pour les Hermes 900,Heron 1,TP et autres Dominator,Israel a simplement refuser de vendre ce genre de drone a la Russie considerant ses drones comme trop avancés pour pouvoir les vendres a une nation allié de l'iran,syrie et autres venezuela.

Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 36 13650610
"Nous trouverons un chemin… ou nous en créerons un": Hannibal
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messages : 2948
Inscrit le : 11/11/2010
Localisation : Marrakech
Nationalité : Maroc
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 36 Icon_minitimeJeu 10 Jan 2013 - 11:58

et voilà :

Citation :

Russia Commissions First Borey Class Nuclear Sub

SEVERODVINSK, January 10 (RIA Novosti) - Russia’s first Borey class ballistic missile nuclear submarine, the Yury Dolgoruky, was officially commissioned into the Russian Navy on Thursday.
Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu attended the flag hoisting ceremony at the Sevmash shipyard in Severodvinsk in northern Russia.
The signing of the acceptance act by the Defense Ministry took place on December 29.
The Borey class submarines are expected to form the core of Russia's strategic submarine fleet, replacing the aging Project 941 (NATO Typhoon class) and Project 667 class (Delta-3 and Delta-4) boats. Russia is planning to build eight Borey and Borey-A class subs by 2020.
A Borey class strategic submarine is 580 feet (170 meters) long, has a hull diameter of 42 feet (13 meters), and a crew of 107, including 55 officers, a maximum depth of about 1,500 feet (450 meters) and a submerged speed of about 29 knots.
All the Borey class strategic submarines carry up to 16 Bulava ballistic missiles with multiple warheads.



."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
Localisation : Maroc
Nationalité : Maroc
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 36 Icon_minitimeJeu 10 Jan 2013 - 12:25

Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 36 11 un nouveau Sub Nucléaire pour la marine russe depuis 20 ans

l'us navy doit faire vite pour ne pas avoir du retard sur les russe Like a Star @ heaven

Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 36 Star3Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autresArmée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 36 Star3
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messages : 2948
Inscrit le : 11/11/2010
Localisation : Marrakech
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite :
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 36 Icon_minitimeVen 11 Jan 2013 - 9:45

Citation :

Submarine "Yury Dolgoruky" will be able to use precision weapons

SEVEROMORSK (Murmansk Region), January 10 - RIA Novosti. Head strategic missile submarine "Yury Dolgoruky" Project 955 class "Northwind" can be used as a precision weapon of long-range cruise missiles, told the Navy Commander Viktor Chirkov.

Strategic submarine previous generations used only intercontinental ballistic missiles and torpedoes.

Characterized by armed submarine "Yury Dolgoruky", which on Thursday was admitted to the Navy of Russia, asked the commander, Russian President Vladimir Putin.

"Sixteen of ballistic missiles capable of striking targets at long range in accordance with design specifications. Also, we paid much attention to torpedo the cruiser and the ability to use long-range cruise missiles," - said the commander in chief.

"Yury Dolgoruky" is developed in the Central Bureau for Marine Engineering "Rubin" (St. Petersburg), and is the lead in a series of missile submarines of the fourth generation. Laid in the "Sevmash" November 2, 1996 and at that time was given the name "Yuri Dolgoruky".

With a length of 170 meters, width - 13.5 meters and a total displacement of 24,000 tons cruiser carries a 16 missile "Bulava-30", developed by the Moscow Institute of Thermal Technology.

In addition to ballistic missiles, submarine equipped with torpedo tubes. Nuclear power plant, setting in motion one propeller will accelerate on the surface up to 15 knots, and in underwater - up to 29 knots.

Citation :

Russie: 100 mds EUR pour le rééquipement de la Marine d'ici 2020 (Poutine)

La Russie investira plus de 100 milliards d'euros dans l'acquisition de nouveaux bâtiments de guerre d'ici 2020, a annoncé jeudi le président russe Vladimir Poutine, en déplacement à Severomorsk (région de Mourmansk).

"Rééquiper la Marine est un objectif prioritaire de nos efforts visant à renforcer les forces armées. Le programme militaire d'Etat à l'horizon 2020 prévoit la création de groupes modernes de sous-marins et de navires de surface pour plus de 4.000 milliards de roubles" (100,5 milliards d'euros), a indiqué M.Poutine lors d'une réunion en duplex avec le ministre russe de la Défense Sergueï Choïgou, en visite à Severodvinsk (nord).

Outre les huit sous-marins nucléaires de la classe Boreï, dont le premier, le Iouri Dolgorouki, a été remis à la Marine ce jeudi à Severodvinsk, l'armée russe sera dotée de huit sous-marins nucléaires de la classe Iassen d'ici 2020, selon M.Poutine.
"Nous construirons en outre des sous-marins diesel polyvalents", a ajouté le chef suprême des armées.

Les chantiers navals Sevmach de Severodvinsk seront le maître d'œuvre de ces travaux. "Cette usine légendaire a déjà construit plus de 120 sous-marins nucléaires pour la Marine russe", a rappelé M.Poutine.

En 2013, l'armée du pays sera dotée d'un autre sous-marin de la classe Boreï, le Alexandre Nevski. Le troisième submersible de cette classe, le Vladimir Monomakh, a déjà été mis à l'eau. En 2012, nous avons mis en cale le quatrième sous-marin nucléaire du projet Boreï, Kniaz Vladimir (Prince Vladimir) qui a un potentiel de combat plus élevé", a noté le président Poutine.

"Le lancement des travaux de construction des cinquième et sixième sous-marins de la classe Boreï est aussi programmé pour 2013. Au total, la Marine se verra remettre huit SNLE de cette classe d'ici 2020", a-t-il indiqué.

Fait symbolique, tous les sous-marins de la classe Boreï porteront des noms de grands hommes - défenseurs et réunificateurs des terres russes, a conclu le président.



Cérémonie pour Yuri :

."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
Localisation : Maroc
Nationalité : Maroc
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 36 Icon_minitimeLun 14 Jan 2013 - 12:27

Citation :

Status of the Russian early-warning radar network

Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 36 Russian%20early%20warning%20radars%20Jan%202013-thumb-240x179-190 Construction of new early-warning radars in Russia has really taken off in the last few years. With new radars coming online and some retiring, the shape of the radar network has changed quite dramatically since the last update. Also, some new good information has come out - for example, this story that described a visit to the Main Space Situational Awareness Center has a nice photo of a chart that lists early-warning and space surveillance assets that were operational in September 2011 (thanks to AS for this and other tips).

Key characteristics of the radars that are involved in early warning are in the table below. The ranges apparently assume some standard radar cross-section of a target - in the space surveillance context this would be a satellite. It would be different (smaller) against warheads.












































Kaliningrad Voronezh-DM100-4200




Barnaul Voronezh-DM






























In addition to the radars listed in the original chart, the table has information about radars that are not listed there - second Voronezh-DM in Armavir, Voronezh-DM in Kaliningrad and Voronezh-VP in Mishelevka. The radars in Armavir and Kaliningrad are assumed to be similar to the first Armavir radar. Orientation of the East-facing Armavir radar can be seen at The Kaliningrad radar is seen on Google Earth. The Voronezh-VP radar in Mishelevka is expected to be more powerful than Voronezh-M deployed in Lekhtusi - VP stands for "high potential" - so its range is probably larger than 4200 km. The radar is not yet seen on Google Earth, so its exact orientation is not known, but the radar fan can be seen on this photo, published in Novosti Kosmonavtiki.

Russia has recently discontinued the use of the Daryal radar in Gabala, but I kept it in the table, if only because it was mentioned in the context of potential U.S.-Russian cooperation.

With so many radars in operation, making a reasonable map of coverage is not that easy. I did, however, put together a Google Earth file that shows the radar fans. You could download it here. The photo above gives a sense of what's in the file.

UPDATE: One more radar will be built in Orenburg region. It will be another Voronezh-type radar, but at this point it's not clear what type of Voronezh.

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messages : 40405
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 36 Icon_minitimeLun 14 Jan 2013 - 16:04

Citation :
Armée: les "chaussettes russes" abandonnées d'ici fin de l'année (ministre)

MOSCOU, 14 janvier - RIA Novosti

Les militaires de l'Armée russe ne porteront plus de chaussettes russes ("portianki" en russe) d'ici fin de l'année, a déclaré lundi aux journalistes le ministre de la Défense Sergueï Choïgou.

"D'ici fin de l'année, nous devrons oublier le terme portianki", a indiqué le ministre, ajoutant que des moyens financiers supplémentaires seraient alloués à cet effet.

La "chaussette russe", qui rappelle la molletière française, est un morceau de tissu (généralement de coton blanc) d'environ 40 cm sur 80 cm destiné à être enroulé autour du pied, autrefois en usage dans plusieurs armées, dont celles d'Allemagne et de l'ex-URSS.

Mettre une "chaussette russe" est très délicat pour le soldat, car si elle est mal posée, le pied est affecté d'ampoules et de cals douloureux.

Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 36 S400
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messages : 2735
Inscrit le : 09/12/2009
Localisation : Un peu partout!!!
Nationalité : France
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 36 Icon_minitimeMer 16 Jan 2013 - 11:17

MAATAWI a écrit:
Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 36 11 un nouveau Sub Nucléaire pour la marine russe depuis 20 ans

l'us navy doit faire vite pour ne pas avoir du retard sur les russe Like a Star @ heaven

ce nouveau SM a déjà du etre pister et "écouter" ......par l'US Navy.
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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
Localisation : Maroc
Nationalité : Maroc
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 36 Icon_minitimeMer 16 Jan 2013 - 14:08

Gémini a écrit:
MAATAWI a écrit:
Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 36 11 un nouveau Sub Nucléaire pour la marine russe depuis 20 ans

l'us navy doit faire vite pour ne pas avoir du retard sur les russe Like a Star @ heaven

ce nouveau SM a déjà du etre pister et "écouter" ......par l'US Navy.

oui peut être qu'il est déjà classifie dans la base acoustique de l'us navy

mais mois je parle des avancements techniques des sub russe car comme nous savanes tous l'us navy a eu des problèmes pour la revitalisation de leur flotte des sous marin

Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 36 Star3Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autresArmée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 36 Star3
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General de Division
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messages : 8293
Inscrit le : 18/08/2010
Localisation : canada
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 36 Icon_minitimeJeu 17 Jan 2013 - 18:34

Citation :
MOSCOW, January 17 (RIA Novosti) - Russia's prototype fifth-generation Sukhoi T-50 fighter jet has carried out its first long-range flight during the transfer from a manufacturing plant in Russia’s Far East to an assigned airfield near Moscow, deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said on Thursday.

“It is a serious breakthrough! The plane flew 7,000 kilometers (4,350 miles), making two landings, in Abakan and Chelyabinsk, on the way to the Russian capital,” Rogozin, who oversees the Russian defense industry, wrote in his Twitter blog.

The plane joined three other T-50 prototype models at the Zhukovsky airfield prior to state flight tests, which are scheduled to start in March 2013. The fifth prototype aircraft is being built at the Komsomolsk-on-Amur factory in Siberia.

The T-50, also known as project PAK-FA, first flew in January 2010 and was presented to the public at the Moscow Air Show in 2011.

The Russian Defense Ministry is planning to finish the state flight tests of eight prototypes by 2015, so that they could go into standard production in 2016.

The T-50, which will be the core of Russia's future fighter fleet, is a fifth-generation multirole fighter aircraft featuring elements of ‘stealth’ technology, super-maneuverability, super-cruise capability (supersonic flight without use of afterburner), and an advanced avionics suite including an X-band active phased-array radar.
Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 36 T5010
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Inscrit le : 11/11/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 36 Icon_minitimeVen 18 Jan 2013 - 8:37

Troisiéme Yasen en marche (été)

Citation :

Lenteurs de transfert RadOffice

."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 36 Icon_minitimeVen 18 Jan 2013 - 9:44

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."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
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Inscrit le : 18/08/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 36 Icon_minitimeVen 18 Jan 2013 - 12:51

Citation :
MOSCOW, January 18 (RIA Novosti) – The Russian Army will drop its traditional fur hat with ear flaps – known as the “ushanka” – in favor of modern winter headgear, as part of a new military uniform, a senior official at a Russian design company said on Friday.

The Russian Army plans to gradually introduce a new uniform by 2014. The new kit is being designed by St. Petersburg’s BTK Group, which presented the new patterns in December 2012.

The winter hat replacing the ushankas will be more suitable for use with a helmet or modern communications deviсes, BTK Group vice president Temerlan Darsigov said.

“The army combat uniform set consists of 19 items, including three pairs of footwear; it includes eight layers, which will provide soldiers with optimal comfort depending on the weather conditions and tasks,” Darsigov said.

The new gear will include a fleece coat, a windbreaker costume, winter footwear for freezing temperatures and a balaclava helmet.

The uniforms are made of the latest fabrics and materials and can be worn in temperatures from 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit) to minus 40 degrees Celsius (minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit).

Earlier this week, Russia’s new Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said soldiers will also get rid of another unique but anachronistic Russian army staple – the cloth "footwraps" (called "portyanki" in Russian) worn under heavy boots.

Shoigu said they were obsolete and should be replaced by socks.
Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 36 Russia11
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messages : 2948
Inscrit le : 11/11/2010
Localisation : Marrakech
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 36 Icon_minitimeVen 18 Jan 2013 - 13:24

Citation :

Russia Starts Second Borey-Class Sub Test

MOSCOW, January 18 (RIA Novosti) - Russian submarine-builder Sevmash has begun moored tests of the third Borey-class (Project 955) ballistic missile submarine Vladimir Monomakh, the shipyard said on Friday.
"The fourth-generation missile submarine Vladimir Monomakh has been submerged in the water and started moored tests," Sevmash said.
Shipyard sea trials will start in the summer of this year, Sevmash said.
Vladimir Monomakh will be the third and last Project 955 boat, armed with 16 Bulava ballistic missiles. The fourth and subsequent boats will be Project 955A vessels with 20 missiles. The fourth boat, Knyaz Vladimir, is under construction.
Vladimir Monomakh has also been built with the incorporation of the latest acoustic signature reduction techniques, Sevmash said.
The Russian Navy accepted into service the first boat of the class, Yury Dolgoruky, on January 10. The second in the class, Alexander Nevsky, is currently undertaking sea trials and is due to enter service this year.


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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 36 Icon_minitimeSam 19 Jan 2013 - 11:42

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MOSCOW, January 18 (RIA Novosti) – Russia is planning to construct shipbuilding and ship-repair facilities on the Black Sea coast to ensure proper maintenance of its civilian and military fleets in the region, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said on Friday.

Addressing a conference on the development of Russia’s shipbuilding capability in the Black Sea region, Rogozin said that following the collapse of the Soviet Union in the 1990s Russia has lost the bulk of its shipbuilding assets that were primarily located in Ukraine.

Most of the shipbuilding industry is currently concentrated in northern Russia and in Russia’s Far East, which makes the maintenance of the ships based on the Black Sea, especially the warships of the Black Sea Fleet, a difficult task.

“The situation is unbearable,” Rogozin, who oversees the Russian defense industry, said.

“We must determine our priorities in this [Black Sea] region as soon as possible,” Rogozin said, adding that the efforts should be focused on facilities in Novorossiisk, Sochi and other ports along the Russian Black Sea coast.

“It's important to immediately start the construction of facilities that would ensure proper maintenance of the Black Sea Fleet and the defense of our southern borders,” the deputy prime minister said.

The bulk of the Russian Black Sea Fleet is stationed at the port of Sevastopol in Crimea under a lease agreement with Ukraine. Moscow and Kiev signed the so-called Kharkiv Agreements on April 21, 2010, extending the fleet's lease on the base for another 25 years after the current lease expires in 2017.

However, Russia desperately needs a reliable network of shipbuilding and ship-repair facilities in the region, as the Black Sea Fleet is expected to receive a total of 15 new frigates and diesel-electric submarines by 2020.

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Russie: début des exercices inter-flottes en mers Noire et Méditerranée

Les exercices de la Marine russe, les plus importants de ces dernières décennies, ont débuté samedi en mers Noire et Méditerranée sous le commandement de l'état-major des Forces armées du pays, rapporte le service de presse du ministère de la Défense.
"Les exercices navals les plus importants de ces dernières décennies impliquent des navires des flottes russes de la mer Noire, du Nord et de la Baltique – le croiseur lance-missiles Moskva, le destroyer Severomorsk, les patrouilleurs Smetlivy et Iaroslav Moudry, les navires de débarquement Saratov, Azov, Kaliningrad et Alexandre Chabaline ainsi que des navires de ravitaillement (conventionnels et spéciaux), l'aviation stratégique et le 4e commandement de l'Armée de l'air et de la DCA", indique le ministère dans un communiqué.


."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 36 Icon_minitimeLun 21 Jan 2013 - 12:35

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Russian air force puts X-38 air-to-surface missile into service

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The Russian Air Force has put the advanced X-38 air-to-surface missile into service. Although the short-range missile was developed for the T-50 fifth generation fighter jet, the existing bombers and fighter jets, including Su-34 and MiG-29 CMT will be equipped with these missiles.

The missile was tested in great secrecy in 2012, and was commissioned in late December. The delivery of missiles will be started shortly. The new missile will be equipped with independently guided warheads. This solves various tasks and increases the striking power of T-50 multipurpose fighter jets. The missiles will be placed inside the jet that is being developed using stealth technology, says editor-in-chief of the “Nezavisimoe Voennoe Obozrenie” magazine Victor Litovkin.

“A fighter jet may have special characteristics, including non-visibility to radar and other detecting equipment, but it is just an aircraft. But when it is equipped with high-precision guided missiles, this is a high-precision aviation complex. That can be considered a fifth generation fighter jet. The fact, that the missile on board the jet increases its low visibility,” Victor Litovkin said.

The missile will not reflect on the radar screen. It has another advanced feature. It can orient itself during the flight using the GLONASS space navigation system. The recent armed conflicts, including in Afghanistan and the Middle East have shown that it is difficult to discover targets from air even with the guidance from the ground because advanced camouflaging systems have been developed. These missiles will be guided to the target by a GLONASS satellite, says Victor Litovkin.

“The missile’s accuracy increases owing to the GLONASS satellite that sees the target and missile and combines these two points. When taking into account the fact that this is a supersonic missile, a complicated task is solved, a missile that is flying at a high speed is guided to a target. In short, this is a great achievement of Russian missile designers,” Victor Litovkin added.

The X-38 missile is capable of hitting manoeuvering armoured vehicles and hideouts at a distance from 3 to 40 kilometers. These missiles will upgrade the combat capacity of the Russian Air Force.

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 36 Icon_minitimeLun 21 Jan 2013 - 13:22

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MOSCOW, January 21 (RIA Novosti) – Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) announced on Monday a tender for research on a potential sensor system for a micro-unmanned air vehicle (UAV) project, according to an order posted on the government’s state procurement portal.

Officials have allocated about 7 million rubles (about $230,000) for the project, aimed at developing a 200-gram (6.5 ounce) electro-optical surveillance sensor package for the mini-UAV, code-named “Fly Fisher,” with a take-off weight of no more than 1 kilogram.

The developer will be tasked with analyzing foreign and Russian scientific and technological research to assess the system’s stabilization, surveillance capabilities, and power supply needs.

The tender requires the developer to create a sketch design and a scale model for testing. It also requests definition of parameters for transmitting surveillance images in real time without any loss in quality at a range of up to five kilometers (three miles).

Applications for the tender will close on February 21, with the study slated for completion by November 2014.

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un autre épisode sub sur le Ratnik actuelement en test :

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 36 Icon_minitimeMar 22 Jan 2013 - 11:13

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MOSCOW, January 21 (RIA Novosti) – A controversial contract for the delivery of Italian light multirole vehicles (LMV) to Russia appears to have survived the recent reshuffle of the Russian Defense Ministry's leadership that saw the dismissal of Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov and his arms procurement chief Alexander Sukhorukov.

But future deliveries of the Lynx may depend on new trials to be held within months as newly-appointed Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and his team want to eliminate all controversy around the contract.

Serdyukov and Sukhorukov actively lobbied for the Iveco LMV M65 Lynx, which was picked over the locally produced GAZ-2330 Tigr armored vehicle in a rare departure from the military's principle of "buying domestic."

Tigr is a high-mobility multirole military vehicle manufactured by Russia’s Military-Industrial Corporation (MIC), a GAZ Group division, at the Arzamas machine-manufacturing plant.

The decision to buy Lynx has been widely publicized in Russia, after the Italian vehicle proved its superb armor protection during NATO operations in Iraq and Afghanistan but Tigr, which the maker claims is at least 70 percent cheaper, showed superior off-road performance at the Russian comparative trials in 2010 and is considered by Russian experts to be better suited to the needs of the Russian army.

Russian critics have also argued the initial agreement on the purchase of 60 vehicles, signed in 2011, did not stipulate post-assembly servicing, the supply of spare parts and training of Russian personnel by Italian experts.

Russia is planning to resolve these issues through additional negotiations in the near future, according to Deputy Defense Minister Yury Borisov, who replaced Sukhorukov in the wake of the reshuffle in November 2012.

Russia has a solid contract for the delivery of 358 Iveco LMVs, dubbed Rys in Russian, and the ministry has no intention of scrapping this contract, Borisov said in December last year.

The first 57 vehicles were assembled last year with 10 percent local content at a plant in Voronezh. The remaining vehicles will be assembled in 2013 at a new KAMAZ plant in Tatarstan, which has the capacity to assemble up to 500 Iveco LMVs per year with 50-80 percent local content, according to KAMAZ officials.

Meanwhile, the fate of a possible huge follow-on order for LMVs in Russia has not yet been sealed.

As part of the 2011-2020 state arms procurement program, the Defense Ministry plans to buy 1,775 LMVs by 2015 for $1 billion, and they may not all be Iveco models.

In December, Shoigu ordered new comparative tests of the Rys and the improved Tigr-M, which features a new Russian-made YaMZ-534 diesel engine, improved armor, and protection against nuclear, biological and chemical threats.

The trials, to be held in the first quarter of 2013, will focus on testing the vehicles' armor, MIC spokesman Sergei Suvorov confirmed in an interview with RIA Novosti on Monday.

“Despite the claims of superb protection [by NATO standards], the Iveco vehicle’s armor has never been tested in Russia,” Suvorov said.

He also claimed Tigr-M provides adequate armor protection which covers a larger area of the vehicle interior than the Italian vehicle.

The Iveco and Tigr vehicles employ a different design philosophy in the way they use armor to protect their crews. The Russian vehicle is equipped with a solid armored shell, while the Italian model uses armor panels attached to the vehicle's frame.

The interior of the vehicles also differ significantly. The Iveco interior has several partitions, with the driver and commander separated from the passengers. In contrast, the Tigr is not internally partitioned, and any passenger can take the wheel without exiting the vehicle - an obvious safety feature in battle.

The Italian vehicle is also smaller and can seat just five people, including the driver, whereas the Tigr seats nine.

Italy, a NATO member, has produced Lynx LMVs for a number of European countries, including Austria, Belgium, Britain, Norway and Spain, at a unit cost of about $300,000.

Suvorov refused to comment on the future of the Iveco contract in Russia, saying a decision will be made by Russia’s top military leadership regardless of the outcome of the new tests.

“Our concern is to provide a reliable and efficient combat vehicle for the Russian military, which we did,” he said. “The rest is up to the military commanders.”
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 36 Icon_minitimeMar 22 Jan 2013 - 11:16

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Russia sold record $15 bn worth of arms in 2012

Moscow: Russia sold a record $15.16 billion worth of weaponry in 2012 to countries including India, Myanmar, Vietnam, Venezuela and in the Middle East, a federal military agency has said.

"The volume of arms exports has reached $15.16 billion, according to preliminary calculations, which means that our plans have been fulfilled by 111.8 percent," said Alexander Fomin, chief of the Federal Military-Technical Cooperation Service (FSMTC).

In 2011, Russia reported arms sales of $13.2 billion, enough to maintain its position as the world's second-biggest arms exporter after the US.

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"In the past 10 years, we have seen a general increase in exports, which have tripled since 2003," Fomin said.

"The portfolio of orders for defence-related products has also tripled. Its current value exceeds $46 billion," he said.

India is the leading purchaser of Russian arms, with Myanmar, Vietnam, Venezuela and Middle East countries also among the Russian defence industry's main clients.

Fomin said Russia's expanded list of its clients in 2012 included Afghanistan, Ghana, Oman and Tanzania.

The FSMTC also said the quality of exported Russian military products has improved, though problems still remain, especially with poor after-sales services.

"We have been issuing fewer licenses to replace or repair exported products, which is an encouraging trend," Fomin said.

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There have been controversies over the quality of Russia's defence-related products.

Algeria refused delivery of a batch of MiG-29 fighters in 2007 claiming they were of "inferior quality".

Russia's traditionally strong position on the Indian arms market has been recently undermined by failures to fulfill or properly execute several contracts, including the long-delayed delivery of overhauled aircraft carrier Vikramaditya to the Indian Navy.

Last year, India asked Russia to replace faulty parts on the leased Nerpa nuclear-powered submarine which had affected its operational readiness.

Fomin said his service was drafting new legislation that would allow Russian arms manufacturers to open their own service centres abroad and to import defence-related products to satisfy their own needs.


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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 36 Icon_minitimeMar 22 Jan 2013 - 20:30

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Moscou renforce sa présence militaire en Arménie

"La Russie renforce le niveau de préparation de ses bases militaires en Transcaucasie", rapporte le quotidien moscovite Nezavissimaïa Gazeta. Outre les bases russes d'Abkhazie et d'Ossétie du Sud [régions séparatistes géorgiennes reconnues par Moscou en 2008], une attention particulière est portée à celle de Guioumri, en Arménie, (5 000 hommes permanents), dont les effectifs ont doublé en six mois.

Par ailleurs, le 15 janvier, Vladimir Poutine a ordonné au gouvernement russe de préparer "au plus vite" un accord de coopération militaire et technique avec Erevan. Cet accord est censé prévoir la création d'une entreprise commune d'équipements militaires et de centres d'entraînement de gardes-frontières et de spécialistes des situations d'urgence.

Ce renforcement des positions russes sur le territoire de son plus fidèle allié dans le sud du Caucase "est lié, d'une part, à une éventuelle reprise des hostilités de l'Azerbaïdjan contre l'enclave arménienne séparatiste du Haut-Karabakh [indépendante de fait et toujours en situation de cessez-le-feu (depuis 1994)] et, d'autre part, à de possibles actions d'Israël contre l'Iran", analyse le journal.

Le journal arménien Novoïé Vremia cite le président de l'Arménie, Serge Sargsian, le 15 janvier : "A tout instant, nous devons être prêts à une nouvelle intrusion militaire du régime de Bakou, qui ne cesse de faire de la propagande agressive. Ni l'Arménie ni le Haut-Karabakh ne veulent de guerre, mais, en cas de nécessité, il y aura riposte et plus jamais le peuple karabakhi ne sera confronté à la liquidation physique. L'Arménie le garantit."

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 36 Icon_minitimeMer 23 Jan 2013 - 10:53

Corvette Boiky muni de son A190-01 :

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 36 Icon_minitimeMer 23 Jan 2013 - 16:35

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MOSCOW, January 23 (RIA Novosti) - Russia's Navy is to receive its first three Project 21820 Dugon-class assault landing ships in 2013-2014, a navy representative said on Wednesday.

"Russia will take delivery of the first three production Dugon-class air-cavity vessels in 2013-2014," he said.

"Denis Davydov is due to be launched in June or July 2013 and presented to the navy after sea trials in the fall. The second ship, Rimsky-Korsakov, will be floated in September or October 2013, and the third ship completed the following year," the navy representative said.

The Dugon class was designed by the Alexeyev hydrofoil design bureau in Nizhny Novgorod.

The first three ships of the class, named Denis Davydov, Lieutenant Rimsky-Korsakov and Michman Lermontov, are under construction at the Yaroslavsky shipyard.

The Dugon class ships displace 280 tons, have a length of 45 meters (147.6 feet), a beam of 8.6 meters (28.2 feet), and a top speed of 35 knots, and are powered by two 9,000 h.p. M507A-2D diesels.

The ships have a crew of seven and can carry a payload of 140 tons, including three tanks or five BTR troop carriers.

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