Moroccan Military Forum alias FAR-MAROC
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Moroccan Military Forum alias FAR-MAROC

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 * Suppositions : futurs achats des FRA *

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Leo Africanus
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* Suppositions : futurs achats des FRA * - Page 42 Empty
MessageSujet: Nouveaux hélicoptères de combat pour les FRA ?   * Suppositions : futurs achats des FRA * - Page 42 Icon_minitimeMar 11 Mar 2008 - 18:07

Rappel du premier message :

Bonjour les gens ;

* Suppositions : futurs achats des FRA * - Page 42

C'est moi qui à posté l'article au dessus sur l'achat par les FRA d'hélicoptère belges Very Happy depuis le temp il n'ya aucune nouvelles...mais grâce a un ami Espagnol je sais que l'article vient du Magazine espagnol FAM :

Donc c'est une revue spécialisé cheers
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messages : 21656
Inscrit le : 15/09/2009
Localisation : 511
Nationalité : Maroco-Allemand
Médailles de mérite : * Suppositions : futurs achats des FRA * - Page 42 Unbena20* Suppositions : futurs achats des FRA * - Page 42 Unbena22
* Suppositions : futurs achats des FRA * - Page 42 Unbena21

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MessageSujet: Re: * Suppositions : futurs achats des FRA *   * Suppositions : futurs achats des FRA * - Page 42 Icon_minitimeJeu 6 Mai 2010 - 23:55

les US ont miné la piste roumaine qui etait tres prometteuse,la ils devront bien chercher un menage a 3,soit avec le pakistan soit ..l´inde!
egypte/jordanie pas de flouss,l´UAE n´a pas dit "donner" mais revendre,ils sont plus avares que l´on croit ces gens!
la france doit vraiment peiner a en trouver,car racheter du -9(nickel=haut prix) avec le decallage en temps de pieces plus ou moins agées,autant upgrader des F16 du Boneyard..

* Suppositions : futurs achats des FRA * - Page 42 A10-na10
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messages : 2735
Inscrit le : 09/12/2009
Localisation : Un peu partout!!!
Nationalité : France
Médailles de mérite : * Suppositions : futurs achats des FRA * - Page 42 Unbena32* Suppositions : futurs achats des FRA * - Page 42 Unbena24
* Suppositions : futurs achats des FRA * - Page 42 Unbena23* Suppositions : futurs achats des FRA * - Page 42 Unbena26* Suppositions : futurs achats des FRA * - Page 42 Cheval10

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MessageSujet: Re: * Suppositions : futurs achats des FRA *   * Suppositions : futurs achats des FRA * - Page 42 Icon_minitimeVen 7 Mai 2010 - 8:25

Apres tout depend de la dépendance qu'un pays est pret a mettre dans la transaction,certain pays ne jurent que par les USA d'autres non ,et ces pays qui ne veulent pas des USA serait peut etre tenter par du 2000-9 avion aussi sophistiquer qu'un F16 de derniere generation.Il ne faut pas oublier que le 2000-9 est upgrader pour le black saheen ce qui complique encore la donne pour les revendrent.
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MessageSujet: Re: * Suppositions : futurs achats des FRA *   * Suppositions : futurs achats des FRA * - Page 42 Icon_minitimeDim 30 Mai 2010 - 9:13

table des matieres d un rapport sur les acquisition d helicoteres sur la periode 2010-2020 :

Citation :
Table 4.144 Moroccan Air Force Expected Acquisitions 2010-2020

le rapport est payant (1,499.00 $ * Suppositions : futurs achats des FRA * - Page 42 Affraid )

Citation :

voici une description :

Citation :
The Military Helicopter Market 2010-2020

Our brand new defence report - The Military Helicopter Market 2010-2020 - explores one of the defence industry’s most high profile sectors and reveals how this market will evolve over the period 2010-2020. The acute media and public focus on military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan has brought the role of helicopters increasingly to the fore. Nevertheless, despite these pressing operational requirements driving demand, the military helicopter market will have to contend with other restraints over the 2010-2020 forecast period – most notably, restrained defence budgets.
Our market study reviews leading military helicopter programmes and examines the prospects and outlook for providers of military helicopters. Our market study also examines leading users of military helicopters and explores the range of operational requirements which are driving this sector. We assess the commercial prospects and outlook for companies offering military helicopters. This analytical report defines the current state of the military helicopter market in detail and discusses its characteristics and potential from 2010 onwards, with market forecasting at the global and national levels.
Based on our research, global government spending in 2010 on military helicopters will total $15.3bn. We analyse, quantify and forecast the expected acquisitions in the global and regional military helicopter markets over the period 2010-2020. We also analyse and quantify the expected acquisitions for the 100 leading countries expected to acquire military helicopters over the forecast period 2010-2020.
Furthermore, within this report we analyse, quantify and forecast the expected global sales for each of the following types of military helicopters over the forecast period 2010-2020 -

- Heavy Lift / Transport / Cargo
- Utility / Medium Lift
- Maritime Support
- Attack / Combat
- Search and Rescue (SAR) / Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR)
- Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR), Observation
- Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance (ISTAR)
- Airborne Early Warning (AEW)
- Medical Evacuation (MEDEVAC), Casualty Evacuation (CASEVAC)
- Training
- Upgrades
The military helicopter market is being acutely affected by two opposing factors. The military operational requirements in Iraq and Afghanistan have demonstrated the growing importance of helicopters in military operations – especially airlift operations and special mission fleets. The public perception that there are insufficient helicopters to support the military action is resulting in specific acquisition programmes in some coalition countries.
Counter to this, the current economic climate is restricting national defence budgets around the world, but particularly in the US and the UK. This is putting a restraint upon new helicopter acquisition programmes. The main challenge for the military helicopter industry therefore remains the declining global demand and how to adjust to this shifting competitive landscape.
This report explains how the mixture of these factors and the combination of other factors will shape the military helicopter market over the period 2010-2020.
Moreover, there are significant regional differences in acquisition patterns and market growth rates. The Military Helicopter Market 2010-2020 report reveals where the potential opportunities will be for military helicopters sales - allowing successful companies to exploit these growing markets. Crucially this report discusses how to adapt to this evolving competitive landscape.
How much are individual countries planning to spend acquiring and upgrading military helicopters between 2010 and 2020? Who are the leading companies providing military helicopters and what is their market share? Where are the growth opportunities over the next decade – in which geographical region and with which platform type and which new technology? These critical questions and many more are definitively answered in this comprehensive report.

A comprehensive analysis of the military helicopter market

The Military Helicopter Market 2010-2020 report examines the global market for military helicopters from an impartial standpoint. We offer a review of contracting activity, and products and services, based on our analysis of information obtained from multiple sources. The report draws on official corporate and governmental announcements, media reports, policy documents, industry statements and expert opinion.
The Military Helicopter Market 2010-2020 report provides detailed sales forecasts for the global military helicopter market and regional markets; a SWOT analysis; discussions of commercial and technological trends; and assessments of commercial drivers and restraints. This report also includes in-depth original interviews with industry experts. This package of analyses cannot be obtained anywhere else.

Why you should buy The Military Helicopter Market 2010-2020:

The main benefits of you purchasing this report are -

- You will gain an understanding of the global military helicopter market and how it will develop, with detailed market forecasts from 2010 to 2020.
- You will receive individual market forecasts for the leading 7 regional markets from 2010 to 2020.
- You will find analysis and details of expected military helicopter acquisitions for the leading 100 countries over the forecast period 2010-2020.
- You will gain insight into major government military helicopter programmes being undertaken around the world.
- You will gain a thorough analytical understanding of the military helicopter market with over 250 tables, charts and graphs quantifying the market in detail.
- You will gain knowledge of the 10 leading contractors within the military helicopter marketplace with market position and market share data revealed.
- You will gain an understanding of the new military helicopter technologies that will affect the marketplace.
- You will receive analyses for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for the military helicopter market from 2010 onwards.
- You will also read original interviews from two leading companies involved in military helicopters -
- The Boeing Company.
- Kaman Helicopters.
You can order this report today. Anyone with an interest in the development and procurement of military helicopters cannot afford to miss out on acquiring the information and insight that only this new report can provide.
Gain an understanding of how to tap into the potential of this market by ordering The Military Helicopter Market 2010-2020.
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messages : 21656
Inscrit le : 15/09/2009
Localisation : 511
Nationalité : Maroco-Allemand
Médailles de mérite : * Suppositions : futurs achats des FRA * - Page 42 Unbena20* Suppositions : futurs achats des FRA * - Page 42 Unbena22
* Suppositions : futurs achats des FRA * - Page 42 Unbena21

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MessageSujet: Re: * Suppositions : futurs achats des FRA *   * Suppositions : futurs achats des FRA * - Page 42 Icon_minitimeDim 30 Mai 2010 - 12:23

payer pour ne rien savoir de nouveau,ils vont seulement ecrire ce qu´on attend tous ici,a savoir: MPA, light Attack Helico, asset SIGINT, Helicos CSAR, UAV MALE..

* Suppositions : futurs achats des FRA * - Page 42 A10-na10
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* Suppositions : futurs achats des FRA * - Page 42 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: * Suppositions : futurs achats des FRA *   * Suppositions : futurs achats des FRA * - Page 42 Icon_minitimeDim 30 Mai 2010 - 13:25

said a écrit:
Yakuza a écrit:
on les voulais dans mi-90s helas,on voulais 20 -5 mais les finances ne suivaient pas,les emiratis voulaient financer mais ca n´a pas reussi
purée les emirats ont l air de negocier sec * Suppositions : futurs achats des FRA * - Page 42 Icon_eek pour toi quel est le favoris à la reprise des mirage 2000 9? inde jordanie egypte?

j'espere que les revend a nous (Maroc). vraiment a un petit prix. même qu'ils sont nikel. on sait jamais s'il y'a bonne offre pourquoi pas. comme ça va accompgnier les astracs c'est pas mal.
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Caporal chef
Caporal chef

messages : 180
Inscrit le : 18/01/2009
Localisation : lille
Nationalité : Maroc

* Suppositions : futurs achats des FRA * - Page 42 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: * Suppositions : futurs achats des FRA *   * Suppositions : futurs achats des FRA * - Page 42 Icon_minitimeDim 30 Mai 2010 - 13:58

On en a deja parler pour les Mirage 2000-9 c'est mort on sera obliger de prendre le lot complet donc 63 machines a plus de 30m€/mirage donc un total d'environ1.9 Milliards € ,la pluspart on fais leur premier vol dans les année 1980 puis moderniser a quoi ca sert de prendre ces mirages fait en or , la logique dit qu'on doit acquerir d'autre F-16 d'ailleurs l'année derniere l'EM été en negociation pour des F-16 A/B Belges mais rien n'a aboutit donc d'ici la je parirai sur une autre commande de F-16 neufs si l'usine ferme on prendra surrement du F-16 C/D des stocks americains ou européens ,ou encore le rafale pour retirer progressivement les mirage ,les ASTRAC voleront encore au moins pour 10/15 ans .Mais Franchement pour moi c'est sur que le rafale sera dans l'iventaire des FRA ,c'est les memes type d'armement Mica +AASM etc les pilotes technicien etc auront une transition facile etc
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Caporal chef
Caporal chef

messages : 180
Inscrit le : 18/01/2009
Localisation : lille
Nationalité : Maroc

* Suppositions : futurs achats des FRA * - Page 42 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: * Suppositions : futurs achats des FRA *   * Suppositions : futurs achats des FRA * - Page 42 Icon_minitimeDim 30 Mai 2010 - 23:10

Il y aussi le besoin d'AWACS pour epauler les F-16 pour voir plus loin et pour que les F-16 sois moins detectable par des chasseurs ennemies ,le meilleuir Awacs que les FRA peuvent avoir est le E-2C/D Hawkeye
petit leger robuste ,bon radar ,economique etc
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General de Brigade
General de Brigade

messages : 3496
Inscrit le : 27/06/2009
Localisation : Partout.
Nationalité : Maroc-France
Médailles de mérite : * Suppositions : futurs achats des FRA * - Page 42 Ambass10* Suppositions : futurs achats des FRA * - Page 42 Unbena24
* Suppositions : futurs achats des FRA * - Page 42 Cheval11

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MessageSujet: Re: * Suppositions : futurs achats des FRA *   * Suppositions : futurs achats des FRA * - Page 42 Icon_minitimeDim 30 Mai 2010 - 23:23

Je verrais bien l'arrivée en force des UAV, pour : l'artillerie, reconnaissance, illuminer (laser).

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