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 EF2000 Typhoon

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EF2000 Typhoon Empty
MessageSujet: EF2000 Typhoon   EF2000 Typhoon Icon_minitimeSam 29 Nov 2008 - 21:01

Je trouve aberrant qu'un forum qui se respecte comme le nôtre ne contient aucun topic dédié à l'Euro Fighter!
Pour commencer, les Typhoon en suisse:

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EF2000 Typhoon Hmd4259p
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EF2000 Typhoon Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EF2000 Typhoon   EF2000 Typhoon Icon_minitimeSam 29 Nov 2008 - 22:01

Citation :
BAE in negotiations with Oman over £1.4bn Eurofighter deal

By Sylvia Pfeifer, Defence Industries Correspondent

Published: November 13 2008 02:00 | Last updated: November 13 2008 02:00

BAE Systems is in talks to sell up to 24 Eurofighter Typhoon fighter aircraft to Oman in a deal worth at least £1.4bn, the Financial Times has learnt.

UK defence sources close to the negotiations said the Gulf state wanted to replace its 24 ageing Jaguar jets with Typhoons within the next four years.

The deal could also lead to -billions of pounds' worth of maintenance and support work for BAE, Europe's largest defence -contractor.

The sources said that BAE had been talking directly to the Omani government about the sale without using external advisers. The group's use of middlemen formed part of an investigation into allegations - always denied by BAE - that bribery was used to secure a deal to sell arms and aircraft to Saudi Arabia in the 1980s.

Another export deal in the Middle East would be a feather in the cap of Ian King, the new BAE chief executive. In a sign of the company's commitment to the region, the board, led by Dick Olver, chairman, has decided to hold its first meeting in the Middle East in the coming weeks.

Any agreement would be structured as a government-to-government contract, similar to last year's deal to sell Typhoons to Saudi Arabia.

A successful deal would help ease budget concerns at the Ministry of Defence, which is committed to buying 88 new Typhoons as part of its membership of the Eurofighter consortium building the aircraft, which also includes Spain, Germany and Italy.

The export of some aircraft to Oman would help avoid the severe financial penalties incurred if the UK cancels any part of its Eurofighter order.

The Omani contract would also help secure crucial manufacturing jobs in the UK at a time of falling employment.

Oman has a close relationship with the UK, which has supplied the sultanate with defence equipment for decades. Its air force also operates American F-16 jets.

Last night, a source close to the MoD warned that the deal was not yet concluded. "The Omanis are looking at what capabilities are available in the market, but may decide this is not the right time for them," the source said.

BAE said: "Oman is a customer with whom we have a long and valued relationship . . . we will continue to support their requirements as and when they arise."
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EF2000 Typhoon Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EF2000 Typhoon   EF2000 Typhoon Icon_minitimeDim 30 Nov 2008 - 21:03

Citation :
December 2008

Eurofighter: Signature for Tranche 3 gets urgent

By Karl Schwarz

Once again the Royal Air Force is leading the way: on 10 October it accepted its first Eurofighter Typhoon FGR4 from the second production batch at BAE Systems' Warton plant. The single-seater BS040 and another aircraft were later ferried to RAF Coningsby, where the Royal Air Force's Typhoon fleet is based.

Now that the weapon system has received its international Type Acceptance, granted by the NATO Eurofighter und Tornado Management Agency (NETMA) at the beginning of September, deliveries to the other countries should get under way as well. At any rate the German Defence Ministry was expecting national Type Acceptance for October. Three Tranche 2 Eurofighters are expected to be delivered to the Luftwaffe before the end of this year. This is a few months behind the original schedule, but the military are hoping that the “backlog” caused by the delayed Type Acceptance can be largely caught up over the coming year.

The new Block 8 standard Eurofighters are initially required to bring the first operational unit in Neuburg up to strength, as Fighter Wing 74 is currently having to make do with only ten aircraft. This is due partly to the fact that several Tranche 1 aircraft were relinquished by the Luftwaffe to Austria and partly to ongoing upgrade measures to the Block 5 standard. With 16 trained pilots, FW74 is just able to fulfil the Quick Reaction Alert (QRA) role of protecting the airspace over the south of Germany, which it officially took on in June.

When one considers that the average aircraft availability rate is only 50 percent (this is claimed to be better than other Luftwaffe types), this means that no more than half a dozen Eurofighters are available for flying operations on a daily basis. According to wing commodore Wing Commander Andreas Pfeiffer, four of these are required for the QRA service (two plus two reserves), so that only two are available for other duties. This rules out intensive training in aerial combat, as Pfeiffer lamented during a visit by FLUG REVUE at the beginning of October. Despite this, the QRA aircraft take off twice a day on exercise flights even without being alerted.

It will therefore take some time before FW 74 is able to exploit the full potential of the Eurofighter. Despite the overstretched situation, it is planned that FW 74 will participate in international exercises for the first time in 2009. Informally, the pilots from Neuburg recently pitted their skills against their French Rafale colleagues in aerial combat. The results were extremely gratifying, the main difference being the much greater thrust of the EJ200 engine. As far as the pilots are concerned, moreover, the Block 5 standard has brought clear improvements compared with earlier versions of the software. Areas which were previously problematic, such as voice input of commands, now function a lot more reliably.

According to the Luftwaffe's broader plans, Fighter Wing 74 will initially be raised to a strength of 24 Eurofighters before the task of equipping the next unit begins, probably at the end of 2009/beginning of 2010. This will be Fighter Bomber Wing 31 “Boelcke” in Nörvenich, although an air-to-ground precision weapon capability is not expected before 2011/2012. FW 71 in Wittmund and FBW 33 in Büchel are also due to be equipped with the Eurofighter in the course of the next decade.

This presupposes, of course, that Germany goes ahead and buys all 180 aircraft envisaged in the Framework Agreement. So far Luftwaffe and Defence Ministry are strongly defending this figure. However, the SPD left no doubt during the budget debate in the Bundestag in September that in their view, “146 state-of-the-art, dual role-capable fighter aircraft in four units instead of five” was plenty, as MP Hans-Peter Bartels (a member of the Defence Committee) let it be known.

However, such utterances appear totally innocent compared with the urgent wish of the United Kingdom and Italy to reduce their unit numbers in the forthcoming Tranche 3. “Officially no one has yet approached us to alter the figures,” said Eurofighter CEO Aloysius Rauen at the end of September. The consortium's tender has been on the table since June and the contracts have been drawn up as far as possible, so that it is now up to Germany, the UK, Italy and Spain to agree on the way forward. According to Rauen, a contract has to be in place in the first quarter of 2009 at the latest if an expensive production gap is to be avoided.

On the other hand the Eurofighter management are well aware of the need for industry to remain flexible. As long as the delivery periods do not change drastically, it would be feasible to split Tranche 3 into two parts, Rauen has suggested. This idea had been raised for the first time in the summer by the German Secretary of State for Military Procurement, Rüdiger Wolf. Again, Rauen did not rule out the possibility of the partner nations reselling some of their Eurofighters, although, if at all possible they should not get in the way of the ongoing export drives.

The partner companies of EADS, BAE Systems and Alenia are currently busy trying to win further orders in a number of countries beyond their two successes to date, Austria and Saudi Arabia. Key prospects at the moment are India, which has a requirement for 126 aircraft, and Switzerland, which needs up to 33 aircraft. Under the lead of EADS, the Eurofighter is due to demonstrate its prowess in Emmen in November, before the Luftwaffe then appears with the fighter jet at the Bangalore Air Show next February.

Eurofighter also reports “real interest” in a possible 50 aircraft from Japan, which faces a delay of some years before its American F-22's and F-35's will arrive. Romania is looking for 48 new fighters, although it is unlikely to be able to afford anything more than used aircraft. Other potential customers include Bulgaria (15 aircraft), Croatia (12), Turkey (40) and Greece (30). It is difficult to assess what real prospects the Eurofighter has in individual countries. At any rate it did not make it to the final shortlist of three in the Brazilian competition in October, losing out to competitors Boeing with the F/A-18E/F, Dassault with the Rafale and Saab with the Gripen.

Even without further exports, however, an imposing Eurofighter fleet should enter into service over the next few decades, and naturally this will require improvements enabling the integration of new weapons (Taurus, Small Diameter Bomb, Meteor etc.) and adaptation to future operational requirements. One such item is the installation of an E-scan radar (an antenna with active electronic beam steering through over 1000 transmit/receive modules). As Eurofighter CEO Rauen puts it, “We are in serious discussions.” India is also interested in such a system, which would mean that the integration costs could be more widely spread. But according to Rauen, such a system needs to be reliable from the start and offer better performance than the present Captor.

From FLUG REVUE 12/2008
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EF2000 Typhoon Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EF2000 Typhoon   EF2000 Typhoon Icon_minitimeLun 8 Déc 2008 - 15:07

Dossier Eurofighter

EF2000 Typhoon Azeri8dh5.thEF2000 Typhoon
EF2000 Typhoon Azeri10bf4.thEF2000 Typhoon
EF2000 Typhoon Azeri12tp5.thEF2000 Typhoon
EF2000 Typhoon Azeri14ix5.thEF2000 Typhoon
EF2000 Typhoon Azeri16bn6.thEF2000 Typhoon
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EF2000 Typhoon Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EF2000 Typhoon   EF2000 Typhoon Icon_minitimeLun 8 Déc 2008 - 15:29

ça c'est du bon boulot, merci yakousa EF2000 Typhoon Icon_sal
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EF2000 Typhoon Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EF2000 Typhoon   EF2000 Typhoon Icon_minitimeLun 15 Déc 2008 - 22:35

EF2000 Typhoon Eurofighter-EF2011
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EF2000 Typhoon Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EF2000 Typhoon   EF2000 Typhoon Icon_minitimeVen 19 Déc 2008 - 0:09

EF2000 Typhoon:

EF2000 Typhoon 1448819


EF2000 Typhoon 1449279


EF2000 Typhoon 1448643


EF2000 Typhoon 1448071

EF2000 Typhoon 1447775


EF2000 Typhoon 1427053

EF2000 Typhoon 1426693


EF2000 Typhoon 1425288
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EF2000 Typhoon Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EF2000 Typhoon   EF2000 Typhoon Icon_minitimeDim 8 Fév 2009 - 13:41

Un face à face F-16 vs EF2000:
Citation :
...The DACT (Dissimilar Air Combat manoeuvres) 2vs2 scenarios had to do with 4 sorties of air battle between solely 2 Greek F-16s and 2 German Eurofighters. Given the fact that it was the first time in history that such an air fight took place, we tried to learn from first hand the impressions of 341 Squadron pilots who were engaged in these scenarios.

So, as Captain K. Pazaras (a pilot with more than 1300 flying hours in the F-16s and 3 participations in ELITE ) mentioned to HAF characteristically:
“The air battle missions against the Eurofighter were a very positive experience for us. We had to face a type of aircraft with tremendous manoeuvrability and agility, both in dogfight and low speed, demonstrating an excellent capability of nose authority and, of course, demonstrating the advantages of its two engines increased power. You can understand immediately its difference from relevant engagements with 3rd generation aircraft. In many respects, the Eurofighter is an airplane… to admire in the air battle! Eurofighter brought me about the same feeling when in the past I was flying the A-7 against the F-16!”.

On the same line was also the impression of another Greek pilot, Captain G. Mihelis, who stood against the German Eurofighters having more than 1000 hours on the type:
It seems that (the Eurofighter) is an excellent aircraft in air battle. Of course, it is very difficult to face it in a dogfight, while it carries very good radar with long distance detection, releasing it from ground stations or airborne radar support requirements. The above in conjunction with the very good aerodynamic characteristics of Eurofighter, especially in low speed, its overpowered engine that in dry power (without afterburner) allows the fighter to surpass the Mach, constitute an airborne opponent who practically was requiring special effort and abilities from our side in order to face it effectively”.

Captain N. Printzios, without questioning the excellent impression made to the Greek pilots in their air fight against the two Eurofighters of Luftwaffe, expressed another parameter of this air fight, as he noted that:
“The relatively limited space we had in ELITE to move both in the horizontal and vertical plane, did not allow us to separate twenty to thirty miles in order to operate better. Consequently, in 1vs1 it is very difficult to face the Eurofighter. However, we have not tried bigger formations, for example 4 vs 2 with possibility to implement certain tactics, thus I cannot prejudge the outcome. In this specific case we have faced for the first time the Eurofighter in dogfight, that was something never happened before”…

Antonis Tsagaratos on exercise ELITE, Germany, July 2008, in the Hellenic Air Force Yearbook 2008
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EF2000 Typhoon Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EF2000 Typhoon   EF2000 Typhoon Icon_minitimeDim 8 Fév 2009 - 14:42

Je trouve le bi places pas terrible scratch
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EF2000 Typhoon Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EF2000 Typhoon   EF2000 Typhoon Icon_minitimeJeu 26 Fév 2009 - 22:05

Fox-One a écrit:
le typhon est un pur chasseur, les UAE cherchent un multirôle fighter
voila pour mieux te répondre je déplace le débat ici:
Swing Role
EF2000 Typhoon Et_sr_mc_sw
2 x Laser guided bombs
27mm Mauser
2 x Stand-off weapons
1 x 1000 litre fuel tanks

Air Superiority
EF2000 Typhoon Et_sr_mc_as
27mm Mauser
3 x 1000 litre fuel tanks

Air Interdiction
EF2000 Typhoon Et_sr_mc_ai
4 x Laser guided bombs
27mm Mauser
2 x 1000 litre fuel tank
Laser designator pod

Suppression of Enemy Air Defences
EF2000 Typhoon Et_sr_mc_so
2 x Alarm
2 x Laser guided bombs
27mm Mauser
2 x 1000 litre fuel tanks
Laser designator pod

Close Air Support
EF2000 Typhoon Et_sr_mc_ca
18 x Brimstone
27mm Mauser
1 x 1000 litre fuel tank

Maritime Attack
EF2000 Typhoon Et_sr_mc_ma
4 Anti-ship Missiles
27mm Mauser
3 x 1000 litre fuel tank
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EF2000 Typhoon Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EF2000 Typhoon   EF2000 Typhoon Icon_minitimeDim 15 Mar 2009 - 0:09

bonnes nouvelles pour le Typhoon.

Citation :
Eurofighter Team: Cut Costs, We'll Make Order

By THOMAS NEWDICK And tom kington
Published: 13 Mar 11:35 EDT (15:35 GMT)

The four Eurofighter partner nations have said they could decide by the end of March to order 45 percent of the third tranche of the planned total order of 620 aircraft, if manufacturers cut life-cycle costs on weapon systems.

The deal to stagger the planned order of 236 third-tranche aircraft by Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy and Spain has long been in the works. But at a March 12 meeting, government officials linked that option to driving down the price.

In a statement released after the meeting, the German Defense Ministry said: "The nations agreed to adjourn negotiations to the end of March 2009. The NATO agency NETMA, responsible for execution of the program, has been instructed to negotiate with the industry up to this time, in order to bring significant reductions to the life-cycle costs of the weapon system.

"On the basis of appropriate results, it will thereafter be decided whether to proceed with a Part-Tranche 3A. This would represent approximately 45 percent of the original Tranche 3, 107 of 236 aircraft."

The U.K. Defence Ministry, which was represented by procurement minister Quentin Davis at the meeting, declined to comment on the talks.

Wolfdietrich Hoeveler, a spokesman for the Eurofighter industrial consortium, said a split in the tranche is "possible" if all four European customers agree to common terms. He argued, however, that the total four-nation order should remain fixed at 620 aircraft, and that the continuity of production should not be interrupted.

Hitherto, the Italian Air Force has suggested it would like to cut its order back.

The head of Italy's industrial partner, the Finmeccanica group, warned that if individual partners cut their order, it could mean a rearranging of the industrial workshare divided between firms.

"We are interested in maintaining our present share, as well as promoting exports," Finmeccanica CEO Pierfrancesco Guarguaglini said March 12. "In Saudi Arabia, there is a chance of increasing the order, and there is also Romania and Oman," he said. "I am sure they will find a solution while considering the companies' interests."
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EF2000 Typhoon Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EF2000 Typhoon   EF2000 Typhoon Icon_minitimeDim 15 Mar 2009 - 13:28

pour ceux qui diraient que le point faible du foufoune est son radar mécanique:
Citation :

Le radar Captor ECR-90 est un radar doppler multimodes à impulsions hautement performant fonctionnant dans la bande cohérente X (8 à 12 GHz). Si on le compare aux radars de la génération précédente, la différence, en termes de performances, est immense. Ses valeurs sont nettement supérieures aux distances minimales de localisation et d’identification exigées dans les spécifications : il peut reconnaître des avions éloignés d’environ 150 km. Cet équipement est extrêmement rapide et peut poursuivre de nombreuses cibles simultanément sans réduction de l’espace aérien observé. Le dispositif de reconnaissance ami/ennemi est intégré dans le radar et fonctionne normalement de manière entièrement automatique. En outre, le radar possède de très bonnes capacités air-sol et fournit une image très nette du terrain.

L’adaptation automatique de la fréquence de répétition des impulsions en fonction de la situation tactique a un effet bénéfique en réduisant d’autant les émissions détectables.

L’antenne présente un diamètre important d’environ 60 cm. Elle est commandée mécaniquement et réagit très rapidement à tout ordre de changement de direction grâce à quatre servomoteurs spécialement développés à cet effet. Les concepteurs ont choisi d’utiliser une antenne classique à balayage mécanique en raison des exigences pratiques du combat air-air, les grandes portées exigeant un gain d’antenne important. Les antennes à balayage électronique offrent certains avantages pour le traitement de cibles terrestres mais leurs capacités en matière de combat air-air en sont encore au stade du développement et de la mise au point. Un version plus évoluée du radar Captor équipée d’une antenne à balayage électronique est prévue dans le cadre des extensions de capacités de l'Eurofighter. Ce radar désigné CAESAR aura les mêmes dimensions que le Captor et sera donc facilement intégrable en remplacement. Les premiers essais en vol effectués avec le prototype du nouvel équipement ont fait apparaître des valeurs de performances dès à présent égales ou même parfois supérieures aux capacités du Captor.
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EF2000 Typhoon Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EF2000 Typhoon   EF2000 Typhoon Icon_minitimeVen 20 Mar 2009 - 0:55


EF2000 Typhoon 2iravw10
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EF2000 Typhoon Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EF2000 Typhoon   EF2000 Typhoon Icon_minitimeVen 10 Avr 2009 - 13:14

EF2000 Typhoon Stfifi
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EF2000 Typhoon Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EF2000 Typhoon   EF2000 Typhoon Icon_minitimeDim 12 Avr 2009 - 0:24

EF2000 Typhoon 17256263
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EF2000 Typhoon Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EF2000 Typhoon   EF2000 Typhoon Icon_minitimeLun 13 Avr 2009 - 0:05

EF2000 Typhoon Efiy
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EF2000 Typhoon Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EF2000 Typhoon   EF2000 Typhoon Icon_minitimeLun 13 Avr 2009 - 23:18

une vrai bête de combat! What a Face belle photo yakuza.
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EF2000 Typhoon Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EF2000 Typhoon   EF2000 Typhoon Icon_minitimeDim 19 Avr 2009 - 21:50

Très beau! EF2000 Typhoon 874160

EF2000 Typhoon 800px-20
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EF2000 Typhoon Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EF2000 Typhoon   EF2000 Typhoon Icon_minitimeMer 22 Avr 2009 - 16:16

EF2000 Typhoon 72778702
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EF2000 Typhoon Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EF2000 Typhoon   EF2000 Typhoon Icon_minitimeJeu 23 Avr 2009 - 0:29

6 GBU, 4 amraam, 2 asraam, 1 reservoire largable Cool et on a même pas l'impression que l'avion porte autant d'armes, gràce au points d'emport du amraam semi encastrés.
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 6028
Inscrit le : 29/05/2007
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : EF2000 Typhoon Unbena24EF2000 Typhoon Unbena10
EF2000 Typhoon Unbena32EF2000 Typhoon Medail10

EF2000 Typhoon Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EF2000 Typhoon   EF2000 Typhoon Icon_minitimeJeu 23 Avr 2009 - 2:08

Rien a dire une vraie bete de combat..

13 point d'emport qd meme What a Face

EF2000 Typhoon 75px-m10
الله الوطن الملك
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EF2000 Typhoon Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EF2000 Typhoon   EF2000 Typhoon Icon_minitimeJeu 23 Avr 2009 - 22:31

oui 13 points d'emport dont 4 avec très peu d'impact sur l'aérodynamisme de l'avion, l'avion peut porter 4 amraam sans générer de la trainée. dans une configuration suériorité aérienne (4 amraam+2 asraam/iris-t) l'avion se comportera comme s'il portait seulement 2 asraam/iris-t.
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EF2000 Typhoon Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EF2000 Typhoon   EF2000 Typhoon Icon_minitimeSam 25 Avr 2009 - 12:52

tir passif d´AMRAAM a l´aide du MIDS

EF2000 Typhoon Amraam
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messages : 7967
Inscrit le : 24/04/2007
Nationalité : Maroc-France
Médailles de mérite :
EF2000 Typhoon Unbena12EF2000 Typhoon Unbena13
EF2000 Typhoon Unbena15EF2000 Typhoon Unbena10

EF2000 Typhoon Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EF2000 Typhoon   EF2000 Typhoon Icon_minitimeSam 25 Avr 2009 - 12:59

les espagnol ne prennent pas le meteor ?

EF2000 Typhoon Sign_v10
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EF2000 Typhoon Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EF2000 Typhoon   EF2000 Typhoon Icon_minitimeSam 25 Avr 2009 - 13:12

si mais en attendant...en plus le Amraam est medium,donc il est aussi utile a coté du meteor
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EF2000 Typhoon Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EF2000 Typhoon   EF2000 Typhoon Icon_minitime

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EF2000 Typhoon
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