Je trouve aberrant qu'un forum qui se respecte comme le nôtre ne contient aucun topic dédié à l'Euro Fighter! Pour commencer, les Typhoon en suisse:
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Yakuza Administrateur
messages : 21656 Inscrit le : 15/09/2009 Localisation : 511 Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: EF2000 Typhoon Mar 19 Jan 2010 - 18:45
MAATAWI Modérateur
messages : 14756 Inscrit le : 07/09/2009 Localisation : Maroc Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: EF2000 Typhoon Mer 20 Jan 2010 - 16:31
_________________ Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autres
MAATAWI Modérateur
messages : 14756 Inscrit le : 07/09/2009 Localisation : Maroc Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: EF2000 Typhoon Ven 22 Jan 2010 - 11:33
Le Typhon a dominé les F-15 lors des entaînement du NATO
Citation :
Eurofighter Typhoon Top Trumps the F-15 During Air Combat Training
08:07 GMT, January 22, 2010 During recent exercises, NATO Air Forces carried out several training combat engagements known as DACT, Dissimilar Aircraft Combat Training, involving different types of aircraft. In this situation, where the air dominance is a matter, the Eurofighter Typhoons turned out to be the leading air-to-air fighter jets.
Once again, the outstanding performance of the Eurofighter Typhoon was evident in a dogfight simulation. The 111 Squadron of the Spanish Air Force as well as the 493rd Squadron of the U.S. Air Force were deployed for training in Gando Air Base, Gran Canaria. The Spanish Squadron attended the training with a total of six Eurofighter Typhoons. The U.S. Air Force deployed F-15s.
In an interview on the exercise, Major Juan Balesta, the 41-year old Commander of the 111 Squadron stressed that a two-ship formation of Eurofighters involved in a dogfight simulation “against” the F-15s enjoyed full control of the engagement. The Typhoons managed to smash a formation of eight F-15s which had the role of the attacker with the first Eurofighter jet managing to "shoot down" four F-15 fighter jets. The second Eurofighter managed to disable three F-15 jets. Eventually the pilots were using the Eurofighter Typhoon to full capacity and taking advantage of its enormous capabilities. Trump that.
_________________ Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autres
Invité Invité
Sujet: Re: EF2000 Typhoon Ven 22 Jan 2010 - 13:11
Je ne comprends pas sincèrement pourquoi se font maintenant officiels les résultats de ces exercices qui ont été déjà effectués il y a presqu'une année. Je suppose qu'ils auront profité des informations de l'entrevue que AFM a effectuée à un de nos pilotes pour son dernier numéro de cette revue et pour contrer au niveau du Marketing probablement les dernières informations sur la hypothétique défaite des Typhoons face aux Rafales aux EAU...
Gémini Colonel-Major
messages : 2735 Inscrit le : 09/12/2009 Localisation : Un peu partout!!! Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: EF2000 Typhoon Ven 22 Jan 2010 - 16:05
Ce n'est pas une hypothetique defaite ,c'est une sacree raclée que se sont pris les brits,je vois mal l'etat major français donner de fausse information qui sont a coup sur verifiable en haut lieu .Il faut arreter avec l'euromachin c'est une belle béte mais pas si indestructibles que ça au vu des resultats obtenu par les rafales. Ca me rappel le Titanic "insubmersible" ,ont sait tous ce qu'il advint.........
Invité Invité
Sujet: Re: EF2000 Typhoon Ven 22 Jan 2010 - 21:32
@ AMRAAM: sais-tu de quel tranche de Typhoon il s'agit dans ses exercice? T 1 ou 2?
Je tiens aussi à connaitre la config des F-15 C qui ont combattu face aux Typhoon, lors d'un débats précédent tu as parlé de F-15 C upgradé avec radar AESA, mais sincèrement je n'en suis pas convaincu, je doute que tous les F-15C soit upgradé avec AESA surtout qu'une bonne partie de ses bêtes va être réformée, et que un AESA reste quand même un sérieux avantage pour les F-15 face au Captor mécanique, donc cette défaite laisse penser qu'il s'agit de F-15 C non upgradés.
Dernière édition par Raptor le Ven 22 Jan 2010 - 21:51, édité 1 fois
Gémini Colonel-Major
messages : 2735 Inscrit le : 09/12/2009 Localisation : Un peu partout!!! Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: EF2000 Typhoon Ven 22 Jan 2010 - 21:45
Il me semble (mais je peux me tromper ) que les seul F15 avec AESA (18ex je crois ...decidemment )sont basé a ELMENDORF.
Invité Invité
Sujet: Re: EF2000 Typhoon Ven 22 Jan 2010 - 22:42
Raptor a écrit:
@ AMRAAM: sais-tu de quel tranche de Typhoon il s'agit dans ses exercice? T 1 ou 2?
Je tiens aussi à connaitre la config des F-15 C qui ont combattu face aux Typhoon, lors d'un débats précédent tu as parlé de F-15 C upgradé avec radar AESA, mais sincèrement je n'en suis pas convaincu, je doute que tous les F-15C soit upgradé avec AESA surtout qu'une bonne partie de ses bêtes va être réformée, et que un AESA reste quand même un sérieux avantage pour les F-15 face au Captor mécanique, donc cette défaite laisse penser qu'il s'agit de F-15 C non upgradés.
Salut Raptor!!
En répondant à ta question,ont été des Typhoons T1 (Block 5) et T2 (Block 8 )...
Quant au sujet des F-15 C modernisés , pour ne pas me répéter encore une fois, je me remets au link suivant où il est tout bien expliqué et avec ses links correspondants...
Les Eagles qui ont pris part dans ces exercices l'ont fait avec les missiles Amraam, Aim-9 X et JHMCS.Si tu veux,tu peux jetter un coup d'oeil aux images des exercises ici..
En plus,voici un article intéressant extrait d'un forum espagnol sur un des participants de l'exercice. On peut extraire une information très intéressante comme l'armement qui portaient les F-15, la zone des combats aériens et presque l'absence de restrictions dans cette région, les 2 phases de combats qui ont eu ces exercices et surtout le plaisir de voir (Moi, comme Espagnol) l'image d'un F-15 yankee sous la pipper d'un de nos F-18...
Citation :
Por Antonio Esteban Muñoz. Comandante de Aviación
En aquel momento me encontraba en la plataforma de aviones ultimando detalles con el personal de mantenimiento de la USAF, cuando un rugido lejano llamó mí atención y pude ver entre nubes la formación de los primeros F-15C descendiendo para inicial.
Tal vez sea por el instinto depredador, pero un escalofrío me recorrió el cuerpo, crucé la mirada con Carlos que tambien les esperaba, el aire olía como en aquella tarde del 96 que vi llegar a la B.A. de Torrejón los MIG-29 de la Luftwaffe, han pasado algunos años, pero la adrelanina siempre huele así, y los guerreros la sudan cuando sienten cerca el combate.... ¡Carlos ya están aquí!...
Ha llovido mucho desde el 96, he tenido la fortuna de vivir 4 RED FLAG, 1 NOMAD, 1 TLP, 5 años volando sobre el Adriático, y de nuevo otra campaña de entrenamiento aire/aire con la élite de la caza española, en el mejor escenario que se conoce. ( Zona D-79, 240 mn x 155 mn, sin limitaciones de vuelo supersónico,done el empleo de chaff y bengalas no tiene restricciones, que permite volar desde la superficie del mar hasta el techo de combate de un EF-18 y el disparo de cañon y misiles, tanto IR como BVR.).
Sin embargo, y a pesar de que ya soy soldado viejo, la emoción ante esta campaña es diferente a todo lo demás, la aviación legionaria es especial y no por el polvo del desierto sino porque todo sabe mejor cuando no hay donde incar el diente, hace mucho tiempo que el ALA 46 se hizo mayor, pero no se presentan muchas oprotunidades para salir de la monotonía y poder demostrarlo.
Llevábamos un mes preparándonos para esas 3 semanas de trabajo intenso, y el reto de sostener operaciones de 2 periodos diarios de 8 aviones, alcanzando las cotas de operatividad más altas de los últimos tiempos en la B.A. de Gando. y entre conferencias para familiarizarnos con el "enemigo", sus tácticas y sus capacidades, se iba cociendo la tensión a la espera del plan de vuelos del lunes con la ilusión de ver tu nombre en el tablón.
T: ¡Carlos ya están a quí!.... Parece que traen AIM-9X y el HMS, ¿no?.
C: Sí, mucho mejor
T: ¡Ese es el espíritu!
Y con el lunes llegaron los primeros vuelos. Eran misiones sencillas de máximo de 4 aviones, de esas que no importa tanto simular un armamento inferior, con escenarios donde los Halcones se las arreglan sobradamente bien para valer los 7P, o terminar bailando en las distancias cortas al son de los cañones.... como en la foto.
Pero los escenarios evolucionan al mismo ritmo al que mejoran las plataformas, y pronto llegaron misiones más complejas con la participación de un gran número de aviones en ambos bandos, misiones donde es vital disponer de armamento activo alargando tanto las distancias, que aguantar los segundos necesarios para el impacto de un FOX 1 lejano se convierte en un suicido y casi hace imposible llegar al cruce, donde disponer de un radar con capacidad de acometer trazas simultáneamente marca la diferencia al no poder saturar al enemigo.
En esos escenarios, donde hay participantes que se intercambian información táctica como el "sorting" construyendo en un vistazo rápido al "Display", la misma SA (Situational Awareness) que otros aviones después de muchos segundos oyendo e intrepretando la "picture" de un GCI, donde si no tienes capacidad de interrogar antes de disparar, puedes terminar ocupando posiciones lejanas a la FEZ (Fighter Engage Zone) o como escolta, esperando que un "leaker" te dé algo juego.
Demasiado poco acero para una raza tan hambrienta y tan capaz.
Invité Invité
Sujet: Re: EF2000 Typhoon Lun 1 Fév 2010 - 14:33
Pirate vs B-2
Invité Invité
Sujet: Re: EF2000 Typhoon Lun 1 Fév 2010 - 22:45
Citation :
Goodrich Upgrades Eurofighter Typhoon's Ground Proximity Warning System
New system adds additional capabilities to enhance Typhoon's ground attack role
09:35 GMT, February 1, 2010 SINGAPORE | Goodrich Corporation (NYSE: GR) has initiated the upgrade of the TERPROM Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) for the Eurofighter Typhoon aircraft. The upgrade adds air-to-surface targeting information to the existing TERPROM predictive ground proximity warning system capabilities, and is expected to be incorporated into the future batch enhancement upgrade to the aircraft. The system is being provided by Goodrich's Sensors and Integrated Systems team, from the Plymouth, UK-based Atlantic Inertial Systems (AIS) business that was acquired by Goodrich in December, 2009.
The upgraded TERPROM will use its terrain database and proprietary ranging functionality to provide the Typhoon's attack computer with accurate position, height and range data for ground targets selected by the pilot. This data will then be used to refine the firing solution, increasing the accuracy of weapons delivery. The system supports the enhanced ground attack role of the Typhoon and the ongoing desire to reduce collateral damage without the need for additional sensors or weapon enhancements.
Over 5,000 commercial, military and rotary wing aircraft worldwide are fitted with TERPROM, a portable software system that can be hosted in third-party hardware or provided as a complete line replaceable unit.
Fremo Administrateur
messages : 24818 Inscrit le : 14/02/2009 Localisation : 7Seas Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: EF2000 Typhoon Mar 9 Fév 2010 - 2:40
pendant l'Exercise Daedalus 2010
Invité Invité
Sujet: Re: EF2000 Typhoon Ven 12 Fév 2010 - 1:11
MAATAWI Modérateur
messages : 14756 Inscrit le : 07/09/2009 Localisation : Maroc Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: EF2000 Typhoon Ven 12 Fév 2010 - 17:44
Citation :
Eurofighter dominates MMRCA fighter race in India?
According to India’s Ambassador Arif Shahid Khan, quoted by the Reuters news agency, Eurofighter Typhoon is leading the race to win the new fighter deal for the Indian Air Force ($10.4 billion contract for 126 aircraft). It was reported by Eurofighter GmbH.
Eurofighter dominates MMRCA fighter race in India?
The Ambassador stressed the top position held by Eurofighter Typhoon during a meeting last Friday with Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi in Rome.
Flight trials of the six aircraft competing for the tender are expected to be completed this April, then a decision will follow. Eurofighter Typhoon sits alongside Dassault’s Rafale, Saab’s Gripen, Boeing’s F/A-18 Super Hornet, Lockheed Martin’s F-16 and Russia’s MiG-35 in the competition.
Ambassador Khan remarked that Germany’s President Horst Köhler will visit India in early February as will Silvio Berlusconi later this year.
For India, the Eurofighter Typhoon offers a broad spectrum of operational advantages, such as excellent adaptability to severe weather conditions, high mission effectiveness and survivability in threat situations as well as considerable in country economic benefits.
_________________ Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autres
rafi General de Division
messages : 9496 Inscrit le : 23/09/2007 Localisation : le monde Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: EF2000 Typhoon Jeu 18 Fév 2010 - 12:09
Citation :
MMRCA (Medium Multi-Role Combat Aircraft) testing begins this month for Eurofighter Typhoon in India as speculation rises as to who may win the new fighter jet deal to supply the Indian Air Force with 126 aircraft. The Hot and High trials which kicked off last year with Boeings F/A-18 are taking place in Bangalore, over Jaisalmer in the Rajasthan desert under hot weather conditions and in the Leh area of Ladakh – Ladakh meaning "land of high passes" - for high altitude testings. After having to wait patiently for our turn, finally February sees Eurofighter Typhoon in the hot seat, with the opportunity to put our highly advanced and robust capabilities to the test. The trials will be heavily supported by the German Air Force, who will provide both the aircraft and appropriate air and ground crews. Two aircraft set off from Rostock/Laage on Monday destined for Bangalore. Eurofighter is excited to be participating in the trials and with a proven hot weather customer, Saudi Arabia, already in service, now is as good a time as any to shine under the Indian sun.
Très interessante la vidèo du simulateur du Typhoon!!!
Fremo Administrateur
messages : 24818 Inscrit le : 14/02/2009 Localisation : 7Seas Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: EF2000 Typhoon Mer 10 Mar 2010 - 0:06
lors du Defexpo-10
rafi General de Division
messages : 9496 Inscrit le : 23/09/2007 Localisation : le monde Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: EF2000 Typhoon Sam 20 Mar 2010 - 21:23
Du rififi entre Rafale et Eurofighter...
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After the Dubai Air Shows on the web circulated a series of unofficial reports about exercises held in the UAE with both Rafales and Typhoons. The fact that these reports are unofficial could be a sign of our French competitor frustration in not having signed the much anticipated contract with UAE or possibly even to fulfil a basic need to develop positive stories about the currently unex-ported fighter. The unofficial reports were circulated using French Air Force Rafale pilots who used their blogs to say that Rafale won 4 vs 1 engagements with RAF Typhoons during the exercises in UAE. Propaganda is a science, but in this specific case the stories about the Rafale vs Typhoon are unjustified and an unfair representations of reality because in the exercise sorties Typhoons and Rafales worked together on the same team! There were red Typhoon/Rafale combos and blue Typhoon/Rafale combos which took part in the exercise. On the CT (Continuation Training) sorties both Typhoon and Rafale squadrons were conducting work-up sorties for their junior pilots and this is in fact the subject and source of the unofficial reports. To be quoting results from this training does not give a true reflection of aircraft superiority not to mention the fact that similar results against the Rafale and in Typhoons favour also occurred in this training too, thus dissolving the basis on which these unofficial reports are based. Throughout the exercise Typhoon was always carrying a greater payload than Rafale, Typhoon always came into the fight above Rafale and Typhoon take off performance was always more stunning than Rafale - all fully as expected.
messages : 9496 Inscrit le : 23/09/2007 Localisation : le monde Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: EF2000 Typhoon Sam 3 Avr 2010 - 11:20
Citation :
Oman is in talks to buy Eurofighter Typhoon aircraft from the UK in a deal potentially worth billions of pounds and which could help ease the budget crisis at the Ministry of Defence.
Downing Street said yesterday the Gulf state had indicated its intention to buy the aircraft for the Royal Air Force of Oman. The decision came in the wake of "wide-ranging discussions" over the past three years between Gordon Brown, prime minister, and the Sultan of Oman "on the importance of the close relationship between our two countries". Number 10 declined to give details of how many jets Oman was interested in buying, but said the deal would sustain British jobs. Defence industry sources said the order could be for as many as 24 aircraft, as Oman has been looking to replace its 24 ageing Jaguar jets for some time. Oman has a close relationship with the UK which has supplied the sultanate with defence equipment for decades. The decision is potentially good news for the MoD which has been struggling with a budget shortfall in its equipment programme estimated at £36bn over the next 10 years by theNational Audit Office. One of its largest - and most expensive - equipment commitments is the Typhoon. The UK is committed to buy 88 Typhoons from the aircraft's third production run as part of its membership of the Eurofighter consortium which also includes Spain, Germany and Italy. Pressures on defence budgets led the four nations last year to agree to split the batch into two chunks, with the first bought immediately and the second requiring commitments in 2011. Under that agreement the UK signed up for an initial 40 aircraft, although it was also allowed to count export orders to countries including Saudi Arabia towards its total so it only had to pay for 16 aircraft. Failure to take part in the agreement would have cost the UK an estimated £2bn in contractual penalties and would have led to thousands of job losses. Adeal with Oman could potentially help to reduce the UK's commitment even further and help the MoD cut future expenditure. The deal is also good news for BAE Systems, Europe's largest defence contractor, which builds the aircraft together with European partners. The initial work is likely to take place at BAE's site in Wharton in Cheshire. "Oman is a country with which we have a long and valued relationship and we stand ready and willing to support any requirement it has," said BAE. An initial deal could be worth at least £1.4bn to the company but could lead to billions of pounds' of maintenance and support work. The multi-role fighter was originally designed to intercept Soviet bombers.
messages : 21656 Inscrit le : 15/09/2009 Localisation : 511 Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: EF2000 Typhoon Sam 3 Avr 2010 - 16:17
wow un couple EF+F16 ,duo de choc
Proton General de Brigade
messages : 3496 Inscrit le : 27/06/2009 Localisation : Partout. Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: EF2000 Typhoon Sam 3 Avr 2010 - 16:23
Quand je vois la complexité du moteur, je comprend mieux le gouffre qui nous sépare d'eux.
Invité Invité
Sujet: Re: EF2000 Typhoon Sam 3 Avr 2010 - 17:44
Younes a écrit:
Quand je vois la complexité du moteur, je comprend mieux le gouffre qui nous sépare d'eux.
De quel gouffre tu parles younes? peux-tu expliquer?
Si tu parle d'une comparaison EJ200 vs F100-PW-229EEP sache que ce dernier et parmi les moteurs les plus évolué du monde en terme de fiabilité, de durée de vie et de maintenance. Il a bénéficié du cumule d'expérience de PW et des technologies développées dans le cadre du programme F119 PW 100.
sauf si tu parle de la capacité de l'industrie marocaine actuelle à produire de tels chef-d'oeuvre, là tu as raison! mais c'est une autre histoire.
rafi General de Division
messages : 9496 Inscrit le : 23/09/2007 Localisation : le monde Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: EF2000 Typhoon Jeu 29 Avr 2010 - 19:42
94% de disponibilité opérationnelle pour les Eurofighter italiens lors de l'exercice de l'OTAN Brilliant Ardent 2010, soit 140 heures de vol en 68 sorties.
MAATAWI Modérateur
messages : 14756 Inscrit le : 07/09/2009 Localisation : Maroc Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: EF2000 Typhoon Ven 14 Mai 2010 - 11:42
Citation :
BAE Systems wins Pan European Readiness and Sustainment Contract Warton, United Kingdom: BAE Systems has been awarded a five year contract worth in the region of £150m by Eurofighter GmbH to provide an avionic equipment repair support service on the Typhoon fleets for the air forces of Germany, Spain and the UK. The contract changes the current repair contracting method on Typhoon by placing an incentive on BAE Systems to provide resolution to technical problems more quickly and to continue to reduce the volume of repair activity undertaken. Under the contract BAE Systems will provide a range of repair services leading to much reduced support costs, improved reliability of the equipment and the transfer of risk to industry that traditionally was held by the customer. As with every contract undertaken by BAE Systems there will be no compromise on safety. BAE Systems has equipment design responsibility for a number of avionic equipments within the Typhoon fleet and will work closely with seven key suppliers to deliver the repair support service within guaranteed turn-round times. Chris Boardman, Managing Director of Typhoon Mission Support & International Programmes at BAE Systems said: “This contract award demonstrates BAE Systems commitment to the reduction in the through-life support costs for the Typhoon fleet which was a key requirement of the Tranche 3a contract award last year. Our customers will benefit from improved reliability and a reduction in support costs allowing them to deliver a more efficient and cost effective frontline capability. This solution also shows the commitment BAE Systems has to supporting our customers’ military objectives.” This contract underlines the Company’s capabilities in the area of readiness and sustainment and is the latest in a number of Typhoon support contracts awarded in the last year. In 2009 BAE Systems was awarded a five year, £450 million contract by the UK MoD for the maintenance and support of Royal Air Force Typhoon aircraft, to meet current and future operational commitments. Later that year the Company secured two further support contracts. The first a five and a half year contract worth more than £400m to provide support for the radar and defensive aids sub systems (DASS) on the Typhoon fleets for the air forces of Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK. The second support contract was with the Royal Saudi Air Force (RSAF). This contract includes training in the United Kingdom for RSAF Typhoon pilots and Typhoon multi-skilled aircraft technicians.
_________________ Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autres
Invité Invité
Sujet: Re: EF2000 Typhoon Ven 14 Mai 2010 - 13:48
EEj200 et _________________F-100 PW
rafi General de Division
messages : 9496 Inscrit le : 23/09/2007 Localisation : le monde Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: EF2000 Typhoon Ven 14 Mai 2010 - 19:16
L'Eurofighter est qualifié chasseur-bombardier opérationnel depuis 2008...