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messages : 35
Inscrit le : 22/03/2008
Localisation : France
Nationalité : Maroc

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MessageSujet: US Navy   US Navy - Page 10 Icon_minitimeSam 22 Mar 2008 - 17:06

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Bonjour/Bonsoir ;

Alors, je vous présente quelques portes avions USA :

USS Carl Vinson
US Navy - Page 10 800px-USS_Carl_Vinson_on_patrol_in_the_Pacific_2003-06-10

USS Harry S Truman
US Navy - Page 10 Truman

USS Nimitz
US Navy - Page 10 Cvn68_nimitz_deckload

USS Eisenhower
US Navy - Page 10 770px-USS_Eisenhower_CVN-69

USS George H. W. Bush
US Navy - Page 10 DCS06-627-25

USS Kity Hawk
US Navy - Page 10 USS%20Kittyhawk%20(2)

USS Wasp
US Navy - Page 10 051119-N-3527B-115%208%20x%2010

USS Tarawa
US Navy - Page 10 LHA1-Tarawacrs

USS Saipan
US Navy - Page 10 LHA2-Saipan%5Brs%5D

Marocain, et fier de l'être.
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MessageSujet: Re: US Navy   US Navy - Page 10 Icon_minitimeVen 19 Mar 2010 - 12:58

General Dynamics Advanced Information systems a obtenu un contrat de 30.6 Millons de dollars pour la production de 118 ordinateurs de type mission 3 avancé AMC pour les avions F-18 Super Hornet
L'ordinateur de mission avancée est le centre nerveux de la Super Hornet, fournissant concience de la situation et les systèmes de contôle de combat à l'équipage.
Citation :

General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems Awarded $31 Million Navy F/A-18 Mission Computer Contract

March 18, 2010 by Marcel van Leeuwen · Leave a Comment

FAIRFAX, Va. – General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems has been awarded a $30.6 million contract for the production of 118 Type-3 advanced mission computers (AMC) for the F/A-18 Super Hornet aircrafts. General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems is a business unit of General Dynamics (NYSE: GD).
US Navy - Page 10 F-18a-service
The advanced mission computer is the nerve center of the Super Hornet, providing situational awareness and combat systems control to the flight crew. A ruggedized, high-performance/high-reliability mission and display-processing system, the AMC relies on a Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS), open systems architecture. It performs general purpose, input/output, video, voice and graphics processing and is designed to operate reliably in the extreme environmental conditions of today’s high-performance fighter aircraft. The AMC is able to process the high-speed data flows from the latest in sensor technology.
“General Dynamics is committed to continuing its legacy of providing advanced warfighting capability to the F/A-18 program,” said Lou Von Thaer, president of General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems. “Our open architecture approach allows for technology refreshes and new generations to avoid obsolescence and provide improved performance for the Navy.”
General Dynamics has been delivering AMCs for the F/A-18 since 2002. Since then, the nature of the work on this program has expanded from production for newly produced aircraft to include supplying Navy efforts to retrofit operational aircraft. This contract will primarily be performed at the General Dynamics facility in Bloomington, Minn., and will be completed by the end of 2011

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MessageSujet: Re: US Navy   US Navy - Page 10 Icon_minitimeLun 22 Mar 2010 - 13:06

C'est sûr que si le programme F-35B tombe à l'eau, ce genre de batiment sans radier va perdre une grande partie de son utilité ..
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Les Marines US veulent revenir aux bâtiments amphibies traditionnels

Plus de 2 ans avant que le bâtiment d’assaut amphibie America n’entre en service, des responsables de l’US Marine Corps ont déjà commencé à tracer des plans pour une version du bâtiment disposant de ce qui manque à l’America — un radier.

Le “concept LHA” comme il a été appelé dans une présentation faite lundi dernier par le Marine Corps Combat Development Command, combinerait les nouvelles capacités aéronautiques que les Marines veulent conserver de la classe America avec une capacité traditionnelle de débarquement.
Bien que le plus récent programme de l’US Navy ne prévoit pas de tel navire, les dessins du LHA 8 — l’America est le LHA 6 — prouvent qu’une partie du Corps désirent revenir aux amphibies traditionnels dès que possible. Le secrétaire à la Navy, Ray Mabus, a déjà indiqué qu’il serait trop couteux de modifier la conception de l’America ou du suivant, le LHA 7. Ils seront donc construits selon les plans actuels.
L’America et le LHA 7, qui n’a pas encore été baptisé, ont été conçus sans radier afin de créer un “porte-avions du Marine Corps” construit autour du F-35B Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter et de gros hélicoptères tels que le MV-22 Osprey et le futur CH-53K Super Stallion.
L’avenir des bâtiments connus auparavant sous le nom de code LHA(R) n’a jamais été stable. Selon les périodes, il s’agissait de bâtiments de guerre, de navires auxiliaires du Military Sealift Command ou une combinaison des 2. Finalement, les responsables de la Navy ont décidé que les 2 premiers Americas seraient des bâtiments de guerre. Mais les responsables de la planification du Marine Corps en sont venus à regretter en silence que les prochains bâtiments amphibies ne puissent débarquer du matériel et des troupes dans des engins de débarquement traditionnels.

Navy Times

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Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: US Navy   US Navy - Page 10 Icon_minitimeMer 31 Mar 2010 - 12:39

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L'USS Independence écume les eaux de la côte Est

US Navy - Page 10 20055
L'USS Independence (LCS 2)


Second prototype du programme Littoral Combat Ship, le trimaran furtif en aluminium USS Independence (LCS 2) a quitté vendredi le port de Mobile (Alabama), pour sa première période de navigation significative. A l'issue des essais en mer réalisés au large de Mobile, le bâtiment a débuté une nouvelle phase de tests et d'évaluations. Ce voyage inaugural conduira le navire à Key West et Mayport, en Floride, ainsi qu'à Norfolk, en Virginie.
Conçue par General Dynamics, en coopération avec BIW et Austal, l'USS Independence mesure 127.2 mètres de long pour 30.4 mètres de large, avec un déplacement lège de 2800 tonnes. Sa propulsion, comprenant notamment deux turbines à gaz GE LM 2500, lui permet d'atteindre la vitesse de 45 noeuds. Conçu pour le combat littoral, ce bâtiment peut embarquer des modules en fonction des missions qui lui sont confiées (chasse aux mines, lutte anti-sous-marine, lutte antinavire). L'armement de base comprend une tourelle de 76mm, 4 mitrailleuses de 12.7mm et un système surface-air Sea Ram. Le LCS 2 dispose d'une plateforme et d'un hangar pour deux hélicoptères

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MessageSujet: Re: US Navy   US Navy - Page 10 Icon_minitimeJeu 1 Avr 2010 - 11:32

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Green Hornet to take flight on Earth Day

March 31, 2010 by Marcel van Leeuwen · Leave a Comment

The Navy will demonstrate the ‘Green Hornet,’ an F/A-18 Super Hornet powered by a 50/50 biofuel blend, on Earth Day, April 22, at Naval Air Station Patuxent River, Md., as part of its Energy Strategy.
Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus has made energy independence a top priority for the Department of the Navy (DoN), and the ‘Green Hornet’ flight is an important step in the certification and ultimate operational use of biofuels by the Navy and Marine Corps.
US Navy - Page 10 Green-Hornet-400x243The ‘Green Hornet’ initiative supports Mabus’ energy reform targets, which will increase warfighting capability by reducing reliance on fossil fuels from unstable locations and reducing volatility associated with long fuel supply transport lines. The secretary’s energy reform targets include:
- By 2016, the Navy will sail a “Great Green Fleet” composed of nuclear ships, surface combatants with hybrid electric power systems using biofuel and aircraft flying on only biofuels.
- By 2020, at least half of the DoN’s shore-based energy requirements will come from alternative sources and half of total DoN energy consumption will come from alternative sources.
“[The flight] will demonstrate that our systems can work on biofuel,” Mabus said in his remarks at a recent energy forum at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab in Laurel, Md. “After it is successful, and we are absolutely confident that it will be; we will move to expand biofuel testing to our marine gas turbine engines and to the engines of our tactical vehicles.”
The biofuel blend to be used in the Super Hornet is derived from the camelina sativa plant, which is a U.S.-grown, renewable, non-food source. The objective of the Navy’s biofuel test flight program is to confirm there is no difference in performance between the biofuel blend derived from the camelina plant and standard petroleum-based JP-5. The Navy’s ultimate goal is to develop protocols to certify alternative fuels for use in Naval Tactical systems.
The Navy Fuels Lab at NAVAIR Patuxent River, Md., will develop certification requirements for a variety of biofuel sources, including chemical properties, material compatibility, component and propulsion system performance and weapon system performance.
The Defense Energy Support Center, which oversees procurement of biofuel for the Navy, recently awarded a $2.7 million contract to Sustainable Oils of Seattle and Bozeman, Mont. for 40,000 gallons of the camelina-based fuel.
Mabus, as well as energy and environmental leaders from throughout the Department of the Navy, are scheduled be in attendance at the Earth Day flight demonstration. Distinguished visitors will have technical briefs and a tour before the flight demonstration, and will meet the aircraft’s pilot immediately after.
“We are a better Navy and a better Marine Corps for innovation; we have led the world in the adoption of new energy strategies in the past,” Mabus said at the Naval Energy Forum last year, when he announced his energy reform targets. “This is our legacy.”
Green Hornet is an environmental and energy concept that reaches beyond the element of alternative fuels and encompasses efforts ranging from operational and policy through technology research and development. Examples of these efforts range from more energy efficient aircraft refueling policies implemented by the fleet at the Navy’s master jet bases, to ongoing research and development efforts by NAVAIR and General Electric to evaluate more fuel efficient engine components. These engine improvements will be designed to reduce the Specific Fuel Consumption (SFC) for the F414 (F/A-18E/F Super Hornet) engine. The Super Hornet is Naval Aviation’s largest fuel consumer

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MessageSujet: Re: US Navy   US Navy - Page 10 Icon_minitimeJeu 1 Avr 2010 - 14:43

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US Navy Aircraft Crashes into Arabian Sea
The US Navy Fifth Fleet has announced that a navy E-2C Hawkeye aircraft carrying four crew members has crashed into the Arabian Sea.
The crash occurred after the plane experienced mechanical malfunctions, forcing the crew to perform a controlled bail-out, according to the BBC.
Three crew members are confirmed alive and the navy is searching for the fourth.
The US Fifth Fleet said in a statement that the aircraft had crashed into the sea at about 14.00 local time (10.00 GMT) on Wednesday 31 March.
The plane was returning from operations in support of Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan when the crash occurred.
A team on the navy's USS Dwight D Eisenhower aircraft carrier is investigating the exact reason behind the incident.

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MessageSujet: Re: US Navy   US Navy - Page 10 Icon_minitimeLun 5 Avr 2010 - 16:53

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Search continues for Hawkeye crew member who bailed out over Arabian Sea
US Navy - Page 10 E-2d-a10
The US Navy is continuing the search for an EC-2 Hawkeye crewmember who bailed out before the surveillance plane went down in the north Arabian Sea on Wednesday.
Three other crewmembers aboard the plane were rescued within minutes of the crash, the Navy said in a news release Friday. All three are in good condition, the release said.
The EC-2 Hawkeye, embarked onboard the aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, went down about five miles from the carrier as it was returning to the ship Wednesday afternoon. The plane experienced mechanical malfunctions forcing the crew to bail out, the Navy said.
The Navy is employing several other ships and aircraft in the search for the missing crewmember

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MessageSujet: Re: US Navy   US Navy - Page 10 Icon_minitimeJeu 8 Avr 2010 - 14:10

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US Navy : Un drone Fire Scout fait la chasse aux narcotrafiquants

US Navy - Page 10 25070
L'un des deux Fire Scout embarqués sur l'USS McInerney
crédits : US NAVY

Conçu par Northrop Grumman, un MQ-8B Fire Scout a réalisé sa première opération de lutte contre le narcotrafic au sud des côtes américaines du Pacifique. Embarqué depuis octobre 2009 avec un autre engin du même type sur la frégate USS McInerney (FFG Cool, le drone avait décollé pour un vol d'essai lorsque les radars de la frégate ont repéré un écho suspect. Les marins américains ont alors décidé de dérouter le Fire Scout vers l'embarcation rapide, qui s'est révélée être un go-fast appartenant à des trafiquants de drogue. Après avoir identifié le bateau grâce aux senseurs du drone, les marins américains ont pu poursuivre discrètement le go-fast. Durant trois heures, la caméra vidéo de l'engin a retransmis la scène en direct, permettant aux militaires et aux garde-côtes embarqués sur le McInerney d'assister au transfert de la drogue entre l'embarcation rapide et un bateau de pêche. Intervenant après avoir assisté à distance à cette scène, les américains ont pu saisir 60 kilos de cocaïne, 200 autres kilos étant apparemment jetés par-dessus bord par les trafiquants.


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MessageSujet: Re: US Navy   US Navy - Page 10 Icon_minitimeLun 12 Avr 2010 - 14:45

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US Navy Receives Beechcraft T-6 Trainer Aircraft
The US Navy has received a T-6B military training aircraft from Hawker Beechcraft Corporation that will be based at Naval Air Station Whiting Field in Milton, Florida, for basic and advanced flight training tasks.
The T-6B aircraft is capable of training pilots in the most advanced aerobatic manoeuvres and simulated combat training tasks, flying at a top speed of 316kt.
The T-6 aircraft was selected by the US Navy and Air Force in 2000 as the joint primary aircraft training system to train the pilots and navigators.

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MessageSujet: Re: US Navy   US Navy - Page 10 Icon_minitimeMar 13 Avr 2010 - 15:40

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MessageSujet: Re: US Navy   US Navy - Page 10 Icon_minitimeMar 20 Avr 2010 - 14:01

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Northrop Grumman Redelivers USS Enterprise (CVN 65) to U.S. Navy

NEWPORT NEWS, Va., April 19, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE:NOC) successfully redelivered the world’s first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, USS Enterprise (CVN 65), to the U.S. Navy today. The redelivery follows the completion of an Extended Drydock Selected Restricted Availability (EDSRA). The project is the ship’s last dry docking before deactivation and was performed by the company’s Shipbuilding sector in Newport News, Va.
US Navy - Page 10 CVN-65-USS-Enterprise-400x231Enterprise is an extremely complex ship that required an extraordinary effort on the part of the shipbuilding team and the ship’s crew to get her through the availability and back in the fight,” said Capt. Ron Horton, Enterprise’s commanding officer. “The relationships that were built between my crew and the shipbuilding team will last a lifetime. This truly was an amazing performance by everyone, and it has been the highlight of my career to have been a part of it.”
The carrier, which departed for sea trials on April 17, returned to Naval Station Norfolk today flying a broom on its mast to signify a clean sweep and a successful sea trial. Sea trials are conducted to test systems, components and demonstrate operations at sea. The trials also include high-speed runs and a demonstration of the carrier’s other capabilities.
Enterprise is a very special ship to us. She’s our first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier and this maintenance period was another historic chapter in her life,” said David Long, Enterprise program director for Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding. “This availability could not have been completed so successfully without the talent, dedication and teamwork of our shipbuilders, CVN 65 crew members, Supship and Navsea personnel, and our suppliers. We pulled together as an integrated team to take on the unique challenges presented by this one-of-a-kind, 48-year-old ship and are returning her to the fleet ready to execute her critical missions around the globe. This is a proud and historic moment for us all, seeing her leave for her last sea trial.”
Work during the EDSRA included dry docking work, tank blasting and coating, hull preservation, propulsion and ship system repairs and limited enhancements to various hull, mechanical and electrical systems.
USS Enterprise is the world’s first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier and the only ship of its class. It was built by Newport News and joined the U.S. Navy’s fleet in 1961. Northrop Grumman has been responsible for accomplishing the majority of scheduled and emergent maintenance on USS Enterprise since 1994

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MessageSujet: Re: US Navy   US Navy - Page 10 Icon_minitimeVen 23 Avr 2010 - 20:36

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Boeing Super Hornet Trainer Deliveries Allow US Navy to Train in 4-ship Formation

ST. LOUIS, April 22, 2010 — Boeing [NYSE: BA] and teammate L-3 Link Simulation & Training today announced that they delivered two F/A-18E/F Super Hornet Tactical Operation Flight Trainers (TOFT) to the U.S. Navy at Naval Air Station (NAS) Oceana, Va., in February, and declared them “Ready for Training.” The devices offer aircrews the same Operational Flight Program used in the Boeing-built Super Hornet aircraft
The successful delivery of these trainers to Oceana gives pilots there the ability to operate in a four-ship integrated training scenario with previously delivered devices,” said Mark McGraw, Boeing vice president of Training Systems & Services. “Also, the Block II software upgrades delivered with the new trainers allow aircrews to operate in more-realistic training scenarios, including mission rehearsals for Air Wing events.”
The two TOFTs delivered in February join two trainers that were already
operating at NAS Oceana. Another two devices are at NAS Lemoore, Calif. Boeing incorporated the software upgrades into all four previously delivered TOFTs. The improvements include updates to the Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System and to a Digital Memory Device; integrated Joint Mission Planning System capabilities; and an advanced navigation system.
Six additional Block II TOFTs in Arlington, Texas, are being used for future trainer development — primarily for testing software and other architectural upgrades — before being delivered to Oceana and Lemoore. When the current contract is complete in 2012, the Navy could award Boeing a follow-on contract for four additional trainers.
The TOFTs each comprise an instructor/operator station that establishes the scenarios and training lessons, and forward and aft crew stations with their own visual systems. More than 40 computers keep the TOFTs operational, and one brief/debrief station is in place for every two trainers

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MessageSujet: Re: US Navy   US Navy - Page 10 Icon_minitimeDim 25 Avr 2010 - 10:46

L'US navy à annoncée le nom du dixième San Antonio

US Navy - Page 10 Web_100423-N-5025C-001

Pour rappel les autres LPD en construction sont :
" San Diego (LPD 22)
" Anchorage (LPD 23)
" Arlington (LPD 24)
" Somerset (LPD 25)

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MessageSujet: Re: US Navy   US Navy - Page 10 Icon_minitimeMer 28 Avr 2010 - 12:43

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Northrop Grumman Delivers Mine Detection Pods Ahead of Schedule
US Navy - Page 10 9bca8210
Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE:NOC) delivered, ahead of schedule, all Low-Rate Initial Production (LRIP) lot 2 Airborne Laser Mine Detection System (ALMDS) pods to the U.S. Navy.
The last of the three ALMDS LRIP lot 2 pods was accepted by the Navy on March 11. The company delivered the pods approximately three weeks ahead of schedule, on average. The company and the Navy are in the final stages of submitting the LRIP lot 3 production contract.
"The Northrop Grumman contractor team and our Navy partners are working hard to get these systems into the fleet as quickly as possible," said Dan Chang, vice president of Northrop Grumman Maritime and Tactical Systems. "ALMDS and the Rapid Airborne Mine Clearance System (RAMICS) are critical tools with demonstrated technologies for getting our warfighters out of minefields. These two programs are key to the fielding of the entire mine detection and destruction capability to our warfighters."
Mounted on the left side of an MH-60 helicopter, ALMDS rapidly detects and locates floating and submerged mines so they can be neutralized before they can damage U.S. and allied military and commercial ships. The system uses pulsed laser light and streak tube receivers housed in an external equipment pod to image the entire near-surface volume area of the sea in 3-D. The ALMDS is capable of day or night operations.
Eventually, ALMDS will be coupled with Northrop Grumman's RAMICS, which is now in development. RAMICS, also operating from an MH-60S helicopter, will take the mine location information from ALMDS, relocate the mine and then neutralize the mine with its 30 mm gun. Both of these systems are an integral part of the Mine Counter Measures (MCM) Mission Package, which will be deployed on the Littoral Combat Ships. Northrop Grumman is also the LCS Mission Package Integrator for the Navy.
Northrop Grumman, which developed and produces the ALMDS at its Melbourne, Fla., facility, was able to make the early deliveries through the teamwork of its customer teammates and supplier base: Naval Sea Systems Command PMS 495; the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Panama City Division, Panama City, Fla.; and, the Defense Contracts Management Agency; Areté Associates, Tucson, Ariz., which manufactures the Receiver Sensor Assembly; Cutting Edge Optronics, a Northrop Grumman subsidiary in St. Charles, Mo., which manufactures the high-powered laser transmitter; CPI Aero, Edgewood, N.Y., manufacturer of the pod housing; Curtiss Wright/DY4, San Diego, manufacturer of the central electronics chassis; and Meggitt Defense Systems, Irvine, Calif., which produces the environmental control system.
Northrop Grumman's Melbourne facility is the company's Center of Excellence for Airborne Mine Countermeasures and is currently under contract for the development or manufacture of the U.S. Department of Defense's four Airborne Mine Countermeasures sensor programs.

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MessageSujet: Re: US Navy   US Navy - Page 10 Icon_minitimeMer 28 Avr 2010 - 15:56

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During exercise Stellar Avenger, the Aegis-class destroyer USS Hopper launches a standard missile 3 Blk IA, successfully intercepting a sub-scale short range ballistic missile, launched from the Kauai Test Facility, Pacific Missile Range Facility, Barking Sans, Kauai. This was the 19th successful intercept in 23 at-sea firings, for the Aegis BMD program, including the February 2008 destruction of a malfunctioning satellite above the earth's atmosphere.

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MessageSujet: Re: US Navy   US Navy - Page 10 Icon_minitimeSam 1 Mai 2010 - 15:35

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Raytheon Awarded $89.5 Million Digital Radar Warning Receiver Contract

GOLETA, Calif., April 29, 2010 /PRNewswire/ -- Raytheon Company (NYSE: RTN) has received an $89.5 million contract award from the U.S. Navy for the continued production of its ALR-67(V)3 digital radar warning receiver.

The contract includes systems and spares for the U.S. Naval Air Systems Command as well as international customers.

"This award reflects our continuing commitment to providing highly reliable, advanced electronic warfare products and technologies to our customers," said Scott Jackson, general manager for Raytheon's Electronic Warfare Systems business.

The ALR-67(V)3 is the U.S. Navy standard for digital radar warning receiver technology, installed on all its frontline, carrier-based F/A-18E/F tactical aircraft. It is an integral part of modernization programs for U.S. and international F/A-18 customers.

This contract represents the 12th full rate production lot awarded to Raytheon as part of an original contract that began in the late 1980s with the initial development of the radar warning receiver. Deliveries for this lot will begin in January 2012 and are expected to be completed by December 2012. A total of 681 ALR-67(V)3 systems plus spares have now been ordered. Later this year, the team will deliver its 500th system. The international procurements are foreign military sales with potential additional contracts for software, engineering, and performance-based logistics support.

The ALR-67(V)3 is being produced by Raytheon's Space and Airborne Systems business at its Tactical Airborne Systems facility in Goleta with support from facilities in El Segundo, Calif.; Forest, Miss.; and McKinney, Texas. Key suppliers are located in the U.S. and Australia.

Raytheon Company

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MessageSujet: Re: US Navy   US Navy - Page 10 Icon_minitimeMar 4 Mai 2010 - 11:56

fin d´une Era

Like a Star @ heaven Un grand changement en horizon,des nuages noirs s´approchent pour la Navy,les années fastes auraient fini!
Like a Star @ heaven Gates veut passer sa celebre "cure" a la Navy: moins de moyens pour les oceans,et plus de moyens pour les cotes,plus la peine de commander dess gros carriers et des Subs a multiB$$,la Navy devra dorenavant commander du moins couteux(petit Subs unmanned et petits navires..)
Like a Star @ heaven Gates ne croit pas en des conflits majeurs genre vs Chine/Russie..plutot l´USA veut se concentrer sur l´irregular warfare

Citation :
MAY 4, 2010
Gates Shoots Across Navy's Bow Budget Speech


Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Monday the Navy would need to reduce its reliance on multibillion-dollar ships and submarines amid deepening U.S. economic woes, a sign the run-up in defense spending sparked by the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks may be coming to an end.

Mr. Gates didn't outline cuts to the Navy's overall ship-buying budget or any of its specific acquisition programs. But the Pentagon chief made clear he thought the Navy was buying too many big-ticket items, such as aircraft carriers, while failing to devote enough resources to unmanned submarines and other relatively inexpensive systems.

"We have to accept some hard fiscal realities," Mr. Gates told an audience of naval officers and defense contractors in National Harbor, Md. "We have to ask whether the nation can really afford a Navy that relies on $3 billion to $6 billion destroyers, $7 billion submarines and $11 billion carriers."

The Navy's current budget for buying new ships and subs, he added, would not see "any significant top-line increases" in the foreseeable future.

The remarks were a clear shot across the Navy's bow by the Pentagon chief, who is preparing to deliver a major address this weekend on military spending. Mr. Gates questioned the utility and cost of virtually every major Navy acquisitions program, including such mainstays as aircraft carriers and manned submarines.

Mr. Gates has already axed a wide array of expensive weapons, such as the Air Force's advanced F-22 fighter jet, out of a belief that the military needs to focus on winning today's unconventional conflicts rather than on preparing for possible future wars with China, Russia or other major powers.

In his speech Monday, Mr. Gates said many of the Navy's current missions, including counterinsurgency and fighting piracy, didn't require particularly advanced ships or weaponry. "You don't necessarily need a billion-dollar guided missile destroyer to chase down and deal with a bunch of teenage pirates wielding AK-47s," Laughing he said.

Mr. Gates said the Navy was already so large there was no pressing need to spend tens of billions of dollars on new high-end ships and submarines. He noted the U.S. had more nuclear-powered submarines than the rest of the world combined and more sea-based missiles than the 20 other largest navies put together.

The defense chief also argued that the skyrocketing price tags of such ships, many of which cost two to three times as much as earlier models, made the programs hard to sustain in the current fiscal climate. He said the Navy should purchase less-expensive systems such as unmanned submarines and small warships designed for operations along coasts rather in oceans.

Mr. Gates's arguments will likely face skepticism on Capitol Hill, where many lawmakers from both parties are staunch supporters of a shipbuilding industry whose companies are major employers in their states and congressional districts.

Bryan McGrath, a retired Navy officer who drafted the service's most recent maritime strategy, said Mr. Gates was "utterly misreading the strategic landscape" by focusing on the Navy's size disparity.

"It is the overwhelming size of our Navy that keeps the rest of the world from expanding their own forces, because they trust us," said Mr. McGrath, a defense consultant. "If our friends and allies think that we're retrenching from our dominant role, you'll start to see a naval arms race, and that will be really destabilizing."


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MessageSujet: Re: US Navy   US Navy - Page 10 Icon_minitimeMar 4 Mai 2010 - 12:06

Vers un Retour à la situation de l'avant XXé siécle ...

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MessageSujet: Amériques :: US Navy   US Navy - Page 10 Icon_minitimeJeu 6 Mai 2010 - 7:33

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USS Dwight D. Eisenhower sails past mountains from Morocco while tansiting through the Strait of Gibraltar to the Meditteranean Sea.



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"  "تِلكَ الدَّارُ الآخِرَةُ نَجْعَلُها لِلَّذينَ لا يُريدُونَ عُلُوًّا فِي الأَرْضِ ولا فَسَادًا"
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MessageSujet: Re: US Navy   US Navy - Page 10 Icon_minitimeSam 8 Mai 2010 - 20:12

l'US navy demande de conserver une flotte avec 11 PA :
Citation :
Navy to Gates: Yes, we need 11 aircraft carriers

(Reuters) - The U.S. Navy told Congress it wants to keep 11 aircraft carriers through 2045, just days after Defense Secretary Robert Gates called into question the need for that many.

"The Navy remains firmly committed to maintaining a force of 11 carriers for the next three decades," Sean Stackley, the service's warship buyer, told the Senate Armed Services Seapower subcommittee on Thursday.
The 11-carrier force structure is based on "world-wide presence requirements, surge availability, training and exercise, and maintenance" needs, he said in an opening statement.
Gates stirred the waters on Monday with a speech in which he asked whether the United States could afford "a Navy that relies on 3- to 6-billion-dollar destroyers, along with 7-billion-dollar submarines and 11-billion-dollar carriers."
He cited both the "massive over-match" enjoyed by the United States in projecting power across the oceans as well as potential foes' growing anti-ship know-how, including cruise and ballistic missiles that could strike from over the horizon.
"Do we really need 11 carrier strike groups for another 30 years when no other country has more than one?" Gates asked the annual conference of the Navy League, a supporters' group.
In addition, he circled back to his doubts, first voiced publicly last April, about amphibious warfare. He repeated questions about a projected $13.2 billion Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle program for the Marine Corps.
The Commandant, General James Conway, has said it is "an absolute critical requirement" for the Marines. The program is led by General Dynamics Corp.
Northrop Grumman Corp and Lockheed Martin Corp are other big Navy suppliers.
The Navy and Marine Corps have determined they can make do with no fewer than 33 amphibious warfare ships, Stackley, the assistant Navy secretary for research, development and acquisition, testified Thursday.
Lieutenant General George Flynn, the deputy Marine commandant for combat development and integration who also testified, said 33 such ships represented a "limit in acceptable risk" for two Marine expeditionary brigades to punch their way through enemy shores.
"Now after eight years of conflict on land, it is important that we challenge conventional thought with regard to the utility of sea-based forces," Flynn had said Tuesday at a roll-out of the latest prototype of the Marines' new $16 million-plus craft for hurtling from ship to shore and inland.
Senator James Webb, a panel member who was President Ronald Reagan's Navy secretary, shot back at Gates during the hearing.
"I think it would be a very serious mistake to cut back on the defense budget in order to fund ground forces that are in Iraq and Afghanistan, hopefully temporarily," the Virginia Democrat said, "at the expense of these vital shipbuilding programs that take years and years to put into place."
Gates, in his remarks on Monday, said the military risked creating a gap "between the capabilities that we are pursuing and those that are actually needed in the world of tomorrow."
The defense secretary is to speak about "political will and the defense budget" on Saturday. He will be visiting the presidential library in Kansas of Dwight D. Eisenhower, who warned against a "military-industrial complex" in his farewell speech of January 17, 1961.


Sachant que la nouvelle génération des CVN n'aura pas besoin de recharger ses réacteurs de toutes la durée de leur vie, ce qui devrait permettre de réduire la durée des grandes indisponibilités, cela ma parait un peu Beaucoups US Navy - Page 10 Icon_rolleyes
Après si ils pouvaient réduire sérieusement la taille de l'équipage, ça couterait moins cher aussi ...

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MessageSujet: Re: US Navy   US Navy - Page 10 Icon_minitimeSam 8 Mai 2010 - 21:55

c´etait prévisible la levée de boucliers,la Navy/USMC s´allie avec le lobby militaro-industriel pour faire barrage a Gates,leur vocation est la projection des forces pas la lutte anti-piraterie Rolling Eyes

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MessageSujet: Re: US Navy   US Navy - Page 10 Icon_minitimeDim 9 Mai 2010 - 3:56

he bien la crise semble raviver les mêmes erreurs du passé,l'histoire a l'air de se repeter,
on en revient a une diminution des moyens militaires comme dans les années precedent la 2e guerre,on sait ce que celà à donner
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General de Division
General de Division

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MessageSujet: Re: US Navy   US Navy - Page 10 Icon_minitimeJeu 13 Mai 2010 - 17:22

Yakuza a écrit:
c´etait prévisible la levée de boucliers,la Navy/USMC s´allie avec le lobby militaro-industriel pour faire barrage a Gates,leur vocation est la projection des forces pas la lutte anti-piraterie Rolling Eyes

the Navy will always get their wish.Like in the pentagone.there is say about the admin."they are there for 4 years,we are here for ever". US Navy - Page 10 Icon_smile
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MessageSujet: Re: US Navy   US Navy - Page 10 Icon_minitimeVen 14 Mai 2010 - 11:36

Citation :

USS Enterprise Launches and Recovers First Aircraft in Two Years

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USS ENTERPRISE, At Sea (NNS) — USS Enterprise (CVN 65) successfully recovered and launched fixed-wing aircraft May 12 after more than two years.
The “Checkmates” of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 211, landed four F/A-18F Super Hornets aboard the world’s first nuclear-powered carrier, and the “Salty Dogs” of Air Test and Evaluation Squadron (VX) 23 followed shortly later with the first launch.
Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 11, also known as the “Red Rippers,” also launched and recovered aircraft on a day long anticipated by the crew.
In order to safely recover a jet there must be 16 personnel below the flight deck manning the arresting gear equipment, eight personnel on the flight deck, and one primary operator. These personnel are solely responsible for the safe recovery of any inbound aircraft.
From providing fuel to taxiing the aircraft after recovery, it’s a team project.
“No single qualification can recover an aircraft alone,” said Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Equipment) 1st Class (AW) David T. Ifill, the primary flight control operator for Air department’s V-2 catapult division. “Teamwork is the only way a carrier can safely do this.”
Enterprise spent more than two years in the Northrop Grumman Newport News Shipyard making sure the ship was ready for her 21st deployment.
During that time frame, Enterprise has seen many Sailors leave the command and many more arrive. There are some who have been on other carriers, seen and participated in flight operations, but many more arrived aboard Enterprise as their first command, new to the fleet
“I’ve been in the Navy for more than a year,” said Airman Ryan K. White. “I am honored to spend my first enlistment aboard Enterprise. It’s an awe-inspiring experience just to be here.”
Launching aircraft on an aircraft carrier is just as dangerous as the recovery.
An aircraft launched from an aircraft carrier accelerates from zero to 145 mph in less than three seconds.
“Safety is the priority on the flight deck at all times,” said Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Equipment) 1st Class (AW) Michael K. Balentine, the bow catapult leading petty officer for Air department’s V-2 division. “Keeping your head on a swivel is our motto out there.”
Launching one jet off the flight deck requires a minimum of 11 personnel on the flight deck.
“People are the heart of launching jets,” said Balentine. “Participating in this specific launch has been an honor for me. I served aboard Enterprise from 2003-2006, and to be a part of this particular event is a dream come true after spending my last three years on shore.”
At the completion of flight deck certification, Carrier Air Wing 1 will begin carrier qualification which will allow them to conduct flight operations with Enterprise and her crew until the end of the next deployment.
Enterprise is underway conducting flight deck certification in preparation for her work-up phase and 21st deployment.

US Navy - Page 10 Star3Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autresUS Navy - Page 10 Star3
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MessageSujet: Re: US Navy   US Navy - Page 10 Icon_minitimeDim 16 Mai 2010 - 13:24

Citation :
SOURCE:Flight International
US DoD agrees to buy 124 F/A-18E/Fs and EA-18Gs over 4 years
By Stephen Trimble

The US Department of Defense has agreed to buy 124 F/A-18E/Fs and EA-18Gs manufactured by Boeing over the next four years for an undisclosed sum, a source familiar with the deal tells

DoD notified Congress today that it will pursue a package deal called a multi-year procurement. The arrangement locks the government into a long-term contract, and the manufacturer provides a discounted price in exchange for the commitment.

Missouri Rep Todd Akin announced that DoD had approved the third multi-year procurement (MYP) for orders during Fiscal 2010-2014, but he did not provide numbers.

The source, however, confirms the package includes 66 F/A-18E/Fs and 58 EA-18Gs, raising the total fleet 515 F/A-18E/Fs and 114 EA-18Gs after the last deliveries occur in late 2015.

The cost for the four-year contract has not been disclosed. Boeing released a statement saying the package deal will cost 10% less buying the aircraft in annual lots.

"It is encouraging to see the Navy and DoD come to their senses on this issue, after I have spent two years arguing that a multi-year contract made sense on all fronts," Akin says.

Last year, DoD officials rejected Boeing's initial multi-year proposal, saying the three-year, 89-aircraft bid lowered the cost of procurement by less than 7%.

The Congressional Research Service extrapolated that even if Boeing's offer was extended to cover 150 aircraft over five years, it would still fall slightly short of DoD's 10% threshold for approving multi-year procurement (MYP) contracts.

The deal means that Boeing will continue producing the F/A-18E/F and EA-18G through at least calendar year 2015.

Extending the production line even further will depend partly on ongoing efforts to sell the aircraft abroad. Australia launched the export campaign for both aircraft types, and Boeing also is offering the fighter to India, Japan, Greece, Denmark, Kuwait and Canada.

But the programme's future also depends on the fate of the Lockheed Martin F-35B and F-35C for the Marine Corps and Navy, respectively. Both services intend to buy 680 F-35B/Cs to replace about 620 F/A-18C/Ds and about 120 AV-8B Harriers.

Meanwhile, the navy is also managing a projected fighter shortfall growing to at least 177 jets by FY2017.
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MessageSujet: Re: US Navy   US Navy - Page 10 Icon_minitimeDim 16 Mai 2010 - 18:52

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L’US Navy détaille ses projets pour l’embarquement de femmes sur ses sous-marins

Les 19 premières femmes qui embarqueront sur des sous-marins
américains, seront sélectionnées cet été. Il s’agira probablement
d’officiers nouvelles dans la Navy. Huit femmes supplémentaires,
officiers de soutien, pourront rejoindre les équipages à la fin de l’an

L’annonce du Chef des Opérations Navales, l’amiral Gary Roughead,
est faite en même temps que l’annonce officielle que les femmes
pourront embarquer sur des sous-marins américains. Le Congrès américain
ne s’est pas opposé à la mesure proposée par le secrétaire à la
défense, Robert Gates, dans une lettre du 19 février dernier.

“Aujourd’hui, les femmes représentent environ la moitié des diplômes
scientifiques et d’ingénieur,” a déclaré le vice-amiral John J.
Donnelly, commandant des forces sous-marines dans un communiqué. “Il y
a des femmes compétentes, qui ont le désir, le talent et sont
intéressées à réussir dans la force sous-marine. Conserver la meilleure
force sous-marine au monde exige de recruter parmi le plus important
réservoir de compétences possible.”

Les sélections vont commencer en juillet. Les officiers seront
“choisis de préférence” au sein de l’Académie navale et de la réserve
via le processus normal de sélection et d’affectation.

Les nouveaux officiers féminins retenues suivront un cours de 15
mois d’école nucléaire — 6 mois de cours, 6 mois de parcours
opérationnel et 3 mois à l’école de navigation sous-marine.

Cette possibilité n’est pas limitée aux nouveaux officiers. Des
officiers des cours précédents pourront être retenues au cas par cas.

Jusqu’à 8 officiers du corps de soutien seront aussi retenues pour rejoindre la force sous-marine à la fin 2011.

La Navy ne prévoit pas de séparer ses équipages mixtes. Après leur
formation initiale, les officiers féminins seront affectés à bord des
SNLE et des SSBN, 2 sous-marins sur la côte est et 2 sur la côte ouest.
Le nombre d’équipages mixtes augmentera au fil des années.

Les sous-marins de la classe Ohio (SNLE et SSGN) ont été choisis
pour la mise en place des équipages mixtes, parce qu’il n’y aura pas
besoin de modifications profondes, comme cela aurait été nécessaire sur
les SNA plus petits.

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