Sujet: Armée Taiwanaise / Republic of China Armed Forces(ROCAF) Mer 22 Avr - 13:39
Rappel du premier message :
Yakuza Administrateur
messages : 21656 Inscrit le : 15/09/2009 Localisation : 511 Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Taiwanaise / Republic of China Armed Forces(ROCAF) Jeu 8 Déc - 1:58
ce ne sont qe des cas de simple FMS,soutient/support/modification ou continuation,rien de gros mais parfois ca montre une intention dans la politique..
Viper Modérateur
messages : 7967 Inscrit le : 24/04/2007 Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Taiwanaise / Republic of China Armed Forces(ROCAF) Jeu 8 Déc - 2:01
je faisait surtout allusion au fait que sa touche que des système sensible, et comme tu le dis celà traduit une volonté d'envoyer un message ... " on vous laisse pas tomber "...
Fremo Administrateur
messages : 24818 Inscrit le : 14/02/2009 Localisation : 7Seas Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Taiwanaise / Republic of China Armed Forces(ROCAF) Ven 9 Déc - 12:53
à l'occasion du 80° de l'école de l'artillerie, on a organisé une JPO ou on a exposé quelques matos de l'artillerie SS/SA taiwanaise ...
PSTAR warning rada
PODARS radar
AIM-7 AA missile
TC-1 AA missile
Avenger missile
MIM-72/M48 missile
PSTAR radar with Stinger DMS
Fremo Administrateur
messages : 24818 Inscrit le : 14/02/2009 Localisation : 7Seas Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Taiwanaise / Republic of China Armed Forces(ROCAF) Ven 16 Déc - 19:23
Citation :
Taïwan abandonne l’idée d’acheter des sous-marins aux USA et se tourne vers la piste locale
Taïwan a abandonné l’idée d’acheter des sous-marins classiques auprès des États-Unis et devrait se lancer dans un programme de construction locale, avec une assistance étrangère, indique un spécialiste de la défense.
Taïwan désire depuis longtemps renforcer sa flotte sous-marine, peu nombreuse et vieillissante. Ce projet avait été relancé en 2001, lorsque les Etats-Unis avaient proposé de fournir 8 sous-marins classiques pour un montant de 12 milliards $.
Mais les discutions semblant n’aller nulle part, en 2003, le Pentagone a suggéré que Taïwan envisage d’acheter des sous-marins d’occasion à l’Italie après une remise en état. Rome aurait accepté de vendre 4 sous-marins de la classe Sauro, puis 4 autres après leur désarmement par la marine italienne. Mais Taipei a rejeté cette offre, expliquant qu’il voulait des sous-marins neufs.
En raison des blocages politiques à Taïwan, de la volonté américaine de ménager Pékin et des pressions chinoises sur Washington, la vente ne s’est jamais réalisée.
Une autre difficulté avec cet accord, est que les États-Unis n’ont pas construit de sous-marin classique depuis les années 50.
Un spécialiste américain, Mark Stokes, indique que le ministère taïwanais de la défense a abandonné l’idée d’acheter des sous-marins auprès des États-Unis et a décidé de lancer un programme de construction locale avec une assistance étrangère.
Des sources militaires prétendent que des recherches pour la construction de sous-marins ont été lancées et que la marine taïwanaise cherche à acquérir le savoir-faire nécessaire à l’étranger.
Le ministère aurait chargé un chantier naval de passer un contrat avec un pays autre que les Etats-Unis, capable de construire des sous-marins, pour obtenir la coopération nécessaire à la construction de sous-marins classiques.
Le Naval Shipbuilding Development Center étudierait de près les plans des 2 sous-marins de la classe Hai Lung — les seuls sous-marins opérationnels de Taïwan —, qui ont été achetés aux Pays-Bas à la fin des années 80.
Les autorités navales se prépareraient à envoyer du personnel à l’étranger pour étudier les technologies de construction ou pour négocier les transferts de technologie pour la construction de coques épaisses, dont les sources indiquent qu’il s’agit de l’aspect le plus difficile dans la construction de sous-marins.
Dans un premier temps, la marine pourrait limiter son programme à la construction de petits sous-marins d’un déplacement de quelques centaines de tonnes.
Taipei Times
Yakuza Administrateur
messages : 21656 Inscrit le : 15/09/2009 Localisation : 511 Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Taiwanaise / Republic of China Armed Forces(ROCAF) Sam 17 Déc - 13:46
une bonne lecon tirée de l´episode F16 une chance pour DCNS avec Scorpene?ou alors le Gotland de Suede?vu l´ancienne relation M2000 et lafayette,je pencherai pour le premier,malgrés l´affaire .. deja je comprends pas comment les US négligent les SSK depuis les 50s,ne serait ce que pour export?
Gémini Colonel-Major
messages : 2735 Inscrit le : 09/12/2009 Localisation : Un peu partout!!! Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Taiwanaise / Republic of China Armed Forces(ROCAF) Sam 17 Déc - 16:01
Yakuza a écrit:
une bonne lecon tirée de l´episode F16 une chance pour DCNS avec Scorpene?ou alors le Gotland de Suede?vu l´ancienne relation M2000 et lafayette,je pencherai pour le premier,malgrés l´affaire .. deja je comprends pas comment les US négligent les SSK depuis les 50s,ne serait ce que pour export?
les USA a l'époque du Nautilus ne voyaient que propulsion atomique avec des etoiles dans les yeux (sans mauvais jeux de mot ) ,les constructeurs de l'époque solicités pour repondre a l'engouement naissant du tout atomique ne se sont pas posés de question : l'Argent benit des méga contrat du renouvellement complet de la flotte de SM. Ajouter a cela la course (elle aussi...) des missiles lancer par SM ne plaider pas en faveur de detourner de la matiére grise des bureaux d'études des constructeurs pour concevoir un "classique" qui rapporterer moins que la construction de SNA-SNLE .
Yakuza Administrateur
messages : 21656 Inscrit le : 15/09/2009 Localisation : 511 Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Taiwanaise / Republic of China Armed Forces(ROCAF) Sam 17 Déc - 16:20
mtn il parrait qu´il y´a un reveil au sein de l´US navy pour l´importance des SSk pour le littoral et eaux peu profondes,et missions moins importantes..
MAATAWI Modérateur
messages : 14756 Inscrit le : 07/09/2009 Localisation : Maroc Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Taiwanaise / Republic of China Armed Forces(ROCAF) Lun 19 Déc - 10:40
Citation :
Two upgraded aircraft arrive in Taiwan from US
U.S.-upgraded E-2K early warning aircraft arrived in Taiwan on December 19, 2011.
Taiwan received two upgraded early warning aircraft from the United States Sunday, air force said, as part of an arms deal that upset China-US relations.
The arrival of the E-2K aircraft in Kaohsiung city brings to four the number of such planes in Taiwan’s air force, after they were sent to the US last year for upgrades, as part of a $6.5 billion arms sale agreed in 2008, which also included advanced interceptor Patriot missiles, Apache attack helicopters and submarine-launched missiles.
Taiwan acquired four E-2Ts in 1995 and two E-2K in 2006. Another two E-2Ts were transported to the US for upgrading last month.
Analysts say the E-2K ― an all-weather early warning and control system platform with an upgraded radar, software, avionics and propellers ― will further reduce warning time if China launched an air attack.
Ties between Taipei and Beijing have improved since President came to power in 2008. But China still sees Taiwan as part of its territory and has repeatedly threatened to invade Taiwan should it declare formal independence, prompting Taipei to seek more advanced weapons from the US.
Citation :
Raytheon Awarded $685.7 Million for New Patriot Systems for Taiwan Maintenance check on a Patriot air and missile defense battery.
Contract follows recent delivery of first Configuration-3 radar system to Taiwan
08:54 GMT, December 19, 2011 TEWKSBURY, Mass. | Raytheon Company has received a $685.7 million Foreign Military Sales (FMS) contract for additional new fire units of the combat-proven Patriot Air and Missile Defense System for Taiwan.
“Our partnership with Taiwan dates back more than 45 years, and we are committed to providing Taiwan with the best air and missile defense system capability available,” said Sanjay Kapoor, vice president for Integrated Air and Missile Defense at Raytheon’s Integrated Defense Systems business (IDS).
Patriot is the world’s most capable air and missile defense system, protecting against a full range of advanced threats, including aircraft, tactical ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles. It is the system of choice for 12 nations around the globe.
Raytheon is the prime contractor for both domestic and international Patriot Air and Missile Defense Systems and system integrator for Patriot Advanced Capability-3 missiles.
This award is in addition to the one received in 2009 for new systems for Taiwan and the 2008 contracts to upgrade Taiwan’s existing systems.
Raytheon recently delivered the first Configuration-3 radar system to Taiwan, completing the upgrade 10 months ahead of the original program plan the customer requested.
The U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, Redstone Arsenal, Ala., issued this contract for new Patriot fire units that will feature new advanced technology, improved man-machine interface and reduced life-cycle costs.
Work under this contract will be performed at Raytheon’s Integrated Air Defense Center, Andover, Mass.; El Paso, Texas; and Huntsville, Ala. The company is supported by a global team of suppliers to the Patriot system.
_________________ Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autres
MAATAWI Modérateur
messages : 14756 Inscrit le : 07/09/2009 Localisation : Maroc Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Taiwanaise / Republic of China Armed Forces(ROCAF) Jeu 29 Déc - 14:48
Citation :
Taiwan navy retires two missile boats (AFP) – 1 day ago
TAIPEI — Taiwan retired two patrol boats, the navy's first vessels armed with ship-to-ship missiles, that were hailed as "critical" to safeguarding the island, officials said.
Hundreds of former and active soldiers who had served on board the 240-tonne Lung Chiang and Sui Chiang bid farewell to the ships at a ceremony in southern Kaohsiung city, the navy said.
Vice Admiral Chiang Lung-an said the ships "have played a critical role in safeguarding Taiwan over the past 30 years".
The US-made Lung Chiang joined Taiwan's navy in 1978, while the Taiwan-built Sui Chiang came three years later in 1981. Each was armed with four homemade "Hsiung Feng I" (Brave Wind I) anti-ship missiles.
Earlier this year, Taiwan's navy put a squadron of 10 guided-missile boats into service featuring what was described as "stealth" technologies as it looked to boost its defences amid Beijing's military buildup.
Tensions in the Taiwan Strait have eased since President Ma Ying-jeou of the China-friendly Kuomintang party came to power in 2008, pledging to boost trade links and allowing more Chinese tourists to visit the island.
But Beijing considers Taiwan part of its territory awaiting reunification, by force if necessary.
The island has governed itself since its split with mainland China in 1949 at the end of a civil war.
_________________ Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autres
MAATAWI Modérateur
messages : 14756 Inscrit le : 07/09/2009 Localisation : Maroc Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Taiwanaise / Republic of China Armed Forces(ROCAF) Mer 18 Jan - 11:25
Citation :
New Puma EC-225 search-and-rescue choppers make debut
Taipei, Jan. 17 (CNA) An EC-225 Super Puma search-and-rescue helicopter acquired by the Air Force last November was put through its paces for the media at an air base in southern Taiwan for the first time Tuesday as part of a pre-Lunar New Year military drill.
The aircraft is one of three advanced rescue choppers that the Air Force took delivery of from Eurocopter Nov. 25 to beef up its disaster relief capabilities.
The all-weather, all-topography helicopter took part in the training exercise at the Chiayi air base ahead of the Lunar New Year holiday, which will begin Jan. 22. The other two were on static display at the same air base.
Lt. Col. Chang Chien-wei said the three helicopters are scheduled to be commissioned into service with the Air Force Seagull Rescue Squadron July 1. The squadron currently operates 17 S-70 choppers, most of which are over 20 years old, he added.
The Super Puma has a five-blade main rotor incorporating a new airfoil shape to reduce vibration levels and increase its capacity to up to 24 passengers. It is equipped with de-icing systems, movable stretchers, life rafts, pop-out floats, life monitoring devices and automatic flight control systems.
It can also be used to airlift supplies to isolated areas and to transport sick and injured people to hospital.
The EC-225 was first developed by Eurocopter in 1998 and Taiwan placed its order for three of them at a cost of US$110 million in February 2010, with an option for 17 more.
Taiwan sent pilots, crew and ground service personnel to Eurocopter's European base for a four-month training course last year to learn how to fly and maintain the machines.
The helicopters are 19.5 meters long, have a maximum take-off weight of 11.2 tons and a range of 857 km, in comparison with the S-70Cs' take-off weight of 9 tons and a range of 550 km.
Eurocopter is a wholly owned subsidiary of the European Aeronautic Defense and Space Co., the parent company of Airbus and one of the three largest aerospace groups in the world.
(By Chen Pei-huang and Sofia Wu) ENDITEM/J
_________________ Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autres
Fremo Administrateur
messages : 24818 Inscrit le : 14/02/2009 Localisation : 7Seas Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Taiwanaise / Republic of China Armed Forces(ROCAF) Jeu 19 Jan - 12:50
MAATAWI Modérateur
messages : 14756 Inscrit le : 07/09/2009 Localisation : Maroc Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Taiwanaise / Republic of China Armed Forces(ROCAF) Jeu 26 Jan - 11:26
Citation :
Mine hunters to start trials: report
Two refurbished mine hunters acquired by Taiwan will commence sea trials next month and are expected to be delivered to the Taiwanese Navy in May or June, British journal Jane’s Defence Weekly reported last week.
The two Osprey-class coastal mine-hunting ships USS Oriole and USS Falcon — both decommissioned from the US navy in June 2006 — were part of the US$6.4 billion arms package notified to US Congress in January 2010 as Excess Defense Articles.
The 895-tonne ships, renamed MHC 1310 Yung Jin and MHC 1311 Yung An, underwent comprehensive hull, machinery and combat management overhaul and upgrades in the US, Jane’s wrote.
At the time of announcement in 2010, the US$105 million deal was expected to include an overhaul of the AN/SQQ-32 sonar.
The ships, whose hulls are made of fiberglass and designed to survive an underwater explosion, use sonar and video equipment to detect moored and undersea mines and a remote-controlled mine detonating device to secure key waterways.
The Osprey-class ships will augment the Taiwanese navy’s mine-hunting capabilities, which currently rely on four Yung Yang-class (ex-US Agile-class) minesweepers built in the 1950s, four Yung Chia-class (ex-US Adjutant-class) coastal minesweepers, also built in the 1950s, and four German-made Yung Feng-class mine hunters commissioned in 1991.
Overhaul and reactivation work is almost complete and Taiwanese crews are receiving training ahead of the sea trials next month, Jane’s reported.
Taiwan had been seeking the Osprey-class ships since 2001. Military strategists say that China could use naval mines to impose a sea blockade against Taiwan in time of conflict.
The People’s Liberation Army Navy reportedly has between 10,000 and 100,000 naval mines in its inventory and is believed to conduct annual mine-laying exercises.
_________________ Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autres
MAATAWI Modérateur
messages : 14756 Inscrit le : 07/09/2009 Localisation : Maroc Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Taiwanaise / Republic of China Armed Forces(ROCAF) Lun 30 Jan - 12:52
Citation :
Navy to acquire ‘listening sticks’
By J. Michael Cole / Staff Reporter
The Taiwanese Navy is purchasing hundreds of specialized sonobuoys from the US to augment its anti-submarine warfare capabilities, a US Department of Defense notice said on Friday.
Under the Foreign Military Sale, Taiwan will acquire 440 AN/SSQ-53F sonobuoys for US$335,000, with work scheduled for completion by January 2014 (as part of the same deal, the US Navy is purchasing 49,900).
Sonobuoys, also known as “listening sticks,” are used to detect and identify moving underwater objects.
The AN/SSQ-53F directional frequency and ranging (DIFAR) sonobuoy — the latest-generation passive sonobuoy used by the US Navy — is dropped from fixed-wing aircraft or helicopters and uses four hydrophones that operate at depths of 27m, 60m, 120m and 300m, as well as digital sound processors, to listen for enemy submarines.
Unlike “active” sonobuoys, which locate objects by bouncing a “ping” off a vessel, passive types gather emissions created by moving underwater objects.
Aircraft can drop a pattern of sonobuoys, which relay information back to the aircraft by radio link to determine the exact location of enemy submarines.
In Taiwan’s case, the sonobuoys are likely to be used on the 12 refurbished P-3C “Orion” marine patrol aircraft it has purchased from the US, which are expected to start being delivered this year.
Sonobuoys are designed to determine the direction from which a signal originates. Through triangulation, a pattern of listening sticks can determine a target’s range, bearing and location.
The operational life of a sonobuoy can be set from 30 minutes to eight hours, whereupon the device automatically scuttles itself.
In November last year, Taiwan also ordered 44 AN/SSQ-36s — ocean thermometers used to establish what is known as the “temperature geography.” Water temperature, which affects sonar propagation and acoustic range prediction, tends to vary depending on depth.
Establishing temperatures before launching sonobuoys, such as the AN/SSQ-53F, can therefore ensure optimal performance.
China has at least 65 submarines in its navy’s undersea forces, with four nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines (SSBN), at least five nuclear-powered attack submarines and 56 conventional submarines.
The Type 094 SSBN, which is equipped with the JL-2 nuclear missile and was launched in 2004, has been of particular concern to the international community.
_________________ Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autres
MAATAWI Modérateur
messages : 14756 Inscrit le : 07/09/2009 Localisation : Maroc Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Taiwanaise / Republic of China Armed Forces(ROCAF) Jeu 2 Fév - 9:42
Citation :
Taiwan places US$921m order for PAC-3 missiles
Taiwan has placed a US$921 million order for Patriot Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3) missiles as part of its military program to strengthen its air defense capabilities, a contract notification said on Monday.
In a press statement, Lockheed Martin Corp said the contract included missile and command launch system production and a follow-on sale of the PAC-3 Missile Segment to Taiwan.
The contract includes the -production of “hit-to-kill” PAC-3 missiles, launcher modification kits, spares and other equipment, as well as program management and services, Lockheed said, with delivery beginning in the first half of next year. Richard McDaniel, Lockheed vice president for the PAC-3 missile program, told Bloomberg the missiles would be delivered in 17 months, though he declined to disclose how many missiles were included in the order.
Contacted by the Taipei Times, David Wei (魏陵瑋), executive vice president for Lockheed Martin Global, Taiwan, would not confirm the number of missiles included in the deal, saying it was common practice to keep such numbers confidential.
Wei confirmed that this was the third annual order of PAC-3 missiles from Taiwan.
PAC-3 missiles were included in the October 2008 and January 2010 notifications to US Congress — 330 in the former and 114 in the latter notification, for a total of about US$5.9 billion.
Raytheon Corp, manufacturer of the PAC-3 firing units and radars, has received orders for six units from Taiwan. Delivery of the first four, which were part of the 2008 notification, is scheduled for 2014 or 2015. Late last month, Raytheon announced it had received a US$685.7 million contract for the fifth and sixth units, which were included in the 2010 arms package.
Taiwan is also spending US$939 million on upgrades to the three PAC-2 firing units it acquired in 1997 to PAC-3 configuration.
_________________ Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autres
Fremo Administrateur
messages : 24818 Inscrit le : 14/02/2009 Localisation : 7Seas Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Taiwanaise / Republic of China Armed Forces(ROCAF) Ven 17 Fév - 12:40
Fremo Administrateur
messages : 24818 Inscrit le : 14/02/2009 Localisation : 7Seas Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Taiwanaise / Republic of China Armed Forces(ROCAF) Lun 20 Fév - 18:57
Je rappelle que le Taïwan n'a que 2 SM opérationnels aujourd'hui, dont la construction date de la fin des années 80
Citation :
La marine taïwanaise veut relancer son projet d’achat de sous-marins
La marine de Taïwan va demander dans les 2 prochains mois au Parlement de financer l’achat de 8 nouveaux sous-marins. Il s’agit de relancer un projet bloqué depuis près d’une décennie, rapporte la presse locale lundi.
La marine taïwanaise pourrait ne pas nécessairement acheter des technologies américaines. Elle envisage de s’adresser à 3 pays différents comme fournisseurs potentiels, indique l’United Daily News.
En avril 2001, le président américain George W. Bush avait approuvé la vente de 8 sous-marins classiques. Il s’agissait du plus important projet de vente depuis 1992.
Depuis, cependant, aucun progrès n’a été réalisé puisque les Etats-Unis n’ont pas construits de sous-marins classiques depuis les années 60. D’autre part, l’Allemagne et l’Espagne auraient refusé de vendre leurs sous-marins par crainte d’offenser la Chine.
Straits Times
Fremo Administrateur
messages : 24818 Inscrit le : 14/02/2009 Localisation : 7Seas Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Taiwanaise / Republic of China Armed Forces(ROCAF) Mer 22 Fév - 22:22
les SM taiwanais de la classe Hai Lung, devront être capable de lancer des missiles SubHarpoon dés l'année prochaine. A rappeller qu'une 30aine de ces missiles de 120 Km ont été commandés en 2008.
messages : 14756 Inscrit le : 07/09/2009 Localisation : Maroc Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Taiwanaise / Republic of China Armed Forces(ROCAF) Lun 27 Fév - 9:47
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Ministry denies plan to buy German submarines
The Ministry of National Defense yesterday denied a magazine report saying Taiwan plans to procure four German-made -diesel-electric submarines that were originally intended for Greece.
The Hong Kong-based Chinese-language magazine, Asian Week, reported in its latest edition that Greece had ordered four Type 214 diesel-electric submarines from German company Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft GmbH (HDW), but because Greece was struggling to save itself from bankruptcy and was unable to pay for the submarines, HDW planned to sell them to Taiwan.
The report said HDW would otherwise face bankruptcy.
The ministry yesterday released a statement denying the report.
The ministry said Taiwan has been seeking to acquire diesel--electric submarines through an arms sale from the US. It would be a government-to-government procurement, the ministry added.
According to the Asian Week report, HDW officials in October secretly visited Taipei to discuss selling the four Type 214 submarines to Taiwan and that the military showed interest in the sale.
The report said the military told HDW officials that if the submarines did not cost more than US$800 -million each, if the company could promise between 10 and 20 years of logistics maintenance and if the company represented Taiwan to negotiate with the US and the US agreed to the arms sale, Taiwan would procure the submarines.
The report added that HDW had officially informed the US about the proposal.
The Type 214 is a diesel-electric submarine developed by HDW. It features diesel propulsion with an air-independent propulsion system using Siemens polymer electrolyte membrane hydrogen fuel cells.
The Asian Week report said the Type 214 was one of most advanced diesel-electric submarines in the world and could meet Taiwan’s defense requirements.
In 2001, former US president George W. Bush’s administration offered to provide eight diesel-electric submarines to Taiwan for about US$12 billion.
The deal did not materialize due to political wrangling in Taiwan’s legislature, moves by the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) and the US to appease Beijing amid efforts at cross-strait reconciliation and pressure from China on Washington.
Military experts have said the ministry had given up on acquiring submarines from the US and had decided to launch an indigenous program with foreign assistance.
_________________ Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autres
MAATAWI Modérateur
messages : 14756 Inscrit le : 07/09/2009 Localisation : Maroc Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Taiwanaise / Republic of China Armed Forces(ROCAF) Jeu 1 Mar - 8:59
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Taiwan hit by another espionage case
The Taiwanese military yesterday was once again rocked by reports that one of its own had engaged in espionage for China, a little more than a year after a high-profile spy, who is now serving a life sentence, was arrested.
The Chinese-language Next Magazine reported that an air force captain surnamed Chiang (蔣), who worked at a “regional operations control center”in northern Taiwan, was believed to have passed on intelligence to China.
The report also claimed that Chiang’s uncle, who operates a business in China, had helped pass on the information obtained by Chiang, which reportedly included classified material on Taiwan’s early warning radar system, as well as E-2T/E-2K Hawkeye surveillance aircraft.
The report said Chiang had provided China with information about the 10-1E “Strong Net” — the nation’s air-defense command and control system.
Four regional operations control centers (ROCC), scattered across the nation, have been built in recent years to supplement the command-and-control functions of the Joint Air Operations Center on Toad Mountain (蟾蜍山) in southern Taipei, which is the principal operations body directing, controlling and executing air warning and air combat operations.
As part of the ongoing Anyu 4 program, Strong Net is in the process of being upgraded and expanded with the ROCCs, which will provide redundancy and survivability in the event of an attack. Two of the four ROCCs are believed to be located in Taipei, one on Toad Mountain and the other at the Taiwan Air Force General Headquarters in the northern part of the city.
Ministry of National Defense spokesman David Lo (羅紹和) yesterday said that the suspect had been detained and turned over to military prosecutors for investigation, adding that measures had been taken to deal with the information leak to prevent it from having a serious impact on the nation’s security.
“The situation is not as serious as described in the report,” Lo said.
At the rank of captain, Chiang is unlikely to have had high enough a security clearance to access highly classified material.
Lo said the high-profile arrest early last year of army general Lo Hsien-che (羅賢哲), who had been spying for China since 2004, had prompted the military to enhance its counterintelligence capabilities, which may have contributed to the early detection of Chiang’s suspicious behavior.
Some of the information the general is believed to have passed to his Chinese handlers pertained to the nation’s command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (C4ISR) systems, a main target of Chinese intelligence over the years.
Ko-suen “Bill” Moo (慕可舜), a Taiwanese businessman who was arrested by US federal agents in Miami in 2005 for attempting to ship sensitive military technology to China, and who was sent back to Taiwan last year, was reportedly involved in the Anyu 4 program when he worked as a contractor for defense firms in Taiwan.
_________________ Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autres
MAATAWI Modérateur
messages : 14756 Inscrit le : 07/09/2009 Localisation : Maroc Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Taiwanaise / Republic of China Armed Forces(ROCAF) Jeu 15 Mar - 11:20
Taiwanese army compound in Kinmen islands
_________________ Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autres
PGM Administrateur
messages : 11677 Inscrit le : 12/12/2008 Localisation : paris Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Taiwanaise / Republic of China Armed Forces(ROCAF) Jeu 15 Mar - 15:55
Pas mal le MLRS à 45 dragées monté sur GM. Il doit y avoir moyen de faire de même.
MAATAWI Modérateur
messages : 14756 Inscrit le : 07/09/2009 Localisation : Maroc Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Taiwanaise / Republic of China Armed Forces(ROCAF) Jeu 5 Avr - 10:36
Citation :
Missile unit deployed in Taipei after getting upgraded in US: report
By Joseph Yeh--The first batch of the Patriot Advanced Capability-2 (PAC-2) missile launchers that Taiwan previously sent to the United States for upgrade has been secretly sent back to the country after being upgraded to the more advanced PAC-3 configuration, according to the United Evening News (UEN) report yesterday
The upgraded surface-to-air guided missile defense system is currently being deployed in Taipei's Nangang District (南港區) to meet the air defense need in the capital city, according to the report.
The PAC-3 unit will be ready to use when necessary in response the scheduled North Korean rocket launch later this month, a issue that has already raised grave concerns among China, Japan, Russia, South Korea and the U.S, the UEN said.
The newly upgraded missile defense system is one of the three PAC-2 systems Taiwan currently has that the U.S. previously agreed to help upgrade.
Aside from sending the existing systems for improvement, the Taiwan military also bought a total of six brand new PAC-3 missile programs to strengthen its air defense capabilities.
Unidentified military sources said the missile defense systems will also be placed at New Taipei's Xidian (新店) and Wanli (萬里) districts once they have completed upgrades in the future, the UEN said.
Meanwhile, newly purchased PAC-3 programs, once acquired, will be stationed at air bases in central Taichung, southern Chiayi, Tainan, and Kaohisung cities, the report said.
The new fully operational PAC-3 provides advanced defenses against enemy cruise missiles and aircraft, and unlike previous systems, tactical ballistic missiles, the report said.
The biggest difference between the PAC-2 and the PAC-3 is that the latter allows the missile to actually hit the incoming target and explode so that the incoming missile is completely destroyed.
The Ministry of National Defense (MND) yesterday refused to comment on the UEN report.
More Missiles Targeting Taiwan: Magazine
Meanwhile, a foreign magazine reported yesterday that China is building more short-range missile pads in its southeastern coastal Fujian province, targeting Taiwan despite warming cross-strait ties.
Satellites showed that the People's Liberation Army has built more missile launch pads at two locations in northern Fujian province, which is only 258 kilometers away from Taiwan, according to the latest report of Canadian-based Kanwa Asian Defence Monthly.
The report said these pads could be used as facilities to launch Dong Feng 11 short-range ballistic missiles.
According to previous MND reports, the latest number of ballistic missiles that China deployed along its coastal provinces aimed at Taiwan is around 1,500.
In response to the report, MND spokesman Luo Shou-he said yesterday the MND is closely monitoring the development of China's new military system and will take responsive measures amid concerns over a possible security threat.
_________________ Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autres
jonas General de Brigade
messages : 3370 Inscrit le : 11/02/2008 Localisation : far-maroc Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Taiwanaise / Republic of China Armed Forces(ROCAF) Mar 17 Avr - 8:47
Citation :
Taïwan mobilise des milliers de réservistes pour simuler une attaque chinoise
Taïwan a lancé lundi le coup d'envoi de grandes manœuvres interarmes pour mettre à l'épreuve la défense de sa capitale Taipei dans l'hypothèse d'une offensive chinoise, a annoncé le ministère de la Défense.
Des milliers de réservistes ont été convoqués pour participer à ces exercices étalés sur cinq jours et baptisés "Han Kuang (la gloire des Hans, ethnie chinoise ultra-majoritaire à Taïwan) No 28".
Des centaines de soldats ont été déployés autour de Taipei pour contrecarrer un débarquement chinois sur les rives du fleuve Tamsui qui traverse la capitale. Dans le sud, la marine a mobilisé une flotte de chasseurs de mines et d'hélicoptères en vertu d'un scénario faisant de Tsoying, la principale base navale de l'île, la cible d'un blocus chinois.
Fremo Administrateur
messages : 24818 Inscrit le : 14/02/2009 Localisation : 7Seas Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Taiwanaise / Republic of China Armed Forces(ROCAF) Sam 21 Avr - 18:33
Han Guan 28
MAATAWI Modérateur
messages : 14756 Inscrit le : 07/09/2009 Localisation : Maroc Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Taiwanaise / Republic of China Armed Forces(ROCAF) Lun 23 Avr - 14:51
Citation :
Taiwan plans to buy 'four warships from US'
Taiwan plans to purchase four warships from the United States as part of the island's efforts to modernise its forces and offset the perceived military threat from China, local media reported on Sunday. The defence ministry briefed President Ma Ying-jeou on the proposed arms deal during a meeting last month and is prepared to set aside the budget next year, the United Daily News said, without specifying the cost.
The ministry declined to comment on the report.
If finalised, the arms deal will increase to 12 the total number of such warships owned by Taiwanese navy.
The four Perry-class frigates, separately built in the 1980s and to be retired by the US navy lately, are aimed to replace the Taiwan navy's fleet of eight Knox-class frigates, the daily said.
Ties between Taiwan and its former rival China have improved drastically since Ma Ying-jeou of the China-friendly Kuomintang party became president in 2008 promising to boost trade and tourism links.
Ma was elected for a second term in January.
China however still claims sovereignty over Taiwan, which has governed itself since 1949, and has vowed to get it back -- by force if necessary -- even though the island has ruled itself for more than 60 years.
China has repeatedly threatened to invade Taiwan should the island declare formal independence, prompting Taipei to seek more advanced weapons, largely from the United States.
_________________ Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autres
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Sujet: Re: Armée Taiwanaise / Republic of China Armed Forces(ROCAF)
Armée Taiwanaise / Republic of China Armed Forces(ROCAF)