messages : 174 Inscrit le : 18/07/2012 Localisation : Paris Nationalité :
Sujet: TURQUIE : Economie, politique, diplomatie... Mer 5 Juin 2013 - 22:14
Rappel du premier message :
y'a eu une centaine de personne qui ont manifester accompagner du front de gauche et de tous les autres parties d’extrême gauche, c'est navrant. Nous somme vraiment dans un pays poubelle du monde, j'espere que plus tard la TURQUIE ne fera pas les même erreur sur l’immigration que la France, je suis plus en faveur du modele Japonais.
yassine1985 Colonel-Major
messages : 2948 Inscrit le : 11/11/2010 Localisation : Marrakech Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Que les Azéris commence déjà par supprimer les visas pour les citoyens turcs. Je n'aime pas le gouvernement Azéri, mais j'aime le peuple Azéri. Je fais toujours la différence entre les deux.
Inanç Genelkurmay Başkanı
messages : 6351 Inscrit le : 13/07/2009 Localisation : France Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Baybars, il y a des rumeurs qui disent que les EAU auraient suspendu leurs investissements en Turquie à cause de l'ingérence Turque dans les affaires Egyptiennes.
Si tu as une source Arabe/Arabophone, I take it
Inanç Genelkurmay Başkanı
messages : 6351 Inscrit le : 13/07/2009 Localisation : France Nationalité : Médailles de mérite : a écrit:
Quelque 3 milliards de dollars ont déserté les marchés turcs ces dernières semaines en raison de la conjoncture financière mondiale et de la fronde politique contre le gouvernement d'Ankara, a affirmé mercredi le vice-Premier ministre turc, Ali Babacan. "Les décisions de la Réserve fédérale américaine (Fed), qui ont eu un impact sur les marchés émergents, et les événements intérieurs (contestation politique, ndlr) ont coïncidé et ont eu des effets", a expliqué M. Babacan sur la chaîne d'information NTV. "Dans la période du 17 mai au 5 juillet (...) il y a eu une sortie de capitaux de l'ordre de 3 milliards" de dollars, a-t-il souligné, ajoutant que les capitaux avaient commencé à revenir en Turquie après le 5 juillet. "La Turquie reste une économie performante assise sur des fondations solides, en dépit des fluctuations globales", a assuré M. Babacan. En annonçant la baisse prochaine de ses injections de liquidités, la Fed a mis sous pression les places émergentes comme la Turquie, qui tentent depuis de limiter la chute de leur devise contre le billet vert. La Banque centrale turque a fait savoir lundi qu'elle envisageait de relever ses taux directeurs lors de sa prochaine réunion, le 23 juillet, faute d'avoir réussi à endiguer la dégringolade de la livre turque par ses interventions répétées sur le marché des changes. La fuite des capitaux pose de sérieux problèmes pour les pays émergents. L'économie turque en dépend largement pour sa croissance, qui a atteint des pics à plus de 8% en 2010 et 2011. M. Babacan a estimé que le gouvernement islamo-conservateur turc n'envisageait pas pour l'heure de réviser sa prévision de croissance de 4% pour 2013. La Turquie, qui réalise la moitié de son commerce extérieur avec la zone euro, a subi de plein fouet la baisse de la demande liée à une conjoncture mondiale déprimée. Cela a aggravé son déficit commercial structurellement important (6,3% estimé du PIB en 2013). La dépréciation de la monnaie nationale, de 9% depuis mai, a coïncidé avec l'émergence en Turquie depuis le 31 mai d'un mouvement de mobilisation sans précédent contre le régime islamo-conservateur du Premier ministre, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, accusé d'autoritarisme et de dérive islamiste.
Inanç Genelkurmay Başkanı
messages : 6351 Inscrit le : 13/07/2009 Localisation : France Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Je l'ai toujours dit, au delà de zigouiller les terroristes, il faut taper dans leur financement qui provient de rackets, trafics en tout genre ...
(1 $ = 1.91 TL).
Citation :
Anti-narcotics operation launched in Diyarbakir A giant operation against narco-terrorism in the mountainous regions of Diyarbakir was lanched at 4:00 Tuesday morning with 600 security officers participating
A giant operation has been launched against narco-terrorism in the mountainous regions of Diyarbakir. The operation in which 600 security officers are participating began at 4:00 Tuesday morning. 700 soldiers formed a security perimeter around the region in which marijuana fields were detected. A written statement by the Diyarbakır Governor's Office a written statement noted that, after the provision of security, the hemp at the cannabis plantations had begun being destroyed. Heavy blow dealt to PKK drug trade in last six months Turkish security forces struck hard at one of the main sources of revenue for the Kurdistan Workers' Party's (PKK) -- drug trafficking -- with operations carried out in southeastern Turkey over the past six months. Since January, more than 36 million cannabis roots valued at up to TL 4 billion and 2,930 kilograms of heroin with a value of TL 200 million have been seized by the security forces. The cannabis, which was planted over thousands of acres, was collected and destroyed in operations jointly carried out by the gendarmerie, police and village guards. Other types of plants used to manufacture drugs that were found in the fields were also seized, costing the growers millions of lira in their eventual value. Turkey has for a long time focused solely on the security side of the conflict with the PKK, ignoring, for the most part, the subsidiary efforts or branches of the PKK's criminal activities. Currently, the most impacted parts of the Southeast serve as “safe havens” for marijuana growers, as well as for traffickers of synthetic narcotics. There is historical background to the story that has paved the way for the PKK to plant fields of drugs. As part of the Law of Emergency (OHAL) that was in place in most eastern and southeastern provinces well into the early 2000s, hundreds of villages were evacuated by the state, with displaced people being relocated to cities in the west. It was after these departures that the plantations started and PKK involvement in illegal drug growing increased. With the villages empty and security forces no longer visiting rural areas, many districts succumbed to PKK demands to plant drugs. The PKK offered protection to the producers. According to a 2012 report of the European Monitoring Center for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA), 53 percent of the seizures of heroin all across the world take place in Turkey and Iran.
As I said, le conflit va reprendre, on leur a laissé 7 mois pour se refaire après la claque de 2012
Les néo-Ottomans se font dicter la loi par une bande de terroristes et ça joue les gros bras dans le Monde arabo-Musulman
Citation :
PKK says cease-fire may break on Oct. 15 Turkey-PKK ceasefire will be broken if the government fails to take the steps negotiated during the settlement process by Oct. 15.
PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan has reportedly said the cease-fire between Turkey and the PKK will be broken if the government fails to take the steps negotiated during the settlement process by Oct. 15. Speaking to Germany's Deutsche Welle radio, Sabri Ok, an executive member of the Union of Kurdish Communities (KCK) said, "Our patience has a limit and we have little time. Nonetheless, the process won't come to an end from our side because we have already taken every agreed step. Our leader has recently said that if no step is taken by Ankara by October 15, the ceasefire will be broken. I mentioned before that time is not on our side because our leader's (Abdullah Ocalan - the ed.) health is fragile and he has repeatedly requested that an independent medical commission should visit him. Numerous organizations have asked the government to allow the visit but there's been no answer yet. We are very sensitive regarding this issue." Ocalan's Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) and the Ankara government began peace talks late last year to halt a conflict which has killed 40,000 people and blighted Turkey's mainly Kurdish southeast. The PKK took up arms against the state in 1984 with the aim of carving out a Kurdish state, but subsequently moderated its goal to regional autonomy. a écrit:
Voir les femmes enceintes en public n'est pas seulement immoral, mais aussi laid", a déclaré sur la chaîne publique turque TRT un philosophe islamique turc, suscitant une vive controverse en Turquie. Ömer Tugrul Inançer, avocat de profession mais très connu dans les milieux religieux pour son attachement au mysticisme musulman, a défrayé la chronique mercredi soir lors d'un entretien télévisé à l'occasion de la rupture du jeûne du Ramadan, suscitant une véritable tempête de réactions sur les réseaux sociaux, des manifestations de femmes enceintes indignées et d'hommes portant un oreiller sous leur t-shirt dans les métropoles, notamment Istanbul et Ankara.
"C'est aussi inesthétique. Après 7-8 mois, les femmes enceintes devraient sortir avec leurs maris en voiture pour prendre l'air, mais le faire dans la soirée", a continué le philosophe.
La Direction des affaires religieuses, organe officiel, a tenté de calmer la controverse vendredi, en annonçant que l'"isolement des femmes" n'était pas dans la religion musulmane mais les associations féministes se sont dites "révoltées" par ces propos.
La Turquie musulmane mais laïque est dirigée depuis plus de dix ans par un gouvernement islamo-conservateur contesté dans la rue pendant plusieurs semaines en juin pour sa dérive autoritaire et islamiste supposée.
Inanç Genelkurmay Başkanı
messages : 6351 Inscrit le : 13/07/2009 Localisation : France Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Somalie : attentat-suicide contre l'ambassade de Turquie à Mogadiscio Un civil a été tué et deux policiers turcs blessés dans l'explosion.
Un attentat-suicide à la voiture piégée a visé samedi après-midi l'ambassade de Turquie à Mogadiscio, en Somalie, faisant au moins un civil tué et deux policiers turcs blessés.
Un kamikaze a précipité son véhicule rempli d'explosifs contre la porte de l'ambassade, un passant a été tué dans l'explosion, selon un témoin.
Une source diplomatique à Istanbul a confirmé l'attentat, faisant état de deux policiers turcs blessés, et de trois kamikazes tués. Deux de ces kamikazes ont été tués par les services de sécurité de l'ambassade "avant qu'ils puissent faire fonctionner leur bombe", tandis que "le troisième a pu se faire exploser".
Rôle actif
La Turquie joue un rôle actif en Somalie, notamment dans le domaine humanitaire et de la reconstruction, depuis que les islamistes shebab ont été chassés en août 2011 de la capitale somalienne par une force de l'Union africaine (Amisom). Le Premier ministre turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan s'était rendu peu après à Mogadiscio en visite officielle.
L'attaque-suicide contre la représentation turque est le second attentat pour la seule journée de samedi à Mogadiscio, où un engin piégé a visé dans la matinée la voiture d'un officiel du gouvernement et fait un tué.
ANKARA — Turkey has approved construction of its first satellite launching center to cater for the country’s mushrooming satellite programs.
But Ankara’s western allies worry that the Turks intend to use their own launching pad to fire the long-range missiles they hope to build in the medium- to long-run.
Turkey’s procurement agency, the Undersecretariat for Defense Industries (SSM), in early July signed a contract with the country’s national missile manufacturer, Roketsan, to build the Turkish Satellite Launching System (UFS) for pre-conceptual design work.
Under the contract, Roketsan will design the UFS to be capable of launching, initially, satellites into low earth orbit (500 to 700 kilometers) through a launching center the company will build and the Turkish Air Force will operate.
“We intend to end Turkey’s foreign dependency on launching military and [civilian] communications satellites,” one Roketsan official said. “We also think Turkey may launch other nations’ satellites with its own system in the longer-run.”
An SSM official familiar with the program said one reason for the UFS project was that Turkish planners are aiming toward a compact space program, including a national launcher. “The government and military planners think that any space road map without an indigenous launcher would be incomplete,” he said.
But diplomats and analysts think that the Turks may have other reasons for their desire to have their own satellite launcher.
“Some of Turkey's NATO allies fear that Ankara could in the future use its satellite launcher also as a launching pad for its intended 2,500-kilometer-range missiles,” said one western ambassador in Ankara.
A defense attaché from a Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) embassy in Ankara said: “It is puzzling for us to observe whether Turkey intends to use the planned [satellite] launcher for its missile ambitions. I think Turkey, if it intends to develop a long-range missile, would face other difficulties, such as problematic access to necessary equipment, other than a need to have its own launcher.”
The SCO member states are China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Turkey in 2012 won the dialogue partner status at the SCO.
In 2011, Turkey announced plans to develop a missile with a maximum range of 2,500 kilometers, not revealing whether it would be ballistic or cruise. Although little information about the program has been released, a Turkish cabinet minister in January confirmed that Turkey possesses capabilities to produce a missile with a range of 800 kilometers.
TUBITAK-Sage, an affiliate of state scientific institute TUBITAK, has been awarded the development contract and has indicated that it intends to test a prototype within the next two years. However, independent analysts say this development plan appears to be overly ambitious.
Right now, the Turkish military’s space-based assets are geared more toward ISR missions, but Turkey has so far been dependent on other nations to launch its satellites.
A Turkish earth-observation satellite named Gokturk-2 was launched from Jiuquan, China in December. The satellite designed and built by TUBITAK’s space technologies research unit, TUBITAK-UZAY, in cooperation with Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI). Gokturk-2 is Turkey’s second national satellite following RASAT, which also was developed by TUBITAK-UZAY and launched from Russia on Aug. 17, 2011.
In early 2013, Turkey’s Defense Industry Executive Committee approved contract negotiations with TAI for domestic development of a synthetic aperture radar spacecraft dubbed Gokturk-3. And Turkey plans to launch Gokturk-1 in the next few years. Gokturk-1, under construction under a deal with Telespazio and Thales Alenia Space, is a larger and more powerful optical imaging spacecraft capable of sub-meter resolution that is similar to the French Pleiades earth observation satellites built by EADS-Astrium.
According to a government road map for military and civilian satellites, Turkey plans to send into orbit a total of 16 satellites until 2020. A space industry expert based here said the next five years’ satellite contracts could amount to $2 billion.
The Roketsan official said that the government would invest about $50 million in the planned UFS’ infrastructure, and another $50 million for the its electronics systems.
Turkish mission attack may be al-Qaeda's message to Turkey
A bombing attack on the Turkish mission in Mogadishu by al-Qaeda-linked al-Shabaab is believed by experts to be a response to Turkey as Ankara breaks the ice with Syria's Democratic Union Party (PYD), which has been in fierce fights with al-Qaeda-linked radical groups over control of towns in northern Syria. While armed fighting has escalated between the PYD, an offshoot of the terrorist Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), and al-Qaeda-linked radical groups over control of towns in northern Syria, Saleh Muslim, the leader of the PYD, paid a surprise visit to Turkey at the end of last week, saying that he had very positive talks with officials from Turkey, which until some time ago, tended to see the PYD as a terrorist organization.
“The PYD and al-Qaeda are fighting against each other in Syria. Attacking the Turkish embassy may be a message by al-Qaeda to Turkey over its relations with the PYD. Positive talks between the Kurdish group and Ankara have indeed made al-Qaeda uncomfortable,” Mehmet Şahin, who teaches international relations at Gazi University in Ankara, told Today's Zaman.
Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu recently said radical Islamist groups operating in Syria harm what he called the “revolution” in the neighboring country, denying claims that Turkey is supporting these groups which are fighting against President Bashar al-Assad's regime.
“The attack may also be a reaction to Davutoğlu's statement that radical Islamist groups are betraying the Syrian revolution” added Şahin.
Turkey, which has been a staunch supporter of the Syrian opposition fighting to topple Assad, is accused of providing logistical support to the al-Qaeda-linked groups -- the al-Nusra Front and the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) -- in their battle against Kurds. However, Ankara has made its position clear, saying it will not take any part in the ongoing fighting between Kurdish groups and al-Qaeda-linked radical groups for control of the northern towns bordering Turkey.
“Beyond the PYD leader's visit, the attack may be linked to Turkey distancing itself from the al-Nusra Front. In the beginning, Turkey had close ties with the al-Nusra Front and cooperated with it. But after the West's harsh stance against the group, Turkey realized that it should break ties with it. The attack may be a message to Ankara after it distanced itself from the group,” Sedat Laçiner, the rector of Çanakkale 18 Mart University, told Today's Zaman.
Western reluctance to take bolder steps to support the opposition in Syria was due to the presence of the al-Qaeda-linked groups among the opposition.
Gökhan Bacık, an academic teaching international relations at Gaziantep's Zirve University, stated that it was not totally out of the question to describe the attack as a message about Turkey-PYD ties, adding however that it was still early to make such comments. “Al-Qaeda has committed the bloodiest attacks of its history in Turkey in the past,” said Bacık.
Al-Shabaab, which said earlier this month that it would increase attacks during the Ramadan fasting period, had previously condemned Turkey's involvement in Somalia, as Turkey is among the few countries that reopened their embassies in war-ravaged Mogadishu.
“This attack could also be a reaction to Turkey's positions towards the regional crisis. Al-Qaeda strives to profit from chaos in conflict-torn countries. Therefore, this attack may be a reaction to Turkey's role in solving the crisis in the Middle East,” noted Laçiner.
However, a senior Turkish diplomat, who spoke to Today's Zaman on the condition of anonymity, denied the link between the PYD visit and the embassy attack, saying Turkey was harmed because of its humanitarian position in Somalia.
Turkey has led efforts to help Somalia, as the fragile country is attempting to rebuild itself after two decades of civil war and lawlessness. Aid from Turkey in the aftermath of the 2011 famine in Somalia, the opening of the Turkish Embassy in Mogadishu in November 2011 and a visit by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to Somalia in August of the same year provided momentum in Turkish-Somali relations.
During his visit to Somalia, Erdoğan, who was the first non-African government leader to do so in nearly 20 years, visited several refugee camps in the country, pledging more aid in cash and infrastructure.
En Somalie, on a rien à foutre.. Sauf, piquer des contrats ou acheter des portions de leur mers riche en poisson. Ou même mener des recherches de pétrole en mer. D'ailleurs, j'ai pas aimé l'image d'Erdogan en sauveteur. L'idée de l'ambassade est bonne, mais il fallait dû construire un bunker imprenable.
Concernant Todayzaman, ce journal n'est pas une source indépendante. Toi, Inanç, celui qui dénonce son gourou, il me semble bizarre que tu prenne ce journal comme source. N'oublie pas que ce journal dont le groupe qu'il représente qui essaye de torpiller le MIT et la politique étrangère de notre pays.
juba2 General de Division
messages : 6954 Inscrit le : 02/04/2008 Localisation : USA Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Je l'avais predit après l'incident de marmara,j'ai dit que la Turquie vaudra mieux qu'elle reste loin de la hrira arabe.
Il est impossible de construire un grand canal nous séparons du monde musulman. La politique d'Erdogan est bonne en théorie, mais très très mauvaise en pratique. La Turquie n'utilise pas les bons moyens à sa disposition. C'est à dire, la force. La guerre n'est qu'une continuité de la diplomatie, la guerre doit être au service de la diplomatie.
Inanç Genelkurmay Başkanı
messages : 6351 Inscrit le : 13/07/2009 Localisation : France Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Ne t'inquiètes pas Baybars, je connais ce journal et je sais aussi qu'aucun journal n'est vraiment indépendant en Turquie.
Mais tu peux y trouver des vérités car le mouvement Guleniste est le plus puissant en Turquie, il "fait" le beau et mauvais temps en Turquie, ils sont bien informés.
J'avoue que j'aime bien lire les Gulenistes torpiller l'AKP, ils se rentrent dedans après avoir collaborer pour prendre le pouvoir et dégager les milieux patriotiques/nationalistes.
Toutefois, je pense que Gulen & Cie sont encore soft dans ses critiques contre l'AKP, étant extremement bien infiltré dans la Police, surtout dans le "Emniyet Istihbarat" (Renseignement).
Ils doivent avoir beaucoup de cassettes vidéo et audio de membres influents de l'AKP.
J'attends impatiemment le jour où sa tombera sur Youtube, mais bon, j'ignorerais tout ce qui est porno
Inanç Genelkurmay Başkanı
messages : 6351 Inscrit le : 13/07/2009 Localisation : France Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Baybars, loin de moi l'idée de faire la leçon mais croire que l'AKP peut être aussi tranché que toi, c'est mal les connaitre.
Ce sont des gens, toujours soucieux des sondages, des élections à venir, dans la démagogie.
Ils ne veulent pas être impliqué directement dans un conflit car c'est synonyme de déstabilisation, de morts et ça c'est pas bon pour un gvt en place.
N'oublies pas qu'ils font tout pour gagner une pseudo paix contre le PKK juste pour avoir le soutien du BDP pour la Constitution et le régime Présidentiel.
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