Merci Saad, mais si on peut éviter de mettre les finances du pays à mal en acceptant les fonds de nos alliés alors go Priorité au développement du pays et pas de fierté mal placé Ya des tonnes de projets en cours qu’il faut surtout pas reporter Inchallah (nador, daklha, tgv,pour les plus emblématique ) Déjà biden devrait juste respecter la parole us en investissant les 3milliars promis par trump
Dans un autre registre, il faut vraiment que l’assurance habitation soit obligatoire au moins en périmètre urbain et les assurances pourraient demander le certificat des bureaux d’études confirmant que cette construction et aux normes, ce qui forcerai les promoteurs à être carré .
Je t'en prie @Zakaria Notre économie devient résiliente on a vu avec le COVID . Après une semaine tu sen que la vie reprend normalement Personnellement je préfère un léger endettement que Demande de l aide. Si on acceptent de l aide des US ou Israël ou la France ou l Arabie Saoudite on va perdre un levier de pression sur plusieurs années. Le choix des pays qui nous on aidé et très minutieux et intelligent
Je pense que ça a sa place ici :
Y a moyen de faire quelque chose de grand.
_________________ Le Maghrib tout entier (al-Maġhrib al-aqsá bi-jumlati-hi) s’est mis en mouvement, le fond des vallées s’est rempli, les pentes ont déversé le tumulte de ce torrent impétueux. @ Abd Al Mu'min, 1158.
Bolden Lieutenant
messages : 746 Inscrit le : 14/12/2020 Localisation : Centre France Nationalité :
Vexé par une expulsion en règle vers la France après avoir été pris en flagrant délit d’ingérence au Maroc , le journaliste français menace le Roi Mohammed VI d’une « enquête ».
Ssi Bruce, la catastrophe a percé la presse française à jour, s'agissant du Maroc ces bouffons haineux font l'exploit de quasiment égaler les déchets de l'est. En réalité il y a toute un partie de le France qui aime et respecte vraiment le Maroc, et je me demande si c'est pas ça qui rend malade la presse française.
Moi tout ce que j’espère c'est que le Maroc utilise bien Pegasus et mille fois pire que Pegasus pour surveiller tous les enfants de p**** qui lui font la guerre.
_________________ Le Maghrib tout entier (al-Maġhrib al-aqsá bi-jumlati-hi) s’est mis en mouvement, le fond des vallées s’est rempli, les pentes ont déversé le tumulte de ce torrent impétueux. @ Abd Al Mu'min, 1158.
FACT SHEET: 32 Countries Launch the Partnership for Atlantic Cooperation HOME BRIEFING ROOM STATEMENTS AND RELEASES [Read the Declaration on Atlantic Cooperation and Plan of Action here]
Thirty-two coastal Atlantic countries across four continents adopted a Declaration on Atlantic Cooperation launching the Partnership for Atlantic Cooperation today on the margins of the United Nations General Assembly in New York. This new multilateral forum brings together an unprecedented number of coastal Atlantic countries across Africa, Europe, North America, South America, and the Caribbean.
This Partnership is the first grouping to span both the North and South Atlantic and address a broad range of issues, from economic development to environmental protection to science and technology. It is also the first time that so many Atlantic countries have come together to establish a forum through which we can work together on a more regular basis and to lay down, via the Declaration, a set of shared principles for the Atlantic region, such as a commitment to an open Atlantic free from interference, coercion, or aggressive action. This Declaration builds on last year’s Joint Statement on Atlantic Cooperation, which started a process to explore deeper cooperation in the region. Today’s launch is the product of that process and intensive diplomacy by the White House and the State Department.
Coastal Atlantic countries share direct and interconnected interests in the Atlantic Ocean. The Atlantic Ocean is the world’s most heavily traveled ocean with critical trade routes and global energy reserves. The World Bank estimates that the ocean contributes $1.5 trillion annually to the global economy—and expects this figure to double by 2030. Sustainable ocean economy sectors are estimated to generate almost 50 million jobs in Africa and to contribute $21 billion to Latin American GDP. Meanwhile, challenges like illegal, unregulated, and unreported fishing; natural disasters; and illicit trafficking threaten this economy. We recognize that no country alone can solve the cross-boundary challenges in the Atlantic region or fully address the opportunities before us.
The Partnership for Atlantic Cooperation seeks to usher in a new chapter in regional cooperation, forging deeper connections across Atlantic countries on four continents. The purpose of the Partnership is twofold: (1) to enable Atlantic countries to expand cooperation on a range of shared goals and (2) to uphold a set of shared principles for Atlantic cooperation.
The Partnership will give our countries a new platform to work together on issues such as science and technology, sustainable ocean economy, and climate change. Participating countries also endorsed a Plan of Action outlining the first phase of work this new grouping will undertake, including scientific cooperation and shared research, information and maritime awareness, and development of a cadre of young Atlantic scientists. The Partnership will convene regularly and establish working groups to carry out this work. To the greatest extent possible, the Partnership will collaborate with and build on existing regional initiatives.
The Partnership’s members will also work together to uphold the guiding principles for Atlantic cooperation outlined in the Declaration. This includes:
A commitment to uphold international law, including the UN Charter, to promote an open Atlantic in which Atlantic states are free from interference, coercion, or aggressive action A commitment to uphold the principles of sovereign equality, territorial integrity, and political independence of states, among others Recognition of the special interest and primary role that Atlantic states have in the Atlantic Participating Countries: The following countries came together to endorse the Declaration on Atlantic Cooperation and the Plan of Action and to launch the Partnership for Atlantic Cooperation: Angola, Argentina, Brazil, Cabo Verde, Canada, Costa Rica, Cote d’Ivoire, Dominica, the Dominican Republic, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, The Gambia, Ghana, Guatemala, Guinea, Guyana, Iceland, Ireland, Liberia, Mauritania, Morocco, the Netherlands, Nigeria, Norway, Portugal, the Republic of the Congo, Senegal, Spain, Togo, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Uruguay.