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 F-16 around the world

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messages : 15483
Inscrit le : 18/03/2007
Nationalité : Maroc
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MessageSujet: F-16 around the world   F-16 around the world - Page 17 Icon_minitimeSam 22 Sep 2007 - 19:54

Rappel du premier message :

l'AS a des AIM-120C

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و كان حقا علينا نصر المؤمنين - حب الأوطان من الإيمان

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MessageSujet: Re: F-16 around the world   F-16 around the world - Page 17 Icon_minitimeMer 11 Nov 2009 - 14:52

justement : pour avoir le meilleur radar sur les meilleur avions : les 50/52

et avoir de trés bon radars sur les MLU
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MessageSujet: Re: F-16 around the world   F-16 around the world - Page 17 Icon_minitimeMer 11 Nov 2009 - 14:59

bansheequader a écrit:
justement : pour avoir le meilleur radar sur les meilleur avions : les 50/52

et avoir de trés bon radars sur les MLU
C'est trop de couts, pour peu de chose. Les F-16 52+ avec APG68v9 sont bons, pas la peine de dépenser des frai supp pour les 52+.

en tout cas les RACR et SABR sont destinés au marché de l'upgrade pas pour ce que tu dis, si tu veux un 50+/52+ avec AESA tu dois acheter le block 60 avec APG80.
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 6028
Inscrit le : 29/05/2007
Nationalité : Maroc
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MessageSujet: Re: F-16 around the world   F-16 around the world - Page 17 Icon_minitimeJeu 12 Nov 2009 - 4:32

Ya t'il une grande difference entre le RACR et l'APGV9?

Car dans le principe d'un eventuel achat d'MLU si le RACR aurait des capacité superieur au APGV9 je pense qu'il y'auré un hic quelque part..

Des MLU superieur au B52+ scratch

Ou a ce moment la (j'pense pas que c'est pour demain) ont adoptera l'APG80 sur Blk52+ tres proche du Blk60..

F-16 around the world - Page 17 75px-m10
الله الوطن الملك
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MessageSujet: Re: F-16 around the world   F-16 around the world - Page 17 Icon_minitimeJeu 12 Nov 2009 - 7:04

Vous compliquez les choses les gars, les 52+ sont bons comme ça pas la peine de ce casser la tête avec des raisonnements du Nème degré à N variables...

Si vous voulez du AESA, c'est soit un MLU avec RACR ou SABR soit on achete neuf... c'est plus simple...
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MessageSujet: Re: F-16 around the world   F-16 around the world - Page 17 Icon_minitimeJeu 12 Nov 2009 - 12:44

Compris raptor, donc il ya moyen pour qu'on se retrouve avec des MLU plus performent que nos blk 52
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messages : 21656
Inscrit le : 15/09/2009
Localisation : 511
Nationalité : Maroco-Allemand
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MessageSujet: Re: F-16 around the world   F-16 around the world - Page 17 Icon_minitimeJeu 12 Nov 2009 - 13:21

d´ou tu vas les avoir ces MLU?

F-16 around the world - Page 17 A10-na10
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MessageSujet: Re: F-16 around the world   F-16 around the world - Page 17 Icon_minitimeJeu 12 Nov 2009 - 14:19

Pas forcement des MLU, peut être des ex 40/42 de l'USAF+ CCIP +...(AESA pour faire plaisir à banshee) Laughing
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messages : 7470
Inscrit le : 12/09/2009
Localisation : Zone sud
Nationalité : Maroc
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MessageSujet: Re: F-16 around the world   F-16 around the world - Page 17 Icon_minitimeJeu 12 Nov 2009 - 18:08

Raptor a écrit:
Pas forcement des MLU, peut être des ex 40/42 de l'USAF+ CCIP +...(AESA pour faire plaisir à banshee) F-16 around the world - Page 17 Icon_lol

F-16 around the world - Page 17 Drunken_smilie des EX- F16I soufa (ça ne coute rien de rêver...)

"La stratégie est comme l'eau qui fuit les hauteurs et qui remplit les creux" SunTzu  
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MessageSujet: Re: F-16 around the world   F-16 around the world - Page 17 Icon_minitimeJeu 12 Nov 2009 - 20:30

Les block 40/42, il parré qu'il ont énormément d'heure de vol ...

le top je pense serait que les américains accépte de nous vendre des 50/52 d'occaz avec peu d'heure de vol et avec un AESA

La je serais super content F-16 around the world - Page 17 Icon_biggrin

Et quelques Rafales aussi, et des a-10 !! et des f-22 et des b-52 bon ok j'arrete de révé
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MessageSujet: Re: F-16 around the world   F-16 around the world - Page 17 Icon_minitimeJeu 12 Nov 2009 - 21:36

FAMAS a écrit:
F-16 around the world - Page 17 Drunken_smilie des EX- F16I soufa (ça ne coute rien de rêver...)

C'est pas possible, ce sont des avions fraichement commandé, il ne seront pas mis hors service avant 2040!
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 6028
Inscrit le : 29/05/2007
Nationalité : Maroc
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MessageSujet: Re: F-16 around the world   F-16 around the world - Page 17 Icon_minitimeSam 14 Nov 2009 - 2:53

Vaut mieux 24 B52+ neuf supplemtaire drunken

Bon c'est bon j'arrete F-16 around the world - Page 17 Icon_mrg

F-16 around the world - Page 17 75px-m10
الله الوطن الملك
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messages : 1646
Inscrit le : 10/05/2009
Localisation : alger
Nationalité : Algerie
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MessageSujet: Re: F-16 around the world   F-16 around the world - Page 17 Icon_minitimeMar 17 Nov 2009 - 19:54

Citation :
Dubai 09: Lockheed set to close Egypt F-16 sale

Lockheed Martin confirms that talks with Egypt to buy a seventh batch of F-16s are in the final stage of negotiations and a contract is expected imminently.

The US Congress has already approved the sale of up to 24 F-16s as part of a programme called Peace Vector VII. The final negotiations, however, are for a reduced package of 20 F-16s, says Rick Groesch, Lockheed's regional vice-president for Middle East business development.

Groesch says F-16 orders are normally followed by deliveries starting 36 months later, but the final negotiations include discussions for accelerating the delivery schedule.

Egypt has purchased more than 220 F-16s since the Peace Vector series of contracts began in the early 1980s. Lockheed executives first indicated earlier this year that a follow-on deal with Egypt was likely. It was not clear until recently, however, if US policy would support additional F-16 sales.

But President Barack Obama's speech on Middle East policy in May was held in Cairo, elevating the US relationship with Egypt in regional issues.

The Egypt deal follows relatively recent contracts signed by Oman and the United Arab Emirates for new F-16s. The UAE order introduced the Block 60 version. Oman's purchase, meanwhile, ushered in the Harpoon anti-ship missile for carriage by the F-16 fleet.

Lockheed currently has 76 F-16s in the order backlog, with deliveries scheduled up until 2012. Signing the deal with Egypt was critical to avoid a costly gap on Lockheed's production line.

Lockheed also remains in talks with Iraq and Qatar in the region for new F-16 sales. Other countries, such as Oman and the UAE, have discussed follow-on F-16 purchases with Lockheed, Groesch said.

Middle East militaries are also keen, however, to move beyond so-called fourth-generation fighters, such as the F-16. A top UAE military officer on Saturday said he hoped his country would have a fifth-generation fighter within a couple years.

The US government has not previously identified any country in the Middle East other than Israel as a sales target for the Lockheed F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, although briefings dating back to 2002 listed the region in long-term sales projections.

Groesch confirms that interest in the Middle East for the F-35 is real.

"All the customers I talk to in the Gulf," he says, "want to fly the F-35."
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messages : 21656
Inscrit le : 15/09/2009
Localisation : 511
Nationalité : Maroco-Allemand
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MessageSujet: Re: F-16 around the world   F-16 around the world - Page 17 Icon_minitimeMar 17 Nov 2009 - 20:15

a part l´Egypte,un autre pays serait en passe de commander des F-16

Citation :
Lockheed Martin poised to sell F-16 in Middle East, besides Egypt

ber 17th, 2009 | Uncategorized | Posted by Pierre Tran

F-16 around the world - Page 17 111509DN_Dubai_F16-300x190
A UAE F-16 performs at Dubai Airshow 2009. Thomas Brown/Staff

By Pierre Tran

Dubai – Lockheed Martin has strong hopes of clinching a sale of the F-16 fighter with an undisclosed Arab country in the near future, said Rick Groesch, regional vice president for the Middle East.

“We have very, very good prospects of selling more in the region,” Groesch told journalists Nov.17 at the air show here. The deal, which could be sealed by the end of the year, would be for the block 50 version of the F-16 aircraft, he said.

The mystery buyer is not Egypt, where Lockheed is in detailed negotiations for a sale.

Iraq, Oman and Jordan are seen as potential buyers, a French aerospace executive said.

A Lockheed team is currently in Egypt for “final discussions” for a prospective purchase of 24 F-16s, Groesch said. The U.S. Congress has cleared the way for a sale with a notification and the present talks were aimed at finalizing contract details.

Lockheed sees potential sales of 100 to 200 F-16s around the world until the F-35 becomes available for export. That market estimate excludes the Indian competition for 126 fighters. As part of the Indian tender process, Indian officials will be invited to the U.S. to see live weapons firing by the F-16 at a number of sites in the last week of January and first week of February.

A production backlog of 76 F-16s is expected is expected to the line busy until 2012. Countries which have bought the aircraft in the past couple of years include Greece with 30 units, Pakistan (18), Morocco (24) and Turkey (30).

A number of countries are upgrading their F-16s to the more capable block 50/52 version, a modernization program expected to keep the aircraft in service to 2040, Groesch said.

In the Indian tender, the contenders are Boeing’s F/A-18 E/F, Dassault Aviation’s Rafale, Eurofighter Typhoon, F-16, MiG 35 and Saab Gripen NG.

F-16 around the world - Page 17 A10-na10
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MessageSujet: Re: F-16 around the world   F-16 around the world - Page 17 Icon_minitimeMar 17 Nov 2009 - 22:41

Je pense que c'est l'Irak ou le Sultanat d'Oman, je pense pas que ça soit la jordanie car avec ce qu'ils ont acheté comme MLU dernièrement ils ont suffisament de F-16 pour leur petit pays.
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messages : 1646
Inscrit le : 10/05/2009
Localisation : alger
Nationalité : Algerie
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MessageSujet: Re: F-16 around the world   F-16 around the world - Page 17 Icon_minitimeMer 18 Nov 2009 - 13:28

Raptor a écrit:
Je pense que c'est l'Irak ou le Sultanat d'Oman, je pense pas que ça soit la jordanie car avec ce qu'ils ont acheté comme MLU dernièrement ils ont suffisament de F-16 pour leur petit pays.

je suis aussi de ton avis , il y a aussi un passage interessant dans l'article que j'ai posté

Citation :
Groesch confirms that interest in the Middle East for the F-35 is real.

"All the customers I talk to in the Gulf," he says, "want to fly the F-35."

le Rafale a du mourron a se faire ...
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messages : 21656
Inscrit le : 15/09/2009
Localisation : 511
Nationalité : Maroco-Allemand
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MessageSujet: Re: F-16 around the world   F-16 around the world - Page 17 Icon_minitimeMar 24 Nov 2009 - 12:56

Raptor a écrit:
Qui seraient ces 2 clients potentiels?

La grèce pour ses anciens F-16 peut être...

Viper a écrit:
Moi je verrais les coréens ...

F-16 around the world - Page 17 Kf1610
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messages : 21656
Inscrit le : 15/09/2009
Localisation : 511
Nationalité : Maroco-Allemand
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MessageSujet: Re: F-16 around the world   F-16 around the world - Page 17 Icon_minitimeDim 29 Nov 2009 - 12:12

Citation :
According to Polish military press, Swedish Gripen were beaten by Polish F-16's Block 52 Advanced during the Bold Avenger exercise in September. The result in A-A combat was 4:0 for Poles (even they were from 10 ELT, which is the last flight equipped with F-16's and have least experience - while Swedish pilots have Gripens over a decade). The engagement was BVR, the reaon for winning was: F-16's detected Gripen first, fired first.
The same result Polish pilots achieved against Finnish Hornets.

F-16 around the world - Page 17 A10-na10
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MessageSujet: Re: F-16 around the world   F-16 around the world - Page 17 Icon_minitimeDim 29 Nov 2009 - 12:36

Yakuza a écrit:
Citation :
According to Polish military press, Swedish Gripen were beaten by Polish F-16's Block 52 Advanced during the Bold Avenger exercise in September. The result in A-A combat was 4:0 for Poles (even they were from 10 ELT, which is the last flight equipped with F-16's and have least experience - while Swedish pilots have Gripens over a decade). The engagement was BVR, the reaon for winning was: F-16's detected Gripen first, fired first.
The same result Polish pilots achieved against Finnish Hornets.

Je connais le coupable! c'est un certain APG68v9 Cool
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messages : 2111
Inscrit le : 18/06/2008
Localisation : Kenitra-Venise
Nationalité : Maroc
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MessageSujet: F-16 around the world   F-16 around the world - Page 17 Icon_minitimeDim 29 Nov 2009 - 17:47

Mauvaise pub pour le grippen,bien jouè les polish F-16 around the world - Page 17 Icon_biggrin .
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 9496
Inscrit le : 23/09/2007
Localisation : le monde
Nationalité : Luxemburg
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MessageSujet: Re: F-16 around the world   F-16 around the world - Page 17 Icon_minitimeDim 29 Nov 2009 - 17:49

Les Gripen que les polonais ont affronté avaient quoi comme radar?
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messages : 21656
Inscrit le : 15/09/2009
Localisation : 511
Nationalité : Maroco-Allemand
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MessageSujet: Re: F-16 around the world   F-16 around the world - Page 17 Icon_minitimeDim 29 Nov 2009 - 18:55

aucune idée,ca doit etre celui des C/D qu´ont les suedois normalement..

F-16 around the world - Page 17 A10-na10
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General de Brigade
General de Brigade

messages : 3887
Inscrit le : 15/07/2009
Localisation : ici et la
Nationalité : Israel
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MessageSujet: Re: F-16 around the world   F-16 around the world - Page 17 Icon_minitimeDim 29 Nov 2009 - 19:05

Le Gripen est équipé du Ericsson PS-05/A a balayage mecanique portée maximal en air-air 120 km .
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 9496
Inscrit le : 23/09/2007
Localisation : le monde
Nationalité : Luxemburg
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MessageSujet: Re: F-16 around the world   F-16 around the world - Page 17 Icon_minitimeLun 30 Nov 2009 - 10:22

Merci Glaive de Sion.

Il faudra donc attendre que le Gripen soit équipé d'un radar AESA afin de le confronter à nouveau aux F-16 polonais pour voir si la tendance s'inverse...

Lors de cet exercice les F-16 polonais utilisaient les capacités de quelle version de l'AMRAAM, et les suédois?

Dernière édition par rafi le Lun 30 Nov 2009 - 11:48, édité 1 fois
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MessageSujet: Re: F-16 around the world   F-16 around the world - Page 17 Icon_minitimeLun 30 Nov 2009 - 11:32

Ce qui m'interesse le plus c'est la performance des F-16 polonais face aux Hornets Finlandais, pour des raisons très évidentes. Ils sont de quel version? C/D ou A/B portés au standard C/D?
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 9496
Inscrit le : 23/09/2007
Localisation : le monde
Nationalité : Luxemburg
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MessageSujet: Re: F-16 around the world   F-16 around the world - Page 17 Icon_minitimeLun 30 Nov 2009 - 11:43

Hornets for Finland...

Hornets MLU...
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