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 Actualités internationales

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MessageSujet: Re: Actualités internationales   Actualités internationales - Page 12 Icon_minitimeVen 28 Oct 2011 - 23:05

Rappel du premier message :

Selon le Financial Times, et ce n'est pas un poisson de novembre Actualités internationales - Page 12 Icon_mrg

Citation :
Paranormal expert set to become Tory MEP
Britain is set to be represented in the European parliament by an expert on the paranormal, who ran a course at an unaccredited West Virginia university about ghosts, apparitions, poltergeists, UFOs, aliens, sasquatches and the Loch Ness monster

Wa labaaaaassssss afro

l'UE est sauvee. La chouaffa au cockpit king
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MessageSujet: Re: Actualités internationales   Actualités internationales - Page 12 Icon_minitimeMar 28 Fév 2012 - 20:07

Quoi? c'est deja le premier avril?!

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MessageSujet: Re: Actualités internationales   Actualités internationales - Page 12 Icon_minitimeMar 28 Fév 2012 - 21:22

tshaashh a écrit:
Quoi? c'est deja le premier avril?!


Ca ressemble à une blague tellement c'est irréaliste pourtant c'est la vérité
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 9496
Inscrit le : 23/09/2007
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Nationalité : Luxemburg
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MessageSujet: Re: Actualités internationales   Actualités internationales - Page 12 Icon_minitimeMar 28 Fév 2012 - 21:26

A côté de cette info, le 1er avril, c'est surfait...

Citation :
Des restes de victimes des attentats du 11 septembre 2001 aux Etats-Unis se sont retrouvés dans un site d'enfouissement de déchets, révèle mardi un rapport du Pentagone qui fait état d'autres "bavures" commises dans une morgue de l'armée de l'air américaine. D'après le ministère de la Défense, des restes de victimes des deux avions de ligne détournés qui se sont écrasés le premier sur le bâtiment du Pentagone et le second dans un champ de l'Etat de Pennsylvanie ont été découverts sur ce site après avoir été remis à une société privée.

Le rapport ne précise pas exactement le lieu. Lors d'un point-presse au Pentagone, le Général du cadre de réserve John Abizaid a indiqué qu'on ne connaissait pas avec précision le nombre de victimes des attentats concernées par cette révélation. "Je ne sais pas s'il y a un moyen de le découvrir", a-t-il assuré aux journalistes.

Les détails de cette affaire ont été révélés par hasard dans un rapport sur les moyens d'améliorer les procédures de contrôle en vigueur à la morgue de la base de l'US Air Force de Dover après la révélation, en 2011, d'irrégularités concernant la manière de traiter les restes de victimes de guerre. Le nouveau document fait état de nouvelles irrégularités, y compris le versement en janvier 2008 d'une indemnisation de 25.000 dollars à l'épouse d'un "marine" dont les effets personnels avaient été malencontreusement détruits.

En 2006, la morgue s'était débarrassée accidentellement des restes de victimes d'un accident d'avion de la Navy en les mêlant à des déchets d'hôpitaux, au lieu d'organiser des obsèques collectives.

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MessageSujet: Re: Actualités internationales   Actualités internationales - Page 12 Icon_minitimeMar 28 Fév 2012 - 21:41

rafi a écrit:
A côté de cette info, le 1er avril, c'est surfait...

Citation :
Des restes de victimes des attentats du 11 septembre 2001 aux Etats-Unis se sont retrouvés dans un site d'enfouissement de déchets, révèle mardi un rapport du Pentagone qui fait état d'autres "bavures" commises dans une morgue de l'armée de l'air américaine. D'après le ministère de la Défense, des restes de victimes des deux avions de ligne détournés qui se sont écrasés le premier sur le bâtiment du Pentagone et le second dans un champ de l'Etat de Pennsylvanie ont été découverts sur ce site après avoir été remis à une société privée.

Le rapport ne précise pas exactement le lieu. Lors d'un point-presse au Pentagone, le Général du cadre de réserve John Abizaid a indiqué qu'on ne connaissait pas avec précision le nombre de victimes des attentats concernées par cette révélation. "Je ne sais pas s'il y a un moyen de le découvrir", a-t-il assuré aux journalistes.

Les détails de cette affaire ont été révélés par hasard dans un rapport sur les moyens d'améliorer les procédures de contrôle en vigueur à la morgue de la base de l'US Air Force de Dover après la révélation, en 2011, d'irrégularités concernant la manière de traiter les restes de victimes de guerre. Le nouveau document fait état de nouvelles irrégularités, y compris le versement en janvier 2008 d'une indemnisation de 25.000 dollars à l'épouse d'un "marine" dont les effets personnels avaient été malencontreusement détruits.

En 2006, la morgue s'était débarrassée accidentellement des restes de victimes d'un accident d'avion de la Navy en les mêlant à des déchets d'hôpitaux, au lieu d'organiser des obsèques collectives.


C'est dégueulasse et dire que c'est au nom de ces victimes là que les USA ont déclaré la guerre à deux pays ainsi qu'aux musulmans à la pillosité prononcée et ce, partout où ils se trouvaient...
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 9496
Inscrit le : 23/09/2007
Localisation : le monde
Nationalité : Luxemburg
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MessageSujet: Re: Actualités internationales   Actualités internationales - Page 12 Icon_minitimeMar 28 Fév 2012 - 21:49

Il faut dire que nos amis américains sont cohérents, ils traitent les vivants et les morts exactement de la même façon, si ça ce n'est pas de la suite dans les idées, qu'est-ce?
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MessageSujet: Re: Actualités internationales   Actualités internationales - Page 12 Icon_minitimeMar 28 Fév 2012 - 22:13

rafi a écrit:
Il faut dire que nos amis américains sont cohérents, ils traitent les vivants et les morts exactement de la même façon, si ça ce n'est pas de la suite dans les idées, qu'est-ce?

LOL. Je dirait que la suite dans les idees c'est cette obcession de privatizer au nom de l'efficacite qui demontre a chaque fois a quel point c'est faux et a quel point le transfert des responsabilitees vers le privee ne rime pas necessairemnt avec "amelioration".

Les US ont ete quasiment totalement privatisees: Congres, services de securite, armee, administration. Avec des sub-contractors qui cedent les contrats a d'autres sub-contractor encore plus cheap, inconnus, et encore plus incompetents. Il ne reste que la Justice et la boucle sera bouclee.

sur ce point la, les US sont extrement coherents.
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MessageSujet: Re: Actualités internationales   Actualités internationales - Page 12 Icon_minitimeMar 28 Fév 2012 - 22:37

En parlant de justic privee, en voici une des etapes, la Justice feodale:

The Age

Citation :

Charges against Assange drawn up in US, says email

Philip Dorling
February 29, 2012

Assange speaks at London news conference

UNITED States prosecutors have drawn up secret charges against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, according to a confidential internal email obtained from a private US intelligence company, Stratfor.

In the email, sent to Stratfor intelligence analysts on January 26 last year, the company's vice-president for intelligence, Fred Burton, responded to a media report concerning US investigations targeting WikiLeaks. He wrote: "We have a sealed indictment on Assange."

Underlining the sensitivity of the information - apparently obtained from a US government source - he wrote "Pls protect" and "Not for Pub[lication]".

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange announces the release of confidential emails from US-based intelligence firm Stratfor. Photo: AFP
Mr Burton is a well-known expert on security and counter-terrorism with close ties to US intelligence and law enforcement agencies. He is a former chief of counterterrorism in the US State Department diplomatic security service.

Stratfor, which is based in Austin, Texas, provides intelligence and analysis to corporate and government subscribers.

On Monday, WikiLeaks began the release of more than 5 million leaked Stratfor emails which it said showed "how a private intelligence agency works, and how they target individuals for their corporate and government clients". The Age has access to the emails through an investigative partnership with WikiLeaks.

The news that US prosecutors drew up a secret indictment against Mr Assange more than 12 months ago comes as the WikiLeaks founder awaits a British Supreme Court decision on his appeal against extradition to Sweden to be questioned in relation to sexual assault allegations.

Mr Assange, who has not been charged with any offence in Sweden, fears extradition to Stockholm will open the way for his extradition to the US on possible espionage or conspiracy charges over WikiLeaks' publication of hundreds of thousands of leaked classified US reports.

US army private Bradley Manning was last week committed to face court martial for 22 alleged offences including ''aiding the enemy'' by leaking classified US documents to WikiLeaks.

In December, The Age revealed the contents of Australian diplomatic cables that confirmed WikiLeaks was the target of a US Justice Department investigation ''unprecedented both in its scale and nature'' and suggested that media reports that a secret grand jury had been convened in Alexandria, Virginia, were ''likely true''.

The Australian embassy in

Washington reported in December 2010 that the Justice Department was pursuing an ''active and vigorous inquiry into whether Julian Assange can be charged under US law, most likely the 1917 Espionage Act''.

The Stratfor emails show that WikiLeaks' publication of US diplomatic cables triggered intense discussion within the "global intelligence" company.

Stratfor "senior watch officer" Chris Farnham, an Australian, advocated revoking Mr Assange's Australian citizenship, adding: "I don't care about the other leaks but the ones he has made that potentially damage Australian interests upset me.

''If I thought I could switch this dickhead off without getting done, I don't think I'd have too much of a problem."

However, Mr Farnham also referred to a conversation with a family friend who he said knew one of the Swedish women who have accused Mr Assange of sexual assault, and added that "there is absolutely nothing behind it other than prosecutors that are looking to make a name for themselves".

While some Stratfor analysts decried what they saw as "clear anti-Americanism" on Mr Assange's part, others welcomed the leaks and debated WikiLeaks' longer term impact on secret diplomacy and intelligence.

Read more:

Leaked Stratfor emails can be found at

Read more:
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MessageSujet: Re: Actualités internationales   Actualités internationales - Page 12 Icon_minitimeMer 29 Fév 2012 - 3:30

Si quelqu'un ici n'a toujours pas d'actions dans le complexe militaro-industriel , il n'est pas trop tard...

Gen. McCaffrey privately briefs NBC execs on war with Iran

[Et dieu merci pour ce qui reste encore de journalisme d'investigation]

Citation :
In 2009, The New York Times‘ David Barstow won the Pulitzer Prize for his two-part series on the use by television networks of retired Generals posing as objective “analysts” at exactly the same time they were participating — unbeknownst to viewers — in a Pentagon propaganda program. Many were also plagued by undisclosed conflicts of interest whereby they had financial stakes in many of the policies they were pushing on-air. One of the prime offenders was Gen. Barry McCaffrey, who was not only a member of the Pentagon’s propaganda program, but also, according to Barstow’s second stand-alone article, had his own “Military-Industrial-Media Complex,” deeply invested in many of the very war policies he pushed and advocated while posing as an NBC “analyst”:

Through seven years of war an exclusive club has quietly flourished at the intersection of network news and wartime commerce. Its members, mostly retired generals, have had a foot in both camps as influential network military analysts and defense industry rainmakers. It is a deeply opaque world, a place of privileged access to senior government officials, where war commentary can fit hand in glove with undisclosed commercial interests and network executives are sometimes oblivious to possible conflicts of interest.

Few illustrate the submerged complexities of this world better than Barry McCaffrey. . . . General McCaffrey has immersed himself in businesses that have grown with the fight against terrorism. . . .

Many retired officers hold a perch in the world of military contracting, but General McCaffrey is among a select few who also command platforms in the news media and as government advisers on military matters. These overlapping roles offer them an array of opportunities to advance policy goals as well as business objectives. But with their business ties left undisclosed, it can be difficult for policy makers and the public to fully understand their interests.

On NBC and in other public forums, General McCaffrey has consistently advocated wartime policies and spending priorities that are in line with his corporate interests. But those interests are not described to NBC’s viewers. He is held out as a dispassionate expert, not someone who helps companies win contracts related to the wars he discusses on television.

Despite Barstow’s Pulitzer, neither Brian Williams nor anyone else at NBC News ever mentioned any of these groundbreaking stories to their viewers (even as Williams reported on other Pulitzer awards that year); the controversy over the Pentagon propaganda program was simply suppressed. And NBC continued to feature those same ex-Generals as “analysts” — including McCaffrey — as though the whole thing never happened.

Apparently, not only does NBC continue to present McCaffrey to its viewers as some sort of objective analyst, but NBC News executives use him as some kind of private consultant and briefer on the news. On January 12, 2012, McCaffrey presented a seminar to roughly 20 NBC executives and producers — including NBC News President Steve Capus — entitled “Iran, Nukes & Oil: The Gulf Confrontation.” We’ve obtained the Power Point document McCaffrey prepared and distributed for his presentation, and in it, he all but predicts war with Iran within the next 90 days: one that is likely to be started by them. The first page of the breathlessly hawkish document is entitled “Iran & the Gulf: Creeping Toward War,” and the first sentence excitedly proclaims (click to enlarge):

Most of the report emphasizes the likelihood that Iran — not the U.S. — will act aggressively and trigger a war:

He adds: “We should not view the Iranian rhetoric as empty threats. They are likely to further escalate. There is great opportunity for miscalculation on their part. . . . They will not under any circumstances actually be deterred from going nuclear. They will achieve initial nuclear capability within 36 months.” About a war with Iran, he says: “Israel would welcome such a confrontation. They have an existential threat to their survival looming in their very near future.” Among his conclusions:

The last page of his presentation pointedly notes what he called “The American People: A Crisis of Confidence in Institutions.” The accompanying chart showed that 78% of Americans have faith in the military — by far the most admired institution in America — but near the bottom was “television news,” with 28%.

While McCaffrey’s office failed to return several calls seeking comment — I was particularly interested to know whether any of his ample consulting clients would benefit from a war with Iran — Lauren Kapp, an NBC News spokeswoman, confirmed the existence of this meeting. She said: “We regularly host editorial board meetings with our editorial board staff,” and besides McCaffrey: “we have heard from top ranking current and former US Government officials” (she also says that they once heard from an Iranian ambassador to the U.N.). She added:

We are exhaustive in our conversation with people from various perspectives and expertise when we over a story of this magnitude. And we are confident in the level and breadth of the conversations we are having with representatives from all viewpoints.
Council for foreign relations, etc….
Not just current and former U.S. government officials and Generals, but also members of the “Council for foreign relations”: the diversity of viewpoints is staggering.

It is interesting to see the sources on whom NBC News executives rely to develop their understanding of the world, and it’s even more interesting to learn what they’re being told about that. The reason Barstow won a Pulitzer Prize for his two stories is because it revealed the merger between the the American media and the military establishment, many of whose members have all sorts of vested interests in Endless War. This meeting and document provides a nice glimpse for how this process continues to function.

Notez que ce mouthpiece des interets militaires parle de "israeli pre-emptive nuclear strike"... Rolling Eyes

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MessageSujet: Re: Actualités internationales   Actualités internationales - Page 12 Icon_minitimeMer 29 Fév 2012 - 3:53

Siyadna, je sens que l'on va sa'muser encore avec Wikileaks, les emails de Stratfor (firm d'espionnage, renseignement privee US) sont allechants...

Citation :
From: "Reva Bhalla"
To: "Analyst List"
Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2010 5:26:21 PM
Subject: Former Spanish PM Azner

Wow, SeA+-or presidente is hardcore.. Way more extreme than even the
Israeli officials I've heard speak. He honestly believes that all
terrorists are the same and that nothing short of total war can defeat
them. He is adamantly against any kind of negotiation with terrorists
and criticizes France, Germany and others heavily in this regard. He
attributes French and German "weakness" on counterterrorism to their
larger Muslim populations. He said OBL's statement on retaking Andaluz
is all he heard and the Germans and French just didn't get it. He says
poverty has zero connection to terrorism and that developmental aid
policies are useless. On ETA, he said the ceasefires are just time
buying measures, nothing more. In Catalonia he says the regional govt
encourages Muslim immigration from Pakistan, Algeria, etc because they
can more easily linguistically integrate them as opposed to Spanish-
speaking immigrants. This is also where the most radical imams are in
the country. He also said ETA has at least 20 camps in Venezuela and
ggat farc and eta work with each other in training l, weapons, etc.

Overall, he's very ideological and hardline. Good reminder of the
personal role in poltics (though he also paid for that and is
embarassed by his loss)

Also, great hair.

Sent from my iPhone

LE reste des emails sur Aznar jose maria (spelled azner)

Citation :
Re: [Fwd: RE: Mossad agent arrested over Dubai murder]
Email-ID 1593553
Date 2010-06-14 16:41:36
I have VERY good information this was a contract job. The mission was
contracted by the MOSSAD. In essence, subbed out under contract. The
last few hits have been subbed out. I also have VERY good information
that the Iranian physicist hit was also a subbed out job. More in
person at the T meeting Tuesday, can't put anything in writing.

Sean Noonan wrote:
> Ah, that makes more sense. That daily mail story was pretty sensationalized.
> Looks like Melman is doing his job. I enjoyed his article on the matter:
> Fred Burton wrote:
>> No, I made no statement. Forwarded Yossi the link to the story and that
>> was his response.
>> Sean Noonan wrote:
>>> Was your statement that the arrest was over the Dubai murder? Brodsky is
>>> wanted for the passport issue. The Sherrif of Dubai, Lt. Gen. Dhahi
>>> Khalfan Tamim (remember him?), has said they have no interest in the
>>> suspect unless directly linked to the murders themselves.
>>> Fred Burton wrote:
>>>> -------- Original Message --------
>>>> Subject: RE: Mossad agent arrested over Dubai murder
>>>> Date: Mon, 14 Jun 2010 08:44:02 +0300
>>>> From: Yossi Melman
>>>> To: Fred Burton
>>>> Not true he was arrested by a request of germany and not dubai over the
>>>> obtaining a german passport deceptively which Was used in the murder/

Mais c'est adorable Laughing
Citation :

INSIGHT - Russia/Israel/Georgia/Mexico - defense deals and swaps
Email-ID 64027
Date 2009-02-26 04:37:21
Please see insight message further below for more context
PUBLICATION: No, but ask first
SOURCE DESCRIPTION: MX301 - Former Mexican cop, Latam military analyst,
writes for Jane's
Met with my Mexican source/friend again today and dude is getting shadier
by the day. We followed up on our past discussion on Russia compromising
the Israeli-made Georgian UAVs prior to the August war.
Here is what else I learned
One of the source's friends/colleagues -- formerly military i think but
now does private defense deals on the side (it's Mexico) contacted him in
July (prior to the Georgia war). Apparently the Georgians had contacted
this guy because they were frantically looking for a replacement for the
Israeli UAVs that were compromised. Not only that, but they asked for
10,000 rounds of ammo (source was talking fast, so i dunno if this is
exactly what he said) but something like 6.22 mm rounds, 'NATO standard'
because the Chinese ammo that the Georgians had only went 400 yards. Also
on the list was a request for 2 bell helicopters. The Georgians were
pretty much looking for anyone who would sell to them and were willing to
pay top dollar (shows how frantic the Georgians were in July knowing that
war is coming). My source put the other guy in touch with a private
defense contractor to make the deal but ended up getting screwed over with
the commission.
Here is the most interesting part:
I inquired more about the compromised Israeli UAVs. What he explained was
that Israel and Russia made a swap -- Israel gave Russia the 'data link'
code for those specific UAVs; in return, Russia gave Israel the codes for
Iran's Tor-M1s.
I asked about the S-300 (source tracks a lot of defense deals for Jane's).
He doesn't think the Russians will give it to the Iranians. Besides, he
said... Israel and Turkey have been collaborating very closely on the
S-300s. He explain how about 8 years ago when Russia sold S-300s to Greece
to base in Crete (which were supposed to protect Cyprus), Russia delivered
those with a carrier so that Turkey wouldn't try to sink them. (things got
a bit noisy so i may have misheard some of this). The gist of what he said
is that Turkey has been cracking the S-300 since the Crete sale and has
been sharing intel on the S-300 with the Israelis to ensure that they
retain an advantage over Iran should Iran get them from the Russians.
as far as the Georgian UAVs go, they were interested in the Mexican ones
because the Mexican UAVs had something (forget the name. it was
auto-something' that basically backs up teh UAV system in case someone
hacks into it and immediately returns the UAV to base.
Previous insight:
PUBLICATION: ask me first
SOURCE DESCRIPTION: MX301 - Former Mexican cop, Latam military analyst,
writes for Jane's
I was getting a drink with my Mexican cop friend after class and we
started talking about Mexican UAVs. He has been advising the government
for the past couple years on the need for more UAV use for the military
against the cartels. I read one of his policy memos on paper that was
pretty technobabbly, but if you guys need any info on this, he's the guy.
The army and the navy have UAV capability, though the army doesn't really
take them all that seriously. Recently (like a year ago) the federalistas
(fed police) started using them too.
Ok, here's the really juicy part:
There is a private Mexican company called Idra that the government funded
to make UAVs. They are actually pretty high standard according to him and
beat out the Israeli UAVs in testing. My friend was consulting Idra at the
time and so he was privy to a lot of deals that were on the table. This is
the story --
The Mexican government is now paying some $25m (? can get the #s later)
for UAVs from Israel. Idra is basically like WTF, but the reason is
basically corruption.
There is a deal b/w the Mexican interior ministry
and the Israelis where they're getting a hefty kickback.
This is the interesting part, though.
Idra had an offer to sell UAVs to Georgia (this was happening during and
after the war). The reason Georgia needed the UAVs is because the UAVs
they had bought from Israel had been compromised by the Russians. The
Russians got the data link for the UAV (there is some suspicion that the
Israelis after the war may have given this to them. Remember all the
intense mtgs b/w the Israelis and the Russians where the Russians got the
Israelis to back off of defense deals to Georgia in return for Russia
backing off Iran?).
Anyway, the Georgians gave Idra a picture of one of
their crashed UAVs. The source explained though that if the UAV were
targeted, it would have been blown to pieces pretty much (it's like the
size of a car basically). But the picture he saw showed the UAV intact. He
inquired and basically what happened was that the Russians acquired the
data link to hack into the system and force the UAV into the ground. I
think they may have crashed another one too.
So, since the Georgian UAVs were compromised, they then tried to sell them
to the Azerbaijanis
. I dont know if that deal went through. Idra backed
off the deal to Georgia because they were advised that it would raise a
lot of political complications between Mexico and Russia.
I asked about other deals between Idra and foreign countries. Chavez was
the first one who wanted to buy their UAVs. The source advised them to not
have their first foreign sale be to someone like Chavez for political
Can get follow-up info if anyone is interested. I just thought this was a
fun little story.

People, have fun...en attendant le reste et un bon moteur de recherche lol

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MessageSujet: Re: Actualités internationales   Actualités internationales - Page 12 Icon_minitimeMer 29 Fév 2012 - 4:10


Citation :

WikiLeaks: Russia gave Israel Iranian system's codes

Document by intelligence company suggests Israel, Russia contracted deal several years ago under which Israel provided Russia with codes for UAVs it sold to Georgia in exchange for Iranian aerial defense system codes
Published: 02.28.12, 23:56 / Israel News

WikiLeaks has released an email exchange between employees of Stratfor, the US-based global intelligence company, which reveals Israel and Russia made a deal to swap access codes for defense and surveillance equipment.

According to the leaked document, Israel gave Russia the "data link codes" for unmanned aerial vehicles that the Jewish state sold to Georgia, and in return, Russia gave Israel the codes for Tor-M1 missile defense systems that Russia sold Iran.

In a document by a Stratfor employee dated February 2009 she says that she had met with a "Mexican source/friend" who told her that Israel and Russia had contracted a deal several years ago as part of which Israel provided Russia with codes of UAVs it had sold to Georgia. In exchange Moscow provided the Israelis with the codes for Iran's Tor-M1 aerial defense systems.

The document suggests that the deal was signed before the Russia-Georgia war of August 2008 during which Russian forces invaded Georgia. At the time it was reported that Georgia was using Israel-made weapons.

It can also be understood from the document that the Georgians had at one point realized that their UAVs were compromised and were looking for a replacement for the Israeli made drones.

The Mexican source also addressed the S-300 aerial defense systems which Israel and the West have spent years trying to dissuade Russia from handing over to Tehran. The source said that Israel and Turkey were collaborating very closely in regards to the system and that since Russia sold them to Greece – Turkey's longtime rival – Ankara has been busy tryinh to crack their codes.

He added that Ankara shared intelligence with Israel to make sure it has an edge over Iran should it get the systems from Russia.

The Telegraph
Citation :

Stratfor: Osama bin Laden 'was in routine contact with Pakistan's spy agency'

Osama bin Laden was in routine contact with several senior figures from Pakistan's military intelligence agency while in hiding in the country, according to a large cache of secret intelligence files.

By Damien McElroy, Foreign Affairs Correspondent7:35PM GMT 27 Feb 2012

The disclosure was contained in e-mails from the private US security firm, Stratfor, which were published by WikiLeaks website on Monday after being obtained by the Anonymous hacking group.

Stratfor provides analysis of world affairs to major corporations, military officials and government agencies and was once likened by an American business magazine to a "shadow CIA".

According to one of the e-mails, the firm was shown the information papers collected from bin Laden's Abbotabad compound after the US special forces attack last May that resulted in his death.

The e-mail, from a Stratfor analyst, suggested that up to 12 officials in Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency knew of the al-Qaeda leader's safe house.
The internal email did not name the Pakistani officials involved but said the US could use the information as a bargaining chip in post raid negotiations with Islamabad.

American officials have always believed it was impossible for the ISI not to have known that Bin Laden was sheltering in a garrison town so close to Islamabad. Pakistan has repeatedly dismissed the charge.

"Mid to senior level ISI and Pak Mil with one retired Pak Mil General that had knowledge of the OBL arrangements and safehouse," the email said of the officers involved. "I get a very clear sense we (US intel) know names and ranks."
WikiLeaks claimed to have 5 million Stratfor emails that it would published in collaboration with media outlets. However only 200 were released in the first lot.

Other e-mails included the suggestion that Hugo Chavez, Venezuela's president, may have less than a year to live after his cancer spread to the colon and bone marrow.

Russian doctors who had been brought in to "clean up the mess" resulting from Cuban treatments for the Venezuelan leader had given a grim prognosis for his recovery, the e-mails said.

Other revelations were statements that Israel had last year carried out a successful covert attack on Iran's secret nuclear facilities.
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange accused Stratfor of involvement in wide range of legally or morally questionable research activities for private corporations.

"On the surface it presents as if it's a media organisation providing a private subscription intelligence newsletter," the activist, who is
awaiting extradition to Sweden on rape charges said in London. "But underneath it is running paid informants networks."
Mr Assange also promised 5,000 emails would reveal private details of individuals who had worked or given information to the organisation.

Stratfor rejected claims that there was anything improper in the way it handled information gathered.

"Stratfor has worked to build good sources in many countries around the world, as any publisher of global geopolitical analysis would do," the company said. "We have done so in a straightforward manner and we are committed to meeting the highest standards of professional conduct.
"Having had our property stolen, we will not be victimized twice by submitting to questioning about them," the statement said.
The Texas-based subscription-based publisher providing political, economic and military analysis to help customers reduce risk.
The emails were orginally hacked last year by the network Anonymous.
We promised you those mails and now they'll finally be delivered. Five million (that's 5,000,000) emails at your pleasure," said the Anonymous account.

"There's a treasure trove of nasty details in those emails. We think there's something for everyone."

The Guardian
Citation :

WikiLeaks' Stratfor dump lifts lid on intelligence-industrial complex
WikiLeaks' latest release, of hacked emails from Stratfor, shines light on the murky world of private intelligence-gathering

What price bad intelligence? Some 5m internal emails from Stratfor, an Austin, Texas-based company that brands itself as a "global intelligence" provider, were recently obtained by Anonymous, the hacker collective, and are being released in batches by WikiLeaks, the whistleblowing website, starting Monday.

The most striking revelation from the latest disclosure is not simply the military-industrial complex that conspires to spy on citizens, activists and trouble-causers, but the extremely low quality of the information available to the highest bidder. Clients of the company include Dow Chemical, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman and Raytheon, as well as US government agencies like the Department of Homeland Security, the Defense Intelligence Agency and the Marines.

Analysts working on the Middle East for the company appeared to be very poorly informed, with no more experience than a semester of studying abroad, according to journalists who have studied the documents. "They used Google translate to read al-Akbar news articles," says an incredulous Jamal Ghosn, associate editor of that newspaper in Beirut, Lebanon. "This is a guaranteed way for good intelligence to be lost in translation."

Mike Bonnano of the Yes Men, a group of international pranksters who impersonate corporate executives and government leaders to highlight environmental and social abuses, was astonished to discover that his group was being tracked by Stratfor, which was apparently making money selling a list of his public-speaking engagements.

"They [are] making it sound better to clients simply so that they can make money," says Bonnano, after reviewing the material provided to him by WikiLeaks. "We're not talking about good intelligence, we're talking about a lot of information because more information means more money. That does not mean that it's smart."

Bonnano gave another example: Stratfor allegedly sent a memo to Dow Chemical summarising a public blogpost on the use of an environmentally-friendly washing machine used by activists campaigning against the 1984 lethal gas leak from Union Carbide's plant in Bhopal, India, which killed over 2,259 people instantly and an estimated 25,000 over the next few years.

Stratfor is not the first company to be caught selling low-quality "intelligence" to government agencies and multinational corporations. Aaron Barr, then CEO of HB Gary Federal, a Sacramento, California-based company that sells similar services, boasted in 2010 that he could extract information about hackers like Anonymous from social media. In early February 2011, the company website was hacked to reveal the company was selling very inaccurate information about WikiLeaks.

What is more disturbing is that the information revealed about HBGary Federal and Stratfor suggests both companies were also seeking to profit by disrupting journalists and activist groups. HBGary Federal documents suggest that they were marketing a campaign for Bank of America to attack Glenn Greenwald of Salon and for the US Chamber of Commerce to attack the Washington, DC-based thinktank, the Center for American Progress (full disclosure: I do consulting work for the CAP). (There is no evidence Bank of America or the US Chamber of Commerce responded to the alleged offer of these services.)

Likewise, Stratfor has been actively following anti-Union Carbide activist groups like the Bhopal Medical Appeal, a tiny, Brighton, England-based non-profit, which worked with the Yes Men in July 2009 to stage a protest outside the Dow office in Staines in the UK. The newly-released emails suggest that the Dow shut down its offices on that occasion to avoid the protesters, after receiving a Stratfor report.

"Why is a company like Stratfor sniffing around us?" said Colin Toogood, of Bhopal Medical Appeal. "It makes you question how smart they are. How much is this costing? Wouldn't it be better PR to just get out and clean Bhopal up?"

Julian Assange of WikiLeaks says that the emails also reveal that Stratfor has recruited a "global network of informants who are paid via Swiss banks accounts and pre-paid credit cards – which includes government employees, embassy staff and journalists around the world." This, he says, "is corrupt or corrupting because Stratfor is a private intelligence organisation that services governments and private clients."

Assange notes that Stratfor is also seeking to profit directly from this information by partnering in an apparent hedge-fund venture with Shea Morenz, a former Goldman Sachs managing director. He points to an August 2011 document, marked "DO NOT SHARE OR DISCUSS", from Stratfor CEO George Friedman, which says:

"What StratCap will do is use our Stratfor's intelligence and analysis to trade in a range of geopolitical instruments, particularly government bonds, currencies and the like."

The claim that Stratfor buys information from insiders, while seeking to profit from their analysis, could attract the attention of regulators like the Securities and Exchange Commission, which polices Wall Street. This is something that Stratfor is already worried about. In an August 2011 memo released by WikiLeaks, Friedman wrote to his employees:

"We are retaining a law firm to create a policy for Stratfor on the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. I don't plan to do the perp walk and I don't want anyone here doing it either."

The company has refused to answer any questions about the emails. Instead, it released a short statement ( that says:

"Some of the emails may be forged or altered to include inaccuracies; some may be authentic. We will not validate either. Nor will we explain the thinking that went into them. Having had our property stolen, we will not be victimized twice by submitting to questioning about them."

Assange slyly points out that this is in keeping with a lunchroom memo from Fred Barton, Stratfor's vice-president of intelligence, in which he states that he has an unofficial rule:

"Admit nothing, deny everything and make counter-accusations."

Statfor belongs to an extensive industry. In Top Secret America, a new book by Dana Priest and William Arkin of the Washington Post, the authors reveal that there are literally thousands of so-called intelligence analysts hawking equally dubious information to the federal government.

By its very nature, of course, such information is secret and often protected by government order. Nothing short of a major congressional investigation will be able to drill down into this intelligence-industrial cartel to assess not just the quality of the information and the way it was obtained, but whether or not any of it serves the public interest – or the very opposite. That is, unless Anonymous or WikiLeaks gets there and does the work first.
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messages : 2948
Inscrit le : 11/11/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: Actualités internationales   Actualités internationales - Page 12 Icon_minitimeMer 29 Fév 2012 - 9:11

Il a oublié le tapis rouge !

Citation :

Georgian President Wants Visa Free Regime for Russians

Actualités internationales - Page 12 165574137

Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili has said he wants to scrap visa requirements for Russians, Rossiya 24 state television reported on Wednesday.

Speaking to parliament in Tbilisi on Tuesday, Saakashvili said his "new initiative" was to "unilaterally abolish the visa regime with Russia."

"Let every Russian citizen know that they can come to Georgia without a visa, do business here, spend holidays in our resorts, see their friends and relatives," he said.

Tit-for-tat visa restrictions were imposed in 2000 but Georgia eased requirements in 2004, which allowed Russians to receive visas on arrival in the country.

Russia-Georgia relations have been at a low since the 2008 war over Georgia's breakaway territory of South Ossetia. However, last year, the two countries signed a landmark trade deal, which allowed Russia to join the World Trade Organization after 18 years of negotiations.


."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
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Genelkurmay Başkanı
Genelkurmay Başkanı

messages : 6351
Inscrit le : 13/07/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: Actualités internationales   Actualités internationales - Page 12 Icon_minitimeMer 29 Fév 2012 - 14:03

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Seïf al-Adel, cadre d'al-Qaïda, arrêté à l'aéroport du Caire

LE CAIRE - Un cadre d'Al-Qaïda, Seïf al-Adel, qui aurait brièvement repris la direction du réseau après la mort d'Oussama Ben Laden, a été arrêté mercredi à l'aéroport du Caire, selon des responsables au sein des services de sécurité égyptiens.

L'information a été confirmée par la télévision d'Etat et par l'agence officielle Mena.

Des journalistes présents à l'aéroport ont toutefois entendu cette personne démentir être l'individu recherché, également connu sous une autre identité.

Ces responsables n'ont pas précisé pourquoi l'Egyptien, longtemps considéré comme le numéro trois d'Al-Qaïda, et qui se trouve sur la liste des personnes les plus recherchées par le FBI, a pris l'avion pour Le Caire.

Selon un responsable aéroportuaire, il est arrivé du Pakistan via Dubaï, sur un vol d'Emirates Airline.

Les chaînes Al-Jazira et CNN avaient annoncé en mai 2011 qu'il avait été désigné chef par intérim d'Al-Qaïda, quelques jours après la mort d'Oussama Ben Laden, tué par un commando américain le 2 mai 2011. La responsabilité du réseau a ensuite été confiée à un autre Egyptien, Ayman Al Zawahiri.

Cet ancien membre des forces spéciales égyptiennes aurait été choisi lors d'une réunion de six à huit responsables d'Al-Qaïda le 10 mai dans la zone frontalière entre le Pakistan et l'Afghanistan, avait affirmé Al-Jazira en citant des sources de sécurité pakistanaises.

Seïf al-Adel, ancien membre du jihad islamique égyptien, est âgé d'environ 50 ans et serait le chef de la branche militaire d'Al-Qaïda. Il se serait réfugié en Iran après l'invasion américaine de l'Afghanistan, d'après différents médias.

Aussi connu sous le nom de Muhamad Ibrahim Makkawi, il est inculpé pour sa participation présumée aux attentats contre les ambassades américaines de Nairobi et Dar es-Salaam en 1998 et une récompense de cinq millions de dollars est offerte pour son arrestation.
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messages : 21656
Inscrit le : 15/09/2009
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Nationalité : Maroco-Allemand
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MessageSujet: Re: Actualités internationales   Actualités internationales - Page 12 Icon_minitimeMer 29 Fév 2012 - 15:41

tshaashh a écrit:

Citation :

WikiLeaks: Russia gave Israel Iranian system's codes

Document by intelligence company suggests Israel, Russia contracted deal several years ago under which Israel provided Russia with codes for UAVs it sold to Georgia in exchange for Iranian aerial defense system codes
Published: 02.28.12, 23:56 / Israel News

WikiLeaks has released an email exchange between employees of Stratfor, the US-based global intelligence company, which reveals Israel and Russia made a deal to swap access codes for defense and surveillance equipment.

According to the leaked document, Israel gave Russia the "data link codes" for unmanned aerial vehicles that the Jewish state sold to Georgia, and in return, Russia gave Israel the codes for Tor-M1 missile defense systems that Russia sold Iran.

In a document by a Stratfor employee dated February 2009 she says that she had met with a "Mexican source/friend" who told her that Israel and Russia had contracted a deal several years ago as part of which Israel provided Russia with codes of UAVs it had sold to Georgia. In exchange Moscow provided the Israelis with the codes for Iran's Tor-M1 aerial defense systems.

The document suggests that the deal was signed before the Russia-Georgia war of August 2008 during which Russian forces invaded Georgia. At the time it was reported that Georgia was using Israel-made weapons.

It can also be understood from the document that the Georgians had at one point realized that their UAVs were compromised and were looking for a replacement for the Israeli made drones.

The Mexican source also addressed the S-300 aerial defense systems which Israel and the West have spent years trying to dissuade Russia from handing over to Tehran. The source said that Israel and Turkey were collaborating very closely in regards to the system and that since Russia sold them to Greece – Turkey's longtime rival – Ankara has been busy tryinh to crack their codes.

He added that Ankara shared intelligence with Israel to make sure it has an edge over Iran should it get the systems from Russia.

The Telegraph
Citation :

I inquired more about the compromised Israeli UAVs. What he explained was
that Israel and Russia made a swap -- Israel gave Russia the 'data link'
code for those specific UAVs; in return, Russia gave Israel the codes for
Iran's Tor-M1s.
I asked about the S-300 (source tracks a lot of defense deals for Jane's).
He doesn't think the Russians will give it to the Iranians. Besides, he
said... Israel and Turkey have been collaborating very closely on the
S-300s. He explain how about 8 years ago when Russia sold S-300s to Greece
to base in Crete (which were supposed to protect Cyprus), Russia delivered
those with a carrier so that Turkey wouldn't try to sink them. (things got
a bit noisy so i may have misheard some of this). The gist of what he said
is that Turkey has been cracking the S-300 since the Crete sale and has
been sharing intel on the S-300 with the Israelis to ensure that they
retain an advantage over Iran should Iran get them from the Russians.
as far as the Georgian UAVs go, they were interested in the Mexican ones
because the Mexican UAVs had something (forget the name. it was
auto-something' that basically backs up teh UAV system in case someone
hacks into it and immediately returns the UAV to base.
merci Tshaash,voila pour ceux qui croient que la russie ne vend pas ses "amis" Laughing
apparement les codes du S300 sont partout mtn,ca explique pourquoi ca ne se vend plus

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MessageSujet: Re: Actualités internationales   Actualités internationales - Page 12 Icon_minitimeMer 29 Fév 2012 - 15:54

c'est les code du systeme iranian c'est tout. il ont le s300V la premiere version, les russe vont pas donné les code alors que leur defense c'est encore aujourdhui 90% DE S300? le S400 est loin d'etre encore equipé partout en russie.
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Genelkurmay Başkanı
Genelkurmay Başkanı

messages : 6351
Inscrit le : 13/07/2009
Localisation : France
Nationalité : Turco-Francais
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MessageSujet: Re: Actualités internationales   Actualités internationales - Page 12 Icon_minitimeMer 29 Fév 2012 - 16:13

inanc a écrit:
Citation :
Seïf al-Adel, cadre d'al-Qaïda, arrêté à l'aéroport du Caire

LE CAIRE - Un cadre d'Al-Qaïda, Seïf al-Adel, qui aurait brièvement repris la direction du réseau après la mort d'Oussama Ben Laden, a été arrêté mercredi à l'aéroport du Caire, selon des responsables au sein des services de sécurité égyptiens.

L'information a été confirmée par la télévision d'Etat et par l'agence officielle Mena.

Des journalistes présents à l'aéroport ont toutefois entendu cette personne démentir être l'individu recherché, également connu sous une autre identité.

Ces responsables n'ont pas précisé pourquoi l'Egyptien, longtemps considéré comme le numéro trois d'Al-Qaïda, et qui se trouve sur la liste des personnes les plus recherchées par le FBI, a pris l'avion pour Le Caire.

Selon un responsable aéroportuaire, il est arrivé du Pakistan via Dubaï, sur un vol d'Emirates Airline.

Les chaînes Al-Jazira et CNN avaient annoncé en mai 2011 qu'il avait été désigné chef par intérim d'Al-Qaïda, quelques jours après la mort d'Oussama Ben Laden, tué par un commando américain le 2 mai 2011. La responsabilité du réseau a ensuite été confiée à un autre Egyptien, Ayman Al Zawahiri.

Cet ancien membre des forces spéciales égyptiennes aurait été choisi lors d'une réunion de six à huit responsables d'Al-Qaïda le 10 mai dans la zone frontalière entre le Pakistan et l'Afghanistan, avait affirmé Al-Jazira en citant des sources de sécurité pakistanaises.

Seïf al-Adel, ancien membre du jihad islamique égyptien, est âgé d'environ 50 ans et serait le chef de la branche militaire d'Al-Qaïda. Il se serait réfugié en Iran après l'invasion américaine de l'Afghanistan, d'après différents médias.

Aussi connu sous le nom de Muhamad Ibrahim Makkawi, il est inculpé pour sa participation présumée aux attentats contre les ambassades américaines de Nairobi et Dar es-Salaam en 1998 et une récompense de cinq millions de dollars est offerte pour son arrestation.

Cette info vient d'être démenti :

Citation :
L'homme arrêté ce matin à l'aéroport du Caire est un militant islamiste égyptien recherché, mais pas le haut responsable d'al-Qaida Seïf al-Adel initialement annoncé, a-t-on appris auprès des services de sécurité.

"Il est recherché en raison de ses liens avec le Jihad (Islamique). Il ne s'agit pas de Seïf al-Adel", comme l'avaient annoncé plus tôt des responsables de la sécurité et les médias d'Etat, a déclaré une source au sein de la sécurité nationale égyptienne.
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messages : 7967
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MessageSujet: Re: Actualités internationales   Actualités internationales - Page 12 Icon_minitimeMer 29 Fév 2012 - 16:30

zapbox a écrit:
c'est les code du systeme iranian c'est tout. il ont le s300V la premiere version, les russe vont pas donné les code alors que leur defense c'est encore aujourdhui 90% DE S300? le S400 est loin d'etre encore equipé partout en russie.

ce n'est qu'une question de temps pour le décryptage des autres versions, les systèmes SAM russes double digit étaient très difficile à leurer, il semble que sa ne soit plus cas maintenant...

Actualités internationales - Page 12 Sign_v10
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messages : 21656
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MessageSujet: Re: Actualités internationales   Actualités internationales - Page 12 Icon_minitimeMer 29 Fév 2012 - 16:33

zapbox a écrit:
c'est les code du systeme iranian c'est tout. il ont le s300V la premiere version, les russe vont pas donné les code alors que leur defense c'est encore aujourdhui 90% DE S300? le S400 est loin d'etre encore equipé partout en russie.
les russes sont donnés les codes du Tor-M1 ,deja du principe c´est honteux,et ca s´agite a le defendre apres.
pour les S300,ce sont les turcs et israeliens qui ont les codes(PMU),partant des 2,ca fera le tour(US et Nato l´ont deja) Wink
ca explique peut etre pourquoi vous vous etes arretes apres 2

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Genelkurmay Başkanı
Genelkurmay Başkanı

messages : 6351
Inscrit le : 13/07/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: Actualités internationales   Actualités internationales - Page 12 Icon_minitimeMer 29 Fév 2012 - 17:23

Les Russes sont à la rue, quand ils défendent soit disant les Iraniens et après ils achètent des Mistral aux Français et des UAVs aux Israéliens, il faut bien une contrepartie Exclamation
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messages : 14755
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: Actualités internationales   Actualités internationales - Page 12 Icon_minitimeMer 29 Fév 2012 - 17:53

Citation :

Corée du Nord: moratoire sur les missiles

Les États-Unis ont annoncé que la Corée du Nord avait accepté la mise en place d'un moratoire sur les lancements de missiles longue distance, les tests nucléaires et les activités d'enrichissement de l'uranium menés à son complexe nucléaire de Yongbyon.

La Corée du Nord a également accepté le retour d'inspecteurs de l'Agence internationale de l'énergie atomique (AIEA) pour superviser le moratoire sur l'enrichissement de l'uranium à Yongbyon, a expliqué la porte-parole de la diplomatie américaine Victoria Nuland. Les Etats-Unis ont également annoncé la reprise prochaine de leur aide alimentaire à la Corée du Nord.

Ces avancées font suite à des pourparlers menés en Chine et visant la reprise des négociations à six (les deux Corées, Chine, Japon, Russie, Etats-Unis) sur la dénucléarisation de la péninsule coréenne.

Inquiétudes persistantes

"Pour améliorer ce dialogue et prouver son engagement en faveur de la dénucléarisation, la Corée du Nord a accepté de mettre en place un moratoire sur les lancements de missiles à longue portée et sur ses essais et activités nucléaires - y compris sur l'enrichissement de l'uranium - à Yongbyon", écrit Mme Nuland dans un communiqué. Pyongyang a également accepté le retour d'inspecteurs de l'AIEA pour "superviser" ce moratoire, poursuit le communiqué.

Les États-Unis ont de leur côté accepté de rencontrer la Corée du Nord "afin de finaliser les détails administratifs nécessaires pour faire avancer le dossier concernant les 240.000 m3 d'assistance alimentaire" qu'ils proposent de faire parvenir dans le pays. "Les Etats-Unis ont toujours de nombreuses inquiétudes concernant l'attitude de la Corée du Nord dans un certain nombre de domaines, mais les annonces (de mercredi) reflètent un progrès important, même s'il reste limité, pour tenter de répondre à ces inquiétudes", conclut Mme Nuland.

En 2009, la Corée du Nord avait expulsé les inspecteurs de l'Agence internationale de l'énergie atomique de son site nucléaire de Yongbyon. Washington et Pyongyang ont tenu la semaine dernière des pourparlers à Pékin visant à reprendre les négociations à six sur la dénucléarisation de la péninsule coréenne. Ces discussions étaient les premières entre les deux pays depuis la mort du dirigeant nord-coréen Kim Jong-Il en décembre dernier.

Actualités internationales - Page 12 Star3Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autresActualités internationales - Page 12 Star3
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messages : 2735
Inscrit le : 09/12/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: Actualités internationales   Actualités internationales - Page 12 Icon_minitimeMer 29 Fév 2012 - 17:55

Trop fort ces Nord Coreens Suspect .....
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messages : 558
Inscrit le : 07/08/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: Actualités internationales   Actualités internationales - Page 12 Icon_minitimeMer 29 Fév 2012 - 18:05

trop fort sont les US qui ont su comment plier les Nord Coreens
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MessageSujet: Re: Actualités internationales   Actualités internationales - Page 12 Icon_minitimeJeu 1 Mar 2012 - 2:57

Citation :
The WikiLeaks GiFiles: Central Europe States Warn of 'Russian Threat'

By Anissa Haddadi: Subscribe to Anissa's RSS feed

February 27, 2012 5:00 PM GMT

New Stratfor e-mails leaked by WikiLeaks in collaboration with Anonymous have revealed growing antagonism between Russia and Central European states.

A Stratfor source said Central European states were desperate for strong US backing to consolidate their efforts to reduce Russia's regional influence.

The emails, sent in February 2011, point out that Central European countries expect Nato to refocus on containing the 'Russian threat".

"The CEs (Central European Countries) need Nato. Plain and simple. They need a functional Nato. And they need Nato to return to its primary focus-containment of the large threat (Russia), and protection of the Nato land (them)," says one email.

"Containment has to be the primary focus for Nato. No matter who you are, if you're in Nato, you need to understand this."

"CzR [Czech Republic] doesn't see Nato doing this with tanks, like before. It will do this with missile defence and military projects (F16s). Planting Nato's flag on CE soil. So that Russia cannot do that instead", the e-mail reads.

The source says the Czech Republic is extremely wary of a US-Russia rapprochement.

"As far as the current talks between the US and Russia on bmd (ballistic missile defence), most of the CEs want to sabotage them. No one wants Russia in on bmd.

"Moreover, no one wants the US and Russia to be friendly. The US needs to quit with this reset nonsense and move forward with a firm military strategy in CE. The CEs want to move against Russia, but can't do it alone".

The Stratfor source says that following the failed US-Czech ballistic missile defence talks, Central European countries had come up with a new security plan.

"So if CzR can't get in the bmd system, there is another deal we will push for, as we are determined to get US military on our soil", the source reveals.

"CzR wants a batch of F-16s like Poland. It needs supersonic. CzR is begging the US right now for F-16s. The US said it would sell them, but at an exorbitant price. They are far too expensive for CzR who has had to slash some of their defence budget because of the financial crisis.

"So the plan that CzR is now presenting is for 5 or 6 Central European countries to go in together and do a mass order of the F-16s in exchange for a discount by the US. It would be Romania, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria and maybe more for Poland - for 85 or so F-16s. It would be interesting because then all of them could train together in one country and then set up a repair factory in another country. The countries would be tied together - and tied to the US. The US would need to have military on the ground to train the CEs. This is the best sort of security alliance between US and CEs."

The source warns that the Czech request will be its last.

"[If this plan fails the Czech Republic] is done with any non-Eurasian commitments to Nato. Period. If CzR can get bmd or the F16s, then it will pretty much agree to any sort of military commitment the US wants anywhere in the world. That is the ultimatum".

Not all Central European countries agree on the Czech plan, the source concludes.

"CzR is worried about Ukraine," it says. "[Ukraine] is so pro-Russian there is a concern that it will militarise under the Moscow umbrella. Everyone in CE is concerned about this militarisation".

The WikiLeaks GiFiles: US Ambassador to Russia 'Scared to Death of Putin"

Julian Assange: 'Stratfor Are Hopeless James Bonds'

WikiLeaks Publishes Stratfor Emails Hacked by Anonymous
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messages : 2787
Inscrit le : 11/07/2010
Localisation : montreal
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MessageSujet: Re: Actualités internationales   Actualités internationales - Page 12 Icon_minitimeJeu 1 Mar 2012 - 3:31

Yakuza a écrit:
zapbox a écrit:
c'est les code du systeme iranian c'est tout. il ont le s300V la premiere version, les russe vont pas donné les code alors que leur defense c'est encore aujourdhui 90% DE S300? le S400 est loin d'etre encore equipé partout en russie.
les russes sont donnés les codes du Tor-M1 ,deja du principe c´est honteux,et ca s´agite a le defendre apres.
pour les S300,ce sont les turcs et israeliens qui ont les codes(PMU),partant des 2,ca fera le tour(US et Nato l´ont deja) Wink
ca explique peut etre pourquoi vous vous etes arretes apres 2

ce soir on ma dit un missile que tu fabrique pas , est un missile inutile , j'ai dit pourquoi , on ma dit on aura toujours ton code fréquence et il explosera toujours en route surtout contre des pays otan ... et bizzarement c'est le même sujet de la soiré ici Smile

Actualités internationales - Page 12 11104110
Pro rege, saepe, pro patria semper

اقسم بالله العظيم ان اكون مخلصا لله و لملكي و ان اتفانى في خدمة وطني و دفع كل خطر يهدده و ان انفد اوامرقائدي الاعلى صاحب الجلالة
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messages : 2735
Inscrit le : 09/12/2009
Localisation : Un peu partout!!!
Nationalité : France
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MessageSujet: Re: Actualités internationales   Actualités internationales - Page 12 Icon_minitimeJeu 1 Mar 2012 - 19:58

linust a écrit:
trop fort sont les US qui ont su comment plier les Nord Coreens

Je ne pense pas ,Ils ont l'arme atomique ,de bon sous marinier ,ils sont comme les Russes aux echecs,trés fort.
La Corée du nord c'est comme un politique ,d'un main il carresse la tete d'un enfant et de l'autre lui vole ces bonbons.......
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MessageSujet: Heavy fighting in north Mali between Tuaregs, army   Actualités internationales - Page 12 Icon_minitimeJeu 1 Mar 2012 - 20:28

AP / Huffington Post
Citation :
Heavy fighting in north Mali between Tuaregs, army

MARTIN VOGL | March 1, 2012 11:54 AM EST |

BAMAKO, Mali — Heavy fighting took place in the north of Mali as armed forces tried to reach a town surrounded by Tuareg rebels, a Malian armed forces official said Thursday.

Col. Idrissa Traore said there was fighting around the town of Tessalit on Wednesday and the operation is ongoing. He did not give casualty figures and would not confirm whether troops sent to reinforce the town had made it to the military camp there.

A spokesman for the Tuareg rebels said the Malian forces had not managed to reach Tessalit.

"Our forces managed to separate the contingents on their way to Tessalit and forced them into retreat," Moussa Ag Assarid told the Associated Press by phone from Paris.

Ag Assarid said the rebels had not suffered any losses. He said, however, Tuareg rebels had killed a number of Malian soldiers and destroyed a number of vehicles.

"It's very possible there is going to be further fighting soon," Ag Assarid added.

Malian forces have been trying to get reinforcements to the town of Tessalit since Tuaregs started attacking towns in the north of Mali in mid-January. The town is of strategic importance as its military base is one of the largest in northern Mali. There is also an airport there.

Meanwhile, the U.S. embassy in Bamako confirmed Thursday that a U.S. military aircraft dropped food to the population of Tessalit on Feb. 14.

"We dropped food for a population of about 2,000 who were in distress," said Megan Larson-Kone of the U.S. Embassy in Bamako. "There was enough food dropped to provide for at least several days." she said.

The Tuareg rebel group, the National Movement for the Liberation of the Azawad, is fighting for the independence of northern Mali, a region it refers to as the Azawad.

The NMLA argues that the north of Mali is culturally and geographically disctinct from the south. The group also accuses the Malian government of not doing enough to promote development in the north.

Tuaregs in Mali have risen up against Mali's central government a number of times since Mali gained independence from France in 1960.

Since the start of the most recent fighting in January, dozens of Malian troops and rebel fighters have been killed and the United Nations says more than 100,000 people have been displaced.
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