Sujet: Armée Serbe / Vojska Srbije / Serbian Armed Forces Lun 18 Fév 2008 - 18:01
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jf16 General de Division
messages : 40493 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Serbe / Vojska Srbije / Serbian Armed Forces Jeu 18 Juin 2020 - 20:52
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Jun 18
New Serbian M-20 MRAP 6x6 armored vehicle
On June 17, 2020, the Minister of Defense of Serbia, Alexander Vulin, and the Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, General Milan Moysilovic, took part in the presentation of the new M-20 MRAP 6x6 armored fighting vehicle at the factory of the Zastava Tervo plant (formerly Zastava Kamioni) in Kragujevac.
New M-20 MRAP 6x6 armored vehicle manufactured by Zastava Tervo, displayed at Kragujevac on June 17, 2020 (Picture source: Ministry of Defense of Serbia)
messages : 40493 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Serbe / Vojska Srbije / Serbian Armed Forces Sam 20 Juin 2020 - 20:08
jf16 General de Division
messages : 40493 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Serbe / Vojska Srbije / Serbian Armed Forces Lun 22 Juin 2020 - 20:57
jf16 General de Division
messages : 40493 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Serbe / Vojska Srbije / Serbian Armed Forces Dim 5 Juil 2020 - 20:06
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Serbia Inducts Six CH-92A Attack Drone Purchased from China 02:58 PM, July 5, 2020 Chinese CH-92A drones in Serbia
Serbian President, Aleksandar Vučić officially inducted six Chinese CH-92A attack/reconnaissance drones into the country’s armed forces on Saturday.
Speaking on the occasion, President Vučić said that Serbia had procured six unmanned aerial vehicles in the People's Republic of China.
The Drones had arrived in Serbia earlier this week on July 2. Six more are on order and expected to arrive by this year end.
The induction ceremony was held at the military airport in Batajnica. Besides President Vučić, the ceremony was attended by the Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian Army, General Milan Mojsilović, and the Commander of the Air Force and Air Defense, General Duško Žarković, Serbian military news website, TangoSix reported.
President Vučić said the deal includes technology transfer from the Chinese side which will help Serbia’s develop Serbia’s own drone program, ‘Pegasus.’ He said the deal with China includes 18 missiles (FT-8C or FT-8D- to be confirmed) and that his country would buy more as needed. The drones and missiles had proven themselves in the conflict in Yemen, he said (Chinese drones- believed to be the larger Wing Loong - have been noticed to be deployed by Saudi Arabia in the War in Yemen. Besides, these drones have recently surfaced in Libya, believed to be supplied by UAE to the Haftar militia).
The CH-92A drones, also called ‘Rainbow’ have an operating radius of about 250 kilometers and maximum altitude of 5,000 meters, with a speed of around 200 KMPH. It can stay in the air for up to 9 hours.
In addition to reconnaissance and attack, the drones can be used for target location and tracking. They can direct artillery fire including laser-guided rounds.
In addition to the 6 CH-92A drones and missiles, the deal includes command stations, several remote video terminals and other accompanying equipment
messages : 40493 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Serbe / Vojska Srbije / Serbian Armed Forces Mar 28 Juil 2020 - 22:07
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La Serbie a l’intention de renforcer son aviation de combat avec au moins 20 avions de plus
par Laurent Lagneau · 28 juillet 2020
Bien que l’Union européenne a récemment tenter de le relancer, le dialogue entre la Serbie et le Kosovo [ancienne province serbe ayant proclamé son indépendance en 2008, ndlr] est au point mort. Il faut dire que le contexte actuel n’aide pas, avec un président kosovar, Haschim Taçi, qui, suspecté d’avoir pris part à un trafic d’organes prélevés sur des prisonniers serbes quand il était à la tête de l’UCK, est sous le coup d’une inculpation pour crime de guerre.
Même si la reconnaissance de l’indépendance du Kosovo ouvrirait la voie à une adhésion à l’Union européenne, la Serbie continue de ne pas vouloir en entendre parler. En outre, Belgrade entend que soit réglé le statut des Serbes restés dans son ancienne province ainsi que celui des sites religieux orthodoxes. De son côté, Pristina exige des réparations de guerre. En 2018, l’idée d’échanger des territoires entre les deux capitales avait été avancée. Mais elle est restée sans suite.
Un autre point qui dérange les autorités serbes concerne les livraisons d’équipements militaires dont bénéficient les forces kosovares… Le président serbe, Aleksandar Vucic, l’a de nouveau souligné le 26 juillet, lors d’une visite à un bataillon de chars, à Sremska Mitrovica.
« Les Américains, les Turcs et les Allemands prennent soin de leur enfant bien-aimé », a lancé M. Vucic en évoquant le Kosovo. Et, effectivement, les États-Unis ont récemment livré 42 véhicules de type Humvee à Pristina.
Dans le domaine militaire, la Serbie se repose essentiellement sur la Russie, qui lui a livré des MiG-29 et des systèmes de défense aérienne Pantsir S-1, ainsi que sur la Chine, à qui elle a commandé des drones tactiques armés CH-92A. La France fait également de ses fournisseurs, via un contrat concernant des missiles sol-air MISTRAL 3.
Quoi qu’il en soit, Aleksandar Vucic a estimé qu’il est encore nécessaire de renforcer les capacités des forces serbes. S’il a évoqué d’acquérir des véhicules blindés Lazar BVT-SR-8808-MRAP et PASARS-16 ainsi que des systèmes robotisés Milos auprès de l’industrie locale, le président serbe a surtout insisté sur le renouvellement des moyens aériens, via l’achat d’avions de combat.
Cela étant, le président serbe n’a donné aucune précision sur le type des appareils dont il serait question d’acquérir, tout en réfutant toute idée de « course aux armements ». Mais cela n’a pas empêché certains médias d’affirmer que Belgrade avait l’intention de se procurer 20 avions T-7A RedHawk [produit par Boeing en collaboration avec le suédois Saab] auprès des États-Unis. Et que, en cas de refus, le choix se porterait sur des Su-25 « Frogfoot ».
Mais selon les experts sollicités par le journal en ligne Vesti Online, le général Kovacevic, un ancien aviateur, a estimé que « tout avion de génération 4+ serait génial ».
« Ce genre d’achat est en grande partie une question de politique. Les avions russes nous conviendraient mieux en raison de leur technologie et de notre expérience en matière de formation et de maintenance. Mais nous pouvons rapidement former notre personnels afin d’utiliser des avions occidentaux, comme le Gripen suédois. Nous avons déjà des radars d’origine suédoise et américain dans nos armées », a expliqué le général Kovacevic.
« Sur la base des expériences du conflit dans l’ex-Yougoslavie, puis des guerres en Syrie et en Ukraine, le Su-25 serait le bon choix pour nous », a fait valoir Milan Galović, un expert des questions militaires.
messages : 40493 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Serbe / Vojska Srbije / Serbian Armed Forces Mar 4 Aoû 2020 - 18:28
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Après les drones, la Serbie a commandé des systèmes de défense aérienne FK-3 auprès de la Chine
par Laurent Lagneau · 4 août 2020
La défense aérienne serbe est, à ce jour, la seule à pouvoir se vanter d’avoir abattu un avion de combat dit « furtif », en l’occurrence un F-117 « Night Hawk », durant la guerre du Kosovo, en 1999. Le système utilisé était un S-125 Neva/Perchora [code Otan : SA-3 Goa], associé à un radar 1RL131 Terek [ou P-18 « Spoon Rest »] fonctionnant sur la bande des fréquences VHF [30-300 MHz]. C’est à dire avec des matériels déjà anciens à cette époque.
Cela étant, depuis quelques années, la Serbie a entrepris de moderniser ses capacités en matière de défense aérienne. Ainsi, en 2017, deux systèmes Buk, d’origine russe, lui furent donnés par la Biélorussie [quatre avions MiG-29 d’occasion faisaient aussi partie du lot]. L’année précédente, il fut rapporté que Belgrade négociait, l’achat de quatre batteries Buk-M1 ou Buk-M2 auprès de Moscou.
Puis, en 2019, MBDA obtint un contrat pour livrer des systèmes de défense anti-aérienne à courte portée MISTRAL 3 aux aux forces serbes. Et, février, dernier, Belgrade fit savoir qu’un premier système Pantsir S1 venait de lui être livré par la Russie.
Mais la liste ne s’arrête visiblement pas là. En effet, selon le site Balkan Security Network, qui s’appuie sur le rapport annuel d’activité de la société publique YugoImport SDPR J.P., chargée de l’exportation et de l’importation [en Serbie] d’armements et d’équipements de défense, Belgrade avait passé commande de trois exemplaires du système de défense aérienne chinois FK-3, développé par la China Aerospace Science and Industrie Corporation [CASIC] et commercialisé par la China Precision Machinery Import Export Corporation [CPMIEC].
A priori, il s’agit de l’un des « plus gros contrats » d’acquisition signé l’an passé par la Serbie, probablement à l’occasion d’un déplacement du président serbe, Aleksandar Vucic, en Chine, en avril 2019.
Version « export » du système HQ-22 [une évolution du HQ-2, qui était en réalité une version chinoise du système russe S-75 Dvina / SA-2 Guideline], le FK-3 fonctionne avec un radar à antenne à balayage électronique passive [PESA]. Le lanceur est monté sur un châssis Hanyang 8×8, doté d’une cabine de contrôle, du dispositif de lancement et de 4 conteneurs pour missiles. Le tir s’effectue avec une rampe inclinée à 50°, avec un départ à chaud du missile intercepteur.
D’après un compte-rendu du ministère français des Armées du salon China AirShow 2016, à l’occasion duquel il fut présenté, le FK-3 assure la « protection des troupes et des installations contre les menaces aériennes de types avions, hélicoptères, drones, munitions guidées ou missiles de croisières. » Il est théoriquement efficace contre des cibles évoluant à 100 km de distance, à une altitude maximale de 27.000 mètres.
Peu à peu, la Chine prend une part de plus en plus importante dans l’équipement des forces serbes. Récemment, ces dernières ont reçu six drones tactiques CH-92A pouvant être armés. Et cela, dans le cadre d’un contrat de 30 millions de dollars.
Plus généralement, la Serbie est le théâtre d’une lutte d’influence entre la Russie et la Chine. Mais, malgré les liens culturels et religieux ainsi que le statut d’observateur donné à Belgrade au sein de l’Organisation du traité de sécurité collective [OTSC], c’est la seconde qui semble s’imposer, grâce à ses « investissements » ainsi qu’aux prêts [qui représentent déjà 12% de la dette extérieure du pays] qu’elle consent dans le cadre des « nouvelles routes de la soie ».
Photo : China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation
messages : 40493 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Serbe / Vojska Srbije / Serbian Armed Forces Dim 16 Aoû 2020 - 19:42
Citation :
Aug 16
Yugoimport Milosh 4x4 MRAP armored vehicle enters in service with Serbian army
According to information published by the Serbian MoD (Ministry of Defense) on August 13, 2020, the Milosh 4x4 MRAP (Mine Resistant Ambus Protected) armored vehicle developed and manufactured by the state company Yugoimport is now in service with the Serbian army.
New Yugoimport Milosh 4x4 MRAP armored vehicle in live demonstration. (Picture source Serbian MoD)
messages : 6300 Inscrit le : 25/03/2009 Localisation : Royaume pour tous les Marocains Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Serbe / Vojska Srbije / Serbian Armed Forces Mar 13 Oct 2020 - 3:21
_________________ Les peuples ne meurent jamais de faim mais de honte.
jf16 General de Division
messages : 40493 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Serbe / Vojska Srbije / Serbian Armed Forces Lun 30 Nov 2020 - 16:48
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Serbia shows recently received T-72MS tanks
By Gu Min-cheol Nov 30, 2020
Ministry of the Defense Republic of Serbia has for the first time publicly showed new T-72MS main battle tanks on 28 November.
The President of the Republic and Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces Aleksandar Vučić, accompanied with the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović, PhD, the Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces General Milan Mojsilović and the Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Serbia Alexander Botsan-Kharchenko attended the presentation of new T-72MS tanks, donated by the Russian Federation on Saturday.
According to the Serbian MoD, the first batch of 11 upgraded Soviet-era tanks was delivered last month.
The T-72MS, commonly known as White Eagle, s an advanced variant of T-72B1 that features new armour and is equipped with new optics and combat equipment.
“These tanks also have stronger ballistic protection, explosive-reactive armour, better steering and navigation. Everything is incomparably easier for them and I believe that this will significantly contribute to greater combat readiness, interoperability and competence of our forces,” said Serbian President Vučić.
Lieutenant Colonel Goran Jovanović from the General Staff’s Development and Equipping Department (J-5) pointed out that the Russian T-72MS tank was currently the best in the Balkans and beyond, adding that the tank had undergone complex modernization and that all its features, manoeuvrability, armour protection and firepower had been significantly improved compared to M-84 tanks, which were in operational use in our armed forces.
“By fitting it with an 840 horsepower engine, its mobility has been increased. Our M-84 tank and the basic version of the T-72 tank are fitted with 780 horsepower engines. It has also been fitted with an automatic transmission that allows the driver to drive it more easily, and depending on the type of terrain, the driver can choose whether to change gears manually or automatically,” said Lieutenant Colonel Jovanović, adding that the armour protection that has been added to the T-72MS tank, successfully protects the tank crew from various types of projectiles
messages : 40493 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Serbe / Vojska Srbije / Serbian Armed Forces Mer 26 Mai 2021 - 22:25
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Serbian Army receives 30 T-72B1MS tanks and 30 BRDM-2MS armored reconnaissance vehicles from Russia
Defense News May 2021 Global Security army industry
POSTED ON TUESDAY, 25 MAY 2021 14:54
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Dr. Nebojsa Stefanovic and Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian Army General Milan Mojsilovic attended the handover of T-72MS tanks (in fact T-72B1MS White Eagle, according to Army Recognition's analysis) and BRDM-2MS armored reconnaissance cars from a donation from the Russian Federation to Serbia at the Mija Stanimirovic barracks in Nis, the Serbian Ministry of Defense reports on its website.
Modernized T-72MS tanks donated by Russia to Serbia (Picture source: Serbian MoD)
The ceremony was also attended by the Secretary of State, Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, General of the Army Nikolai Pankov and Deputy Minister of Defense, Colonel General Alexander Fomin, as well as the Ambassador of the Russian Federation, Alexander Bocan-Kharchenko.
‘’It is a donation of the Russian Federation to the Army of the Republic of Serbia in the value of about 75 million euros, which consists of 30 armored personnel carriers BRDM-2MS and 30 modernized T-72B1MS tanks, based on an agreement agreed in Sochi by two presidents Vucic and Putin. We are very grateful to the Russian Federation because this is a significant reinforcement for the Serbian Arm’’, said Minister Stefanović, after the handover. He reminded that the first part of this donation was also shown in Nis in November: 11 T-72B1MS tanks and 10 armored personnel carriers. ‘’Today, when they are completed and when in fact two – the tank battalion and the BRDM-2MS battalion – are completed, we present these weapons, which will go to the Army, and which will significantly improve, as you could hear from General Mojsilovic, our operational capabilities - Minister Stefanović pointed out.
Minister Stefanović also expressed satisfaction with the fact that cooperation between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Serbia continues and develops at a good pace: ‘’Today, you will have the opportunity to see the cooperation of our special units at the Orešac range, where you will see their cooperation in the fight against terrorists. Russian paratroopers will inform the members of the 72nd Special Brigade about the final exercise, where they will show all the elements of their training and equipment’’.
‘’Military-technical cooperation, which takes place in the best way on the basis of the agreement of our presidents, is very important and in itself creates a good and solid foundation for comprehensive cooperation between Russia and Serbia’’, said Russian Ambassador Bocan-Kharchenko, adding that military-technical and military cooperation between Serbia and Russia is taking place in accordance with international agreements and norms, and in favor of stability in the region.
BRDM-2MMS reconnaissance vehicles donated by Russia to Serbia (Picture source: Serbian MoD)
messages : 40493 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Serbe / Vojska Srbije / Serbian Armed Forces Mer 7 Juil 2021 - 21:22
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05 JULY 2021
Serbia exercises with new military equipment
by Igor Bozinovski
The Serbian Armed Forces (SAF) used new military equipment during exercise ‘Munjeviti Udar (Lightning Strike) 2021', which was held on 15–27 June. More than 15,000 troops were involved in the exercise that was held at eight training areas throughout Serbia.
Two Serbian H145M helicopters firing S-8KOM 80 mm rockets from indigenously-developed L80-07 rocket pods during exercise ‘Munjeviti Udar (Lightning Strike) 2021' held on 15-27 June. (Serbian MoD)
A new version of the Zastava Terenska Vozila (Terrain Vehicles, TERVO) M-20 6×6 mine-resistant, ambush-protected (MRAP) armoured fighting vehicle was unveiled at the exercise. The vehicle now features add-on armour for better ballistic protection but its transport compartment no longer has firing ports and side doors. There are three bullet-proof windows on each side of the vehicle, including one each for the driver and commander doors, and a single side-opening door instead of the pair of doors in the rear part of the M-20 prototype.
Also debuting was the Fabrika Automobila Priboj (FAP) BOV-OT M-21 4×4 armoured personnel carrier, designed to accommodate a driver, commander, and eight soldiers. The vehicle has a 1,500 kg payload capacity and is equipped with a stabilised remote-controlled weapon station with a 12.7 mm machine gun. It is powered by a new 280 hp engine with an automatic gearbox producing a maximum speed of 110 km/h.
T-72B1MS White Eagle main battle tanks (MBTs) donated by Russia and locally developed and produced Mali (Little) Miloš unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs) armed with two M80 Zolja (Wasp) disposable one-shot 64 mm rocket-propelled grenades each were seen live firing for the first time.
Prototypes of locally modernised M-84AS1 and M-84AS2 MBTs were noted with special coatings to reduce their infrared signatures.
messages : 198 Inscrit le : 18/11/2020 Localisation : Sète / Al Hoceima Nationalité :
Sujet: Re: Armée Serbe / Vojska Srbije / Serbian Armed Forces Mer 10 Nov 2021 - 3:06
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BELGRADE (Serbia), October 13 (SeeNews) - Serbia's government said it plans to order two C-295 medium tactical transport aircraft manufactured by Spain's Construcciones Aeronauticas, a subsidiary of Airbus
"We expect to sign a contract for the procurement of two C-295 transport aircraft and the procurement of a larger number of H-145M helicopters," the government quoted defence minister Nebojsa Stefanovic as saying during a meeting with Spain's defence ministry armament and material director-general Santiago Ramon Gonzalez Gomez earlier this week.
Sujet: Re: Armée Serbe / Vojska Srbije / Serbian Armed Forces Jeu 25 Nov 2021 - 18:37
La Serbie va acquérir des Kornet...
_________________ Le courage croît en osant et la peur en hésitant.
Fwedi34 Caporal chef
messages : 198 Inscrit le : 18/11/2020 Localisation : Sète / Al Hoceima Nationalité :
Sujet: Re: Armée Serbe / Vojska Srbije / Serbian Armed Forces Mar 14 Déc 2021 - 16:04
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BELGRADE (Serbia), December 13 (SeeNews) - Serbia will buy about 30 military helicopters in the next two years, president Aleksandar Vucic said.
The Serbian military will procure 11 H-145 twin-engine choppers manufactured by Airbus Helicopters, four Mi-35 and three Mi-17 helicopters, as well as 11 used Mi-35s, Vucic said during a news conference on Sunday. The latter two models are manufactured by Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant, a subsidiary of Russian Helicopters company.
The government will invest 145 million euro ($163.4 million) in the defense industry in the first quarter of 2022, Vucic noted, adding that the funds will be used for the procurement of new equipment and machines, as well as for the modernization of existing ones.
In the following five years, the value of deals concluded between the Serbian military and the defense industry will surpass 1.25 billion euro ($1.41 billion), Vucic said.
Sujet: Re: Armée Serbe / Vojska Srbije / Serbian Armed Forces Mar 28 Déc 2021 - 20:53
Ou Russe (Su-35 par exemple..)
_________________ Le courage croît en osant et la peur en hésitant.
Fahed64 Administrateur
messages : 25192 Inscrit le : 31/03/2008 Localisation : Pau-Marrakech Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Serbe / Vojska Srbije / Serbian Armed Forces Mar 28 Déc 2021 - 21:10
Il y en en justement de dispo
Plus sérieusement je pense pas qu'ils prendront US, il y a un contentieux (Monténegro)
Le Rafale a de sérieuse chance mais à voir si les français vont accepter de le vendre.
La Serbie est maintenant un petit pays avec un petit budget militaire.
PS: Le F16V aurait parfait pour eux.
PS 2: Leur Mig 29 leur sert à rien maintenant
_________________ Sois généreux avec nous, Ô toi Dieu et donne nous la Victoire
jf16 General de Division
messages : 40493 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Serbe / Vojska Srbije / Serbian Armed Forces Mer 29 Déc 2021 - 21:36
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DEC 29
Serbian army to receive PASARS air defense systems armed with MISTRAL 3 missiles
According to information published by the Serbian Ministry of Defense on December 28, 2021, the Serbian army will receive in 2022, 12 new PASARS mobile short/medium-range air defense systems armed with 40mm Bofors gun L/70 and MISTRAL 3 surface to air missile manufactured by the company MBDA.
Serbian army PASARS mobile air defense system armed with one Bofors L/70 40mm automatic cannon and two launchers for MISTRAL 3 surface-to-air missile. (Picture source Army Recognition)
messages : 40493 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Serbe / Vojska Srbije / Serbian Armed Forces Mer 29 Déc 2021 - 21:48
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Serbia to receive this month Russian-made Kornet anti-tank guided missile
Defense News December 2021 Global Security army industry
According to information released by the Serbian Minister of Defense, Mister Nebojša Stefanović, Serbia will receive in December 2021, Russian Kornet anti-tank guided missile that will be used by the 72nd Special Operations Brigade. The Russian missile will be mounted on the Milosh, a 4x4 armored vehicle.
Russian-made Kornet-EM anti-tank missile launcher unit and its missile. (Picture source Army Recognition)
In recent months, Russia handed over to Serbia 30 T-72B1MS tanks and 30 BRDM-2MS armored personnel carriers. From 2018 to February 2020, Russia donated four Mi-35M helicopters, six MiG-29 fighters, 10 BRDM-2 amphibious armored scout cars, three Mi-17V-5 transport helicopters, and Pantsir-S1 air-defense missile-gun systems to Serbia as military-technical assistance.
The Kornet (NATO reporting name AT-14 Spriggan), Russian designation 9M133, is a modern Russian-made man-portable anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) designed to destroy main battle tanks. The export version of the Kornet is named Kornet-E.
The Kornet anti-tank missile was unveiled in October 1994 by the KBP Instrument Design Bureau. The development of the missile started in 1988 and entered into service with the Russian armed forces in 1998.
The 9M133 missile together with its 9P163-1 tripod launcher and 1PN79-1 thermal sight forms the 9K135 missile system, which can be carried and operated by a two-person infantry crew. The transfer to the firing position takes less than one minute, and preparation and production of a shot in at least one second. Kornet's anti-tank missile system has been fitted with the top attack capability.
The Kornet missile fitted with its tandem HEAT warhead is able to penetrate over 1.000 mm of reactive armor. Alternatively, a thermobaric warhead is available for use against structures and infantry in open areas. The Kornet has a maximum firing range of 5.5 km in day conditions and 3.5 to 4.5 km when using the night sight. The Kornet-M variant has an increased maximum range of 8 to 10 km. The 9M133M Kornet-EM is an improved variant introduced in 2012 that is designed to defeat vehicles with explosive reactive armor (ERA).
messages : 198 Inscrit le : 18/11/2020 Localisation : Sète / Al Hoceima Nationalité :
Sujet: Re: Armée Serbe / Vojska Srbije / Serbian Armed Forces Jeu 30 Déc 2021 - 5:00
Je pense pas à l’achat du Rafale par la Serbie pour plusieurs raisons le coût du financement, la Russie a offert plusieurs équipements militaire sous formes de dons à la Serbie qui impliquent une obligation d'achats militaire russe donc sous influence russe, leurs partenariat économique stratégique, le gaz russe , les conséquences geostrategique(defense aérienne russe) , les Croates et Serbes sont pas des bons amie au vu de leur passé historiques et ça risquerait de ne pas plaire au Croates de plus je voit mal les serbes avoir les même avions de guerre que leur adversaires stratégiques,
Fwedi34 Caporal chef
messages : 198 Inscrit le : 18/11/2020 Localisation : Sète / Al Hoceima Nationalité :
Sujet: Re: Armée Serbe / Vojska Srbije / Serbian Armed Forces Mer 5 Jan 2022 - 14:22
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Serbia will spend one billion euros in 2022 to modernize its armed forces
According to information published by the Serbian Ministry of Defense at the end of December 2021, Serbia will spend one billion euros in 2022 to increase the defense capabilities of its armed forces.
In 2022, the Serbian army will receive more military equipment and combat vehicles including 18 Lazar8x8 armored vehicles, 20 Milosh 4x4 light armored vehicles, and 10 6x6 MRAP M20.
Serbian armed forces will also get three Russian-made Mi-17 helicopters, two Pantsir S1 air defense systems batteries, 18 sets of Mistral missiles that will be mounted on PASARS systems, five Little Milošvehicles, 66 Hummers, and 10 BOV armored vehicles. In addition, 22 new radars will be ordered and deployed in the forthcoming years, to increase the Serbian Air Force’s capability to monitor the entire national territory.
For the Serbian air Force, four Mi-35 attack helicopters will be delivered by Russia, two CASA C-295 military transport aircraft from Spain, and 10 EC-145 helicopters from Airbus.
The Serbian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović have also announced that €142 million will be invested in Serbian factories.
The 2022 budget allocated to the Serbian Armed Forces is over a billion euros, that this is not just an increase in budget, but a strategic investment intended for building the defense capabilities of Serbia, the local defense industry and armed forces, but also for procuring foreign weapons, to equip the Serbian armed forces with the latest technology of military equipment.
Regarding the fighter aircraft and whether we will be able to choose between Russian and French aircraft, Stefanović says that either way, a huge amount of money is in question and that the matter is under strategic consideration.
messages : 7911 Inscrit le : 20/09/2007 Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Serbe / Vojska Srbije / Serbian Armed Forces Dim 27 Mar 2022 - 23:40
Faut surveiller un possible nouveau conflit, et l'implication de la Turquie, est ce que un possible conflit au Kosovo va faire defenitivement opposer la Turquie à la Russie ?
Contenu sponsorisé
Sujet: Re: Armée Serbe / Vojska Srbije / Serbian Armed Forces
Armée Serbe / Vojska Srbije / Serbian Armed Forces