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MessageSujet: Su-35   Su-35 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSam 24 Mai 2008 - 15:05

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Le Su-35 : un chasseur à un pas de la 5e génération
publié le lundi 24 septembre 2007

Le chasseur Su-35 était peut-être la nouveauté la plus attendue au récent Salon aérospatial MAKS-2007 près de Moscou. Comme prévu, il était exposé sur une aire de stationnement, en position statique. Mais, prochainement, après quelques mises au point au sol, il effectuera son premier vol. Déjà, deux Su-35 expérimentaux sont assemblés à l’usine Sukhoi de Komsomolsk-sur-l’Amour, en Extrême-Orient russe. Fin 2007, ces appareils aborderont un programme d’essais en vol. Mikhaïl Pogossian, directeur général de Sukhoi, affirme que le nouvel avion russe est déjà attendu à l’étranger. Des négociations sur la livraison du chasseur sont en cours avec plusieurs pays.


Par Iouri Zaïtsev, de l’Académie russe du Génie, pour RIA Novosti.


En fait, ce chasseur est connu de nom depuis suffisamment longtemps. Il y a une quinzaine d’années, un Su-27M avait été présenté à différents salons aéronautiques. Depuis, l’appareil a subi une modernisation en profondeur. Quelles sont les nouveautés ?

D’abord, le Su-35 est doté de nouveaux moteurs. Sur le plan de leur conception, ceux-ci, des AL-31FP, sont un développement des AL-31F construits en série avec recours aux technologies dites de cinquième génération. L’apparition d’une tuyère tournante, de même que la possibilité d’une modification différentielle automatique de la poussée de ses deux moteurs (commande différentielle de la poussée) garantissent un pilotage de l’avion dans tous les plans. Y compris à petites vitesses ou à des vitesses proches de zéro. Conditions dans lesquelles les organes aérodynamiques de commande cessent, traditionnellement, d’être efficaces. Si nécessaire, le système de direction de la poussée vectorielle peut être entièrement coupé, avec fixation des tuyères en position neutre.

Le nouveau radar à réseau actif à phases (FAR) constitue la base du système de commande des armements du Su-35. Ses performances, en termes de portée et de nombre de cibles suivies, sont uniques. C’est un développement du radar Bars. Le FAR assure la scanographie du faisceau, aussi bien en azimuts qu’en angles de site. Pour améliorer la visibilité dans le plan horizontal, l’antenne tournante est mécaniquement entraînée en azimut, au moyen d’un gyro-actionneur. En régime air-air, ce radar est susceptible de détecter, sur des caps de face et à des distances allant de 350 à 400 km, et aussi de suivre (sans interrompre l’observation de l’environnement) jusqu’à 30 cibles, ainsi que de tirer sur huit d’entre elles. Des cibles ponctuelles ayant des surfaces de réflexion d’un centième de mètre carré, sont détectées à une portée de 90 km. C’est une performance unique pour tout radar d’aviation.
Un radar optoélectronique d’une nouvelle conception intégrant un goniomètre infrarouge, un télémètre-localisateur laser et une chaîne de télévision assurent de nouvelles possibilités dans la commande des armements du Su-35.

Côté armements, ceux du Su-35 représentent, outre des missiles air-air connus à portée moyenne à têtes autodirectrices, à radar ou à infrarouge, actives et semi-actives, et des missiles de combat à courte portée (34 unités au total), cinq nouveaux missiles à grande portée. La nomenclature des armements guidés de la classe air-sol comprend 25 missiles anti-bâtiment et antiradar, à grande et moyenne portée. Dont le système Klab et un missile lourd à grande portée de type d’Iakhont.

Pour ce qui est des bombes d’aviation à guidage télévisuel, laser et satellite, le Su-35 ne se distingue pratiquement en rien des Su-30MK actuels. Mais, en principe, le nouveau chasseur pourrait accueillir de nouveaux modèles. L’efficacité des bombes d’aviation guidées est garantie par un viseur laser et télévisuel. Celui-ci est disposé dans un conteneur optoélectronique suspendu. Ce poste détecte, suit, mesure des distances, et éclaire au laser des cibles au sol.
Su-35 - Page 2 Jpg_su11

La masse d’armements maximale d’un Su-35 est de 8.000 kg. Celle-ci est répartie entre les douze points de suspension. Equipé de moteurs à poussée vectorielle et d’un complexe électronique perfectionné de bord, le Su-35 dépasse notablement en performances son « ancêtre », le Su-27M. A l’opposé du Su-30, proposé sur les marchés internationaux, il est mieux adapté à un combat aérien tournoyant, notamment grâce à sa masse moins importante.
« A partir de 2010, nous nous projetons de commencer les ventes du Su-35 à l’étranger », a annoncé le directeur général de Sukhoi, Mikhaïl Pogossian. Le nouveau chasseur doit occuper une niche entre les Su-30MK actuels et ses différentes versions et les appareils, encore en développement, de cinquième génération. Le Su-35 est lui un avion de génération dite 4++, mais dont la conception fait largement appel à des technologies de cinquième génération, estime-t-on à Sukhoi. Entre 2009 et 2015, ces technologies doivent assurer au Su-35 des avantages indiscutables par rapport aux autres chasseurs multirôles de quatrième génération.

Les opinions exprimées dans cet article sont laissées à la stricte responsabilité de l’auteur.,25270.html

Dernière édition par Raptor le Lun 27 Avr 2009 - 23:05, édité 2 fois
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Su-35 - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Su-35   Su-35 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSam 2 Mai 2009 - 2:11

Raptor a écrit:
Citation :

May 1, 2009: One of the two prototypes of the Russian Su-35 fifth generation fighter crashed on takeoff on April 26th.
fifth generation Su-35 - Page 2 Icon_mrg c'est une plaisanterie j'espère, son SER n'a pas changé depuis l'époque du Su-27 Rolling Eyes
Si... en augmentant Laughing
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MessageSujet: Re: Su-35   Su-35 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 21 Juil 2009 - 16:10

Citation :
Su-35 bridges gap between current and next-gen fighters

By: John North
June 16, 2009

Sukhoi believes it is within two years of making first deliveries of its new Su-35 fighter as it prepares to add a third prototype to the flight-test program before the end of this month. The famous Russian design bureau is pinning its hopes on what it bills as a bridge between fourth-generation combat aircraft technology and the long-anticipated fifth-generation fighter that it expects will enter service in the second half of the next decade.

The flight test program started in February 2008 and passed the 100-flight mark on March 19 this year. The three test aircraft are due to make up to 160 flights among them. This year, Sukhoi expects to conclude static and super-agility tests en route to first deliveries in 2011.

Working largely at the KnAAPO factory in Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Sukhoi has already completed static tests to prove the Su-35’s flight capabilities in critical modes and the stability performance of the aircraft. It has also tested the fighter’s integrated control systems, navigation equipment and other aircraft systems.

According to Sukhoi, the Su-35 is a “4++ generation” fighter that represents the early integration of some aspects of fifth-generation technology. The aircraft, which made its public debut almost two years ago at Moscow’s August 2007 MAKS airshow, is billed as an interim step between existing Su-30 models and an as-yet not fully specified fifth-generation offering from the Russian defense industry.

So what is actually new about the Su-35? Well, first, the new fighter features an improved airframe that promises a dramatically increased service life of 6,000 flight hours or 30 years of operation. Time between overhaul is to increase to 1,500 hours or 10 years in operation.

Aerodynamically, the Su-35 is similar to the existing Su-27 and unlike the more recent Su-30MKI, it does not have a canard. All three channels have an electrical fly-by-wire system without mechanical cabling.

The fully fly-by-wire fighter uses a new integrated control system, developed by Moscow-based MNPK Avionika, which simultaneously handles several systems, including remote control, automatic control and the braking system to enhance the
aircraft’s handling capability and maneuverability. Also absent from the Su-35 design is the overhead brake flap, which is a standard feature of the Su-27, with its functions performed instead by an active rudder.

The Su-35 chassis has been reinforced to support the aircraft’s increased takeoff and landing weights. For the same reason, the front bearing has two wheels.

Sukhoi’s new fighter is powered by a new 117S version of NPO Saturn’s earlier AL-31F powerplant to provide additional thrust. The engine features a new fan, high- and low-pressure systems and improved digital controls.

The upgrade has boosted the AL-31F’s maximum thrust rating by 16 percent to just under 32,000 pounds. In maximum, afterburner-free mode, it generates just over 19,000 pounds of thrust. The new engine, which is to be built by Ufa-based Motor Building Association (UMPO), also promises significantly improved reliability with mean time between overhaul tripled from 500 to 1,500 hours

New Onboard Systems
The Su-35’s cockpit features a new information management system, which integrates functional, logical, informational and software subsystems into a single core to facilitate the interaction between crew and equipment. The new unit includes two central digital computers and all-glass displays.

The core of Su-35 cockpit suite is a pair of two 9- by 12-inch, multifunction liquid-crystal displays; a multifunction panel with a built-in display processor; a wide-angle collimated display on the windshield and a control and indication panel.
The displays can show video images and on these it can overlay synthesized alphanumeric and other symbology. The cockpit computer also can produce and send digital video signals to a video recording unit.

The onboard systems and armaments for the Su-35 are controlled by buttons and switches on the joystick, from where the pilot can also activate engine controls. There are duplicate control buttons on the multi-function displays.

Eyes and Ears
The Su-35 also promises to be markedly stealthier than its Sukhoi predecessors. The fighter’s radar signature has been reduced both in the X-radio waveband and also in the angle range of plus or minus 60 degrees.

The core of the Su-35’s armaments package is a new radar control system with an Irbis-E phased-array antenna (Irbis-E). It was developed by V.V.Tikhomirov Instrument Research Institute and promises improved target detection capability.

The X-waveband multi-functional passive phased-array antenna (PPAA) radar is mounted on a two-step hydraulic drive unit (azimuth and roll). The antenna device scans via an electronically controlled beam in azimuth and angle of elevation in sectors not smaller than 60 degrees. The two-step electrohydraulic drive unit additionally turns the antenna by mechanical means to 60 degrees in azimuth and 120 degrees in roll.

The control system detects and tracks up to 30 air targets at a time, retaining continuity of space scanning and engaging up to eight targets simultaneously. The Irbis-E unit detects, selects and tracks up to four ground targets in several mapping modes with various resolutions at a range of almost 220 nm, without stopping to monitor the airspace. Over the same range, the radar can detect air targets with a radar cross section of just over 32 sq ft.

Other new onboard systems of Su-35 include modern navigation and radio communication packages and a new electronic countermeasures suite. Finally, the Su-35 is equipped with new types of air-to-air and air-to-surface missiles, including long-range weapons.
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MessageSujet: Re: Su-35   Su-35 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSam 25 Juil 2009 - 21:29

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MessageSujet: Re: Su-35   Su-35 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeDim 26 Juil 2009 - 22:06

quand je voit la taille de cet engin je me dit que les russe ont definitivement une generation de retard.

...ils pensent encore ...gros avion avec SER monstrueuse /gros radar qui voient a 300km (ce que faisait les americain il ya 20ans avec le f14 et f15)

la ou les occidentaux pensent ...petit avion ,petite ser, petit radar mais sophistiqué;homogenisation de la flotte, facilité d entretien etc etc etc etc

les SU.xx, c est des f14 f15 des temps moderne rien de plus....le seul souci, c est que ces joujoux russe arrivent avec 15/20ans de retard et que les occidentaux sont passé a une autre doctrine.

Rolling Eyes
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MessageSujet: Re: Su-35   Su-35 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeDim 26 Juil 2009 - 22:22

tant pis pour eux et leurs clients
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messages : 1284
Inscrit le : 02/05/2007
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MessageSujet: Re: Su-35   Su-35 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeLun 27 Juil 2009 - 9:15

tbark allah 3lik mon cher yakusa tant pis surtout pour leur client hihihi.
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messages : 1535
Inscrit le : 07/03/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: Su-35   Su-35 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeDim 23 Aoû 2009 - 14:49

Citation :
Su-35 - Page 2 Airsu35armedaamstestfli
The current “SU-35”, which has been definitively described by Sukhoi, appears to be something of a compromise between the upgrade and full redesign visions. Reader assistance and sources from Sukhoi and various media offer an outline of its key systems and characteristics:

”...(known as Su-35BM by some sources- ie. T-10BM to the original Su-27s internal T-10S designation). Differences and features largely speak for themselves in the video, but a short summary follows as related in various other sources follows:

1 – N035 Irbis-E PESA Radar, a follow-on to the Bars-M.
2 – No canards
3 – Rear-looking self-defence radar in shorter tail sting
4 – AL-37FU/ 117S thrust-vectoring turbofan engines rated at 142-147kN
5 – Extended high-lift devices with large flaperon occuping the full trailing edge of the wing
6 – L175M Khibiny-M electronic-warfare self-defence system
7 – Reduced-area empennage
8 – Larger Air Intakes
9 – New and lighter systems, including quadruple digital fly-by-wire flight-control system.
10- New man-machine interface with fully-glass cockpit with two large LCD screens and helmet mounted display.”
Su-35 - Page 2 Airsu35sukhoi2008rearru
SU-35: Export Prospects
Su-35 - Page 2 Pubsukhoiflankerfamilyc
The SU27/30 Flanker family was designed and built after American had completed its “teen series” (F-14/15/16/18) fighters, and uses lessons from those designs as well as Russia’s own approaches. The result was a very extensible design that boasted impressive performance, and quickly became the global fighter reference point among global military planners. Exports followed, and Flanker variants quickly surpassed the MiG-29 as Russia’s most popular export fighter.

The SU-35 aims to build on that legacy, as a final bridge to the 5th generation PAK-FA Laughing Laughing . Three key changes to Sukhoi’s circumstances may make a similar level of export success much more difficult.
Su-35 - Page 2 Airsu35sukhoitestrunway

“Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.”
― Leonardo da Vinci

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MessageSujet: Re: Su-35   Su-35 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 27 Aoû 2009 - 12:56

Cela peut paraitre ancien vus que les deux ont évolués.

Cette histoire de différence de manœuvrabilité apparemment est là depuis un moment je ne me souviens plus des détails de l'incident entre 89/90 où les USA ont capturés un MIG-xx pour le tester contre leurs fighters (ils avaient déjà fait sa auparavant en 1967 pour le MiG21) le résultat les avaient surpris le dit MIG a gagné absolument tout les affrontements direct contre les avions américains par contre il a perdu dans toutes les autres missions.

Même conclusion de la part des australiens lors du test dans la Hawaii's Hickam airbase (mais pourtant ils voulaient le F35 alors que des vois interne disait non).

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MessageSujet: SU35   Su-35 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeDim 7 Aoû 2011 - 21:26

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MessageSujet: remarque   Su-35 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeLun 8 Aoû 2011 - 2:47

ils ont gardé quand meme un canon de 30 mm Su-35 - Page 2 565136 malgré toutes ces options modernes .
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MessageSujet: Re: Su-35   Su-35 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeLun 8 Aoû 2011 - 3:09

même le F22 en dispose

"La stratégie est comme l'eau qui fuit les hauteurs et qui remplit les creux" SunTzu  
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Général de corps d'armée (ANP)
Général de corps d'armée (ANP)

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MessageSujet: Re: Su-35   Su-35 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeLun 5 Sep 2011 - 22:41

Su-35 - Page 2 992U3941

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Su-35 - Page 2 4cdc5300-4889-4be3-9a10-1fb0c573da7d
"Les belles idées n'ont pas d'âge, elles ont seulement de l'avenir"
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Inscrit le : 11/11/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: Su-35   Su-35 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 20 Sep 2011 - 20:18

Citation :

Su-35 superior to the assigned specification - Sukhoi

Su-35 - Page 2 264458138
MOSCOW, September 19 - RIA Novosti. Testing the latest Russian Sukhoi Su-35 support all built into them, the designers specifications and even surpass them, according to Monday's press-service of company "Sukhoi".

The program of flight tests on fighter Su-35 carried more than 300 flights.

"The analysis carried out by the amount of work can already conclude that Su-35/Su-35S has much better flight characteristics compared to the standing armed with machine-analogues, and installed onboard equipment allows to solve a wider range of tasks certain tactical and technical requirements, "- said in a statement.

It emphasizes that the inherent characteristics of the plane potential will exceed all tactical fighters of the "4" and "4 +" (type "Rafale" and EF 2000, upgraded fighter jets such as F-15s, F-16s, F-18 and Mirage 2000 ), and to counter the aircraft F-22A, as well as tactical fighter F-35A.

At present, the Su-35-1, 2, brought in 929 th National Flight Test Centre (glycerol) on the state Integration Tests (SIT) and August 15, began the agreed program. At the same time it is plugged in and the first production Su-35S-1.

The Su-35, 1, 2, carried out preliminary flight tests, in which were fully confirmed by the basic set of flight and technical specifications of the onboard equipment and the characteristics of super maneuverability, updated stability and control characteristics, the characteristics of the power plant, the work of the navigation system. Reach a maximum speed at sea level is 1,400 kilometers per hour, at a height - 2,400 miles per hour, the ceiling - 18 000 meters.

Target detection range in the "air" - "Air" - over 400 kilometers. This is significantly higher than that faced in service aircraft. On-board location can detect and track multiple targets at ranges over 80 kilometers. The complex is ready to undergo testing for operational use.

In the development and testing of the Su-35 is used as technological advance that is implemented when creating a promising fifth-generation aircraft (PAK FA), which will lower cost and in shorter time to complete its development and to adopt a Russian Air Force.

Su-35 - deep super-maneuverable upgraded multi-role fighter generation "4 + +." It uses a fifth-generation technology, providing superior fighter of the same class. Distinctive features of the aircraft are new avionics based on digital information management system that integrates avionics systems, the new radar (SAR) with a phased antenna array with long-range detection of air targets with an increased number of simultaneously tracked and engaged targets (support 30 and eight attack air targets, as well as support for four and two attack ground targets), the new engines with increased thrust and turning the thrust vector.

Su-35 has the broad nomenclature of weaponry large, medium and short range. Able to carry guided air attack (TSA), anti-radar, anti-ship, general purpose, guided aerial bombs (KAB), as well as uncontrolled TSA. Radar visibility fighter aircraft, compared with the fourth generation is reduced by several times due to the conductive coating cockpit, radar absorbing coating deposition and a reduced number of speakers of sensors. Life of the aircraft - six thousand flight hours, service life - 30 years of operation, the designated resource engines with controlled nozzle - four thousand hours.

Su-35 superior to the assigned specification - Sukhoi
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MessageSujet: Re: Su-35   Su-35 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 1 Nov 2011 - 11:51

Best part 6:00 6:30
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MessageSujet: Re: Su-35   Su-35 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 22 Nov 2011 - 18:35

."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
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MessageSujet: Re: Su-35   Su-35 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 2 Déc 2011 - 13:14

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MessageSujet: Re: Su-35   Su-35 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeDim 15 Jan 2012 - 10:46

."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
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MessageSujet: Re: Su-35   Su-35 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMer 18 Jan 2012 - 10:29

Citation :

Russia’s 3rd Su-35S fighter starts test flights

Russia's Sukhoi aircraft manufacturer started test flights of its third series-produced Su-35S Flanker-E multirole fighter on Tuesday, the company said.

The aircraft took off from the Komsomolsk-on-Amur airfield in Russia's Far East, spending more than two hours in the air testing propulsion and control systems.

The Su-35 Flanker-E superiority fighter is powered by two 117S engines with thrust vectoring. It can effectively engage several air targets simultaneously using both guided and unguided missiles and weapon systems.

The aircraft has been touted as "4++ generation using fifth-generation technology."

After the tests are completed, the Su-35 will be transferred to the Russian Defense Ministry.
RIA Novosti

Su-35 - Page 2 Star3Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autresSu-35 - Page 2 Star3
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MessageSujet: Re: Su-35   Su-35 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSam 21 Jan 2012 - 8:13

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MessageSujet: Re: Su-35   Su-35 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSam 21 Jan 2012 - 22:10

Su-35 - Page 2 063682

."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
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