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MessageSujet: Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF)   Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) - Page 11 Icon_minitimeMer 6 Mai 2009 - 15:57

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Damocles+Navflir sous le MKM malaisien

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The Su-30МКМ was developed by the Sukhoi Design Bureau on basis of the super maneuverable fighter the Su-30MKI. The aircraft has the same aerodynamically perfect airframe, state-of-the-art engine with the Thrust Vector Control (TVC) and the most advanced digital fly-by-wire system. The MKM version differs from the MKI by virtue of the composition of the onboard avionics. The French company ТHALES supplies the Head-up display (HUD), navigational forward-looking IR system NAVFLIR and Laser Designation pod (LDP Damocles). Aircraft carries missile approach warning sensor (MAWS) and laser warning sensor (LWS) manufactured by the AVITRONICS company (South Africa).

The electronic warfare (EW) system, up-to-date radar (with a phased antenna array capable of simultaneously tracking 15 and attacking 4 targets), optic-location system with the laser rangefinder are all produced by leading Russian manufacturers.
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Général de corps d'armée (ANP)
Général de corps d'armée (ANP)

messages : 6945
Inscrit le : 18/07/2012
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MessageSujet: Re: Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF)   Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) - Page 11 Icon_minitimeVen 25 Avr 2014 - 1:40

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Malaysia; Missile Corvette contest

The Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) has published an RfI for three new generation Missile Corvettes to be procured over the next five years. Known contenders are Korean DSME, French DCNS, German TKMS, Italian Fincantieri and Turkish shipyards.
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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF)   Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) - Page 11 Icon_minitimeVen 25 Avr 2014 - 13:02

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KD Tunku Abdul Rahman submarine proves RMN's capabilities

The Royal Malaysian Navy's Scorpene submarine fleet, which has been a subject of discussion on social media recently, proved its naysayers wrong after KD Tunku Abdul Rahman submarine succesfully completed a week-long journey from its base in Sepanggar, Sabah to the Lumut RMN naval base here today.

RMN Fleet Commander, Vice-Admiral Datuk Abdul Hadi A. Rashid said the seven day journey - which passed without incident - was proof that the navy's submarines were not as unreliable as painted by the online community.

"As you can see, there is absolutely no truth to the rumours that our submarines cannot manoeuvre underwater, as the submarine in front of us managed to circumvent the challenging South China Sea with no problems," he told reporters when met at the RMN Media Day at the Lumut Naval base here today.
New Straits Times

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Général de corps d'armée (ANP)
Général de corps d'armée (ANP)

messages : 6945
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MessageSujet: Re: Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF)   Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) - Page 11 Icon_minitimeMer 30 Avr 2014 - 17:26

Vidéo-reportage sur le programme SGPV Gowind LCS de BIHC pour la Marine malaisienne au salon DSA 2014

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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF)   Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) - Page 11 Icon_minitimeVen 9 Mai 2014 - 10:50

Citation :
Zahid: Attack helicopters to boost strike capabilities of security forces in Sabah's east coast

KOTA KINABALU: The Government is set to acquire attack helicopters to strengthen the strike capabilities of security forces under the Eastern Sabah Security Zone (Esszone).

Home Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi in disclosing this, said that they were looking at either the Eurocopter Tigre or Apache Longbow helicopter to be based under Esszone in efforts to counter cross-border criminals.

However, he did not disclose the numbers of helicopters to be deployed in the area after a series of security measures were being implemented following the latest kidnapping of Chinese national Yang Zai Lin, 34, from a fish farm in Lahad Datu.

It is understood that the attack helicopters would have been more efficient in cutting off the pirate group taking Yang and from crossing the border, after where Malaysian police exchanged fire with the gunmen, who managed to slip into Philippine waters.

Zahid, who was with Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Shahidan Kassim to meet Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman to discuss security measures here, said the immediate measures included the deployment of more assets and manpower for Eastern Sabah Security Command (Esscom).

He said that the existing laws under the Police Act, Public Order and Preservation Ordinance and Public Security Ordinance would be enforced in the Esszone area in the measures taken to strengthen security in Sabah's east coast.

"The powers of execution would be given first to the police, the Chief Minister and the Home Minister to allow for immediate actions in the Esszone," he said, adding that there were five steps, which would be implemented in regards to the nine proposals forwarded by the state to the Federal Government.

He said it includes the immediate registration of all vessels from sampans to ships by the Esscom to differentiate local and foreign boats in the state.

"Seven designated sea routes will also be gazetted for foreign boats and ships wanting to enter Sabah waters," he said, adding that action would be taken against any vessel trying to enter, or exit, outside the designated routes.

Malaysia and the Philippines governments would also be strengthening the high-level committee to ensure that any vessel or movement at sea were closely monitored by the authorities of these two countries, he added.

"We are here to ensure that no one escapes from our (tindakan)," Zahid stressed.

He revealed that more guard posts and observation towers would be constructed as soon as possible.

On the implementation of curfew, which was announced following the kidnapping of Yang on May 6, Musa said it would be put into operation very soon after a thorough discussion with the relevant authorities.

"The curfew would involve all tour operators and fishermen in the east coast including Lahad Datu and Sandakan," he said, adding, that they were still identifying the high-risk areas for the implementation of curfew to restrict movement during certain times.

Musa explained that when a curfew had been implemented, all vessels were not allowed to enter or exit the affected areas at certain times during the day.

"We have proposed nine steps which have been forwarded to the federal government and the meeting here today (Thursday) was to talk about whatever best steps to ensure the safety of the people as well as the tourists in Sabah, especially in the east coast," he said.

"We will not compromise in terms of safety and will do all we can to ensure the safety of people and our sea borders," he said.

He urged the people to continue supporting and trusting the Malaysian security forces and hoped that the measures drawn up would help restore peace in Sabah.

Among those at the meeting held at Seri Gaya here were Sabah Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister Datuk Masidi Manjun, National Security Council (NSC) Datuk Mohamad Thajudeen Wahab, Sabah Police Commissioner Datuk Hamza Taib, Esscom director-general Datuk Mohammad Mentek.

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General de Division
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messages : 40588
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF)   Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) - Page 11 Icon_minitimeJeu 15 Mai 2014 - 17:33

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La future Gowind malaisienne se dévoile

Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) - Page 11 3562
Vue du design des corvettes malaisiennes du type Gowind crédits : DCNS    

Voilà ce à quoi vont ressembler les futures corvettes du type Gowind commandées par la Malaisie. Même si la communication autour de ce contrat demeure encore très discrète, on en sait progressivement plus sur ces bâtiments, conçus par DCNS et qui seront réalisés en transfert de technologie par le chantier malaisien Boustead Naval Shipyard. Dans son rapport annuel, DCNS a, ainsi, diffusé une vue très récente du design retenu par les Malaisiens, qui attendent la livraison de la tête de série en 2017.

Tourelle furtive de 57mm et mâture unique

En dehors des lignes, plus affinées que les images ayant jusqu’ici circulé, plusieurs choses sont à remarquer. D’abord, les bâtiments ne seront pas dotés d’une tourelle de 76mm, mais d’un canon électrique de 57mm Bofors à carénage furtif, à l’instar de la tourelle équipant les corvettes suédoises du type Visby. Toujours en matière d’armement, le visuel montre sur l’arrière ce qui semble être deux canons télé-opérés de 30mm du type DS-30 britannique. Par ailleurs, les Gowind malaisiennes seront bien équipées d’un mât unique, le radar SMART-S de Thales choisi par Kuala Lampur étant donc placé sous le cône en matériaux composite développé par DCNS et embarqué pour la première fois sur le patrouilleur L’Adroit.

Toujours pas de décision officielle sur les missiles

Toujours dans le domaine de l’électronique, on sait que les corvettes seront équipées d’un sonar remorqué Captas 2, fourni par Thales, une conduite de tir TMX EO (pour le 57mm) et une conduite de tir TMEO (pour les 30mm) conçus par Rheinmetall. Alors que le système de combat sera livré par DCNS, sur la base de son nouveau SETIS qui équipe les frégates multi-missions (FREMM), il paraitrait logique que les missiles antinavires soient des Exocet MM40 et les missiles surface-air des VL Mica, conçus par MBDA. Aucune décision officielle n’a, néanmoins, été prise à ce jour quant au choix de ces armes. Il en va de même pour les torpilles.

Pour mémoire, la Gowind Combat mesure dans son modèle de base 102 mètres de long pour 16 mètres de large et affiche un déplacement de 2400 tonnes en charge. Capable de dépasser la vitesse de 26 nœuds, avec une autonomie de 3000 milles 15 nœuds, elle peut être mise en œuvre par 65 membres d’équipage, le bâtiment disposant de logements pour 25 personnes supplémentaires, par exemple des forces spéciales. Celles-ci peuvent utiliser l’hélicoptère embarqué (plateforme pour une machine de 10 tonnes et hangar pour un appareil de 5 tonnes) ainsi que des embarcations semi-rigides.
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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF)   Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) - Page 11 Icon_minitimeMar 27 Mai 2014 - 14:25

Citation :
RMAF To Upgrade Radar Technology

KUANTAN, May 26 (Bernama) -- The Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) has to expedite upgrading the national defence radar system as some of the radars are more than 15 years old.

RMAF chief General Tan Sri Rodzali Daud said the matter had been discussed with the government.

"If everything goes well, RMAF will enhance the existing radar system and hope the matter can be considered.

"RMAF is also studying the need to upgrade the airspace detecting system, which is also a priority, apart from the national defence radar system," he said at a media conference in conjunction with the Defence Ministry and RMAF Media Day at the Kuantan Airbase today.

Rodzali said the country's defence, as well as its military capability, depended on its strength to defend its air space, apart from launching attacks within a short period.

Earlier, Defence Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein said the country's radar system and national defence should be re-evaluated being that the government had exposed its military capability and assets during the search and rescue mission for MH370.

On the RMAF's 56th anniversary celebration on Sunday, Rodzali said the theme, 'Air Power, National Power', took into account the interest and capability of air defence in safeguarding the country's sovereignty.


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MessageSujet: Re: Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF)   Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) - Page 11 Icon_minitimeJeu 5 Juin 2014 - 11:35

Citation :
Labuan RMAF Receives Four EC725 Helicopters

LABUAN, June 3 (Bernama) -- The Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) base here has received four Eurocopter EC725 helicopters to replace the Nuri helicopters which had been in operation since 1968.

Air force chief Gen Tan Sri Rodzali Daud said the assets were four of 12 helicopters costing more than RM1.6 billion, that were secured by the RMAF to replace its 28 Nuri helicopter units.

"The EC725 is capable of executing two functions...tactical such as search and rescue operations and as a logistic support," he told reporters after the handing over ceremony here on Tuesday.

Rodzali said acquiring a modern and high tech aircraft such as the EC725 was in the RMAF Plan to enhance its strength.

He said the other eight EC725 helicopters had been handed over to the RMAF base in Kuantan.


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Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF)   Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) - Page 11 Icon_minitimeVen 6 Juin 2014 - 15:31

Citation :
RMAF, USAF In Joint Air Exercise

KUALA LUMPUR, June 5 (Bernama) - Some 1,000 officers and men of the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) and the United States Air Force (USAF) will be involved in Cope Taufan Exercise and Teak Mint Exercise from June 6 to 20.

The Ministry of Defence said in a statement Thursday, the joint exercise aims to optimise the use of assets and involves three air bases - Butterworth, Subang and Kuantan.

"The objective of the exercise is to enhance the understanding of the participants with agreed procedures to ensure that the air operation is carried out safely, efficiently and effectively.

"It also aims to provide training opportunities in Dissimilar Air Combat Tactics (DACT) and Combine Air Operations," said the statement.

The RMAF's biggest exercise this year will also involve the use of various assets such as fighter jets, helicopters and cargo aircraft.

"The RMAF will send Sukhoi Su-30 MKM, F/A 18D Hornet,Hawk and MIG-29N fighter jets, EC-725 and Nuri helicopters and C130H cargo aircraft while the USAF will send F22 Raptor fighter jets and C17 Globe Master cargo aircraft."

The statement said the exercise will involve the use of Malaysian airspace and the Straits of Melaka.

"Members of the public should not be worried if they see military movement and aircraft over their areas," it added.


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General de Division
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messages : 40588
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF)   Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) - Page 11 Icon_minitimeLun 16 Juin 2014 - 19:26

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La Marine malaisienne déjoue une attaque de pirates en Mer Orientale  

16/06/2014 |

La Marine malaysienne vient de démanteler une attaque de pirates contre un pétrolier singapourien au large de la côte est de la Malaysie, en Mer Orientale, a annoncé dimanche le Bureau maritime international (BMI).

Dans la soirée du 14 juin, les forces malaysiennes, avec le soutien des Marines indonésienne et singapourienne, a réussi à juguler cette attaque. Les pirates se sont enfuis devant l'arrivée des patrouilleurs de la Marine malaysienne. Tous les membres d'équipage et le fret sont désormais protégés, a souligné le BIM.

Ces derniers temps, de nombreuses attaques de pirates ont eu lieu au large de la côte de l'Indonésie, de Singapour et de la Malaisie. L'Organisation des Nations unies a récemment averti que l'Asie du Sud-Est était devenue un point chaud en matière de piratage, après que les forces internationales aient diminué les attaques au large des côtes de la Somalie.

Selon un rapport de l'Institut des Nations Unies pour la Formation et la Recherche (UNITAR), plus de 150 attaques de pirates ont été recensées l'année dernière en Asie du Sud-Est. -VNA  
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MessageSujet: Re: Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF)   Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) - Page 11 Icon_minitimeMer 25 Juin 2014 - 22:22

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و كان حقا علينا نصر المؤمنين - حب الأوطان من الإيمان

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و كان حقا علينا نصر المؤمنين - حب الأوطان من الإيمان

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Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF)   Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) - Page 11 Icon_minitimeLun 21 Juil 2014 - 15:31

Citation :
MAF To Dispatch Two C-130 Hercules Aircraft

KOTA BAHARU, July 19 (Bernama) -- The Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) will dispatch two C-130 Hercules aircraft to Ukraine to assist the Malaysia Airlines (MAS), MH17 Post-tragedy Investigation and Management Team in its operations.

MAF chief General Tan Sri Zulkefli Mohd Zin said a 15-member medical team had also been sent to the area.

"We are fully prepared to assist where we can," he told reporters after breaking fast with officers and personnel at Masjid An-Nur Kem Desa Pahlawan, Eighth Infantry Brigade base here last night.

The post-tragedy investigation and management team left Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) for Kiev at 8 pm last night.

MH17 carrying 283 passengers and 15 crew was on its way to Kuala Lumpur from Amsterdam when it was believed to have been shot at, before crashing in Ukraine on Thursday.

The Boeing 777 left Amsterdam at 12.15 pm (Netherlands time) on Thursday and was to arrive at KLIA at 6.10 am (Malaysian time).


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MessageSujet: Re: Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF)   Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) - Page 11 Icon_minitimeJeu 4 Sep 2014 - 13:39

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Malaysian Su-30s to launch live Kh-31s for first time in SCS drill

The Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) will conduct the first live firings of Kh-31A anti-ship and Kh-31P anti-radiation missiles (AS-17 'Krypton') from its Sukhoi Su-30MKM fighters during a joint exercise with Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) in the South China Sea this month.

The Kh-31 firings against a sea target will take place in a designated part of the South China Sea routinely used by the RMN for firing practice.

The exact location of the firing area is unknown but military sources confirmed that it is well away from the disputed Spratly Islands to avoid provoking other claimants.

The RMN will also conduct live firings of MBDA MM40 Exocet anti-ship missiles and Seawolf surface-to-air missiles from its ships and MBDA Sea Skua missiles from RMN Super Lynx helicopters.

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MessageSujet: Re: Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF)   Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) - Page 11 Icon_minitimeLun 8 Sep 2014 - 15:37

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Royal Malaysian Navy Releases First Official Image of its LCS-SGPV Corvette
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MessageSujet: Re: Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF)   Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) - Page 11 Icon_minitimeLun 15 Sep 2014 - 13:17

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Roslan is new air force chief

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KUANTAN: Jen Datuk Seri Roslan Saad is the new Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) chief.

This follows the retirement of Jen Tan Sri Rodzali Daud yesterday.

Jen Roslan, formerly the deputy RMAF chief, assumed the post effective yesterday in a march-past ceremony to mark the end of Jen Rodzali’s service.

In his speech, Jen Rodzali said RMAF had achieved excellence in executing missions at the national and global stage in the past five years.

“Among the examples we can be proud of are the success of Ops Daulat in Sabah, the search and rescue operations for Flight MH370, Ops Piramid as well as humanitarian and disaster relief operations.

“Each success has raised the image and reputation of RMAF as well as increased the trust and confidence of the Government and people,” he said at the Kuantan air base here yesterday.

However, Jen Rodzali reminded RMAF not to be careless in the present time.

“The uncertain regional and global geostrategic situation that is ever-changing has forced us to be always vigilant.

“The unfortunate incident of MH17 taught us that inciting conflict anywhere can have a terrible impact upon us,” he said.

Jen Rodzali, 59, had served in the RMAF since 1973 and held the top post since Sept 1, 2009.

During the ceremony, Jen Roslan also received his promotion from the rank of Lt-Jen.

He had his new shoulder boards pinned on by his wife Datin Seri Khairani Mohd Zain and Jen Rodzali, before receiving the letter of duty from his predecessor.

Witnessing the ceremony was Armed Forces acting chief Jen Tan Sri Raja Mohamed Affandi Raja Mohamed Noor.

Jen Rodzali and his wife Puan Sri Asnah Din left the air base in an EC725 helicopter after the ceremony.

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MessageSujet: Re: Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF)   Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) - Page 11 Icon_minitimeMar 23 Sep 2014 - 11:05

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Malaysia’s first A400M takes shape

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Airbus Defence and Space has released an image of the Malaysian air force’s first A400M tactical transport, and says the aircraft will be delivered in the first quarter of 2015.

The wing, tail plane, cockpit, fuselage and landing-gear have been joined in Seville, Spain and are ready for ground-testing, says Airbus in a statement.

Delivery in the first quarter of 2015 should allow the aircraft to attend Malaysia’s biennial Langkawi International Maritime & Aerospace Exhibition that runs from 17-21 March.

Malaysian pilots are in Europe training to operate the type. They will be joined by maintenance engineers and technicians in the coming weeks, says Airbus.

Malaysia, the only Asia Pacific customer for the A400M, has four examples on order. Airbus says it will receive three aicraft in 2015, and the final one in 2016.

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MessageSujet: Re: Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF)   Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) - Page 11 Icon_minitimeMer 24 Sep 2014 - 12:02

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Devon naval contractor signs torpedoes deal with Malaysian navy

A subcontractor to the naval industry has won a major contract to supply torpedo launchers to the Malaysian navy.

J+S Ltd, which employs 130 staff in the UK, have been successfully selected to supply the Torpedo Launcher System (TLS) for the new Royal Malaysian Navy littoral combat ships being constructed by Boustead Naval Shipyard Sdn Bhd in Malaysia.

The Barnstaple company will supply a triple tube torpedo launcher system with associated weapons handling and storage equipment across each of the six platforms.

The firm which also has a base in Aberdeen and an annual turnover of £13.5 million, said its systems can be configured to launch a wide range of torpedoes and will provide a rapid reaction defence system against underwater threats.

Delivery of the first system is scheduled for 2017 with the final system due for delivery in 2021.

Andy Toms, managing director of J+S Ltd, said: “This major contract is a big step forward in our plans to establish Malaysia as a hub for business in the ASEAN market and we are looking forward to working in collaboration with Contraves Advanced Devices Sdn Bhd (CAD) to deliver a successful programme of work.

“We recognise the importance and benefits of Malaysian industrial participation and we have already engaged with a number of local companies for the supply and manufacture of goods and services relating to this contract.

“We have recently opened a J+S office in Kuala Lumpur and hope to build on existing relationships and forge new ones as we develop our business in the dynamic South East Asian market.”


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MessageSujet: Re: Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF)   Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) - Page 11 Icon_minitimeLun 29 Sep 2014 - 10:22

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Four more Super Tucanos delivered to TNI-AU

Tail numbers TT-3105, TT-1306, TT-1307 and TT-1308 arrived at Abdul Rachman Saleh Airport at 14:00 local time

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Air Force today Friday (26/9) ketambahan force plane after 14.00 am, four combat aircraft EMB-314 Super Tucano comes to reinforce the Air Squadron 21 Wing 2 Lanud Abd Saleh. The arrival of the sophisticated aircraft witnessed by Pangkoopsau II, Air Marshal TNI Commander Abdul Muis accompanied Saleh Abd Marsma military airfield Sungkono, SE, along with officials M.Si Koopsau II and Abd airfield along Insub.

Airfield commander Abd Saleh to thank all those who have been involved directly or indirectly in the arrival of the fourth plane. He said that the four new Super Tucano aircraft will further increase the strength and readiness of the air squadron of 21 in support of air operations tasks ahead. With the arrival of the four planes Danlanud hope, all members of the air squadron of 21 getting excited in the works. The presence of four new aircraft to serve as a motivation to further improve the performance of the unit, so that the tasks that are the responsibility of the air squadron of 21 to run smoothly.

Super Tucano fighter planes made in Brazil, which currently has totaled eight units. Super Tucano fighter planes to come in stages, the first stage of the four planes coming in mid-year 2012 and then came again and this time four Super Tucano fighter aircraft with registration number TT-3105, TT-1306, TT-1307 and TT-1308. According to the plan, a turboprop-engined fighter aircraft and has the ability to hit the target perfectly manufactured by Brazilian aircraft manufacturer Embraer in the later stages eight will come again and will be imported directly from Brazil. It is expected that by the end of this year the number of Super Tucano there are 16 units. With the addition of these four planes Air Squadron 21 has eight Super Tucano fighter planes.

After witnessing the arrival of four Super Tucano in the Air Squadron 21, Pangkoopsau II and his entourage had the opportunity to visit 4 and 32 Squadron Air Wing 2 Lanud Abd Saleh.

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MessageSujet: Re: Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF)   Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) - Page 11 Icon_minitimeVen 21 Nov 2014 - 12:59

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Malaysian navy ship KD Perantau sinking at Lumut base

LUMUT - A Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) vessel has taken in a lot of water and is listing heavily to port in the Boustead Naval Shipyard (BNS) docks at the naval base here.

A navy spokesperson said KD Perantau, a hydrographic vessel, was undergoing refitting maintenance at dock when it became flooded on Tuesday at about 11.15pm.

"Efforts are being conducted to rescue the vessel from sinking.

"There have been no lives loss or reported injuries during the incident," he said Wednesda

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The KD Perantau was built at Limbungan Hong Leong-Lursen in Penang, which was commissioned on Oct 12 in 1998.

The vessel was handed over to Limbungan Boustead for the maintenance works on Nov 10 and was expected to be handed back over to the Navy on Aug 10 next year.

The spokesman said that all equipment on board of the vessel, including its motor, pumps and navigation equipment had been taken off the ship before the incident occurred.

"This is the procedure whenever a ship is undergoing refitting works.

"A board of inquiry will be set up to identify the cause of the incident," he added.

In a statement later, Boustead Heavy Industries Corporation Bhd, which operates BNS, said that while the vessel was still listing, further water ingress had been halted.

"BNS does not wish to speculate on the reasons for this incident. An engineering survey is underway to establish the exact causes.

"In conjunction with our colleagues in RMN, efforts to re-float the vessel are underway," it said, adding that further information would be provided in due course.

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MessageSujet: Re: Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF)   Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) - Page 11 Icon_minitimeMar 25 Nov 2014 - 11:35

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DSME signs contract to deliver 6 Missile Surface Corvettes (MSC) to Royal Malaysian Navy

South Korean shipyard Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co Ltd (DSME) announced in a statement Monday that it has obtained an order from the Royal Malaysian Navy to build six Missile Surface Corvettes (MSC). According to the statement, three vessels will be built and assembled in South Korea starting from January 2018 while the rest will be block built in South Korea and assembled in Malaysia with DSME's cooperation.
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The statement, which did not mentioned the value of the deal, said the deal is subject to final approval by the Malaysian government.

South Korean shipyard Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co Ltd (DSME) announced in a statement Monday that it has obtained an order from the Royal Malaysian Navy to build six Missile Surface Corvettes (MSC). According to the statement, three vessels will be built and assembled in South Korea starting from January 2018 while the rest will be block built in South Korea and assembled in Malaysia with DSME's cooperation.
DSME introduced the Missile Surface Corvette at DSA 2014

Navy Recognition reported during DSA 2014, the 14th Defence Services Asia Exhibition and Conference held in April in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), that Korean shipbuilder DSME introduced for the first time its Missible Surface Corvette (MSC).

The MSC model shown at DSA 2014 was fitted with a 76mm Oto Melara main gun, 4x Kongsberg NSM anti-ship missiles, 2x MSI 30mm guns located aft, and several South Korean made sensors, most of them from Samsung Thales.

DSME representatives at the trade show stressed however that configuration is just a suggestion and that they are ready to adapt according to customer requirements.
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South Korean shipyard Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co Ltd (DSME) announced in a statement Monday that it has obtained an order from the Royal Malaysian Navy to build six Missile Surface Corvettes (MSC). According to the statement, three vessels will be built and assembled in South Korea starting from January 2018 while the rest will be block built in South Korea and assembled in Malaysia with Daewoo's cooperation.
DSME's MSC has a length of about 85.5 meters

DSME's MSC has a length of about 85.5 meters, a breadth of 12.9 meters, a draft of 3.8 meters for a displacement of about 1,800 tons.

The MSC crew consists of 60 sailors. Its top speed is 26 knots and endurance in excess of 20 days.

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MessageSujet: Re: Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF)   Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) - Page 11 Icon_minitimeMar 25 Nov 2014 - 13:22

C'est pas le contrat de DCNS ça normalement Laughing

Sois généreux avec nous, Ô toi Dieu et donne nous la Victoire

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MessageSujet: Re: Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF)   Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) - Page 11 Icon_minitimeVen 28 Nov 2014 - 11:43

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BHIC to design and construct six frigates

MALAYSIA: Malaysia-listed shipbuilder Boustead HI (BHIC) has received a letter of award to design and construct six units of second-generation patrol vessels (Frigate-class) with littoral combat capabilities for the government of Malaysia.

The contract was offered to a joint venture between BHIC and Contraves Advanced Devices (CAD), and awarded by Boustead Naval Shipyard (BNS), an associate of BHIC and a subsidiary of Boustead Holdings.

Effective date of the contract is likely on or before 22 December, which includes a further contract to supply classified combat system equipment and its related services to the six frigates for GBP3.87M ($6.11M). The awarded works are not expected to have material impact on the earnings of the BHIC for the financial year ending on 31 December and but will do so in subsequent financial years as the tenure of the awarded is long term in nature.

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MessageSujet: Re: Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF)   Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) - Page 11 Icon_minitimeMer 3 Déc 2014 - 17:22

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Royal Malaysian Air Force Chief views first Airbus A400M


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The Chief of the Royal Malaysian Air Force, General Dato’ Sri Haji Roslan Bin Saad has visited the Airbus Defence and Space final assembly line in Seville, Spain where the first A400M new generation airlifter for the RMAF is progressing well.

Systems on board have already been successfully tested on the ground. The next stage includes testing performed outdoors for safety reasons – fuel system, communications, and pressurisation – prior to installation of the engines. Then the aircraft, known as MSN22, will be ready for its maiden flight. The aircraft is the first of four Airbus A400M ordered by Malaysia and is due for delivery in the first quarter of 2015.

The photo shows Gen Dato Sri Roslan after inspecting the aircraft.
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MessageSujet: Re: Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF)   Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) - Page 11 Icon_minitimeVen 5 Déc 2014 - 12:40

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L-3 Link delivers F/A-18D Tactical Operational Flight Trainer to Royal Malaysian Air Force

ARLINGTON, Texas, 4 Dec. 2014. L-3 Link Simulation & Training (L-3 Link) has delivered an F/A-18D Tactical Operational Flight Trainer (TOFT) to the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) in Butterworth, Malaysia.

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The F/A-18D TOFT networks two cockpits, one for the pilot and the other for the weapons system officer. The TOFT will enable RMAF aircrews to train across the platform’s full mission spectrum.

“The F/A-18D Tactical Operational Flight Trainer delivered to the Royal Malaysian Air Force will provide a significant increase in training capability,” says Frank Casano, L-3 Link’s vice president of strategic development. “This enhanced level of training will enable aircrews to prepare for the full range of force multiplier capabilities that the F/A-18D can support during rapidly changing battle scenarios.”
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By combining four advanced L-3 Link technologies – high-definition databases, image generation systems, physics-based processing, and SimuSphere HD-9 visual displays – the F/A-18D trainer provides the aircrew with realistic day and night out-the-window scenarios, in addition to supporting each cockpit with a high-fidelity sensors environment.

During night operations training, aircrews will be able to use their own actual flight night vision goggles, while accurately viewing stimulated effects that include halos, light blooms, and weapon launches and detonations. As part of this RMAF training solution, L-3 Link is also delivering a brief/debrief system and an instructor/operator station.
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MessageSujet: Re: Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF)   Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) - Page 11 Icon_minitimeJeu 22 Jan 2015 - 14:19

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Malaysia to upgrade and arm S-61 "Nuri" fleet

Malaysia is to boost its ability to combat future militant incursions by arming its AgustaWestland AW109s and transferring upgraded Sikorsky S-61 “Nuri” utility helicopters to army aviation control.

Prompted by an incursion made by Sulu rebels in Sabah in 2013, Kuala Lumpur has already outfitted three of the Royal Malaysian Air Force’s S-61s with 12.7mm door guns, to provide armed support for ground troops.

“The army plans to arm the [AW109] helicopters with [7.62mm] gatling guns” to expand in this capability, says Dr Mohd Yazid Ahmad, director of the mechanical and aerospace technology division at Malaysia’s science and technology research institute for defence. The service’s “Hirundo” fleet is currently employed only in a light observation role.

Speaking at an IQPC Rotary Strike event in London on 20 January, Ahmad also reveals that the air force’s S-61 fleet is planned to undergo a major package of enhancements before some of the aircraft are transferred to the army air wing.

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Commonwealth of Australia

Malaysia had previously planned to remove its aged Nuri fleet from use by 2012, with Ahmad noting that 89 personnel have been killed in 15 crashes involving the type since it was introduced. However, with the nation having ordered only 12 of a planned 28 Airbus Helicopters EC725s as replacements, “this has forced the service to prolong the life of its Sikorskys”, he says.

A night vision goggle-compatible glass cockpit upgrade has already been performed on part of the fleet by Airod with a foreign partner, an enhancement Ahmad describes as “a modern, reliable and cost-effective product that will carry the Nuri well into the future”. A wider project to enhance the type’s performance and safety is also being studied, he adds.

Flightglobal’s Ascend Fleets database records the air force as having 31 S-61s still in operational use, built between 1967 and 1978.

If proven viable through a pilot project involving one aircraft, up to 26 S-61s will receive upgrades to their main and tail rotor blades and gearboxes, and be equipped with a digital datalink, self-protection equipment, armoured protection and a pintle-mounted machine gun at the cargo door.

Around half of the modified aircraft are expected to transfer to the army, Ahmad says. “Hopefully with this upgrade the army will have the capability with a live combat helicopter,” he adds. Roles will include utility transport, plus airborne command and control and search-and-rescue.

Malaysia’s interest in acquiring a dedicated attack helicopter capability has failed to advance due to budget pressures, Ahmad notes. Its army has previously evaluated types including the Airbus Helicopters Tiger, Bell AH-1Z, Boeing AH-64 Apache and Denel Rooivalk.

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