Sujet: Armes de fabrication Israelienne Sam 25 Juil 2009 - 22:31
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In the mid-70s a group of IAI (Israel Air Industries) engineers and IAF (Israeli Air Force) officers began a new project to develop an ultra modern Israeli fighter aircraft – a project that was supposed to take a quantum leap for aeronautics.
Designed to be the most advanced of its kind in the world by any standards, the Arie (Lion), would give the IAF a reliable option to the advanced US F-15 and F-16 types. Although it has never came through, the Arie became the cornerstone of another future and most ambitious project ever, an Israeli breakthrough to develop and produce the Lavi, the Israeli dream aircraft to outmatch the F-16.
In response to the French embargo forced upon Israel after the Six-day warin 1967, a decision was made to strive for independence in the development of major weapons systems. Israel had already acquired the means to build good copies of the French Mirage, but wanted to be much more than just a clone maker. The commander of the IAF (1982-1987), Gen. Amos Lapidot: said, “The essence was to create a technological infrastructure to develop and manufacture weapons systems in the three major weapons systems platforms – tanks, aircraft and ships. Behind that concept, were three basic rationales: First, Israel should not, and could not rely on foreign countries very volatile foreign policies. Secondly, the Israeli air force always strives to develop and use new war tactics and strategies, and was in constant need of new equipment to fulfill those operational objectives. Third, a national strategy to promote Israel 's and IAI's state-of-the-art technological accomplishments". This last point doesn't come over so well in English - by implication, these accomplishments would deter aggression, save money on expensive foreign weapon imports and maybe help Israeli exports.
In 1974, an IAI team was set up to begin the Arie project. As no government approval had yet been received to produce it, the program was simply codenamed “R&D project”. Ovadia Harrari, who would later become head of the Lavi program, was to lead that endeavor. The IAI decided to develop the Arie based on the technological knowhow acquired from the Kfir project, particularly from the Kfir-Canard program – the improved version. In fact, the first proposal which was put on hold by the Air Force, was to develop an aircraft to be named “Super Kfir” – a regular Kfir whose original J79 engine was replaced by an F100 model, the same as in early F-15/F-16s versions. That new engine would substantially increase the Super-Kfir's flying performance. However, due to the Air Force's strict specs requirements, a new draft was called for, in spite of the Kfir/Arie's visual similarities. Over thirty different configurations were evaluated. The IAI tested several engine models, including the British Rolls- Royce RB-199, which powers the European Tornado aircraft. Soon, the options were reduced to just two. The F-100 single engine plane, or a twin-engine version. The later, codenamed Light Weight Fighter-4 (LWF-4), was to be powered by two General-Electric F-404 engines as used in the F-18. “Looking at the different designs of the Arie, one can notice that it is an extensively modified Kfir” explains Harrari ,“ the aircraft is visually different, but its roots lay in the Kfir”. The new future fighter aircraft, which was now codenamed “Hadish” (innovative), could be described as a single seat light fighter, capable of reaching 2.4 Mach speed, a 75,000 ft altitude ceiling, with a 480 km combat radius. Armament: would have been a 30-mm cannon and medium range air-to-air missiles. Avionics would include a radar, a helmet sight and an integral electronic warfare system. In addition, the aircraft would have low optical and radar signatures. Even the US F-15 and F-16 could not match these features at that time. The outstanding question: An air-to-air fighter, or an air-to-ground attack aircraft? During its initial design phases, the 1973Yom-Kippur war broke out, and the Israeli Air Force focused its attention on the battle proven air-to-air configuration concept, as air power and air superiority consist basically of air-to-air combat missions. Therefore, about 90 percent of the “Hadish” capabilities would be directed for air-to-air combat.
Technologies and Avionics
The Arie had several technological breakthroughs. It was designed to be the first Israeli aircraft to deploy digital fly-by-wire flight control system (at that time, cutting edge technology). This fly-by-wire concept, permitted the engineers to design an aerodynamically non-stable platform. Hence, they could achieve a small and highly maneuverable aircraft. In the air-to-air version, to cope with enemy intruder aircraft, and keeping its air-superiority capabilities, the Arie would be equipped with advanced avionics and special ordnance systems: a highly sensitive Israeli radar capable of acquiring low-altitude flying targets. Advanced electro-optical systems would enable the Arie to locate ground targets at night. Another breakthrough, was the pilot's option to use his helmet mounted sight, easing his combat workload. In the mid-70's these systems were nearly unheard of. It would take another ten years for the helmet mounted sight to become operational in any type of combat aircraft. The Arie's cockpit resembles to a great extent that of the F-16's early versions. Besides the Head-up Display (HUD), a Monochromatic Display was mounted in the cockpit to display the radar's viewpoint. The Pilot's view was close to 360º visibility– a life and death factor in air combats. This is now the normal design in both Western and Russian combat aircraft from the F-15 onwards. The Arie's ordnance would include an improved 30-mm DAPA cannon, assorted air-to-air missiles, iron bombs, and precision guided ordnance. Max. military load is: 7 tons. Although that aircraft was not meant to be a stealth aircraft, some basic stealth features were studied to give it the option to strike heavily fortified missile zones. This objective was based on the lessons learned during and after the 1973 Yom-Kippur war, when Israeli fighters had to face a huge number of SAMs. The Arie would also be equipped with an advanced Electronic-Warfare system produced by Israel , giving the pilot an early warning signal to lock on to enemy threats and jam them. Studies were made to drastically reduce its radar signature, making it extremely difficult to be detected by enemy radar. For example, its bomb load was to be stowed inside a conformal ventral capsule, to reduce its radar cross section.
A Paper's Lion
According to the program timetable, the Arie's initial development phase should have been completed by mid 1979. Until then, the IAI would have to complete flight tests, select and define all the contractors. By that year's end, an initial test flight was scheduled for the first of three prototypes. By mid 1980, 10 pre-production aircrafts should be completed, with regular production to begin in the following two years. The Air Force should be receiving the first production Arie by the end of 1983. Delivery of 100 aircraft would be completed by the end of 1985. Meanwhile, the IAF was leaning towards the US aircraft option. Rumors indicated that the USA would finally agree to sell Israel F-15s and F-16s. Finally, a decision was made to order the US aircraft. and scrap the Arie. In August 1975, the IAF's chief, the (late) Gen. Benny Peled released a document defining the IAF's policy in relation to the Arie project. The document recommended the US F-15s and F-16s. Based on his assessment, the IAF began a procurement program of F-15s to be delivered by 1976. Moreover, it had been determined that the F-16 in principle answered Israel 's operational needs for an air superiority aircraft for the 80s. As a result of intense pressure on the IAF, Gen. Benny Peled decided to respond with a letter on May 10, 1976 , stating the reasons not to progress with the Arie: The US would agree to sell Israel F-16s. It had also been agreed that the US would sell Israel the F-100 engine, and there were not sufficient funds to keep the project moving. “The fundamental knowledge that led to the development of the Lavi relied on the experience acquired from the “Hadish” and Arie”, says Gen. Lapidot, who created the Lavi project board, and commanded the Israeli Air Force by the time the project was canceled. “It can be definitely stated that the Arie, the Nesher and Kfir programs, added significantly to the development of the Israel Aircraft Industry (IAI), so that when we gave the “go ahead” for the Lavi, we already had a complete infrastructure in place and ready to work. In 1980, we decided to build a smaller version of the Arie. It is not by coincidence that it was named the Lavi. Lavi is a Lion (Arie), although a very much younger and smaller one”
messages : 40443 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armes de fabrication Israelienne Lun 17 Juin 2019 - 21:19
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IAI Elta announces multi-sensor air defence system
Yaakov Lappin, Tel Aviv - Jane's Defence Weekly
17 June 2019
An image of an Elta Systems EL/M-2084 Multi-Mission Radar (MMR) adapted to show the additional equipment that makes up the Multi-Sensor MMR (MS-MMR) system. Source: Israel Aerospace Industries
Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) subsidiary Elta Systems unveiled on 12 June a new version of its EL/M-2084 Multi-Mission Radar (MMR) that has been developed to counter emerging threats.
Called the Multi-Sensor MMR (MS-MMR), the new system includes an additional radar and passive sensors to enable it to build a more comprehensive air situational picture (ASP).
IAI developed the MS-MMR in response to emerging aerial threats, including low radar-cross section aircraft and weapons. "This created a demand for ASP systems to provide higher accuracy, faster update rates and upgraded identification of aerial threats while increasing the need for survivability in the modern battlefield," the company said in a statement.
The MS-MMR still uses its main S-band radar to provide long-range air surveillance and fire control capabilities. This is integrated with a higher frequency radar, an active identification friend or foe (IFF) capability, an automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast (ADS-B) receiver, as well as passive electro-optical and signals intelligence (SIGINT) sensors. Passive sensors for detecting weapons being launched are also an option, according to IAI.
The higher-frequency radar is designed to provide better resolution of objects, thereby making them easier to classify. This is mounted on two panels either side of the main S-band antenna as well as another two panels that cover the rear of the radar enabling the system to detect threats approaching from directions that were previously in the EL/M-2084's blind spot.
The electro-optical sensors include infrared cameras and are designed for further investigation of targets, a function that is particularly relevant for militaries with stricter rules of engagement, while the SIGINT sensor can detect possible threats hundreds of kilometres away, according to IAI
jf16 General de Division
messages : 40443 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armes de fabrication Israelienne Mar 18 Juin 2019 - 23:09
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Embraer, ELTA Systems To Develop New Airborne Early Warning Aircraft
01:30 PM, June 18, 2019
Praetor 600 AEW aircraft
Embraer and ELTA Systems, a subsidiary of Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI), have signed a Strategic Cooperation Agreement to develop next-generation P600 AEW (Airborne Early Warning) aircraft, based on the advanced Embraer Praetor 600 business jet, at the 53rd International Paris Air Show.
The primary sensor of the P600 AEW is the IAI/ELTA 4th generation Digital Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar with integrated IFF capabilities.
In this cooperation, Embraer is to provide the air platform, ground support, communications systems and aircraft integration while ELTA is to provide the AEW radar, SIGINT (Signals Intelligence) and other electronic systems and system integration, Embraer said in a statement Tuesday.
According to the company, the P600 AEW can provide an extended Air Situational Picture by monitoring aerial activity in areas outside ground radar coverage. It can perform various missions such as Air Defense, Early Warning, Command and Control, Fighter Fleet Efficiency, Territorial Defense, and Maritime Surveillance. Also, the P600 AEW can be configured with the full range of AEW&C sensor and control systems, including; 4th generation Digital AESA AEW Radar, civil and military IFF, ESM/ELINT with Radar Warning Receiver capability, Command & Control, comprehensive communication suite including Data Networks and Satellite Links, and a robust Self Protection Suite (SPS).
A comprehensive communications suite allows for data link capability as well as satellite communication for operations beyond the line of sight data link. It also secures interoperability with allied forces. Network centric warfare (NCW) capability transforms the P600 AEW into a member of a tactical network.
An advanced self-protection system (SPS) performs the detection of potential threats activating any required electronic support measures.
messages : 40443 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armes de fabrication Israelienne Sam 22 Juin 2019 - 0:17
jf16 General de Division
messages : 40443 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armes de fabrication Israelienne Dim 28 Juil 2019 - 19:30
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Israeli Arrow interceptor missile completed flight test in Alaska
Jul 28, 2019
Courtesy Photo
The newest Arrow-3 Interceptor missile system has completed a successful flight test at Pacific Spaceport Complex-Alaska (PSCA) in Kodiak, Alaska.
“The Israel Missile Defense Organization (IMDO) of the Directorate of Defense Research and Development (DDR&D) and the U.S. Missile Defense Agency (MDA) completed a successful flight test campaign with the Arrow-3 Interceptor missile,” said in Missile Defense Agency.
Flight Test Arrow-01 demonstrated the Israeli Arrow Weapon System’s ability to conduct a high altitude hit-to-kill engagement. Interceptor tests were conducted that successfully destroyed target missiles.
The Arrow-3 Interceptor successfully demonstrated an engagement capability against the exo-atmospheric target during these tests. Although not part of the Israeli architecture, a U.S. AN-TPY2 radar participated in the test. Preliminary analysis indicates that test objectives were successfully achieved.
The Arrow Weapon System is a central part of Israel’s multi-layer defense system. The defense system is based on four operational layers: Iron Dome Defense System, David’s Sling Weapon System, the Arrow-2, and the Arrow-3.
“These successful tests mark a major milestone in the development of the Arrow Weapon System,” said MDA Director Vice Adm. Jon Hill. “This unique success in Alaska provides confidence in future Israeli capabilities to defeat the developing threats in the region. My congratulations to the Israel Missile Defense Organization, our MDA team, and our industry partners. We are committed to assisting the Government of Israel in upgrading its national missile defense capability to defend the State of Israel from emerging threats.”
IMDO Director, Moshe Patel: “Ten challenging years of development have culminated in this moment: the Arrow 3 weapon system completed a test campaign, during which an Arrow 3 interceptor completed full interception of the target. This is an extraordinary operational and technological achievement for the State of Israel, made possible by thousands of employees, engineers and officers from the Ministry of Defense, Israeli defense Industries, Israeli Air Force and our US partners. In addition, the fact that the tests were conducted in Alaska, tens of thousands of kilometers away from Israel, is another significant achievement that demonstrates the operational capabilities of the Arrow 3 system to successfully face any threat.”
_________________ "La stratégie est comme l'eau qui fuit les hauteurs et qui remplit les creux" SunTzu
jf16 General de Division
messages : 40443 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armes de fabrication Israelienne Dim 19 Jan 2020 - 17:37
jf16 General de Division
messages : 40443 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armes de fabrication Israelienne Mer 3 Juin 2020 - 20:27
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Israel Aerospace Industries a réalisé deux tirs de missiles semi-balistiques contre des cibles navales
par Laurent Lagneau · 3 juin 2020
Outre le missile de croisière Delilah, capable de « rôder » avant d’atteindre sa cible, Israel Aerospace Industries [IAI] a développé le système LORA [Long Range Attack], qui repose sur des engins semi-balistiques pouvant atteindre un objectif avec une précision décamétrique. Il a notamment été acquis par l’Azerbaïdjan.
Un tel missile a en effet la particularité d’avoir une trajectoire dite « semi-balistique », c’est à dire qu’il a la capacité de manoeuvrer à l’approche de sa cible après avoir être rentré dans les couches basses de l’atmosphère.
En 2017, IAI avait diffusé des images montrant un système LORA – c’est à dire quatre lanceurs montés sur la remorque d’un camion – installé à bord d’un cargo. Et on pouvait voir un missile atteindre une cible située sur la terre ferme.
« Le missile peut être lancé en quelques minutes à partir de positions non préparées. Toute cible dont l’emplacement est connu et se trouvant à portée peut être attaquée en moins de 10 minutes après la décision de lancement », avait expliqué IAI à l’époque.
Le 2 juin, l’industriel a indiqué avoir lancé deux missiles LORA, lors d’une campagne de tests réalisée avec un cargo croisant en Méditerranée. « L’essai comprenait deux scénarios pour tester et démontrer les capacités avancées du système LORA », explique-t-il. Dans le détail, il s’est agi de viser une cible en mer située à 90 km de distance pour le premier cas et 400 km pour le second.
Dans les deux scénarios, le missile a évolué comme prévu et « frappé la cible avec une marge d’erreur inférieure à 10 mètres », assure IAI, qui a diffusé une vidéo de ces tests.
Le site YNET News [édité par le quotidien israélien Yediot Aharonot, ndlr] estime que « s’ils sont équipés » d’un tel système, les « cargos pourraient facilement se glisser derrière les lignes ennemies et mener des opérations militaire asymétriques perturbatrices ».
Le Premier ministre israélien, Benjamin Netanyahu, a salué le succès de ces essais. « En pleine guerre contre le coronavirus, nous continuons d’assurer la sécurité d’Israël, de manière offensive et défensive », a-t-il dit.
« L’essai complexe, réalisé avec les limites imposées par la Covid-19, a démontré les capacités avancées de notre système de missiles stratégiques LORA », s’est félicité Boaz Levy, vice-président exécutif d’IAI. Il a permis de tester « la manœuvre, la frappe et la précision du système, ainsi que les développements et améliorations technologiques introduits par nos ingénieurs », a-t-il continué. « La réalisation d’un essai avec ce niveau de complexité lors de ces derniers jours témoigne de l’engagement indéfectible d’IAI envers ses clients à travers le monde », a-t-il ajouté, avant de remercier le ministère israélien de la Défense pour son assistance.
On ignore si une telle capacité intéresse ou pas la marine israélienne… Dans son communiqué, IAI indique seulement que ces essais ont été réalisés pour démontrer les performances du système LORA à l’un de ses « clients ». De quoi séduire l’US Marine Corps?
Israel starts research center for GPS-free navigation
4 minutes
JERUSALEM — Israel’s Ministry of Defense opened a new research center to develop navigation systems that don’t rely on easily disrupted GPS.
As militaries across the world work to provide stronger GPS signals and alternatives, the Advanced Navigation Technology Center, opened with state-owned Israel Aerospace Industries, will manufacture highly accurate inertial sensors.
“These sensors will enable the production of next generation navigation systems, and will significantly increase their performance and capabilities,” a March 10 ministry statement said.
Brig. Gen. Yaniv Rotem, head of research and development at the ministry’s Directorate of Defense Research and Development, said the center will aid Israel’s technological independence.
The goal is to field an independent solution for navigation that can go longer periods of times, through all its missions, without using GPS.
Avi Elisha, general manager for IAI’s division for electro-optical and navigation systems, said the center will use the company’s unique technologies. “Only a handful of countries have this technology, which is a game-changer in the field of inertial navigation.”
Beyond helping in GPS-denied environments, IAI systems and sensors that work without satellites also provide more accurate navigation, offering the measurements of a gyroscope and from sensors that track acceleration and distance traveled, according to Zalman, head of technologies and research and development at IAI’s navigation division. The company did not provide his full name for security reasons.
In contrast, he pointed out that satellites don’t provide physical dimensions, just measures from space. “If there is a rocket launcher or tank or missile, you need to know the azimuth [measurement] to move the turret or elevation of the gun to fire, so navigation gives you the azimuth and roll and the altitude,” he said. “When you fire something, you need navigation regardless of GPS because it gives you altitude to fire a rocket or missile or point the gun to a specific target, so that is the advantage of an inertial system.” Know all the coolest acronyms
Sign up for the C4ISRNET newsletter about future battlefield technologies. A GPS III satellite launches into orbit on a United Launch Alliance's Delta IV rocket leaving Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida, Aug. 22, 2019. (Airman 1st Class Dalton Williams/U.S. Air Force)
The navigation research center, initiated several months ago, is working on classified unnamed technology developed over the last decade. “This technology will enable a range of performances with more accurate sensors, smaller and higher reliability and higher accuracy,” Zalman said.
He pointed to the increased threat from drones used as GPS jammers.
“If you want to use unique applications you can’t rely on GPS,” Zalman said.
IAI predicted that the new technology will overcome size and weight limitations that affected other inertial navigation systems, and will have the needed tactical accuracy. The goal is to replace existing navigation sensors with the new technology in the next 15 years.
Adam Modérateur
messages : 6300 Inscrit le : 25/03/2009 Localisation : Royaume pour tous les Marocains Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armes de fabrication Israelienne Jeu 22 Avr 2021 - 17:45 a écrit:
Israel Aerospace to Provide Z-MAG All-Terrain Vehicles to the Military
Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) and Israel’s Ministry of Defense (MOD) Office of Production and Procurement signed an agreement Thursday to manufacture Z-MAG all-terrain vehicles for the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).
IAI has recently acquired the rights to the Israeli Z off-road vehicle family. Israel’s MOD Sub Department for Land Production and Procurement and IAI’s ELTA Group signed an agreement to manufacture and supply nine Z-MAG all-terrain vehicles to the IDF, with an option to order 21 additional units.
The first Z-MAG vehicles purchased by MOD will feature unique capabilities designed especially for the needs of the IDF’s Maneuvering Units. Following an assessment period, the IDF will consider buying more vehicles in the coming years. IAI is building an assembly line for the Z vehicles to be housed at ELTA’s Land Division in Be’er Sheba and is investing ILS 100 million in the project.
_________________ Les peuples ne meurent jamais de faim mais de honte.
jf16 General de Division
messages : 40443 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armes de fabrication Israelienne Mar 1 Juin 2021 - 18:50
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Les exportations israéliennes d’équipements militaires ont bondi de 15% en 2020
La Base industrielle et technologique de défense [BITD] israélienne n’est pas toujours en mesure de remporter de grands contrats à l’exportation dans la mesure où, par exemple, elle ne produit pas d’avions de combat. Cependant, et grâce à un stratégie misant sur les équipements dits de niche, elle parvient à tirer son épingle du jeu, avec 3% de parts de marché au niveau mondial selon le Stockholm International Peace Research Institute [SIPRI].
En 2020, et alors que la pandémie de covid-19 faisait plonger l’économie mondiale, la BITD israélienne a réalisé l’une de ses meilleures années, avec un montant des exportations ayant atteint les 8,3 milliards de dollars [6,7 milliards de d’euros], selon des chiffres dévoilés ce 1er juin par le ministère israélien de la Défense.
« Il s’agit du deuxième record historique [après 2017 avec 9,3 milliards de dollars] et une augmentation de 1 milliard de dollars [+15%] en comparaison avec l’année précédente », a-t-il en effet souligné.
« Les entreprises israéliennes, petites et grandes, ont prouvé qu’elles figuraient parmi les principales du monde, tant en termes de qualité que d’avancée technologique – même pendant une année de crise mondiale », a commenté Benny Gantz, le ministre israélien de la Défense.
L’an dernier, « nous avons travaillé intensivement pour approfondir les accords gouvernementaux et les coopérations avec nos partenaires du monde entier, et nous continuerons de le faire. Israël a de nouveaux marchés et d’importantes opportunités de développement qui contribueront et injecteront des milliards dans son économie, créeront de nouveaux emplois et contribueront à sa sécurité », a encore fait valoir M. Gantz.
Alors qu’il est de bon ton, chez certaines ONG, de critiquer le manque de transparence des exportations françaises d’équipements militaires [malgré un rapport, qui, toujours plus précis, est remis chaque année au Parlement par le ministère des Armées], le communiqué israélien est pauvre en détails.
En effet, la Direction de la coopération internationale en matière de défense [SIBAT] israélienne se contente de ne donner que des ordres de grandeur. Ainsi, les radars et les systèmes de guerre électronique ont représenté 16% des prises de commandes en 2020, de même que les munitions et l’armement. L’aéronautique [et en particulier l’avionique] et l’optronique ont pesé chacun 13%. Les drones, qui sont l’une des spécialités d’Israël, ont compté pour 6% du total, devant les systèmes de renseignement et de cyberdéfense [5%]… mais après les systèmes de défense aérienne [10%].
Le communiqué du ministère israélien de la Défense ne livre aucune précision sur les pays clients : il ne fait que donner des statistiques par répartition géographique. Ainsi, l’Asie-Pacifique représente 44% des exportations. Viennent ensuite l’Europe [30%], l’Amérique du Nord [20%], l’Afrique [4%] et l’Amérique latine [2%]. Cela étant, on sait que l’Inde fait partie des principaux clients de la BITD israélienne. De même que la Grèce et l’Azerbaïdjan.
Enfin, parmi les contrats signés en 2020, 25% étaient d’un montant supérieur à 100 millions de dollars, ce qui explique sans doute les bons résultats obtenus. À noter que pour 29% des commandes signées, le montant ne dépasse pas les 10 millions de dollars.
jf16 General de Division
messages : 40443 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armes de fabrication Israelienne Mer 16 Juin 2021 - 18:57
jf16 General de Division
messages : 40443 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armes de fabrication Israelienne Mer 16 Juin 2021 - 19:58
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16/06/2021 12:04 | Marek Kaminsky
Drones: Contrat Israélien anonyme pour forces spéciales
Israël aime les mystères même si le client final n'est pas si difficile à trouver ...
Contrat Anonyme La société israélienne BlueBird Aero Systems vient de fournir 100 drones WanderB-VTOL à un « client européen ». Selon Israel Aerospace Industries – qui détient 50% de BlueBird- le contrat porte sur un total 150 drones WanderB-VTOL et ThunderB-VTOL. Le contrat a été signé en février 2020. Le pays européen concerné n’est pas mentionné, mais ces drones seront destinés à l’infanterie, aux forces spéciales, aux unités blindées et aux corps d’artillerie.
Caractéristiques du WanderB-VTOL Le WanderB est un drone tactique israélien ISTAR (intelligence, surveillance, Target acquisition and reconnaissance) pour la transmission de renseignement en temps réel, de jour comme de nuit. Particularité, il décolle et atterrit verticalement, comme les hélicoptères. Son endurance est de 2,5 heures, et son rayon d’action peut aller jusqu’à 80 km, selon BlueBird.
Qui est l’acheteur ? En 2020, deux pays européens ont fait connaître leur intérêt pour les drones de surveillance et de reconnaissance. Le premier est la Roumanie, qui souhaite contrôler efficacement ses frontières et ses capacités dans la région de la mer Noire. Selon la presse, Bucarest souhaitait alors acquérir 6 drones MALE et plusieurs petits drones tactiques. Parmi les candidats au contrat apparaissaient BlueBird, AAI Corporation (USA), Israel Aeronautics Limited, Israel Aerospace Industries, et la société roumaine Ymens Teamnet. Le second pays était la Pologne, qui en 2020 développait plusieurs programmes pour acquérir des drones, y compris des mini-UAV
messages : 40443 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armes de fabrication Israelienne Ven 2 Juil 2021 - 20:13
jf16 General de Division
messages : 40443 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armes de fabrication Israelienne Jeu 29 Juil 2021 - 22:46
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28 JULY 2021
Elbit Systems progressing new SIGMA 155 mm artillery system
by Christopher F Foss
Israel's Elbit Systems is developing a new fully automatic 155 mm/52 calibre SP artillery system for the Israel Defense Force (IDF) that will start to replace the IDF's 155 mm/39 calibre M109 tracked SP artillery systems around 2023 , company representatives told Janes.
While many countries still deploy tracked self-propelled (SP) 155 mm artillery systems, there is a trend towards 155 mm wheeled artillery systems, as they offer strategic mobility due to less reliance upon heavy equipment transporters.
A rendering of the new SIGMA 155 mm/52 calibre self-propelled artillery system being developed by Elbit Systems for the Israel Defense Force, based on an Oshkosh Defense 10×10 platform. (Elbit Systems)
The new artillery system, called SIGMA, is being developed via an initial USD125 million contract announced in March 2019. It is based on a US-supplied Oshkosh Defense 10×10 platform selected by the IDF, which uses the trucks for a number of missions.
The platforms will be fitted with a fully protected control cab, a nuclear biological chemical (NBC) system, and full air conditioning for a crew of two or three.
Mounted on the rear of the chassis will be an automatic turret armed with a 155 mm/52 calibre barrel with a 23 litre chamber that meets the NATO Joint Ballistic Memorandum of Understanding (JBMoU), and is fitted with a muzzle brake and fume extractor.
The 155 mm/52 calibre turret system will be remote controlled from within. In addition, the system provides a manual reversionary mode, or “degraded mode” of operation, an Elbit Systems spokesperson told Janes.
The automatic loading system will set the fuze, load the projectile, and then the Uni-Modular Artillery Charge System (UMACS) with the primers will be automatically loaded via a separate magazine.
La baisse potentielle des commandes de F-35, dont Israël produit certaines pièces, est compensée par la décision récente de rouvrir la chaîne d’assemblage des ailes du F-16, qui seront produites par IAI.
Réouverture de la chaîne d’assemblage La société israélienne IAI (Israel Aerospace Industries) vient de rouvrir la ligne d’assemblage – qui avait été établie dans les années 80- pour la production des ailes du F-16 Block 70/72. Raison : les commandes de l’appareil ont augmenté. Les ailes seront ensuite transportées vers la chaîne finale d’assemblage à Greenville en Caroline du Sud (Etats-Unis). Air & Cosmos avait déjà relaté, en février dernier Air&Cosmos avait déjà évoqué l'intérêt suscité par cet appareil.
Au détriment du F-35 Les acheteurs paraissent avoir choisi la sécurité, à savoir utiliser une plate-forme (Le F-16) connue mais modernisée, au détriment d’un nouvel appareil, le F-35, qui rencontre de trop nombreux problèmes comme nous l’avons relaté à de nombreuses reprises. La demande est si importante que, comme l’indiquait un communiqué de l’US Air Force en mai dernier, une nouvelle ligne de production sera ouverte à Greenville pour le Block 70/72. L’US Air Force a récemment commandé 128 F-16 pour un montant de 14 milliards de dollars (11,78 milliards d’euros au taux actuel) jusqu'en 2026, et ce au détriment du F-35. Israël produisant également certaines aérostructures pour le F-35, les baisses de commandes de l’avion sont compensées par la production de nouvelles ailes pour le F-16.
5 pays intéressés 5 pays ont porté leur choix sur le Block 70/72, dont les Philippines, la Bulgarie et la Slovaquie. Le « 70/72 » était également présenté au salon « Armement et sécurité-2021 » à Kiev en juin dernier