Les dépenses militaires de Kiev ont battu un nouveau record en 2015, a annoncé le président ukrainien Piotr Porochenko.
Fin mars dernier, M.Porochenko a estimé que l'armée ukrainienne était devenue "puissante comme jamais auparavant" ayant acquis une "expérience unique dans la conduite d'opérations militaires dans les conditions de la guerre hybride".
En 2015, le budget des forces armées ukrainiennes a atteint un volume record comparable au prix des deux porte-hélicoptères Mistral, a déclaré M.Porochenko cité par les médias locaux.
Lors d’une remise officielle d'équipements militaires à des unités déployées dans la région de Kharkov (nord-est), le président ukrainien a fait savoir que le pays avait dépensé deux milliards de dollars pour renforcer l'aptitude au combat de ses forces armées.
Les armes et équipements remis aux militaires dans la région de Kharkov seront ensuite dépêchés dans la zone de la dénommée opération antiterroriste menée par Kiev dans le Donbass ukrainien.
Porochenko: l'armée ukrainienne "puissante comme jamais" Selon le président Porochenko, depuis le début de l'année en cours, près d'un millier d'armes ont été réparées et remises aux militaires ukrainiens. Dans le même temps, les partenaires occidentaux ont livré à l'Ukraine près de 500 véhicules et autres équipements à destination militaire, dont des tous-terrains Hummer, des radars de contrebatterie, des jumelles à vision nocturne, des caméras thermiques et des stations radio.
Fin mars dernier, M.Porochenko a estimé que l'armée ukrainienne était devenue "puissante comme jamais auparavant" ayant acquis une "expérience unique dans la conduite d'opérations militaires dans les conditions de la guerre hybride".
Two Ukrainian Tu-95MS strategic bombers disappear, reported military-informant.com.
Ukrainian General Prosecutors Office is investigating the case of two illegally sold Tu-95MS nuclear capable strategic bombers.
Along with the aircraft the office is looking for aircraft components, technical documentation and all the documents related to selling, inspection, evaluation, repairs, cannibalization, storage, payment and transportation of the aircraft.
Earlier, Ukrainian Air Force Tu-95MS retired from military service.
Tu-95MS is a large, four-engine turboprop-powered strategic bomber and missile platform. First flown in 1952, the Tu-95 entered service with the Soviet Union in 1956 and is expected to serve the Russian Air Force until at least 2040.
augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Ukrainian military are faced with a serious problem during the operation of vehicles Humvee
Ukrainian military are faced with a serious problem during the operation set previously Humvee military vehicles as part of military assistance provided by the United States, according to military-informant.com. Combat vehicles which have been transferred to the armed forces of Ukraine had long been in storage and lose their properties. Once active operation of car tires start to fall apart before our eyes, cracks and court oblazit pieces. As a result of long storage, exposure to ultraviolet, temperature and contact with the surface of most of the diesel bus passed Humvee vehicles were not fit for combat service. And due to the acute financial problems quickly supply spare wheel does not work
augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
The 'Clown Hat': Ukraine's Latest Piece of Military Equipment From Israel
Ukrainian Armed Forces will soon sport Israeli-made camouflaging headwear often referred to as a "clown's hat," Russia's Zvezda TV channel reported.
The removable helmet covering, known as a mitznefet in Hebrew, admittedly resembles a shower cap or a chef's hat but is said to be a potent piece of military gear. The flopping fabric is intended to obscure the familiar round shape of a soldier's helmet and protect against the light reflecting off the helmet's surface.
Ukrainian Army to receive next-generation training systems from Cubic
Cubic Global Defense (CGD) has received a contract to supply next-generation specialised training systems to the Ukrainian Army. Awarded by the US Army's Program Executive Office for Simulation, Training and Instrumentation (PEO STRI), the $1.7m contract covers the delivery of US Army versions of instrumented-multiple integrated laser engagement system, individual weapon systems (I-MILES IWS), and combat vehicle adapter. The company will be responsible for delivery, training, and sustainment of the I-MILES equipment in support of the Ukrainian Army. The equipment is said to be interoperable with the Ukrainian Army's existing MILES and Joint Multinational Readiness Center (JMRC) training systems allowing it to train at the brigade level. The combat vehicle adapter kits integrate with the army's current I-MILES tactical vehicle system (TVS) to facilitate simulation of combat vehicles and crew-served weapon simulators. Cubic Global Defense president Bill Toti said: "Cubic provides ongoing support to our nation's allies and coalition partners in the most critical environments at the most critical time. "Providing advanced training equipment and responding quickly to our customers' needs for effective and affordable training, especially in areas of conflict, is a great priority for Cubic."
Currently, the company provides on-site training and management for the Ukraine Land Forces to help develop and facilitate training exercises for the previously supplied MILES system. Equipped with a wireless independent target system, the I-MILES precisely replicates the actual firing capabilities and effects of weapons during training, detects hits from laser 'bullets', and performs damage or casualty assessments on targets. A vehicular adaptation of Cubic's man-worn IWS 2, I-MILES TVS is designed to provide direct-fire, force-on-force and force-on-target collective training to soldiers at home-stations and manoeuvre-combat training centres. The tactical-engagement simulation system equips army wheel vehicles and other tactical vehicles with lasers, sensors and electronics, which are used during force-on-force combat training exercises.
Ukraine To Scrap Cruiser, Buy New Vessels By Jaroslaw Adamowski 10:29 p.m. EDT September 17, 2015
WARSAW — Vice Adm. Sergey Hayduk, the commander of the Ukrainian Navy, has unveiled plans to sell the Navy’s cruiser Ukraina and use the funds to purchase new military vessels.
"The proceedings from its sale will be used to build new ships," Hayduk said, as reported by local broadcaster Espreso TV.
Hayduk said that up to 80 percent of the weapons and navigation equipment installed onboard the Ukraina were acquired from Russia, and they are not produced by the Ukrainian defense industry. The vice admiral did not disclose which countries could potentially buy the vessel.
By the end of 2015, the Navy aims to acquire two new vessels. Hayduk also said the Navy’s outdated Be-12 planes will be replaced with new aircraft. The most likely replacement includes the Antonov An-132, a new multipurpose transport aircraft jointly developed by Ukraine’s Antonov and Saudi Arabia’s Taqnia Aeronautics Co.
Last August, Ukraine’s Defense Ministry announced it was drafting a conceptual document on a special program for acquisitions of arms and military equipment by the Ukrainian military in the years 2015-2020. The procurements are designed to modernize the armed forces as well as replace Russian-built gear with new weapons.
Ukraine unveiled new «Varan» amphibious armoured personnel carrier By Dylan Vosman - Sep 21, 2015
Ukraine unveiled new «Varan» amphibious armoured personnel carriers at XII International Trade Fair “Arms and Security – 2015” in Kyiv, reported military-informant.com. The «Varan» – it is prototype of new amphibious armoured personnel carrier for the National Guard and the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. The amphibious assault vehicle developed by company “Plant “Leninska Kuznya” in Ukraine. Spacious interior and high payload carrying capability provide a platform for future customer variants, allowing the simultaneous integration of weapon systems, protection and crew equipment.
Read more at: http://defence-blog.com/army/ukraine-unveiled-new-varan-amphibious-armoured-personnel-carrier.html
jf16 General de Division
messages : 41845 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
The US Administration informed, that it is going to authorize the contract pertaining the delivery of the micro RQ-11B Raven UAV systems for the Ukrainians.
According to the information released by the US Government, the California-based Aerovironment Inc. company concluded a contract, the aim of which is to acquire small RQ-11B Raven UAV systems for Ukraine. The agreement, the value of which reaches USD 9.049 million, is being a part of the Foreign Military Sales programme. The contract is going to be realized on 11th May 2016.
RQ-11B Raven is being used by more than 30 armies all around the world, including the US Army. US Army has ca. 2000 drones of this type at its disposal. The Americans had announced the deliveries of the Raven UAV systems for the Ukrainians earlier, within the framework of military assistance programme, thus the procurement is probably going to be financed by the US government.
The RQ-11B Raven UAV weighs only 2 kilograms, it may be transported in a backpack container. The drone takes-off from the hand of the operator. Its flight-endurance reaches 80 minutes and the system may operate within the altitude range between 30 and 150 m, providing the visual transmission in real time for the operator. The drone may also act as a flying laser target designator. RQ-11B is being controlled by a two-man crew.
A few weeks ago, identical systems were acquired by the Spanish forces.
L’Ukraine peut compter sur un soutien politique de l’Otan… Mais pas plus Posté dans Europe, Otan par Laurent Lagneau Le 22-09-2015
Alors que les accrochages se multiplaient il y a peu entre les forces ukrainiennes et les séparatistes du Donbass (sud-est de l’Ukraine), le cessez-le-feu est désormais globalement respecté sur la ligne de front. Est-ce le calme avant une nouvelle tempête?
Pour sa première visite officielle en Ukraine, le secrétaire général de l’Otan, Jens Stoltenberg a estimé que la situation reste encore « fragile » même si cette accalmie est « encourageante ».
Pour autant, « la Russie continue de soutenir les séparatistes, de leur fournir des armes, des équipements, des formations et des forces », a accusé M. Stoltenberg. Et cela alors que les regards sont braqués vers le renforcement de la présence militaire russe en Syrie.
Un autre point critiqué par le responsable de l’Otan est l’organisation annoncée d’élections locales entre le 18 octobre et le 1er novembre dans les territoires contrôlés par les séparatistes. Or, cette initiative est considérée par Kiev (mais aussi par l’Allemagne) comme étant une violation majeur des accords de paix de Minsk-2, négociés en février par la chancelière allemande, Angela Merkel et le président Hollande et signé par le chef de l’État ukrainien, Petro Porochenko ainsi que par son homologue russe, Vladimir Poutine.
« Ce seront des élections truquées et elles ne seront reconnues par aucun allié de l’Otan », a averti M. Stoltenberg. Pourtant prévu par les accords de Minsk-2, ce vote « aura lieu quand la Russie retirera ses troupes car on n’organise pas une élection sous la menace de mitrailleuses », a fait valoir, de son côté, M. Porochenko.
Quoi qu’il en soit, le but de la visite de M. Stoltenberg était d’apporter le soutien « mesuré » de l’Otan à l’Ukraine. Mais pas plus. Ainsi, il a lancé un exercice conjoint de gestion de crise à Iavoriv
« Il ne s’agit pas d’un exercice militaire. C’est plutôt une occasion pour les primo-intervenants – des pays de l’Alliance et des pays partenaires – de travailler ensemble », a fait valoir M. Stoltenberg. « En accueillant cet exercice, vous montrez que l’Ukraine souhaite contribuer à la sécurité de la population européenne et à la sécurité de la région euro-atlantique », a-t-il ajouté à l’adresse des autorités ukrainiennes.
Mais il n’est pas question d’aller au-delà d’un soutien « politique et pratique » et des quelques accords de coopération avec Kiev. Et M. Stoltenberg a visiblement évité d’évoquer une éventuelle adhésion de l’Ukraine à l’Alliance atlantique, alors que ces interlocuteurs ont tenté maintes fois d’aborder ce sujet ô combien délicat.
Ainsi, M. Porochenko a expliqué que « le choix euro-atlantique avec une perspective d’adhésion à l’OTAN compte (…) de plus en plus de soutien au sein de la société ukrainienne ». Puis, a-t-il poursuivi, « lorsque nous aurons réuni, via des réformes, toutes les conditions nécessaires pour que l’Ukraine réponde aux critères d’adhésion de l’OTAN, je ferai organiser un référendum et ainsi sera entendue la volonté du peuple ukrainien ».
Mieux encore : M. Porochenko a aussi avancé que son pays doit être vue comme « un avant-poste » de l’Otan face à la Russie.
« Du point de vue du droit, nous ne sommes pas alliés mais dans les faits, nous sommes bien plus que des partenaires. L’Ukraine est l’avant-poste le plus oriental de la région euro-atlantique », a-t-il en effet affirmé. Pour rappel, la dernière mouture de la doctrine militaire ukranienne plaide pour l’intégration de Kiev au sein de l’Alliance atlantique… Mais les 28 États membres y sont plutôt réticents.
Par ailleurs, M. Stoltenberg a réfuté toute idée de nouvelle Guerre froide entre Russes et Occidentaux. « Nous ne sommes pas dans la situation de la Guerre froide. L’Otan a décidé de suspendre sa coopération pratique avec la Russie, mais nous maintenons la possibilité de contacts politiques », a-t-il dit.
Ukrainian «Ovod» quickly mounted armor modules system
By Dylan Vosman - Sep 23, 2015
Ukraine unveiled new «Ovod» quickly mounted armor modules system to equip the truck chassis, at XII International Trade Fair “Arms and Security – 2015” in Kyiv The «Ovod» ( Gadfly translated ) system it consists of two armor modules truck cab and the personnel compartment.
Read more at: http://defence-blog.com/army/ukrainian-ovod-quickly-mounted-armor-modules-system.html
augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Renault Sherpa Scouts vehicle promoted to the Ukrainian market
Renault Trucks Defense has promoted the Sherpa Scout vehicle to the Ukrainian market. According to the military-informant.com website, a French delegation from Renault and Gendarmerie Nationale made an official presentation during a military exercise of the Ukrainian National Guard.
According to the same source, the presentation took place at the New Petrovtsy training centre, close to Kiev. The vehicle was the Sherpa Light Scout version. The Ukrainian forces would test the vehicle at the tank range along with the Ukrainian-made SRM-1 Kozak vehicle. Further validation tests expected in the future could possibly lead to the procurement of a small number of vehicles.
The Sherpa Light Scout is a family of 4x4 tactical vehicles. It was designed in order to provide the optimum balance between mobility/payload and protection. Thus, it is suited for reconnaissance, patrol, convoy escort, C2 or other similar missions. The user can operate it either in its armoured or unarmoured version. It can transport 4 or 5 soldiers and can be equipped with a roof-mounted weapon system.
Special Forces troops of Ukraine will be trained by U.S. army instructors.
Instructors from the United States will start training Ukrainian special-operations troops this November, Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko has said.
"We have agreed that the best U.S. instructors will finally start training the Ukrainian special forces, our special-operations troops, starting from November," Poroshenko told representatives of the U.S. Ukrainian diaspora after arriving in New York.
Foreign military instructors are already training units of the Ukrainian National Guard, he said. "This is mutual exchange, mutual assistance. This is interesting not only to Ukrainians, to learn from American partners how to fight. This is interesting to Americans, to learn how to beat Russia," said the Ukrainian head of state.
The training is part of U.S. efforts to strengthen Ukraine's security following Russia's seizure of the Crimea last year and the spread of separatist unrest in eastern, Russian-speaking regions of Ukraine.
Since few weeks, U.S. troops started training regular Ukrainian military forces later this year in an expansion of their current mission, which so far has been limited to instructing Interior Ministry national guard units.
U.S. Marines could deploy to the Eastern European country to train the Ukrainian naval infantry, said Capt. Richard Ulsh, a spokesman for Marine Corps Forces Europe and Africa.
It was reported that Poroshenko had arrived in New York to attend events as part of the 70th session of the UN General Assembly.