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 Forces Armées Croates /Croatian military /Oružane Snage Republike Hrvatske

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messages : 24813
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
Localisation : 7Seas
Nationalité : Maroc
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MessageSujet: Forces Armées Croates /Croatian military /Oružane Snage Republike Hrvatske   Forces Armées Croates /Croatian military /Oružane Snage Republike Hrvatske - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSam 26 Juin 2010 - 10:19

Rappel du premier message :

La Croatie posséde un des Top des systémes de communication ... le TRC 4000
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Forces Armées Croates /Croatian military /Oružane Snage Republike Hrvatske - Page 3 Thales1vn

Citation :
Thales tactical communication solutions are designed to answer the growing demand for interoperability, connectivity and data throughput. With Thales DI@NE Tactical Internet solutions, critical military communication capabilities such as secure voice, data messaging, blue force tracking, are now available from headquarters down to single soldiers.
Our networking solutions are supported by a large range of secure radios, ranging from HF 3000 Skyf@st long range radio system, including best seller PR4G F@stnet VHF Combat Net Radio, JEM V/UHF multiband radio, and TRC 4000 SHF Line of Sight microwave radio relay.
Last but not least Thales portfolio includes FlexNet, the new wideband Software Defined Radio that is capable of broadband IP networking with the flexibility that is inherent to a SCA (Software Communication Architecture) compliant radio. Thales tactical communication systems are operated in more than 40 countries around the world.

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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 40930
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
Nationalité : France
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Allégation de corruption pour les AMV de Patria ?

Citation :
  Croatia; Patria AMV award bribery allegation
Friday, 28 June 2013 04:51 | PDF Print E-mail
News - Europe

The National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) suspects that between four and five former executives of the Finnish-owned defense group Patria may have offered financial inducements to Croatian officials to obtain a lucrative $146 million 8 x 8 armored modular vehicle (AMV) contract in 2007.

According to the NBI, investigators believe that the same executives also were involved in offering financial and other illegal inducements to obtain a larger AMV contract, worth $362 million, with Slovenia in 2006.

The former Patria executives are expected to face a range of charges, including aggravated bribery. The final investigation report into the Croatian deal is expected to reach Finland’s prosecutors office in July, while the case involving the Slovenian deal is due to reach court in August.

Slovenia’s purchase of 135 Patria AMV infantry fighting vehicles was the biggest military equipment acquisition in the country’s history. More than 30 percent of the AMVs supplied were equipped with the NEMO mortars and Elbit 30mm remote-controlled weapon stations.  
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 40930
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
Nationalité : France
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Citation :
Des militaires croates participeront au défilé du 14 juillet

La Croatie adhère aujourd'hui à l'Union européenne.

Publié le lundi 01 juillet à 11h17

Un détachement interarmées de 75 militaires croates participera au défilé du 14 juillet sur les Champs-Elysées, auquel assistera le président croate Ivo Josipovic. Cette invitation est liée à l'adhésion de la Croatie à l'Union européenne dont elle est devenue aujourd'hui le 28ème membre.

Peu connues, les relations militaires entre la France et la Croatie sont anciennes. Une plaque commémorative, dominant la Cour d'honneur est aposée aux Invalides «à la mémoite des régiments croates qui sous drapeau français ont partagé la glore de l'armée française». Au XVIIIème siècle, sous Louis XV, des Croates sont revenus renforcés la cavalerie française, formant notamment le Royal-Croate, ancêtre du 1er régiment de cuirassiers. De nombreux Croates serviront ensuite dans les armées napoléoniennes et on en retrouvera également ai sein de la Légion étrangère. Les militaires français auront, dans les années 90, l'occasion de découvrir les Croates de Bosnie, notamment à Mostar.
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 40930
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
Nationalité : France
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Citation :
Armée de Terre - Page officielle  

Le défilé du 14 juillet 2013 est l’occasion de mettre en valeur l’Europe de la défense à travers les participations allemande, belge mais également croate.
En effet, la Croatie a déjà témoigné de son implication pour la politique de sécurité et de défense commune avec sa participation aux missions EUFOR Tchad, Atalante, EUPOL Afghanistan et EULEX Kosovo, ainsi qu’au travers de son rôle actif pour la stabilité des Balkans. Elle est devenue, le 1er juillet, le 28e pays membre de l’Union européenne - Crédits : ADC J-R Drahi/SIRPA Terre – à Paris.

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Presentation Procurement Plan MOD for 2014th

The Officer's House of Croatian Military Academy "Petar Zrinski" in Zagreb today, 6 studenog 2013th held a working meeting of representatives of the Ministry of Defence and the General Staff with members of the Parliamentary Committee on Defence and the National Council for Monitoring the Implementation of Anti-Corruption Strategy .

The main topic was the report on implementation of the Procurement Plan, the Ministry for the 2013th , and the presentation of the Plan for the 2014th year .
Defence Minister Ante Kotromanović before the presentation said that for the first time this year, we already have a plan for next year and it has become the practice .

" We literally have to start from tomorrow to contract procedures for implementing over 900 procurement procedures per year and we need to get there in time ," said Defence Minister Ante Kotromanović . Such a public presentation of the Procurement Plan called excellent practice , which sets the criteria for the future . The goal of the ministry of defense is clear, he added , and it is full transparency and respect for the law .

Presentation Procurement Plan held Head of the Independent Sector Procurement MOD, Branko Pribolšan . As far realized procurement , said that the funds for the purchase of this year amounted to about $ 1.6 billion . Kuna.
Conducted 986 procurement procedures and contracts concluded in 1092 . Pribolšan stressed that to 31 October contracted 81.6 % of the plan , as is the rest of the implementation of procurement .

Among the major projects this year found the overhaul six helicopters, which should be in operation by March next year , and there is the expected completion of overhaul fighter aircraft MiG- 21st According to the latest information , our pilots and technicians went to Ukraine on a preliminary reception and the 10- day expected delivery of two aircraft and the third is due to arrive by the end of the month. Business delivery so late, about a month ago , due to the fact that the Ukrainian company could not get the timely import- export license. However, the work goes on until the end of the year will be realized what was planned.

An important item to procure The coastal patrol ship that is currently in the second phase , after an appeal , which was at the end of a state commission refused. But precisely because of this appeal , we were in the rest period , which pay tribute to the entire process in about 2 months , he explained , adding that Pribolšan 19 prosinca 2013th deadline for the initial offer five bidders who are still competing for the job of building coastal patrol boats.

Also, in the next year is expected to start the final overhaul missile launchers "King Petar Kresimir IV ."
This year we had to cancel some projects , but they remain in the plan for the 2014th , like purchasing fire fighting aircraft Air Tractor and autonomous underwater vehicles . Also, the presentation emphasizes that the European directives MOD have to set aside funds to pay VAT on 212 vehicles donated by the U.S., which was not the case.

For the 2014th year projected budget of the Ministry of Defence , which is 4,493,872,000 kuna, approximately 36 percent of the total budget foreseen for the provision of funds for waste material , which is almost the same amount as this year , and plans to spend 896 procurement procedures .
Nearly 20 percent of these funds has already been spent , and it is the cost resulting from the multi-year commitments and are continuing in 2014 the age . These are the funds earmarked under the multi-year liabilities created as procurement and overhaul aircraft overhaul , the construction of the coastal patrol ship , the construction of accommodation facilities in Petrinja etc.

Among the significant procurement procedures next year certainly is , among other things, the overhaul of four helicopters and purchase of military equipment , ammunition and weapons , as well as funding food CAF .
The minister announced at the end of the presentation and some other projects, and noted that in the preparation of the decision on the sale of real estate owned by non-perspective MOD .

MOD and the Armed Forces were represented at the meeting by the Minister Ante Kotromanović , Deputy Minister Tafra , Deputy Chief of General Staff Vice Admiral Ante Urlić and others. Defence Committee led by its chairman Tomislav Ivic , a vice president of the National Council Vesna Fabijančić Križanić , who praised tranparentnost and this practice presentations procurement plan MOD .

Tomislav Ivic has concluded that the standards set by MOD certainly will not change in the future because this is a good example of a transparent and open presentation of the procurement plan and the Parliament , but also to the public.
Vesna Fabijančić Križanić was particularly praised the fact that it significantly reduced the number of cases of classified information and the high 51 percent last year to 9 percent 2013th year and next year exemption categories Art. 11 , relating to the confidentiality of the contract has been reduced to 5.74 percent .
"I welcome this practice openness and transparency in the procurement plan and hope that it will become law and other ministries ," concluded Vice President of the National Council for Monitoring the Implementation of Anti-Corruption Strategy .
For the begining,Very Happy  bay gogle......

Dernière édition par maxo le Ven 8 Nov 2013 - 2:52, édité 1 fois
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Department of Defense photo gallery, simply click on the small photo then opens a photo album on the right side of the small arrows to move the image up or down.

Dernière édition par maxo le Ven 8 Nov 2013 - 2:53, édité 1 fois
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For those not familiar with Wikipedia, the beginning pages are printed in small letters (croatian army,air force and navy )clik and open the info.The data are very accurate and well updated..
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messages : 21656
Inscrit le : 15/09/2009
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Nationalité : Maroco-Allemand
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cool pics

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170 MRAP's and M-ATV will be delivered to the Armed Forces in the next 2-3 months

At the end of 203 and the beginning of 2014th year will be delivered by American light armored vehicles Croatian Armed Forces, "they said in the Defence Ministry. This is a total of 170 MRAP and M-ATV vehicles aged between two and five years." Part I vehicles in Italy, part of the U.S. in a part of Afghanistan. Vehicles from the U.S. and Italy examined by experts from the Ministry of Defence and choose what the system needs most. Vehicles in Afghanistan chosen the Americans, and as allies chose vehicles that are also in good condition (no older than 2008).. MOD will only have I organize transport vehicles from Italy, as will those from Afghanistan and the United States to transport Americans, "they said at the Ministry of Defence.

Dernière édition par maxo le Ven 8 Nov 2013 - 2:54, édité 1 fois
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Akro air group /Krila Oluje /Wings of strom
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Police bought a helicopter to save lives

The helicopter will be stationed in the base unit Alpha Aviation , and will serve to monitor traffic and border , transportation of casualties in road accidents ...

Multipurpose Helicopter Eurocopter EC- 135 , which is the Ministry of Interior for 50 mln bought by Spanish company Eurocopter presented in Airbase Lucko.

- I have to say that this is a special day for us because this is the first time in the last thirty years to buy a helicopter for the police - said Interior Minister Ranko Ostojic at the presentation .

Overtake another

The helicopter will be stationed in the base unit Alpha Aviation , and will serve to monitor traffic and border , transportation of casualties in traffic accidents , and the rescue in difficult terrain will be used in conjunction with the Croatian Mountain Rescue Service . Helicopter pilots will manage the special police and aviation units Lucko , and the price of the contract is counted this and training pilots and mechanics . This type of light multipurpose twin-engine civil helicopter extremely popular in flying police departments worldwide.

Due to the length of the Croatian borders and an extensive number of activities in which the helicopter used there is a need for another aircraft of this type , the Minister Ranko Ostojic, yesterday signed an agreement to acquire another one of those helicopters.

- Another helicopter will come to us a total of 37 million, and this new one comes around EUR 10 million , so we bought two for the price of one - said the Minister of Police .

relieving army

By purchasing these helicopters part should unload military helicopters , and a step closer to the European regulations according to which military helicopters should not be used in civil affairs . After taking a helicopter , Health Minister Rajko Ostojic handed Interior Minister Ranko Ostojic 43 automated external defibrillators used in cases of sudden cardiac death .

Dernière édition par maxo le Ven 8 Nov 2013 - 2:55, édité 2 fois
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messages : 25278
Inscrit le : 31/03/2008
Localisation : Pau-Marrakech
Nationalité : Maroc-France
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Hi Maxo! Could you please update your post with the [quote] tag !

The [quote] tag allows you to attribute text as an article ! thank you Wink

Sois généreux avec nous, Ô toi Dieu et donne nous la Victoire

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OK Very Happy 
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Citation :

Preparations to begin overhaul of 10 M-84 tanks in Djuro Djakovic

Overhaul of M-84 tanks will be covered by a standard replacement parts provided by this procedure . The preparation of the audit process , certification of project teams and begin preparatory work . By the end of 2013th and the 2014th it is planned to conduct a review of the 10 M-84 tanks , " they said to us from the Ministry of Defence on issues related to the overhaul of tanks from the structure of the Army .

Defence Minister Ante Kotromanović and CEO ĐĐH Vladimir Kovacevic signed Spaladium Arena in Split koncenm April Letter of Intent on cooperation in maintenance and modernization of M- 84th Signing of Letter of Intent , which is one of the most important activities in the Adriatic exhibition of military weapons and equipment - ASDA 2013th - took place at the exhibition hall of Duro Ðaković .

The Defence Minister told reporters at a military exhibition in Split ASDA said: "I can announce that we will in the next few years to make a general review of our tanks T -84 and it will work Duro Ðaković , Our interest is to push our manufacturers , they employ people because we live by that. job will be worth 2-3 million per tank . Maintaining tanks should go after a complete audit armored battalion , "the Minister pointed .

MoD pays 10 million to overhaul four M -84

The Ministry of Defence for this year plans to overhaul four M - 84th The planned overhaul of the value for each tank is 2.5 million, which means that the total cost of the job to be about ten million. "This year we are going to overhaul the four tanks , and repair other tanks depends on the availability of funds ," we answered in the Defense Ministry 's public relations with the public.

They note that "the total value of the deal depends on the availability of funds ." Confirmed to us that the Defence Minister Ante Kotromanović decided to start the procurement process for the overhaul. Work will begin once the procedure is completed and the contract signed with the contractor , and the plans to overhaul is completed by 31 December As the favorite for the job is considered Duro Ðaković group . Survive the overhaul tanks budget amendment , and if Duro Ðaković gets the job , it will be welcomed government assistance company from Slavonski Brod, who is on the road to recovery . After losses in the 2010th and 2011th in the last two years, Duro Ðaković group is profitable . In May, the Minister pointed and Vladimir Kovacevic , CEO of Duro Ðaković group signed a contract on purchase and equipping armored combat vehicle weapon stations Protector M151 12.7 mm.

Value of the contract of 112 million ( excluding VAT ) and Duro Ðaković these vehicles to be delivered later this year and next godine.Đuro Ðaković group has signed a cooperation agreement with the Norwegian Kongsberg particular group on procurement and installation of weapon stations Protector M151 caliber 12 , 7 mm , which is due to its characteristics and extent of the use of a global leader in this segment , says the Djuro Djakovic . When signing the contract Kotromanović Minister said that " the continuation of cooperation with Duro Đaković Project armored vehicles yet another confirmation firm commitment of the Government and the Ministry of Defense in support of the domestic defense industry, as one of the most potent export branches of the local economy ."

1 USD – 5,6 Kuna HR

Same photos of the Đ.Đ Company

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Citation :
Armored fighting vehicles AMV receive the 2014th eight RCWS 30mm worth 100 million kuna
Next year will be acquired eight remotely controlled armed cell 30mm (RCWS) for equipping armored combat vehicles AMV and 2015th eight to meet accepted partnership goals. In fact, this year was supposed to go to the purchase of eight RCWS, but have not found the resources for this project. So, despite initial plans to the end of 2014th Get up to 16 RCWS, CAF must be met with eight in the 2014th Equipping the BOV and the station of this caliber is not even a little cheap. Nearly 2 million worth RCWS more expensive than the base combat armored vehicles, so no wonder this much difficulty in deciding on the purchase if next year will need to set aside more than 100 million just for RCWS.

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Citation :

Croatia and Ukraine discuss armour co-operation

Croatian Defence Minister Ante Kotromanovic has visited Ukraine for bilateral talks on defence-industrial co-operation, Ukrainian Defence Minister Pavlo Lebedev confirmed on 28 November.
Sources told IHS Jane's that the Croatian delegation included a large group of defence industry managers and that discussions had included co-operation between Croatia's Duro Dakovic-Specijalna vozila and Ukrainian armour plant Kharkiv Morozov Machine Building Bureau. The Ukrainian representatives also expressed interest in Croatian small arms and body armour manufacture HS Produkt.
Kotromanovic's visit to Ukraine comes hot on the heels of a visit by Lebedev to Croatia in November and reflects the desire of both sides to develop ties.

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The ceremonial handover of the police helicopter
28th studeni 2013th Published in 18:24

Photo : Ministry of Interior

The Air Force unit of the MUP The port , on Thursday, 28 November there was the delivery of helicopters Eurocopter EC135 P2 + .

The Director General of Police Vlado Dominic and sales manager Eurocopter España Gema Garcia , after the presentation , signed the Record of handover helicopter Eurocopter EC135 P2 + .

The handover was attended by the Deputy Chief of Police Director Drazen Vitez and Zvonimir Vnučec , chief of the Border Zlatko Sokolar , Commander of the special police Zdravko Janic , Chief of the Office of the Director General of Police Ruben Koštić and many others.

This is the second in a row that the helicopter was purchased this year , the same brand and type. Produced 2008th and so far has only 20 hours of flight time . The warranty on the helicopter 's two years or 1,000 hours of flight time . Its total capacity is seven , and two pilots and five passengers . It is equipped with basic equipment to perform police duties and tasks (light and sound signaling ) and a preparation for the installation of additional equipment such as winches , thermal imaging cameras and stretchers for the injured .

" These helicopters will be used for traffic control , and will also helicopters to assist the victims of traffic accidents . " - Said the director general of police Vlado Dominic .

Except for traffic control and transportation of persons who are the victims of traffic accidents , said the helicopter will be used for the purpose of border surveillance , search and rescue actions and other police activities and tasks . Helicopter pilots will manage Plane Command special police units of the MUP .

First Eurocopter EC135 SN 689 was taken third October this year .
same photos

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Minister pointed watching MIGs in Odessa

Croatian Defence Minister Ante Kotromanovic today , 29 studenoga 2013th during a visit to Ukraine visited the Institute Workover " Odesaviaremservis " in Odessa, where reconditioned first MiGs 21 by the Ministry of Defence bought from Ukraine.

Croatian delegation , led by Minister Kotromanović visited the Workover Institute where they met with the current state of work and saw the MiGs in the final stage .

In addition to the heads of the Ukrainian Repair Institute in Odessa is already there for weeks and Croatian experts who oversee the work . Among them is an experienced pilot , Colonel John Selak, who has already made test flights in the three planes .

" At this time it is the final stage in the course of the trial flights after which we will get high quality and ready combat fighters ," said Colonel Selak .

Minister pointed out that , although somewhat delayed delivery , the most important is to ultimately get ready MiGs which will provide Croatian airspace .

Croatian delegation visited the factory and " Malyshev Plant" in Kharkov , which is engaged in manufacturing , overhaul and upgrade of tanks and armored vehicles . The company , in addition to the parent company in Kharkiv , has a sister company in the Crimea and Zakarpattia , and employs about 60,000 people .
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Général de corps d'armée (ANP)
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Croatia reveals 2013 defence export figures

Croatia's military exports reached HRK1.1 billion (USD197 million) in 2013, state arms export-import agency Alan announced on 27 January 2014.
The figures showed a substantial increase over 2012's military exports, which were worth HRK880 million, and have doubled since 2011 when exports amounted to HRK550 million.
Croatia's defence industry is highly export-focused - a result of low levels of domestic defence spending - but its principal export products are not sophisticated by international standards.
According to Alan, 2013's principal export success came from small arms, with gun maker HS Produkt leading the pack. Croatian media sources have reported that protective clothing and footwear companies made up a substantial portion of exports.
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Croat MIG airplanes stuck in Ukraine

Croatian Times

Twelve Croatian combat airplanes sent for a repairing in Ukraine are not likely to get back soon. The political situation in the country has forced all the non-civil aircraft to stay on ground. Delay of the repairs to the MIG type aircrafts in Odessa means Croatia does not know when the airplanes will return.

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Croatian soldiers in Afghanistan

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Patria Armored Vehicles

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Croatia continues Mil Mi-8MTV fleet upgrade

Igor Tabak, Zagreb - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly

13 March 2014

Ukraine's Ukroboronprom announced on 12 March that the first batch of two Mil Mi-8 MTV1 helicopters had been returned to the Croatian Air Force.

Croatia decided to upgrade its ageing Mi-8 MTV1 fleet in May 2013, with work on the first batch of six helicopters due to be undertaken that year and work on a further four in 2014. The bulk of the work was to be carried out by Croatia's Zrakoplovno Tehnicki Centar (ZTC), mainly assembly and finishing, with in-country support from Ukrspecexport and some work being undertaken in Ukraine. The overall contract was estimated to be worth HRK84 million (USD15.23 million).
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Croatia nears receipt of delayed MiG-21s from Ukraine

Croatia's defence ministry says the current turmoil in Ukraine “has nothing to do” with a roughly five-month delay in returning its Mikoyan MiG-21bisD fighters and UMD-model trainers that are being overhauled in Odessa, instead citing “technical problems”.

These include issues with integrating new navigation and communication equipment from Czech supplier CLS, along with “digital to analogue signal conversion”.

Being performed under a €13.9 million ($19.3 million) deal forged through Ukraine's Ukrspecexport organisation, the project includes the overhaul of the seven aircraft and the provision of five additional single-seat examples, which are being refurbished and equipped to Croatian air force specifications.

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Croatian defence ministry

Assistant defence minister and former air force commander-in-chief Viktor Koprivnjak says the service's original five aircraft are “finished, except for a problematic navcomm device”, while its two UMDs are “about 95%” complete. A solution to the issue is believed to have been found, a military source says, meaning the first fighters could be returned in the coming weeks.

The air force on 21 February took delivery of its first two Mil Mi-8MTV/-17 transport helicopters to have been overhauled under a co-operation agreement between repair facilities in Sevastopol, Motor Sich in Ukraine and a technical facility in Velika Gorica, Croatia.

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Croatian defence ministry

A second batch of four helicopters scheduled to undergo the same process this year are unlikely to be sent to the same facility in Crimea, due to tensions in the region, although a final decision will not be made for around two months.

Meanwhile, the Croatian defence ministry has signed a deal to train 16 student pilots from Oman for 150h each, using its Pilatus PC-9s. Also involving two Omani flight instructors, the activity will be performed at the air force flight academy in Zadar.

Forces Armées Croates /Croatian military /Oružane Snage Republike Hrvatske - Page 3 Star3Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autresForces Armées Croates /Croatian military /Oružane Snage Republike Hrvatske - Page 3 Star3
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Reached a new vehicle : American bigwig changing the old ' Tamic '
Worth 75 million kunas : The U.S. Government 's Defence Ministry has donated 212 MRAP vehicles . It is resistant to bullets and mines , and it has already arrived 30th Other vehicles arrive until October

U.S. Government Croatian Armed Forces donated 212 types of MRAP vehicles , which have ballistic and mine protection . The first 30 MaxxPro MRAP -type vehicles arrived in Croatia and presented barracks in Zagreb Croatia . The total value of the vehicle is about 75 million, and all vehicles will be delivered to October.

Chief of Staff General Drago Lovric thanked the U.S. Government for the valuable donation , and noted that today's handover is only one in a series of help and donations by Croatian armed forces and received by the U.S. Government .

- The 1995th to date , the Government through the help and programs approved by the Ministry of Defence in support of one hundred million dolara.Ovo is another confirmation of the fact that the USA 's most important strategic partner in the Republic of Croatia in the area of ​​defense - General Lovric said .

He pointed out that these vehicles are good and tested in operation . They will equip special forces , and gradually replace the existing TAM old vehicles 30 years . MRAP vehicles weighing about 18 tons , measuring around 6 to 8 meters wide and 2.7 m high 3.3 m average consumption of them is around 50 liters per 100 kilometers and has 375 horsepower .

- These vehicles are extremely well protected , can suffer an explosion of seven kilograms of explosives placed beneath them , and that the crew survived . which is important when you are in a minefield . In addition , these vehicles can help in the event of disasters , such as earthquakes - said Lovric , adding that by the end of October in Croatia reached 162 combat terrain vehicles ( MRAP M - ATV ) , and 20 ambulances type MRAP HAGA .

- We just need to go through the training of drivers and technicians for their driving and maintenance . We will enable them to maintain the best possible way - said Lovric , which is one of enormous concern to resolve the VAT on these vehicles . Although the Government has trimmed the budget , find the money to pay VAT and transport for these 30 donated vehicles . .

- We paid 2.2 million kuna VAT and EUR 1.3 million for transportation . We found the money to pay for taxes and for the following 20 vehicles , so it would be about three million. Now we are in talks with some institutions to find a solution on how to appropriately resolve the VAT payment for the shipment of 162 vehicles that amounted to 12 million - said Lovric .

And how to drive a massive MRAP , first we hand said Sergeant John Gogić , who was driving in Afghanistan .

- You're absolutely dominant ! When you move through the streets of Kabul , all participants respected you when you run , because they see that it is a powerful vehicle - said Gogić .

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