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 Intervention militaire en Syrie

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25 participants
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 4848
Inscrit le : 07/08/2008
Localisation : en territoire hostile
Nationalité : Maroc-France
Médailles de mérite :
Intervention militaire en Syrie - Page 5 Unbena21Intervention militaire en Syrie - Page 5 Unbena24
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MessageSujet: Intervention militaire en Syrie   Intervention militaire en Syrie - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSam 31 Aoû 2013 - 21:43

Rappel du premier message :

Une intervention en Syrie contre Assad, est imminente.
La "machine" guerrière française est en marche.
Celle des USA l'est également, malgré l'attente d'une réponse du congrès "comme on en a l'abitude".

Quels sont les scénarios possible?
Quels moyens de défense dispose la Syrie?
Peut-elle attaquer les navires qui la bombarderons?
Quel serait le rôle de ses sous-marins...?

L'homme sage est celui qui vient toujours chercher des conseils dabord, des armes on en trouve partout.

feu Hassan II.
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General de Brigade
General de Brigade

messages : 3887
Inscrit le : 15/07/2009
Localisation : ici et la
Nationalité : Israel
Médailles de mérite : Intervention militaire en Syrie - Page 5 Unbena24Intervention militaire en Syrie - Page 5 Unbena13

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MessageSujet: Re: Intervention militaire en Syrie   Intervention militaire en Syrie - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSam 7 Sep 2013 - 22:07

Fremo a écrit:
Intervention militaire en Syrie - Page 5 8dcb00X
Fremo je crois que cette carte est fausse,la san antonio etais a haifa,et aucun navire russe ne ce trouve au large d’Israël ,et que ferai le chevalier paul au large de l'egypte? et pourquoi y'a t'il autant de navires russes das les iles grecques loin du theatre des operations syriennes?

Intervention militaire en Syrie - Page 5 13650610
"Nous trouverons un chemin… ou nous en créerons un": Hannibal
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Genelkurmay Başkanı
Genelkurmay Başkanı

messages : 6351
Inscrit le : 13/07/2009
Localisation : France
Nationalité : Turco-Francais
Médailles de mérite : Intervention militaire en Syrie - Page 5 Unbena24Intervention militaire en Syrie - Page 5 Unbena31
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MessageSujet: Re: Intervention militaire en Syrie   Intervention militaire en Syrie - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSam 7 Sep 2013 - 22:09

3 navires Russes (ceux qui sont dans les îles Grecques) ont passé le Bosphore hier.

Donc pour les 3 je confirme leur position.

USS Mahan rentre at home normalement.

Cette liste est hautement fiable, un prince Turc monitore les passages dans le Bosphore :

Citation :
Russian Navy:
548 Admiral Panteleyev, destroyer
127 Minsk, large landing ship
142 Novocharkassk, large landing ship
055 BDK-98, large landing ship
077 Peresvet, large landing ship
151 Azov, large landing ship
SSV-201 Priazove, intelligence gathering ship
PM-138, repair ship
MB-304, tug
Pechenga, tanker
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General de Brigade
General de Brigade

messages : 3887
Inscrit le : 15/07/2009
Localisation : ici et la
Nationalité : Israel
Médailles de mérite : Intervention militaire en Syrie - Page 5 Unbena24Intervention militaire en Syrie - Page 5 Unbena13

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MessageSujet: Re: Intervention militaire en Syrie   Intervention militaire en Syrie - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSam 7 Sep 2013 - 22:19

Inanç a écrit:
3 navires Russes (ceux qui sont dans les îles Grecques) ont passé le Bosphore hier.

Donc pour les 3 je confirme leur position.

USS Mahan rentre at home normalement.

Cette liste est hautement fiable, un prince Turc monitore les passages dans le Bosphore :

Citation :
Russian Navy:
548 Admiral Panteleyev, destroyer
127 Minsk, large landing ship
142 Novocharkassk, large landing ship
055 BDK-98, large landing ship
077 Peresvet, large landing ship
151 Azov, large landing ship
SSV-201 Priazove, intelligence gathering ship
PM-138, repair ship
MB-304, tug
Pechenga, tanker
Quel est le nom des navires russes qui ont passé le bosphore hier?

Intervention militaire en Syrie - Page 5 13650610
"Nous trouverons un chemin… ou nous en créerons un": Hannibal
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Genelkurmay Başkanı
Genelkurmay Başkanı

messages : 6351
Inscrit le : 13/07/2009
Localisation : France
Nationalité : Turco-Francais
Médailles de mérite : Intervention militaire en Syrie - Page 5 Unbena24Intervention militaire en Syrie - Page 5 Unbena31
Intervention militaire en Syrie - Page 5 Unbena25Intervention militaire en Syrie - Page 5 Cheval10
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MessageSujet: Re: Intervention militaire en Syrie   Intervention militaire en Syrie - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSam 7 Sep 2013 - 22:20

Check le topic Armée Russe Wink

Site perso :
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General de Brigade
General de Brigade

messages : 3887
Inscrit le : 15/07/2009
Localisation : ici et la
Nationalité : Israel
Médailles de mérite : Intervention militaire en Syrie - Page 5 Unbena24Intervention militaire en Syrie - Page 5 Unbena13

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MessageSujet: Re: Intervention militaire en Syrie   Intervention militaire en Syrie - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSam 7 Sep 2013 - 22:33

Donc c'est ça après vérification les navires ne sont pas a la bonne place en fonction des dates donnés.

Intervention militaire en Syrie - Page 5 13650610
"Nous trouverons un chemin… ou nous en créerons un": Hannibal
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messages : 24818
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
Localisation : 7Seas
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Intervention militaire en Syrie - Page 5 Unbena26Intervention militaire en Syrie - Page 5 Unbena13
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MessageSujet: Re: Intervention militaire en Syrie   Intervention militaire en Syrie - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSam 7 Sep 2013 - 22:54

Personne ne sait ou se déploient les forces étrangères au méditerranée orientale ... ces cartes c'est juste pour donner une idée des forces déployés dans la région et non pas leurs positions ..

Intervention militaire en Syrie - Page 5 Marche12
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 6954
Inscrit le : 02/04/2008
Localisation : USA
Nationalité : MoroccanUS
Médailles de mérite :
Intervention militaire en Syrie - Page 5 Unbena32 Intervention militaire en Syrie - Page 5 Medail10
Intervention militaire en Syrie - Page 5 Unbena24

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MessageSujet: Re: Intervention militaire en Syrie   Intervention militaire en Syrie - Page 5 Icon_minitimeDim 8 Sep 2013 - 5:35

Tout ce tralala des occidentaux et orientaux c'est pour mettre les saudis qatari et khalijis devant le fait. Accompli. Allez vous meme car c'est votre baby ou payer cash mais hard cash si vous nous voulez vous proteger. N'oublie pas que le temps est dure pour les europeens. Dans ce monde actuel il n'y a plus d'amis mais rien que des faut se reveille car l'etau se reserre autour des monarchies du moyen orient c'est toute une autre géopolitique.
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messages : 24818
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
Localisation : 7Seas
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Intervention militaire en Syrie - Page 5 Unbena26Intervention militaire en Syrie - Page 5 Unbena13
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MessageSujet: Re: Intervention militaire en Syrie   Intervention militaire en Syrie - Page 5 Icon_minitimeDim 8 Sep 2013 - 11:04

Portée des principaux missiles syriens
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Intervention militaire en Syrie - Page 5 Marche12
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2eme classe
2eme classe

messages : 16
Inscrit le : 24/11/2010
Localisation : Belgique
Nationalité : Maroc-Belgique

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MessageSujet: Re: Intervention militaire en Syrie   Intervention militaire en Syrie - Page 5 Icon_minitimeDim 8 Sep 2013 - 11:31


Voici un recap des moyens de défences aeriennes de la Syrie (article en arabe):

Intervention militaire en Syrie - Page 5 2013-010
Only God can judge me
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messages : 24818
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
Localisation : 7Seas
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Intervention militaire en Syrie - Page 5 Unbena26Intervention militaire en Syrie - Page 5 Unbena13
Intervention militaire en Syrie - Page 5 Ambass10Intervention militaire en Syrie - Page 5 Untitl10
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MessageSujet: Re: Intervention militaire en Syrie   Intervention militaire en Syrie - Page 5 Icon_minitimeDim 8 Sep 2013 - 17:14

Rolling Eyes 
Citation :
Assad launched two Syrian Air Force Su-24 attack planes towards Cyprus to probe British airbase’s air defenses

Last week we reported the news that, on Sept. 2, the RAF Typhoons based in Cyprus, to provide the air defense of the island following the Syrian crisis, were scrambled from the British base at Akrotiri whereas two Turkish Air Force took off from Incirlik airbase and headed towards the island.

In the following days, more details about the Cyprus incident emerged.

Journalist Andrew Potter talked to the British MoD spokeperson who said: “The MOD can confirm that Typhoon Air Defence Aircraft were launched from RAF Akrotiri yesterday to  investigate unidentified aircraft over the Eastern Mediterranean; the aircraft were flying legally in international airspace; no intercept was required.”

On Sept. 8, The Sunday People / Sunday Mirror revealed that Syrian Su-24 Fencers were actually involved.

“RAF Typhoon fighters won a mid-air showdown with two Syrian warplanes heading towards Britain’s main base in Cyprus, the Sunday People can ­reveal. The dramatic confrontation came after President Bashar al-Assad’s air chiefs sent two Russian-made Sukhoi Su-24s to probe our air defences. The Syrian bombers refused to respond to repeated attempts by the control tower at the UK’s Akrotiri air base to contact them.”

RAF Typhoons from the IX Sqn in QRA (Quick Reaction Alert) duty on the island, were scrambled before the Su-24s, that were flying in international airspace and were spotted by a flying E-3D AWACS could enter the 14-mile air exclusion zone. Otherwise, they would have been intercepted and identificated, and eventually escorted out of the restricted airspace.

Buzzing the enemy airspace to test its reaction time or actively disturbing the enemy training activities is not rare.

For instance, the Turkish RF-4E Phantom shot down by Syria in 2012 was probably violating the Syrian airspace to probe Damascus’s air defense readiness.

Incırlık Air Base :

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Intervention militaire en Syrie - Page 5 Marche12
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Genelkurmay Başkanı
Genelkurmay Başkanı

messages : 6351
Inscrit le : 13/07/2009
Localisation : France
Nationalité : Turco-Francais
Médailles de mérite : Intervention militaire en Syrie - Page 5 Unbena24Intervention militaire en Syrie - Page 5 Unbena31
Intervention militaire en Syrie - Page 5 Unbena25Intervention militaire en Syrie - Page 5 Cheval10
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MessageSujet: Re: Intervention militaire en Syrie   Intervention militaire en Syrie - Page 5 Icon_minitimeDim 8 Sep 2013 - 17:27

Obama a donné des directives après entretien avec RTE au G-20 : a écrit:
Syrie: le Pentagone prépare une opération d'envergure

WASHINGTON (District of Columbia) - Le Pentagone prépare des frappes militaires sur la Syrie plus intenses que prévu, a rapporté dimanche le Los Angeles Times, tandis qu'un responsable de la Défense a affirmé que l'armée américaine saurait s'adapter en cas de besoin.

L'étendue et l'objectif des frappes contre la Syrie n'a pas changé ces dernières semaines, mais les forces américaines pourront s'adapter en cas de besoin, a affirmé à l'AFP dimanche un responsable de la Défense.

Nous continuerons à adapter nos objectifs au fur et à mesure que le gouvernement syrien adaptera les siens au fil du temps, a déclaré ce responsable, qui s'exprimait sous couvert de l'anonymat.

Dans le Los Angeles Times, deux officiers du Pentagone affirment que les stratèges américains optent désormais pour un barrage massif de tirs de missiles, suivi rapidement par d'autres attaques sur des cibles manquées ou non détruites après l'attaque initiale.

Selon les deux officiers, la Maison Blanche a demandé une liste d'objectifs élargie pour inclure beaucoup plus que la liste initiale d'environ 50 objectifs.

Le responsable de la Défense a rappelé que les forces américaines travaillaient sur le même objectif qui a été défini par le président Obama.

Le plus haut gradé américain, le général Martin Dempsey, chef d'état-major interarmées, avait indiqué la semaine dernière aux élus que les forces américaines seraient capables de modifier leurs projets de frappes, y compris si le régime syrien essaie de disperser son armement.

M. Dempsey avait affirmé qu'il y aurait un ensemble initial d'objectifs puis une deuxième liste d'objectifs.

Les planificateurs du Pentagone envisagent désormais la participation de bombardiers de l'armée de l'Air, ainsi que des cinq destroyers lance-missiles américains qui patrouillent actuellement en Méditerranée orientale, pour lancer des missiles de croisière et des missiles air-sol, en restant hors de portée de la défense aérienne syrienne, selon le rapport.

Le porte-avions Nimitz avec son escorte -- un croiseur et trois destroyers positionnés en mer Rouge -- peut également tirer des missiles de croisière sur la Syrie.

Il y aura plusieurs salves et une évaluation après chaque raid, mais le tout limité à 72 heures et une indication claire lorsque nous aurons terminé, a déclaré au journal un officier au courant des plans militaires.

La frappe n'aura pas d'impact stratégique sur la situation actuelle dans la guerre, que les Syriens ont bien en mains, mais les combats pourraient durer encore deux ans de plus, a déclaré un autre officier américain au Los Angeles Times.

Ce changement de plans intervient au moment où le président Barack Obama continue de plaider en faveur d'une intervention en Syrie, après les attaques à l'arme chimique du 21 août, qui ont fait plusieurs centaines de morts.

Tentant de rassurer les élus et ses compatriotes, Barack Obama a promis dans son allocution hebdomadaire de samedi qu'il ne s'agirait pas d'un autre Irak ou d'un autre Afghanistan, répétant que les Etats-Unis n'enverraient pas de soldats au sol.

Obama doit enregistrer lundi des interviews avec les trois grands réseaux de télévision et les chaînes PBS, CNN et Fox News.

Diffusée dans la soirée (heure locale), l'interview précédera le message à la nation d'Obama mardi, avant le vote du Congrès.

(©AFP / 08 septembre 2013 17h08)  
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Général de corps d'armée (ANP)
Général de corps d'armée (ANP)

messages : 6945
Inscrit le : 18/07/2012
Localisation : paris
Nationalité : Algerie-Francais
Médailles de mérite : Intervention militaire en Syrie - Page 5 Unbena24Intervention militaire en Syrie - Page 5 Cheval10
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MessageSujet: Re: Intervention militaire en Syrie   Intervention militaire en Syrie - Page 5 Icon_minitimeJeu 19 Sep 2013 - 1:12

Citation :
Conflit au Moyen-Orient: intense activité aérienne autour de la Syrie et de Chypre
Publié le 18 septembre 2013 

Trois jours après que la chasse aérienne turque ait abattu un hélicoptère Mil Mi17 des forces aériennes syriennes près de la frontière turque au dessus du territoire syrien, le niveau de l’activité aérienne autour de la Syrie et de Chypre a atteint un record  jamais égalé jusqu’à présent.
Outre les vols intensifs effectués par l’aviation israélienne, dont des informations non confirmées indiquent que plus de 25 % des appareils sont en vol à toute heure de la journée, des avions US,  turcs, britanniques, grecs et syriens multiplients les patrouilles armées au point où certains de ces appareils ont évité de justesse de sérieux incidents. Comme ce fut le cas lorsque des avions de combat de la RAF (Royal Air Force) échangèrent quelques bons procédés avec des chasseurs F-16 turcs dans l’espace aérien chypriote ou encore lorsque des avions syriens SU 24 effectuent des approches offensives sur la base d’Acrotiri à Chypre en se gardant toutefois de pénétrer dans l’espace aérien de l’île protégée par des Typhoons britanniques.
L’occupation de la partie Nord de l’île de Chypre par la Turquie et l’installation d’un gouvernement satellite en 1974 ont constitué durant de longues années un facteur de friction avec la Grèce.  Pour faire face à l’accroissement des activités de l’aviation turque au Sud de la Mer Egée, le gouvernement grec multiplie lui aussi les sorties aériennes, malgré une crise économique majeure marqué par une réduction drastique du budget.
En Turquie méridionale, le nombre des sorties aériennes des avions US à partir des bases de Batman et d’Inçirlik aurait été multiplié par trois ces deux dernières semaines. Une autre base secrète abritant des drones et selon toute vraisemblance des chasseurs F-22 aurait été découverte par des médias locaux.
On ne compte plus le nombre de drones furtifs et conventionnels survolant le Liban, le Nord de la Jordanie et la province irakienne d’Al-Anbar. Aucune information n’est disponible sur un éventuel survol de drones du territoire syrien mais il est fort probable que certains drones de nouvelle génération ont pu au moins survoler brièvement une partie du territoire syrien malgré la puissante couverture Radar assurée par les forces de défense balistique russe.
Par ailleurs, le haut commandement des forces armées syriennes ont confirmé que l’hélicoptère abattu dimanche dernier effectuait un vol de reconnaissance de routine près de la frontière turque dans le cadre de la lutte contre les infiltrations terroristes à partir de la Turquie. L’hélicoptère Mil Mi17 a pénétré par erreur en Turquie avant de rectifier son vol mais il a été atteint par un missile Air-Air de courte portée de type AIM 9 Sidewinder tiré par un F16 turc. L’hélicoptère a pu se poser en territoire syrien mais les deux pilotes sortis indemnes du crash ont été capturé par des terroristes islamistes qui les ont aussitôt décapité. Les têtes des deux pilotes syriens ont été emportés comme des trophés et montrés aux journalistes des médias mainstream.
Trois jours après cet incident, des avions de combat syriens survolent à très basse altitude l’ensemble de la bande frontalière avec la Turquie.  Des observateurs syriens estimant que les turcs ont tenu à venger la destruction en juin 2012 d’un F-4 Phantom turc par la défense anti-aérienne syrienne.
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messages : 6300
Inscrit le : 25/03/2009
Localisation : Royaume pour tous les Marocains
Nationalité : Maroc
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MessageSujet: Re: Intervention militaire en Syrie   Intervention militaire en Syrie - Page 5 Icon_minitimeLun 10 Mai 2021 - 18:06

Patrick Hilsman - Haaretz a écrit:

How Putin Uses Israeli Drones to Bomb Civilians in Syria

Licensed to kill: A surveillance drone, designed in Israel and made in Russia, has played a shocking, pivotal role in Putin’s endless bombing campaign to rescue the Assad regime and illegally target civilians, including hospitals

When Israeli-licensed military drones first took off from Syrian air force bases to stalk opponents of Bashar Assad’s regime, shortly after Russia’s 2015 intervention, they were an oddity, newcomers to a conflict that had already featured military Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAVs) from the United States, Iran, and Turkey.

Over half a decade later, a clearer picture has emerged of just how pivotal the Russian variant of the Israeli Aerospace Industries Searcher II, redubbed "Forpost" by its operators, has played in rescuing the Assad regime from the brink of implosion and helping to maintain its military and balance of terror advantage in the decade-long civil war – with a critical role in (illegally) targeting civilian infrastructure, including hospitals.

Despite its Israeli origin, Russia’s military openly boasts that the Forpost is one of its most crucial pieces of technology, a constant presence in the skies above Syria, scoping out targets so human pilots don’t have to risk reconnaissance flights, and assessing bomb damage. In other words: the Forpost helps the Russian military in Syria decide what to bomb, if strikes have inflicted sufficient damage, and when to drop even more bombs.  

A Dubious Deal in Plain Sight

Why did Russia turn to Israeli drones? During its 2008 conflict with Georgia in South Ossetia, Russia lost significant numbers of aircraft, and subsequently sought to offset a perceived disadvantage against not only the Georgian military, which had Israeli drones, but future opponents too.

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An updated model of the IAI's Searcher tactical unmanned aerial vehicle licensed to Russia to manufacture the 'Forpost' drones used in Syria for surveillance, reconnaissance and target acquisition

Putin thus decided to take the rare step of purchasing foreign military technology, approaching Israeli Aircraft Industries, one of the country’s largest, and state-owned, aerospace and aviation manufacturer.

In the competitive international drone market, IAI benefits from its seamless connection with the Israel Air Force, considered a world expert in the field, boasting a complete unmanned aircraft squadron positioned at the Palmahim airbase. The sale of drones for use by foreign air forces usually includes joint training with Israel or instruction in Israel; known Searcher drone clients include the governments of Russia, India, South Korea, Turkey, Thailand, Sri Lanka and Singapore.

Two years later, IAI had completed a $400 million deal to export and license out its Searcher II UAVs to be flown and license-produced in Russia as "Forposts."

Russian crews reportedly trained to operate the UAV system in Israel and at least one further export deal was reported by Israeli and Russian media in 2015, which was after Russia’s internationally condemned occupation of Crimea, a fact that should have made it clear that the Forpost would be used for hostile, if not illegal, purposes.

A massive strategic leap in Russia’s once second tier drone program followed. It was only a matter of time before the Forpost would become a workhorse in Russia’s endless bombing campaign in defense of the Assad regime.

The Advantage of Eyes in the Sky

Unlike Israel’s own, closely-guarded and weaponized drones which, according to Human Rights Watch, have been used to target civilians in Gaza, or the American Predator and Reaper drones that have become notorious for their guided missiles which have inflicted heavy civilian casualties in Yemen and Pakistan, the Forpost does not carry its own weapons system.

Instead, the Forpost’s purpose is "Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance" or "ISR," clarifies Ulrike Franke, a drone researcher at the European Council on Foreign Relations. That "describes a military actor’s ability to perceive and understand the theatre of operation. The majority of today’s drones are ISR systems and carry a variety of sensors, for example cameras, which collect data."

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Russia's 'Forpost' drone based on technology licensed from Israel Aircraft Industries

Franke emphasizes that, despite advances in weaponized drones, surveillance is still the key function of military UAVs.

"Although the public mostly focuses on armed drone strikes, research suggests that even armed drones are used most of the time for ISR purposes. Since the rise of modern drones in the early 2000s, they have contributed substantially to improve battle space awareness for armed forces."

The Forpost, despite being a licensed-copy of an older Israeli UAV, has "added significant ISR and combat capability to Russian forces" in Syria, according to Samuel Bendett, an Adjunct Senior Fellow with the Center for New American Security, who researches on Russian military robotics and AI applications. And the Russian military itself seems to agree with his assessment.

In February this year, the state-owned TV network Zvezda, run by Russia’s Ministry of Defense, put out an episode of its English-language YouTube series "Combat Approved," which offers viewers coverage of Russian military equipment, on location and in action. When "Combat Approved" was given access to the Khemeimim air base in Syria, south of Latakia and now operated by Russia, the host characterized the Forpost as a purely Russian vehicle.

This was his breathless commentary: "Here’s another aircraft that has received the baptism of fire in Syria, the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle called Forpost. It’s produced in Russia’s Urals region, but they are launching here in Syria.

"We should note that it’s being launched constantly. Right now there are several such Forposts in the skies over Khmeimin. As soon as one lands the other immediately takes its place in the sky to spend several hours operating up there."

Vague Rules, Unambiguous Intent

Although Forposts are unarmed, they are frequently used to scout military and civilian targets in conjunction with piloted jets who then drop explosive munitions, usually in quick succession.

The process of identifying, monitoring, and striking a target from a Forpost control station was showcased in detail by Combat Approved. They were were allowed to film an airstrike, against what the host describes as "an ISIS target," in real time as live drone surveillance video was streamed in for the operators and camera crew.

According to Russian drone specialist Bendett, apart from the experimental weaponized Orion drone, which has only just entered mass production and has only been used on a very small scale in Syria, the Forpost is the only military UAV that can operate independently at ranges of approximately 250 km from their landing strips. This means the Forpost is indispensable as a means to surveil targets far from Russian military bases.

Unlike its Israeli Searcher drone counterpart, the Forpost may lack a laser-designation system that would be needed to "paint" targets for laser guided munitions. Regardless, the Forpost is still an unparalleled platform for locating targets.

A significant amount of what has been recorded from the Russian perspective of the Syrian civil war has been through the lens of a Forpost: air strikes, military operations on the ground, and civilian evacuations.

That’s thanks to the fact that the Forpost is also integral to Russia’s PR strategy for both foreign and domestic consumption, a go-to platform for advertising the power and effectiveness of Russian airstrikes and weapons systems which are often showcased on giant screens by the Ministry of Defense or in short clips featuring the Forpost’s distinctive camera-feed high above their intended target.

But for the Russian military, the Forpost’s surveillance capabilities have also had the unwanted, unintended consequence of providing evidence of it intentionally targeting and bombing civilian targets.

The categorization of the Forpost as "unarmed" should not absolve the Russian military or the Israeli exporters of responsibility for those crimes against international law, says Sarah Kay, a human rights lawyer and terrorism researcher at Queens University Belfast. Indeed, the role of the Forpost in Syria sharpens an ongoing debate about the culpability of adjunct and remote technology.

"It can’t be classified as a weapon because it doesn’t directly kill," Kay notes, therefore many states "are getting away with facilitating crimes."

She elaborates that international law and multilateral agreements, which makes it illegal to target civilians and civilian infrastructure, are struggling to keep up with the increasingly prominent role of surveillance technology in human rights violations, from the Middle East to China. "We constantly have to play catchup," and that results in "terrible mistakes," where international law fails to properly protect rights and lives.

Israeli Aerospace Industries' Logos in Russian-controlled Syrian Airbases

Linking the Forpost systems deployed in Syria to their Israeli origin is often incredibly easy.
That’s thanks to their distinctive exported and license-produced components.

The video feed of a Forpost is nearly identical to video feeds of other IAI UAVs, like the Heron, which was featured in a VICE News documentary in which a crew was given access to a nearly identical control station on an Israeli military base. There are also numerous online examples of IAI Searcher II camera feeds that are nearly identical to that of the Forpost with a distinctive reticle, display, and direction indicators.

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Russian UAV command car in Latakia airbase shows IAI logos

In some of the shots from Combat Approved’s segment on the Forpost, Israeli Aerospace Industries logos are plainly visible inside the control station on Khemeimim airbase.

Live-Streaming Atrocities

Detailed analysis of publicly available Forpost drone footage reveals its culpability in facilitating the deaths of civilians in Syria.

It can now be revealed that Forpost UAVs provided surveillance to the Russian military during several grave violations of international law: the missile strike on the Azaz National Hospital in early 2016 (fortunately after the facility had been evacuated,) and the bombing of civilian ferries on the Euphrates river near Deir Ezzor in September of 2017, the latter being part of sustained air raid that resulted in over a dozen civilian deaths. There is also preliminary evidence suggesting Forpost surveillance during a strike on a temporary civilian encampment near Manbij in January 2017.

In the case of the ferries and hospital, footage from a Forpost clearly shows Russian weapons systems targeting civilian structures with intent. In both cases, the footage was revealed through apparent sloppiness with confidential military materials.

The 2017 ferry strike footage was deliberately leaked and uploaded to a pro-Russian military YouTube channel, ostensibly by someone celebrating the airstrikes and accompanied by aggressive background music. Footage of the Manbij strikes was uploaded to a pro-Syrian regime YouTube account which has since gone offine.

The footage of the 2016 double strike on Azaz National Hospital was inadvertently released in 2021 by the Russian Ministry of Defense itself. It was part of a compilation intended to showcase the effectiveness of Russian guided missiles, following bitter complaints from Armenia that Russian weapons had been insufficiently effective during their recent conflict with Azerbaijan in Nagorno Karabakh.

In that self-laudatory compilation was a clip featuring Forpost footage of a double strike on a building, which was quickly geolocated and identified by the Twitter User @Obertix as the Azaz National Hospital, which had been struck in early 2016.

The airstrike on the Azaz National Hospital was part of a wave of raids that prompted Doctors Without Borders to stop sharing the locations of its medical facilities within Syria with the Russian military, a policy adopted in good faith, in order to shield them from inadvertent bombings. Since rebuilt, the hospital now features prominent name signs in Turkish thanks to Turkish donor funds, a sign of Turkey’s increasing influence over northern Syria.

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Forpost surveillance footage showing the 2016 double missile strike on Azaz National Hospital, Syria inadvertently released in 2021 by the Russian Ministry of Defense itself

The Forpost-enabled ferry airstrikes made fewer ripples, despite the loss of life, because they occurred inside ISIS-controlled territory when the war was at its height. Human rights organizations noted the strikes and the swelling civilian resentment against Russia’s aerial bombardment, but was mostly forgotten amid the proliferating and chaotic headlines coming out of Syria at the time.

Surveillance Drones, Meet International Law

Israel, of course, manufactures armed drones for domestic use and export as well. Earlier this year, Armenian officials released a video showing an Israeli-made "suicide" drone, a Harop loitering munition made by IAI and deployed by Azerbaijan, destroying a Russian-made S-300 anti-air missile battery in Armenia in October 2020.

But its licensing of drone design and technology to Russia was the step up that the Kremlin, beset by a lack of modern UAVs, needed to enter the drone wars. Russia is open about how valuable the Syrian conflict has been to further develop and fine-tune its drone capacities in an 'operational environment,' with President Vladimir Putin noting its "priceless" contribution.

Defense analysts predict that Russia's extensive experience with the Forpost in Syria will lead to the development of a second generation of reconnaissance UAVs which will also have strike capacities. Russian President Vladimir Putin has himself referred to the need for "next-generation reconnaissance weapons systems" in the wake of the army's experience in Syria.

In this way, Israel's export license facilitated and accelerated Russia's capacity to develop its own lethal attack drones.

Sarah Kay is adamant that surveillance technology cannot be seen as benign when its purpose is clearly military. "When you sell that kind of tech to a defense ministry, it will be used by all elements of their military," she says.

Kay hopes international law will evolve for a new reality where surveillance-hungry militaries threaten civilians, and that multilateral organizations like the European Court of Human Rights can be leveraged to confront the threat to civilians. She warns: "The law doesn’t enforce itself."

At this very moment Israeli-designed drones continue to scour Syria’s ruined landscape for military and civilian opponents of Bashar Assad’s regime, without distinction. The contention that Israeli firms aren’t directly selling finished drones to Russia, that it can "license and leave," and thus not concern itself with the illegal end-use of its products, doesn’t hold water from a human rights viewpoint.

Israeli military and dual use technology has consequences all over the world, boosting authoritarian regimes and endangering civilians beyond just the borders of Gaza or even Syria. The evidence is out there for anyone willing to look.

Les peuples ne meurent jamais de faim mais de honte.

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MessageSujet: Re: Intervention militaire en Syrie   Intervention militaire en Syrie - Page 5 Icon_minitimeJeu 3 Juin 2021 - 16:24

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Les Occidentaux prêts à recycler des djihadistes syriens pour faire tomber Assad ?

Le groupe Hayat Tahrir al-Cham, encore considéré par les États-Unis comme terroriste, deviendra-t-il un allié de l’Occident pour éviter qu’Assad et que ses alliés russes et iraniens ne remportent la guerre syrienne? Une approche que semblent valider les services secrets britanniques et turcs et certaines personnes influentes à Washington...

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MessageSujet: Re: Intervention militaire en Syrie   Intervention militaire en Syrie - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMar 28 Sep 2021 - 19:40

Reuters a écrit:

Unidentified planes hits Iranian militias in eastern Syria - military sources

Unidentified aircraft hit a base run by Iranian-backed militias in Syria's eastern province of Deir al Zor near the Iraqi border where Tehran has in the last year expanded its military presence, residents and military sources said on Monday.

They said the strikes were south of the town of Mayadeen along the Euphrates River which has become a major base for several Shi'ite militias, mostly from Iraq, since Islamic State militants were driven out nearly four years ago.

Iranian-backed militia fighters patrolling the streets were put on heightened alert and ambulances were seen rushing to the desert outskirts of the city after several explosions were heard, two residents said.

"Panicky militias were calling on pedestrians and cars to clear the city centre and main streets around it," Ahmad al Shawi, a resident told Reuters in a text message.

The militias now control the mainly Sunni tribal town, part of a growing presence across Deir al Zor province, residents and military sources say.

The air attacks were not immediately reported on Syrian state media, which has previously denied that thousands of Iranian-backed militia fighters are deployed across large parts of the country.

Israel, alarmed by Iran's growing regional influence and military presence in Syria, says it has carried out hundreds of strikes in Syria to slow down Iranian entrenchment.

Over the past year, strikes by unmanned Israeli aircraft have concentrated on the border town of Albu Kamal, south east of Mayadeen, that lies on a strategic supply route for Iranian-backed militias who regularly send reinforcements from Iraq into Syria.

The Iranian-backed militias are also in control of large stretches of the frontier on the Iraqi side.

Western intelligence sources say Israel has expanded air strikes on suspected arms transfers and deployments by Iranian backed militia and their Lebanese Hezbollah allies which support Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Les peuples ne meurent jamais de faim mais de honte.

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MessageSujet: Re: Intervention militaire en Syrie   Intervention militaire en Syrie - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSam 23 Oct 2021 - 14:55

Les peuples ne meurent jamais de faim mais de honte.

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MessageSujet: Re: Intervention militaire en Syrie   Intervention militaire en Syrie - Page 5 Icon_minitimeVen 17 Déc 2021 - 13:13

Un Eurofighter Typhoon britannique a abattu un « drone hostile » dans l’espace aérien syrien...

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MessageSujet: Re: Intervention militaire en Syrie   Intervention militaire en Syrie - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMar 28 Déc 2021 - 10:52

Incendies dans le port syrien de Lattaquié après une offensive israélienne...

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MessageSujet: Re: Intervention militaire en Syrie   Intervention militaire en Syrie - Page 5 Icon_minitimeJeu 17 Fév 2022 - 21:56

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MessageSujet: Re: Intervention militaire en Syrie   Intervention militaire en Syrie - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSam 19 Mar 2022 - 11:15

Une vidéo de la chaîne Terra Bellum, toujours de haute qualité.

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MessageSujet: Re: Intervention militaire en Syrie   Intervention militaire en Syrie - Page 5 Icon_minitimeDim 29 Mai 2022 - 14:23

Apparament on est repartie pour une nouvelle opération militaire turcs en Syrie.
Le Conseil de Sécurité Turc a donné son feu vert cette semaine.

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