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messages : 55
Inscrit le : 02/12/2009
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Nationalité : Maroc

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MessageSujet: Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces   Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces - Page 12 Icon_minitimeMer 18 Fév 2015 - 15:31

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L'Inde veut cesser d'être le premier importateur mondial d'armement

L'inde de veut cesser d'être le premier importateur mondial d'armement et porter d'ici cinq ans à 70% la part de son équipement militaire produite sur son sol, a indiqué mercredi le Premier ministre indien Narendra Modi lors du salon aéronautique et de défense de Bangalore.

Le Premier ministre, qui a promis de relancer l'investissement, en particulier grâce à sa campagne "Make in India", a assuré que son gouvernement favoriserait les fournisseurs produisant en Inde lorsqu'il s'agira d'octroyer des contrats militaires.

"Nous avons la réputation d'être le premier importateur d'équipement militaire au monde", a-t-il dit à l'occasion du salon Aero India qui se tient tous les deux ans à Bangalore.

"C'est peut-être une musique qui est familière à certains d'entre vous présents ici. Mais c'est un domaine dans lequel nous aimerions ne pas être numéro un", a-t-il ajouté.

"Nous réformons notre politique d'approvisionnement en matériel de défense et allons accorder une préférence nette au matériel fabriqué en Inde", a dit Modi devant des centaines d'industriels indiens et étrangers.

L'Inde exprime depuis des décennies sa volonté de réduire sa dépendance envers l'industrie de défense étrangère mais n'y est pas parvenue, le pays devant en outre faire face à un équipement en voie d'obsolescence.

Depuis son arrivée au pouvoir en mai, le gouvernement de Modi a relevé à 49% la participation que peut détenir un investisseur étranger dans un groupe de défense en Inde.

Le Premier ministre a indiqué vouloir porter de 40% actuellement à 70% d'ici 2020 la production d'équipement matériel produite sur son sol.

"Une nation disposant d'une forte industrie de défense ne sera pas uniquement plus sûre. Elle en retirera également d'importants bénéfices économiques", a dit Modi.

"Environ 60% de notre matériel de défense continue d'être importé et nous dépensons des dizaines de milliards de dollars dans des acquisitions à l'étranger", a-t-il poursuivi.

"Certaines études montrent qu'une réduction de 20% à 25% de nos importations pourrait créer directement 100.000 à 120.000 emplois hautement qualifiés en Inde".

Le salon de Bangalore réunit des centaines de groupes de la défense et de l'aéronautique pendant cinq jours, notamment Dassault, Airbus ou Boeing.
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General de Division
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messages : 38536
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces   Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces - Page 12 Icon_minitimeVen 11 Mar 2016 - 19:42

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Inde, les trois premières femmes pilotes de chasse !

Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces - Page 12 1827

L'Indian Air Force (IAF) intronisera ses trois premières femmes pilotes de chasse en juin prochain. Ces trois candidates ont été sélectionnées parmi 120 pilotes stagiaires au sein de l'Air Force Academy (AFA) à Dindigul, Inde du sud.

37 femmes futurs pilotes :

A ce jour l’Ecole de pilotage de l’Indian Air Force compte 37 femmes à divers stades de la formation, dont un passage obligé sur le PC7MKII. La grande majorité de ces femmes ne rejoindront pas les jets de combat, contrairement à leurs homologues masculins, mais rejoindront les unités de transport de l’IAF. Le fait que trois femmes puissent devenir les premières à pouvoir un jour, piloter un jet de combat et une révolution au sein de l’IAF.

Les trois premières femmes pilotes de combat, Avani Chaturvedi, Mohana Singh et Bhawana Kanth sont actuellement en cours de la phase II de leur formation de vol sur l’avion école sur le nouvel avion école Pilatus PC-7MKII avec lequel, elles ont déjà réussi le phase I. Puis en juin prochain, ce sera la transition sur le BAe Hawk AJT sur les installations de la base aérienne de Bidar. Cette dernière phase prendra en compte la formation de combat qui comprend l'apprentissage des manœuvres de combat intensives et l’utilisation de l'armement en vue de la préparation aux avions de combat de première ligne, tel que le Sukhoi-30MKI et Mirage-2000.

Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces - Page 12 1637
Photos : 1 L’une des trois femme sur PC-7 MKII 2 le PC-7MKII @ Pilatus /IAF
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messages : 14755
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces   Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces - Page 12 Icon_minitimeLun 14 Mar 2016 - 12:27

Citation :
India to buy 22 Apache: Watch the multi-role combat helicopter i

With the signing of Apache attack helicopters deal with US' Boeing, Indian Air Force is all set to get the much needed boost to its firepower. A part of the Apache deal was signed with Boeing for the helicopter and the other with the US government, under Foreign Military Sales route, for its weapons, radars and electronic warfare suites.

The AH-64 Apache is a multi-role combat helicopter and is used by the US Army among other international defence forces.

TThe Apache is said to boast of laser, infrared, and other systems (including target acquisition designation sight/pilot night vision sensor) to locate, track, and attack targets.
READ MORE ON » Indian Air Force | Apache |

Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces - Page 12 Star3Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autresArmée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces - Page 12 Star3
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messages : 38536
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces   Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces - Page 12 Icon_minitimeLun 14 Mar 2016 - 20:13

Citation :
L'Inde teste un missile nucléaire Agni-I

Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces - Page 12 0b212
© Photo. Capture d'écran: Youtube

12:30 14.03.2016(mis à jour 13:03 14.03.2016)

Le missile, qui se déplace à la vitesse de 2,5 km par seconde, a couvert une distance de 700 km en 9 minutes et 36 secondes pour détruire sa cible.

Ce lundi, l'Inde a testé avec succès un missile de moyenne portée Agni-I capable de porter une charge nucléaire d'une tonne, annonce dans un communiqué l'agence gouvernementale indienne responsable du développement des technologies militaires (DRDO).

"Le missile a été tiré à 9h15 heure locale (3h45 GMT) depuis le polygone de Chandipur situé dans l'état de l'Orissa (est du pays)", indique le communiqué.

Le tir a été effectué dans le cadre de tests périodiques visant à s'assurer que les missiles sont toujours prêts à être utilisés. Le dernier test d'un Agni-I, réalisé le 27 novembre 2015, a également été couronné de succès.

"Le missile, se déplaçant à la vitesse de 2,5 km par seconde, a couvert une distance de 700 km en 9 minutes et 36 secondes pour détruire sa cible", précise le communiqué.

Agni-I est un missile balistique de moyenne portée qui peut être lancé à partir de pas de tir mobiles et qui est capable de porter une charge nucléaire d'une tonne. Les tests ont démontré que le missile pouvait couvrir une distance de plus de 1250 km.

En novembre dernier, l'Inde a testé son missile balistique Agni-IV, d'une portée de 4.000 km et capable de porter une ogive nucléaire d'une tonne.

Long de 20 mètres et pesant 17 tonnes, l'Agni-IV est un missile balistique à deux étages, à combustible solide et capable de porter une charge nucléaire. Ce dispositif est développé sur la base du missile Agni-II, dont la portée est de 2.000 km (et de 3.550 km pour l'Agni III).
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 38536
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
Nationalité : France
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces   Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces - Page 12 Icon_minitimeMar 15 Mar 2016 - 18:56

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L’Inde commande deux Il-76 AEW !

Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces - Page 12 2022

New Delhi, le gouvernement indien a approuvé le budget pour l'achat de deux plates-formes supplémentaires d’avions d'alerte rapide aéroportée (AEW) Il-76 doté de l’électronique d’Israël Aerospace Industries (IAI).

L'approbation, par le Comité du Cabinet sur la sécurité (CCS), prévoit un budget spécial d'environ 1,2 milliard de dollars pour l'achat de deux Ilyushin Il-76 de qui emporteront le système de détection aéroporté Phalcon d’IAI. L'Inde a acquis trois Il-76s en 2004 qui ont été livrés entre 2009 et 2011.

Il-76 Phalcon :

L’Inde dispose du système de surveillance aérien tout temps air-air et air-surface basé sur une cellule d’Il-76. Similaire au « Mainstay » russe, la version indienne est dotée d’une électronique entièrement israélienne. Le système IAI Phalcon Airborne Warning and Control System permet de détecter des menaces aériennes et terrestres et de les suivre en temps réel sur une portée de 400km. Le système permet de suivre jusqu’à 60 cibles indépendamment de leur altitude ou de la vitesse. Les quatre moteurs ont subi diverses modifications permettant notamment d’accroître leur fiabilité et puissance.
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 38536
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
Nationalité : France
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces   Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces - Page 12 Icon_minitimeJeu 17 Mar 2016 - 20:26

Citation :
IAF's depleting assets preclude two-front war option

Rahul Bedi, New Delhi - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly

16 March 2016

Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces - Page 12 2128
The IAF's six squadrons of Jaguars are being upgraded, but the upcoming retirement of obsolescent MiGs and issues with introducing
new fighters are compromising the IAF's operational capabilities. Source: IAF

Key Points
•IAF leaders are increasingly concerned by the atrophying of their fighter force
•India's strategic precept of being able to fight a two-front war is being fatally undermined

The Indian Air Force (IAF) sounded an alarm on 10 March by declaring that its rapidly depleting fighter inventory was "grossly" inadequate to fight a two-front war against Pakistan and China.

"Our [fighter] aircraft numbers are not adequate to execute a full air campaign in a two-front scenario," IAF Vice Chief Air Marshal B S Dhanoa declared in New Delhi. "We have conveyed our concerns to the government, which is aware of the problem," he stated, but did not elaborate, while briefing media on the IAF's 'Iron Fist' firepower demonstration at Pokhran in the western Rajasthan desert, due to take place on 18 March.

AM Dhanoa admitted that the imminent delivery of eight supplementary Lockheed Martin F-16 fighters to Pakistan would "make life more difficult" for the IAF, as it would need to employ scarce additional hi-tech platforms to tackle them during a conflict.

The IAF's prevailing combat capability is at its lowest in over a decade, with its fighter squadrons having decreased to 33: nine less than the sanctioned 42 squadrons. According to India's parliamentary defence committee, these will be reduced further to 25 by 2022 as 10 squadrons of legacy MiG-21 and MiG-27 upgraded variants will be retired from 2016-17.

In its April 2015 report to parliament, the committee declared that "swift remedial measures" were needed to prevent the enduring drawdown of the IAF's fighter fleet.

Besides the 10 ageing MiG-21 and MiG-27 squadrons, the IAF's fighter assets include six Jaguar squadrons - all awaiting engine, avionics, and weaponry upgrades - and 11 squadrons of licence-built Sukhoi Su-30MKIs, which will eventually increase to 15 by 2019-20. Three squadrons each of Mirage 2000Hs and MiG-29s - presently undergoing retrofits - complete the IAF's fighter inventory.
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces   Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces - Page 12 Icon_minitimeJeu 17 Mar 2016 - 21:38

Il est vraiment grand temps que l'Inde signe le contrat pour le rafale !
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 8293
Inscrit le : 18/08/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces   Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces - Page 12 Icon_minitimeMer 23 Mar 2016 - 10:48

Citation :
Indian Army poised to acquire mini-UAVs

Rahul Bedi, New Delhi - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
21 March 2016

India's Ministry of Defence (MoD) is poised to approve the Indian Army's long-pending proposal to acquire 600 detachments of around 1,800 mini-unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to enhance the army's 'real-time situational awareness' in the regions bordering Pakistan and China.

They would also need to be able to detect the presence of nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC) weapons inside enemy territory.

The proposed UAVs, which are to weigh around 35 kg and have a 10 km mission range and 45-minute loiter time, would need to possess an intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition, and reconnaissance (ISTAR) capability for employment by the army's infantry, mechanised infantry, and armoured units.

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General de Division
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messages : 8293
Inscrit le : 18/08/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces   Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces - Page 12 Icon_minitimeMer 23 Mar 2016 - 11:00

Citation :
Inde : Fin de carrière pour le Sea Harrier
Dans Actualité Défense, Actualité Avion de combat, Actualité Focus
Publié le 22/03/2016 à 12h35, par Emmanuel Huberdeau

Après le Super Etendard en France, un autre célèbre chasseur embarqué tire sa révérence, cette fois en Inde. Le Sea Harrier va être retiré du service actif au sein de la Marine indienne.

Cette fin de carrière va de pair avec le retrait du service actif du porte-aéronefs INS "Viraat", Cet ancien bâtiment de la Royal Navy, vétéran de la Guerre des Malouines était adapté à la mise en oeuvre du chasseur à décollage court et appontage vertical. Le "Viraat" et le Sea Harrier sont entrés en service à la même période dans les années 1980.

Le "Viraat" est remplacé dans l'ordre de bataille de la Marine indienne par le "Vikramaditya", un ancien porte-hélicoptères soviétique (Amiral Gorshkov) modifié en porte-avions avec brins d'arrêts mais sans catapultes. Le bâtiment embarque des chasseurs MiG-29K.

Le Harrier reste en service aux Etats-Unis, en Italie et en Espagne mais dans la version AV-8B plus moderne que le Sea Harrier indien. En Italie et aux Etats-Unis, le Harrier sera remplacé par le F-35B.

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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 8293
Inscrit le : 18/08/2010
Localisation : canada
Nationalité : Maroco-Canadien
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces   Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces - Page 12 Icon_minitimeMar 29 Mar 2016 - 12:19

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TATRA is returning to India and expect to deliver 250 trucks in 2016
Mar 28, 2016

Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces - Page 12 Tatra110

TATRA TRUCKS will present their products at the trade fair of defense technology Defexpo India 2016, which will be held from 28 to 31 March 2016 in India, in the town of Quitol, the state of Goa. We sincerely invite all those interested to visit our stand, located in Hall 3, booth labeled 3.2.3.

The Indian Army has more than 8,000 TATRA vehicles, making it one of the most active users of this technology. At Defexpo, TATRA TRUCKS will present the TATRA FORCE model range vehicle with AWD 8×8. In the future this advanced range should replace the older TATRA vehicles with 4×4 up to 12×12 configurations.

However, since 2012, following allegation of corruption charges against its previous Indian stakeholder, deliveries were stopped. The acquisition of TATRA Company in 2013, by Czech shareholders, enabled TATRA to return to India in 2015, with the establishment of distribution agreement with BEML, which will provide the completion services under agreement with the Indian Armed Forces.

Last year delivered 100 vehicles to India, mostly in the form of complete knocked down (CKD) sets; the company expects to deliver at least 250 vehicles in 2016, in different states of readiness for the final assembly. After-sales and support for the regional fleets will be provided by its TATRA India subsidiary.

The TATRA FORCE are commonly built for customers outside Europe. They are characterized by a liquid-cooled engine from a foreign producer mounted together with the Twin Disc automatic transmission which is incorporated into the central load-carrying tube. Vehicles have all-wheel drive; a torque distributor is integrated in the transmission. Axles are fitted with two hub reduction gears in two types available. Vehicles can be equipped with a tire inflation system. The FORCE range is available from 6×6, 8×8 through 10×10 versions up to an absolutely unique 12×12 version. These last two versions have steerable wheels on the two final axles. The drive to these wheels can be disengaged. Deutz, Cummins and Caterpillarliquid-cooled engines are available.

COE trucks for special uses
TATRA vehicle design
Foreign liquid-cooled engines
Automatic transmission systems
6×6, 8×8, 10×10 up to 12×12 versions

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General de Division
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messages : 8293
Inscrit le : 18/08/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces   Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces - Page 12 Icon_minitimeMer 30 Mar 2016 - 10:40

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Russia wants to export its S-400 surface-to-air missile system to India

The Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation drafted a contract for exporting the S-400 (NATO reporting name: SA-21 Growler) surface-to-air missile system to India and is waiting for its partners to respond, the service’s deputy chief, Vladimir Drozhzhov, told journalists on Tuesday.

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces   Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces - Page 12 Icon_minitimeJeu 31 Mar 2016 - 10:43

Citation :
Thursday, 31 March 2016

Italians defense companies Kalyani and a Beretta subsidiary to provide small arms to Indian Forces

Kalyani Group and Fabbrica D'armi Pietro Beretta S.p.A, Italy, part of Beretta Defence Technologies (BDT), are in advance level of discussions to form a strategic partnership for providing state-of-the-art small arms for the Indian Armed Forces.

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General de Division
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces   Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces - Page 12 Icon_minitimeJeu 31 Mar 2016 - 16:39

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Rockwell to provide avionics system to India's CH-47F helicopters

31 March 2016

Rockwell Collins has secured a contract to provide common avionics architecture systems (CAAS) for the Indian Army's fleet of CH-47F Chinook helicopters.

Awarded by Boeing, the contract will see the company provide CAAS for 15 of the army's CH-47F Chinook helicopters.

It also covers the execution and testing of specific software modifications requested by the Indian Army to meet key mission needs and safety requirements.

Rockwell Collins Airborne Solutions vice-president and general manager Troy Brunk said: "We have a successful track record of integrating CAAS on Chinook helicopters that will ensure that the Indian Defence Ministry will receive on-time, on-budget, advanced avionics.

"The CAAS cockpit provides pilots with enhanced situational awareness while reducing crew workload and enhanced levels of flight safety. These are critically important to safe and effective operation of military aircraft."

CAAS is a fully integrated cockpit flight and mission management capability that provides exceptional mission effectiveness for today's modernised cargo and utility helicopters.

Work under the contract will be carried out by the Rockwell Collins India Design Centre.

Integration work is scheduled to begin this year and be completed in 2018.

Originally developed for the US Army's Special Operations Aviation MH-47G Chinook and MH-60L/M Black Hawk aircraft, CAAS is currently used by roughly 400 Chinook helicopters worldwide.

The company expects the system to be installed for another 200 aircraft across the army, navy and coast guard in the next ten years.

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General de Division
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messages : 8293
Inscrit le : 18/08/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces   Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces - Page 12 Icon_minitimeVen 1 Avr 2016 - 11:20

Citation :
India interested in Russian coastal missile systems
Apr 1, 2016

Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces - Page 12 India410

Russian company Morinformsystem-Agat JSC,  said at Defexpo India 2016  it is ready to look for mutually beneficial patterns of cooperation with India and want to strike a balance of interest with all the parties at stake be it Indian government or Indian business.

Antsev, director general-chief designer at Concern Morinformsystem- Agat JSC, said, ”We are aware of the plans to localise the technology in India. It is the governments of Russia and India who are to decide on the sensitive issue of technology transfer in each particular case. But we are ready to take our part in whatever Navalprojects our governments agree upon.”

“Indians are showing particular interest to the system of electronic monitoring “Kasatka”, radar systems, coastal mobile missile system «Bal-E», «Club-M», Coastal modular operational point”, – reported in the Group.

BAL-E  – is the  Russian Coastal  subsonic anti-ship missile system. The system consists of a self-propelled command control and communications centre, self-propelled launchers, a transport and reloader machine and communications vehicle, a total of up to 11 special vehicles.

The coastal missile system is capable of hitting targets at ranges up to 120 kilometers at any time and under any weather conditions. The time of deployment after a march – 10 minutes, cruising range – 850 kilometers, ammunition – 64 missiles, the number of missiles in one salvo – 32.

Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces - Page 12 India510

The Club missiles are known by NATO as the SS-N-27 “Sizzler.”

The CLUB-M is a multifunctional mobile coastal missile system designed to destroy the following target types:

antiship missiles against various types of surface ships (both individual and within a group) in the conditions of organized enemy countermeasures;
missiles against ground targets stationary objects on enemy territories (administrative and economic centers, munition depots and petrochemical storages, command centers, port and airfield infrastructures, etc.).
Every self-propelled launcher accommodates up to 6 (six) missiles in transporter-launcher containers (TLC).

The Club-K missiles have satellite navigation, which currently would utilize the U.S. GPS and the Russian GLONASS systems, and possibly also China’s Beidou 2 system and Europe’s Galileo in the future.

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces   Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces - Page 12 Icon_minitimeVen 1 Avr 2016 - 12:19

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Goa Shipyard delivers second improved Sankalp-class OPV to Indian Coast Guard

Ridzwan Rahmat, Singapore - IHS Jane's Navy International
31 March 2016

ndia's Goa Shipyard Limited (GSL) has delivered the second improved Sankalp-class 105 m offshore patrol vessel (OPV) to the Indian Coast Guard, the company announced on 31 March.

The vessel, which will be named ICGS Shoor once commissioned, is part of an INR18 billion (USD271 million) contract awarded to GSL in May 2012 to supply six 2,400-tonne OPVs to the coastguard. Shoor was handed over by GSL on 23 March, which is about one and a half months ahead of schedule according to the company.

"The induction of Shoor will help meet the increasing requirement of the Indian Coast Guard [to undertake] policing and patrolling of the vast Indian exclusive economic zone", said GSL in a statement on the vessel's delivery.

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces   Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces - Page 12 Icon_minitimeSam 2 Avr 2016 - 12:13

Citation :
Friday, 1 April 2016
Indian Army to receive two more regiments of Brahmos short-range supersonic cruise missile
Two more regiments of the short-range supersonic cruise missile, Brahmos, will be inducted into Army within next fifteen days, Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar said in Pune, India today.

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces   Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces - Page 12 Icon_minitimeMar 5 Avr 2016 - 18:47

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces   Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces - Page 12 Icon_minitimeMer 6 Avr 2016 - 13:54

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KRET signed contracts with Algeria, Belarus and India for President-S DIRCM systems

Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces - Page 12 Sonboa10

Russia has signed contracts with Algeria, India and Belarus for the delivery of President-S onboard defense systems, CEO of the Radio-Electronic Technologies Group (KRET) Nikolai Kolesov said on Wednesday. "We will deliver 12 [President-S onboard defense] systems to Belarus and five to India. As for Algeria, this information is classified yet," the CEO added.

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces   Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces - Page 12 Icon_minitimeJeu 7 Avr 2016 - 11:47

Citation :
Indian Army Seeks New Source of Surface-to-Air Missile Defense System
Vivek Raghuvanshi, Defense News 12:26 p.m. EDT April 6, 2016

NEW DELHI — The Indian Army is lobbying to purchase quick reaction surface-to-air missile systems (QRSAM) because the homemade Akash air defense system is slower and ineffective while on the move, an army official said.

"The reaction time of Akash is longer and has a radar coverage less than 360 degrees. QRSAMs are needed to defend formations in the forward tactical battlefield area whereas Akash is being used for guarding its assets located in deeper areas inside the country," said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

Rahul Bhonsle, a retired Indian Army brigadier general, said: "Akash is suited for static air defense where the response time may be longer, thus the same may not be suitable for employment in the tactical battle area given the need for quick reaction and speedy engagements. Moreover, it appears that the Army also wants a mobile AD system whereas the Akash may not be as agile and also has a larger footprint."

No Ministry of Defense (MoD) official would comment on the Indian Army's demand that MoD purchase a surface-to-air missile system to supplement the Akash

"This is one of the major indigenous programs that has been shot down by the Army. Better coordination between the design and development agencies and the Army is crucial to prevent such occurrences and salvage Make in India,” said Ankur Gupta, an analyst with Ernst and Young India. The Make in India policy's goal is to reduce weapon imports from 70 percent of acquisitions to about 50 percent in the next 10 years.

Since the only Indian-made Trishul surface-to-air system, developed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), was dumped 10 years ago because of technical failures, the only option is to import a system, the Indian Army official said.

After the Trishul system failed, the Indian Air Force imported the Spyder from Rafael Advanced Defense Systems of Israel and subsequently acquired the Akash system as well.

The Indian Army has acquired only the Akash, worth over $2.5 billion, but floated a $1.5 billion tender to acquire more systems.

It was issued to global and domestic defense companies, including Russia’s Rosoboronexport, Raytheon of the United States, Israel Aerospace Industries, Rafael Advanced Defense Systems, Tetraedr of Belarus, South Korea’s Doosan Group and LIG Nex1, Thales and Eurosam of France, Diehl Defense of Germany, and pan-European MBDA.
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces   Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces - Page 12 Icon_minitimeVen 8 Avr 2016 - 1:11

Et c'est reparti pour un tour... :

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India considers buying American F16 and F/A 18 fighter jets. What happened to the Rafale deal?
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces   Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces - Page 12 Icon_minitimeVen 8 Avr 2016 - 12:08

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces   Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces - Page 12 Icon_minitimeVen 8 Avr 2016 - 16:04

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India opened talks with U.S. for the purchase of Avenger drones

According to Reuters, India expressed interest in purchasing a first batch of 40 US-made Predator C "Avanger" unmanned aerial vehicles. The Indian Navy could purchase the unarmed Predator XP for ISR missions, while the Indian Air Force shown interest for the armed Predator C, said officials.

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces   Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces - Page 12 Icon_minitimeLun 11 Avr 2016 - 16:01

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Indian Army has ordered 825 Ashok Leyland Ambulance 4×4
Apr 9, 2016

Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces - Page 12 India710

Manufactured by Ashok Leyland Defense Systems, especially for the Indian Army, Ambulance 4×4 is now on display at the ongoing 2016 DefExpo in Goa. Ashok Leyland announced at the DefExpo that the Indian Army has ordered 825 units of these Ambulances.

Ashok Leyland Ambulance 4×4 is powered by the H6 IL engine which is capable of generating max power of 167 hp. It is mated to a manual transmission with a two-speed transfer case. It has a top speed of 90 kmph.

Ashok Leyland Ambulance 4×4 has a kerb weight of 7,210 kg and a payload capacity of 1,000 kg. Seating capacity is at 6, including two berths for patients. Driver and co-driver in the front partition, doctor and nurse in the cabin with upper and lower berth for patients. There are special provisions inside the cabin to accommodate medical equipment, medicines, etc.

With a ground clearance of 250 mm, the Ashok Leyland Ambulance 4×4 is capable of traversing over the worst of surfaces. 10×20 section highway cum sand tyres offer good traction.
Key features include – optional 4 stretchers, HVAC for patient cabin, double walled insulated body, wash basin with water tank, oxygen delivery system for two patients with storge cabinet for two oxygen cylinders, inverter with battery backup, 4 auxilliary power supply ports, high intensity spotlight, insulated water tank, and refrigerator.

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces   Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces - Page 12 Icon_minitimeLun 11 Avr 2016 - 16:13

Citation :
Rafale en Inde : A quand la signature ?
Dans Actualité Défense
Publié le 11/04/2016 à 12h58, par Guillaume Belan

C'était fin janvier, le Président Hollande était alors à New Delhi en visite officielle, espérant décrocher rapidement le contrat d’achat sur étagère de 36 Rafale. C'est une histoire de quelques semaines pouvait-on entendre alors. Plus de 2 mois après, les négociations semblent toujours achopper sur le prix. « Je suis un négociateur coriace » a assuré Manohar Parrikar, le ministre de la défense indien à notre confrère indien Defence Aviation Post (lien ici), ce jour. « Je ne fixe pas de délais mais je souhaite en terminer rapidement » précise t-il. Résultat, la presse indienne relève que des efforts ont été fait de la part des français, évoquant un contrat aux alentours de 8 milliards d'euros. « Le prix est très important. Je veux cet avion, mais je veux avant tout l'avoir au juste prix ».

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces   Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces - Page 12 Icon_minitimeLun 11 Avr 2016 - 17:24

Citation :
Monday, 11 April 2016
Indian Navy conducted test of its K-4 submarine launched ballistic missile
The Indian Navy conducted the test of its K-4 submarine launched ballistic missile (SLBM) from submarine ballistic missile submarine (SBBN) INS Arihant in the Bay of Bengal.

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces   Armée Indienne / Indian Armed Forces - Page 12 Icon_minitimeMar 12 Avr 2016 - 19:16

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India test fires Akash supersonic missile

The Indian Army has test-fired the indigenously developed surface-to-air Akash supersonic missile from the Integrated Test Range (ITR), Balasore, Odisha, India.

During the trial, the domestically built, medium-range anti-aircraft missile successfully intercepted a small and fast-moving unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), designated as Banshee.

According to the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) officials, the test evaluated the system's capability against subsonic cruise missiles.

An unnamed DRDO official was quoted by New Indian Express as saying: "It is a useful weapon for both the army and air force and first successful model of the 'Make-in-India' initiative. The armed forces are scheduled to carry out a couple of more tests in next few days."

Developed by the DRDO and Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) as part of the integrated guided missile development programme (IGMDP), the nuclear-capable Akash missile is an all-weather missile system capable of engaging aerial threats up to a distance of 25km.

The 5.78m-long missile features a launcher, control centre, multi-function fire control radar and supporting ground equipment, and can destroy manoeuvring targets, such as UAVs, fighter aircraft, cruise missiles and other ballistic missiles launched from helicopters.

Designed to carry a 60kg warhead, the missile is powered by a Ramjet-rocket propulsion system, and can reach speeds up to 2.5 Mach speed.

Akash was inducted into the Indian Air Force (IAF) in 2012, followed by Indian Army in 2015.

The Indian Ministry of Defence is reportedly considering foreign military sales with the latest development.

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