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Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane - Page 17 Empty
MessageSujet: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane   Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane - Page 17 Icon_minitimeJeu 16 Avr 2009 - 2:26

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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
Localisation : Maroc
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane   Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane - Page 17 Icon_minitimeJeu 16 Oct 2014 - 12:34

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Italian air force continues AW149 evaluations

Italy's air force is continuing operational evaluations of the AgustaWestland AW149 super-medium helicopter, as it weighs up an order for the 8.3t rotorcraft.

The airframer says the service is using the helicopter to "define as best as possible their requirements", with the aircraft potentially to be used in a utility troop transport or search and rescue configuration.

Performed using a flight-test prototype, the test regime has accumulated over the last three months some 60 flight hours with the service's 17th Wing.

The helicopter is presently configured in a troop transportation layout featuring three banks of four seats each, plus an additional two seats just aft of the cockpit. These could be used to accommodate two window gunners, says AgustaWestland, and the next stage of the evaluation process may see it install dummy machine guns in those positions.

Other future modifications will include the addition of a cargo hook, rescue hoist and some changes to the avionics. Military certification for the AW149 was achieved in July.

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Dominic Perry/Flightglobal

AgustaWestland says its aim is to provide an aircraft that can be used to shape the air force’s exact requirements prior to any order.

"We can put on the table what we think is suitable but not yet certificated," it says.

At present Rome has no orders in place for the AW149, but the airframer remains confident that a deal will eventually materialise.

"The intention is there but we have to fight with tight budgets. It's not a matter of if – it's a matter of when, because that capability with the larger platform is needed."

The AW149 has also been offered to Poland for its tri-service requirement for 70 multi-role rotorcraft. Submissions were due last month, and Warsaw is anticipated to make a decision by year-end.

AgustaWestland says the most demanding of the three variants would be that destined for the Polish navy, which requires both a folding tail and folding main rotor. Initial design studies have been conducted to prove the feasibility of the work, it says, but no further engineering work has been carried out.

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane   Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane - Page 17 Icon_minitimeLun 27 Oct 2014 - 21:02

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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane   Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane - Page 17 Icon_minitimeMer 29 Oct 2014 - 17:32

Citation :
Italian Air Force Experimental Unit Turns to Space

PRATICA DI MARE AIR BASE, ITALY — After building up its in-house design capability, the Italian Air Force’s Experimental Flight Unit has set itself a new target — space — with a focus on satellites and sub-orbital flights.

A new unit set up in July at the Air Force’s air base here south of Rome is mounting simulations ahead of the day officials hope the Air Force will be flying in “near” space, between 65,000 and 333,000 feet.

The Air Force’s Aerospace System Engineering Group is looking at the feasibility of taking off and landing sub-orbital aircraft in Italy. The 12-person team, which is expected to grow to 30, also plans to simulate ballistic missile defense systems and will study the launch of high-altitude balloons for uses including communication and data transmission.

“Many of the projects are very ambitious and we are starting with a broad array of aims,” said the group’s head, Maj. Ferdinando Dolce, who pointed to a box in his office that will be packed with electronics, attached to a balloon and launched to an altitude of 30 kilometers next month. The project will be handled in partnership with a Rome university.

The new unit joins existing units for experimental flights and dealing with software and technical issues, which make up the Air Force’s Experimental Flight Unit. This in turn works alongside Air Force units tackling new armaments, chemical and health research.

The Experimental Flight Unit has already won its spurs in space, after three of its pilots were picked to train as astronauts for the International Space Station program.

Satellites will be a key focus for the new group, Dolce said. The unit will look at ways to better plot the course of satellites and avoid collisions as orbits become overcrowded, as well as seeking to improve solar storm forecasting.

The launch of mini-satellites from military aircraft will be studied, while flight tests will be carried out on the radar being built by Thales Alenia Space to be used on Mars under a European Space Agency program.

The unit will also study how the Air Force can use images from Italy’s Cosmo Skymed synthetic aperture radar satellite to provide coordinates for GPS-based weapons. Dolce said other satellite systems that Italy is procuring could also be studied to see if they can be used for air operations support. Italy has purchased the OPTSAT optical satellite from Israel.

Col. Gianluca Ercolani, the head of the Experimental Flight Unit, said the new space initiative was part of an ongoing Air Force plan to exploit in-house research resources, save money and speed up the delivery of new capabilities.

The first major result was the electronic jamming defense instrumentation, known by its Italian acronym JEDI, which was designed by the Air Force using off-the-shelf components and flown on a C-27J to jam the transmissions used to ignite roadside bombs.

Developed quickly before being deployed to Afghanistan, the JEDI system was given an operational certification in Italy, which arrived faster than a regular certification.

The unit is now working on a program to give the C-27J tactical transport aircraft modular, pallet-based, gunship, command-and-control and ISR capabilities. The gunship development is progressing in parallel to a commercial C-27J gunship program launched by Italy’s Alenia Aermacchi, which manufactures the C-27J. The Italian Air Force operates the aircraft.

“With its heads-up navigation and night-vision capability, the C-27J has lots of applications if you put your mind to it,” he said.

Ercolani said that despite the Air Force’s bid to increase its in-house research and development work, it would still work alongside industry, with Alenia teaming on the new C-27J variants.

Nevertheless, the new M-345 trainer aircraft that Alenia is developing for the Italian Air Force is an example of the Experimental Flight Unit acquiring a greater share in development work than the Air Force has taken on previous acquisitions.

“After testing the M-346 trainer that the Air Force has already acquired, we had lessons learned and wanted to jump in now on the M-345 development work,” Ercolani said. “We won’t be choosing the engines, but we will help develop the software,” he added.

The move to bring development work in-house mirrors a trend in the Italian Navy, which has entrusted its own design unit with the task of designing a new class of offshore patrol vessels.

Ercolani said the Air Force was also turning its hand to dual-use capabilities.

“This summer the Italian government asked us to create air-transportable, sealed stretchers for Ebola sufferers,” Ercolani said. “We chose our 767 tanker transport as the right aircraft and provided the solution within a month, something industry would not have managed.” ■

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messages : 40957
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane   Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane - Page 17 Icon_minitimeSam 15 Nov 2014 - 15:00

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L’Italie envoie 4 avions Tornado pour les opérations anti-Daesh en Irak

Posté dans Forces aériennes, Moyen-Orient, Opérations par Laurent Lagneau Le 15-11-2014

En septembre, l’Italie avait envoyé des armes aux combattants du Kurdistan irakien (Peshmergas), aux prises avec les jihadistes de l’État islamique (EI ou Daesh). Le mois dernier, Rome a annoncé sa participation à la coalition anti-Daesh  emmenée par les États-Unis , avec l’envoi de 280 conseillers militaires, de deux avions ravitailleurs KC-767 et de deux drones Predator pour des missions de reconnaissance et de surveillance.

Le 14 novembre, dans une lettre adressée au Parlement, Roberta Pinotti, le ministre italien de la Défense, a annoncé que la participation de Rome allait être renforcée par l’envoi de 4 chasseurs bombardiers Tornado.

Ces appareils, mis en oeuvre par un détachement de 135 militaires, rejoindront prochainement la base Ahmed al-Jaber, au Koweït. Contrairement aux autres partenaires européens de la coalition anti-Daesh, les Tornado italiens n’auront pas à effectuer de frappes : ils seront seulement sollicités pour des missions de reconnaissance.

Par ailleurs, le 14 novembre, au cours d’une reconnaissance armée dans la régionde Kirkouk, une patrouille de 2 Rafale est intervenue au profit des forces irakiennes en larguant plusieurs bombes guidées laser (des GBU-12) sur des positions jihadistes. Un bunker, du matériel et un poste de combat ont été détruits.
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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
Localisation : Maroc
Nationalité : Maroc
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane   Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane - Page 17 Icon_minitimeMar 18 Nov 2014 - 13:11

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Italy describes desires for upgraded Reaper fleet

The Italian air force has confirmed that it is in the process of acquiring the Rafael Reccelite reconnaissance pod and has its sights sets on the Selex Seaspray 7500E radar to upgrade its fleet of General Atomics MQ-9 Reaper unmanned air vehicles.

The Reccelite pods are being acquired through a direct sale with Rafael and are expected to reach full operational capability across the fleet of unarmed UAVs in 2016, Lt Col Lorenzo Rispoli, MQ-1 and MQ-9 programme office deputy lead for the Italian air force, told the SMi Unmanned Aerial Systems conference in London.

The radar would provide a wide-area surveillance capability for the Italian Reapers, but the acquisition is currently pending government approval.

“We are now working on developing new capabilities with the Reccelite pod, then will work on the integration of the Seaspray 7500E200 radar…to have it on board for surveillance,” Rispoli says. “Technically, we are ready to start the [radar] programme, but we are waiting for the budget approval.

“In the future, we want a multi-spectral capability, which is why we are developing the Reccelite and Seaspray capability.”

He adds that the air force is also considering increasing the size of its fleet of Reapers, which are operating at full capability in Afghanistan ahead of withdrawal in the coming months.

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Italian air force

The air force is also actively involved in unmanned combat air vehicle (UCAV) development, including the €405 million ($504 million) pan-European, Dassault-led Neuron demonstrator, with 21% of the workshare provided by Italy.

This is ambitious and therefore risky, Rispoli notes, but is nevertheless a key area of development for the future of UAV use in Italy.

“The Neuron will probably fly in Italy next spring,” Rispoli says, adding that a flight would be likely to take place in Perdasdefogu in Sardinia.

The demonstrator is believed to have undergone weapons-delivery testing in 2014: “We’d like to have lots of different armaments on board, but we are waiting for the political go-ahead,” Rispoli says.

“We are shopping around for the right weapon.”

Rispoli expressed a desire to be involved in a tangible European UCAV programme that goes beyond a demonstrator. HE says 2015 should see the governments of France, Germany, Italy and the UK – to name a few – coming together to develop such a programme and communicate its requirements to industry.

“We’ve just started working on that,” he says. “Next year we will start to have conversations.”

The Italian air force is also considering carrying out stratospheric flight development and is trying to decide between hypersonic and lighter-than-air aircraft designs.

There is also the consideration by the air force of potential weapons integration on its unmanned aircraft: “We already have the assets – we just need the weapons and the politicians’ approval.”

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Piaggio Aero

The Piaggio Aerospace P1HH Hammerhead, meanwhile, is being supported by the Italian air force, although it is not paying for its development.

“The Piaggio Hammerhead is a new challenge for us,” Rispoli says. “We are supporting the company in its development, watching what is going on while they fly the first prototype.”

Despite Hammerhead being touted as a potential replacement for the air force’s General Atomics Predator A UAVs that are currently being maintained for basic operations, Rispoli says there is currently no Italian requirement for the system, so it is likely to go straight to the export market upon completion.

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane   Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane - Page 17 Icon_minitimeSam 22 Nov 2014 - 22:31

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane   Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane - Page 17 Icon_minitimeMar 25 Nov 2014 - 16:29

voila ce que je veux liebe

Janes a écrit:
Italy deploys latest Mangusta attack helo variant to Afghanistan
Paolo Valpolini, Milan - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
23 November 2014

Italy has deployed the latest version of the AgustaWestland Mangusta attack helicopter, the AW129D, to Afghanistan.

Task Force 'Fenice', the Italian Army Aviation component of Train Advise Assist Command West (TAAC-W) in Afghanistan, started testing the new version of the helicopter in early November. Once testing is complete, the new version will replace the earlier A129 CBT Mangusta, which has flown more than 10,500 hours in Afghanistan and was previously deployed in Iraq.

The AW129D is fitted with Rafael's Toplite III turret and Spike ER (Extended Range) missiles, and retains the Oto Melara TM-197B turret armed with a 20 mm gun. The new version has been tested in numerous firings in Sardinia, where missiles have been fired in all conditions, while Mangusta pilots also carried out target laser designation to guide bombs dropped from air force fighters. The Toplite III turret allows a much longer target detection, recognition, and identification range compared to the old HeliTOW, designed in the mid-70s.

Currently Task Force 'Fenice', based on the 5th Army Aviation Regiment, operates an improvised explosive device disposal (IEDD) 'Purple Team' (currently formed of one A129 CBT and one NH90 utility helicopter with a heli-sniper/JTAC and an eight-man IEDD team on board), and a reconnaissance and combat 'Red Team' (formed of two A129s).

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Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane   Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane - Page 17 Icon_minitimeLun 1 Déc 2014 - 12:56

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Italian Police to use Air Force Predators

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane - Page 17 Italian-Predator-B
Italian police agreed to start using drones as a way of monitoring major events and responding to natural disasters, while national media said they could also be used during protests. In a deal with the Air Force, the unmanned planes will be rolled out for “research missions” during the day and night in Italy, the Air Force said in a statement.

“The Predator system will be used to carry out reconnaissance missions, surveillance and the acquisition of targets,” the Air Force said, without giving details of where the drones will be used.

They could be rolled out to police major events, of a similar nature to the G8 meeting in 2009 and the Russia-Italy summit held two years earlier.

Drones could also help authorities respond to natural disasters, the Air Force said. More than 300 people died when an earthquake struck L’Aquila in 2009, while in recent weeks 12 people have died in bad weather in northern Italy.

Italian media suggested police could use Predators for the surveillance of protests, which are currently watched over by helicopters. Clashes erupted in Italy earlier this month during anti-reform marches, while further protests will accompany a general strike on December 12th.

The Air Force highlighted the ability of drones to stay in the air for more than 20 hours, in addition to being quickly directed towards new targets, as particularly appealing design elements.

Italy currently owns two types of Predator drones (A+ and B+), build by California-based General Atomics.

The A+ model has a 14.8m wingspan, can travel 296km away from a base and reach heights of over 25,000ft. It cruises along at 135 to 160km an hour, while the B+ can reach speeds of 445km an hour. With a 20.1m wingspan, the latter model is the larger of the two Predators owned by the Italian Air Force.

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane   Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane - Page 17 Icon_minitimeDim 7 Déc 2014 - 20:21


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Gli Amici della Brigata Alpina Taurinense
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane   Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane - Page 17 Icon_minitimeVen 12 Déc 2014 - 15:29

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Italy to run F-35 fighter jet service center

MILAN (AP) — Italy's defense minister and the U.S. ambassador to Italy have announced that an Italian site run by defense contractor Finmeccanica has been designated as the maintenance center for all F-35 fighter jets based in Europe.

The deal, announced in Rome Thursday, will be a boost for Italy, which is suffering from double-digit inflation and withering investments. It will also help Finmeccanica, whose image was tarnished by corruption allegations surrounding a helicopter contract for India. Two former executives were acquitted of corruption charges.

U.S. Ambassador John Philips said the selection of the site in the northern Piedmont region "will mean substantial benefits and technological development for Italy."

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Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane   Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane - Page 17 Icon_minitimeLun 15 Déc 2014 - 15:36

Citation :
FINCANTIERI Launched The fifth multipurpose FREMM frigate "Alpino" for the Italian Navy

Today Riva Trigoso (Genoa) shipyard celebrated the launch of the frigate “Alpino”, the fifth of a series of 10 FREMM vessels - Multi Mission European Frigates, ordered from Fincantieri by the Italian Navy within the framework of an Italo-French program of cooperation.

Today Riva Trigoso (Genoa) shipyard celebrated the launch of the frigate “Alpino”, the fifth of a series of 10 FREMM vessels - Multi Mission European Frigates, ordered from Fincantieri by the Italian Navy within the framework of an Italo-French program of cooperation.
FREMM Frigate "Alpino" is the fifth of a series of 10 for the Italian Navy. It is specialized for Anti-Submarine Warfare. Picture: Fincantieri
Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane - Page 17 FREMM_Alpino_Italian_Navy_Fincantieri
Godmother to the ship was Ms. Maria Rosa Solimano, cousin of Francesco Solimano awarded with the Gold Medal of Military Valor.

Present at the ceremony were, among others, Claudio Burlando, Governor of Liguria, Senator Nicola Latorre, Chairman of the 4^ Senate's Defence Committee, Admiral Luigi Binelli Mantelli, Italian Chief of Defence, Lieutenant General Claudio Graziano, Italian Army Chief of Staff, Admiral Giuseppe De Giorgi, Italian Navy Chief of Staff, Lieutenant General Enzo Stefanini, Secretary General of Defence and National Armaments Director, Giovanni Gorno Tempini, CEO of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, Vincenzo Petrone and Giuseppe Bono, respectively Chairman and CEO of Fincantieri.

The vessel, which is due for delivery in early 2016 in Muggiano (La Spezia), will feature a high degree of flexibility, capable of operating in all tactical situations. The ship, 144 metres long with a beam of 19.7 metres, will have a displacement at full load of approximately 6,700 tonnes. The “Alpino” will have a maximum speed of over 27 knots and will provide accommodation for a crew of 200.
The ships in the FREMM program represent the state of the art of European and Italian defence in the Mediterranean and will replace the “Lupo” and “Maestrale” class frigates built by Fincantieri in the 1970s.

Participating in the initiative as prime contractor for Italy is Orizzonte Sistemi Navali (51% Fincantieri, 49% Finmeccanica) and, as prime contractor for France, Armaris (DCNS + Thales).

The cooperation has drawn of the highly positive experience of the previous Italo-French program “Orizzonte” under which two frigates were built for the Italian Navy, the ”Andrea Doria” and the “Caio Duilio”.

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messages : 14756
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane   Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane - Page 17 Icon_minitimeMar 16 Déc 2014 - 12:09

Citation :
Avio Aero to Supply Gas Turbine to Power Italy’s Eighth FREMM Frigate

EVENDALE, Ohio — GE Marine has received an order to supply one LM2500+G4 aeroderivative marine gas turbine to Avio Aero of Turin, Italy, a GE Aviation business, the company announced in a Dec. 15 release. The gas turbine will power the Italian Navy’s eighth Frigate European Multi-Mission (FREMM).

Through Avio Aero, at least 17 LM2500+G4 gas turbines are expected to provide propulsion for the Italian-French-Moroccan FREMM program, which includes eight ships each for the Italian and French navies and one ship for the Royal Moroccan Navy. Other international navies are considering the FREMM frigate for use in their fleets.

According to Avio Aero’s Giulio Ranzo, Strategic Marketing & Product Leadership, “Avio Aero has long been a proud partner with the Italian Navy, assembling and servicing GE LM2500 and LM2500+G4 gas turbine modules that power our country’s Cavour aircraft carrier and the Italian-French-Moroccan FREMM frigates. In total, GE LM2500 gas turbines power seven Italian Navy ship classes.”

The LM2500+G4 gas turbine was manufactured at GE’s Evendale facility. For the FREMM program, Avio Aero assembles the gas turbine into a propulsion module produced in Brindisi. Avio Aero propulsion system includes a sophisticated turbine control system entirely developed and manufactured by Avio Aero and the gas turbine auxiliaries.

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane   Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane - Page 17 Icon_minitimeMar 23 Déc 2014 - 12:14

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Finmeccanica-Alenia Aermacchi: contract of 120 million Euros with Italian Minister of Defence for the supply of three M-346 aircraft

• The aircraft will equip the Italian Air Force

• The agreement also includes a ground base training system and logistic support

• The M-346 is the most advanced fighter trainer aircraft available

Rome, 22nd December 2014

Finmeccanica-Alenia Aermacchi and ARMAEREO (Italian National Armaments Directorate) signed today in Rome a contract worth 120 million Euros to provide the Italian Air Force with further three advanced trainer aircraft M-346 (identified as T-346A by the Italian Air Force), with ground base training system and relevant logistic support included.

The contract is part of a wider agreement already signed by the parties in 2009 for the total supply of 15 M-346s. At that time, a contract for a first tranche of six aircraft and related flight simulators had been signed.

The T-346A contributes to the technological update process on the advanced pilot’s training of Italian Air Force fleet. The aircraft will work as the training pillar for the new generations of air tactical pilots, both Italian and international, at 61° Stormo in Lecce, where the Italian Air Force flight school – opened also to pilot students coming from other Countries – is based.

The M-346 is the most advanced fighter trainer aircraft currently on the market and the only new-generation trainer optimised for the role of training pilots who fly on latest-generation high-performance military planes.
The M-346 has won the most important international bids (Singapore, Israel and Poland), with a total of 59 aircraft ordered to date.
The M-346’s Integrated Training System (ITS), actually operating in Lecce military Air Base, includes, further to the aircraft, flight simulators and ground based training systems.

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane   Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane - Page 17 Icon_minitimeSam 27 Déc 2014 - 19:54

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Le budget des forces armées italiennes sera réduit d’un milliard d’euros en 2015

Posté dans Europe par Laurent Lagneau Le 27-12-2014

Déjà affectées par une baisse drastique de leurs moyens en 2012 en raison de la crise de la dette, les forces armées italiennes seront à nouveau soumise à une cure d’austérité en 2015, malgré les assurances données lors d’un budget triennal adopté en 2013.

Ainsi, il était prévu que le ministère italien de la Défense disposerait d’un budget annuel, sur la période 2013-2015, d’un montant 14,5 milliards d’euros pour financer les investissements, les opérations et la maintenance et les dépenses de personnels. À cette somme, il faut encore ajouter des crédits provenant du ministère du développement économique (MSE), qui prend à sa charge la recherche et le développement et achats d’équipements. Quant aux opérations extérieures, elles ont un financement à part.

Seulement, Matteo Renzi, nommé président du Conseil cette année, a besoin de trouver des ressources pour financer les réductions d’impôt promises tout en diminuant la dette italienne. En mars, il avait déjà prévenu qu’il mettrait les militaires à contribution à raison d’un milliard d’euros sur 3 ans. Et visiblement, c’est un homme qui tient parole.

En effet, selon un document budgétaire consulté par Defense News, le budget des forces armées italiennes sera réduit d’un milliard en 2015. Le montant des investissement passera ainsi de 3,08 à 2,67 milliards d’euros tandis que celui destiné à financer la maintenance ne sera plus que de 1.17 milliards (contre 1,3 milliard par rapport à ce qui avait été initalement prévu). Les dépenses liées au personnel s’élèveront à 9,74 milliards.

En tout cas, cette diminution des dépenses militaires italiennes ne va pas dans le sens des objectifs fixés lors du dernier sommet de l’Otan, qui s’est tenu en septembre à Newport (Pays de Galle). En effet, il a été convenu par l’ensemble des pays membres (donc l’Italie) « d’inverser la tendance à la baisse que connaissent les budgets de défense, d’utiliser de la manière la plus efficace possible les fonds à notre disposition et de favoriser une répartition plus équilibrée des dépenses et des responsabilité ».

Selon la déclaration finale de ce sommet, les États membres de l’Otan dont le budget militaire est inférieur à 2% de leur PIB devront cesser « toute diminution des dépenses de défense » et chercher à les augmenter « en termes réels à mesure que croîtra leur PIB ».
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane   Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane - Page 17 Icon_minitimeLun 29 Déc 2014 - 18:08

Citation :
Des Typhoon italiens pour la mission baltic air policing

Le 29/12/2014 à 11h13, par Guillaume Belan

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane - Page 17 4354
Les 4 Eurofighter italiens sont arrivés le 27 décembre en Lituanie © Lithuanian MoD  

Quatre Eurofighter Typhoon du 4ème, 36ème et 37ème Stormi italiens, sous les ordres du colonel Marco Bertoli, viennent d’arriver en Lituanie, sur la base de Siaulai. Les Typhoon italiens vont remplacer des F-16 polonais. Les chasseurs seront opérationnels dès le 1er janvier. C’est la première fois que les Italiens participent à la mission de police du ciel au dessus des pays baltes (Icelande, Slovénie, Lituanie, Albanie).

A partir de janvier, outre les italiens, seront déployé des Mig29A polonais, des Typhoon espagnols et des F-16AM belges, alors que les incursions d'aéronefs russes ne cessent d'augmenter.  
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane   Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane - Page 17 Icon_minitimeMer 31 Déc 2014 - 10:55

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Italian Air Force fighters landed in Šiauliai Air Base
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane   Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane - Page 17 Icon_minitimeLun 19 Jan 2015 - 21:00

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Modernisation des AW129 « Mangusta »!

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane - Page 17 452

AgustaWestland termine la phase de modernisation de son hélicoptère de combat AW129 « Mangusta » avec l’adaptation d’un nouveau système de détection électro-optique, qui pourra notamment mettre en oeuvre le missile « Spike-NLOS ».

Nouvelle optique :

L’hélicoptériste européen AgustaWestland procède actuellement à la phase terminale des essais qui doivent conduire à l’acceptation du nouveau système de détection électro-optique monté sur l’hélicoptère. Le système choisi est le « Toplite » de l’israélien Rafael  Defense Systems. Ce nouvel équipement doit, à terme équiper les AW129 « Mangusta » d’attaque de l'armée italienne.

Le « Toplite » est destiné à servir de système de ciblage principal de l'hélicoptère et permettra de mettre en ouvre le missiles « Spike-NLOS » antichars.

Le « Toplite » :

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Le système permet l'observation jour ou de nuit et la détection de cible, la reconnaissance et l'identification grâce à un télémètre infrarouge et laser (FLIR, caméra CCD). Il permet notamment la poursuite de cibles automatiques. Le «Toplite» est stabilisé et peut également être intégré avec les systèmes radar, de navigation et de guerre électronique d'un aéronef. Le système fournit les services nécessaires pour le guidage de précision pour les armes à guidage, de jour ou nuit et dans des conditions météorologiques défavorables.  

Le Spike-NLOS :

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Le missile Defense Systems Spike-NLOS (Non Line of Sight) est la version à très longue portée de la désormais célèbre famille « Spike ». Le missile porte à 25 km et permet un guidage infrarouge ou à fibre optique. Il pèse 70 kg et peut être lancé depuis les avions et les hélicoptères.

La famille de missile « Spike » est de type « tire et oublie » munie d'un capteur CCD à guidage thermique. Outre le mode « tire et oublie », les versions longue et moyenne portée du « Spike » ont également une capacité de filoguidage, permettant au tireur de mettre à jour la trajectoire du missile depuis le poste de tir grâce aux informations fournis par le capteur thermique du missile, de changer de cible en cours de vol ou de rectifier le tir en cas d'erreur de cible ou d'anomalie du capteur thermique. La charge explosive est subdivisée en deux et placée en tandem, la première charge, plus petite, permet de neutraliser les blindages réactifs et la deuxième charge, la principale, permet de pénétrer la structure des blindés.

L’AW129 « Mangusta » :

L’AgustaWestland AW129 « Mangusta » est le premier hélicoptère spécifiquement conçu en Europe pour des missions de combat, de type biplace en tandem, il fait appel largement aux matériaux composites dans sa construction.  Le fuselage, large de 95 cm, peut  résister à des projectiles de 12,7mm et des déformations importantes. L’équipage est installé dans des sièges Martin-Baker MK1 « Helicopter Armored Crashworthy Seats Mark » 1 (HACS 1), décalés en hauteur, tireur à l’avant et pilote à l’arrière, ce dernier disposant devant lui d'un angle de vue de 23° vers le bas. La verrière est composée de verres plats, blindés et traités anti-reflet. Reposant sur un train composé de deux éléments principaux et d’une roulette arrière, l’appareil est flanqué de courtes ailes, dont le dièdre peut varier de +3° à -12°, supportant chacune 2 points pour les charges externes.  L’appareil est équipé de 2 turbines Rolls-Royce Gem 2 Mk 1004D de 1’035 ch sur l'arbre, 890 ch en régime continu, produits sous licence par Piaggio avec la désignation RR1004, entraînant un rotor quadripalles et un anti-couple bipale. Le rotor principal est doté de pales en matériaux composites et la tête de rotor de roulements élastomère ne nécessitant aucune lubrification.

L’appareil est principalement employé dans l’armée italienne soit 41 machines, mais il est actuellement construit sous licence en Turquie par Turkish Aerospace Industries, Inc (TAI) sous la dénomination de T-129A/B « Atak ». Au total la Turquie a commandé 51 hélicoptères de ce type.

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Photos : 1 & 4 AW129 «Mangusta» doté du Toplite @AgustaWestland 2 l’optique Toplite  3 Spike-NLOS@ Rafael Defense
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane   Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane - Page 17 Icon_minitimeJeu 22 Jan 2015 - 14:17

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Italian army describes Mangusta upgrade wish list

The Italian army is seeking an enhancement package for its AgustaWestland AH-129D Mangusta attack helicopter, which it hopes will be upgraded within five to six years.

Brig Gen Antonio Bettelli, commander of army aviation for the Italian army, told the International Military Helicopter conference in London that two options had been considered: to "exploit the current Mangusta" or acquire a new attack helicopter derived from the AW149.

“The risks related to the programme were considered too high and [with] the time requirements [we] dismissed the second option,” Bettelli says. “So we are now considering an upgrade of the 'Delta' option.”

The army is looking for enhancements in speed, endurance, altitude, situational awareness, human-machine interface and information exchange/command and control. It is also looking to decrease the handling and workload burdens.

“With this we will not reach 100% [capability] but will have something not far away and something that is accessible,” Bettelli says.

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Bettelli admits that the upgrade timeframe “depends on money”, but says he hopes it will be in service by around 2020 because “we absolutely need this”.

The Italian army expects a new tactical UAV capability to be delivered by June 2015 when the Textron Systems Shadow 200 joins its inventory to complement the Mangusta helicopter.

“We are hoping to operate the first systems in June 2015 and integrate it with the Mangusta helicopter,” Bettelli says. “We have to develop a new concept to integrate the unmanned vehicles. It will mainly be operated by army aviation and we’re considering establishing a special army aviation unit for this.

“It will provide army aviation with new, appealing capabilities and this must be exploited as much as possible,” he adds.

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane   Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane - Page 17 Icon_minitimeMar 17 Fév 2015 - 10:38

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REFILE-Italy to maintain F-35 jet orders despite political pressure -sources

ROME/WASHINGTON, Feb 16 (Reuters) - Italy plans to maintain its order for 90 Lockheed Martin Corp F-35 fighter jets, despite political pressure to slash spending on the planes, after winning a major maintenance contract, sources in Rome and the U.S. told Reuters.

Lawmakers from Prime Minister Matteo Renzi's ruling Democratic Party in May called for the government to halve spending on the project, while some opposition parties want it dropped completely.

Renzi talked last year of cutting spending on the F-35 programme to help pay for income tax cuts for low earners, showing the jet order was still a possible target in Italy's efforts to revive its moribund economy while cutting its 2 trillion euro debt.

In 2012, then-prime minister Mario Monti cut orders by 30 percent as he sought to shore up the public accounts in the wake of the euro zone debt crisis. The government has estimated the cost of acquiring 90 F-35s at 12 billion euros ($14 billion).

But it is now ruling out further cuts after state-controlled defence technology group Finmeccanica won a major maintenance contract for the stealth fighter, and as it seeks to guarantee the future viability of its fleet, an Italian source familiar with the programme told Reuters.

"The right number (of jets) for Italy to have the industrial role it wants is 90," the source said. "Respecting the contract is in line with the various parliamentary resolutions and 90 is a number that allows us to ensure the country's defence needs."

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane   Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane - Page 17 Icon_minitimeJeu 26 Fév 2015 - 17:06

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Italian air force orders three Hammerhead UAS

The Italian air force has confirmed that it will be the launch customer for the Piaggio Aerospace P.1HH HammerHead unmanned air vehicle, as it commits to purchasing three systems.

This will consist of six air vehicles and three ground control stations, to be delivered in 2016. The order follows on from the first flight of a representative prototype that took place last December.

Italy's air force has publicly supported the development of the HammerHead since the UAV was unveiled at the Paris air show in 2013, but until now was hesitant to commit to a purchase.

The medium-altitude, long-endurance UAV is derived from the manned P.180 Avanti twin turboprop. It was developed in collaboration with Selex ES, which will provide the mission control system, sensors, data link and ground control station.

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Piaggio Aerospace

“We are truly delighted about this decision,” says Carlo Logli, chief executive of Piaggio Aerospace. “It confirms the strong partnership we have with the Italian air force and showcases the P.1HH as one of the most advanced systems to enter the market.

“We are grateful for the continued support of our partner Finmeccanica-Selex ES, the Italian Ministry of Defence, our shareholders and the valuable teamwork with the Italian hi-tech industry,” he adds.

The HammerHead system entered a development and certification test campaign following the “seamless” first flight of Prototype 001, which took off from Trapani Birgi air base in Italy and carried out a sortie over the Mediterranean Sea.

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane   Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane - Page 17 Icon_minitimeSam 28 Fév 2015 - 13:32

Citation :
Construction of new Italian Navy frigate begins

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane - Page 17 Construction-of-new-Italian-Navy-frigate-begins

TRIESTE, Italy, Feb. 27 (UPI) -- The first steel sheeting for a new Italian Navy FREMM frigate has been conducted at a shipyard of Fincantieri near Genoa, the company reports.

The cutting marks the build phase of the multi-mission vessel, the eighth being constructed in the multinational FREMM program.

A total of 10 FREMM frigates are being built in Italy, with Orizzonte Sistemi Navali as the prime contractor.

Italian FREMM vessels are about 472.5 feet long, 64.6 feet wide and displace about 6,500 tons. They have a speed of more than 27 knots and are crewed by 145 sailors.

The FREMM, which is also being built in France, was designed by DCNS/Aramis and Fincantieri. The first FREMM frigate, the French Navy's Aquitaine, was commissioned in 2012.

"This is a highly flexible vessel, able to operate in a wide range of scenarios, especially in patrolling and safeguarding the Mediterranean area," Fincantieri said.

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane   Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane - Page 17 Icon_minitimeMar 10 Mar 2015 - 17:03

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Italy set for Neuron tests as France completes its round

Testing of the pan-European Neuron unmanned combat air vehicle demonstrator is due to move to Italy following the completion of French testing of the aircraft.

Following 100 test flights by Dassault Aviation in France, during which the sensor, datalink and stealth characteristics of the demonstrator were tested, responsibility for the six-nation Neuron aircraft will be transferred to Alenia Aermacchi ahead of a follow-up test phase by Saab in Sweden.

All French tests were authorised by DGA, Paris’s defence procurement agency, and demonstrated “exemplary” availability and reliability throughout, Dassault says.

The first phase of tests involved the opening of Neuron’s flight envelope – including opening the weapon bay door – as well as electro-optical sensor and datalink performance validation.

During a second phase, “most flights were dedicated to infrared and electromagnetic signature/detection confrontations against operational systems”, Dassault says, adding that all “produced all the expected results”.

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“This success demonstrates Dassault Aviation’s know-how in strategic technologies and prime contractorship, as well as its ability to lead programmes involving European co-operation,” the company adds.

Dassault is also involved in the Anglo-French Future Combat Air System (FCAS) effort that will see it and UK-based BAE Systems collaborate to design a UCAV air vehicle under a contract from the French and British governments.

A two-year feasibility study for FCAS kicked off in November 2014, for which which Dassault is expected to utilise some of its experience from the Neuron effort.

“Stealth-related data and feedback will serve as a reference for future aircraft projects,” Dassault says, referring to its experience on the Neuron effort. “This success augurs well for preparing the programmes of the future.”

Neuron carried out its first flight in December 2012. Six nations are involved: France, Italy, Sweden, Spain, Greece and Switzerland.

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messages : 40957
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
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Nationalité : France
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane   Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane - Page 17 Icon_minitimeJeu 12 Mar 2015 - 15:50

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Sortie d'usine pour le premier JSF italien

Publié le 12/03/2015 à 12h51, par Jean-Pierre Husson

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane - Page 17 5206
Lockheed JSF 100e © Lockheed Martin

Exclusif. C'est aujourd'hui que le premier F-35 destiné à l'Aeronautica Militare Italiana (AMI) a effectué son roll-out à Cameri, le nouveau site industriel près de Novare, dans le Piémont, où seront effectués les opération de maintenance des F-35 en Europe, aussi bien ceux achetés par les pays européens, à l'exception des britanniques, que ceux qui seront déployés par l'US Air Force (USAF) en Europe. L'appareil, indiqué comme AL-1 (le "A" indique version F-35A et "L" les appareils destinés à l'Italie), devrait effectuer son premier vol en septembre prochain pour être ensuite livré à l'AMI. En 2016, l'IL A1, avec trois autres F-35A, rejoindrons la base de l'USAF de Luke, en Arizona, où démarrera le programme de formation des premiers instructeurs italiens, alors que celui des F-35B STOVL destinés à la Marina Militare (MM) devrait débuter fin 2017 auprès de la Marine Corps Air Station de Beaufort, en Caroline du Sud.

L'Italie doit acquérir 90 F-35, au lieu des 131 prévus initialement. Le coût de chaque appareil est évalué à 99 millions d'euros pour le F-35A et 106,7 millions d'euros pour le F-35B. Aujourd'hui, l'Italie a acquis huit appareils, trois de la tranche LRIP-6, la phase de production initiale à bas régime, et autant de la LRIP-7, plus les deux derniers, dons l'acquisition a été annoncée fin 2014, appartenant à la LRIP-8. Actuellement, cinq de ces F-35 sont en cours de production.
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messages : 40957
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
Nationalité : France
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane   Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane - Page 17 Icon_minitimeVen 17 Avr 2015 - 18:43

Citation :
Italy orders final two FREMM frigates

Luca Peruzzi, Genoa - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly

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Italy has ordered its 9th and 10th FREMM frigates, in the General Purpose configuration. Alpino, the fourth (and last) Italian
ASW FREMM, is pictured. Source: Carlo Martinelli  

The Italian Navy has ordered its final two Carlo Bergamini-class (Fregata Europea Multi-missione - FREMM) frigates, completing its acquisition programme for 10 vessels.

The total value of the contract for the two vessels is EUR764 million (USD818 million), according to a press release from the builders, Orizzonte Sistemi Navali -a joint venture between Fincantieri (51%) and Finmeccanica (49%) - on 16 April.

According to the programme schedule, the vessels are to be built in the General Purpose (GP), or anti-surface, configuration and will be delivered in the first quarters of 2020 and 2021 respectively. Of the 10 frigates, six are built in the GP configuration and four in the ASW (anti-submarine warfare) configuration.

The FREMM programme is a joint Franco-Italian project overseen by the European Organisation for Joint Armament Co-operation (OCCAR), which placed the contract for the final two Italian vessels. The class is also on order for the Egyptian and Moroccan navies.

The option for the final two vessels follows the first steel-cutting ceremony on 25 February at Fincantieri's Riva Trigoso shipyard for the eighth Italian FREMM (GP configured), which will be delivered in the first quarter of 2019.

According to OCCAR, the first-of-class vessel Carlo Bergamini (GP configured) is in full operational service with the Italian Navy, while the first ASW FREMM, Virgo Fasan , is scheduled to complete its warranty works by the end of April, after which it will enter operational service.

Carlo Margottini , the second ASW FREMM, has just begun its warranty works period and the third ASW vessel, Carabiniere , should be delivered to the Italian Navy by the end of April. The fourth ASW FREMM, Alpino , was launched in December 2015.

The second GP FREMM, Luigi Rizzo , will be launched in February 2016, while the first block of the seventh GP FREMM was laid down in October 2014.
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