Moroccan Military Forum alias FAR-MAROC Royal Moroccan Armed Forces Royal Moroccan Navy Royal Moroccan Air Forces Forces Armées Royales Forces Royales Air Marine Royale Marocaine |
| Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane | |
+34Bruce Wayne damix12 vinseeld mr.f-15 Eagle rmaf felipe21 mbarki_49 silent eagle FAR SOLDIER mourad27 PGM annabi augusta Inanç jonas RED BISHOP jf16 klan thierrytigerfan godzavia GlaivedeSion lida Viper Gémini rafi Yakuza MAATAWI reese Fremo Mr.Jad Northrop Leo Africanus Fahed64 gigg00 38 participants | |
Auteur | Message |
Yakouza Invité
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Auteur | Message |
jonas General de Brigade
messages : 3370 Inscrit le : 11/02/2008 Localisation : far-maroc Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Mer 29 Avr - 23:04 | |
| Durand de la Penne class destroyer of Italian Navy | |
| | | jf16 General de Division
messages : 41377 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Ven 22 Mai - 14:05 | |
| - Citation :
- Italie : une centaine d'hélicoptères pour le marché d'occasion
Publié le 21/05/2015 à 18h13, par Nicola Bientinesi
Des HH3F italiens vont être mis sur le marché d'occasion. © Aeronautica Militare Italiana
L'Agenzia Industrie Difesa (AID), agence gouvernementale rattachée au ministère italien de la Défense, va mettre sur le marché de l'occasion un peu plus d'une centaine d'hélicoptères provenant des surplus des quatre forces armées, Esercito Italiano (EI), Marina Militare (MM), Aeronautica Militare Italiana (AMI) et Corpo dei Carabinieri (CC). Il s'agit plus précisément de AB-212 et AB-412 ex EI (une quarantaine au total), de AB-212 et SH-3D ex MM (une trentaine, dont plus de la moitié sont des SH-3D), de HH-3F ex AMI (six semble-t-il) et de AB-412, AB-212 et A-109 ex CC (environ une trentaine au total).
Ces hélicoptères sont loin d'être tout jeune et ont accumulé un bon nombre d'heures de vol, notamment en opérations extérieures, ce qui laisse facilement entendre qu'une bonne partie d'entre eux est destinée à être cannibaliser par tout potentiel acquéreur ayant déjà un parc à voilure tournante comprenant les mêmes modèles que ceux proposés par l'AID. A noter que cette agence gouvernementale dispose également d'un important stock de chenillés M113 d'occasion, équipés de la tourelle de défense antiaérienne SIDAM, mais qui sont proposés cependant sans leur système d'arme, en l'occurrence le quadritube de 25 mm Oerlikon KBA. | |
| | | jf16 General de Division
messages : 41377 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Mar 26 Mai - 14:46 | |
| - Citation :
- JSF F-35: L'Italie s'engage
Publié le 26/05/2015 à 12h32, par Jean-Pierre Husson
Le site de Cameri © Alenia
Le gouvernement italien a finalement annoncé sa décision: dans le cadre de la redéfinition du programme F-35, l'Italie s'engage à acquérir 35 appareils d'ici 2020, soit entre 7 et 8 par an jusqu'à cette date. Cela à en croire le DPP (Documento Programmatica Pluriennale) pour la Défense, couvrant la période 2015-2017, que Roberta Pinotti, ministre de la Défense, vient de présenter au Parlement. Après cette date, le programme sera remodelé pour une meilleure répartition des dépenses, même si l'acquisition du nombre d'appareils prévus (90 au total) devrait être maintenu, du fait qu'en dessous de ce seuil, les retours industriels prévus doivent être revus à la baisse.
Pour l'année en cours, le programme F-35 devrait bénéficier d'un budget de 582,7 millions d'euros pour les acquisitions et le support logistique, dont 66 millions pour la mise à niveau des infrastructures. A la date d'aujourd'hui, l'Italie a contractualisé l'acquisition de huit appareils: trois de la tranche LRIP 6 (Low Rate Intitial Production), trois autres de la LRIP 7 et, enfin, deux autres de la LRIP 8. Actuellement, six appareils sont en cours de réalisation dans les établissements de Cameri, le nouveau site industriel près de Novare, dans le Piémont. Le JSF a déjà effectué son roll-out, le 12 mars dernier, en vue de sa livraison à l'Aeronautica Militare Italiana (AMI) avant la fin de l'année. Ce premier F-35A rejoindra, en 2016, la base de l'US Air Force (USAF) de Luke, en Arizona, suivi de trois autres appareils actuellement en phase finale d'assemblage, afin de démarrer le programme de formation des premiers du instructeurs de l'AMI. Entre temps, toujours courant de cette année, sont également prévus la signature des contrats LRIP 9 et 10. Dans le cadre de la LRIP 9, l'Italie devrait acquérir deux appareils, dont un, le premier, en version STOVL (F-35B). En revanche, on ignore encore le nombre précis d'appareils concernés pour la LRIP-10 | |
| | | jf16 General de Division
messages : 41377 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Mer 27 Mai - 21:17 | |
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| | | jf16 General de Division
messages : 41377 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Mar 2 Juin - 18:07 | |
| - Citation :
- Italie: nouveau système d'arme pour les C-27J GUNSHIP
Publié le 02/06/2015 à 14h06, par Jean-Pierre Husson
Un nouveau système d'arme à canons rotatifs M61 Vulcan développé par Oto Melara (groupe Finmeccanica) équipera bientôt les C-27J de l'Aeronautica Militare Italiana (AMI) en version Gunship. © Ministère de la Défense
Un nouveau système d'arme à canons rotatifs M61 Vulcan développé par Oto Melara (groupe Finmeccanica) équipera bientôt les C-27J de l'Aeronautica Militare Italiana (AMI) en version Gunship.
Monté sur palet standard OTAN, le module M61 Vulcan, arme hexatubes (6 canons) à grande cadence de tir, chambré pour les munitions de 20 x 102 mm, offre la particularité de pouvoir pouvant être installé sur le C-27J Spartan en moins d'une demi-heure. Pesant un peu plus de 1,5 tonnes, le système complet se caractérise aussi par le fait d'être totalement invisible jusqu'à l'ouverture de la porte de largage de l'appareil utilisée par les parachutistes lors des sauts. Du coup, lorsque celle-ci est fermée, il est impossible de faire la différence entre la version cargo du Spartan et la variante Gunship.
Plusieurs composants font partie du système, outre au M61 Vulcan: le siège opérateur système d'arme, la suite électro-optique infrarouge réalisée par Selex ES (tourelleau Janus modifié), les dispositifs électriques d'alimentation reliés directement à ceux de l'appareil, même si le système dispose de batteries d'alimentation assurant son fonctionnement de façon autonome pendant 30 minutes.
Développé il y a environ deux ans sur fonds du ministère italien de la Défense, le nouveau système Oto Melara sera produit initialement en six exemplaires pour répondre aux exigences de l'AMI, qui devrait signer le contrat de commande ferme l'année prochaine, pour une livraison prévue début 2017.
Pouvant être installé facilement sans nécessiter aucune modification de l'appareil sur lequel il est destiné à être embarqué, le nouveau système d'arme d'Oto Melara a déjà été certifié pour le C-27J, après les essais réalisés par l'AMI avec un prototype livré en octobre dernier par l'industriel italien.
Au cours des essais en vol et des tests de tir effectués en Sardaigne, au-dessus du polygone de Capo Frasca, le système à tirer 550 coups à différentes altitudes comprises entre 450 et 1.140 mètres contre des cibles situées à moins de 2 km. D'ici l'hiver prochain, d'autres tests à tir réel sont prévus pour évaluer la précision du système qui, selon le constructeur, devrait afficher un CEP (Circular Error Probability) inférieur à 4 m à une hauteur de 1.500 m et à 2 km de distance; valeurs passant à 10-12 m à une altitude de 3.000 m sur objectif situé à 2 km | |
| | | jf16 General de Division
messages : 41377 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Mer 17 Juin - 21:15 | |
| - Citation :
- 17/06/2015
Le M-346 en version « Agresseur » !
Au cours des dernières semaines, l'armée de l'air italienne a testé un Alenia Aermacchi M-346 dans un nouveau rôle, celui d’un « Agresseur» dans le cadre de combats aériens face à des Airbus Eurofighter.
Pendant les essais, le M-346 nommé X-AJT a volé comme un agresseur contre les Eurofighter « Typhoon II du 4 ° Stormo basés à Grosseto, soit une unité de première ligne et qui sert également pour la conversion opérationnelle sur le « Typhoon ». Durant ces tests, la capacité de liaison de données entre les deux types d'avion leur a permis d'être pleinement interopérables. Selon l’Armée de l’air italienne, les essais ont été très réussi, et actuellement la force aérienne prépare des procédures normalisées d'exploitation pour introduire la capacité du M-326 en mode « Agresseur ».
Pour l’avionneur italien Alenia Aermacchi le M-346 a beaucoup à offrir dans ce rôle, notamment sa capacité de voler pendant de longues périodes avec de nombreuses accélérations. Par exemple, l'avion peut maintenir 5g pendant 20 minutes.
En plus du rôle d’agresseur, Alenia Aermacchi met en évidence la fonction connexe de l’avion formateur qui va permettre de maintenir les compétences les pilotes à un niveau supérieur de préparation au combat.
Le M-346 :
L'AleniaAermacchi M-346 se présente comme un monoplan à aile delta construit essentiellement en alliage d’aluminium. L’empennage horizontal est entièrement mobile et l’appareil, biplace en tandem, repose sur un train d’atterrissage tricycle. Les deux Honeywell/ITEC F124-GA-200 de 2’880 kgp sont produits sous licence par Fiat-Avio. Le M-346 dispose d’un groupe auxiliaire de démarrage (APU) MicroturboRubis. Le cockpit est pressurisé et climatisé sous une verrière articulée à droite, doté de sièges éjectables « Zero-Zero » Martin-Baker Mk16D. Il dispose également d’un système embarqué de génération d’oxygène (OBOGS) éliminant le besoin de bouteilles, d’écrans multi-fonctions et d’un affichage HUD (Head Up Display), d’un équipement digital Fly-by-Wire programmable en fonction du niveau de l’élève ou simulant différents types d’avions. Un équipement de navigation à longue distance est prévu, ainsi que 3 points sous chaque aile pour une capacité de 1 800 kg et des rails en bout d’aile pour missiles air-air. Un bidon largable peut être emporté sous chaque aile, un bidon de convoyage sous le fuselage, et une perche de ravitaillement en vol est prévue en option.
Photos : 1 Alenia Aermacchi M-346 X-AJT Agresseur 2 M-346 X-AJT @ Fabrizio Capenti | |
| | | Gémini Colonel-Major
messages : 2735 Inscrit le : 09/12/2009 Localisation : Un peu partout!!! Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Jeu 18 Juin - 5:44 | |
| C'est celui là que la France devrait prendre comme successeur a l'Alphajet. | |
| | | jf16 General de Division
messages : 41377 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Mar 23 Juin - 11:58 | |
| - Citation :
- Koweït : Millième heure de vol pour les Tornado italiens
Publié le 23/06/2015 à 12h54, par Jean-Pierre HUSSON
Les Tornado IDS du 6e Stormo ont effectué leur millième heure de vol au Koweït, en soutien à la coalition anti-Daesh. © AMI
Les quatre Tornado IDS de l'Aeronautica Militare Italiana, déployés depuis le 23 novembre dernier au Koweït dans le cadre de l'opération "Inherent Resolve" viennent de totaliser leur millième heures de vol.
Mis à la disposition de la coalition internationale contre Daech, les quatre appareils italiens, qui opèrent depuis la base aérienne Amed al-Jaber, ont réalisé depuis leur déploiement au Koweït la reconnaissance et l'identification de plus de 700 objectifs au sol. Encadrés au sein du Task Group "Devil", rattaché à la Task Force Air-Kuweit, les Tornado italiens proviennent du 6° Stormo basé à Brecia/Ghedi, en Lombardie, plus précisément du 154° Gruppo CBOC/CRO (Caccia Bombardiere Ognitempo Convenzionale/Caccia Ricognitore Ognitempo).
Les quatre appareils de l'AMI sont supportés par un détachement au sol de 70 militaires provenant également, pour l'essentiel, du 6° Stormo. Le Task Group "Devil" dispose par ailleurs d'une station au sol chargée de la planification des missions ISR et de l'analyse des données et interprétation des images et vidéos recueillies par les pods optroniques équipant les Tornado | |
| | | jf16 General de Division
messages : 41377 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Jeu 25 Juin - 10:59 | |
| - Citation :
- F-35 italiens: calendrier prévisionnel de livraisons
Publié le 25/06/2015 à 12h20, par Jean-Pierre HUSSON
Dans le cadre de négociations entre le Pentagone et Lockheed Martin, l'Italie devrait recevoir six F-35. © JP HUSSON
Alors même que Lockheed Martin est en train de négocier avec le Pentagone une commande de 150 F-35, qui constituent la LRIP (Low Rate Initial Production) 9 et la LRIP 10 du programme, avec l'espoir de verrouiller le contrat avec le département de la Défense d'ici la fin de l'année, une source militaire italienne a confirmé à Air & Cosmos que parmi ceux-ci figurent six appareils destinés à l'Italie. Il s'agit plus précisément d'un F-35A et d'un F-35B STOLV pour la LRIP 9, plus deux F-35A et deux F-35B STOLL pour la LRIP 10.
En ce qui concerne les livraisons des Lighting II produit en Italie par le site industriel Faco (Final assembly and check out) de Cameri, près de Novare, qui sont destinés à l'Aeronautica Militare Italiana (AMI) et à la Marina Militare (MM), un seul appareil sera livré cette année. Même chose en 2016 et 2017, toujours d'après la même source (un appareil par an). En revanche, selon le calendrier prévisionnel, trois F-35 devraient être livrés en 2018, auxquels viendront s'en ajouter cinq autres en 2019 et tout autant en 2020. A cette date, sauf imprévus, les commandes italiennes pour l'AMI et la MM devraient porter sur 38 appareils au total. Actuellement, six appareils sont en cours de réalisation à Cameri où, entre-temps, en principe en 2017, devrait démarrer la production des F-35 destinés aux Pays-Bas, avec premières livraisons prévues à partir de 2019. Au total, le site Faco de Cameri devrait procéder à l'assemblage de 27 appareils destinés à l'armée de l'air néerlandaise, qui viendront s'ajouter aux dix assemblés à Fort Worth, au Texas (deux pour les tests et huit de pré-série), dont le premier à été livré à l'armée de l'air néerlandaise en novembre dernier pour l'IOT&E (Initial Operational Test and Evaluation). | |
| | | felipe21 Sous lieutenant
messages : 690 Inscrit le : 23/08/2014 Localisation : Maroc Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Jeu 2 Juil - 19:18 | |
| - Citation :
- Fincantieri & Finmeccanica to Build 1 Multipurpose Amphibious Unit LHD for the Italian Navy
Fincantieri, one of the world’s largest shipbuilding groups and reference player in the naval shipbuilding industry, and Finmeccanica, Italy’s leading manufacturer in the high technology sector, have been awarded the contract for the construction and equipment of one multipurpose amphibious unit (LHD) for the Italian Navy. The total value of the contract is over 1.1 billion euros, with Fincantieri’s share amounting to approx. 853 million euros and Finmeccanica's to about 273 million euros. The delivery of the unit is scheduled in 2022.
The contract with the consortium (Raggruppamento Temporaneo di Impresa – RTI), consisting of Fincantieri, agent, and Finmeccanica, through its subsidiary Selex ES, principal, was signed on behalf of the Ministry of Defence by the Central Unit for Naval Armament (NAVARM) of the General Secretariat. The consortium (RTI) was established in accordance with the tight cooperation agreement in the field of naval vessels construction signed between Fincantieri and Finmeccanica last October. Pursuant to the agreement, Fincantieri acts as a sole interface to the client, while at the same time allowing to enhance Finmeccanica’s products range in the naval field and the technical and commercial synergies between the two largest national groups in the naval field. In general, this multi-year programme for the renewal of the Navy’s fleet (known as the “Defence Act”) employs a total funding of 5.4 billion euros and, in addition to the aforementioned LHD unit, foresees the construction of six patrol vessels, with four more in option, and one logistic support unit.
In particular: • one multipurpose amphibious unit (LHD or Landing Helicopter Dock) • one logistic support unit (LSS or Logistic Support Ship) • six patrol vessels (PPA or Multipurpose Offshore Patrol Ship) and four more in option
The fundamental characteristic common to all three classes of ships is their high level of innovation providing them with a considerable degree of efficiency and flexibility in serving different mission profiles. In particular, these are dual use vessels, meaning that they may be used for both standard military purposes and for civil protection and rescue at sea operations. They also have a low environmental impact thanks to a state-of-the-art auxiliary propulsion system generating a low level of pollution emissions (electric engines) and biological waste control system.
In addition to building the vessels at its shipyards, Fincantieri will provide support over the lifecycle of the vessels in the first ten years, through the supply of logistic services (training courses, spare parts, technical documentation) during the construction of the vessels and of ISS, In-Service Support, (maintenance services), carried out during post-delivery operations, as well as components and naval machinery produced by the Marine Systems and Components Business Unit, such as shaft lines, wheelhouse, maneuvering propellers, fin stabilizers and other handling systems.
Finmeccanica, through Selex ES, will act as prime contractor for the new unit’s entire combat system. The system will support landing craft, provide vessel self-defence and coordinate and control operations in concert with other naval and ground forces. Selex ES will also provide all the sensor systems including the X band, four-fixed-face, multifunctional scanned-array radar system and also the latest generation integrated communications. Finmeccanica-Selex ES will deliver and integrate all systems, including those of OTO Melara, WASS, and Elettronica, and is also responsible for the provision of support throughout the first decade of use including Integrated Logistic Support (ILS) and In-Service Support (ISS).
Fincantieri’s Chief Executive Officer, Giuseppe Bono, commented: “The announcement of this additional unit completes the first part of the renewal of our Navy’s Fleet, one of the world’s most significant defence programmes of the last years. We are extremely satisfied and excited to be leaders of such an important project, both technically and industrially. It confirms that we are a reference producer worldwide as well in the naval segment, either for the domestic and foreign markets. Fincantieri all will work at this programme with the highest commitment in order to realize on time extremely high quality products”.
Finmeccanica’s Chief Executive Officer and General Manager, Mauro Moretti, said: “The contract award represents a new and significant contribution by Finmeccanica and Fincantieri to the Italian Navy's important fleet renewal programme. All of the systems designed and developed for the new dual-use LHD naval unit are based on the most advanced technology, boosting the efficiency of solutions proposed by Finmeccanicaandstrengthening its position in the naval sector. The group will continue to invest in this sector, with the goal of increasing the value of its products and solutions able to achieve significant success, also in international markets”.
The unit will be approx. 200 meters long with a maximum speed of 25 knots. It will be equipped with a combined diesel and gas turbine plant (CODOG) and will be able to accommodate on board over 1,000 people, of whom more than 700 military or civilian transported people. The LHD's main mission is the transport of people, vehicles and loads of different kinds and in their transfer on land in port areas through on board systems and in not equipped areas with various kinds of vessels (such as the small LCM landing craft units with a load capacity up to 60 tons, four of which can be admitted, launched, and recovered through a flooded basin, located on the stern of the vessel). The LHD’s military profile use provides transport and landing, in equipped and non-equipped areas, of troupes, military vehicles, logistic equipment, using the provided features and means of transfer. The civil profile use provides: • healthcare and hospital support • transfer and landing of people and wheeled or crawled means of transport in equipped and non-equipped areas • supply of drinking water to land through onboard desalination plants or storages • supply of electricity to land with 2000 kw of power and its distribution through containerized conversion and distribution units • possibility of accommodating specialized staff on board or hosting up to 700 civilian personnel, plus the same number in containerized residential units • rescue operations base through helicopters and boar staffing vessels
Equipped with wide embarkment areas of about 4500mq withindock-garage and hangar-garage and a continuous open deck, able to receive wheeled vehicles of various kinds, containers and helicopters, the unit can perform several military and civil missions. The different areas of cargo securing are accessible through stern and side ramps, and cargo handling will be managed by internal ramps and elevators. On board there will be a fully equipped hospital, complete with operating rooms, radiology and analysis rooms, a dentist’s office, and a hospital rooms capable of hosting 28 seriously injured patients (further admissions are possible through duly equipped container modules).
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| | | augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| | | | MAATAWI Modérateur
messages : 14756 Inscrit le : 07/09/2009 Localisation : Maroc Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Lun 13 Juil - 16:04 | |
| - Citation :
- Italy Renews Lease on SIGINT Aircraft
ROME — As terrorist attacks and full-scale warfare escalate in North Africa, Italy has renewed its lease of a Lockheed Martin signals intelligence aircraft while a Pentagon-chartered King Air aircraft has begun surveillance flights over the region from Italy.
Italy first leased the Gulfstream III SIGINT aircraft from Lockheed Martin in 2012 as its G222 SIGINT aircraft was retired following final service in the NATO air campaign over Libya in 2011.
Flying from Pratica di Mare Air Base south of Rome, with Lockheed Martin pilots on board, the Gulfstream aircraft has been flown since, with the lease renewed yearly.
Now, the lease again has been renewed to the spring of 2016, a source knowledgeable of the deal told Defense News.
Known as the Airborne Multi-INT Laboratory, the Gulfstream is a flying ISR test bed offering communications intelligence and electronic intelligence capability, as well as an electro-optic sensor and ground datalink.
The aircraft is due back in Italy this month after undergoing maintenance in the US, the source said. The program is run by Italy's military General Staff and all data is handled by Italy.
The Italian parliament signed off on the acquisition of a SIGINT aircraft in 2009 but funds were never found, despite requests for information being sent to Lockheed Martin and Israel's Elta.
Last year, Italian industrial sources said Italian firms would be able to provide the capability, an option that could be more attractive to defense planners looking to prop up Italy's industrial base, but the new lease suggests officials are keeping faith with the Lockheed lease solution.
"As a civilian aircraft this Gulfstream will not go into 'hot' areas, but Italy still needs a platform like this," said Gabriele Iacovino, an analyst at the International Study Center in Rome.
"However, leasing must be a temporary solution," he added. With Italy preparing to participate in a European military operation to halt people-trafficking from the shores of Libya, which saw 170,000 migrants sent by boat to Italy last year, Iacovino said that the need for a SIGINT aircraft was increasing.
The requirement may get a mention in a strategy document generals are expected to draw up by year end based on Italy's new defense white paper.
The white paper called on Italy to take a leading role in the security of the Mediterranean area, which is currently at risk as rival governments engage in civil war in Libya and after a terrorist attack in Tunisia last month prompted a state of emergency.
More than 30 tourists were murdered on a beach when a lone gunman opened fire with a Kalashnikov after training with a jihadi group in neighboring Libya. The attack followed an assault by islamist gunmen on a museum in Tunisia in March that left 22 people dead.
After the museum attack, a flight-tracking site picked up flights made in March by a Beechcraft King Air 350ER from the Italian island of Pantelleria in the Mediterranean to remote areas in western Tunisia, where the attackers were thought to be hiding, and where the aircraft loitered.
The aircraft was registered to Aircraft Logistics Group LLC, a US firm.
Then, Italian Defense Undersecretary Domenico Rossi told parliament that the aircraft was flying surveillence missions on behalf of US Africa Command, after a request had been made to the Italian government.
Although the US could have flown missions from its base at Sigonella on the island of Sicily, Pantelleria was closer to North Africa, said Rossi, hence the request. On the island, which is further south than the most northern tip of Tunisia, the Italian Air Force is giving support to the King Air flights, Rossi said.
The US government has asked to continue daily flights until year end, he added.
"Air operations in the Mediterranean have been going on for decades thanks to the strong partnership between the US and our partners in the region," said an Africom spokesman.
"While we cannot discuss the operational details of any particular mission, we can confirm
air operations from Pantelleria are part of ongoing multinational stabilization efforts," he added.
"The aircraft operating from the Pantelleria airfield carry no weapons or offensive capability — we're sharing information and communications capability to support partner nation requests for assistance."
Last month, the US carried out its first air raids on Libya since 2011, sending F-15s to mount an attack on Mokhtar Belmokhtar, a jihadist who led a deadly attack on an Algerian gas facility two years ago.
Even though the official government in Libya claimed Belmokhtar had been killed in the raid, Iacovino said he had not been present. "These groups will always announce the death of a leader and no announcement has been made," he said. | |
| | | augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Mer 15 Juil - 9:01 | |
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| | | jf16 General de Division
messages : 41377 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| | | | jf16 General de Division
messages : 41377 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Lun 20 Juil - 18:34 | |
| - Citation :
- Mise en service opérationnel du premier HH-101A de l'AMI
Dans Actualité Défense Publié le 20/07/2015 à 14h43, par Jean-Pierre HUSSON
L'Aeronautica Militare Italiana a mis en service opérationnel son premier HH-101A d'Agusta Westland. © AMI
Le 15° Stormo Combat-SAR de l'Aeronautica Militare Italiana (AMI), basée à Cervia, près de Ravenne (Emilie-Romagne), vient de mettre en service opérationnel son premier AgustaWestland HH-101A. Référencé sous le nom de "Caesar" dans la nomenclature militaire de l'AMI, ce premier hélicoptère, dérivé du AW101, est destiné à assurer plusieurs types de missions: support aux opérations des forces spéciales, missions SMI (Slow Mover Interceptor), c'est-à-dire d'interception d'aéromobiles lents, et tout naturellement celles de recherche et sauvetage (SAR et Combat-SAR).
Les prochains "Caesar" livrés à l'AMI seront déployés également à Trapani, en Sicile, où est basé le 37° Stormo sur Eurofighter Typhoon. Pour sa nouvelle plate-forme EE-101A, AgustaWestland (groupe Finmeccanica) a signé tout récemment un contrat avec Elettronica portant sur l'acquisition de sept systèmes d'autoprotection de type IEWS (Integrated Electronic Warfare System). | |
| | | MAATAWI Modérateur
messages : 14756 Inscrit le : 07/09/2009 Localisation : Maroc Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Mar 21 Juil - 9:49 | |
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- Work begins on eighth FREMM ship for Italian Navy
Fincantieri has started construction of the eighth frégate européen multi-mission (FREMM) ship for the Italian Navy at its Riva Trigoso shipyard in Sestri Levante, Italy.
Planned to be built in the general purpose configuration, the FREMM ship is scheduled to be delivered to the Italian Navy in early 2019.
This work is part of a contract awarded to Orizzonte Sistemi Navali to construct ten vessels for Italian Navy, to replace its ageing Fincantieri-built Lupo and Maestrale-class ships by 2021.
Orizzonte Sistemi Navali is a joint venture (JV) of Fincantieri and Finmeccanica. It is the prime contractor for Italy within the international Italian and French FREMM programme.
Last month, the JV started construction of the seventh FREMM vessel.
OCCAR, the organisation for joint armament cooperation, placed an order with Orizzonte Sistemi Navali in April for the last two FREMM frigates for Italy. "The FREMM ship is scheduled to be delivered to the Italian Navy in early 2019."
Other Italian FREMM ships are at various stages of production, Bergamini, the first of class (FOC) in general purpose configuration, and Fasan, the FOC in anti submarine warfare (ASW) configuration, are in operation with the Italian Navy.
Both the vessels are in the in-service phase, and are being supported through the temporary global support contract.
The follow on ships (FOS) in ASW configuration, Margottini and Carabiniere, are under the warranty works up to the end of this month.
The ASW configuration vessel, Alpino, was launched in December 2014 and Rizzo, a general purpose configuration frigate is planned for launch in December this year. | |
| | | jf16 General de Division
messages : 41377 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| | | | augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Mar 18 Aoû - 11:26 | |
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- BAE Systems completes manufacture of Italian Air Force's first F-35B Lighting II aft fuselage
BAE Systems has hit another milestone on the F-35 Lightning II programme after completing manufacture of the first Short Take-Off and Vertical Landing (STOVL) variant aft fuselage for the Italian Air Force. BL01 was completed at the Company’s Military Air & Information site at Samlesbury, Lancashire, and will now be transported to the Final Assembly and Check Out (FACO) facility at the Cameri Air Base in northern Italy, where it will be married up with the rest of the aircraft.
on Evans, head of F-35 Lightning II Production Delivery at Samlesbury, said: “This is another important milestone in our F-35 Lightning II programme and we are proud to complete manufacture of the first F-35B aft fuselage for the Italian Air Force. “It is also further demonstration of the expertise of our team as we continue to deliver landmarks in what is a huge programme – and one in which BAE Systems will continue to play a vital role.”
BAE Systems' teams on the F-35 Lightning II programme at Samlesbury are responsible for producing each rear fuselage and vertical and horizontal tails set, a significant proportion of the total manufacturing work on each aircraft.
"We are also responsible for various systems on the aircraft including fuel, crew escape and life-support systems, and the integration of the aircraft on to the new Queen Elizabeth Class Aircraft Carrier," said BAE Systems in a statement.
The STOVL variant, known as the F-35B, is designed to operate from outpost bases and air-capable ships. It can also take off and land conventionally from longer runways.
Collectively, some 500 UK companies are involved in the F-35 Lightning II programme with around 3,200 aircraft set to be built over the next 20 years.
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| | | augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Mar 8 Sep - 8:14 | |
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- Italy's first F-35A Lighting II fighter aircraft performed its first flight
Italy’s first F-35A Lightning II, known as AL-1 and assembled at the Cameri Final Assembly and Check Out (FACO) facility, flew for the first time today marking the program’s first-ever F-35 flight outside the United States., the defense giant announced today September 7th, 2015.
Lockheed Martin F-35 test pilot Bill “Gigs” Gigliotti, lifted off the runway at 1:05 p.m. European Standard Time for a 1:22 hour check flight in AL-1 marking a historic milestone for Italy, Finmeccanica-Alenia Aermacchi manufacturing cooperation and Lockheed Martin.
“The first flight of AL-1 is a monumental achievement thanks to the hard work and dedication of our Finmeccanica-Alenia Aermacchi and Lockheed Martin teammates,” said Lorraine Martin, Lockheed Martin F-35 Program General Manager. “Italy’s ‘primo volo’ (first flight) sets a firm foundation for Italy’s F-35 program and future opportunities for the Cameri FACO. My heartfelt congratulations to all who worked tirelessly to bring us to this major international program milestone.”
Today’s first flight for AL-1 went as planned. “As expected, the jet performed exceptionally well and without any surprises,” Gigliotti said. “I’m honored to have flown AL-1 on its maiden flight and grateful to the Cameri team for providing a great jet. We look forward to continued successes leading up to aircraft delivery later this year.”
The Cameri FACO is owned by the Italian government and operated by Finmeccanica-Alenia Aermacchi in association with Lockheed Martin. The Cameri FACO’s F-35 production operations began in July 2013 and ‘rolled out’ Italy’s first F-35A aircraft, AL-1, in March. AL-1’s official delivery to Italy is expected by the end of the year. The facility will assemble both Italy’s F-35A conventional takeoff and landing variant and the F-35B short takeoff/vertical landing variant, and is planned to assemble the Royal Netherlands Air Force’s F-35A aircraft in the future. The F-35A and F-35B will replace Italian Air Force and Italian Navy AV-8 Harriers, Panavia Tornados and AMX fighters.
In addition to its responsibility in the operations of the FACO, Finmeccanica-Alenia Aermacchi also produces the F-35A’s full wing-sets. The work contracted to Finmeccanica-Alenia Aermacchi, a strategic co-supplier of F-35A full wing assemblies, is one of the largest manufacturing projects for the Italian F-35 program, with 835 full wing assemblies planned. Finmeccanica participates in the F-35 program also with Selex ES, responsible for various onboard electronics.
The F-35 Lightning II, a 5th generation fighter, combines advanced low observable stealth technology with fighter speed and agility, fully fused sensor information, network-enabled operations and advanced sustainment. More than 130 production F-35s have been delivered to customers and have flown more than 38,700 cumulative fleet flight hours, fleet-wide.
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| | | jf16 General de Division
messages : 41377 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Ven 11 Sep - 14:50 | |
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- Italian Air Force begins pilot training on T-346A
Alan Warnes, Lecce - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
10 September 2015
The Italian Air Force have begun training its first batch of newly qualified pilots on the Alenia Aermacchi T-346A jet trainer at Lecce Air Base. Source: Alan Warnes
The Italian Air Force has started training its first pilots on the Alenia Aermacchi T-346A (M-346A) at Lecce-Galatina Air Base in Italy.
Italy has ordered 15 M-346As and has three more on option; five have been delivered, with eight due by March 2016.
The T-346A provides the Phase 4, Lead In Fighter Training (LIFT) element of pilot training and is designed to introduce pilots to fifth-generation aircraft performance and sensors. If successful the four newly qualified Italian pilots in the first batch will then convert to one of Italy's three current fighters; Eurofighter, AMX or Tornado, and in the longer-term to the F-35.
A senior instructor from 61 Wing, which is training pilots at Lecce, told IHS Jane's "We continuously talk to the three operational conversion units (OCUs) to tailor the T-346A course to their needs. We want to take some of their training burden away and decrease the number of hours the OCU has to fly. Getting them 'limited combat ready' before they leave here helps."
Since receiving the first permanently assigned T-346As in February, instructors have been fine-tuning the Phase 4 T-346A LIFT course. The 'experimental syllabus', as it is currently known, provides a 50/50 split between flying training and simulator work covering air-to-air, air-to-ground, air-to-air refuelling, dissimilar air combat training, and air-to-air gunnery. Currently this takes 90 flying hours and 177 events in the ground-based training systems (GBTS). However, time in the air is expected to decrease when simulation is introduced into the GBTS by May 2016. Pilots will then be able to interact on combined air operations (COMAOs) whether they are in the simulator or in the air.
Working alongside the four new graduates on the first course are two experienced pilots, one from the Royal Netherlands Air Force and one from Italy, who will become M-346A instructor pilots (IP). The Netherlands is sending an IP and two student pilots to Lecce to see how suitable the new jet is as a LIFT for the F-35.
The Polish Air Force, which ordered eight M-346As in February 2014, is expected to send the first of 16 pilots for IP training to Lecce in November. Poland is expected to take delivery of its first M-346A in late 2016.
Meanwhile 61 Wing is also currently training a third batch of Kuwait Air Force personnel on the FT-339 (MB-339), in a deal that should see 35 pilots eventually graduate at Lecce. | |
| | | augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Mar 15 Sep - 17:20 | |
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Air Platforms Germany, Italy may increase submarine fleets Alex Pape, Kiel - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly 15 September 2015
The German and Italian Navies are looking to increase their submarine fleets again in light of evolving security challenges, senior officials said at the Subcon 2015 conference on submarine technology organised by ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems (TKMS) in Kiel.
Germany An "arc of instability" now spans several continents, exacerbating maritime security challenges, and the Ukraine crisis has highlighted the need to still consider more traditional security challenges, noted Vice Admiral Andreas Krause, the head of the German Navy.
The Baltic Sea is also re-emerging as an area of importance for the German Navy including the ability to exert sea control and have a deterrent sea denial capability, added Captain Henning Faltin, head of future naval plans at the German Ministry of Defence. Ensuring a safe and open maritime space is important for regional countries and key to the Baltic states' access to the world in particular.
While new technology in the shape of sensors, weapons, increasing modularity, and more simulator training is due to solve some of the challenges, there may be a need to increase Germany's fleet of submarines beyond the current planning level of six boats. During the Cold War Germany operated in excess of 20 smaller coastal submarines and had expected to replace these with some 12 submarines after 2000; however, this number was then repeatedly cut. When all of Germany's remaining coastal boats were decommissioned in one fell swoop in 2010, this left just four Type 212A boats (commissioned in 2005/2006) in service, before the two more boats were added with an additional capability by the end of 2015.
While there is still no urgent need to add boats right away according to Capt Faltin, future operational capability is being considered well in advance, including the replacement of the current boats. This could start within the next 15 years and see a modest increase in the overall number of subs beyond the current level of six.
Italy The Italian Navy's submarine fleet currently comprises six boats, including two Type 212A built in co-operation with Germany, and four Improved Sauro-class boats commissioned in 1988-95. A second batch of two new Type 212A is under construction by Fincantieri, these new boats are due to replace the older pair of Sauro-class submarines in 2016, and the overall fleet was then due to shrink to four submarines by 2020 with the decommissioning without replacement of the third and fourth Sauro-class submarines.
However, instability and conflict on the shores of the Mediterranean, its importance for trade - and more recently, as a conduit for human and drug trafficking - has led the Italian Navy to step up its use of submarines. In light of the situation, two Italian boats have been continuously deployed for patrols off Libya since March, according to the commander of the navy's submarine force, Rear Admiral Dario Giacomin. The submarines were also active in support of anti-piracy missions in the Indian Ocean from 2010-13.
While the submarines are proving their versatility in these modern scenarios, Rear Adm Giacomin warned the importance of traditional roles should not be underestimated. "Deterrence, sea denial, and control remain the key reasons for operating the submarine fleet." The submarine force also hopes to stem the reduction in number of boats, with consideration being given to extend the life of two Improved Sauro-class boats by up to 10 years (maintaining a six boat fleet until at least 2025), and a push to increase the fleet beyond the planned four boats long-term in the upcoming defence White Paper.
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| | | augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| | | | jf16 General de Division
messages : 41377 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Jeu 17 Sep - 11:22 | |
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- DSEI 2015: Italian Army orders more Guardian C-IED systems
Nicholas de Larrinaga, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
17 September 2015
Italy has ordered more Guardian high power C-IED sets from Selex ES. Source: Selex ES
The Italian Army has ordered more Guardian counter-improvised explosive device (C-IED) systems from Selex ES, the company announced on 16 September at DSEI 2015 exhibition in London.
Guardian is a family of electronic countermeasure systems designed to jam radio-controlled IEDs. The range includes manportable and vehicle-mounted sets, in low (W2, C2) and high power (H2, H3) configurations.
The latest order will see the Italian Army's total inventory rise to nearly 500 Guardian H3 vehicle-mounted C-IED sets by the end of 2016. Over the past four months Italy has ordered 113 more Guardian sets, including this latest order.
L'armée italienne a commandé des ARX-200 pour équipé ses tireurs d'élites, d'après le magazine Raids. Beretta unveiled its new ARX-200 battle rifle (top) at DSEI. The 7.62 mm rifle maintains a common look and feel with the company's ARX-160 5.56 mm assault rifle, although its internals differ. Source: Paulo Valpolini [/i] | |
| | | augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Ven 18 Sep - 9:36 | |
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- VECO's Medium Protected Vehicle 4x4 (MPV) is on show at DSEI
The MPV range is based on the Trakker MOTS truck chassis with a protected crew cell and is already in service with a number of European defence forces, including the UK, German and Swiss armies.
The development of the MPV dates from a co-operation agreement signed in 2008 between Iveco Defence Vehicles and Krauss Maffei Wegmann (KMW) of Germany for the development of a new range of military vehicles in the 18 to 25 tonne class. Since then, the MPV has evolved significantly with 4x4 ambulances, route clearance and troop carrier vehicles currently in production. The MPV range is based on the Trakker MOTS truck chassis with a protected crew cell and is already in service with a number of European defence forces, including the UK, German and Swiss armies.
The cell incorporates the driver’s cab and the mission compartment and offers more than 13m³ of internal space in the standard 4x4 version, increasing to 16m³ for the ambulance/Intensive treatment unit variant. The maximum combat weight of up to 18 tonnes and a chassis which is capable of mastering the toughest of terrains, gives the MPV 4x4 excellent tactical mobility on all missions.
The inherent flexibility of the platform-design allows it to be adapted to a wide variety of roles and configurations while maintaining the same level of protection as the standard variant. With a contract value of €120M, the Route Clearance Project is of particular interest, representing a unique and innovative solution to the challenges of route clearance. The Route Clearance Convoy comprises five vehicles, each fulfilling a complimentary function and includes surveillance units with mast mounted sensors and a unit with a manipulator arm designed to disarm and remove IEDs. The last variant, named the RCP3 is on display at the Land Vehicle Zone. Each vehicle within the convoy is named for its specific role: Decoy (RCP1), Detection (RCP 2), Confirmation (RCP3), and Observation (RCP4 and RCP5). Oto Melara, Selex and MBDA are also participating in the project, with Iveco acting as system integrator.
MPV sales successes: The Italian Army has already ordered 16 Ambulances and 40 Route Clearance versions of the MPV (designated VTMM by the Italian Army), which are currently being delivered. Moreover, the contract signed by Iveco Defence Vehicles with Lebanon includes 5 MPV in troop carrier configuration.
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| | | augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Ven 18 Sep - 14:56 | |
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- Italian Army orders additional Guardian counter-IED systems from Selex
Selex has secured contracts from the Italian Army to supply additional electronic counter measure (ECM) equipment to protect a wide range of their vehicles against the continued threat of radio frequency initiated remotely controlled improvised explosive devices (RCIEDs). Under the contracts, the Finmeccanica subsidiary will supply 113 Guardian H3 vehicle systems to the Italian Army. The new systems will bring the total number of Guardian jammers purchased to date by the customer to nearly 500. The Guardian counters the threat of RCIEDs by providing a form of 'electronic armour', which blocks the radio transmission used for detonation of improvised explosive devices, such as roadside bombs. The ECM capability package was originally designed to address the demanding size, weight and power (SWaP) requirements of a soldier on a foot patrol, but was further developed and packaged for an array of roles including vehicle and fixed site.
Fully reprogrammable by the customer, the Guardian range includes man-portable and vehicle-mounted sets, in low (W2, C2) and highpower (H2, H3) configurations, IHS Jane's reported. The Guardian equipment's design is said to allow for a modular and flexible approach to address the subtle differences between the protection requirements that are needed for very important persons, explosive ordnance disposal and force protection roles, and can be rendered inoperable in an emergency. According to the company, the Guardian family of products builds on a 30-year history of providing the UK Armed Forces with ECM capability. Additional contract details, including the value and delivery schedule remain undisclosed.
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