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 Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus

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MessageSujet: Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus   Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus - Page 5 Icon_minitimeLun 20 Avr - 4:29

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Citation :
DCA: Minsk souhaite acquérir des missiles sol-air S-400 (officiel)

MINSK, 8 avril - RIA Novosti. Dans le cadre de l'accord
russo-biélorusse sur le Système unique de DCA, on prévoit de livrer à
la Biélorussie des batteries S-400, a annoncé mercredi le commandant de
l'armée de l'Air biélorusse Igor Azarenok, lors d'une conférence de
presse. Selon le militaire, les deux pays élaborent les conditions auxquelles
ces batteries pourraient être "livrées sur notre territoire".
La batterie sol-air Triumf S-400 est conçu pour contrer les nouveaux
types de cibles : les aéronefs intégrant des technologies furtives, les
missiles de croisière de faibles dimensions, ainsi que les missiles
balistiques dont le rayon d'action ne dépasse pas 3.500 km, les cibles
hypersoniques d'une vitesse de vol 4,8 km/sec, et d'autres systèmes
d'attaque aérienne, modernes et à venir.

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messages : 8293
Inscrit le : 18/08/2010
Localisation : canada
Nationalité : Maroco-Canadien
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus   Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMar 25 Aoû - 15:53

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Russia to Deliver Five Tor-M2K Surface-to-Air Missile Launchers to Belarus

Russia's state arms exporter Rosoboronexport and the Belarusian Defense MInistry signed on Tuesday a contract on delivery of five missile launchers for the Tor-M2K air defense system, Rosoboronexport said Tuesday.

ZHUKOVSKY (Sputnik) — According to Rosoboronexport's General Director Anatoly Isaykin, the delivery of these launchers will significantly boost air defense capability of Belarus and the Russia-Belarus Union State in general.

"The delivery is scheduled for 2016," Isaykin told reporters at the MAKS-2015 air show.

The XII International Aviation and Space Salon MAKS-2015 has opened on Tuesday in the Russian city of Zhukovsky with over 400,000 people expected to attend the venue during the six-day event.
About 760 companies from 35 countries, are expected to participate in the air show, including Russia's state technology corporation Rostec and arms exporter Rosoboronexport, as well as arms manufacturer Almaz-Antey, Russian Helicopters, and several companies from the space industr

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messages : 8293
Inscrit le : 18/08/2010
Localisation : canada
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus   Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus - Page 5 Icon_minitimeJeu 27 Aoû - 13:28

Citation :
More than 8,000 Russian, Belarusian troops to take part in joint military drills

Russia  August 26, 12:28 UTC+3
The drills will also involve 400 units of military equipment

Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus - Page 5 Bela410

MOSCOW, August 26. /TASS/. More than 8,000 Russian and Belarusian troops and 400 pieces of military equipment will be involved in this year’s joint Union Shield drill, the Western Military District’s spokesman Oleg Kochetkov said on Wednesday.
"Taking part in the exercise will be more than eight thousand Russian and Belarusian troops and 400 pieces of military equipment. About 80 helicopters and planes, including attack aircraft, jet fighters, army aviation and transport planes will be involved," he said.
A grouping of 16 Belarus Air Force aicraft to take part in joint drills
The Belarusian Defense Ministry earlier said a grouping of the Belarusian Air Force comprising 16 aircraft and helicopters will take part in joint exercises in the Russian territory this autumn.
"In autumn this year, the Belarusian aviation grouping consisting of 16 aircraft and helicopters will participate in joint operational training events due to be held at a firing ground in Russia," the ministry said.

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messages : 40930
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
Nationalité : France
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus   Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMer 9 Sep - 20:46

Citation :
Belarus to buy Russian BTR-82 Armoured Personnel Carrier

By Dylan Vosman - Sep 9, 2015

Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus - Page 5 2119
Belarus to buy Russian BTR-82 Armoured Personnel Carrier.

Belarus and Russia on Russia Arms Expo exhibition in Nizhny Tagil have signed a contract for the supply of party BTR-82A in the Armed Forces of Belarus. This was announced by Deputy Chief of Armaments of the Armed Forces of Belarus Major General Sergei Simonenko.

The BTR-82A Armoured Personnel Carriers  will be on land of the Belarusian Armed Forces in 2016.

The BTR-82A is an advanced 8×8 wheeled armoured personnel carrier (APC) being manufactured by Military Industrial Company of Russia for use by the armies of Russia and Kazakhstan.

The BTR-82A APC was developed based on the design of BTR-80A. The vehicle offers improved protection capabilities than its predecessor.

The APC measures 7.65m in length, 2.9m in width and 2.8m in height. It has a weight of 15,400kg and accommodates up to three crew and seven troops. The cabin is fitted with new seats and air-conditioning system to provide more comfort for the occupants.
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messages : 553
Inscrit le : 20/07/2010
Localisation : CVN
Nationalité : Maroc
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus   Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSam 19 Sep - 5:38

Citation :
Exercise Union Shield 2015 Concludes
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The Belarusian and the Russian militaries have completed joint exercise Union Shield 2015.
The exercise was held at the ranges Kirillovsky (Leningrad region) and Strugi Krasnye (Pskov region). To provide air support for the troops and test the Belarus-Russia United Regional Air Defence System, the military used the Kingisepp and Ashuluk ranges. The exercise was purely defensive in nature and not aimed against any country.
During the exercise, the Russian and Belarusian military units practised command and control of the troops in manoeuvre warfare.
Union Shield 2015 involved more than 8,000 service members, about 80 airplanes and helicopters and 400 weapons, including about 100 tanks.
The Belarusian military command and control bodies and troops were redeployed to the Russian ranges by rail and air.
The troops practised various scenarios of joint actions of Belarusian and Russian military units of the Regional Joint Force.
The exercise allowed the troops to increase interoperability of staffs and C4ISR systems, enhance coordination among military command and control bodies and improve the field training and flight skills of the units of the Belarus-Russia Regional Joint Force.
According to Belarusian Defence Minister Lt. Gen. Andrei Ravkov, the personnel of the Russia-Belarus joint force demonstrated high combat readiness and morale.

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Inscrit le : 20/07/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus   Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus - Page 5 Icon_minitimeJeu 1 Oct - 2:23

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General de Division
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messages : 40930
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
Nationalité : France
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus   Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus - Page 5 Icon_minitimeJeu 5 Nov - 17:55

Citation :
Belarus to Use Own «Polonez» Multiple Launch Rocket System

Nov 5, 2015

Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus - Page 5 12183

November 3, the President of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, has visited Precision Electromechanical Plantlocated in the Dzerzhinsk region, where the cutting edge domestic multiple launch rocket system «Polonez» was demonstrated. The head of state was also updated on the efforts to localize the production of combat missiles.

The «Polonez» multiple launch rocket system (MLRS) was first demonstrated on May 9, during the parade in Minsk. The Polonez missiles have a range of 200 km. Today only several states have missile systems with such characteristics.

The «Polonez» multiple launch rocket system (MLRS) using a China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) 200 km-range A200 guided rocket.

Photo : fire tests of «Polonez» MLRS in China

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According to a Chinese report, the two sides agreed in 2013 to create the new MLR system, which could enter Belarusian army service in 2016. The same report noted a 2012 agreement between China and Belarus to develop a new surface-to-air missile system.
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General de Division
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messages : 40930
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
Nationalité : France
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus   Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMer 2 Déc - 19:56

Citation :
Belarus delivered back MiG-29BM to Belarusian Air Force

Dec 2, 2015

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Ten newly repaired MiG-29 aircraft were delivered to the 61st fighter airbase in Baranovichi on 1 December, BelTA has learned.

The number includes eight combat aircraft and two training ones. The aircraft were sent for scheduled overhaul to 558 Aircraft Repair Plant in April 2014. The aircraft were fixed, the service life period was restored, and video registration of flight parameters for more objective control was enabled.

According to Andrei Tuchin, Acting Director of 558 Aircraft Repair Plant, it was the second overhaul for the MiG-29 aircraft, even the third one for one of them. A second overhaul of such aircraft has never been done in any country. The aircraft’s delivery coincided with the start of the new academic year in the Belarusian Air Force and Air Defense. During combat training flights on 1 December close attention was paid to improving the proficiency and mastery of the pilots.

The 61st airbase, which is meant to protect Belarus’ western air borders, started mastering the MiG-29 model in 1993. Later on these aircraft were upgraded by 558 Aircraft Repair Plant to receive the new abbreviation of MiG-29BM. Belarusian pilots have used the upgraded aircraft to beat 15 world records such as climb speed and flight speed along a locked route.
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus   Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus - Page 5 Icon_minitimeDim 13 Déc - 16:07

YAK-130 :

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Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus - Page 5 10149310

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messages : 8293
Inscrit le : 18/08/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus   Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSam 23 Jan - 8:57

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Belarusian company «Minotor-Service» has started developing a new wheeled amphibious armored reconnaissance vehicle
Jan 22, 2016

Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus - Page 5 Belaru10

During the visit of Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko to the manufacturing and trade enterprise Minotor-Service on 21 January, was presented the model of new wheeled amphibious armored reconnaissance vehicle 4×4.

Minotor-Service Enterprise designs, manufactures and maintains land and amphibious tracked combat vehiclesdesigned for the use with ground forces and Marine Corps units.

The new armored vehicle is a 4×4 wheeled all-terrain vehicle manufactured by «Minotor-Service», for the Belarus armed forces and foreign buyers. The vehicle is primarily deployed in patrol and surveillance missions.

The new armored vehicle design by «Minotor-Service» is fully amphibious and can swim ; it is also air transportable by Il-76, An-70, C-130 and A400M. The first prototype is planned to produce by the end of 2016.

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messages : 8293
Inscrit le : 18/08/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus   Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus - Page 5 Icon_minitimeVen 5 Fév - 14:29

Citation :
Belarus to consider buying S-400 and Iskander missile systems

The Republic of Belarus will consider importing the advanced S-400 (NATO reporting name: SA-21 Growler) surface-to-air missile and Iskander (SS-26 Stone) tactical ballistic missile systems from Russia in 2020 at the earliest, Igor Lotenkov, Belarusian deputy defense minister for armament, told journalists

"As for the S-400 Triumph SAM system and Iskander missile system, their acquisition will be pondered after 2020. By the time, there may emerge more effective weapons systems featuring improved characteristics," the SB. Belarus Today daily quoted the deputy defense minister as saying.

According to Lotenkov, the bulk of the overhaul of the Russia-supplied S-300 (SA-10 Grumble) SAM systems has been completed. "One battalion has been delivered to Belarus and is ready for the operation as part of the 377th SAM Regiment in Polotsk. Another [battalion set of S-300s] has been overhauled and is due any time soon," he said. "Even though the S-300 is not the latest system, it meets our needs in full. The Armed forces can use it for decades in the air defense role."

He also said the Belarusian Armed Forces would receive Mil Mi-8MTV-5 (Hip) transport/combat helicopters this year. The deputy defense minister reminded that Belarus and Russia had sealed a deal on 12 aircraft of the type designed to oust the current Mi-8s (Hip), which service life has expired. The country also is expected another batch of Yakovlev Yak-130 (Mitten) combat trainers and the fourth battery of Tor-M2 (SA-15 Gauntlet) SAM system.

Lotenkov said Belarus would conduct the final phase of the trials of the indigenous Polonez multiple-launch rocket system with a range of about 200 km. "Based on the outcome of the tests, we are going to add a Polonez MLSR battalion to the 336th Rocket Artillery Brigade by September," the deputy defense minister said.

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General de Division
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messages : 40930
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
Nationalité : France
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus   Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMer 10 Fév - 18:53

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messages : 40930
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
Nationalité : France
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus   Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus - Page 5 Icon_minitimeJeu 11 Fév - 14:30

Citation :

La Biélorussie commande le Sukhoi su-30SM !

Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus - Page 5 13474

La Biélorusssie et la Russie ont conclu un accord de principe sur la vente de 12 Sukhoi Su-30SM, selon le vice ministre de la Défense biélorusse le Major général Igor Lotenkov. Les livraisons devraient débuter en 2020.

Les Sukhoi Su-30SM vont progressivement remplacer les MiG-29 « Fulcrum » et venir épauler la flotte de Su-27 actuellement en phase de modernisation. Un accord de partenariat entrera également en vigueur pour la maintenance, en effet l'usine de réparation des aéronefs n° 558 située à Baranovichi dans l'ouest de la Biélorussie a déjà les compétences nécessaires pour entretenir et réparer les aéronefs de la série Su-27/30.

Le Sukhoi Su-30SM :

Les SU-30SM se différencient des SU-30MKI indiens par leurs équipements entièrement russes, leur système d'identification "ami/ennemi" et par d’autres éléments. Pour développer cette version, Sukhoi profita de son expérience avec le programme SU-35 en ce qui concerne par exemple l’avionique. Tout comme la version MKI, le SM dispose de plans canard et de tuyères à poussée vectorielle couplées aux moteurs Saturn Lyulka AL-31Fl.

L’appareil dispose d’un radar à antenne à balayage électronique (AESA) de type Zhuk-AE du fabricant russe Phazotron. L’antenne en bande X permet de suivre 30 cibles aériennes en mode piste, pendant l’exploration et d’engager 6 cibles simultanément en mode attaque. L’avionique est également de dernière génération avec écrans multifonctions (EFIS), système de positionnement par satellite GLONASS et un nouveau système de communication sécurisé.

L’armement est multiple pour permettre l’engagement air-air et air-sol mais également air-surface. L’option de dissuasion nucléaire est également possible avec capacité de frappe d’interdiction et la suppression des défenses antiaériennes.

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Photos : Sukhoi Su-30SM @ Sergy
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messages : 8293
Inscrit le : 18/08/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus   Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMer 6 Avr - 12:56

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KRET signed contracts with Algeria, Belarus and India for President-S DIRCM systems

Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus - Page 5 Sonboa10

Russia has signed contracts with Algeria, India and Belarus for the delivery of President-S onboard defense systems, CEO of the Radio-Electronic Technologies Group (KRET) Nikolai Kolesov said on Wednesday. "We will deliver 12 [President-S onboard defense] systems to Belarus and five to India. As for Algeria, this information is classified yet," the CEO added.

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus   Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus - Page 5 Icon_minitimeJeu 7 Avr - 10:37

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Belarus will receive last battalion of Russian-made S-300PMU1 air defense missle systems

Belarus will receive the fourth and final battalion of S-300PMU1 air defense missile systems as well as another four Yak-130 combat trainers in 2016, Commander of the Belarusian Air Force Maj. Gen. Oleg Dvigalev said Wednesday, April 6, 2016.

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messages : 8293
Inscrit le : 18/08/2010
Localisation : canada
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus   Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus - Page 5 Icon_minitimeJeu 7 Avr - 10:58

Citation :
Test-driving a new Belorussian «Caiman» Light Armoured Reconnaissance Vehicle
Apr 5, 2016

Tests are being conducted of the «Caiman» Light Armoured Reconnaissance Vehicle  for the Belorussian Interior Ministry’s Interior Troops and and foreign buyers.

«Caiman» Light Armoured Reconnaissance Vehicle have a diesel engine D-245 with electronic fuel control and reinforced five-speed manual transmission. Independent torsion bar suspension, axles, wheel gearboxes designers borrowed from the BTR-60.

Armored vehicle “Cayman” have weight of no more than seven tons (with six crew members and weapons) and has a top speed on the highway 110 kilometers per hour. Power reserve is about 1,000 kilometers .

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus   Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMar 12 Avr - 10:02

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Belarus to upgrade MZKT-7930 multipurpose wheeled chassis

Belarusian JSC Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant 'Volat' (Russian acronym: MZKT) is planning to upgrade MZKT-7930 wheeled 8x8 multi-purpose chassis, which is used in several Russian military mobile systems. It was revealed by the MZKT`s press department.

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus   Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus - Page 5 Icon_minitimeVen 13 Mai - 21:52

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Belarus holds rehearsal for Independence Day parade

May 13, 2016

Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus - Page 5 30103

Belarus  holds rehearsal for  Independence Day military parade.

Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus (Republic Day) is a public holiday, the independence day of Belarus and is celebrated each year on July 3.

The first rehearsal of the military parade was held at Lipki aerodrome. Tanks, armored personnel carriers, on 3 July. The rehearsals will be held on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

The length of the mechanized column will be almost 2 km. General rehearsal of the parade will be held on June 25-28.

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus   Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus - Page 5 Icon_minitimeVen 20 Mai - 20:34

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Camouflages des armées du monde - World Army Patterns

Biélorussie / Belarus / Беларусь

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus   Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus - Page 5 Icon_minitimeDim 12 Juin - 15:26

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Inscrit le : 18/08/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus   Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus - Page 5 Icon_minitimeVen 17 Juin - 10:35

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Polonez: Belarus Successfully Test-Fires New Multiple Rocket Launch System

The Belarusian Polonez multiple launch rocket system has successfully passed tests, President Alexander Lukashenko said.

MINSK (Sputnik) — Belarus has successfully tested its newly developed Polonez multiple launch rocket system, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said Thursday.

"This is a happy day is terms of security and defense. With a minuscule amount of funding allocated, our military was able to develop and test what has today become Belarusian-made missile armaments. The rocket systems have been launched," Lukashenko said during a meeting with Belarusian Prime Minister Andrei Kobyakov and National Bank of Belarus Head Pavel Kallaur, as quoted by the Belarusian Telegraph Agency (BelTA).

The first missile hit its target with a 1.5 meter (5 foot) accuracy, while the second missile reached its target with a 10-meter accuracy, he added, praising the result and stressing that the system was created within the last two years.
The prime minister was instructed to award those contributing to the development of the missile system, according to the media outlet.
The Polonez system was first unveiled at the May 9, 2015 Victory Day Parade in Minsk.

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus   Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus - Page 5 Icon_minitimeVen 17 Juin - 17:26

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Belarus uses «Polonez» multiple rocket launcher for first time during military drills

Jun 17, 2016

Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus - Page 5 3885
Polonez is a new Belarusian multiple launch rocket system

On 16 June, rocket troops and artillery units of the Belarusian Armed Forces conducted a first live-fire test of the Polonez MLRS in Gomel region.

The firing was conducted with the use of unmanned aircraft systems to provide real-time data, transmit the data to the system and hit the target.

The live-fire test took place following state trials to confirm the system’s specifications when firing at maximum range.

The system will enter service with the rocket troops of the Belarusian Armed Forces in 2016. It is designed to destroy unsheltered and sheltered personnel, unarmoured and armoured military hardware, artillery systems, missile and surface-to-air missile systems, aircraft at base airfields and other targets at a distance of 50 to 200 km with high accuracy.

The Polonez MLRS has been developed by Belarusian defence companies and is intended to join the family of MLRSs in service with the Belarusian Army. One Polonez system can accurately hit eight targets simultaneously, and deviation from the assigned coordinates at a maximum distance is less than 30 metres. Such accuracy combined with other advantages allows the system to accomplish numerous tasks specific to operational-tactical missiles systems and bomber aircraft.

According to State Secretary of the Belarusian Security Council Lt. Gen. Stanislav Zas, the live-fire test was successful and the system is ready for use in the Armed Forces.

State Secretary of the Security Council stressed that the firings were not a demonstration of military force but a planned activity aimed at re-equipping our Army. We have enhanced deterrence capability against encroachments on Belarusian independence. As the President requires, in terms of equipment our Armed Forces must meet present-day challenges.

Chairman of the State Military Industrial Committee (Goscomvoyenprom) Lt. Gen. Sergei Gurulev noted that such weapon systems were being developed in other countries, too. Two years ago, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko set Goscomvoyenprom the task of developing powerful precision missiles. The task has been successfully accomplished by defence companies.

In the future, the Goscomvoyenprom companies will be working on improving the system. It is assumed that its range will reach 300 km. At the same time, new missile, anti-tank and other systems will be developed.

“The State Military Industrial Committee has done a large amount of complicated and responsible work,” said Belarusian Defence Minister Lt. Gen. Andrei Ravkov. “The Belarusian Army will receive a combat system that will considerably improve the country’s defence capability. We will continue our work on equipping the Armed Forces with new advanced systems in subsequent years,” he added.

The Polonez is a new Belarusian multiple launch rocket system. It was developed to replace older Soviet 220-mm Uragan and 300-mm Smerch artillery rocket systems. It is likely that development of the Polonez was assisted by China. The «Polonez» multiple launch rocket system (MLRS) using a China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) 200 km-range A200 guided rocket.

The Polonez system was first unveiled at the May 9, 2015 Victory Day Parade in Minsk.

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus   Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus - Page 5 Icon_minitimeLun 18 Juil - 12:50

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Belarus will use modernized version of T-72B main battle tank at Tank Biathlon 2016 in Russia.

Belarussian modernized T-72B main battle tanks (MBT) are going to take part in the Tank Biathlon 2016 competition, according to a source in Russian defense industry.

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus   Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMer 27 Juil - 15:14

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Belarus's New Military Doctrine: NATO, Color Revolutions Main Threats to Country

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has signed a new, updated edition of the country's military doctrine, following deliberations in the country's parliament. Significantly, while the doctrine does not directly identify the countries which serve as a threat to Belarus, it is hinted in no uncertain terms that NATO is the most likely threat.

According to paragraph 11.3 of the new doctrine, direct military threats to the country include "the expansion (or creation) of military-political alliances in the European region in which the Republic of Belarus is not included," and/or an attempt by such alliances to carry out "global functions."

Paragraph 11.4, meanwhile, alludes to the threat posed by "the strengthening of the offensive capabilities of states (or coalitions of states), including the unilateral establishment of strategic missile defense systems, precision-guided weaponry equipped with non-nuclear warheads for attacks against the military forces and infrastructure of the Republic of Belarus," and other measures "leading to a disruption of the existing balance of forces, as well as the building up of military infrastructure by states bordering Belarus."

Belarus is a member of the Collective Security Treaty Organization, a military alliance consisting of Russia and five other post-Soviet states. Additionally, Belarus and Russia share a joint air defense system. Politically and economically, the two countries are integrated via the Russian-Belarusian Union State and the Eurasian Economic Union.
Alluding to the dangers of 'missile defense' and cruise missiles disrupting the existing balance of forces in the region, the new doctrine is clearly talking about the North Atlantic Alliance, the only other major military bloc in Europe, and the ongoing buildup of NATO forces in Eastern Europe, including US ABM systems in Romania and Poland.

In addition to direct military threats, the doctrine talks about so-called military-political, military-strategic and military-economic threats to the country. The document pays particular attention to the use of color revolution techniques, the use of private military forces, and 'hybrid warfare'.

Earlier, presenting a draft of the doctrine for parliamentary deliberation, Belarusian Defense Minister Andrei Ravkov emphasized that "a particular emphasis has been placed on the negative trends associated with the development of the concept of 'color revolutions', and mechanisms aimed at changing the constitutional order and violating states' territorial integrity by provoking internal armed conflicts."

Ravkov noted that the country's new military doctrine, the first update since 2002, would be sure to take account of a series of new external and internal threats, including those which are formally outside the military sphere, but which significantly affect the country's defense.

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus   Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSam 6 Aoû - 10:12

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international games in Russia

The adaptive training courses of ground target strike of the Aviadarts international contest was held in Russia on Aug 2, local time.

The contest is part of the International Army Games 2016, and over 50 aircraft in 15 models from total of 48 flight crews from China, Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus participated in the live-fire training.

This is so far the biggest training event in terms of number of aircraft, aircraft models and scale of this year’s Aviadarts contest.

The adaptive live-fire training is divided into four groups of fighters, bombers, long-range aviation and helicopters. All teams are required to get familiar with the airport, airspace, targets in the shooting range and other competition environment, and to verify flight equipment and understand flight procedures

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus   Armée Biélorusse / Armed Forces of Belarus - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMar 9 Aoû - 10:34

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Serbia Prepares for 2 Joint Military Drills With Russia, Belarus

Serbian Defense Ministry reported that Serbia is getting ready for two upcoming joint military drills with Russia and Belarus.

BELGRADE (Sputnik) — Serbia is getting ready for two upcoming joint military drills with Russia and Belarus: Slavic Brotherhood and Bars, a spokesperson for the Serbian Defense Ministry said Monday.
"Slavic Brotherhood-2016 drills will take place on the Serbian territory between September and October 2016. The drills will be held by three parties with the participation of representatives of Russian, Belarus and Serbian armed forces," the spokesperson told RIA Novosti.

The parties will agree on the exercise's details, including the date, the number of the participants and venue, at a conference in late August.

"Bars-2016 drills will be held on Serbian territory and in airspace in October 2016. The exact time will depend on weather conditions. MiG-29 jet fighters and new Mi-17 helicopters, which have just been bought by the Serbian Armed Forces from Russia, will be primarily used during the exercise," the spokesperson said.

In September 2015, paratroopers from Russia, Belarus and Serbia took part in the Slavic Brotherhood drills in Russia. Russia also held Bars-2015.

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