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 Bangladesh Armed Forces

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Henri K.
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messages : 7134
Inscrit le : 14/08/2008
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MessageSujet: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMer 24 Juin 2009 - 18:42

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Le Bengladesh modernise sa marine plus que viellote Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 5 Icon_mrg
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La marine du Bangladesh envisage d’acheter des frégates et un sous-marin

Publié le 24 juin 2009.
La marine du Bangladesh cherche la mise en œuvre d’un plan à 10 ans lui permettant de devenir une force tri-dimensionnelle grâce à l’achat de frégates, d’un sous-marin, d’avions de patrouille maritime, d’hélicoptères et d’autres équipements.

La marine prévoit d’acheter 3 frégates, 3 gros patrouilleurs, 12 patrouilleurs, 2 chalands de débarquement, un navire hydrographique, un navire de sauvetage, 4 vedettes lance-missiles, ainsi que des missiles installés sur certains navires pour renforcer sa flotte de surface.
Il prévoit aussi de constituer sa propre flotte aérienne en acheter 3 avions de patrouille maritime et 4 hélicoptères au cours des 10 prochaines années.
La marine du Bangladesh prévoit aussi d’acheter un sous-marin d’ici 2019. Le gouvernement a approuvé cet achat.
"Avant d’acheter le sous-marins, des mesures ont déjà été prises pour construire les infrastructures et former le personnel. Lorsque le travail préparatoire sera terminé, il sera possible de lancer les mesures pour acheter un sous-marin en 2019," indique le plan de la marine.
Sur les 82 navires composant la marine du Bangladesh, la plupart ont plus de 25 ans (certains datent des années 50). Seuls 15 ont moins de 25 ans.
Référence :
Daily Star (Bengladesh)
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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
Localisation : Maroc
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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMar 13 Mai 2014 - 10:10

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4 military agreements signed with China

They were signed on Monday in presence of visiting General Xu Qiliang, who is the vice-chairman of the central military commission of the Chinese Communist Party.

The agreements were signed with the Bangladesh armed forces and with the Bangladesh University of Professionals run by the armed forces.

Under the agreements, Chinese military would provide military support to Bangladesh armed forces and provide training to military personnel.

They will also help setting up a language laboratory under the agreement at Bangladesh University of Professionals .

All these would be provided free of charge.

Prime Minister’s security adviser Major General Tarique Ahmed Siddique (retd), army chief General Iqbal Karim Bhuiyan, naval chief Vice admiral M Farid Habib, air force chief Air Marshal Muhammad Enamul Bari and Principal Staff Officer Lieutenant General Abu Belal Muhammad Shafiul Huq were present during the signing.

According to the Inter-Services Public Relations Directorate (ISPR), before the signing the visiting team met senior military officials.

Bangladesh recalled China’s contribution in developing Bangladesh’s armed forces during the meeting and also laid “importance of relationship with China military”.

China team also appreciated Bangladesh army’s professionalism and committed to increase cooperation for the development of Bangladesh armed forces.

They stressed on exchange of visits on regular basis.

The mutual relations between the two armies were established 40 years ago with the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

China was the biggest supplier of arms to Bangladesh in the last five years, according to the respected Sweden-based think-tank Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI).

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina had earlier said two Chinese submarines would be inducted in Bangladesh Navy by 2015 to build it as “a three dimensional force”.

Two new frigates – Abu Bakar and Ali Haider – procured from China were commissioned in March this year.

Chinese Ambassador in Dhaka Li Jun earlier said the submarines would help Bangladesh bring stability in the region.

He had said China would help strengthen Bangladesh’s national defence capabilities which would eventually contribute to the regional stability.
The SIPRI report shows Bangladesh bought anti-ship missiles, tanks, fighter aircrafts and other arms from China between 2008 and 2012.

Analysts say lower cost makes the Chinese arms lucrative for Bangladesh.

However, the current Hasina-led government also laid importance on its relationship with China .

Finance minister AMA Muhith says that is needed for '‘strategic’ reason.

China , alongwith India and Russia, supported the Hasina government after it took charge following the Jan 5 parliament polls.

Even as Western countries like US kept ranting for fresh elections, Chinese prime minister Li Keqiang said it would be possible to carry Sino-Bangladesh relations to 'new heights' with Hasina in power.

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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 5 Icon_minitimeLun 23 Juin 2014 - 11:18

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Submarines to join Navy fleet: Ashraf

The government is in a process to add submarines to Bangladesh Navy’s fleet apart from incorporation of maritime patrol aircraft and maritime helicopter in an effort to enhance ‘deterrence’ in the Bay of Bengal. LGRD and Cooperatives Minister Syed Ashraful Islam, also in-charge of Defence Ministry, said this in Parliament on Sunday while responding to a tabled question from Begum Pinu Khan (Women seat-23). He said modern guns, missiles, torpedo, mines and SAM batteries would be incorporated in the Bangladesh Navy to enhance its capability, according to a news agency.

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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMer 16 Juil 2014 - 12:19

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Bangladesh Air Force Orders Two AW139 Helicopters

Finmeccanica – AgustaWestland is pleased to announce that the Ministry of Defence (MoD) of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh has signed a contract for two AW139 intermediate twin-engine helicopters. These helicopters, which will be delivered by the end of 2015, will be operated by the Bangladesh Air Force to perform maritime search and rescue (SAR) and other utility missions.
This contract, which also includes a comprehensive support and training package, marks the establishment of the first dedicated maritime SAR helicopter fleet in the country. The AW139 was selected after an extensive evaluation process against a wide range of requirements including performance and safety. By choosing the AW139, the Bangladesh MoD will leverage on Finmeccanica - AgustaWestland’s extensive expertise in SAR and emergency services as well as the unmatched capabilities of the bestselling and most modern helicopter for the task.
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The Bangladesh Air Force’s AW139s will feature an advanced mission configuration including a search/weather radar, FLIR, search light, rescue hoist, emergency floats and a state-of-the-art 4-axis dual digital AFCS with hover and SAR modes. Thanks to the AW139, the Bangladesh Air Force will be able to carry out the most demanding all-weather SAR operations in a maritime environment and will benefit from the high role versatility of the helicopter to conduct other utility missions in support of maritime security and disaster relief operations.

More than 770 AW139s have been ordered by more than 200 customers in over 60 nations worldwide. The AW139 has been selected by, and is now performing SAR duties with, a large number of military and commercial operators in Italy, UK, Spain, Estonia, Japan, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Sweden to name a few. The AW139, as the market leader in its class, is also widely used for offshore transport, passenger transport, law enforcement, emergency medical service, VIP/corporate transport and firefighting missions.

The AW139 helicopter is part of AgustaWestland’s family of new generation helicopters that also includes the AW169 and AW189. These helicopters all possess the same high-performance flight characteristics and safety features whilst sharing the same common cockpit concept and design philosophy. This approach facilitates synergies for operators of these models in areas such as training, maintenance and support.
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Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMar 9 Sep 2014 - 12:07

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One fuel-tanker of training aircraft drops in Narsingdi

One fuel-tanker of a training aircraft of Bangladesh Air Force fell on the ground in Raipura of Narsingdi on Monday due to technical faults.

The aircraft, however, managed to return to Kurmitola airbase in Dhaka and landed safely, according to an official at the Inter Service Public Relations (ISPR) directorate.

The ISPR official who requested anonymity said one of the oil-tankers of the aircraft, F-7 BG, fell on the ground in Raipura due to mechanical faults after it took off from the Kurmitola airbase at about 10:27am.

The fighter plane safely landed in the Kurmitola airbase at about 11:18am, he added.

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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 5 Icon_minitimeVen 19 Sep 2014 - 12:03

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India gifts vintage Dakota aircraft to Bangladesh

NEW DELHI: Seeking to revive historical ties, the Indian Air Force has gifted a vintage Dakota aircraft from its museum to the Bangladesh Air Force.

"On a formal request from the Bangladesh Air Force and reviewing the historic ties, one Dakota aircraft from the IAF museum was gifted to the Bangladesh Air Force and was received by its chief Air Marshal Muhammad Enamul Bari at Palam here," an IAF release said.

The Dakota aircraft played a crucial role in the liberation of Bang ..
"On a formal request from the Bangladesh Air Force and reviewing the historic ties, one Dakota aircraft from the IAF museum was gifted to the Bangladesh Air Force and was received by its chief Air Marshal Muhammad Enamul Bari at Palam here," an IAF release said.

The Dakota aircraft played a crucial role in the liberation of Bangladesh and formation of Bangladesh Air Force and was used for air dropping Army troops in Bangladesh's Tangail during the 1971 war.

It was also the first transport aircraft that landed at heights of 11,500 feet in Leh by legendary pilot Wg Cdr Mehar Singh.

The aircraft was used for transporting troops in Srinagar during 1947-48 war with Pakistan for protecting Kashmir Valley from raiders from across the border.

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General de Division
General de Division

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Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 5 Icon_minitimeDim 21 Sep 2014 - 18:05

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Le Bangladesh achète 2 sous-marins à la Chine

Par Rédacteur en chef.
Publié le 21 septembre 2014, dernière mise à jour le 21 septembre 2014.

Le Bangladesh a signé un accord avec la Chine un contrat pour l’achat de 2 sous-marins pour un montant de 150.000 €. La marine chinoise utilise actuellement ces 2 sous-marins mis en service il y a 24 ans. La marine du Bangladesh devrait les recevoir en 2018 après qu’ils aient été reconditionnés.

L’objectif du Bangladesh serait d’acheter au total 4 sous-marins. Près de 200 personnes seront nécessaires pour la mise en œuvre des sous-marins et leur environnement et plusieurs ont déjà été formées pour cela.

Un membre de la commission d’achat a indiqué : « La Chine va fournir 2 sous-marins du type 035 G. »

Les sous-marins du type 035G sont dérivés du sous-marin soviétique Romeo (conçus dans les années 50. Le type 035G a été développé à partir de 1985 et le premier exemplaire lancé en 1990.

La base sous-marine sera construite sur le canal de Kutibdia, à Pekua upazila.

Référence :
Prothom Alo (Bangladesh)  
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Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 5 Icon_minitimeLun 29 Sep 2014 - 10:18

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Newly-procured 4 Chinese K-8w fighter aircraft arrive in Jessore

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The present government has taken various steps to modernise Bangladesh Air Force (BAF). In this connection, the government has taken steps to induct nine K-8W trainer jet aircraft made by China. As part of this induction process, in the 1st phase pilots of Bangladesh Air Force (BAF) landed at Bangladesh Air Force Base Bir Sreshtho Matiur Rahman, Jessore with four K-8W aircraft safely Saturday from China, an ISPR press release said.

Rest of the five K-8W aircraft would be brought to the country at a later stage. Chief of Air Staff Air Marshal Muhammad Enamul Bari and other senior BAF officers from Air Headquarters and local base were present to receive the aircraft.

Mentionable that two transport aircraft (AN-32) of Bangladesh Air Force gave support for transporting equipment and other associated accessories. Inclusion of these K-8W aircraft in the BAF inventory would help BAF pilots to receive better and modern flying training. These K-8W aircraft could also be utilised in the operational role during any conflict.

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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 5 Icon_minitimeLun 13 Oct 2014 - 11:53

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Navy to get 2 submarines by next year

Bangladesh Navy is going to have two submarines in its fleet by 2015, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina announced yesterday.

“Inshaallah, two submarines will be added to the naval force by next year,” she said while awarding National Standard to BNS Osman at Naval Berth in Chittagong.

Besides, two new corvettes will be added to the Navy fleet to strengthen the capability of the force to protect the maritime boundary and sea resources, Hasina said adding that a process is on to set up the biggest naval base at Rabanabad in Patuakhali with facilities for submarine berthing and aviation.

“It's imperative to ensure a favourable atmosphere and security in the maritime area for extracting sea resources and securing trade. The naval force has to perform an important role in this regard,” said Hasina, who also holds the defence portfolio.

BNS Osman has been awarded with the National Standard for its outstanding contribution at home and abroad for the last 25 years, including its engagement in the UN Peacekeeping Mission in Lebanon for the last four years.

The premier hoped that the Navy members would uphold the dignity of the force through their high efficiency and discipline and by maintaining the chain of command.

Hasina said her government has taken short and medium term plans to make the Navy an efficient, modern and balanced three-dimensional force by 2030.

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Inscrit le : 11/11/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 5 Icon_minitimeLun 27 Oct 2014 - 17:53

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Bangladesh is going to buy Russian submarines and naval aircraft

."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMar 9 Déc 2014 - 17:36

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Bangladesh receives first K-8 jet trainers

Bangladesh has taken delivery of its first Hongdu K-8 jet trainers, which are replacing aged Cessna T-37s in operational use.

Flightglobal’s MiliCAS database records Bangladesh as having ordered nine single-engined K-8s for its air force. An initial batch of four has been transferred recently – including aircraft 14321, pictured landing in Dhaka on 2 December.

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As part of an ongoing fleet modernisation programme, the Bangladeshi air force will also introduce 16 Yak-130 advanced jet trainers on order from Russia’s Irkut. To be used in combination with the more basic K-8, the type will prepare pilots to operate the service’s frontline fleet of Chengdu J-7 and RAC MiG-29 fighters.

Bangladesh had been operating a fleet of 11 aged T-37s prior to the type's recent retirement from use.

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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMar 6 Jan 2015 - 12:52

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China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation Launched Corvette for Bangladesh and OPV for Nigeria

A new corvette ordered by the Bangladesh Navy was launched on November 30th at the China Shipbuilding & Offshore International Company (CSOC)'s Wuchang Shipyard in Wuhan, China. CSOC is part of the part of the State Shipbuilding Corporation, China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (CSIC). Bangladesh's first corvette (based on the Chinese Navy Type 056 Corvette) was launched in November 2014 while the first OPV was delivered to Nigeria on November 27th.
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The second Corvette ordered by the Bangladesh Navy and second Offshore Patrol Vessel (OPV) ordered by Nigeria were launched last week at the China Shipbuilding & Offshore International Company (CSOC)'s Wuchang Shipyard in Wuhan, China. CSOC is part of the part of the State Shipbuilding Corporation, China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (CSIC).
Bangladesh Navy second corvette ( Shadhinota class based on Type 056 Jiangdao class) on the right and Nigeria Navy second OPV on the left, both in the water at the Wuchang Shipyard in Wuhan, China in January 2015.
Bangladesh Shadhinota class corvette retains most of the sensor and weapon systems found on board Chinese Navy Type 056 corvettes:
» 4x C-803 (export version of YJ-83) Anti-ship missiles (2 launchers with 2 missiles each)
» 1x FL-3000N (export version of AJK-10 / HQ-10) Surface to air missile launcher (8x missiles)
» 1x H/PJ-26 76mm main gun (similar to Russian AK-176)
» 2x H/PJ-17 30mm dual mode (auto/manual) remote controlled naval turret
The Bangladesh Navy corvette however will be fitted with one Type 730 CIWS and two Type 3200 ASW rocket launchers will replace the two triple torpedo launchers

Nigeria's P18N OPVs are fitted with a H/PJ26 76mm main gun mount and two H/PJ14 30mm gun mounts. The class may accomodate a Z- 9 helicopter thanks to its helipad. Only rotary UAVs may fit inside the hangar space however.
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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMar 24 Fév 2015 - 15:51

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Russia rivals China with sale of 16 Yak-130 to Bangladesh

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The Yak-130 at the Farnborough Air Show 2012. (Internet photo)

Russian aircraft manufacturer Irkut has been providing 16 Yakovlev Yak-130 jet trainers to Bangladesh since May, reports China's Global Times.

A spokesperson made the statement at the Aero India-2015 air show that ran from Feb. 18 to 22 in Bengaluru, according to Russia's state-operated RIA Novosti.

The Yak-130 is a subsonic two-seat advanced jet trainer and light attack aircraft that began development in 1991.

Currently 50% of Bangladesh's military orders go to China, making it a major rival of Russia in the country's military equipment market, said the report.

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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMer 25 Mar 2015 - 11:36

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Bangladesh to Procure Former Italian Navy Minerva class Corvettes for its Coast Guard

According to BSS, the national news agency of Bangladesh, the local government will procure four ex-Italian Navy Minerva class vessels for Bangladesh Coast Guard to gear up its activities in the coastal areas. The Cabinet Committee on Government Purchase (CCGP) today gave nod to the procurement proposal of the vessels.
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According to BSS, the national news agency of Bangladesh, the local government will procure four ex-Italian Navy Minerva class vessels for Bangladesh Coast Guard to gear up its activities in the coastal areas. The Cabinet Committee on Government Purchase (CCGP) today gave nod to the procurement proposal of the vessels.
Minerva class corvette of the Italian Navy. Picture: Javier Bueno Iturbe

Finance Minister Abul Maal Abdul Muhith chaired the meeting held at the cabinet division.

"The vessels will be procured from the Italian Navy under government-to-government level agreement," Mustafizur Rahman, Joint Secretary of Cabinet Division, told reporters after the meeting.

Minerva class corvettes were built in two series of four units in the 1980s and 1990s by Italian shipyard Fincantieri.

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General de Division
General de Division

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Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMer 22 Avr 2015 - 20:18

Citation :
Bangladesh preparing to receive first of three L 410 transports

Alan Warnes, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly  

Czech manufacturer Aircraft Industries has completed the first of three L 410UVP-E20 twin-turboprop transport aircraft for the Bangladeshi Air Force (BAF).

The aircraft, 3011/OK-JPG (c/n 3011), was being flight tested before delivery at the company's factory in Kunovice in late March.

The current BAF transport fleet includes three Antonov An-32s, two of which were delivered in 1990 and the third in 1995, and four 1960s-era ex-US Air Force Lockheed C-130B Hercules, delivered from 2002.

In 2012, the US Congress was notified of a possible sale of four ex-USAF C-130Es to Bangladesh, but nothing further has been heard of that potential deal.
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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMar 14 Juil 2015 - 12:11

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Bangladesh's new C13B corvettes start sea trials ahead of more orders

Mrityunjoy Mazumdar, Alameda, California - IHS Jane's Navy International
13 July 2015

Recent Chinese internet images suggest that the pair of C13B corvettes being built for the Bangladesh Navy (BN) at Wuchang Shipyard had commenced initial sea trials by early July.

Images show both corvettes - BNS Shadhinota (F111) and BNS Prottoy (F112) - underway, alongside tugs. Neither ship appears to have the mast-mounted SR 60 series search radar, while their pair of small-calibre cannon and some sensors were covered by protective sheets. It is possible that both ships are being moved to another shipyard for final outfitting.

According to the BN, the corvettes are slated to enter service in December 2015.

The 90 m long, 1,330-ton C13B corvettes are a bespoke variant of China's Type 056 corvette. While the combat systems are broadly similar to the Type 056, the BN ships lack a sonar system and anti-submarine weapons. They are capable of operating a medium helicopter.

IHS Jane's understands that the BN is also in the process of acquiring two more C13B corvettes from China, although a formal contract signing date has yet to be announced. According to a senior naval official, these two corvettes would also be built in China.

Besides new-build platforms, the BN is also acquiring Excess Defense Articles (EDAs) from the United States Coast Guard (USCG).

The BN's second Hamilton and Hero-class cutter, BNS Somudra Avijan (ex- Rush ), is expected to depart the United States in September or October upon completion of crew training and a pre-delivery refit. A third Hamilton cutter is expected to be offered to the BN in due course.

The USCG has also offered two decommissioned Island-class patrol boats to the navy, although acceptance remains pending.

As reported by IHS Jane's in June 2015, the BN is bolstering its light patrol forces too - for example with eight composite-hulled X12 Combat Boats, being built under licence at the navy-owned shipyard Dockyard and Engineering Works in Narayanganj, using kits supplied by Indonesia-based North Sea Boats (PT Lundin).

At the same time, the BN is seeking to acquire more helicopters to add to its fleet of two AW109 utility/search-and-rescue helicopters. Contenders include the Chinese-built Z-9.

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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMar 4 Aoû 2015 - 16:48

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Norwegian firm signs Bangladesh cyber defence deal

Jon Grevatt, Bangkok - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly

Cyber-security specialist Norway Registers Development (NRD) has signed a contract with the Bangladesh government to develop a national cyber defence strategy to tackle growing network-related attacks in the country.

The deal is worth nearly USD1 million and calls upon NRD to collaborate with the government's Bangladesh Computer Council to develop a Bangladesh National Computer Incident Response Team, NRD said on 3 August.

Under the terms of the contract the two parties will also develop a National Cyber Defence and Cyber Security Doctrine, with NRD providing training and expertise to the Bangladesh government.

NRD said the contract has been driven by a requirement to address "fast growing" instances in Bangladesh of cybercrime, intellectual property (IP) theft, industrial espionage, and abuse of critical IT infrastructures, NRD added.

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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 5 Icon_minitimeJeu 6 Aoû 2015 - 17:54

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Bangladesh seeks foreign partner to produce LCT for army

Ridzwan Rahmat, Singapore - IHS Jane's Navy International
05 August 2015

The Bangladeshi government is seeking a foreign partner to build at least one roll-on/roll-off (ro-ro) landing craft tank (LCT) vessel in-country for the Bangladesh Army, an official from state-owned Khulna Shipyard has told IHS Jane's .

"The selected shipbuilder must complete the construction at either the Khulna or Narayangonj shipyards," the official said on 6 August.

According to tender documents provided to IHS Jane's , the LCT should be at least 65 m long and able to accommodate at least eight main battle tanks (MBTs), each measuring 9.76 m in length, 3.66 m in width, and 3.2 m in height.

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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 5 Icon_minitimeLun 24 Aoû 2015 - 18:32

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Russia to supply Bangladesh with seven Mil Mi-171 multirole helicopters

Russia will supply six Mil Mi-171Sh military and transport helicopters and one Mi-171E rotocraft to Bangladesh under a contract signed in April this year, Russian state arms seller Rosoboronexport First Deputy CEO Ivan Goncharenko said on Monday August 24, 2015.
"A contract was signed in April 2015 on the delivery of six Mi-171Sh military and transport helicopters, and also one Mi-171E transport helicopter in its Salon option," Goncharenko said ahead of the MAKS-2015 air show opening outside Moscow.
It was previously reported that Russia and Bangladesh had agreed in April 2015 on the delivery of five Mi-171Sh helicopters. Rosoboronexport said Russia would provide Bangladesh a $1 billion loan for the purchase of Russian helicopters.

Rosoboronexport said in June 2015 the deliveries of new helicopters were under way.

The Mi-171E is a varient equipped with VK-2500-03 engines to operate in extreme temperature limits, from -58 to 50 Celsius. The Mi-171Sh is the export version of the Ulan-Udes Mi-8AMTSh. It Is an armed assault version of the Mi-8AMT that can carry the same range of weapons as the Mi-24 including the "Shturm" ATGM. The Mi-171Sh is fitted with a new large door on the right side (except the prototype), aramid fiber plates around the cockpit area and engines, and sometimes a loading ramp in place of the usual clamshell doors.

Bangladesh Air Force aircraft inventory already includes Russia-made aircraft: 27 Mi-17/Mi-171 multirole choppers, and 8 MiG-29 Fulcrum multirole fighter jets. The country's air force also ordered a total of 16 Yakovlev Yak-130 light attack and trainer aircraft.

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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 5 Icon_minitimeLun 7 Sep 2015 - 13:01

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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 5 Icon_minitimeLun 5 Oct 2015 - 9:56

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Bangladesh Air Force received Yak-130 Aircraft from Russia
By Dylan Vosman - Oct 4, 2015

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Russia has started the delivery process of the first batch of Yakovlev Yak-130 combat trainer aircraft (NATO reporting name Mitten) to Bangladesh, reports UNB. Though the delivery process, according to Russian News Agency—TASS, scheduled to start on September 17, sources at Shah Amanat International Airport on Sunday night said they have seen the landing of three Yakovlev Yak-130 combat trainer aircraft among the first batch of six. The source said the aircraft were seen here landing at Shah Amanat International Airport along with a carrier aircraft that carried the YAK-130 for Bangladesh Air Force (BAF). The plane allows training pilots in flying four-plus and fifth-generation combat aircraft, Russian media report. The shipping of the first Yak-130 consignment to Bangladesh was scheduled to start on September 17, with six aircraft out of the 16 ordered planes to be delivered.

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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 5 Icon_minitimeDim 13 Déc 2015 - 16:53

YAK-130 :

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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 5 Icon_minitimeDim 13 Déc 2015 - 17:51

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Hélicoptères Mi-171 pour le Bangladesh !

Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 5 13181

Moscou a livré 5 hélicoptères de type MIL Mi-171SH. Cette livraison a eu lieu en échange de l'achat de biens russes en vertu d'un accord conclu à la fin de 2013.

Les hélicoptères sont équipés de réservoirs supplémentaires de carburant et d’une élingue externe, d’un projecteur et de l'avionique leur permettent d'opérer de nuit et dans toutes les conditions météorologiques. Ils sont également équipés de systèmes de blindage et de protection, afin qu'ils puissent opérer dans des zones d'activité terroriste.

Le MIL Mi-171SH :

Dérivé direct des Mi-7/17 le Mi-171 se différencie sur plusieurs points. Le Mi-171SH est remotorisé par deux turbines Klimov TV3-117VM. Chaque moteur est évalué à 1.641 kW. Le Mi-171SH peut voler à une altitude maximale de 6’000 m. La vitesse maximale de l'hélicoptère est 250 km/h. Le rayon d’action (sans réservoirs de carburant auxiliaires) est 580 km. L'hélicoptère a une masse maximale au décollage de 13’000 kilogrammes. Le Mi-171SH dispose d'un nouvel APU. Auparavant, les hélicoptères de cette famille étaient principalement équipés d’un groupe de puissance auxiliaire de la compagnie «Motor Sitch» de Zaporijjia (Ukraine). Sur le Mi-171SH l’unité auxiliaire de puissance est de type «Saphir» et de production tchèque. De plus, à la différence de son prédécesseur le Mi-17, il peut effectuer des missions dans des conditions extrêmes à haute altitude et dans un climat très chaud.

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Photos : MIL Mi-171SH aux couleurs du Banglsdesh @ BAF
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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 5 Icon_minitimeJeu 17 Déc 2015 - 12:19

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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 5 Icon_minitimeLun 11 Jan 2016 - 22:37

Nanchang PT-6A
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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMer 13 Jan 2016 - 19:43

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Bangladesh Navy receives two new corvettes

Mrityunjoy Mazumdar, Alameda, California - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly

12 January 2016

The Bangladesh Navy (BN) has received two new Chinese-built corvettes, according to a BN press release. The statement said that the C13B corvettes BNS Shadhinota (F 111) and BNS Prottoy (F 112) had arrived at their home port of Chittagong on 10 January.

The corvettes, a variant of the Type-056 design in service with China's People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN), were built by Wuchang Shipbuilding Industry Group under a contract awarded in 2012 by the Bangladesh Government to China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (CSIC). Construction commenced in January 2013, and both vessels were handed over on 11 December 2015.

The corvettes displace about 1,500 tonnes and have a length of 90 m, a beam of 11.4 m, and a draft of 4.4 m.
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