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 Bangladesh Armed Forces

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Henri K.
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messages : 7134
Inscrit le : 14/08/2008
Localisation : Rabat Maroc
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 4 Ambass10Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 4 Unbena31
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MessageSujet: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMer 24 Juin 2009 - 18:42

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Le Bengladesh modernise sa marine plus que viellote Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 4 Icon_mrg
Citation :
La marine du Bangladesh envisage d’acheter des frégates et un sous-marin

Publié le 24 juin 2009.
La marine du Bangladesh cherche la mise en œuvre d’un plan à 10 ans lui permettant de devenir une force tri-dimensionnelle grâce à l’achat de frégates, d’un sous-marin, d’avions de patrouille maritime, d’hélicoptères et d’autres équipements.

La marine prévoit d’acheter 3 frégates, 3 gros patrouilleurs, 12 patrouilleurs, 2 chalands de débarquement, un navire hydrographique, un navire de sauvetage, 4 vedettes lance-missiles, ainsi que des missiles installés sur certains navires pour renforcer sa flotte de surface.
Il prévoit aussi de constituer sa propre flotte aérienne en acheter 3 avions de patrouille maritime et 4 hélicoptères au cours des 10 prochaines années.
La marine du Bangladesh prévoit aussi d’acheter un sous-marin d’ici 2019. Le gouvernement a approuvé cet achat.
"Avant d’acheter le sous-marins, des mesures ont déjà été prises pour construire les infrastructures et former le personnel. Lorsque le travail préparatoire sera terminé, il sera possible de lancer les mesures pour acheter un sous-marin en 2019," indique le plan de la marine.
Sur les 82 navires composant la marine du Bangladesh, la plupart ont plus de 25 ans (certains datent des années 50). Seuls 15 ont moins de 25 ans.
Référence :
Daily Star (Bengladesh)
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messages : 15382
Inscrit le : 18/03/2007
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 4 Unbena11

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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 4 Icon_minitimeLun 19 Aoû 2013 - 0:50

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و كان حقا علينا نصر المؤمنين - حب الأوطان من الإيمان

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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
Localisation : Maroc
Nationalité : Maroc
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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 4 Icon_minitimeVen 30 Aoû 2013 - 10:32

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Govt plans to get submarines

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said the government would buy submarines in future to bolster Bangladesh’s defence capabilities.
She said her government had undertaken short- and long-term plans to turn Bangladesh Navy into an ‘effective force’.

“We will buy submarines in future as part of that process,” she while commissioning three warships and inducting into the Navy's fold two maritime patrol aircraft in Chittagong on Thursday.

Navy Chief Vice Admiral M Farid Habib received Hasina at BAF base Zahurul Haq in Chittagong.

Hasina said her government had initiated moves in 1996 to add an aviation wing to the navy, and a modern frigate, BNS Bangabandhu, capable of handling helicopter flights, was added five years later.

“We have added two maritime helicopters, bought from Italy, to the navy, and today two aircraft from Germany are joining the naval aviation fleet,” she said.

Of the three ships, BN Ship Surma was built in the Khulna Shipyard, while two others - Nirmul and Durjoy - were bought from China. Two maritime Dornier 228NG patrol aircraft were purchased from Germany.

Hasina said the acquisitions were milestones in the government's relentless effort to turn Bangladesh Navy into a modern, strong and capable three- dimensional force.

She said her government’s short- and long-term plans for the navy would be implemented within 2030.

The Prime Minister said Bangladesh had won legal rights over 200 nautical miles of economic zone in the Bay of Bengal from Myanmar, ending a 38-year-old dispute.

She hoped Bangladesh would also emerge victorious in her maritime dispute with India that is expected to be settled next year.

"The world is now focusing on maritime resources as reserves of natural resources on land were being exhausted,” she said, adding that nearly 30 million people in the 720-km maritime area depend on the Bay for a living.

“Our sea abounds in valuable resources," Hasina said, adding 90 percent of goods shipment was done through sea routes.

“So, it is essential to maintain security of the sea areas,” she said.

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messages : 24809
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
Localisation : 7Seas
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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 4 Icon_minitimeLun 9 Sep 2013 - 12:10

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messages : 24809
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
Localisation : 7Seas
Nationalité : Maroc
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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMar 17 Sep 2013 - 1:11

La Chine a offert 2 des SM Kilo636 au Bangladesh ... je me demande pourquoi ?

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messages : 25054
Inscrit le : 31/03/2008
Localisation : Pau-Marrakech
Nationalité : Maroc-France
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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMar 17 Sep 2013 - 2:57

pour nuire à l'inde je suppose .... et fidéliser ce pays à ses propres intérêts

Sois généreux avec nous, Ô toi Dieu et donne nous la Victoire

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messages : 24809
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
Localisation : 7Seas
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 4 Unbena26Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 4 Unbena13
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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 4 Icon_minitimeVen 20 Sep 2013 - 11:23

CARAT Bangladesh 2013

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CHITTAGONG, Bangladesh (Sep. 16, 2013) - Military members from the U.S. and Bangladesh pose for a group photo during the opening ceremony of Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training (CARAT) Bangladesh 2013. U.S. Navy units participating in CARAT Bangladesh include the Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 7 staff, members from Maritime Civil Affairs and Security Training Command (MCAST) and the diving and salvage vessel USNS Safeguard (T-ARS 50) with embarked Mobile Diving and Salvage Unit (MDSU) 1. CARAT is a series of bilateral military exercises between the U.S. Navy and the armed forces of Bangladesh, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Timor Leste.
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Lt. Cmdr. Brian Weatherup, left, and Lt. Cmdr. Reza Hossain, assigned to the Bangladeshi Navy, observe an Augusta A-109 helicopter conduct helo operations during Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training (CARAT) Bangladesh 2013.
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Senior Chief Aviation Boatswain's Mate (Equipment) Alfredo Bitor observes an Augusta A-109 helicopter operated by the Bangladesh Navy conduct helo deck qualifications during Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training (CARAT) Bangladesh 2013.
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Electrician's Technician 1st Class Anthony Nekervis exchanges best practices during a weapons handling demonstration held in support of Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training (CARAT) Bangladesh 2013.
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Citation :
Electrician's Technician 1st Class Anthony Nekervis, assigned to Maritime Civil Affairs and Security Training Command (MCAST), conducts a weapons handling exchange with Bangladeshi sailors during Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training (CARAT) Bangladesh 2013.

Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 4 Marche12
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messages : 24809
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
Localisation : 7Seas
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 4 Unbena26Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 4 Unbena13
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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 4 Icon_minitimeVen 20 Sep 2013 - 11:28

Fahed64 a écrit:
pour nuire à l'inde je suppose .... et fidéliser ce pays à ses propres intérêts
Les Kilo offerts sont les plus récents Kilo reçus par la Chine ( fin 2005 ), et les seuls Kilo qui ont été construits à Severodvinsk Rolling Eyes 

Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 4 Marche12
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 39971
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
Nationalité : France
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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMer 6 Nov 2013 - 14:55

Citation :
Au moins 150 soldats condamnés à mort pour une mutinerie

La justice du Bangladesh a condamné à mort au moins 150 soldats de la division des Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) qui avaient participé à une mutinerie meurtrière en 2009. Des dizaines d'officiers avaient alors été massacrés.

Quelque 400 autres soldats, sur les 823 jugés lors de ce procès, ont écopé de peines de prison allant jusqu'à quatorze ans, a dit à l'AFP le procureur, Baharul Islam, devant le tribunal à Dacca. L'accusation avait réclamé la peine de mort pour plusieurs des soldats jugés pour meurtres, torture, complots et autres charges.

"Les atrocités étaient telles que même les cadavres n'ont pas été respectés", a déclaré le juge Mohammad Akhtaruzzaman à l'énoncé du verdict, devant une salle comble.
Scènes de chaos

Il a en revanche acquitté 270 accusés, provoquant des scènes de chaos dans le tribunal. Les condamnés ont eux aussi manifesté bruyamment, exprimant leur colère envers le juge.

Les 823 soldats qui ont été jugés sont considérés comme les meneurs de la rébellion. Vingt-trois civils ont eux aussi été jugés, pour participation à un complot.

Outre ce procès civil, des tribunaux militaires ont déjà statué sur le sort de quelque 6000 soldats, accusés eux aussi d'avoir participé à la mutinerie, qui s'était étendue à une quarantaine de postes frontières dans tout le pays.
Critiques de HRW

Ce procès a été critiqué par l'ONG Human Rights Watch (HRW). L'organisation basée à New York a estimé que le nombre d'accusés était bien trop important pour leur garantir un procès équitable.

"Juger des centaines de personnes dans une salle de tribunal géante, avec des accusés qui n'ont quasiment pas accès à un avocat, est un affront aux critères internationaux de la justice", a déclaré le responsable de la branche Asie de l'ONG, Brad Adams.

Des années de frustration

La mutinerie, qui avait démarré le 25 février 2009 et duré une trentaine d'heures, avait éclaté au sein des Bangladesh Rifles, une unité chargée de la surveillance des frontières.

Une enquête a conclu à des années de frustration et de colère de la part des soldats, qui réclamaient en vain des hausses de salaires et une amélioration de leurs conditions de vie.

Les mutins avaient volé 2500 armes avant de faire irruption à une réunion annuelle de hauts responsables des BDR et de les abattre. Au moins 57 officiers avaient été tués et leurs corps mutilés jetés dans les égouts ou des fosses communes.

Au total 74 personnes avaient été tuées, la plupart dans des conditions atroces: torturées, taillées en pièces ou encore brûlées vivantes. Il s'agissait de la plus importante rébellion militaire de l'histoire du pays.  
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 39971
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
Nationalité : France
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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMer 11 Déc 2013 - 17:09

MIG 29

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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
Localisation : Maroc
Nationalité : Maroc
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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 4 Icon_minitimeLun 23 Déc 2013 - 12:40

Citation :
Army gets new SP guns, Metis M-1 missiles
On the occasion, a spectacular parade was held with the participation of the members of Artillery and Infantry Regiments of Bangladesh Army

Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 4 4-PMO-3

Bangladesh Army entered into a new era as the much-awaited self-propelled (SP) guns and Metis M- 1 anti-tank guided missiles were inducted in the force yesterday.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina formally handed over the Serbia- made 155mm NORA B-52 SP guns to the 11 SP Regiment, the lone SP Unit of Bangladesh Army, and the Russsia-made Metis M-1 missiles to the Infantry Regiment of Bangladesh Army in Tarmac Area at Dhaka Cantonment this morning.

She also handed over the China -made PF-98 anti-tank weapons and Turkey-made light armoured vehicles to the Infantry Regiment and sound ranging equipment to Locating Wing of the Artillery Regiment.

On the occasion, a spectacular parade was held with the participation of the members of Artillery and Infantry Regiments of Bangladesh Army.

The Prime Minister accompanied by Chief of Army Staff General Iqbal Karim Bhuiyan inspected the parade riding on an open jeep. The Premier also took a state salute.

Lieutenant Col Md Aminul Islam and Captain Md Sajib were the parade commander and parade adjutant respectively.

Ministers, defence adviser to the Prime Minister, the chief of air staff, defence attaches and advisers of different embassies and high commissions and high civil and military officials were present on the occasion.

Earlier on her arrival at the Tarmac Area , the Prime Minister was received by the chief of army staff.

Speaking on the occasion, the Prime Minister hoped that with the addition of most-modern canons, armoured vehicles and equipment, the moral strength of the Artillery and Infantry Regiments meaning all members of Bangladesh Army would be boosted to a great extent.

“I think that induction of most modern equipment in Bangladesh Army would cross a crucial step in achieving the Forces Goal-2030,” she said.

Besides, she said, necessary equipment have been purchased for Bangladesh Navy and Bangladesh Air Force.

Sheikh Hasina said most modern SP guns, sound ranging equipment, anti-tank missiles and light armoured vehicles have been procured for Bangladesh Army to build it as a well-equipped modern force and Sonar Bangla as dreamt by Bangabandhu.

The Prime Minister said agreements have already been signed to buy more modern war equipment including the multiple rocket launcher system which would be inducted in the army very soon.
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messages : 21656
Inscrit le : 15/09/2009
Localisation : 511
Nationalité : Maroco-Allemand
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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 4 Icon_minitimeLun 23 Déc 2013 - 18:47

lhajja inspecte le Metis-M1  Laughing 

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Genelkurmay Başkanı
Genelkurmay Başkanı

messages : 6351
Inscrit le : 13/07/2009
Localisation : France
Nationalité : Turco-Francais
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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 4 Icon_minitimeLun 23 Déc 2013 - 18:54

Magnifique de voir une femme Premier Ministre en terme Musulmane.

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messages : 21656
Inscrit le : 15/09/2009
Localisation : 511
Nationalité : Maroco-Allemand
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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 4 Icon_minitimeLun 23 Déc 2013 - 18:56

pour toi
Citation :
She also handed over the China -made PF-98 anti-tank weapons and Turkey-made light armoured vehicles to the Infantry Regiment and sound ranging equipment to Locating Wing of the Artillery Regiment.

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Genelkurmay Başkanı
Genelkurmay Başkanı

messages : 6351
Inscrit le : 13/07/2009
Localisation : France
Nationalité : Turco-Francais
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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 4 Icon_minitimeLun 23 Déc 2013 - 19:04

Otokar Cobra  Wink 

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messages : 24809
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
Localisation : 7Seas
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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMar 7 Jan 2014 - 17:09

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Général de corps d'armée (ANP)
Général de corps d'armée (ANP)

messages : 6945
Inscrit le : 18/07/2012
Localisation : paris
Nationalité : Algerie-Francais
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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 4 Icon_minitimeJeu 23 Jan 2014 - 16:16

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BNS Abu Bakar, BNS Ali Haider de-commissioned

The two renowned warships of the country’s navy force are going to be replaced with newly procured 053H2 Frigate ships from China.
The first two Frigate ships - BNS Abu Bakar and BNS Ali Haider - were de-commissioned from Bangladesh Navy (BN) at a programme at BNS Isha Khan Jetty in Chittagong on Wednesday.
The two renowned warships of the country’s navy force are going to be replaced with newly procured 053H2 Frigate ships from China, said navy sources.
The new ships have already been started from China and will hopefully arrive in Bangladesh at the end of January, said the sources. 
Chittagong Naval Area Commander Rear Admiral Akhtar Habib, (ND), ndc, ncc, psc, as chief guest, addressed the de-commissioned programme held at BNS Isha Khan Jetty in the port city at around 10:00am.
He said the two first generation Frigates made proud BN fleet by giving their services for about 35 years in many national interests.
The ships also played an important role during natural disasters in the country, he said.
“Both the ships discharged their duties appropriately in the Bay of Bengal to protect the country’s economic maritime area and save the country from outer enemy, terrorist and smugglers,” he also said. 
The warships also raised Bangladesh flag in the world by showing their capabilities during different international naval exhibitions along with many modern and well-mechanised naval forces of developed countries, he added.
The area commander also thanked to the present and former officials of the two ships to operate the ships with a disciplined process and proved themselves as the best survivors for the country’s maritime area.
Present and former high officials of Bangladesh Navy in Chittagong were present in the programme, among others.
BNS Abu Bakar was re-commissioned in Bangaldesh Navy in 1982 while BNS Ali Haider was commissioned in 1978.
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messages : 24809
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 4 Icon_minitimeJeu 23 Jan 2014 - 21:23

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Général de corps d'armée (ANP)
Général de corps d'armée (ANP)

messages : 6945
Inscrit le : 18/07/2012
Localisation : paris
Nationalité : Algerie-Francais
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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMer 29 Jan 2014 - 1:31

Citation :
Bangladesh receives last of five patrol vessels built with China

The Bangladesh Navy (BN) commissioned the last three of its five indigenously built Padma-class patrol craft on 15 December 2013. BNS Aparajeya , Adomya , and Atondro were received at Chittagong in a ceremony presided over by Bangladesh's president, Abdul Hamid. They join lead ship Padma and Surma , which were commissioned on 24 January and 29 August 2013 respectively.
The 270-tonne full load boats are 50 m long and can reach a top speed of 23 kt. Their armament includes four NORINCO twin 37 mm naval guns and two 20 mm guns. IHS Jane's understands that all five vessels will be deployed at the BNS Titumir base.
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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
Localisation : Maroc
Nationalité : Maroc
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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMer 29 Jan 2014 - 10:41

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Bangladesh Buys Russian Combat Training Jets Worth $800M

MOSCOW, January 28 (RIA Novosti) – Bangladesh ordered 24 Russian Yak-130 light fighter jets worth $800 million in the final quarter of last year, a Russian newspaper reported Tuesday.

The deal was paid for with a loan extended by Moscow to the country a year ago, the director of Russian state arms exporter Rosoboronexport said in a separate interview published by Kommersant on Monday, without disclosing the deal’s price tag.

The newspaper said Tuesday that the sale was worth $800 million, citing unnamed sources in the defense industry. The planes are to be fitted with English-language cockpits and delivery is scheduled to begin next year.

The Yak-130 is a lightweight subsonic trainer aircraft designed to mimic the cockpit and handling capabilities of Russia’s more advanced fighters.

© RIA Novosti.

Pilot training aircraft Yak-130

The plane can also be configured to carry a small payload of ground attack and air-to-air weapons.

Russia has targeted South Asia as a growth market for arms exports. The country delivered a refitted aircraft carrier, the INS Vikramaditya, to India earlier this month and is in the process of supplying Vietnam with six advanced attack submarines.

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messages : 4636
Inscrit le : 19/05/2012
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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMer 29 Jan 2014 - 16:28

syrie 36 yak 130 , 550 million de dollars  Arrow 

Je vous laisse faire les compte Very Happy

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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
Localisation : Maroc
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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 4 Icon_minitimeVen 7 Fév 2014 - 16:07

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BAF training plane crash-lands in Jessore

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A training plane of Bangladesh Air Force crash-landed into a paddy field due to technical glitch in Sadar upazila of Jessore this morning.

Two pilots of the PT-6 plane – Pilot Officer Jamil and Squadron Leader Faruk -- received minor injuries, reports our Jessore correspondent.

They were whisked off to Jessore Air Force base by a helicopter five minutes into the crash-landing that took place at Mahidia around 11:30am, air force sources said.

The plane hit the paddy field just an hour after it took off from Jessore Airport, the sources added.

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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 4 Icon_minitimeLun 3 Mar 2014 - 10:50

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Navy to get 2 submarines by 2015: PM

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina today said two submarines would be inducted in Bangladesh Navy by 2015 to build it as a "three dimensional" force.

"A process for induction of two submarines in the naval force has been finalised as part of the present government's firm determination and commitment to turn Bangladesh Navy into a "three-dimensional force," she said, adding the two submarines would be added to the naval fleet by 2015.

Besides, she said, the work on setting up the country's biggest naval base in Ramnabad area in coastal Patuakali district has already been launched.

Sheikh Hasina said this while addressing commissioning of two new frigates in Bangladesh Navy at BNS Naval Base Isa Khan here this morning.

The two new frigates---Abu Bakar and Ali Haider--- procured from China have replaced two old British frigates.

Earlier on her arrival at the BNS Naval Base Isa Khan, the prime minister was received by Chief of Naval Staff Vice Admiral M Farid Habib and Commander of the Chittagong Naval Zone Rear Admiral M Akhter Habib.

Cabinet members, PM's security adviser, parliament members, the chiefs of Bangladesh Army and Air Force, diplomats and high civil and military officials were present.

The prime minister said the government with utmost importance has started the work on increasing necessary infrastructure for the navy including air base along with raising its war fleet.

"The issue of construction of a submarine base is under process," she said, adding that Khulna Shipyard is building two container ships with the funding of the navy which would play an active role in the country's economy.

The prime minister put emphasis on an efficient, modern and balanced "three dimensional navy" to ensure security of the maritime area for the national economic development.

She said most of the people of the country are not aware of the importance of sea and its resources. "Our naval force and coast guards are ensuring security of the maritime boundary by encountering various natural adversities. So despite economic constraints, the necessity of an efficient, modern and balanced "three dimensional naval force" is undeniable," she said.

The prime minister expressed her firm determination to build a modern and strong naval force to make the country prosperous further side by side with protecting its independence and sovereignty.

"We must build a modern and strong naval force Insha Allah to make the country prosperous further side by side with protecting its independence and sovereignty to materialise the dream of Bangabandhu," she said.

Sheikh Hasina expressed the hope that the members of Bangladesh Navy would always uphold its dignity on the world stage by maintaining superior work efficiency, discipline and chain of command through professional excellence.

"It is expectations of all that not only in the country, Bangladesh Navy would be capable of playing its due role in any place of the world," she said.

The prime minister said a great responsibility has been bestowed upon the members of the navy for utilising the massive role of the marine resources in the economic uplift of a developing country like Bangladesh.

"I pray to Allah that you would discharge that responsibility successfully and safely by utilising new ships," she said.

Illustrating her government's relentless stride for the development of Bangladesh Navy, Sheikh Hasina said short and long term plans have already been taken to build Bangladesh Navy as an effective force by 2030.

She said the highest number of 12 ships have been added to the naval fleet during the tenure of her government. Navy has entered the new era through induction of two maritime helicopters and two maritime patrol aircraft.

The prime minister said a special force named "Special Warfare Diving and Salvage (SWADS)" has been commissioned for naval aviation and unconventional warfare.

She said to build a strong naval force, two modern corvettes are being constructed in China which will inducted in the naval fleet by 2015.

Sheikh Hasina extended her heartiest congratulations to every member of Bangladesh Navy for the active role of the force in protecting the internal security and world peace in different emergency periods and nation-building activities.

"This huge sea is your work area. The countrymen remember with honour the unique example of hard labour and dutifulness you have set up in the volatile sea. As there is a challenge in your profession, there is also a call of magnanimity in it. I believe that your patriotism is huge like the sea," she said.

Referring to the maritime victory over Myanmar, the prime minister said Bangladesh got the legal rights of the exclusive economic zone up to the 200 nautical miles of the Bay of Bengal through the win.

"I hope that Bangladesh would realise the just rights by resolving the maritime dispute with India by this year in the same process Insha Allah," she said.

Earlier, the prime minister handed over commissioning 'forman' (order) of the two warships to the commanding officers and formally unveiled the plaques of the ships.

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Général de corps d'armée (ANP)
Général de corps d'armée (ANP)

messages : 6945
Inscrit le : 18/07/2012
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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMer 12 Mar 2014 - 22:39

Citation :
Bangladesh Navy builds UAVs, drones for surveillance, targeting trials

The Bangladesh Navy (BN) has begun production of indigenously manufactured unmanned air systems (UASs) to be used for targeting practice and maritime surveillance, BN Chief of Naval Staff Vice Admiral M Farid Habib told Bangladeshi newspaper The Daily Star on 8 March.
"We will build many drones. We have just started building the vehicles," said Adm Habib following a 16-day annual exercise in the Bay of Bengal. "There are cameras in the drones to send photographs so that we can monitor fishing trawlers or any unauthorised ships in our jurisdiction," he added.
Surveillance at sea has been a priority for Bangladesh since it won a longstanding maritime boundary dispute with Myanmar in March 2012.
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 39971
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 4 Icon_minitimeVen 21 Mar 2014 - 15:26

Chengdu F-7BGI
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MiG-29UB Fulcrum
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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMer 2 Avr 2014 - 21:21

2 Frégates ex-PLAN ont intégré la flotte du Bangladesh récemment :
Abu Bakar ( F15 )
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Ali Haider ( F17 )
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