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 Bangladesh Armed Forces

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Henri K.
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messages : 7134
Inscrit le : 14/08/2008
Localisation : Rabat Maroc
Nationalité : Maroc
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MessageSujet: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 9 Icon_minitimeMer 24 Juin 2009 - 16:42

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Le Bengladesh modernise sa marine plus que viellote Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 9 Icon_mrg
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La marine du Bangladesh envisage d’acheter des frégates et un sous-marin

Publié le 24 juin 2009.
La marine du Bangladesh cherche la mise en œuvre d’un plan à 10 ans lui permettant de devenir une force tri-dimensionnelle grâce à l’achat de frégates, d’un sous-marin, d’avions de patrouille maritime, d’hélicoptères et d’autres équipements.

La marine prévoit d’acheter 3 frégates, 3 gros patrouilleurs, 12 patrouilleurs, 2 chalands de débarquement, un navire hydrographique, un navire de sauvetage, 4 vedettes lance-missiles, ainsi que des missiles installés sur certains navires pour renforcer sa flotte de surface.
Il prévoit aussi de constituer sa propre flotte aérienne en acheter 3 avions de patrouille maritime et 4 hélicoptères au cours des 10 prochaines années.
La marine du Bangladesh prévoit aussi d’acheter un sous-marin d’ici 2019. Le gouvernement a approuvé cet achat.
"Avant d’acheter le sous-marins, des mesures ont déjà été prises pour construire les infrastructures et former le personnel. Lorsque le travail préparatoire sera terminé, il sera possible de lancer les mesures pour acheter un sous-marin en 2019," indique le plan de la marine.
Sur les 82 navires composant la marine du Bangladesh, la plupart ont plus de 25 ans (certains datent des années 50). Seuls 15 ont moins de 25 ans.
Référence :
Daily Star (Bengladesh)
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 39971
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 9 Icon_minitimeVen 20 Nov 2020 - 19:23

Citation :
Bangladesh army standardizes Singaporean 40mm grenade launcher

Defense News November 2020 Global Security army industry
Posted On Friday, 20 November 2020 15:54

The Bangladesh Army standardised the ST Engineering-made 40mm Automatic Grenade Launcher Mk 2 (40AGL Mk 2) in its inventory, making it one of the largest users of the weapon system, Defseca reports. The 40AGL Mk 2 is currently deployed across all infantry divisions of the Bangladesh Army to greatly enhance organic firepower.

Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 9 7110
ST Kinetics 40mm Automatic Grenade Launcher (Picture source: Army Recognition)

The STK 40 AGL, formerly the CIS 40 AGL[a], is a 40 mm automatic grenade launcher, developed in the late 1980s and produced by the Singaporean defence firm − Chartered Industries of Singapore (CIS, now ST Kinetics). The launcher is employed primarily by the Singapore Armed Forces and the police and security forces of several other countries. On June 19, 2000, STK announced the release of an upgrade kit, known as the 40mm Automatic Grenade Launcher Air-Bursting System (40mm AGL-ABS). Upgrades consist of the electronic fire control system, the gun computer, the muzzle programming coil as well as the optical sighting system. On December 13, 2010, the Kuwait Defense Ministry released a statement that the CIS 40 AGL was offered for the Kuwaiti army.

The 40 mm x 53 mm calibre AGL has a weight of 30 kg and an effective range of 1,500 m. Its muzzle velocity is 242 m/s and a rate of fire of 350 to 500 rpm. It is a belt-fed system with safe, semi and automatic mores of fire. The operation is achieved through advanced primer ignition blowback. Accessories include a cleaning kit, detachable chute and ammunition box holder. The Bangladesh Army elected to include optional accessories also such as a lock & fire mount, M3 tripod and Reflex sight also.

The upgraded version currently in use with the Bangladesh Army features a weight reduction of almost 6 kg, a barrel removal system, improved handling, performance, aesthetics and ergonomics. The components include a barrel, a bolt & backplate assembly, receiver/feed cover group, top cover group and trigger mechanism/rear sight group.
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Bruce Wayne
General de Division
General de Division
Bruce Wayne

messages : 9391
Inscrit le : 22/11/2020
Localisation : Maroc
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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 9 Icon_minitimeJeu 3 Juin 2021 - 19:02 a écrit:

Le Bangladesh semble être sérieux pour l'acquisition d'un nouveau vecteur , apparement le Bangladesh souhaite acquérir 16 avions avec un budget de 3b$ ... 2 concurrents semblent se détacher c'est l'EF et le Rafale...

Le courage croît en osant et la peur en hésitant.
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Bruce Wayne
General de Division
General de Division
Bruce Wayne

messages : 9391
Inscrit le : 22/11/2020
Localisation : Maroc
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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 9 Icon_minitimeMer 23 Juin 2021 - 13:28

Le courage croît en osant et la peur en hésitant.
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Bruce Wayne
General de Division
General de Division
Bruce Wayne

messages : 9391
Inscrit le : 22/11/2020
Localisation : Maroc
Nationalité : Maroc

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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 9 Icon_minitimeLun 26 Juil 2021 - 13:41

Le courage croît en osant et la peur en hésitant.
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 39971
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 9 Icon_minitimeLun 9 Aoû 2021 - 18:26

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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 39971
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
Nationalité : France
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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 9 Icon_minitimeLun 9 Aoû 2021 - 21:40

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Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 9 Bangla10

Bangladesh Army Bell 407

The first of two Bangladesh Army Aviation Group (AAG) Bell 407GXi, serial S3-BRA, was recently spotted over Tejgaon. The second one is reported to be registered S3-BRN.

The new helicopters will be replacing the Bell 206L-4 in army service. Recently, two Bell 407s were exported to Bangladesh, C-GUHF (construction number 54892) and C-GUHU (c/n 54895). Unfortunately the tie-up is not known yet.

In January 2020, Scramble Magazine reported on the requirement for a new helicopter and the Bell 429 and 412 were said to be on the shortlist, but in the end the army went for the 407 model.

Photo by PC-12 DME ARC Aviation photography via Defense
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 9496
Inscrit le : 23/09/2007
Localisation : le monde
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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 9 Icon_minitimeVen 1 Oct 2021 - 15:16

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Bangladesh is getting closer to Eurofighter Typhoon...

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messages : 25054
Inscrit le : 31/03/2008
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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 9 Icon_minitimeVen 1 Oct 2021 - 15:24

Tranche 1 de la RAF ?

Sois généreux avec nous, Ô toi Dieu et donne nous la Victoire

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messages : 243
Inscrit le : 18/06/2020
Localisation : Casablanca
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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 9 Icon_minitimeVen 1 Oct 2021 - 18:05

C'est ce que je me suis dis aussi si Fahed, sauf avec leonardo ça colle pas.
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 9496
Inscrit le : 23/09/2007
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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 9 Icon_minitimeDim 3 Oct 2021 - 15:23

Strategic Analysis: Bangladesh Air Force reaches for the skies...

"In 2021, Eurofighter World Magazine also stated Bangladesh as a potential customer for Eurofighter Typhoon. Considering the allocation of funds, it can be assumed that Bangladesh is interested in buying the latest Captor-E AESA radar equipped Tranche 4 or Tranche 3A variant of Eurofighter Typhoon."

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Caporal chef
Caporal chef

messages : 198
Inscrit le : 18/11/2020
Localisation : Sète / Al Hoceima
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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 9 Icon_minitimeDim 14 Nov 2021 - 20:44

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China has delivered QW-18A man-portable air defense missile systems to Bangladesh Navy

According to information published on "The Bangladesh Defence Analyst" website on November 12, 2021, China has delivered QW-18A MANPADS (Man Portable Air Defense missile System) to the Bangladesh Navy.

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Chinese QW-18 MANPADS Man Portable air defense missile system. (Picture source Internet)

The QW-18A is an improved version of the QW-18 which is a portable air defense missile system with anti-infrared capability omnidirectionally against low and very low altitude air targets with a flight speed of more than 300 m/s.
The QW-18 can be integrated with other air defense weapon systems to create a complete air defense system able to destroy any type of aerial threat. It can be extended into air-to-air missiles, ship-to-air missiles on small vessels, and missile-gun air defense weapon systems.
The QW-18 can be used against aerial targets with a range from 500 to 5,000 m and an altitude from 10 to 4,000 m. The QW-18A delivered to the Bangladesh Navy features electric-servo control actuators to increase guidance and flight characteristics offering better capabilities against cruise missiles at supersonic speed.
The use of MANPADS onboard vessels offers a low-cost solution to protect ships against aerial threats, particularly those without a combat system. It can be used to protect surface vessels against most conventional airborne threats such as anti-ship missiles, combat aircraft, helicopters, and UAVs.

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Caporal chef
Caporal chef

messages : 198
Inscrit le : 18/11/2020
Localisation : Sète / Al Hoceima
Nationalité : Maroc-France

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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 9 Icon_minitimeLun 27 Déc 2021 - 12:49

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Bangladesh to get 8 Mi-28NE helicopters

Emphasis has been placed on further enhancing the capabilities of the Bangladesh Air Force in the Forces Goal-2030 to ensure a strong national defense system. As part of this, eight Mi-28 NE attack helicopters are being purchased from Russia. It will cost around Tk 4,100 crore to buy these helicopters. This information has been known from the sources of the Ministry of Finance 

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The Mi-28NE “Night Hunter” is a modern attack helicopter designed to carry out search and destroy operations against tanks, armoured and un-armoured vehicles, and enemy personnel in combat, as well as low-speed airborne targets. It can operate night and day, and in adverse weather conditions  (Picture source: Russian Helicopters)

A proposal has recently been sent to the finance ministry for pre-approval on the purchase of helicopters from Russia. It said policy approval was given for the purchase of eight MI-28 NE attack helicopters for the Bangladesh Air Force in the current and next financial year through direct negotiations with the Government of Russia, the selling country under GTG (Government with Government) or its designated agency. It will cost approximately 4 thousand 100 crore.

The Mi-28 attack helicopter has a powerful armament system, which includes a movable automatic 30-mm cannon with a left-right swing range of ± 110 °, anti-tank guided missiles of three types with a range of 6 and 10 kilometers, and air-to-air guided missiles, unguided rockets of two types, suspended cannon containers, aerial bombs up to 500 kg.

The rotor blades of the "Night Hunter" are capable of withstanding the impact of a 30 mm projectile. Its engines of increased power - 2400 hp. each. Flight with one engine is possible if the other is damaged. "Night Hunter" has high survivability. The windshield and side windows of the cockpit are armored. The Mi-28NE cockpit is protected by ceramic armor. Mi-28NE is capable of efficiently performing assigned tasks in hot climates. It is equipped with a new screen-exhaust and dust protection device.

The Mi-28NE is manufactured at the Rostvertol enterprise, which is part of the Russian Helicopters holding.

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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 9 Icon_minitimeMar 28 Déc 2021 - 14:32

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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 9 Icon_minitimeMar 28 Déc 2021 - 14:44

Les capacités anti drone du système, elles sont confirmées ?

Sois généreux avec nous, Ô toi Dieu et donne nous la Victoire

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Bruce Wayne
General de Division
General de Division
Bruce Wayne

messages : 9391
Inscrit le : 22/11/2020
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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 9 Icon_minitimeMer 5 Jan 2022 - 17:10

Le courage croît en osant et la peur en hésitant.
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Caporal chef
Caporal chef

messages : 198
Inscrit le : 18/11/2020
Localisation : Sète / Al Hoceima
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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 9 Icon_minitimeVen 7 Jan 2022 - 22:38

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Bangladesh Navy could acquire Kawasaki P-1 maritime patrol aircraft

According to information published by Defseca on January 7, 2021, the Bangladesh Navy can look into purchasing the Japanese-made Kawasaki P-1 maritime patrol aircraft.

Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 9 Bangladesh_Navy_could_acquire_Kawasaki_P-1_maritime_patrol_aircraftKawasaki P-1 maritime patrol aircraft (Picture source: Aleem Yousaf)

The Kawasaki P-1 (previously P-X, XP-1) is Japanese maritime patrol aircraft developed and manufactured by Kawasaki Aerospace Company.

It has the distinction of being the first operational aircraft in the world to make use of a fly-by-optics control system.

The P-1 has entered service with the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) as a replacement for the P-3C Orion. On 26 March 2013, the JMSDF took delivery of the first two operational P-1 aircraft.

Export customers are also being sought for the type as part of a general loosening of Japanese military export restrictions.

The Kawasaki P-1 is a purpose-built maritime patrol aircraft equipped with four engines. The P-1 is powered by four podded IHI F7-10 turbofan engines underneath the low-set wings.

The P-1 is equipped with various sensors to enable the aircraft to perform its primary purpose of detecting submarines and surface vessels; these include the Toshiba HPS-106 active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar which uses a total of four antennas to provide 360-degree coverage and Infrared/Light detection systems for surface detection

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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 39971
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 9 Icon_minitimeSam 12 Fév 2022 - 21:00

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Le Bangladesh désire un avion de combat occidental !

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Fini les avions russes ou chinois, le Bangladesh veut un nouvel avion de combat occidental. Le pays a besoin de 16 nouveaux avions de combat multirôles (MRCA) pour augmenter et éventuellement remplacer ses Chengdu F-7 et MiG-29 vieillissants. Pour l’armée de l’air, les aéronefs occidentaux présentent des avantages significatifs par rapport aux types russes et chinois en termes de maintenance, d’économie de carburants et de longévités. Mais il semble également que le point de vue politique pousse le pays en direction de l’Occident.

Actuellement le Bangladesh dispose force d'environ 44 avions de combat composée MiG-29 et MiG-29UB de 28 Chengdu, de F -7BG et FT-7BG ainsi que des F-7MB. En parallèle, le pays a réceptionné 16 avions d'entraînement Yakovlev Yak-130 commandés en 2013. Dans le cadre de son appel d’offres, le pays désire un avion de combat multirôle avec un ou deux moteurs. La charge utile minimale sera de cinq tonnes avec au moins huit points d'emport d'armes. Des stipulations supplémentaires exigent que le nouveau chasseur soit équipé d'un radar actif à balayage électronique (AESA) avec une portée air-air de 93 milles et une portée air-sol de 31 milles, une recherche et une poursuite infrarouges (IRST) et une suite intégrée de guerre électronique (IEW) et de contre-mesures électroniques (ECM).

Trois candidats

A l’heure actuelle trois appareils semblent prêts pour concourir, il s’agit de l’Airbus Eurofighter T4 Quadriga, du Saab Gripen E MS21 et du Lockheed Martin F-16V Block70/72. Apriori, le Rafale français ne fait pas partie des palpable et ceci à cause du différend qui oppose le Bangladesh à l’Inde.

Eurofighter Typhon II Quadriga

Airbus Defence and Space a étoffé ses propositions de poursuivre le développement de l'Eurofighter « Typhoon II » pour la Luftwaffe avec plus de détails. L’Espagne est également impliquée dans l’effort, qui diverge dans une certaine mesure de la feuille de route pour les Eurofighter britanniques. Pour l'Allemagne, le développement est basé sur deux exigences : le programme Quadriga pour remplacer les typhons de Tranche 1 vieillissants et limités en technologie de la Luftwaffe et un besoin ultérieur de remplacer la flotte de Tornado.

Les Eurofighter tranche 4 « Quadriga » comporteront une suite d'aides défensives améliorées et un radar AESA. Ce standard disposera du radar AESA CAPTOR-E à balayage électronique. L’arrivée du CAPTOR-E permet grâce à son antenne AESA d’effectuer des tâches multiples simultanément. Le nouveau radar conserve les principales caractéristiques de l'architecture du radar CAPTOR-M actuel, mais, il est doté d’une antenne AESA en lieu et place de l’actuelle antenne mécanique.

L’avion disposera également d’une nouvelle architecture en termes d’avionique avec un grand écran multifonctions spécifiquement adapté à la guerre en réseau (Electronic Warfare) produit pas BAe Systems. La puissance électronique sera d’ailleurs démultipliée à cet effet, pour pouvoir travailler en réseau.

Saab Gripen E

Le JAS-39 Gripen E MS21 dispose du radar AESA ES05 « Raven » couplé au système SWASHPLATE offrant une plage de détection démultipliée unique. L’avion a reçu un IRST (Infra-Red Seach and Track) Skyward-G produit par Selex-ES qui permet la transmission de données d’acquisition entre les appareils. Contrairement aux versions précédentes le Gripen E dispose d’une nouvelle architecture électronique (Net Centric Warfare - NCW). Le nouveau système central PPLI (Precise Participant Location and Identification) et relie l’ensemble aux pistes des capteurs internes et externes (RAVEN, IRST, EW39, pod ATFLIR) pour ensuite offrir les meilleures réponses aux menaces. L’avion est motorisé avec le General-Electric F-414G avec mode « SuperCruise ». Le nouveau système de guerre électronique (Warfare System) une détection des missiles en approche de type électro-optique EW39 (ultra-violet) qui fonctionne avec les lances-leurres Saab BOH/BOL de dernière génération (ADIS) couplés avec le système d'alerte aéroporté passif (PAWS-2) d'Elbit Systems. Le Gripen E emporte une large variété de missiles : AIM-9X, IRIS-T, A-Darter, Python, AMRAAM, Meteor, RBS14, Maverick, Brimstone, Taurus KEPD, ainsi que la panoplie complète des bombes à guidage laser/GPS.

Lockheed-Martin F-16 « Viper » Block70/72

Le Lockheed-Martin F-16 « Viper » Block70/72 est le dernier et le plus avancé de la famille des « Fighting Falcon ». La configuration F-16V comprend de nombreuses améliorations destinées à maintenir le F-16 à la pointe des avions de combat. Selon Lockheed-Martin, cette nouvelle version va fournir des capacités de combat de pointe tout en restant une solution évolutive et abordable pour le client.

Le F-16V dispose d’un nouveau radar à antenne électronique Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) Northrop-Grumman APG-83 « Radar Scalable Agile Beam ». L'APG-83 fournit aux pilotes une vision inégalée en matière de détail de la zone de cibles et d’affichages cartographiques numérique couplé à un système IRST. L’avionique est également améliorée avec un écran géant 6x8 central (CPD) à haute résolution, un nouveau bus de données à haute vitesse. Les capacités opérationnelles sont améliorées grâce à un nouveau système de liaisons de données Link-16 « Theater Data Link », l’adjonction de la dernière version de la nacelle de désignation « Sniper », d’un nouveau système de navigation et de précision par GPS. L’avion est également doté du système automatique Ground Collision Avoidance (Auto GCAS). En matière d’armement, le F-16V permet d’emporter l’ensemble des armes disponibles et futures en de l’US Air Force.

Photo : MiG-29 de la Frocd aérienne du Bangladesh @ BAF
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Bruce Wayne
General de Division
General de Division
Bruce Wayne

messages : 9391
Inscrit le : 22/11/2020
Localisation : Maroc
Nationalité : Maroc

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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 9 Icon_minitimeJeu 17 Fév 2022 - 12:58

Le courage croît en osant et la peur en hésitant.
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 39971
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 9 Icon_minitimeMer 29 Juin 2022 - 21:10

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Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 9 Bangladesh_Navy_Do228_640

Bangladesh Navy's 4th Do228

On 20 June 2022, the fourth and last General Atomics AeroTec Systems Do228-212NG, serial 314-04 and test registration D-CAEP (construction number 8327), for the Bangladesh Navy was seen test flying from Oberpfaffenhofen and visiting Braunschweig.
This probably means the delivery will commence shortly. The future S3 registration will most probably be S3-VHT.

The Do228s are operated by the Naval Aviation Wing and are based at Zahurul-Haque Air Base, which is part of Chittagong/M.A. Hannan International Airport. The first two Do228s were already delivered in 2013 and number three was delivered in October 2021.

Photo by Frank/

Bangladesh Navy's 4th Do228 (
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 39971
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 9 Icon_minitimeMer 27 Juil 2022 - 18:48

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Bangladesh purchases Bayraktar TB2 combat drones

Defense News July 2022 Global Security army industry


According to Raheed Ejaz on the Bangladeshi website City, Bangladesh is set to purchase Turkish-made Bayraktar TB2 combat drones after assessing their efficiency against Russian invasion forces in Ukraine. The government has signed an agreement with Turkey to purchase the medium-altitude long-endurance unmanned aerial vehicle.

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Turkish-made Bayraktar TB2 unmanned combat aerial vehicle at IDEF defense exhibition
in Turkey, May 2017 (Picture source: Army Recognition)

Turkish ambassador to Bangladesh Mustafa Osman Turan confirmed the purchase, Raheed Ejaz reports, saying that the deal was signed recently between the Bangladesh Armed Forces and the drone manufacturing company Baykar Technology: "(…) I'm not in a position to give details but I can confirm that there is a cooperation between Bangladesh and Turkey regarding drones."

According to diplomatic sources, Bangladesh previously purchased MRAP vehicles, armored vehicles, and air defense systems from Turkey under a bilateral defense cooperation agreement. In 2021, Turkiye also signed an agreement to sell guided artillery shells to Bangladesh. Military helicopters and tanks might also enter discussions.

The Bayraktar TB2 UAV System has a cruising speed of 70 knots with an operational flight altitude of 24.000 feet, 24 hours of flight time and a communication range of 150 km and has a 12-m wing span, 650-kg maximum take-off weight, and a 55-kg payload capacity. Prototype Development Phase started in 2007. Bayraktar tactical UAS with its critical all subsystems including flight control, INS-GPS, Automatic Take Off-Landing systems developed in-house demonstrated fully automatic taxi, take-off, cruise, landing, and parking phases in 2009 and was selected as the winner of the program. The final production stage officially started in 2012.

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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 9 Icon_minitimeMar 4 Oct 2022 - 21:11

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Second CASA-C295W military aircraft added to Bangladesh Army Aviation Group

Aviation Defense News October 2022 aerospace air force industry



The second CASA-C 295W medium utility military aircraft was added to the fleet of Army Aviation Group of Bangladesh Army on September 25 in an informal ceremony. Bangladesh Army Chief General SM Shafiuddin Ahmed, SBP, OSP, NDU, PSC, Ph.D. was present on the occasion. HE Mr. Ambassador of Spain was also present. Francisco de Asis Benitez Salas, senior officers of the Army Headquarters, Air Force, BGB, RAB officers and other invited guests.

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This aircraft will be used for landing troops in the battlefield, rapid movement of troops from one place to another, aerial surveillance, cargo
transport, VIP missions besides transporting a large number of emergency patients (Picture source: Bangladesh ISPR)  

The aircraft manufactured by Airbus Military, Spain took off from Spain and touched down in Bangladesh this afternoon. After necessary operations, the aircraft arrived at Tejgaon Old Airport. The military aircraft was greeted with a water cannon salute. On this occasion, the Chief of Army Staff thanked the Prime Minister for his groundbreaking direction and special interest in the modernization and development of the Bangladesh Army. He expressed his strong position that the Bangladesh Army, a symbol of the nation's trust, is always ready to protect the country's sovereignty at all times.

The addition of a second CASA-C295W medium utility aircraft greatly enhanced the Bangladesh Army's combat capability. This aircraft will be used for landing troops in the battlefield, rapid movement of troops from one place to another, aerial surveillance, cargo transport, VIP missions besides transporting a large number of emergency patients. The aircraft will play an important role in transporting essential relief and medical supplies during natural calamities in the country.
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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 9 Icon_minitimeVen 18 Nov 2022 - 20:45

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Bangladesh army fire testing newly delivered NORINCO VT5 light tanks

Defense News November 2022 Global Security army industry


Firing tests of its newly received NORINCO VT5Light Tanks have been conducted y the Bangladeshi army at Chittagong Firing Range.

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Firing tests of its newly received NORINCO VT5 Light Tanks have been conducted
y the Bangladeshi army at Chittagong Firing Range (Picture source: Twitter account
of Shakir Imroz)

On November 17, Shakir Imroz tweeted pictures of the first firing tests carried on by the Bangladeshi army with its Chinese-made NORINCO VT5 light Tanks it recently received, as Army Recognition published on November 14. Let us recall that, according to the SIPRI (Stockholm International Peace Research Institute) arms trade database, in 2021, China had already delivered 44 VT5 light tanks to Bangladesh.
The VT5, also named Type 15 or ZTQ-15 in the Chinese army, is a lightweight battle tank designed and manufactured by the Chinese defense company NORINCO (China North Industries Corporation). The VT5 was unveiled to the public during the Zhuhai AirShow China in November 2016.

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NORINCO VT5 Light Tank of the Bangladeshi Army (Picture source: Twitter account of Shakir Imroz)

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Firing tests of its newly received NORINCO VT5 Light Tanks have been conducted y the
Bangladeshi army at Chittagong Firing Range (Picture source: Twitter account of Shakir Imroz)

Bangladesh's armed forces are going through a long-term modernization plan named Forces Goal 2030. It is under a massive expansion and modernization drive as per the plan. The force is being divided into three corps — Central, Eastern and Western. Three new infantry divisions have been raised – the 17th infantry division at Sylhet, the 10th infantry division at Ramu in Cox's Bazar, and the 7th infantry division at Barishal-Patuakhali – to bring the number of total infantry divisions to ten. The soldiers are being equipped with modern gear like Night Vision Goggles (NVG), ballistic helmets, eye-protective gears, bulletproof vests, person-to-person communicators, palmtop GPS devices, and BD-08 assault rifles.

To increase special operation capabilities, a 2nd Commando battalion has been raised. These two battalions form the sole para-commando brigade of the country. Bangladesh Army procured 44 MBT-2000 tanks from China in 2011. The engineers have completed the upgrade of Type 69 tanks to Type 69IIG standard. They are now upgrading 174 Type 59 tanks to the Type 59G Durjoy standard. To increase the mobility of the infantry forces, 300 armoured vehicles such as BTR-80 APC, Otokar Cobra LAV and Bov M11 ARV have been procured.
To modernize the artillery forces, Nora B-52 K2 self-propelled artillery systems have been procured from Serbia. Their firepower is further increased by the addition of two regiments of WS-22 Guided Multiple Rocket Launcher System. For the anti-tank role, Metis-M missile systems and PF-98 rocket systems were procured. Two regiments of FM 90 surface-to-air missile were added in 2016 to enhance air defence capabilities. The army aviation wing is also being modernized: two Eurocopter AS365 Dauphins were put into service in 2012. Six Mil Mi-171Sh were procured in 2016. One C-295W transport aircraft was ordered from Spain and was delivered in 2017. The Bangladesh Army also procured 36 Bramor C4EYE battlefield reconnaissance UAVs from Slovenia in 2017.

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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 9 Icon_minitimeMer 30 Nov 2022 - 21:46

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Vard Marine to design landing craft for Bangladesh Navy

Naval News November 2022


According to a PR published by Vard Marine on November 30, 2022, the firm has been awarded the contract to design a 70m Landing Craft Tank by Khulna Shipyard Ltd.

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Artist rendering of the Vard 7 507 Landing Craft Series (Picture source: Vard Marine)

The design contract was signed in October 2022 and work is now underway on the program. The ship-building contract awarded to Khulna Shipyard Ltd of Bangladesh by the Bangladesh Navy will be a multi-stage program.
Based on the Vard 7 507 Landing Craft Series, these vessels are intended to operate in the Bay of Bengal to meet both wartime and peacetime requirements along the coast from Chattogram to St Martins and Mongla.
The vessels are designed primarily for carrying out amphibious operations in the coastal areas of Bangladesh and for transporting landing forces, tanks, equipment, and supplies.
The vessels’ secondary missions during peacetime will be to transport relief goods and personnel for Humanitarian and Disaster Relief (HADR) within Bangladesh and adjacent areas along the coast of the Bay of Bengal.
The Bangladesh Navy is the naval warfare branch of the Bangladesh Armed Forces, responsible for Bangladesh's 118,813 square kilometers (45,874 sq mi) of maritime territorial area, and the defence of important harbours, military bases, and economic zones.
The Bangladesh Navy currently operates two submarines, five guided missile frigates, two patrol frigates, six guided missile corvettes, minor surface combatants of various types including offshore patrol vessels, coastal patrol boats, missile boats, minesweepers, auxiliaries, amphibious landing craft, and rapid response boats.
The country currently has 9 Landing Craft Utilities, four BN LCUs, two Swandwip class LCUs, two LCU 1512 class, and one Shah Amanat class.

Vard Marine to design landing craft for Bangladesh Navy (
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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 9 Icon_minitimeDim 29 Jan 2023 - 19:33

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MessageSujet: Re: Bangladesh Armed Forces   Bangladesh Armed Forces - Page 9 Icon_minitimeLun 4 Déc 2023 - 21:54

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Bangladesh gets Bayraktar TB2

The Bangladesh Army Aviation took six Bayraktar TB2 Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) on charge. The TB2s will be operated from the army hangars at Chittagong/M.A. Hannan International also known as Zahurul-Haque Air Base.

Six more TB2 UAS' are expected to be delivered enhancing the army's capabilities into this new realm of unmanned aerial systems.

The remotely piloted aircraft will not be shown in the public sphere soon because the country has cancelled the yearly military parade that normally takes place on 16 December because of the upcoming general elections of 7 January 2024.

Credit photo: Bangladesh Army Aviation  
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