messages : 1290 Inscrit le : 14/09/2009 Localisation : paris Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Armée autrichienne / Austrian Armed Forces / Österreichisches Bundesheer Mar 6 Oct 2009 - 17:18
Citation :
Durant peu de temps, entre 1918 et 1921 l'armée semi-régulière fut appelée Volkswehr (défense du peuple) : elle n’a qu’une campagne à son actif, contre les Slovènes en Carinthie. Depuis (exceptée durant la période 1938-1945, où l'Autriche fut partie intégrante de l'Allemagne nazie (ou Anschluss)), elle est connue sous le nom de "Bundesheer". L'armée autrichienne développa un plan de défense en 1938 contre l'Allemagne, mais celui-ci ne fut jamais mis en place suite à différentes décisions politiques. En 1955, l'Autriche se déclara comme pays neutre et entérina sa neutralité par une loi constitutionnelle. La principale fonction de l'armée autrichienne tient dans la protection de la neutralité du pays. Depuis la dernière réforme structurelle les principales forces armées sont :
l'armée de terre (Kommando Landstreitkräfte; KdoLaSK)
l'armée de l'air (Kommando Luftstreitkräfte; KdoLuSK)
la force d'intervention internationale (Kommando Internationale Einsätze; KdoIE)
les forces spéciales (Kommando Spezialeinsatzkräfte; KdoSEK)
le Kommando Einsatzunterstützung (KdoEU)
le Kommando Führungsunterstützung (KdoFüU)
Avec la fin de la Guerre froide, l'armée autrichienne aide de plus en plus la police frontalière à limiter l'entrée des immigrés clandestins. Les guerres de Yougoslavie a contraint à la levée des restrictions sur l'arsenal militaire autrichien, imposées par un traité international en 1955. Récemment, l'Autriche a dépensé des sommes considérables afin de moderniser son arsenal. Des Leopard 2, des Ulan, des Pandur, des Dingo 2, des transporteurs C-130 Hercules, des UH-60 Black Hawk et 15 Eurofighter Typhoon ont été commandés.
Ces gifs animés proviennent du mangas "Les chevaliers du zodiaques: the lost canvas".
Dernière édition par al_bundy le Mer 7 Oct 2009 - 0:39, édité 4 fois
H3llF!R3 Colonel
messages : 1600 Inscrit le : 23/05/2009 Localisation : XXX Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée autrichienne / Austrian Armed Forces / Österreichisches Bundesheer Mar 6 Oct 2009 - 17:32
Le règlement stipule qu'il faut citer ses sources al_bundy...
Voici la source pour les chiffres :
PS: Les Articles wikipedia sont a eviter
al_bundy Lt-colonel
messages : 1290 Inscrit le : 14/09/2009 Localisation : paris Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée autrichienne / Austrian Armed Forces / Österreichisches Bundesheer Mar 6 Oct 2009 - 17:35
H3llF!R3 a écrit:
Le règlement stipule qu'il faut citer ses sources al_bundy...
Voici la source pour les chiffres :
PS: Les Articles wikipedia sont a eviter
Je sais, yakuza m'a dit ça hier en message privé, qu'il faut aussi "citer", mais j'ai pas finis, j'étais en train de vérifier dans "scramble", t'inquiètes pas, je fait tout ça dans 5 min. J'édite mes premiers post sur les armées "oubliées" afin de rendre le forum plus complet.
Ces gifs animés proviennent du mangas "Les chevaliers du zodiaques: the lost canvas".
Yakuza Administrateur
messages : 21656 Inscrit le : 15/09/2009 Localisation : 511 Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée autrichienne / Austrian Armed Forces / Österreichisches Bundesheer Mar 6 Oct 2009 - 20:37
refait les photos,scramble n´est pas hotlinkable
al_bundy Lt-colonel
messages : 1290 Inscrit le : 14/09/2009 Localisation : paris Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée autrichienne / Austrian Armed Forces / Österreichisches Bundesheer Mer 7 Oct 2009 - 1:05
Yakuza a écrit:
refait les photos,scramble n´est pas hotlinkable
C'est fait, j'ai commencer a compléter le topic "autres forces armées" avec des armées un peu oubliées, mai en faisant cela, je pense que ça enrichira le forum!
J'ai commencer, pour la plupart, avec l'armée de l'air, je compléterai par la suite, comme je le fait actuellement! Pareillement pour les sources!
Comme je commence sur le forum depuis peu, il peut y avoir des érreures de manip' et je m'en excuse d'avance, mais je commence à être au point! ;o)
D'autres photos tirées du site des forces armées autrichiennes:
Ces gifs animés proviennent du mangas "Les chevaliers du zodiaques: the lost canvas".
Invité Invité
Sujet: Re: Armée autrichienne / Austrian Armed Forces / Österreichisches Bundesheer Mer 7 Oct 2009 - 1:10
al_bundy a écrit:
J'ai commencer, pour la plupart, avec l'armée de l'air, je compléterai par la suite, comme je le fait actuellement! Pareillement pour les sources!
non ça se passe pas comme ça, vérifie que ton post est parfait avant de poster!
al_bundy a écrit:
Comme je commence sur le forum depuis peu, il peut y avoir des érreures de manip' et je m'en excuse d'avance, mais je commence à être au point! ;o)
au lieu de t'exuser d'avance, évites ces erreurs tout simplement, c'est mieux!
al_bundy Lt-colonel
messages : 1290 Inscrit le : 14/09/2009 Localisation : paris Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée autrichienne / Austrian Armed Forces / Österreichisches Bundesheer Mer 7 Oct 2009 - 13:11
Radars Autrichiens:
Citation :
Rank Insignias
Enlisted (Without Rank)
Formal Uniform 1) Field Uniform Combination Cap Description
Rank: Master Corporal German: Zugsführer Specialisation: Artillery / Anti Aircraft Units National Defence Academy / Military Academy NATO rank class: OR-4 2)
Non-Commissioned Officers
Formal Uniform 1) Field Uniform Combination Cap Description
Rank: Sergeant German: Wachtmeister Specialisation: Air Force NATO rank class: OR-5 2)
Rank: Warrant Officer III German: Oberstabswachtmeister Specialisation: Medical Service NATO rank class: OR-8 2)
Rank: Warrant Officer II German: Offiziersstellvertreter Specialisation: Communications NATO rank class: OR-9 2)
Rank: Warrant Officer I German: Vizeleutnant Specialisation: Honour Guard NATO rank class: OR-9 2)
Commissioned Officers
Formal Uniform 1) Field Uniform Combination Cap Description
Rank: (Officer) Cadet 3) German: Fähnrich Specialisation: Military Logistics NATO rank class: OF-Student 2)
Rank: Second Lieutenant German: Leutnant Specialisation: Technical Service NATO rank class: OF-1 2)
Rank: First Lieutenant German: Oberleutnant Specialisation: Superior Military Technical Service 4) NATO rank class: OF-1 2)
Rank: Captain German: Hauptmann Specialisation: Superior Military Technical Service 4) NATO rank class: OF-2 2)
Rank: Major German: Major Specialisation: Military Medical Service (Doctor) NATO rank class: OF-3 2)
Rank: Lieutenant Colonel German: Oberstleutnant Specialisation: General Staff Service NATO rank class: OF-4 2)
Rank: Colonel German: Oberst Specialisation: Administrative Service NATO rank class: OF-5 2)
Rank: Brigadier (General) German: Brigadier NATO rank class: OF-6 2)
Rang: Rank: Major General German: Generalmajor NATO rank class: OF-7 2)
Rang: Rank: Lieutenant General German: Generalleutnant NATO rank class: OF-8 2)
Rang: Rank: General German: General NATO rank class: OF-9 2)
Unlike on the field uniform, the rank insignia on this uniform has a coloured background in order to distinguish specialisation. This does not apply to general officers, where the background is entirely golden with a narrow red border around the insignia.
Since Austria is not a NATO member country, there is no policy on NATO rank class equivalents and the classes shown on this page are approximations given only for the sake of easier comparison to other armies.
Unlike in other armies, the rank of Officer Cadet is held solely by current active students at the Theresan Military Academy, not prospective students (who usually hold the rank of Sergeant after a voluntary one year's service - Einjährig-Freiwillig). Upon graduation, cadets are promoted to Lieutenant.
These specialisations, classified "superior", represent a distinction of officers obtained through possession of a post-graduate academic degree. Generally, successful studies in a technical field will lead to "Superior Military Technical Service", other studies to "Superior Military Professional Service". Unlike other specialisation types, these distinctions are not only displayed as a colour on the formal suit, but also suffixed to the rank title - for example, a Captain who has completed a post-graduate degree in Engineering thus becomes a "Captain of the Superior Military Technical Service". However, there is no distinction on the field uniform and these officers will still be addressed by the short form of their rank title.
Ces gifs animés proviennent du mangas "Les chevaliers du zodiaques: the lost canvas".
Yakuza Administrateur
messages : 21656 Inscrit le : 15/09/2009 Localisation : 511 Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée autrichienne / Austrian Armed Forces / Österreichisches Bundesheer Mer 7 Oct 2009 - 13:31
tres bien Al,continue comme ca
rafi General de Division
messages : 9496 Inscrit le : 23/09/2007 Localisation : le monde Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée autrichienne / Austrian Armed Forces / Österreichisches Bundesheer Mer 7 Oct 2009 - 13:50
Tous les Eurofighter ont été livrés.
Yakuza Administrateur
messages : 21656 Inscrit le : 15/09/2009 Localisation : 511 Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée autrichienne / Austrian Armed Forces / Österreichisches Bundesheer Mer 7 Oct 2009 - 13:54
richtig,ca date de l´année derniere
rafi General de Division
messages : 9496 Inscrit le : 23/09/2007 Localisation : le monde Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée autrichienne / Austrian Armed Forces / Österreichisches Bundesheer Mer 7 Oct 2009 - 13:55
Le dernier a été livré le 24 septembre...
Citation :
Zeltweg, 24. September 2009 - Am Donnerstag landete der 15. Eurofighter am Fliegerhorst Hinterstoisser in Zeltweg.
Il faut savoir aussi que les Eurofighter et les Saab 105 assurent conjointement depuis 2008 la surveillance aérienne du territoire autrichien...
Citation :
Seit Juli 2008 übernehmen die Eurofighter gemeinsam mit den Saab 105 Ö die Aufgaben der österreichischen Luftraumüberwachung.
al_bundy Lt-colonel
messages : 1290 Inscrit le : 14/09/2009 Localisation : paris Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée autrichienne / Austrian Armed Forces / Österreichisches Bundesheer Mer 7 Oct 2009 - 13:59
Deux vidéos, je les ai trouvées sur youtube:
Information à vrifier, vu que l'armée de l'air Française a démentie:
Citation :
La chasse autrichienne a "intercepté" hier soir un appareil militaire français entré sans autorisation dans l'espace aérien du pays, annonce aujourd'hui le ministère de la Défense à Vienne.
"L'appareil français a été intercepté par deux (chasseurs) Saab 105, qui l'ont identifié et photographié", a précisé cette source dans un communiqué. L'avion français, dont le type n'a pas été immédiatement spécifié, était parti de Roumanie à destination de Paris et ne disposait pas d'autorisation de survol, selon le ministère.
Exercice en Roumanie L'incident s'est produit entre Radkersburg et Salzbourg (centre), selon cette source. L'Autriche, pays neutre, exige une autorisation spécifique pour chaque survol militaire. La France mène cette semaine en Roumanie un exercice militaire aérien conjoint, Carpatina.
The Chief of the Austrian Armed Forces has hit out at critics.
Chief of General Staff of the Austrian Armed Forces, Edmund Entacher, has hit out at critics in the country’s press that say its armed forces are failing.
"Given the many false allegations and misleading representations about the condition of the Austrian army, I would ask all parties to return to objective reality," he said in a press statement. "The army is not a junkyard."
On speculation that the Austrian Air Force’s fleet of Eurofighter Typhoons is not operational, he said “This is incorrect. During the recent World Economic Forum there were up to ten Eurofighters always ready to use [despite it being] a technically highly complex system.”
messages : 14756 Inscrit le : 07/09/2009 Localisation : Maroc Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée autrichienne / Austrian Armed Forces / Österreichisches Bundesheer Ven 12 Mar 2010 - 17:32
Citation :
Two investments of the Austrian Army (Bundesheer) have been at the centre of attention at the military arsenal in Vienna, Austria: Defence Minister Norbert Darabos handed over new JCB backhoe loaders worth €1.3 million to the Army. Furthermore, two GMF IVECO LMV armoured multi-purpose vehicles, which are scheduled for delivery to the Bundesheer in 2010, were presented on this occasion. “Against all Cassandra calls, the Bundesheer will invest into new equipment. Within the scope of the available budget, the focus will definitely be placed onto infrastructure and equipment for the troops,” said Defence Minister Norbert Darabos. In this process, the equipment of the engineer corps is of particular importance, the Minister explained. New backhoe loaders The 8.5-tons heavy JCB Sitemaster Servo 4CX backhoe loader will be used as a universal asset for construction tasks of the engineer forces. The Bundeswehr requires heavy equipment, In particular for disaster relief operations, for instance to remove the effects of moraines or log jams. The new equipment will provide a fast and effective support for the construction of makeshift bridges in disaster relief or other operations. Its comprehensive range of possible applications and its mobility, provided by the shiftable all-wheel drive, make it an indispensible asset for the engineer corps. The loaders, worth a total of €1.3 million will now be transferred to the Engineer Battalions in Villach, Melk and Salzburg as well as to the training areas in Allentsteig and Seetaleralpe. Armoured multi-purpose vehicles For more than €100 million the Army, furthermore, procures 150 GMF IVECO LMV armoured multi-purpose vehicles of which two vehicles were presented yesterday. The multi-purpose vehicles will be used in different configurations for reconnaissance, observation, command and control as well as for military police tasks, for instance. The vehicles provide a high level of mobility and protection against ballistic threats such as small arms and mines as well as against chemical agents. “This high-value investment is a further step towards equipping the troops with state-of-the-art vehicles, providing a high level of personnel protection and good mobility,” the Minister said. The first vehicles are scheduled to be delivered to the Army in late 2010.
_________________ Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autres
MAATAWI Modérateur
messages : 14756 Inscrit le : 07/09/2009 Localisation : Maroc Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Defence Minister Darabos takes a tour in the MEDEVAC module for the Austrian C-130’s
On 8 April 2010 Austrian Defence Minister Norbert Darabos handed over a new medical module for the C-130 Hercules transport aircraft to the Austrian Armed Forces (Bundesheer) in Linz-Hörsching, Austria. The module will complement the capabilities of the Air Force by a significant facet and will increase the security of deployed Austrian soldiers. Transport of patients A C-130 equipped with the new MEDEVAC (Medical Evacuation) module can transport sick or wounded persons across long distances. In addition, the patients can be treated with the help of state-of-the-art medical equipment during the flight. Developed for the Austrian Armed Forces The module has been developed from scratch exclusively for the Austrian Armed Forces and costs €1.2 million ($1.63 million). The noise- and vibration-damped “flying hospital” offers space for two intensive care patients or up to nine patients without intensive care as well as for up to five medical personnel. Independent power supply Among other features, the module offers an independent power supply which allows autonomous operation of the medical systems for a minimum of seven hours. It is a worldwide unique system; several foreign air forces have already shown interest in the procurement of such equipment. Step by step modernisation “This investment shows that measures for the improvement of the equipment and, hence, of the security of our soldiers are being taken step by step and within the framework of the available budget. Great efforts are being made to modernise the equipment and military installations. The worldwide unique MEDEVAC module for the C-130 is a very good example for these efforts,” said Darabos in his speech.
_________________ Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autres
MAATAWI Modérateur
messages : 14756 Inscrit le : 07/09/2009 Localisation : Maroc Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| The Austrian Armed Forces (Bundesheer) will upgrade its entire fleet of AB-212 helicopters to the state-of-the-art level of technology. This will include the replacement of avionics and the improvement of night vision and self-protection capabilities of the helicopters. Investing in the troops “Thereby, the helicopters will be fully operational for another 25 years – this corresponds to approximately 100,000 flight hours,” Defence Minister Norbert Darabos said today at the Maria-Theresien barracks in Vienna. The investment level amounts to some €63 million. “This investment shows that investment is being made step by step into the equipment of the troops and, consequently, into the protection of the soldiers,” said Darabos. Backbone of air transportation Being the backbone of the military airlift, the AB-212 helicopters are an indispensable asset within the Austrian Armed Forces. The fleet includes 23 helicopters and 50 pilots. It is based in Linz-Hörsching. So far, 115,000 flight hours have been accomplished. Fleet remains partly available The modernisation of the helicopters will start in June 2010 and is scheduled to be completed within four years. A maximum of six helicopters at a time will be modernised by the company Agusta near Rome, enabling a part of the fleet to remain available. A 10-year offset agreement worth 50 per cent of the contract value has been concluded with the company.
_________________ Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autres
MAATAWI Modérateur
messages : 14756 Inscrit le : 07/09/2009 Localisation : Maroc Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée autrichienne / Austrian Armed Forces / Österreichisches Bundesheer Jeu 17 Juin 2010 - 13:51
Citation :
CONRAD Radio System Enters Service with Austrian Armed Forces
CONRAD “makes the Bundesheer a member of the high-tech family.”
Defence Minister hands over “world’s most state-of-the-art radio system” 08:39 GMT, June 17, 2010 | On Monday, the Austrian Defence Minister, Norbert Darabos, officially handed over the Austrian Armed Force’s new radio system, called Combat Net Radio or CONRAD, heralding a new age of military communication capabilities for Austrian soldiers. Speaking of a “technical revolution in the radio sector of the Bundesheer”, the Defence Minister presented the new system in a hand-over ceremony in Vienna to the Signal Troops School (Fernmeldetruppenschule).
„The equipment of the first three Jäger battalions has been completed. Now the operational use can begin. From now on, the world’s most state-of-the-art radio system is at the disposal of our soldiers,” said the Defence Minister.
Becoming a Member of the High-tech Family
CONRAD permits the Austrian Armed Forces to enter the digital era in terms of communication technology, replacing the ageing analogue radio systems of the PRC-77 family and the FMMech system which have been introduced with the troops in 1977 and 1982. Being easy to jam and to tap, the old systems did not meet the requirements of a modern army anymore. Therefore, in July 2007 the Austrian Ministry of National Defence ordered the CONRAD systems, manufactured by German-based TELEFUNKEN Radio Communication Systems, for some €80 million.
The order comprises a total of 5,000 radios and associated equipment as well as a radio network management system. The CONRAD solution also includes elements such as a receiver/transmitter/ (r/t) with COMSEC and TRANSSEC, a man-pack version, vehicle integration versions, handheld transceivers (fully r/t compatible). According to the Defence Ministry, the digital system is in particular characterised by a very secure and reliable connection, also in Austria’s alpine environment.
CONRAD can encrypt automatically and provides a data and image transmission rate of up to 115kB/s as well as an SMS capability while being easy to handle for the soldiers. The delivery and integration of all systems is to be completed by the end of 2011. “This will complete a further important segment of the soldiers’ equipment. The procurement of the troop radio system is one of the largest investments of the Ministry of National Defence of the past years. This makes the Bundesheer a member of the high-tech family,” said the Defence Minister on the occasion of the system’s hand-over.
_________________ Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autres
MAATAWI Modérateur
messages : 14756 Inscrit le : 07/09/2009 Localisation : Maroc Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée autrichienne / Austrian Armed Forces / Österreichisches Bundesheer Mar 26 Oct 2010 - 19:44
Citation :
Austrian Army has awarded contract for live training systems from Saab
The Austrian Army has awarded defence and security company Saab a contract to provide the Austrian Army with the internationally interoperable optical code OSAG 2.0, to be used by their family of Saab DuSim live simulator systems. This new code for direct fire weapon effects simulators will strongly improve the possibility to perform multinational exercises. The code has already been selected by the armies of the Netherlands and Germany and soon other countries will follow. Multinational missions as e.g. NRF/EU-BG require multinational training capabilities in order to prepare troops in the best possible way and the OSAG 2.0 optical code has been launched to enable these exercises. Interoperability User Community An Interoperability User Community (IUC), including members from the Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Sweden, Norway, Finland and United Kingdom has been participating in the development of the OSAG 2.0 Standard in order to encourage training between member states. The OSAG 2.0 Standard has been used by the NATO working group UCATT for an interoperability demonstration in the Netherlands.
The benefits of the OSAG 2.0 can be summarized as: -- Defined ammunition lethality and engagement effects are used between simulators also from different countries.
-- The large number of simulated OSAG 2.0 ammunition types cover all IUC members existing and planned weapons and their ammunitions as well as OPFOR weapons. The simulated ammunition types also cover the needs from future possible new IUC countries.
-- The simulation realism is further increased concerning e.g. air burst ammunition.
-- The maximum number of exercise participants has been increased.
OSAG 2.0 is also contracted and under implementation for delivery during 2011 to the German Army training centre in Altmark (GÜZ) where both the Austrian and the Netherlands armies are regularly training.
_________________ Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autres
MAATAWI Modérateur
messages : 14756 Inscrit le : 07/09/2009 Localisation : Maroc Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Ils veulent se débarrasser de plus de 500 chars des léopards 2A4 et des SK-105 Kürassier
Citation :
Austria to Cut in Half Armored Vehicle Fleet
VIENNA, Austria - Austria will halve its fleet of armored vehicles in a bid to save 12 million euros ($16 million) per year, defense minister Norbert Darabos said in an interview published Dec. 11.
"Autonomous defense of territory is no longer necessary because of changes in the security environment," Darabos told daily Krone Zeitung, referring to the end of the Cold War and the remote prospect of a tank invasion. Under the plan, Austria will scrap or sell around 500 armored vehicles and related defense systems from 2011. The Hungarian government has expressed an interest in purchasing some tanks, the newspaper reported
_________________ Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autres
RED BISHOP Modérateur
messages : 12172 Inscrit le : 05/04/2008 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Il n'est envisagé que la cession de 48 Leopard 2 et la Hongrie serait déjà sur les rangs. Ce sont surtout les matériels les plus anciens comme les Jpz Kürrassier et les Spz Saurer qui vont passer à la casserole, de même qu'une partie de M-109 de 155mm..
je verrai bien un renforcement des SK,sauf que le SPÖ n´est pas tres ami du Maroc,et meme les conservateurs n´ont pu effectuer un 2eme deal dans les mi-80s,la propagande ennemie a bien sevi la bas,comme en suisse.
Seguleh I Lt-colonel
messages : 1281 Inscrit le : 22/07/2008 Localisation : tatooine Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :